Runny nose in a 2 year old child than to treat

What can cure a cold in a 2-year-old child?



Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia. Usually, Naphtizin, Glazolin, Sanorin, Nazol, Nazivin, etc. are used for its treatment.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.

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4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint 0.5 liter. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take 0.5 cups of hot infusion, sweetening with honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial letter (sold in a pharmacy) crush into powder and snort 2-3 times a day.

Alexander Streltsov

Pinasol-drops on herbs, effectively, tested

*** just me

real method. at night, steam your legs. iodine freckles on the wings of the nose. on the back compress vodka + honey + water. all 1: 1: 1. if there is no allergy to honey. or warm your back with a normal alcoholic compress (water + vodka in equal parts). or a flat cake of potato warm mashed potatoes with mustard. consider that if there is a temperature you can not do warming procedures. and if she keeps for a couple of days, then you should choose an antibiotic on the advice of the pediatrician. all this can also be used for coughing. it usually begins because of a common cold. mucus irritates the back of the throat


To the answer of Natalia-2-year-old baby it is impossible to steam up the legs, a normal pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics well in the most extreme case. Of folk remedies - aloe juice + vegetable oil, any drops in the nose (children's nazivin, otrivin, etc.) drip no more than 3 days

ksy koval

Unfortunately, your question is from the category of those that can be answered only by examining the child. I advise you to consult an ENT for an examination.

Please advise me! How to cure a cold in two years old child?



Are there any allocations? Green? Water? Smell? and what treatment was prescribed?


If your house is growing aloe tear off 3-5 leaves squeeze and drip into the nose after 5 minutes the baby should start sneezing

Olga Gurova

I planted sea salt, a teaspoon for a glass of water. It was about two o'clock. After washing the child's nose. (a complete pipette of the saline solution in each nostril) After about 10 minutes I sprinkled into the spout of AquaMaris. In the evening, a bath with anti-cold foam (Recipes grandmother Agafia, yaf I use this). Cured for three days. Although before that we suffered for almost two weeks. (I was not at home) The child is two years old.
With a view to prevention, I advise you to use AquaMaris constantly in the off-season.

sergey yang

make mustard from mustard in powder and attach them to the heels of the feet (at the bottom) and bandage the flannel. then you should wear warm woolen socks and keep (usually from an hour to two) then remove the mustard plasters and
resemble some time. it is better to apply the described agent in the evening before going to sleep. the runny nose will stop before dawn.


Salty water, for example, aquamoris: rinse and suck, rinse and suck-off often! Carrot juice drip.


Rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The following folk remedies are well used for its treatment:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon freshly prepared carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Boil or fresh beet juice to bury in the nose for 5-7 drops 2-3 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton buds soaked in beetroot juice that are put in the nostrils for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Mix the onion mashed into a gruel in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with an oil mixture.

Olga Grushetskaya

At us children, four, from 1.5 years and up to 7 have arrived to village with a rhinitis. Dripped and Aqua Maris and protorgol, warmed and pushed the pills. While we are treating - better, after a few days we reduce the treatment - again the green snot. And so - a month and a half, and after all the summer, it is insulting. Brought us Malavit (for external use, including mucous ENT and genitals - this is an inscription on the box). Diluted 100 (one hundred) times and snorted into spouts from the snort to treat the common cold (you can dig in, but snort babies are easier to carry). By the end of the second day the runny nose became smaller, in five days it stopped dripping, because the snot had passed.
Then they smeared the children with bites of mosquito bites and nettles with undiluted malavite. And all sorts of scratches smeared, but then bred as described in the instructions.
It is convenient to have a Malavita vial for the whole family at home on different occasions.

Aurora Belyaeva

I drip to my children Kalanchoe, a house plant, and more than two days have a cold,
3 drops in each nostril and the more often the better, I drip the first 2-3 times in 15 minutes, and then every hour.
Good luck to you and baby!


buy euphorbium, well dries

How to treat a 2 year old child of NASMORK? that it is possible to poke in the nose, that the runny nose would pass faster.


Long-eared Animals

wash your nose, really faster passes, take an aspirator or a small enema, a glass of slightly warm water + 1h. l. salt, we collect this water into the aspirator and tilt the baby over the sink, if we pour into the right nostril, then we bend our head slightly and infuse it spryntsovkoy this fluid, through another nostril or mouth, she flies with snot, usually 2-3 enema in the nostril I pour, rinse both nostrils, I taught my son, positively tuned, in 3 years of age, he is happy to do this procedure and a runny nose in us now is not treated for 3-4 weeks, as it was before ...

Grandfather Electro


Medusa Hormonov

kvix, isofra, rinsing with furatsilinom and inhalation with eucalyptus and other essential oils.

We will be treated?

It is not necessary to drip. Buy Evamenol - a special ointment for the nose and smear either inside, or around the nostrils. Faster will pass, than with drops, if not allergic rhinitis.

Not a Gift

wash with aqua moris

Vladimir Besedkin

the non-concentrated beet juice helps very well. A few pinches, but after the second or third instillation the runny nose almost completely passes.


mother-in-law honey and aloe mixed and dripped.. children endured, and I almost choked ((((as well as from beet juice.. if you wash the spout, keep in mind that you can not heavily apply pressure on the ball-the ears can be damaged.. Vodichka itself should be watered... if not, then the free nostril pinch your finger from below and on the principle of a plunger-open close.... we toddlers together washed out-one clamped lightly ears.... in 2 years old it is unlikely he will be able to pinch-you will not be able to grab hold of your hands))))

Yesterday, near the evening, a 2-year-old child had sopelki. Prompt as quickly as possible to cure a rhinitis.



Drink immunal, drip in the nose influferon (pre-cleaned nose), eat vitamins. Aromatherapy with eucalyptus helps. I injected into my nose a solution of sea salt - good for both prevention and treatment. It is impossible to wash the nose with the children (the danger of getting into Eustachian tubes), I poured the solution into an empty bottle from under the spray for the nose.

Lisa Vasilyeva

Nasmorok is treated for a week, and without treatment everything goes for 7 days

Samosenko Raisa

I am mine, when just snots started, squeezed carrot juice into a glass, dripped to him 1 drop in each nostril, and then he drank the rest of the juice! And anyway, if your will be stubborn, give him at first juice TRY!

[email protected]

Such a small medicine is not really safe to give. It would be nice to poke a weak solution of sea salt in the nose (sometimes sold in a pharmacy in ready form), or even better - do not interfere with the natural healing processes.

Svetlana Boldova

wash the nasal passages with salt water for 1 hour. spoon on 1 liter of water, drip beet juice diluted bale. water 1 to 1

Julia Borisovna

in any way.
he is not being treated, so that they will not advise you here.
Unified, than can be eased, so it is washed with Aquamaris, buy in a pharmacy
about the garden read here, everything is available =24513


In general, the rhinitis is not treated especially.. . Aquamaris to drip (this is sea salt.. )
A friend of my child is dripping here:
cut the head of onions pour for 30 minutes with a glass of boiling water, then the onion is thrown away
and a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of sunflower oil are added and dripped strictly
every hour - they are only saved by this.... We did not try - we have an allergy, and there is honey ...


ABOUT! We passed this... If there is no temperature, then serve until the baby's nipples are gone, the children's Anaferon for three tablets a day, and then one each morning... And in the nose drip "Edas-131" ....

Svetlana Danilevich

Serve the baby anaferon baby for 1 tab 3 r daily before meals. Spray the rinse or aquamaris or Humer, then it can be dripped or vibrozil or nazivin. But to the doctor it seems necessary nevertheless.

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