Asthmatic cough treatment

Signs and treatment of asthmatic cough

Asthmatic cough is a symptom that is a consequence of the inflammatory process and narrowing of the bronchi due to the appearance of muscle spasm. Very often this cough is called allergic, because it is formed as a reaction to the influence of irritants and allergens. In the role of an irritant factor, the animal's fur, pollen of plants, fungi can act. Also asthmatic cough can serve as a symptom of such ailments as asthma or asthmatic bronchitis.


How does the presented symptom manifest itself? It can be recognized as seasonal dandruff in asthma.In such a case, such attacks do not occur more than once a year, at the same time they appear at the same time.When the cause of an attack is the ingestion of an allergen into the body, this can serve as an excuse for the formation of other allergic diseases.

During the acute course of asthmatic cough, the main symptom is the isolation of a specific viscous secretion. But this symptom is not characteristic in the case when the patient experiences symptoms of respiratory infections during treatment. With this development of events, sputum will be allocated in different amounts, taking into account the stage of the disease.

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In the picture - nonutopical asthma

Typical signs occur in a situation where there is a nontotal asthma. For example, when a patient suffers from a cholinergic form of asthma, the sputum produced becomes light, but comes out in large numbers.

Some patients with such symptoms will experience asthma attacks, which can not be cured without medication. A lot of patients have complaints about severe attacks of cough and profuse dandruff.

A wet cough with a baby without temperature, what to do about it, is indicated in the article.

What candies from coughing can be during pregnancy, is indicated in the article.

Cough with teething in children, what to do with this is indicated here:

If you or one of your relatives is susceptible to this disease, you need to understand that in the first place, you need to pay attention to the symptoms of asthmatic cough and the general well-being of the patient.In addition, the disease can be of an innate form, so that it is treated the same way for all the family methods.


How does the asthma cough manifest? When there was a contact with an allergen in a person susceptible to the disease, then a frequent symptom is a strong cough and other signs characteristic of allergies. Before you treat asthmatic cough, you need to understand its main symptoms:

  • sudden occurrence of nasal congestion; than to treat nasal congestion in children, is indicated in this article.
  • cough, having a paroxysmal character;
  • feeling of discomfort in the larynx;
  • presence of wheezing in the bronchi;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • during physical exertion, coughing attacks increase;
  • symptoms of shortness of breath;

In the video - describes the non-traditional treatment of asthmatic cough:

Treatment of adults

How to cure ailment? To relieve the attacks of asthmatic cough, it is necessary to use in the treatment of beta-2-agonists.

These are medicines that allow you to get instant results. They contain such components as ventolin, salbutamol, and berotek. If the attack occurs quickly and acutely, then the medicines presented have an instant effect on the bronchi and dilate them. Most doctors prescribe to their patients such drugs as Novodrin and Astomopent. They have a curative effect and affect the necessary type of receptor.

If the patient is contraindicated taking beta-2-agonchitis, the doctors prescribe anticholinergics, or rather Atrovent. In an adult, combined treatment of bronchial asthma is effective provided that the patient perfectly tolerates beta-2 agonists and anticholinergics.

If you need urgent help a person, then the process involves Eufillin. This medicine has a short time of influence on the bronchi and does not have such an effect as the above medicines. In addition, it has a number of side effects.

In an adult, a dry cough with a cold without temperature, what to do about it, is indicated in the article.

What to do when a dry cough does not clear your throat before vomiting, is indicated in the article.

What to do when an adult has a terrible cough before vomiting, is indicated here:

For a certain group of patients, therapy with bronchial asthma may involve the use of hormonal drugs.To get the maximum effect, it is worthwhile to use medicines in inhalation form. Thanks to hormones, it is possible to reduce the severity of the exacerbation, which in the end allows you not to use hormonal drugs in the process of treatment. All the described medicines can not be prescribed to oneself, only an experienced specialist can do this.

