Runny nose in a dog how to heal

Runny nose, nasal congestion in the dog. How and what to treat a cold, nasal congestion in a dog?



The dog's nose is the main sign of a malfunction in health. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like a healthy dog, this should alert you. Dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner - this is a symptom of the onset of the disease. True, a warm nose can be in the dog during the game or immediately after sleep. But still be watchful in time to seize the possible disease. If the dog returned home with a nose stained with clay, earth, remove the dirt with a damp soft cloth.
Sometimes in dogs and the elementary runny nose as a consequence of hypothermia, inhalation of irritating substances. Nasal passages in dogs are very narrow, they have a lot of wrinkles, so the drugs are more effective in the form of aerosols, but aerosols are unpleasant for dogs, therefore it is better to use also children's drops from a rhinitis on liquid oil.
Avoid using for the treatment of the common cold dog vasoconstrictive ephedrine-like preparations such as Sanorin Naphthyzin. It is very dangerous. Dense greenish discharge from the nose, accompanied by the formation of thick crusts and coarsening of the skin of the nasal mirror, are often indicative of plague. Especially, if it is observed and greenish purulent discharge from the eyes. It is clear that the doctor's help is needed. Formed "crusts" can be removed, previously softened them with vaseline oil or glycerin. And the secret from the nasal passages is removed with the help of tightly twisted from cotton wool, also moistened with Vaseline or glycerin.

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Runny nose in dogs
In dogs, the most frequent causes of rhinitis as an independent disease are a sharp cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This rhinitis is usually observed in the spring or autumn.

Rhinitis in dogs, like in cats, can occur after inhaling irritants or hot air, smoke during forest or other fires. And one more reason for its appearance is when foreign bodies appear in the nasal cavity: spikelets or plant awns.

The ill dog often sneezes, rubs his nose with his front paws, licks himself. Then there are discharge from the nose, first liquid and transparent, then thick, and with infectious diseases - purulent. These discharge, dry on the wings of the nose, form crusts.

If the allocation is abundant, the breath of the dog is difficult, it snorts. When there is a complete blockage of the nasal apertures: the discharge from the nostrils and crust on the wings of the nose wither, the dog begins to breathe with the mouth.

In rhinitis as an independent disease, the general condition of the dog does not change, the appetite is normal.

Dogs have two forms of rhinitis: acute and chronic. Acute rhinitis usually proceeds safely and ends with recovery and for five to seven days. However, if no measures are taken to eliminate the cause that caused the disease, acute rhinitis becomes chronic.

How much time will last rhinitis, which occurs as a complication of a disease, depends on the course of the disease. Coryza may not stop months or even years.

Treatment of acute rhinitis. With abundant discharge from the nose, the nostrils are cleaned and the crusts are removed several times a day, before softening them with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prevent crusts from appearing, the circumference of the nasal holes is smeared with petroleum jelly.

3 - 4 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes in the nostrils insert pieces of cotton wool, moistened with fresh onion juice. The area of ​​the nose is heated with hot sand poured into a small sac, 3-4 times a day, or using an inhalation method of treatment: the dog inhales potato steam.

You can lubricate the nasal cavity several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment or boric acid, 2 grams, with glycerin, 50 grams.

For irrigation of the nasal mucosa recommended,% tannin solution, 1% solution of soda. You can carefully and blow into the nose powder streptocide.

If the rhinitis with dense secretions, the nose is washed with boiled beet juice.

Freddy Krueger

The nose is wet?

Natalia Grozenok

I treated with drops... there are special drops for the dog's nose

A Past And Future Secret

A veterinarian. And the sooner, the better. Coryza - it can be both a rhinitis, and a symptom of much more serious illnesses. Such, for example, as a plague or adenovirus.

The temperature was measured?

