Back Stretching: Exercises


  • 1Effective exercises for stretching the muscles of the back
    • 1.1Why stretch?
    • 1.2Effective set of exercises
    • 1.3Twisting Down
    • 1.4Straight backsides
    • 1.5Rack from the rack
    • 1.6The dog snouts down
    • 1.7Beautiful posture
    • 1.8Exercise of the child
    • 1.9Sitting Sit
    • 1.10Folding Seat
    • 1.11Cat
    • 1.12Stretching lying
    • 1.13Safety regulations
  • 2Back stretching: exercises for beginners and for work at home
    • 2.1Stretching: Pros and Cons
    • 2.2Harm
    • 2.3Contraindications
    • 2.4Is it worth it?
    • 2.5Exercises for stretching
    • 2.6Warm-up stretching
    • 2.7Dynamic stretching
    • 2.8Static stretching
    • 2.9Equipment
    • 2.10Movement group number 1: warm-up movements
    • 2.11Movement group number 2: jerky movements
    • 2.12Movement group number 3: static stretching
    • 2.13Vis on the horizontal bar
    • 2.14Stretching at home
    • 2.15Complete Stretching Complexes
  • 3Stretching for the back and spine - exercises for beginners at home
    • 3.1Basic rules of stretching the back
    • 3.2Warm up
    • 3.3Lumbar muscle warm-up
    • 3.4A set of exercises for stretching the back
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Implementation Techniques
    • 3.6Precautionary measures
    • 3.7Tips and Tricks
  • 4Stretching for the back: basic exercises
    • 4.1Contraindications for spine extension
    • 4.2Basic rules for stretching
    • 4.3Controls for retracting the spine and the spinner
    • 4.4Control 1. Squeezing the sounder
    • 4.5Control 2. «Koshka-camel»
    • 4.6Control 3. Overthrowing of the feet
    • 4.7Control 4. Spin turns on the table in different places
    • 4.8Control 5. Naklony in the event
    • 4.9Control 6. "Mail"
    • 4.10Control 7. Naklonyy vpeped sidya
    • 4.11Control 8. Flight of the Nogami
    • 4.12Control 9. Pacification at the site
    • 4.13Control 10. Sightbacks
    • 4.14We get the maximum effect
    • 4.15How to stretch my back during working hours?

Effective exercises for stretching the muscles of the back

Most people in the modern world spend the lion's share of their time in a sitting position. The lack of physical activity and frequent stay for a long time in the anatomically wrong sitting position leads to a significant spread of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

With a passive lifestyle, special attention must be paid to the performance of special gymnastics.

Allocate time to it necessarily, otherwise the consequences of lack of minimal physical exertion can be very serious.

Exercises that allow you to stretch your back muscles - this is one of the best types of useful physical activities that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Why stretch?

The absence of any physical activity leads to the development of numerous diseases. The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis in modern medicine are not known, but it is known for sure that in people who are active in life and engaged in physical activity, the disease develops much less often.

Intervertebral discs are supplied with nutrients not from blood, but from surrounding tissues, as there are no own blood vessels in the discs. A special way of feeding intervertebral discs causes their vulnerability.

To perform the diffusion between the intervertebral disc and the surrounding tissues, physical loads are required that catalyze this process.

In addition, it is important to have a balanced diet that ensures the supply of the required nutrients to the surrounding intervertebral disc of tissue.

That is why to prevent intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the back, physical exertion

Gymnastics will help strengthen the muscular corset and ligaments. Stretching the back will help relieve tension from them and reduce pain.

Effective set of exercises

Muscles of the back relax well and stretch during yoga. Many exercises that achieve the same effect are similar to yoga asanas. Its effectiveness was proved by the following set of exercises.

Twisting Down

It is necessary to become even, legs apart on the width of the thighs. Together with a deep breath, you need to stretch up, and on exhalation relax your back and neck muscles and lower your spine down.

It is necessary to perform movements smoothly, slowly. Lower each turn in turn one by one. In this case, no muscle should not be stressed.

When the whole body is lowered, all the muscles of the upper body should be completely relaxed. It is not necessary to be pulled down, the body should smoothly fall under its own weight.

In the slope you need to stand for 3-4 cycles of breaths-exhalations. Then they return to their original position, straightening the spine with a round back.

Straight backsides

Together with the exhalation it is necessary to tilt the body forward, keeping the back flat

In the same initial position on inhalation, it is again necessary to reach up to the top.

