Children against drugs

Unfortunately, for a happy childhood it is not enough to have one material prosperity, selfless maternal and fatherly love for a child.

We also need constant, albeit without fanaticism, supervision and control over children, upbringing, pedagogy. Those nonhumans who sell drugs are merciless, dodgy and cunning for catching children, adolescents, boys and girls in the network of narcotics.

Not only homeless children and orphans get into the drug loop, but also children from well-off families. Parents should be ready to prevent and prevent drug abuse among their children.


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Protect children from drugs

Parents, be attentive to children, monitor deviations in his behavior. Dependence on narcotic substances, of course, develops much faster than dependence on alcohol, but also in order for a child to become a drug addict to "work" from one month to several. Changes in the behavior of the child at the very beginning of narcotic "experience" will inevitably give itself out.

Until the son or daughter is sick with addiction, they will respond adequately to the conversation. Prepare and think about how you will tell your child about the dangers of drugs. A schoolboy, a teenager should clearly understand about the very bad prospects of a drug dependent person, about the disorder of his health, his psyche, about the decay of personality and death. Point the child to a healthy, correct, long-term choice of a life path, talk to him about worthy goals in life.

Pay special attention to who your child is communicating with, a teenager or already a boy or girl. It's the bad company of your child that can drag him into the drug abyss.

Do not be discouraged and do not give up if everything goes wrong, as you would like.

There are 3 main behavioral signs of children's anesthesia:

  1. Child's mood swings , sharply from reaching the extreme extreme points: irritation - causeless gaiety, vigor - complete apathy and indifference. Cycles of mood swings occur without any objective reasons.
  2. Changes in the rhythm of sleep .During the day, lethargy and drowsiness. In the evening, after returning from the street - the energy and grasping for doing several things at once. The child can not fall asleep, he will watch TV, listen to the tape recorder or sit at the computer. Changes in the food .Changes occur in the manner of eating and appetite. A teenager can not eat all day, and in the evening eat several plates of the first and second and almost a loaf of bread. He is hungrily, impetuously. This is a symptom of the "wolf" appetite, which manifests itself after smoking cannabis, when drug intoxication releases a teenager.

Remember that at the very beginning of drug use, children return home when intoxication passes. Hence, they will be absent for a long time. But after returning home you may find that the child is sluggish, stalled and has a "wolfish" appetite.

Of course, the above-described sign of anesthesia can also be for diseases, disorders and violations of non-narcotic origin. But if you discover all three signs, then sound the alarm!

How can I check and prove that the child was taking drugs?

Find a doctor-expert in narcology and consult with him as you are. Maybe it makes sense to pass a drug test? In pharmacies, you can buy tests for 3 species, 4 types and 7 types of drugs. The urine is analyzed. In the packages for the tests there is an instruction for the application of the test.

You can also notice that the child abandoned his studies, hobbies, hobbies. At home, he does not care. He makes himself a non-standard hairstyle, dresses quaint clothes, tries to become like some idol - a musician, a hero of militants. And most importantly - he constantly disappears somewhere and his new friends do not cause positive impressions from their parents.

Signs of deviant behavior: aggressiveness, rudeness, irritability, tearfulness, impatience. The child does not like everything, he is rude and snaps. Talk to the child seriously, do not hesitate, do not be afraid to offend him, but do not humiliate him!

There are clear symptoms of drug use


  1. Wide or narrow pupils, regardless of the degree of illumination.
  2. The look is cloudy, my eyes are red.
  3. Facial skin is pale.
  4. Speech is slow, not connected.
  5. Frequent cough.
  6. Movement coordination disorders - unsteadiness of gait, stumbling.
  7. Lack of appetite, weight loss, or increased thirst and "wolfish" appetite.


  1. Excitation or lethargy in the absence of objective reasons.
  2. Spaces at school, leaving home without any explanation and reason.
  3. At times, energy and increased efficiency.
  4. Indifference to yourself and others, memory impairment, attention deficit.
  5. Difficulty in focusing on any activity.
  6. Sleep disorders - drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night.
  7. Frequent and sudden mood changes.
  8. The painfulness of criticism in his address.
  9. Increased fatigue, exhaustion of nervous processes.
  10. Learning lag.
  11. Breaks of contacts with old friends, peers, acquaintances, even friends of childhood.
  12. New friends who are not trustworthy.
  13. Increased the need for pocket money.
  14. Frequent calls and secret phone calls.
  15. Evasion of answers to questions, resourcefulness, lies.
  16. Loss of interest in familiar business and hobbies.
  17. Self-Isolation.
  18. The valuables, money, clothes disappear from the house.
  19. Whimsical or slovenly appearance - hairstyle, clothes.
  20. Listening to hard music.
  21. Aspiration to leave the house and be in an antisocial company.

Obvious signs of drug abuse:

  1. Packings from tablets are hypnotic or sedative.
  2. Glass vials, tin cans with a slotted window.
  3. Smoked spoons, even ladles.
  4. Tubed paper or money bills.
  5. Traces from injections, cuts and bruises.

If you have the above symptoms, you need to pass a urine test for drugs. But I must say that the last - obvious signs - is already formed drug dependence. It is necessary for the child to urgently treat, to protect from negative asocial influence of new "friends".

And if the child is already a drug addict, then what to do?

First - calm down. Only in a balanced state can a person take sober, thought out and rational decisions. Do not postpone the conversation until later. Remember, in such things as drugs - the problem does not resolve itself. After all, addiction is not just a bad habit and a whim. This is a very contagious, malignant disease that only grants a person a misfortune.

Make contact with the child so that he does not leave the house and does not hide from you. Scandal and punish your child is useless and harmful. But at the same time he needs to show your most negative and negative attitude towards drugs. Find out what kind of drugs your child took, because they are different - drugs and dependence on them develops in their own way.

How to disinfect a child from drugs?

Specialized professional medical care for a child addict is needed when he takes drugs for a long time and the child has developed dependence on them. In children, the personality is already degrading and it is not possible to get rid of drugs by simple conversations. And how in this case to struggle with children-addicts?

First, children must understand and deeply realize that their situation is very serious. Treatment is required. The child should not resist treatment for drug addiction, because he will have to be treated forcibly. Treat anyway.

Children Against Drugs

Since 2005, a health education center in Nizhny Novgorod has been operating with the title "Children Against Drugs".There is carried out the prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents and children, rehabilitation of minors. Employees of the Center work with high school students, students of technical schools, colleges and schools.

Specialists of the Center in their work apply new innovative methods of preventive orientation against drug addiction. They were able to train more than six thousand volunteers. Each year the Center holds events for fifteen thousand young people. Various events and actions are organized and held.