How to treat otitis in adults: the main symptoms and diagnosis

There are many prerequisites for the development of the disease in adults, as well as in the case of sinusitis.
Even an elementary cold or hypothermia can turn into a serious form of otitis.
In addition, inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear can be affected by the following factors:
- viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- viral diseases of the nasopharynx;
- neglected forms of the common cold;
- adenoids in the nasopharynx arch;
- violation of the rules of ear hygiene.
Depending on the infection of certain departments of the ear, otitis in adults and children is divided into three types:
- External otitis media: most often the cause of its occurrence is the accumulation of water in the ear canal, this form of the disease is often called "swimmer's ear."
- Average otitis media: mainly develops as a complication of the upper respiratory tract, this form is commonly referred to in the everyday life as "otitis."
- Internal otitis media: develops mainly on the background of neglected purulent inflammation, as well as infections.
In order to determine how to treat otitis in adults, it is necessary first to study the clinical picture, compare it with the characteristic symptoms of the disease, and also carry out a diagnosis.
The main symptoms of otitis in an adult are:
- feeling of stuffiness and noise in the ears;
- acute or aching pain in the ears;
- a sharp increase in temperature;
- partial hearing loss;
- headache;
- general weakness and malaise;
- lack of appetite;
- sleep disturbance;
- purulent discharge, possibly with an admixture of blood from the auditory canal.
It is important to know
Even the presence of the above symptoms does not give the right to engage in self-treatment, for the full diagnosis of the disease is necessary in urgent the order will seek help from an otolaryngologist who, with the help of special ENT equipment, will establish a definitive diagnosis and prescribe a course treatment.
For the diagnosis of otitis, the doctor usually uses an overhead reflector in tandem with an ear funnel or a modern optical device called an otoscope. In most cases, the examination of the ear does not cause any difficulties, in the first place the eardrum, ear canal and auricle are subject to examination.
Thus, in the diagnosis of external otitis, redness of the skin in the ear, narrowing of the auditory passage, and the possible presence of fluid in the lumen is observed. In this case, the auditory canal can be narrowed so much that through it it is simply impossible to examine the eardrum.
On average, any inflammatory process in the ear (otitis) lasts up to two weeks, during this time In no case should the treatment process be stopped, even if a significant improvement. Otherwise, serious complications and the formation of chronic forms may occur.
How many otitis media are treated in adults with basic medication

One of the main means for treating the disease are ear drops in otitis.
They can be exclusively antibacterial or combined and consist of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory components. The course of treatment with such drops is 5-7 days, depending on the clinic of the disease.
Antibiotics are often used in the treatment of otitis media in adults, especially acute and purulent forms. The course of their treatment is 7-10 days, depending on the drug and the degree of complexity of the disease. In this case, treatment of otitis in adults and children at home by folk remedies is undesirable.
It is important to know
Take antibiotics should be exclusively after the appointment of a doctor strictly according to the scheme of the entire course. Even if after a few days of taking the symptoms of the disease significantly reduced or even disappear some of them, to stop treatment of purulent otitis with antibiotics to adults and children is prohibited in order to avoid complications and repeated exacerbation disease.

Such treatment should be carried out necessarily under the supervision of the attending physician, not to cause allergic reactions and side effects.
Anesthesia therapy for otitis symptoms does not have a definite course of action and is used whenever necessary in each case.
In some cases, otitis media of the middle ear requires little surgical intervention. This procedure is called paracentesis or tympanotomy of the tympanic membrane. Usually it is performed when there is no improvement after antibiotic therapy during the first three days. The essence of it is to perform under the influence of local anesthesia in the tympanic membrane of a small incision, through which the pus accumulated in the ear can freely flow. After the cessation of discharge, the incision successfully heals and traces completely.
If there is no temperature in the otitis and there is no purulent discharge, often doctors recommend using dry heat - this can be folk methods of warming up at home or physical therapy.
Proceeding from the above-described factors, it becomes absolutely clear that it is impossible to give an unambiguous and precise answer to the question of how long otitis in adults lasts and how many days it is necessary to treat it.
The process of treatment and recovery depends on many factors, from the form of the disease, its clinical picture, ending with properly appointed therapy, created conditions for the patient, not to mention the individuality of each individual human organism. One thing is obvious - the duration of the disease can be significantly reduced with timely treatment to the otolaryngologist and strict observance of all his prescriptions.
Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development
- Otitis in children
- Otitis in adults
- Treatment

Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.
The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.
Few people know, but even a common runny nose in neglected form can become the beginning not only of maxillary sinusitis, but also of otitis media.
Let us consider in more detail what otitis media are and what types of this disease are encountered.
The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:
- external ear;
- middle ear;
- inner ear.
Depending on the specific part of the body the inflammatory process is taking place, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis:
- outer;
- average;
- interior.
Ear canitis: symptoms of the disease in children

Also, the symptoms of otitis media (also called inflammation of the middle ear) are observed in children with reduced immunity or due to complications of viral, colds, flu.
As already noted above, the disease is divided into three types. For each type of otitis, adults and children have their own symptoms and signs.
Whenexternal otitis media, the causes of which are often violations of the rules of personal hygiene of the child, microtrauma of the shell of the ear, internal boils, observed:
- elevated body temperature (up to 39 ° C);
- chills;
- the child's refusal to eat;
- capriciousness and irritability;
- poor sleep;
- unreasonable crying;
- puffiness and redness of the auricle;
- the appearance of small bubbles on the skin around the ear;
- pain in ear is constant or when touching;
- an increase in parotid lymph nodes.
Amoxicillin Otipax Ceftriaxone Azithromycin Dioxydin Protargol Polidexa Dimexide Levomecol Flemoxin Solutab Sumamed Otofa Miramistin OtipaxWhenaverage otitis, which most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as in children with low immunity, the following symptomatic pattern is observed:
- earache;
- continuous crying;
- lack of sleep;
- the child's desire to rub or scratch his ear (rub on the pillow);
- refusal of food;
- painful reaction when pressing on the tragus (outer cartilage of the auricle);
- elevated temperature;
- lethargy;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- purulent discharge from the ear, possibly with an admixture of blood (with a purulent form of acute otitis media).
Wheninternal otitis, manifested much less frequently than the two previous forms, but it is much more dangerous than them as a result complications of otitis media or against the background of a general serious infectious disease are characterized by the following symptoms:
- elevated temperature;
- noise in ears;
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- loss of balance;
- hearing loss.
Diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease will be helped by the characteristic symptoms of otitis of the ear, but this does not give the right to self-medicate. At the first manifestations of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, based on a real clinical picture, will prescribe the right treatment.
Symptoms of a cold in the ear in adults
Unlike children, otic otitis, the symptoms of which are known to many of us since childhood, in adulthood happen much less often and is mainly the result of hypothermia, violations of personal hygiene and complications after a viral cold diseases.
Species of otitis
Middle ear External Sharp Bilateral Allergic Outward diffuse Perforating Inside Child EustachyteIt is much easier to diagnose an individual's disease in an adult than a child in the first place, because he can describe in detail the whole picture, including the power of pain in the ears. This will help determine the severity of the disease.
However, only the doctor can make a final verdict and prescribe the appropriate treatment for otitis media of the middle ear, after having undergone proper examination with the help of special ENT instruments.
Characterize the adult otitis as a cold of the ear, its symptoms are similar to children's:
- congestion of the ears and hearing loss;
- acute or aching pain in the ears;
- elevated temperature (not mandatory);
- headaches and dizziness;
- pains that give to the neck, teeth, whiskey, forehead;
- weakness and general malaise;
- nausea and vomiting.
In order to avoid the occurrence of such diseases of the ear, proper preventive maintenance should be carried out, and then the pain in the ears will not bother you or your children.
How and how to treat otitis media - doctor's prescriptions and recipes of folk medicine
How to treat an otitis of an ear the doctor the otolaryngologist defines, having established a kind and a degree of disease.
Treatment of otitis media
Treatment of otitis externa Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear Treatment of purulent otitis Ear drops Ear pills Antibiotics Ear wax Ear candles In adults In children In pregnant womenIn any case, first of all, drug therapy is aimed at the destruction of bacteria that contribute to the development of otitis media. It is done with the help of antibiotics, and selected such drugs that can not only to eliminate the bacterial damage of the body, but also easily penetrate into the ear drum cavity to the hearth disease.
The most commonly used antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media- Tsifran, Flemoklav, Solyutab.