Scheme of treatment in small patients

In the case of the diagnosis of the child "asthma parents are required to ask the doctor, in which cases the baby may need emergency medical help.When there are attacks of severe cough, the pediatrician should be called immediately.As a rule, the baby is very difficult breathing, he has all the symptoms of deterioration. There are seizures that can be particularly dangerous. This cough is called respiratory distress syndrome.
Seek immediate medical attention in the following situations:

  1. The baby is very difficult to breathe, his condition worsens. The patient is noted for frequent breathing, the wall of the chest wall when inhaled is drawn inward, and on exhalation there are strong wheezing.
  2. The child's lips acquired a blue tint, he became very excited, constantly wants to sleep.
  3. Babe complains of pain in the chest.
  4. The child has fever and constant coughing attacks, wheezing, not amenable to treatment.
  5. The patient is vomiting, during which oral medication is not retained.
  6. The child does not get to talk normally and sleep, it is caused by coughing attacks and a violation of normal breathing.

Therapy of asthmatic cough in small patients should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician.

Objectives of therapy

In the course of therapy it is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  1. Reduction in the frequency and strength of cough, prevention of the transition of a symptom of cough to a chronic form.
  2. Continuous control of breathing with whistling and normalization of lung function.
  3. Developing a plan together with a pediatrician and parents, during which it will be possible to develop activities that can quickly respond and eliminate severe attacks of coughing.Then you do not have to constantly seek help from medical professionals.
  4. Providing the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the patient, as a result of which he will be able to live fully, like all children.
  5. Control the symptoms of the disease with fewer medicines. Then you can eliminate the risk of side effects from medications.
  6. Reduce the need for emergency medical care.

Taking into account all the presented moments, the doctor appoints the patient medicines, and also sends for examination to a specialist to check the condition of the lungs. Also the pediatrician is obliged to make a program of special home therapy. It will include training in the intake of medications, creating conditions through which to eliminate the contact of the baby with pathogens and allergens, which became the cause of wheezing in the kid.

If there is a suspicion that an asthmatic cough occurs due to an allergy, the doctor will refer the patient for an examination to an allergist. He will be able to endure his verdict after a comprehensive diagnosis.

As for the choice of medicines, they should be prescribed to the child taking into account the nature of asthma education. Distinguish all types of drugs from asthma. The first type is characterized by the expansion of the respiratory tubes and relaxation of the muscles. As a result, an obstruction is created. Such medicines allow you to get instant relief and help. Their name is bronchodilator. The second type of drugs is called controlling or supporting. They are involved in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the respiratory system.

Provided that the child has coughing episodes during periods, the doctor can prescribe bronchodilators, which are taken directly during an attack or short breath.

When a child has a chronic or non-persistent asthma, the pediatrician includes in the treatment scheme medication for admission on a daily basis. To get a positive effect, it is necessary that a certain time passes.

How to use Ascoril with laryngitis in children is indicated here.

For those children who all the time have signs of disease, it is worth using anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, they are involved in the process of inhalation forms of corticosteroid drugs, and horses have the maximum effect and at the same time a gentle effect. Usually, nebulizers are prescribed for children under 2 years.

Admission of anti-inflammatory drugs should be carried out continuously, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain the desired result.As a rule, it is not possible to get a medicinal effect from these drugs, because the parents stop giving the child to take them as soon as the first signs of improvement appear. But such unauthorized behavior leads to the fact that the airways lose their protection, resulting in a new attack of asthma.

Most recently, doctors began to prescribe to children the drugs of a new generation, whose name is leukotriene-modifiers. They are taken in the form of granules, have an anti-inflammatory effect. The medication is taken daily.

In severe attacks of suffocation, the doctor is obliged to increase the dosage of the medications provided by the instantaneous result. In addition, be sure to take care of the use of additional medicine. All prescribed medications should be given to children in the dosage indicated by the treating doctor. Do not stop treatment, reduce the dose of medication without notifying the doctor. If you do not follow all the instructions, then the situation can end very badly.