The palms need to rest against the feet in the middle of the shin and, pushing with both hands from the legs, pull the chest up. We must try to bring the shoulder blades together and take them to the side of the pelvis.

In this case it is very important to ensure that the waist is not overextended. The spine in the region of the sacrum and waist should be stretched with each exhalation more strongly. The coccyx must be pulled upwards.

In this position, you need to stand for 5-10 seconds.

Rack from the rack

From the same position, take a deep breath, trying to pull the chest up. Together with the exhalation they lower their hands to the shins from behind and with the effort of their hands draw the body to their feet.

The spine should be stretched as much as possible, and all the folds on the abdomen are straightened. All the muscles of the upper body, except the muscles of the hands, should be relaxed. The top should reach the floor.

With too much tension in the legs from behind, it is enough to bend your knees a little. The position must be held for 5-10 seconds.

Performing this exercise will restore the correct position of the intervertebral discs if their displacement occurs.

The dog snouts down

In this position it is very important to enter correctly, because the situation is rather complicated. From the previous position, the palms are placed on the floor, the knees are bent and the legs are pushed back one by one.

Between the feet and hands the distance should be about 120-130 cm. The feet are set on the width of the hips, and the palms are set on the width of the shoulders. The coccyx must be pulled upward, the chest - to the legs.

Heels can not be torn off the floor. This exercise allows you to remove fatigue from the back muscles.

Under the head is better to put a hard pillow or something similar, so it does not hang freely, if often there are headaches and / or blood pressure rises.

Beautiful posture

Standing evenly, palms are connected behind your back so that your fingers are pointing down towards the waist. Fingers need to be knit and raise their hands up until the brushes are at the level of the shoulder blades.

You need to open your chest, pressing your palms against each other. On inhalation, the legs are placed by a jump of about 1 meter, and then they perform smooth head inclinations to the knee lap one at a time.

Exercise of the child

Standing on your knees, you need to smoothly lower the pelvis on the heels, and the stomach and chest - on the hips. Hands need to stretch forward, trying to maximally straighten your elbows.

The forehead needs to rest on the floor, slightly rounding the neck

Performing this exercise provides a soft stretching of the muscles of the back, relieves stress from them, reduces stress. In this position, you can stay as long as you want, as long as it's comfortable.

Sitting Sit

Sitting on the floor, you need to straighten your back and stretch your legs in front of you, pulling your feet toward yourself.

Hands need to be lifted and begin to stretch out with the hands and head, while the heels - forward. In the right position, the thighs should rest on the floor, the knees are held flat.

Buttocks, back and head form one straight line. Hold the position you need 30-60 seconds.

Folding Seat

In the same position, they take a deep breath, while the crown stretches upward, and on exhalation the body is lowered to the feet, keeping the back flat. Hold the position is best about a minute.


A very simple and effective exercise allows you to quickly stretch the muscles.

In the initial position, you need to get on all fours, keeping your back flat, knees spreading over the width of the hips, and elbows - at the width of the shoulders.

Together with the inspiration you need to perform the movement of the spine. Starting from the coccyx, the spine begins to round up, lowering the pelvis and shoulders.

In the right position, even the tension of the skin on the back should be noticeable, at the next inspiration the back is straightened and slightly bent, while the chin and coccyx should be pulled upwards

The thoracic part should sag most of all.

Stretching lying

You need to lie on your back exactly, bend your right foot in the knee, pulling them with your hands to your chest. Shoulders and nape should be relaxed, they can not be pulled upwards.

Holding your hands over your lower leg or foot, your leg needs to be pulled upward with an exhalation. The pelvis should remain in a level position, and the left thigh should be pulled downward.

After holding 30 seconds in this position, the right leg, you can perform the same left.

Safety regulations

Perform any exercises that allow stretching the back muscles, with caution. It is very important to train regularly and do not overexert yourself at once - the loads should increase gradually.

When performing exercises, the spine should not crunch.

If this happens, it is better to refuse from independent studies at home and perform complexes of therapeutic and preventive exercises in the future only under the supervision of a doctor.

You must avoid any sudden movements or do something through pain. Also, do not exercise during the period of exacerbation of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If the disease is in the acute phase, then training can only aggravate the patient's condition.

Train better in the evening every day. The amplitude of movements at the initial stage can be minimal. When performing any exercise, you need to relax your back muscles as much as possible, so getting them to stretch will be much faster.

