Is pneumonia in children?

Pneumonia is contagious or not?

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease of the lungs, or simply inflammation of the lungs. The incidence of pneumonia among the world's population is astounding by their numbers, annually more than 2 million are registered in Russia alone. cases of development of this disease.

If we consider pneumonia as the cause of mortality, then it stands firmly in 4th place, after cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Children, weakened and elderly people are most often affected by pneumonia. The insidiousness of pneumonia lies in the fact that the causative agents of the disease can act and bacteria, and viruses, and fungi, and atypical pathogens:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Anaerobic pathogens
  • Mycoplasma, chlamydia
  • Rickettsia - fever
  • Fungal etiology of pneumonia

Is pneumonia invasive or not? Even doctors do not give an unambiguous answer to this question. To understand this issue, you should consider what are the types of pneumonia:

  • Community-acquired pneumonia

If we consider inflammation of the lung from the point of view of the causative agent of the disease, then bacterial, ordinary pneumonia, medicine is recognized as not a contagious form of inflammation. In most cases, pneumonia is a complication of SARS, parainfluenza, influenza, rhinovirus, especially in children. If the virus caused an inflammatory process in the lower respiratory tract, then in the bronchi, the lungs accumulate mucus, pus. This complicates the ventilation of the lungs and leads to the accumulation of bacteria. And of course with a cough, sneeze, a loud conversation, the patient releases into the air the pathogen of pneumonia. If a person's pneumonia was triggered by a virus, then the contamination of others may be by airborne droplets, but only the primary cause of the disease, that is, acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. But whether the pneumonia develops for the infected, directly depends on the protective forces of the affected organism, on the timeliness and adequacy of the treatment of this virus.

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  • Dangerous, infectious types of pneumonia

If the causative agent is tuberculosis (caseous pneumonia) or atypical representatives such as chlamydia, mycoplasmas, SARS (type of atypical pneumonia, which is called a severe acute respiratory syndrome), then such forms of pneumonia are transmitted from person to person airborne droplets. It is encouraging that these types of diseases rarely cause epidemics and occur in isolated cases. If a person who is in contact with such a patient has weakened immunity, then the probability of infection with such dangerous forms of pneumonia is very high. Pneumonia is contagious if its pathogens are: chlamydia, mycoplasma, klebsiella, legionella, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamidiapsittaci, Coxiella burnetii.

  • Hospital pneumonia

Studies conducted in the United States for infection of health workers serving in pulmonological offices, found that employees of these departments suffer respiratory diseases more often than other citizens countries. Namely, the incidence of pulmonary medical personnel was more than 35% per year. That is, the medical staff of these departments has a high risk of contracting hospital pneumonia, and many of the workers have suffered pneumonia even several times. The causative agents of hospital pneumonia are often gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes, chlamydia, staphylococcus, streptococcus. It is hospital pneumonia that causes the high mortality from this disease (almost 70%), since pathogens become resistant to many antibiotics, antimicrobial agents used to treat inflammation of the lungs.

For whom, in the first place, is the danger of pneumonia? Is it contagious or not for others?
The following categories of people are most vulnerable to infection:

Pneumonia is contagious or not
  • Weakened people after operations
  • People with severe chronic diseases
  • People taking systemic hormonal drugs that depress immunity
  • Pregnant women and women after childbirth
  • People after SARS, flu, colds
  • People who are in deep depression or in chronic stress
  • Alcoholics, drug addicts

Is pneumonia still recoverable after recovery?

The disappearance of the symptoms of pneumonia and the normalization of X-ray results are not grounds for believing that there is no causative agent in the body. Medical institutions do not have any opportunities to determine this. Protecting from the effects of antibacterial drugs and immune defense of the body, bacteria are able to pass in L-form and such encapsulation of microbes allows them to exist for a long time in an unfavorable environment.

Once provoking factors appear to reduce immunity in adults, they safely begin to multiply, causing a relapse. In children, chronic inflammation of the lungs is extremely rare due to active blood supply, which prevents the development of bacterial encapsulation. However, in the presence of constant contact with the patient, which secretes bacteria, the risk of transition to a chronic disease significantly increases in the child.

Conclusion: Answering the question, pneumonia is contagious or not, it can be stated with certainty, pneumonia is contagious! Since there are still contagious forms of this disease, which are dangerous for people with weak immune response. And for today not many of us can boast of strong health, excellent immunity, healthy spirit in a healthy body. If you are in contact with a sick pneumonia, just in case observe the elementary rules of protection and safety, then the probability of infection will be minimal.