Asthmatic coughing is an unpleasant manifestation of allergy or bronchial asthma. Such a condition will cure this quite realistically if the treatment scheme was correctly formulated, and the patient clearly observed all the prescriptions of the doctor. Only your desire and responsible approach to therapy will improve the condition and live a full life.

Asthmatic cough with bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchi is a fairly common disease that occurs in both adults and children. The course of bronchitis can be acute and chronic. Most often the inflammation affects only the mucous membranes of the bronchi themselves, without advancing further. The same picture is typical for a cough that is allergic in nature.

Asthmatic cough with bronchitis appears due to viral or bacterial infections. In addition, this reaction can be caused by various negative factors such as dust, chemicals and other allergens.

Changes in the bronchi

When you get into the bronchial agent, causing coughing attacks, they are some changes. In most cases, there is a chronic inflammatory process that leads to the following changes:

  • spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • increase the production of thick and viscous secretions, or sputum;
  • swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

The consequence of these changes is a significant decrease in the lumen, which is the reason for the difficult passage of the inhaled air. As a result, the patient has difficulty breathing, coughing and choking (with a strong narrowing of the lumen). In some cases, the transition of bronchial spasm caused by an allergic reaction to true bronchial asthma is possible.

Symptoms of bronchitis

In the absence of complications of inflammatory nature, allergic bronchitis manifests itself in a dry cough, often excruciating, painful. The cause of its occurrence is the irritation of receptors located in the bronchi, various allergens. In their quality, pollen of plants, exhaust gases, food products, room dust, chemicals and the like can act. Such a reaction can be caused by bacteria or viruses caught in the lumen of the bronchi, as they produce toxins that are potent allergens.

Dry coughing cough manifests paroxysmal and, growing, leads to a feeling of suffocation. Most often this occurs at night, because at this time the functioning of organs is changing in some way, under the influence of an activating vagus nerve. As a result, there is a spasm of the bronchi. In this case, there is a regularity: the worse the patient feels during the day, the stronger the attack of asthmatic cough will be at night.

During the course of the disease, periodicity can be clearly traced, that is, one can note periods of exacerbation of asthmatic bronchitis. At this time, there is an increase in cough, as well as attacks of difficulty breathing and suffocation. The duration of exacerbation in most cases is 10-14 days.

Often people with a strong dry cough do not go to a specialist, but try to cope with this misfortune themselves. On the shelves of modern pharmacies, you can find a lot of different tools that ease coughing attacks. However, most often their effect is not directed to the treatment of the disease, but to the elimination of its symptoms. This can lead to the fact that bronchitis continues to develop, and the lumen of the bronchi gradually decreases, as the cause that triggered the appearance of the disease has not disappeared. As a result, the alveoli of the lungs begin to expand, their walls become thinner, and the ingress of oxygen into the blood becomes more difficult. In the absence of treatment, bronchitis can lead to the development of serious and intractable complications, such as emphysema, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis.

It should be remembered that a cough that lasts more than a week, especially with difficulty breathing and gradual progression, is the reason to visit a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to understand the causes of the appearance of the symptoms of the disease and, based on this, to prescribe a suitable course of therapy.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

Modern pharmacology offers many different effective means for relieving spasm of the bronchi. First of all, it is a balloon-inhaler, which is small in size. They are used in especially severe cases, when an obvious attack of suffocation begins. The most popular of them are preparations based on salbutamol and fenoterol. The first, in addition to salbutamol itself, include ventolin, astalin, saltox, salben, to the second - berotek and fenoterol itself. All these agents act directly on the receptors located in the bronchi. It should be borne in mind that the drugs can be sold under other commercial names, so it is worthwhile to clarify, preferably with the doctor, which particular drug is needed.

To avoid exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary to timely treat colds and other pathologies of the respiratory system, eliminate chronic infections that affect the oral cavity and nasopharynx. If possible, it is necessary to avoid factors that cause an allergic reaction.