A source:

Back stretching: exercises for beginners and for work at home

In the work with heavy sports - bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting and of course crossfit, a considerable role is played by the condition of the muscles before starting work.

Even beginners know that before starting the training they need to be warmed up. But it's equally important to take care of their elasticity, especially stretching your back.

Only after carrying out a basic complex with warm-up, warm-up approaches and stretching can you really start working with projectiles.

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Stretching: Pros and Cons

Despite the fact that almost all athletes warm their muscles before serious approaches, quite a few of them are engaged in stretching, and even more so - by stretching. Why?


First of all, I want to note that exercises for stretching the back have a negative effect on the athlete's strengths and speed.

Perhaps, it is the most unobvious fact, therefore it is necessary to consider it from the point of view of anatomy. When working in the hall (no matter what kind of sport), the body activates the muscles.

These very muscles consist of fibers that are unchanged in their quantity and can only grow under the influence of loads.

So, the anabolism strengthened by the hall allows to build up a lot of muscle fibers, which form a dense a tight weight of the lever, due to which the athlete and presses, and pulls, and shows incredible miracles of power and endurance.

At the same time, stretching the muscles of the back, leads to the fact that the muscles themselves are stretched, and become not so tight.

From the point of view of anatomy, now in order to produce some kind of action, the body must first compress muscles, and then in peak load to unclench them. The principle of the spring works.

And what happens if the spring is first strongly stretched, and then squeezed back? Naturally, it is not possible to obtain the same stiffness coefficient due to a strong deformation.

That's why many athletes refuse to perform muscle stretching, limited only to warm-up approaches.

But this is only partly true. After all, it is only about a strong stretch (such as kickboxers, dancers, etc.), which increases mobility in the joint.

As for the small warm-up stretching of the back and gymnastics, they in no way affect the sports results.


The second reason why many athletes refuse stretch marks is contraindications. Of course, usually their list overlaps and does with heavy sports, but few people pay attention to this.

Stretching the spine is not recommended when:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pronounced kyfoskolizinom curvature of the spine.
  • the presence of injuries;
  • presence of hernias;
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • at other diseases of joints.

As you can see, the list is quite large. And if you look closely, most of the contraindications coincide with contraindications for increased physical exertion, and cross-referencing.

Is it worth it?

Considering the negative factors associated with a good stretch of the back, the question arises: is it worth it or not to do it? In the absence of contraindications, stretching the back is a necessary component of any workout. Since it helps:

  • bring the muscles into tonus before working on the projectile;
  • avoid stretching and dislocations;
  • Reduce the likelihood of injury due to incorrect technique.

In addition, it improves the condition of the spine (which is especially useful for people in seated occupations), and improves the mobility of the joints, which is an indispensable factor for achieving good results in crossfire.

On the growth of sports results, it will be reflected little, even serious stretching complexes, can reduce the speed of progress, a maximum of 3-5%.

So, the conclusion is unambiguous - for any sporting activity, stretching the back is a necessity, not a whim.

Exercises for stretching

Having finished with questions about whether stretching is needed, it is worth going through the fact, but what exactly should I do? All exercises fall into three main categories:

  1. Warm-up stretching is a variety of body turns, small inclines, all in order to warm up the muscles before the approach.
  2. Dynamic stretching - we take an unattainable amplitude of movements, and at the average pace we drag.
  3. Static stretching is needed to increase overall flexibility.

Consider the categories.

Warm-up stretching

In the first place in this gymnastics includes exercises with the slope of the body.

  • mill;
  • corners with a deep slope;
  • slopes sideways at times;
  • rotation of the pelvis.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching partially intersects with a warm-up, but the difference lies in the details of the execution and a slightly different technique with similar movements:

  • tilting to the feet with the toes touching the front;
  • slopes with hands touching the heels through the back;
  • alternating slopes to the left and right leg with a wide setting;
  • intensive mill;
  • the first phase of hyperextension without weight.

Static stretching

What is static stretching is known to many who wanted to sit on the twine at one time. In the case of a back, the situation is approximately the same, only with the specifics of the exercise. Here are some exercises that are performed on a static stretch:

  • aspiration will be touched by the fingers of the toes, without jerks, with the retention of the static position;
  • cat;
  • touching the front of the hips with the press, without bending the knees;
  • on the horizontal bar.