However, there are a number of other similar drugs of a new generation that can easily cope with infections.
In addition, such drops often include anesthesia, which helps to significantly reduce and eliminate pain.
Some of the best ear drops from otitis are Sophradex, Otipax, Otinum, Garazon.
In combination with ear drops in otitis, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (Naphthyzine, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin and etc.), thanks to which it is possible to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.
In addition to drops in the nose in the complex can be appointed and antihistamines (antiallergic) funds, pursuing the same goal - removing the edema of the mucosa. These can be tablets of Suprastin, Diazolinum, Loratadina, etc.
If there is an increased body temperature, which often causes otitis media, mandatory prescribed antipyretic drugs, which are also able to partially relieve or reduce pain in the ears. The most safe and effective remedy for temperature is Paracetamol.
All of the above drugs used to treat otitis media can not be regarded as a guide to action. The question, than to treat an ear otitis independently, should not stand at all. Treatment of this disease, like most other things, can only take place under the guidance of a qualified doctor.
With a timely visit to the otolaryngologist and the exact observance of all prescriptions, the ear otitis passes quickly enough without leaving any consequences.
How to treat otitis with folk remedies
In addition to drug therapy, there are many ways of alternative treatment of otitis media. I must say that such methods are acceptable for use and are mostly of an auxiliary nature. However, it should not be forgotten that people's prescriptions can be used only after consulting a doctor and in no case should they self-medicate to avoid complications and irreversible consequences.
Folk remedies
Treatment with folk remedies Home treatment Camphor alcohol Geranium Hydrogen peroxide Tincture of propolis Tincture Calendula Furacil Alcohol Washing the Ear Aloe Boric Acid Warming Up the Compress on the Ear Blowing the Hearing PipesDepending on the form and degree of the disease, otitis symptoms are accompanied by different symptoms, on the basis of which various recipes of folk medicine are applied.
Recipe number 1.For example, to reduce tinnitus and prevent the development of otitis, it is recommended to chew buds of fragrant cloves or cook on based on the broth, observing the proportions of 15 grams of cloves 100 grams of hot water and take it on a teaspoon 2-3 times throughout day.
Recipe number 2.With hearing loss after otitis, it is recommended to brew and drink tea from rose petals (red) for two weeks, which will help restore hearing in a short time.
Recipe number 3.To cure otitis externa, one should take the root of elecampane, incinerate it on fire, and then grind it in a coffee grinder and mix it with a small amount of lamb fat. Lubricate the prepared earwax with otitis shell to complete recovery.
Recipe number 4.To reduce the symptoms of acute otitis will help tincture of nightshade sweet and bitter. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped grass and pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist for a week, then inject into your ear soaked in a means of cotton turuns 2-3 times a day.
You can also cook the infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour and apply as in the case of tincture, in the form of embedded turundas.
Recipe number 5.To reduce severe pain in the ears with otitis will help glycerin with alcohol. It is necessary to combine the two ingredients in equal proportions (:), moisten the turunda in this mixture and lay it in the diseased ear.
The recipe number 6.When asked how and how to treat ear inflammation, many will give an unambiguous answer - dry heat.
This is really an effective method for acute otitis, which is widely used in medicine (blue lamp, UHF).
It can also be used in the home if the ear is inflamed. To do this, take ordinary table salt, heat it in a clean dry frying pan and fill it in a linen bag.
Through an additional folded in several times the tissue, the patient's ear should be heated for 30 minutes.
It is important to know
You can not heat your ears with the help of dry heat at an elevated body temperature and purulent secretions from the auricles.
Ear Otitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. How to treat otitis with folk remedies
Otitis is a disease that occurs because of the development of the inflammatory process in various parts of the hearing organ. Most often this illness manifests itself with pain and intoxication syndrome, fever, and in some cases even hearing impairment is observed.