For the treatment of asthmatic cough with bronchitis, doctors usually use a specific scheme. Steam and water inhalations will help dilute the viscous secretion of the bronchi and its escape from the respiratory system. Humidification of the respiratory system is a good way to stimulate expectoration. As a result, the lumen of the bronchi increases and their patency is improved, that is, the natural process of breathing is restored.

In addition, a very important diet, which affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is very important. This is especially true for older patients or those who have concomitant chronic diseases.

Diet, in which there is a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables improves the functioning of the respiratory system. This effect is noticeable even among people who regularly drink alcohol and smokers. A full-fledged diet activates the work of the lungs regardless of physical exertion and consumption of harmful substances.

In vegetables and fruits, contains vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene, which have a healing effect on the lungs. Correctly to choose the necessary diet will help the attending physician.

Cough Asthma

Cough-related asthma is a type of asthma in which the main symptom is a dry cough with no sputum. If a cough without phlegm, it will not get rid of the mucus that accumulated in the airways. People who suffer from a cough form of asthma do not have "traditional" signs of asthma, such as, for example, dyspnea or wheezing.

Cough of bronchial asthma

Quite often, cough asthma is called a chronic cough. Usually the duration of this cough is 6-8 weeks. Chronic cough can occur both in the daytime and in the night. And nocturnal coughing attacks can interfere with sleep. Often, people suffering from cough asthma complain that with physical exertion cough increases, such asthma is called stress asthma. There are also cases of increased cough with close contact with asthma triggers or substances that can cause allergic reactions, for example, dust or strong odors.

Any person can get coughing asthma, but more often it affects children. This type of asthma can lead to the development of "classical" asthma, with symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath.

Cough-related asthma

Until now, it is not known what exactly is the cause of the appearance of cough asthma. But, the fact that coughing can occur after contact with allergens or after a walk in the cold is a fact. Cough can turn into the development of the disease of the upper respiratory tract. So people suffering from asthma are often sick with sinusitis.

To cough asteroid may include a cough that began after taking beta-blockers. Beta-blockers are such medications used to treat high blood pressure, heart palpitations, heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, migraine and other diseases. Symptoms of asthma, namely cough, can cause even eye drops. To aggravate a cough a asthma can even usual aspirin or other similar preparations on structure.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma coughing form

Cough asthma is very difficult to diagnose, because cough is often the only symptom. But coughing can also be a sign of postnatal infestation or bronchitis. The physician first of all should study in detail all the diseases that the patient suffers, look at the X-ray of the lungs and perform the diagnosis. It often happens that the results of spirometry and the X-ray indices in the patient are within the normal range. Spirometry is a test in which the maximum possible volume of air is measured with deep inspiration and the time for which air will escape from the lungs. This test involves the use of a special device spirometer.

Cough asthma is detected using a test with a load of methacholine. However, that to conduct such a test, it is necessary to have special equipment. In this regard, the test is conducted in extreme cases, when it is not possible to identify the disease in other ways. In the presence of asthma, when a person inhales methacholine, spasms appear and the airways narrow.

Another way to detect a cough form of bronchial asthma is treatment. A qualified doctor can choose a standard set of drugs for the treatment of asthma. And if these drugs help cope with the cough, you can diagnose coughing asthma.

Cough Asthma Treatment

According to modern science, bronchial asthma is an incurable disease. But the patient's adequate cooperation with the doctor makes it possible to control the signs of the disease in many asthmatic people.

Treatment of asthma consists of the use of two types of medications: anti-inflammatory and symptomatic, which stop the attack.

The main treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs prevents the exacerbation of the disease. The medications that provide basic treatment are analogues of natural human hormones. Such products are manufactured in the form of dosage forms for inhalation, aerosols, powders or solutions. Anti-inflammatory drugs are not able to take an asthmatic attack. These are more likely preparations for prevention, which are aimed at treating inflammation in the respiratory tract.

But the drugs for symptomatic treatment quickly stop coughing and shortness of breath. To stop an asthmatic attack it is recommended to use inhalation forms of medications that do not have a serious effect on the performance of other organs.