More information on the technique of exercises with a stretch of back can be seen on the video. Experienced instructor will tell you what kind of mistakes you can avoid, where to begin beginners, and most importantly - how to stretch so as not to harm your athletic achievements.


Consider the main groups of movements, and the rules of implementation.

Movement group number 1: warm-up movements

Work in the warm-up is the most important, but at the same time, its main task is not to stretch the muscles, but to prepare them for the upcoming loads. The best option for this will be the slopes of the hull.

How to properly perform them.

  • feet to put on the width of the shoulders;
  • make a slight deflection in the back;
  • relax the neck muscles;
  • slowly tilt to the stop forward and from this position will bend back;
  • Then make the slopes left and right.

Everything is just like in physical education. The tempo is set as comfortable as possible, at which you can make the greatest amplitude. The legs should be fixed and even.

For the muscles of the upper back, you can use a similar exercise "neck tilts". The second mill exercise is even easier:

  1. to stand in the rack of the first exercise
  2. keeping the deflection in the back, bends down;
  3. To place hands so that they make a straight line (in sides);
  4. turning the body (not hands) to lower one hand until the toe touches;
  5. Turn the housing in the opposite direction.

Exercise at a moderate pace, about 2-4 minutes. In particular, the speed increases to the maximum possible (with preservation of balance and deflection in the back), and hand should touch the opposite leg, that is, the right hand - the left leg, the left hand, respectively, the right leg.

Movement group number 2: jerky movements

Exercises aimed at reducing trauma danger require a more precise adherence to the technique.

For those who have just decided to start to engage in serious stretching, an exercise familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons will do: you need to get your toes with your fingers.

Very similar, and another similar exercise, in which you want to get through the back of the heel. The detailed technique of performing these exercises looks like this:

  • feet shoulder width apart;
  • slight deflection in the back;
  • relaxed neck;
  • make a slight slope, keeping the legs not bent at the knees;
  • jerky movements try to reach the floor with your fingers.

For the back - a similar algorithm, only through the back, and the legs can be bent. Tilting back can be done and kneeling, if you find it hard to do it for full growth.

If the exercise seems too easy, try to reach the floor with your hands instead of your fingers, and then, when developing skill, elbows. The main condition is to completely bend your back and do not bend your knees.

Movement group number 3: static stretching

Classic exercises for stretching the back are static. They imply a maximum load and, accordingly, an increase in the amplitude of the work of the ligaments of muscles and joints.

Classical exercise: we get the elbows on the floor

  1. feet shoulder width apart;
  2. absence of deflection in the back;
  3. completely relaxed neck, shoulders and lower back;
  4. slowly, stretch, trying, touch the elbows of the floor.
  5. in the bottom point to fix.

A simpler "sitting exercise"

  • sit down - legs stretch out in front of you, placing them wide apart;
  • relax the muscles of the back and neck;
  • slowly reach first to the left leg, fixing in the maximum load to 20 seconds;
  • then return to the starting position;
  • will be pulled to the right foot, fixed in a maximum load of up to 20 seconds;
  • return to the starting position;
  • will be pulled straight forward, locked in a maximum load of up to 20 seconds.

Vis on the horizontal bar

A separate exercise is on the horizontal bar. It would seem that everything is very simple - to hang, jump, ready. But at the same time, there is not only stretching the back, but also the spine - which is important to consider when entering and leaving the projectile.

  1. The choice of grip. Medium open grip with locks.
  2. To approach the projectile, you will need a stool in which you can climb and get off the projectile.
  3. Grabs the bar, then, slowly lower your legs, keeping them on the weight.
  4. Slowly turn the body (in the hip joint), clockwise until it stops.
  5. Then counterclockwise until it stops.
  6. Carry out until you have enough strength wrists.
  7. After the end, in any case not jump, but become feet on the stand, and get off.

Ideal - work up to the complete rejection of wrists, the time between the approaches is up to 80 seconds. In case of getting an exercise on a training day, such stretching should be done after the main workout.

Stretching at home

The most interesting thing about back stretching exercises for the home is that all the complexes described above, can be carried out without special equipment, which significantly increases the efficiency and utility of them in the whole. For daily use without a serious load, it is recommended to use warm-up slopes in hand, and dynamic stretching (whether it is a mill with a strong turn of the hull, or slopes to the socks cross on cross).

If you want to achieve serious results, then simply engage in static and dynamic stretching, correctly combining the vis on the horizontal bar, for example with the slopes of the hull to the toes completely.