Why there is an external otitis
Often the otitis of the external ear is accompanied by lesions of the middle and outer parts of the organ. An external disease can develop as a result of an infection that penetrates tissues through minor scratches that occur when the outer shell is damaged. The cause of this can be thermal, chemical burns, mechanical injuries and so on. In this case, the main causative agents of the disease are staphylococci and streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and so on. Also, external ear otitis most often occurs in people who suffer from metabolic disorders in the body, hypervitaminosis, gout and diabetes.
It should be noted that this ailment begins with an inflammatory process, which initially captures only the surface layer of shells. Gradually, the otitis is transferred to the surrounding tissues. Often, the disease spreads to the eardrums.
Causes of otitis media
As for otitis media, it develops mainly due to infections of the nasopharynx. In this situation, the causative agent of the disease penetrates into the middle ear cavity through the auditory tube. In this case, the agents of ARVI will cause otitis media. Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. What provokes such a disease? Often the middle ear otitis occurs with parainfluenza, influenza, rhino- and adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial disease and others. Also, this ailment develops in diseases caused by such bacteria as hemophilic rod, moraxella, streptococcus pyogenic, pneumococcus.

Most often there is an average otitis of the ears in children, since the auditory tube is short and wide. It is worth noting that the infection can penetrate and outside with a barotrauma of eardrums or mechanical damages. Also, this infectious disease is promoted by such infectious chronic diseases as adenoids, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
In the beginning, the otitis media of the middle ear occurs as an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the organ. At the same time, active fluid production takes place. In viral diseases, exudate is serous. If the process is caused by various bacteria, then purulent otitis of the ear may begin with the corresponding secretions. Often, the accumulated fluid causes protrusion of the tympanic membrane. In extreme cases, it breaks. This is what is the main cause of hearing loss in the middle ear otitis.
Main symptoms and signs of external otitis media
With this disease the patient suffers from severe pain in the area of the auricle or inside the organ. Often patients complain of itching of the skin. At the same time, from the external part of the auditory organ there is separation of putrefactive secretions, which have a rather unpleasant odor. With the development of external otitis often there is an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators.
Main symptoms and signs of development of otitis media
Begins otitis media of the middle ear acutely. In this case, strong painful sensations of the shooting or pulsating character are manifested. This disease causes a rise in body temperature, usually up to 38 ° C and above. There are also symptoms such as intoxication, manifested by muscle pain, loss of appetite, headache, weakness. Often, when otitis media appear signs that correspond to acute respiratory infections, such as coughing, swelling in the throat, runny nose. In this case, the patient is greatly concerned about the decrease in hearing, noise and stuffiness in the ears.

In newborns, the otitis media of the middle ear appears slightly differently. The child is constantly naughty and worried. In this case, the baby is not able to suck. A few days later the perforation of the eardrums takes place. As a result, the pain sensations decrease. From the ear canal, fluid gradually begins to flow out. It can be in the form of pus or transparent. Over time, the number of excretions decreases, as the eardrum begins to scar, and pain sensations decrease. With proper treatment, the ear otitis in the child disappears, and the hearing organ is fully restored.
Complications of otitis
If you do not engage in timely treatment of the disease or treat it incorrectly, the following complications may occur: thrombosis of venous sinuses, and in rare cases even sepsis, abscess and meningitis, labyrinthitis and purulent mastoiditis, impaired hearing functions and even deafness, cohesive otitis media of the middle ear, chronic inflammation, persistent perforation of the drum webbeds.
Diagnosis of the disease
To diagnose "an otitis of an ear" the expert of a narrow profile can only. Diagnosis of the same disease is based on otorhinolaryngological and clinical examination of the patient. With the instrumental method of identifying the disease, otoscopy is usually used, which allows to examine the drum membranes and an external auditory canal with the help of an otoscope, as well as omicroscopy, carried out with the help of surgical optics. Often used audiometry, determining the severity of hearing, and tympanometry, which is a study of the mobility of tympanum membranes.