Is pneumonia an issue in search of an answer to an important question?

About whether contagious pneumonia, for a long time heated debate, because until recently it was considered safe for contact. But recently it has been confirmed that it is possible to catch it, it turns out.

In 1994 Large-scale studies were conducted in the US, during which scientists discovered not only that pneumonia is the fourth most common of the diseases that caused death, the most unexpected was that in the pulmonology departments up to 36% of the personnel fall ill to them every year and repeatedly.

In addition, cases of epidemics of pneumonia have become more frequent. As you understand, this would be impossible with an uncontaminated disease.

whether pneumonia is contagious

What can be caused by pneumonia

First of all, it is necessary to understand how they get pneumonia. Most often this occurs against the background of the existing SARS, which greatly reduces the immunity of the sick person - this is where the bacterial or other infection joins the existing problem. In this case, the pathogens that led to pneumonia may be very different:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • pathogenic fungi;
  • protozoa;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

Any of them, getting into the respiratory tract, quickly spreads through the lungs, disrupting the protective function of the epithelial tissue. And their further rapid reproduction causes the emergence of foci of inflammation.

Each type of pathogen requires its own antibiotic, and that is why it is so important to determine what kind of microbe caused the disease.

Is contagious pneumonia for others

Can it be attributed to infectious bacterial pneumonia

As you have probably already realized, pneumonia is not a specific disease that has a specific cause. It can be caused by a number of reasons, and in medicine more than 30 different kinds of pneumonia are known. And only depending on the causative agent of the disease can we talk about whether the pneumonia is contagious.

Thus, bacterial pneumonia occurs when bacteria are infected against the background of existing diseases that have undermined the immune system. And in many cases, the bacterium that caused pneumonia in one person will not cause it who was with him in contact, but it can provoke an infection of the upper respiratory tract, eg. That is, a healthy person who has been in contact with a sick pneumonia can get sick, but this does not necessarily happen to be pneumonia.

whether lung pneumonia is contagious

Is pneumonia caused by mycoplasma

But if the pathogens of the disease are atypical representatives of microorganisms, for example, mycoplasma or chlamydia, then most often they are transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, knowing that your friend or relative is ill with one of these types of pneumonia, exclude or minimize contact with it. Since in this case a healthy person has a high risk of infection.

Which pneumonia is especially contagious

Answering the question about whether pneumonia is contagious for others, it is worth noting that it affects first of all those people who have weakened immunity.

The most dangerous in this sense is the pneumonia that was caught in a medical facility, because in this case the disease is provoked already resistant to antibiotics by bacteria: pneumococcus, hemophilic rod, gram-negative bacilli, pneumoclamidiosis and staphylococcus aureus.

By the way, the most dangerous is the infection with pyogenic flora, as it almost does not lend itself to treatment.

how to get pneumonia

The main signs of pneumonia

Is contagious pneumonia, which is of a community origin, contagious? Her pathogens are most often pneumococci and stick influenza. And this type of disease in general is considered safe for others, but provided strong immunity and compliance with their personal hygiene.

True, in our time, one can not be 100% sure of the strength of one's own immunity, and therefore it is inadmissible to miss and signs of pneumonia. The most obvious symptoms are:

  • incessant strong cough;
  • the deterioration of the cold that lasts more than a week;
  • pain in the chest, not giving a deep breath and causing an attack of cough;
  • pallor, fever;
  • shortness of breath when walking and during a period of fever;
  • its spasmodic increase and a weak effect on the temperature of antipyretic agents.

If any of the signs are present, the patient should undergo mandatory examination for pneumonia.

Pneumonia, which is not contagious

Can I get pneumonia if it is caused by inhalation of fumes of mercury, acids, pesticides or carbon monoxide?

This type of pneumonia is rare, and it is exposed, in the main, to people working in hazardous industries. Harmful substances fall in large quantities into the lungs, causing damage and death of cells. And this, in turn, entails manifestations of the inflammatory process: deterioration of health, cough, debilitating fever, chills and nausea.

But, despite all the signs, chemical pneumonia is not contagious.

can I get pneumonia

A few more words about whether pneumonia is contagious for others

Summing up what has been said, it should be noted that pneumonia itself is not contagious, which can not be said for its pathogens, which can cause the development of pneumonia in other people.