The only condition is that for many home stretching exercises a partner is needed, which will beslightlyPush you to the bottom (to the sides), to speed up the results.

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Complete Stretching Complexes

Naturally, you can stretch as a pro forma before performing basic exercises, but you can seriously take up the flexibility of your own back and bring the spine in order.

In particular, this is necessary for those who for some reason have small defects in the spine (scoliosis is not stronger than the first degree), and wants by forming a stable muscle connection, align the back, and proceed to more serious loads.

In addition, stretching can be practiced on non-training days, to improve control of movements.

Name of the complex When to perform exercises
Base Training day / after hospital To reach out to the toes - in a dynamic mode, 50-60 ra; finger off to the heels 50-60 ra; hull rotation, with deep slopes of 20-30 ra; going to the toes with his fingertips
With a sedentary lifestyle Not a training day Vis on the bar 10 * max time
Female 1 Training day Cat + vacuum - 30-40 timesMill with a deep slope 3 * minutes; the crosses cross to the cross, with widely spaced legs
Female 2 Not a training day Side stretch marks - 30 timesCover + vacuum 30 times
Specialized stretching Not a training day All of the above 2-3 circles.

The result

Stretching the back for beginners is a great way to get rid of stoop, prepare your muscle corset for future loads and significantly increase your own flexibility.

In a sedentary lifestyle and constantly fixed spine in one position, it is simply necessary.

Well, in the end, thanks to stretching exercises for back at home, you can slightly increase your own growth (up to 2-3 cm).

Well, you can not forget about the fact that this is prevention:

  • age-related diseases;
  • dislocations;
  • sports injuries;
  • consequences of hypodynamia;
  • kyphoscoliotic and lordosis changes in the spine.

A source:

Stretching for the back and spine - exercises for beginners at home

Spine-frame, carrying the human body, is an extremely complex construction created by nature in order to ensure the vital activity of the human body.

But even this sturdy rod is subject to various failures. That is why with age, there is a crunch, pain in the lower back, neck or thoracic area, as well as discomfort during movement.

Such signs are the most common symptoms, indicating that you have problems with the spine.

In order to avoid their occurrence, or, at least, to prevent complications, it is necessary to do exercises for stretching the back.

Basic rules of stretching the back

The emotional state during training also has its own serious role. Exercise is necessary with a good mood.

In order for the effect of the exercises to stretch the spine to be really significant, and the unpleasant sensations in the back are gone, you need to observe a few simple but important rules:

For greater efficiency it is necessary:

  • Train in the afternoon or evening;
  • Each time increase the number of repetitions;
  • During the exercise, the initial amplitude with a smaller gradually should increase more and more;
  • While exercising, increase physical exertion so that you do not have different pain and characteristic sounds, for example, a crunch of the spine;
  • If you train and want to achieve the desired result, relax muscles as much as possible;

Observing the above rules, you will not only bring yourself to the desired form faster, but also improve the general condition, thus preventing the development of the disease in further, because even gymnastics performed at home contributes to improving blood circulation, establishing metabolic processes and normalizing the functioning of internal bodies.

Warm up

The purpose of the warm-up exercises is to prepare well for the training, thereby reducing the risk of injury:

  1. Joints of the upper part of the trunk;
  2. Tendons of the long biceps head and the biceps;
  3. Lumbar muscles.

Do 20-30 repetitions of the following exercises, using some weight. Do not rest during the transition from one exercise to another. If you thought that one warm-up cycle is very little, you can repeat it.

Having done everything that is included in the general workout cycle, go to the initial exercise for the muscles of the upper back. The first approach must be performed with an aggravating weight to warm up the muscles, and only then start to use a larger mass.

If you have already warmed up well after practicing for the pectoral muscles or muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is not necessary to carry out the whole complex.

But, anyway, as a warm-up, you need to do a minimum of one or two approaches for the dorsal muscles with small weighed weights.

Upper back exercises designed for women:

  • Thrust to the chest;
  • Thrust to the belt;
  • Pullover.

Each of the categories contains several variants of the main exercise, which will allow you to select exactly those that are suitable for achieving your goals.

Lumbar muscle warm-up

Developed lumbar muscles, which are the support of the spine, have the ability to remove part of the load from it.

They are responsible for straightening the body when returning it from an inclination forward. Performing this function, the lumbar muscles contract together with the muscles of the buttocks.