In order to exclude the development of complications of this disease, the doctor can apply a computer tomography of the skull bone structures, as well as brain research using radiography.
Often, to produce the correct diagnosis and to distinguish purulent and viral otitis media, a puncture of the tympanic membrane is done. This allows you to extract a certain amount of accumulated liquid for its further investigation. In this case, even bacteriological culture can be made, which allows to determine what is the causative agent of the infection. After all, before treating the otitis of the ear, it is necessary to know the cause of its occurrence.
Treatment of otitis media
So, otitis ears - how to treat this disease? Most often, his therapy is conservative and is performed on an outpatient basis with an easy flow in the otorhinolaryngologist. Mandatory patients are hospitalized, who have severe otitis media in their ears. Treatment of such a disease under the supervision of a doctor allows you to avoid complications. Children with otitis media of any degree are also in need of hospitalization. At the same time, the definition of tactics of combating the disease and its direct treatment is carried out only after a thorough examination of the patient by the doctor.
Usually, the patient is prescribed antibiotics if he has a bacterial otitis of the ear. Treatment in this case is carried out by such drugs as "Ceftriaxone" Cefotaxime "Cefuroxime" Clavulanate "Amoxicillin and also by means of" Midekamycin "Azithromycin" Clarithromycin ". If the patient suffers from purulent otitis, then his therapy uses respiratory fluoroquinolone, for example, the drug "Moxifloxacin" or "Levofloxacin". For the treatment of external diseases apply special drops in the ears with otitis. For example, it can be means of "Polidex" or "Otofa".

To reduce pain and other manifestations of the disease, drops are used in the ears in otitis, which are used in complex therapy: Otopix and Otisol. Many specialists prescribe washing with solutions of antiseptics of auditory canals. However, this method is effective only in otitis externa. In order to overcome the inflammatory process, the doctor can prescribe for the intake of antipyretics - ibuprofen and aspirin. These medications have moderate analgesic properties.
As for warming up and physiotherapy, these methods of treatment are allowed only after consulting with specialists. In most cases, everything depends on the degree of the disease.
Bee products for otitis treatment
To cure otitis media, you can prepare drops based on honey. For this, it is necessary to dilute this product in warm water, observing the proportions one to one. Several drops of solution are added to the patient's ear.
Supplement this therapy can be tincture of propolis 20%. This means is impregnated with a tampon made of gauze, which is injected into the diseased ear. The course of such therapy is two to three weeks.
10% tincture of propolis can be used to instill ears. To do this, you need to tilt your head to your shoulder and drop just a few drops into your ear canal. So the remedy will penetrate into the middle ear. The head should be held in this position for several minutes.
Tincture of mint at otitis
So, than to treat otitis in the home? Of course, herbs. An excellent remedy for this disease is tincture of mint. For its preparation, several spoons of dried mint should be poured with about a glass of ordinary vodka. The drug should stand for several days in a closed container. In the finished product, pieces of gauze are moistened and injected into the ear. This tincture can quickly eliminate otitis media. Treatment can be supplemented with medicines with the permission of the attending physician.
Herbal tincture
This is another tincture, which is considered to be quite effective in otitis. To make it, you need to take a few spoons of dried herbs and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. The drug is injected seven days in total darkness. Gauze turundas are wetted in the finished tincture, and then they are put in ears.
The same method prepares tinctures of calendula and St. John's wort. These funds can eliminate the main symptoms, ease the patient's condition and eliminate otitis media.

Teas and tinctures against otitis of the ears
Improve the overall condition of the patient allows a variety of teas made from plants. Healing qualities are possessed by a drink prepared from the petals of a red rose, black currant berries, dog rose and raspberry roots.
To wash the ear can be used infusion of leaves of the noble laurel. To make it, take a few spoons of pre-crushed leaves. This amount of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for several hours. The present leaves are filtered, and the infusion is used to treat otitis. Before use, it should be heated to be slightly warm. With purulent otitis, the infusion of leaves of the laurel is buried right in the ear.
Medicine from vegetables
Against purulent otitis can be used ordinary garlic. For this, the cleared tooth is inserted into the ear. A good drug for otitis ear is the onion, the gruel of which is laid out on a piece of gauze. The received compress is put in a sick ear. Red beet has the necessary properties. The vegetable is rubbed on a grater and transferred to an enameled container. To the resulting gruel is added a glass of water and a dessert spoon of honey. Capacity is put on a small fire, and its contents are brought to a boil. Keep the broth on fire for another 15 minutes. The finished mass is cooled and used as compresses, wrapped in a piece of gauze. Polyethylene film and cotton wool are placed on top. It is fixed with a warm scarf for several hours. Follow the procedure should be several times a day.
When otitis external or middle ear, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice. A neglected disease without timely treatment entails severe consequences. Before treating the otitis of the ear, you need to undergo a complete examination. It is not necessary to engage in the therapy of folk remedies on your own, as an incorrectly selected medication can only lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.
Than to treat an external otitis in house conditions

