Negative rhesus of the first blood group and its characteristic

The blood group and Rh-accessory are important indicators for each person. The first negative blood group does not belong to the rare category, it is laid genetically. She appears on the fifth week of development of the child in the womb. As it is designated - 0 (I) Rh-.

  • Characterization of the first negative group
  • Table of compatibility for blood transfusion
  • Rhesus-conflict
  • When planning a pregnancy
  • Food
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Characterization of the first negative group

1 negative blood group does not have antigens. This is why it is widely used for transfusion. Donor its owner can be for people with any other types, regardless of the presence of Rh factor. It is believed that such a person has a strong-willed character, he has an increased sense of self-preservation and emotionality.

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Interesting! Despite the fact that this group can often occur, it is called blue blood.

An important characteristic of the first negative blood is the possibility of transfusion of only a similar group. Rare or not this biofluid? It is not rare, but it is characterized by certain shortcomings. Its features are the predisposition of a person to certain diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergies.

Often, people with such a group are conflicting, intolerant of others.

Table of compatibility for blood transfusion

The compatibility of the first negative group is ideal. It can be used for transfusion to representatives of the first, second, third and fourth groups. In this case, donation can be carried out independently of the Rh factor of the recipient. Who is suitable for 1 negative group? Absolutely every person.

Donor / Recipient 1 2 3 4
1 + + + +


Compatibility during pregnancy is a very important aspect when planning a child. This group has the designation 0 (I) Rh-. The compatibility table contains information that you need to pay attention to while planning your baby. If the child has a negative blood group, what kind of parents can you understand from the table:

Group of a woman / man 1 2 3 4
1 1 to 100% 1 and 2 on 50% 1 and 3 for 50% 2 and 3 by 50%
2 1 and 2 on 50% 1 in 25% and 2 in 75% Any 2 - 50%, 3 and 4 - 25% each
3 1 and 3 for 50% Any 3 - 75%, 1 - 25% 3 - 50%,

2 and 4 - 25%

4 2 and 3 by 50% 2 - 50%, 3 and 4 - 25% each 2 and 4 - 25% each, 3 - 50% 4 - 50%, 2 and 3 - 25% each

When planning a pregnancy

Women with a negative blood factor may experience rhesus-conflict with the child during pregnancy. If the father's antigen is inherited, which is alien to the woman's body, it will lead to the production of antibodies and the appearance of an immune conflict. Incompatibility develops in the first group in the fairer sex who has a negative Rhesus if the man with a positive factor and gave it to the child.

If the child has a negative blood group, there will be no Rhesus-conflict. In case of incompatibility, the most complicated course of pregnancy is most often observed. A woman needs dynamic observation, intensive treatment, early delivery if necessary. Rhesus-conflict usually does not occur with the first pregnancy, but with repeated - almost always.

Sometimes in the female body, antisperm antibodies are produced that destroy the spermatozoa. Such couples often have problems with conception. That is why during the pregnancy planning period it is recommended that a woman be tested for antisperm antibodies.


In order to exclude the risk of various diseases, as well as to ensure the normal state of health of the person with the first group, he needs a rational diet. Diets recommend adhering to a lifetime. But modern specialists refute this theory.

With the first negative type, the risk of obesity increases. Therefore, the following products should be preferred:

  • beef or lamb;
  • low-fat fish and seafood;
  • buckwheat;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • bow;
  • greenery;
  • spinach;
  • sea ​​kale.

Of drink recommended broth of dogrose, green and herbal tea.

From a sausage, smoked products and fatty grades of meat a person must be discarded. Also, you should limit the use of such products:

  • fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • citrus;
  • olives;
  • mango and oatmeal;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • cheeses of firm grades;
  • beans;
  • strong coffee, tea.

Important! Take food often - 5-6 times a day. In this case, portions of a person should be small. The implementation of this rule will eliminate the risk of obesity.

The first negative blood group has a lot of positive characteristics. This is due to its universal compatibility in transfusion. If such a group is in women, it is necessary to pay attention to this when planning a pregnancy, since she and her child may have Rh-conflict. To promote health, people are encouraged to adhere to a diet.

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