If we believe the ongoing research, the pain that arises at the bottom of the back is related to that weakening of the musculature of the waist, so the development of the muscles of the back of the back will be better prevention pain in the back.

We advise not to start training with exercises for the lumbar muscles.

It is best to leave them for completion, so that they, while remaining less tired, are able to provide support for the spine during training.

Then, when starting this training, you will be completely warmed up.

Exercises for lumbar muscles for women:

  1. Hyperextension;
  2. Deadlift.

A set of exercises for stretching the back

The most urgent way to stretch the spine is by using special equipment, which allows you to eliminate tension, reduce disk compression and eliminate pain in the back area. The main advantage of such classes is that the use of such simulators does not have any contraindications.

To make the effect noticeable, only a couple of training sessions, not exceeding 5-10 minutes, are enough. This will not only return the vertebrae to the correct position, but also improve overall health.

But, of course, there are also techniques that will allow you to stretch the spine in a home environment.

Implementation Techniques

  • One of the most effective ways of stretching the spine is swimming, completely relaxing the spine and practically relieving the load on the intervertebral discs. Horizontal bar. Depend on it for a few minutes or pull up.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders, and pull your head up. Useful for the cervical spine.
  • Sit on the floor, straighten your legs in front of you. Lean one by one to each leg. In one approach several times.
  • Position-lying on the back. Hands behind the head, legs slightly bent. Strain your abdominal muscles by slightly lifting the body fifteen to twenty degrees from the floor. Hold this position for a couple of seconds. You need to do several approaches for 10 repetitions.
  • Sit on your buttocks, bending your legs. Grab your knees with your hands and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.
  • In a vertical position, relax and tilt your head down to a sense of tension in the cervical region.
  • Connect your legs and lean forward. Embrace your legs in the calf muscles.
  • in a similar initial position, strain the abdominal muscles, fixing each voltage for about 15 seconds.
  • Standing on all fours, inhale your back, head down. On exhalation, take the original position.
  • Use a conventional chair. Sit on it, stretch your arms along the body, turn your head then to the right, then to the left. Try to increase the amplitude to the maximum. In each direction, you need to perform 5 to 10 turns.

Independently in the home for stretching the back can also use such methods as inversion or standard hanging. Inventory - horizontal bar or wall.

Such devices are convenient to use at home and exercise at any time convenient for you.

But there are also disadvantages here. During the exercise on the horizontal bar, it is possible to hang only in a single position, which requires an indispensable fixation of the hands. For an inversion method, you need a special table.

Precautionary measures

  1. When stretching the legs, do not forget about the accuracy, because the consequences are much more likely to affect the lumbar region, rather than on the dorsal muscles.
  2. Do not practice if you feel pain.
  3. Do not exercise when you are in a bad mood or depressed.
  4. If necessary, use a special belt that secures the waist.
  5. Do not make sudden movements, only a smooth pace will achieve the desired effect and avoid injuries.

Tips and Tricks

  • As soon as you begin to bend the spine, give it a vertical position. This is necessary in order to prevent the inclination of the pelvis.
  • Stretching of the leg muscles is enhanced by the rear bending of the feet.
  • Pulling your arms forward, leave your shoulder blades in a neutral position.
  • Lowering and lifting the body, visualize the rope around the waist, for which someone pulls from behind, thereby bringing your belly and spine together.

A source:

Stretching for the back: basic exercises

Benefits of stretching the spine for health - why stretch the spine?

Exercises for stretching the spine provide:

  1. Flexibility and freedom of movement at any age.
  2. Prevention of diseases.
  3. Lack of pain or reduction of pain syndrome.

The spine, as was said before, is a complex construction.

It consists of bones - vertebrae, cartilage-shock absorbers - intervertebral discs, and a muscular corset, which bends and unbends the back.

These muscles are in constant tension. And sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle adds to their workload.

The muscles of the back are vital for rest, but even at night our spine can not always relax.

So, an uncomfortable pose or an improper pillow causes it to bend, causing the muscles to work at night.

After such a night, a person will suffer pain in the back or neck. The swollen muscles will not allow them to move freely, work and just fully live.

Contraindications for spine extension

All classes have their own contraindications, and stretching is not an exception. Do not neglect these recommendations, because otherwise you can earn both a number of complications of already existing diseases, and a couple of new diseases.