So, arguing, whether pneumonia of lungs is contagious, it is necessary to consider, that it in most cases do not catch, and fall ill. However, in order for this to happen, a person should, as already mentioned, have weakened immunity, and if this is accompanied by a lack of vitamins, stress, hypothermia or exposure to influenza virus, the effect of pneumococcus, which most often stimulates the development of pneumonia, becomes hazardous to health and causes disease.

I wonder if the pneumonia is contagious or not

Pneumonia is contagious or not? This question can be safely answered "yes but the probability of infection with pneumonia directly depends on what caused the disease. Since it is the pathogen of pneumonia that determines the nature of the course, the severity of the disease and the degree of its danger to surrounding people.

The problem of pneumonia

Types of pneumonia

A universally recognized classification of pneumonia does not exist, but doctors distinguish the following types of disease, depending on the nature of the pathogen:

  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • viral-bacterial;
  • fungal.

It should be noted that recently in medical practice the term "pneumonia" or "pneumonia" is understood not as a chronic, namely acute inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

Thus, this disease is especially acute.

A few words about the causative agents of pneumonia

Staphylococcus is the cause of pneumoniaMost often, pneumonia occurs due to infection with bacteria of various kinds (gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobic bacteria), namely:
  • pneumococci (or streptococci pneumonia);
  • staphylococci;
  • a hemophilic rod;
  • klebsiella;
  • intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • proteome;
  • legionella;
  • anaerobic microbes (bacteroids, clostridia, etc.);
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas.

These pathogens are transmitted by both airborne and other routes, for example, through dust, household items, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, placenta, and the like.

It must be said that the disease with pneumonia can be caused by fungi and protozoan microorganisms, for example pneumocysts. The path of data transmission of pathogens of pneumonia is mainly airborne.

In addition to bacteria, fungi and protozoa, an important role in the disease of pneumonia is played by various viruses. These are viruses that cause such infectious diseases as influenza, parainfluenza and ARVI, as well as adenoviruses, reoviruses and herpes viruses. As a rule, they are transmitted from the sick person by the surrounding airborne pathway (pathogens ARVI), alimentary (through the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract - adenoviruses and reoviruses). These infectious agents are contagious and cause the disease pneumonia of the viral etiology. Inflammation of the lungs of a viral nature usually lasts 1-3 days, then a bacterial infection joins the virus infection, and pneumonia acquires a viral-bacterial character.

Blood test for diagnosis of pneumoniaIt is in the first 1-3 days that viral pneumonia is the most contagious, because the infectious agent that caused it is very aggressive, has a high contagiousness and, accordingly, is actively transmitted by airborne droplets from the patient to a healthy sensitive person.

In addition to the aforementioned bacteria, viruses and fungi, the cause of pneumonia can be caused by pathogens of such dangerous infectious diseases, Salmonella, sap, plague, leptospirosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles, etc. As a rule, these diseases are caused by different bacteria. Infectious agents of this kind are transmitted, in addition to alimentary and airborne droplets, also transplacental (through the placenta - from mother to fetus). In addition, pneumonia can infect the body of a patient with several infectious agents, for example, the influenza virus and streptococcus pneumonia. Not infrequent are other combinations of pathogens.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The most reliable method of diagnosing the disease is radiographic. In addition, a blood test and various bacterial cultures are required.

It is necessary to say that it is not enough to perform bacterial culture alone to diagnose pneumonia sputum, because it is necessary to identify a pathogenic microorganism on the basis of bacteriosomes of blood, lung tissue and pleural liquid. The data of these studies determine the choice of drugs and the scheme of treatment of the disease. As for bacterial culture of sputum, a whole series of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, any of which under certain conditions is capable of causing an inflammatory process in the pulmonary tissue. As for fungal pneumonia, the diagnosis of such diseases is the most complex and complex.

Danger of pneumonia of different etiology

Weak immunity - the cause of pneumoniaSo, is it possible to get pneumonia? Unfortunately, yes, but the probability of infection depends on the specific pathogen and the severity of the disease. As already noted, the most common and dangerous in terms of intensity and speed of infection is viral pneumonia that occurs on the background and due to catarrhal viral diseases etiology. And viral pneumonia is equally dangerous for anyone, regardless of the age and condition of the human immune system. Good immunity only speeds up recovery and helps to ensure that the disease is mild.

