Will the diet help with arthrosis of the knee joint?

Excess weight is not just an unaesthetic looking body, it is also a mass of concomitant diseases.

Low physical stress, harmful foods and overeating take away health and cause all the organs of the body to ache.

The first blow from the excess kilograms assumes the musculoskeletal system, the joints of the lower extremities suffer most, especially in the knees.

The person begins to treat the aching joints, not paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the consequences. Drugs in this case are powerless, since they can not take away the fullness.

Only proper nutrition, which leads the body back to normal and relieves inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue, will help get rid of arthrosis of the knee joint.


  • 1Principles of Nutrition for Knee Arthrosis
  • 2Products that are harmful
  • 3Products that benefit
  • 4Menu for patients with joints

Principles of Nutrition for Knee Arthrosis

There is no special diet for the treatment of arthrosis, so in this case it is necessary to adhere to the general principles of healthy nutrition, which provide relief to the patient joints.

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The influence of nutrition on the manifestations of arthrosis is invaluable - if balanced dishes help lose at least 5-6 kilograms, then this a preventive measure reduces the risk of the disease by half, and in the case of already deep joint damage helps to remove pain and restore his work.

Principles of proper nutrition for arthrosis:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the caloric content of all products, establish a daily rate and not exceed it.
  2. Food should be taken in small portions, but often: it is impossible that between meals there are large gaps. Also, nutritionists strictly warn of the danger of rigid diets or "curative as the patients consider, starvation. The organism, not receiving the necessary trace elements, for example, calcium or iron, will react to the deterioration of the condition.
  3. You can not drink various advertised teas with a diuretic or laxative effect, because they do not help losing weight render, but only worsen health - useful substances simply do not have time to be absorbed by the body and are immediately withdrawn together with urine and feces.
  4. Food should be taken leisurely, it is good to chew it and get up from the table at the first signs of saturation.
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Products that are harmful

What foods need to be excluded from their diet or significantly limit the use:

  1. If you want to completely get rid of arthrosis - you have to forget about alcohol. Just one glass of alcohol increases appetite, besides, it also cleanses out calcium, which is not enough.
  2. All kinds of fast food.
  3. Fat meat.
  4. Sausages.
  5. Smoked meat.
  6. Refined vegetable oils.
  7. Carbonated water, including mineral water with a high content of salts.
  8. Baking.
  9. Cream cheese, cheese.
  10. Too strong tea - only slightly brewed; coffee.
  11. Sour fruit or vegetables - lemons or sorrel.
You should choose - health or delicious food, so you have to switch to low-fat food, do not water it with mayonnaise and practically do not salt.

Accordingly, different pickles should also be avoided. If a person knows well what can and can not be eaten with arthrosis of the knee joint, he can properly build his diet and stick to it.

Products that benefit

Proper nutrition, and in particular, a diet for arthrosis of the knee joint, will be effective if you keep it constantly, ideally - all your life.

What substances are needed to maintain in the desired form all organs and systems of the body:

  1. Proteins, which restore the cartilage in the joints. To replenish them in the body you need dairy products that give calcium. The proportion of animal protein is replenished with low-fat meat, vegetable - from beans, buckwheat.
  2. Jelly. Cartilage and bone tissue, from which it is prepared, gives collagen, which preserves the functionality of muscles, bones, joints. Gelatin and jelly with its use are also useful - they have chondroprotectors that build cartilage.
  3. Carbohydratesfor the body - as fuel, they give energy. But you need to use the "right" carbohydrates - simple, derived from sweet, quickly absorbed and give a lot of energy, but some of them go to fat stores. But the complex is processed slowly and spent on the muscles, in the form of fat is not delayed - they are given vegetables, cereals and some fruits.
  4. Fats, necessary for the activation of metabolism, but only certain - unrefined vegetable oil, butter.
  5. Vitamins of group B- dairy products, baked potatoes, bananas, wholemeal bread, legumes, eggs, lean chicken, cabbage.
  6. Vitamin C, helping to produce collagen. Contained in hips, citrus fruits, black currant;
  7. Vitamin D, giving better absorption of calcium. It comes from the liver of fish, eggs.
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Joints will be healthy if the food is built according to the following pattern: good carbohydrates more, less protein, lots of vegetables and not very sweet or sour fruits.

Another thing to be said about calcium and phosphorus is that both the joint and the bone on which it is located will be strong and able to longer and more successfully to resist diseases, if a person will eat foods with increased content.

Products that give calcium:

  • dairy products;
  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • other products (see picture above).

Products that give phosphorus:

  • different types of cheese, except for processed;
  • fish and other seafood

Proper nutrition means a sufficient amount of fluid used. People think that they drink a lot, but if you count it strictly, it turns out that on a day even half the norm does not run.

Tea, coffee, juices, soups do not count, you need to drink ordinary drinking water, at least, liters per day. If there is swelling, then most of the fluid should be drunk in the first half of the day.

Menu for patients with joints

You can not mindlessly squander your health; there will necessarily come a time when a person, feeling the pain in his legs, will remember with anguish that he never thought about the prevention of arthrosis of the knee joint. So time for a healthy diet has already come.

Cruciferous plants (cabbage, radish) contain sulforaphane, which slows down aging processes of bone and cartilaginous tissue. Onions and garlic are rich in disulfide, which also works as a rejuvenating drug.

Means, the dishes from cabbage cooked with an onion and garlic, will help to relieve pains and to slow down aging of joints. Brussels sprouts can be lightly baked in the oven on a baking sheet, with butter, for 15-20 minutes.

Eggs, the benefits of which have already been said, can be prepared in the form of an omelette with vegetables, herbs and cottage cheese. Omelette can be cooked in the usual way, with a little oil, and on a water bath - then it is especially useful, since it will be completely without fat.

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You can also cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes, garlic and onions - the cut vegetables are laid out on a frying pan, lightly sprinkled with oil and poured from above with eggs.

The basic principle, which doctors often say - all products must be subjected to minimal heat treatment.

You can not bake meat to hardness - it does not bring any benefit, all useful substances will be destroyed. Especially it concerns vegetables - vitamins are destroyed during heat treatment, so, if possible, they should be eaten raw or slightly baked.

Different methods of treatment benefit different groups of organs and body systems, and, probably, only a healthy diet and the right diet help the whole body. With arthrosis, the diet will certainly improve the patient's well-being and relieve some complications - the main thing is to remember the advice and follow all the recommendations of the doctors.

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