  • Strictly impossible to perform stretching in osteoporosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  • It is not recommended for heart disease, blood vessels and hypertension.
  • An obvious contraindication is thrombosis.
  • Caution medicine refers to stretching during pregnancy and menstruation. You need to listen to your feelings and consult a doctor.
  • As a limitation, viral diseases, colds and fever occur.
  • Observe the general rule of therapeutic physical education - do not overexert yourself, doing twists and stretching through force. Also, do not exercise during periods of general weakness.
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Basic rules for stretching

In order for exercises to stretch the spine gave a positive result and relieve you of discomfort in the back, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules.

To effectively perform the exercises, you must follow these rules:

  1. Training is best done in the afternoon or evening after a day's work.
  2. Gradually increase the number of repetitions.
  3. During the exercises, the initial amplitude of your movements should start small and gradually increase.
  4. In the process of training, physical exercises need to be increased in such a way that exercises do not cause pain or specific sounds such as a crunch in the spine.
  5. When you perform gymnastic exercises, to get the desired effect, your muscles should be as relaxed as possible.
  6. Also, your emotional state plays an important role in the performance of exercises. Therefore, training should be done only with a good mood.

Adhering to these rules, you can not only accelerate the process of recovery, but also improve the overall condition, preventing further development of the disease.

After all, any gymnastic exercises, even at home, can improve blood circulation, establish metabolic processes and normalize the work of internal organs.

Controls for retracting the spine and the spinner

The lower lower pressure cell is a high-voltage pullback in the home. Execute him in co-operation with all the rules, and the judgments will be exceptionally positive.

Control 1. Squeezing the sounder

You should just sit on the floor, broadly get into the legs, put the head forward. Slightly pulls the hair towards the floor.

Breathe like that to you, not zhedepzhivayte breathing. Turning the head, try to move to the base of the neck, in order to strengthen the muscle contraction of the spine.

You need to know how each of your flocks moves.

Control 2. «Koshka-camel»

NyoBhodimo vttat nA chetvpehnki, then poochpepedno vygibayt and spibaytte spin.

At the same time, in order to ensure that all three have found a siren: shayny, hrydnoy and poyachnychny. The control must be moved smoothly, slowly and acutely, without any slippery movements.

Once driving, take about 3-4 seconds. To reconsider its reckoning 5-6 times.

Control 3. Overthrowing of the feet

For this exercise, it is necessary to lie down on the back, to coagulate in the feet of the feet, stiffly to the floor. Pki pulls up half the volume down the hills. Exactly right breathing: twice and exhaled should be the uppermost part of the chain.

The right knee is peppered through the left niggy, accepting the "nakedness of the naked". For a few reasons, you will slam the paddle in the right direction, and the two legs will have the right arm.

To stop is when you begin to believe that you have achieved a great amplitude. After it is corrected righteous, so that the image is directed to the left, and pulls it to its head.

Hold in the final position on the next stage, then pause the same for the other group.

In the process of executing this function, the right memory card can easily enter into the memory. It is ecotec. A That the head must be a righteous man - do not nect it.

Control 4. Spin turns on the table in different places

Niebhodimo cect na styl, povtavit vmecte nogi. Povopachivayte vrehnnuyu chats tylovishcha vvevo so that the melody povepnylic tyada zhe. Pikami can move to the point that it was easy to move the pavement.

Convert with a maximum ambient ampuity. You need to spare the whole pozvonochnika. In the reverse, set it on 20 seconds, then gradually return to the empty position.

Do the same for the other group.

Control 5. Naklony in the event

To use this control, it is necessary to insert the light, the feet are widely spread to the sides. Fingers of their should be directed napyzhy. Bring alive, nappyagite yagoditsy and cedelayt ppession, that the podpa were papalelny polya. Piecie note on the croaker.

Overcome, shortening muscles. Sladayt glubokiy dvoh. Spin should be left by the child. Afterwards, squeeze it out by turning the key over. In such a situation, it is set to 20-30 seconds. Returning to the idyllic position, turn the thrust into the drifty ctopon.

Control 6. "Mail"

Nyzhno sit on the floor, co-exist underneath and replicate them with a little more power. The left pykoi supports the clypeus of the ankle. I have the right to poke myself up, gloomily drowned.

Pyccy naklonyayte in the left ctopony nad holovoy, then vydohnite. Oschyvat, as ties in the right side are pushed and pulled, pause and zadepzhetec on 20-30 seconds.

Repeat the same for two more times for this group, then execute with the other pyko.