After 1-3 days, a bacterial infection is attached to the viral pneumonia, which, like the virus, is very dangerous to surrounding people, because infectious diseases of a bacterial nature are high contagiousness.

It must be said that both bacterial and fungal inflammation of the lungs is especially dangerous for young children and for people with weakened immunity, as well as for those who directly contact the sick person - medical staff, relatives and other In addition, bacterial pneumonia is easily spread in narrow "closed" collectives - among servicemen, watch brigades, etc. Special At-risk smokers are heavy smokers whose respiratory and cardiovascular systems experience increased stresses associated with exposure nicotine.

As for pneumonia due to some epidemiological infectious disease, we can say that pneumonia of this kind is not dangerous in and of itself, but due to the high likelihood of contamination surrounding a particular infectious disease, which was the cause of pneumonia, for example, measles, plague, anthrax and other


Is pneumonia a fungal etiology? Is pneumonia caused by fungal microorganisms transmitted? In the case of fungal inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, such diseases are most dangerous for people with reduced immunity, or for those who, in the nature of their professional activities, often come into contact with fungi of different kind.

Such professions include workers in certain sectors of the food, woodworking industry and agriculture, in particular, paper production, feather brewing, brewing, meat production and other It must be said that fungal pneumonia, or pneumomycosis, is difficult to treat. And an important role in this is played by the complexity of diagnosis and specific symptoms similar to those of a number of other diseases.

In general, it can be concluded that this disease is contagious, and inflammation of the lungs of any etiology is a dangerous infectious disease.


Therefore, to prevent infection when contacting a sick person is necessary follow the rules of personal hygiene and follow medical instructions governing the treatment of infectious patients.

Can pneumonia be transmitted from person to person?

The cause of inflammation of the lungs in adults and children are bacteria and viruses. How do they penetrate the body?

The upper respiratory tract of man is inhabited not only by "good" microorganisms. Among them there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microbes. These are bacteria that normally do not cause any diseases. But if the general or local immunity is weakened, how they are immediately introduced, multiply, and cause the disease.

Can pneumonia be infected with contact, food, water or sexually transmitted infections? No, this development is impossible. Inflammation of the lungs can be obtained only through the airborne path.

Community-acquired pneumonia can occur due to the following factors:

  • getting fluid from the oropharynx into the lower respiratory tract;
  • inhalation of an aerosol containing microbes;
  • spread of pathogens by blood from extrapulmonary foci;
  • infection from neighboring affected organs.

In persons with good immunity, the main way to get sick is aspiration of fluid from the pharynx.

Since pneumonia is a consequence of some cold respiratory disease or other infectious process outside the lungs, it can not be infected by airborne droplets.

How is pneumonia transmitted?

That's why inflammation of the lungs is not dangerous for others. Infection can only be a disease that led to pneumonia. However, the causative agent of infection in these diseases is not always the same. For example, pneumonia can develop after a viral cold. But the cause of the disease will be not viruses, but a secondary bacterial infection from the oropharynx.

Now we are talking about viral pneumonia. As a rule, the virus that caused the primary disease causes inflammation of the lungs. For example, the influenza virus, especially swine flu, can lead to severe viral pneumonia within 1-2 days. But in this case it is not transmitted from person to person. The patient is contagious to others only in terms of primary disease, and not complications. However, everything depends on the immunity of the person in contact. If it is sufficient, then you can not get sick at all. If not, then the flu can develop. But the development of pneumonia as complications is not necessary. Then how fate will dispose of.

The only form of contagious pneumonia is mycoplasmal pneumonia. It can be transmitted by airborne to the following groups of people:

  • children;
  • aged people;
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • people with chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases.

Can children become infected with pneumonia? Again, let's return to the fact that you can catch any kind of bacteria that cause pneumonia. But it does not necessarily occur pneumonia. In the first place may develop ARI. A complication develops against a cold or not, depends on the immunity of the child.That is, the child does not have the opportunity to get infected from others by pneumonia.

The organism of children is especially susceptible to viral pneumonia. If the virus caused pneumonia in a child with good immunity, then this infection is quite dangerous, since it can cause respiratory illness in other children.

Another common cause of pneumonia in children is aspiration of a foreign body. This is especially true for toddlers. Small parts of toys, berry seeds, seeds, etc. can get into the respiratory tract and as a result of prolonged exposure cause pneumonia. Sometimes it is possible to detect the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi of a child only after several relapses of pneumonia. Foreign objects in the airways are not always visible on the roentgenogram, and they often find them only with bronchoscopy.