Khabibullina Natalia

What other symptoms does the dog have, the temperature? Does she cough? Runny nose may be a sign of adenovirus. There is also a suggestion that something has got into the nose, it has become festering and now the process of rejection is going on. In any case, do not engage in amateur activities, it is better to contact the veterinarian.

Olga Zayarnova

Dogs rarely have a runny nose just like that... More often it is a plague or adenovirus infection... do not pull and go to the wind.

How to treat a runny nose in dogs

Dogs have a variety of diseases, the symptoms of which are the common cold, for example, allergies or various tumors. The method of treating the common cold depends on the specific cause of its occurrence. Before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease.


A runny nose in a dog can signal a serious illness. To establish the diagnosis and start treatment, you need to analyze the discharge from the nose. If the secretions are transparent, there may be a foreign object in the nasal passage, such discharge may also indicate an allergy. If the discharge is sufficiently dense, it is most likely that the dog has a respiratory infection.

Treatment for allergies

The most common cause of runny nose in dogs is an allergy to pollen from plants, dust, chemicals, etc. Like humans, dogs are often prone to such ailments. Additional evidence of allergies can be secretions from the eyes, frequent sneezing and coughing, itching of the skin. To begin treatment of the common cold in this case, it is necessary, first of all, to accurately establish the allergen and not allow the dog to it. With allergies, veterinarians often prescribe antihistamines, for example, chlorpheniramine or diphenhydramine. Before using any medications, consult a veterinarian, their effectiveness depends on the specific case and the dog itself.

In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroids.

Treatment for infection

If the cause of a cold is a viral infection (cold), as indicated by yellow and dense discharge from the nose, antibiotic treatment is necessary. Infection in dogs can be fungal, viral and bacterial. Depending on the specific form of its use, these or other drugs.

If there is a purulent discharge, a plague can be diagnosed. This is a deadly disease requiring immediate treatment. It can also be treated with antibiotics, but it may be necessary to use other methods, for example, infusion therapy.

The pink color of the discharge from the nose indicates a fungal infection. It is difficult to treat, because breeds very quickly. However, the use of antifungicides can help get rid of the disease.

The course of treatment of viral diseases lasts about 2 weeks, fungal - a month or more.

Foreign objects

A clear sign that a foreign object has entered the nose of a dog is the allocation of only one nostril. In addition, bleeding from the nose can indicate damage to the respiratory tract. Try to remove the object yourself, for example, using tweezers. If this does not work, contact your veterinarian.

Surgical intervention

If the dog's cold is chronic and can not be treated, it is likely that she has a tumor or polyps. In this case, the only method of treatment is a surgical operation.

Than to treat a cold in a dog



It is necessary to establish or determine the reason there is an allergy?

Maria Eremeeva

We washed with furacelin, and also bought droplets special at the zoo store advised. Come there, you will be advised for the breed, and for the weight of the dog drops.
By the way, you do not have to worry much, because this is a common allergy in dogs to blossom. They in fact feel a spring earlier, than people, therefore can buy or purchase still tablets from an allergy, on travki any


Depending on the diagnosis.

Alenka Alenkina

dogs do not have allergies!!! !

most likely, a viral disease, treat as a runny nose is not necessary, it should be a comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor


can children's drops, and furatsilin suitable

alexander ruhr

if the viral rhinitis then the furaciline rinse and antibiotic biomycin 25 mg / kg weight course 5 days


Marianna correctly wrote. This is most likely a viral infection (the so-called canine influenza). Depending on the immunity of the dog runs in varying degrees of severity. Last spring the whole company of dogs got sick. Someone slept for a couple of days, and some fell under a dropper... But as it turned out - this rubbish is also a complication... It is better not to engage in self-medication, and visit a vet clinic, I believe.. .
Read about the allergy addict... Then give the dog an antihistamine drug (such as tavigil) and watch the nose. If the snot will pass - then your diagnosis is an allergy... Look for an allergen... and eliminate ...

My Sharpei has a runny nose, how to treat?