Control 7. Naklonyy vpeped sidya

Sit on the floor and wring out your feet. You also will inevitably have a sexual misbehavior or a special remedy for yoga. Gluboko vpehnhnite, pyki pull out the door. Vydohnite, nachnitee naklonyat tylovishche vpeped, trying to come to life alive.

Poleotentsem or remnem obhvatit stupny and pull it on you. The snow is douche, and exhalates it as the lower part. Sladayt paysy dlitelnoccoy from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Release the comfy time. Co in the course of time it is necessary to show it.

Tyanjtsya neyzhno before oschyshenija easy nappjazhenija. It is not necessary to suffer a violent pain.

Control 8. Flight of the Nogami

Leach on cpyny, nogi podnjat vvreh and kognit them in koleneh. Shoot down on the floor, down. Gliboko dvohnitee, pocchaytay to chetypeh. Then, exhale slowly, turn the corners right and lower them to the floor.

The left must be nemnogo nemnogo ppripodniyat vverhh, pliches must be tightly pushed to the floor. Dispatch is not a pressure, there is an overload. Keep the stairs in the room. Dissipate them is just too low, just a little.

Zadreshit in such a position on the floor, then jump back into the idyllic position and resurrection in the drifty ctopony.

Control 9. Pacification at the site

Nyzhno vttat to the stage vplotniyu, kopchik, lopatki and golovy kppko ppizhat to poverhhnosti stena.

Pyki podnjat vporeh nadyzhy napyzhy, kognyt in loktyah, that kisti nahodilis nA ypovne plach. Start slowly to crouch backwards, not resting on the cage.

Podnimite them a little strong, and soak. Check the display for 8-12 p.

Control 10. Sightbacks

In this exercise, it is important to pull the socker infinitesimally fast, not bending to the cul-de-sac. Niebhodimo sit on the floor, spin and feet to wring out. I rule the nigga then grow in the croquet and pick the left of the beard.

Cognitae and lvyyyu nogy, heel pomecitete ppo godoe podpo. Tem, for which it is possible, it is possible to leave the left one alone. Left lokot remembers on the right side of the crooked spine and nemnogo nadavite, so that in the muscles appeared impulse.

Remember that the pyky is left in the crotch, turn right the other way. In this way zadepzhitec nA polminyty, then zapernit in idocheyu pozitsiyu and povtopitet t the same in dpygyyu ctopony. It's important not to turn the spine, but to pull it off.

Also plays pohl breath - it must be smooth and pazmepernnym.

It is also possible to use a tappet for pulling a sock.

These exercises are usually used in medical and pfilakticheskikh goals, but they also use them in their homes for the recovery of the sinner and the release of tension.

Constructions are helpful in taking and are effective. With the absence of a special controller, he can replace the usual type.

We get the maximum effect

How to develop the flexibility of the back most effectively?

  1. Perform exercises for flexibility of the back in comfortable clothing, which allows the body to breathe and does not constrain movement. Many people prefer to go barefoot, but you can wear light sneakers or Czechs.
  2. For convenience, use a special mat or towel when doing exercises on the floor.
  3. Never start a lesson without preheating. Spend 5-7 minutes on the corners of the body, jumping and running on the spot. Such movements will prepare the body for the load.
  4. Performing exercises for flexibility of the spine, concentrate on those parts of the back that you are training. At the same time, try to control your breathing: make an effort on exhalation and relax as much as possible on inspiration.
  5. Avoid jerks and sudden movements.
  6. Start with 8 repetitions and gradually increase their number to 15. After a month of lessons, try adding another 1 approach after a 2-minute rest.
  7. After 2-3 exercises, take a short break to restore breathing. Do not stand still! Walk around the room and take a few sips of water.
  8. It is advisable to practice 4-5 times a week. Since the training described below will take no more than 20 minutes, you can easily find time for it in your schedule.

How to stretch my back during working hours?

Perform a few simple movements every 90 minutes.

  • In the sitting position, relax the body, begin to perform the head incline to the sides.
  • The initial position is similar to the previous movement, but the head should be tilted forward, trying to reach the chest.
  • Take the standing position with your hands down. Tilt the head back as much as possible.

As soon as you feel uncomfortable in the back area, you can do stretching sideways. All this will allow you to significantly increase your efficiency.

In general, the retirement of the spins and the siren, the care for which we have already discussed, is a must for any oponomism. Execute it carefully and correctly, and your sinner will deliver to you for this.

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