So, transmission of pneumonia by airborne droplets is not possible. The causative agent, of course, can be transmitted from person to person, but that it will cause inflammation of the lungs is not necessary. The same rule applies to children.

Mycoplasmal pneumonia is an exception. They can infect people with weakened immunity, as well as children and the elderly.

And is pneumonia contagious? Can a child get infected from an adult patient with pneumonia?


Etienne Carrier

Yes! naturally)))) So that protect children from patients with pneumonia


It's contagious. It may get infected, but maybe not. If immunity is good - nothing is scary.

Nikolai Konarev

Elementary! Be careful!

Vyacheslav Sadriev

It is pneumonia that is not contagious. This is not a viral or bacterial disease. The comparison may not be successful, but it is a type of hand injury, as contagious

Yulenk @

Of course contagious. And people happen to get sick in the hospital with pneumonia, lying with appendicitis then bam pneumonia. It is called hospital pneumonia. But not the hospital is not contagious.

Oleg Priblagin

You are not right. Pneumonia can not be infected. Since in the macronutrient of this disease do not multiply not the cell bacteria


My son sometimes has to stay at home, because the doctor warns that "just the pneumonia is walking."

Natalia Parshina

if the patient coughs, you can catch the infection itself (not the fact that the child will have pneumonia)


No, it's not... do not listen here some ...)))) it's funny to read the advice of the defendant Yulenka... more delusions have not read ...))))


Look at this:
Good health!

Pneumonia is contagious?

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is most often bacterial in nature. Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease.

The cause of the development of pneumonia can be almost any microorganism. It depends on a number of factors: the age of the patient, the place where he contracted - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital, then in which department, the state of immunity and the health of the body as a whole. Pneumonia is a secondary disease, and it arises as a complication of other diseases.

The main symptoms of pneumonia are an intensifying cough that does not go away for a long time, a cold or flu that is not pass more than a week, worsening of the patient after temporary improvement, the use of paracetamol does not help with high temperature, there is shortness of breath at low temperature, pale skin against the background of cold symptoms, a fit of coughing when trying take a deep breath.

Many people ask themselves: is pneumonia contagious? Until recently, it was believed that pneumonia is not a contagious disease. However, recent data show that pneumonia is contagious.

In 1994, large-scale studies of this disease were carried out in the United States, and it was found that pneumonia ranked fourth among the causes of death. Moreover, 36% of medical personnel working in the pulmonology departments get pneumonia every year. Especially in the last twenty years around the world there have been cases of pneumonia epidemics (the largest in 2002 was in China, Vietnam and Singapore).

Pneumonia is contagious for people with weakened immunity: those who underwent surgery, women after childbirth, people who had catarrhal diseases or the flu, AIDS patients. In addition to the risk of disease, patients can undergo chronic diseases: asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart failure.

Also pneumonia is contagious for the following categories of people: smokers, children under 1 year old, people aged 65 and over, people who abuse alcohol. For all people who are in the risk category of the disease, a vaccination against pneumonia is indicated.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one.

The development of pneumonia can contribute to severe hypothermia, physical and neuropsychic loads.

Inflammation of the lungs is a serious disease that requires compulsory treatment under the supervision of a doctor and a long dispensary observation. After the inflammatory phenomena in the lungs were eliminated, the consequences of pneumonia may appear. Often, people who have had pneumonia, the lungs remain sclerosis, there are spikes, there are areas of the asleep lung. This leads to oxygen starvation, weakens immunity, provokes a decrease in resistance to infections. At an early stage of the disease, intestinal toxicosis may manifest. Inflammation of the lungs can lead to disorders of peripheral circulation and heart failure.

The consequences of pneumonia can be manifested both in the early period of the course of the disease, and against the background of improving the patient's condition.

Complications of pneumonia can be acute respiratory failure, pleurisy, meningitis, abscess, gangrene of the lung, pulmonary edema, endocarditis, sepsis.

Treatment of pneumonia should be done under the supervision of a doctor who can choose the right therapy to restore the normal structure of the affected lungs and their functions. During the exacerbation of the disease, when pneumonia is contagious, treatment should be carried out in a hospital.

As it was said before, pneumonia is a serious and dangerous disease, it is better to consult a doctor at the first symptoms, in order to avoid complications.

Be attentive to your health and take care!

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