Cough Asthma in Children

Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in children. This given, often relapsing, disease with bronchial hyperactivity, which is not due to immunological or immunological mechanism of occurrence, and is manifested by a reversible syndrome obstruction.

Immunological mechanism of development of bronchial asthma in children is considered a serious form of allergy to the effect of stimuli.

Not an immunological mechanism is more extensive. This includes: physical stress asthma, psychogenic asthma, aspirin asthma, viral or infectious asthma, dyshormonal asthma. As well as asthma, which occurred when exposed to exogenous stimuli: smoke, perfume, food, dust, chemicals, weather conditions - is called children's cough asthma.

The main reason for the appearance of asthma is home dust, which contains 80% of ticks. Not the least role is played by food allergens, in particular egg white and cow's milk.

Very often asthma can appear due to the presence of animal hair in the house or feed for aquarium fish. Bronchial asthma in children can also develop with frequent use of medicines and in close contact with chemicals (detergents, washing powders, varnishes, aerosols, paints).

Such a serious pathology can be called cyclic, it includes an entrepreneurial, seizure, inter-offensive and post-accidental periods. The most severe is the period of the attack, which is accompanied by a dry cough, wheezing, whistling, cyanosis, dyspnea.

Pediatric bronchial asthma is classified according to the form:

  • atopic (exogenous, allergenic);
  • non-atopic (immune, endogenous);
  • mixed.

Classification by gravity:

  • light form - one attack per month;
  • the average form is one attack per week;
  • severe form - seizures occur more often than once a week.

Classification by period:

  • relapse;
  • remission.

Diagnose asthma in the hospital with the help of tests, skin tests and functional diagnostics. Possible complications of cough asthma: emphysema, atelectasis, pulmonary heart, pneumothorax.

Treat asthma by stopping the attack with inhalations, bronchodilators, with prolonged remission, strengthen the immunity of the child's body.

Asthmatic bronchitis is a bronchitis with shortness of breath, caused by a spasm of muscle fibers in the wall of the airways. The word "asthmatic" implies the similarity of cough and shortness of breath in this disease to signs of asthma. What is this disease: asthma or bronchitis?

Is there a real disease with this name?

The term "asthmatic bronchitis" in medicine has long since disappeared and is obsolete. This happened in connection with the distinction between the concepts "bronchitis" and "asthma which denote various diseases by their nature. Inflammation in the bronchial wall with asthma and bronchitis has different causes and mechanisms of implementation. Accordingly, the treatment of these two different diseases is carried out by different medications. Therefore, scientists and doctors agreed to call asthma an asthma, without hiding the allergic nature of the disease behind the vague "asthmatic bronchitis" signboard.

Some health workers received vocational education more than 35 years ago. They remember this outdated term "asthmatic bronchitis" and, habitually, call it chronic obstructive adult bronchitis or asthmatic (acute obstructive) bronchitis in children. Also, patients who many years ago had been diagnosed with "chronic professional bronchitis with an asthmatic component out of habit, call it their condition.

What is bronchial obstruction?

Bronchitis, accompanied by attacks of suffocation or persistent shortness of breath, is now called the term "obstructive." Bronchial obstruction means a restriction of the speed of movement of air through the bronchial tubes due to the narrowing of their lumen. The name "asthmatic" in the characteristics of diseases is replaced by "obstructive as a more accurate reflection of the mechanism of dyspnea. And the nature of lung diseases that occur with dyspnea may be different, and asthma is not always the cause of obstruction.

Why did they separate bronchitis and asthma? Is it all the same?

The causes of bronchitis, which occurs with attacks of suffocation or dyspnoea with exercise, need to be clarified. Revealing the true nature of inflammation will allow the doctor to choose the right treatment that will benefit the patient.

Currently, the diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis (with an asthmatic component according to old terminology) in each patient should be refined and assigned to one of the really existing types of inflammation bronchi.

How to recognize asthma behind a screen of asthmatic bronchitis?