The essence of the disease is inflammation of the skin of the external ear and auditory canal, which can be caused by bacteria or fungi, less often by viruses. Outer otitis occurs in people of different ages, but most often the disease develops in children. Treatment of external otitis media at home, with the help of drugs selected and prescribed by a doctor in most of the time, is a very effective exercise and allows you to quickly get rid of ailment. How to treat external ear otitis and avoid complications?
Medicines for the treatment of external otitis media in the home
What can I do to treat external otitis, what drugs will be needed for this? Treatment of the disease is carried out using modern anti-inflammatory drugs based on steroids, as well as antibiotics. Preparations are issued in several dosage forms. It can be ointment when otitis external ear or drops, depending on the extent and location of the inflammation focus.
Among the medications frequently used for external otitis media are "Sofradex" and "Garazon which can be prescribed only by a doctor.
In addition to taking antibiotics for external otitis in adults in children, treatment involves the carrying out of hygienic procedures according to a special scheme. They help to cleanse the skin and accelerate recovery.
It is important to understand that when using cotton buds incorrectly, earwax is rammed and corks are formed that injure the skin in the ear.
Treatment of external ear otitis by antibiotics
Antibiotics for external otitis are used to kill the foci of infection and gradually reduce pain, since most ear drops also contain painkillers. In this case, their use will be more effective, since after suppression of microbial activity by an antibiotic, the steroid reduces the inflammatory process and the pain decreases and then disappears.
What exactly is the treatment of otitis externa, and according to which scheme to take the drug can only be determined by a doctor. In the event that the antibiotic is selected incorrectly, serious complications may occur. Sometimes, when using antibiotics, there are side effects in the form of partial or complete hearing loss, as well as a decrease in overall performance and worsening of well-being.
Treatment of external otitis with antibiotics should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician with a regular evaluation in the absence of improvements in time to replace the drug and prevent the transition of the disease in chronic form.
The recommended ways to treat external otitis media, which can quickly and effectively cope with the disease, are:
- passing the full course of antibiotics, the type and dose of which is prescribed by the doctor;
- use of warm compresses;
- treatment of rhinitis;
- reception of vitamin complexes, which increase the body's defenses.
How to treat external ear otitis in folk ways
The first and most important stage of treatment, of course, is radical therapy with the use of antibiotics and hormonal topical agents. Further, to accelerate the recovery process, you can use folk methods to combat this ailment in addition to drug therapy.
The effectiveness of otitis treatment is enhanced by the use of such medicinal plants as:
- flowers of calendula;
- yarrow herb;
- buds of pine;
- leaves of eucalyptus and plantain;
- liquorice root.
All these ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and brewed with hot water (for each tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is required, a liter of water). The resulting composition is infused under a closed lid for 30 minutes, then filtered and taken inside at 100-150 ml before meals 3-4 times a day. The remaining cake can be used for a warm compress on the sore ear.
Ointments for the treatment of external otitis media: tetracycline and Levomecol

Also often used tetracycline ointment with external otitis, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The active substance of the drug inhibits the synthesis of protein bacteria and promotes the speedy recovery and healing of inflamed skin.
Ointment for the treatment of external otitis should be applied with a sterile cotton swab, gently laying it on the affected area. For each procedure it is necessary to take a new cotton "tool". How many times to apply ointment, and in what quantities determines the attending physician based on the severity of lesions.
Risk factors for external otitis media
In order not to provoke the development of this disease, it is necessary to exclude all risk factors and provide your body with adequate protection.
The main risk factors for the development of external otitis media are:
- The presence of minor erosion on the skin of the auditory canals, resulting from improper hygiene of the ears;
- Sulfuric plugs, traumatizing the skin of auditory courses;
- Narrow passageways and the presence of otitis media of chronic course;
- Diseases, accompanied by a decrease in body immunity (HIV, diabetes).
In addition, frequent ingress of water into the auricle due to swimming in open water can cause outdoor otitis, therefore, after such water procedures it is recommended for the prevention of burying ears with antibacterial ear drops.