Fluffy Sneaker

snot in dogs is most likely a sign of a viral disease, not a common cold... they do not have a cold... so the faster you go to the doctor, the better for your dog!


Runny nose in dogs
In dogs, the most common causes of rhinitis as an independent disease - a sharp cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This rhinitis is usually observed in the spring or autumn.
Rhinitis in dogs, like in cats, can occur after inhaling irritants or hot air, smoke during forest or other fires. And one more reason for its appearance is when foreign bodies appear in the nasal cavity: spikelets or plant awns.
The ill dog often sneezes, rubs his nose with his front paws, licks himself. Then there are discharge from the nose, first liquid and transparent, then thick, and with infectious diseases - purulent. These discharge, dry on the wings of the nose, form crusts.
If the allocation is abundant, the breath of the dog is difficult, it snorts. When there is a complete blockage of the nasal apertures: the discharge from the nostrils and crust on the wings of the nose wither, the dog begins to breathe with the mouth.
In rhinitis as an independent disease, the general condition of the dog does not change, the appetite is normal.
Dogs have two forms of rhinitis: acute and chronic. Acute rhinitis usually proceeds safely and ends with recovery and for five to seven days. However, if no measures are taken to eliminate the cause that caused the disease, acute rhinitis becomes chronic.
How much time will last rhinitis, which occurs as a complication of a disease, depends on the course of the disease. Coryza may not stop months or even years.
Treatment of acute rhinitis. With abundant discharge from the nose, the nostrils are cleaned and the crusts are removed several times a day, before softening them with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prevent crusts from appearing, the circumference of the nasal holes is smeared with petroleum jelly.
3 - 4 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes in the nostrils insert pieces of cotton wool, moistened with fresh onion juice. The area of ​​the nose is heated with hot sand poured into a small sac, 3-4 times a day, or using an inhalation method of treatment: the dog inhales potato steam.
You can lubricate the nasal cavity several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment or boric acid, 2 grams, with glycerin, 50 grams.
For irrigation of the nasal mucosa recommended,% tannin solution, 1% solution of soda. You can carefully and blow into the nose powder streptocide.
If the rhinitis with dense secretions, the nose is washed with boiled beet juice.
In chronic rhinitis treatment is the same. However, with this form of the disease, permanent discharge from the nose causes skin irritation, it becomes wet. Therefore, it must be dried. Recommended powder from a white streptocide, which is used several times a day.
Infectious rhinitis is treated simultaneously with the main disease, in the nose, into each nostril, 5-10 drops of galazoline are instilled.
To increase the protective forces of the body should be a general ultraviolet irradiation. It is also used thymogen, once a day for ten days it is buried in the nose: cats 1 - 2 drops, dogs - from 1 to 8 drops, depending on the weight, the dog weighing 9 - 10 kilograms, - 2-3 drops.

How to treat a runny nose in dogs, please tell me ..


La Muri

Anandin-intranasal, i.e., drip into the nose and into the eyes. If it does not help, then run to the vet.

selenium mystery of the night

prick fosprenil and gamavit 1 time per day calculation of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. in the nose drip maxidin 0.015% or anandin. wash the nose with oksolinovoy ointment. and vypaivayte vetom 1.1.


first you need to eliminate the causes that caused rhinitis. it can arise from the inhalation of air containing dust, corrosive gases, mold, drafts, dampness and hypothermia, BUT also appear as a consequence of inadequate feeding, in particular Vitality deficit. A.
and be a symptom of infectious diseases!!! and here we must also treat the underlying disease!
well, and for the treatment of rhinitis, the mucus of the nose is irrigated, 5% with novocaine, 2-3% with boric acid, 3-5% r-rum baking soda, dogs can be instilled in the nostrils of 1% r-r menthol in vegetable oil or fish oil.
if there is an increase in temperature, then prescribe antibiotics, but in this case, it is certainly better to see a doctor.

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