If the "asthmatic" bronchitis has such symptoms as choking attacks, arising at rest; cough with difficult passage of viscous vitreous sputum; episodes of wheezing in the chest; frequent allergic reactions; manifestation of these symptoms in the early hours before the dawn, then, most likely, a person suffers asthma.

The essence of asthma is allergic inflammation in the wall of the bronchi. A person who has allergy symptoms and "bronchitis" at the same time should consult a pulmonologist. The doctor will conduct the examination and pick up the correct treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, which is the beginning of asthma.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, as a precursor of asthma, is carried out with special medications: anti-inflammatory and bronchodilators. Antibiotics are not used to treat asthmatic cough and suffocation, since they do not have an application point. It is also necessary to warn people, prone to allergies, from self-treatment "folk" methods. Medicinal herbs can benefit if the patient does not have allergies to plant pollen. Only after consulting with an allergist or pulmonologist can the treatment be supplemented with folk recipes.

What else can be hidden under the mask of asthmatic bronchitis?

If the symptoms of chronic "asthmatic" bronchitis appear in the form of a constant cough with the release of purulent sputum, dyspnoea with physical load (walking uphill, on the stairs), there are no attacks of suffocation at rest and at night, it is likely a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The cause of COPD is a combined effect on light smoking and harmful production factors. In the early stages of this disease, dyspnea is negligible, the predominant symptoms are coughing and spitting.

If such a patient measures the rate of movement of air through the bronchi during inspiration and exhalation, then there are initial signs of difficulty breathing. This is bronchial obstruction of mild severity. This bronchitis was called chronic obstructive bronchitis.

Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis is unthinkable without parting with smoking. The cause of inflammation in the wall of the bronchi in this disease is the toxic effect of tobacco smoke, together with industrial aerosols. Currently, methods of treatment with effective drugs have been developed, inhibiting the deterioration of lung function in the early stages of COPD. But the treatment will be effective only if the cause of irritation of the bronchi is removed.

Along with bronchodilating drugs (spiriva, onbrez), the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis is supplemented by expectorants that facilitate coughing. The most effective and safest drugs in this class are ambroxol, N-acetylcysteine, carbocysteine. These funds dilute sputum, help self-purification of the bronchi, removing purulent mucus and releasing the airway clearance of the bronchi. Cough with purulent bronchitis with an obstructive component can and should be treated with folk methods, if there is no allergy to grass.

Why are children often diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis?

The field of medicine, where till now it is possible to meet the legitimate use of the phrase "asthmatic bronchitis is pediatrics. Why is that?

In the child's body there are features of the structure of the respiratory tract, which differ from those in adults. In children, bronchi have a relatively narrow lumen, and the mucous membrane is loose and prone to edema. With the usual viral infection, massive edema of the inner shell of the bronchi can develop. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, and the child suffers suffocation. In the narrowed bronchi air passes with a whistle, which can be heard even from a distance.

This disease is now called acute obstructive bronchitis, and used to be called "asthmatic bronchitis." Treatment of acute viral bronchitis with an obstructive component includes antiviral and bronchodilator drugs (salbutamol, berodual, atrovent). Treatment for suffocation is best done by inhaling the medication through a nebulizer - a compressor inhaler.

With severe dyspnea, the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis is supplemented by inhalation of hormones, which usually treat asthma. A short course of inhalation budesonide will quickly reduce the mucosal edema, eliminate the life-threatening asphyxiation. After recovery, the patient should consult an allergist or pulmonologist in order not to miss the onset of asthma.

Prognosis and prevention

Usually the prognosis with this disease is favorable, but in some patients it can go to asthma.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, the elimination of the allergen is necessary, it is necessary to conduct non-specific and specific hyposensitization, and sanation of chronic foci of infection. In rehabilitation, in some cases, tempering, aeroprocedures, therapeutic breathing exercises, water procedures are shown. Patients with these diseases are to be monitored by an allergist and pulmonologist.

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