Neuralgia of the heart


  • 1Neuralgia in the heart: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1General information
    • 1.2Causes of development
    • 1.3Other factors
    • 1.4Clinical picture
    • 1.5Features of the clinical picture
    • 1.6Other manifestations
    • 1.7Difference from cardiovascular pathologies
    • 1.8Neuralgia in the heart: treatment
  • 2Intercostal neuralgia in the heart, symptoms and treatment, how to distinguish
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Difference from heart disease
    • 2.4Types of diseases
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6How to eliminate the disease
    • 2.7Use of medicines
    • 2.8Use of traditional medicine
    • 2.9Prevention
  • 3How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia: symptoms and diagnosis
    • 3.1Distinguishing signs of intercostal neuralgia and heart diseases
    • 3.2Distinctive features of pain in neuralgia
    • 3.3Distinctive features of pain in heart diseases
    • 3.4General information about pain in the heart and neuralgia
    • 3.5Symptoms of heart disease
    • 3.6Diagnostics
  • 4How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia
    • 4.1Manifestations of pain caused by cardiac ailments
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Manifestations of neuralgia
    • 4.3Other problems masquerading as heart diseases
    • 4.4Early care for cardialgia of different origin
  • 5How neuralgia manifests itself in the region of the heart
    • 5.1The causes of pain and their nature
  • 6Neuralgia of the heart: signs

Neuralgia in the heart: symptoms and treatment

Intercostal neuralgia is a very painful and unpleasant condition. It is caused by irritation of nerve fibers or by squeezing them.

Neuralgia in the heart, the symptoms of which are most often detected in patients of the older generation, is associated with age-related changes in the condition of their vessels. In children, pathology is relatively rare.

Next, let us examine in more detail what neuralgia is in the heart region. Symptoms and treatment will also be described in the article.

General information

Pathology often accompanies pain in the heart. Neuralgia is a syndrome that appears reflexively.

This condition, as was said above, is the result of action on the nerve endings. Often the pathology develops against the background of osteochondrosis in the advanced stage.

This is due to squeezing the roots of the intercostal nerves, which produce intervertebral hernias.

Causes of development

Neuralgia in the heart can appear due to various pathologies.

In particular, they include spondylitis, hormonal spondylopathy, progressive kyphosis, Bekhterev's disease, and neoplasms localized in the spine.

An attack can provoke hypothermia, a cold, infection or poisoning, trauma or psychological stress.

In addition to the above, the factors that increase the likelihood of the appearance of the disease include strong physical exertion, which a person undergoes without the preliminary necessary heating or with unaccustomed. Among the main reasons that can cause intercostal neuralgia in the heart, called infection, cooling, overexertion and intoxication.

Other factors

Quite often in clinical practice, neuralgia in the heart region develops as a result of herpetic lesion. Often the pathology acts as a specific response to irritation, which is directed to the nerve trunks.

This, in turn, is the result of the course of pathological processes in the region of neighboring organs and tissues. To such conditions, in particular, can include diseases of the spine and ribs, pleurisy, deformation of the chest and others.

The generalized intoxication variant also corresponds to such a reason as the use of a number of drugs. Against the backdrop of such drug therapy, there is a pinched nerves.

With prolonged use of certain drugs, complications often occur, which are caused by the disintegration of the components of drugs in the patient's body.

In general, specialists note that staying in conditions of high content of toxic compounds, inhalation of metal salts contribute to accelerate the defeat of the nervous system, the concomitant syndrome of which is often neuralgia in the area heart.

Clinical picture

Signs of neuralgia in the heart are not so difficult to distinguish from other pathologies. Manifestations are neuropathic in nature. The main sign of neuralgia is pain in the heart.

This manifestation is due to those or other pathologies associated with the nervous system and its components, as well as actual damage to them. Despite the neuropathic nature, the pain can be expressed in different ways.

For example, it can be stinging, dull, aching, or sharp. In this case, some patients can complain about episodic manifestation, while others - to its constant presence. With an increase in motor activity, the intensity of pain increases.

This can occur with a sharp turn of the body, sneezing, loud conversation.

Features of the clinical picture

Soreness can appear when you feel some parts of the body. To them, in particular, include the area of ​​the spine, thorax. There may be discomfort when feeling the intercostal area.

It should be noted that this manifestation, regardless of its location, can not be permanent. This is due to the fact that the necrosis of the nerve root occurs with time. This brings, undoubtedly, comfort to the patient.

However, this fact does not relieve the pathology.

Other manifestations

In addition to the above, neuralgia in the heart can be accompanied by a sufficiently tangible muscle contraction or twitching. Some patients experience increased sweating, probably a discoloration of the skin - it can either turn pale or blush.

It is also often noted tingling of the skin or numbness in some areas. Pain is characterized by patients as "shingles". This is due to its development along the intervals of the bone elements of the sternum. There are also external signs of neuralgia in the heart.

So, for example, some patients can stay in the so-called antalgic pose. It looks like this: the body is bent towards the healthy side. So the patient stretches the intercostal spaces.


This helps reduce pressure and reduce irritation of nerve endings. As a result, this manipulation reduces soreness. In this tactic, an additional role belongs to psychological fear. It is associated with waiting for an attack of pain.


As a consequence, the patient seeks to stay in this position for as long as possible.

Difference from cardiovascular pathologies

Here a special role belongs to determining the nature of pain. It is a careful analysis of the patient's condition that helps to identify its cause.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that soreness is the main manifestation of both neuralgia and cardiovascular pathologies, its nature is different in different cases. So, in the first case the state differs in duration.

Pain in most cases is constant, continuing for a relatively long time. Accordingly, it can not be eliminated using traditional means, such as, for example, "Nitroglycerin".

If we talk about any cardiovascular disease, the pain is most often short-term and intermittent. When you take the same "Nitroglycerin it is usually suppressed.

In addition, pain in cardiovascular pathologies is not enhanced during the movement of the trunk. Along with this, there is a change in pressure and rhythm. Neuralgia in the heart, the treatment of which will be described below, is not accompanied by these manifestations. Pulse and pressure remain normal.

Neuralgia in the heart: treatment

Therapeutic measures should be aimed primarily at eliminating the main manifestation. From pain can be got rid of when the effect, its provoking, is completely eliminated.

If there is a displacement of these or those elements of the spine, a specialist can appoint procedures that facilitate their placement in place. This, in particular, massage and physiotherapy. In some cases, the doctor may appoint a visit to the chiropractor.


All manipulations should be carried out by a qualified doctor. Otherwise, there is a high risk of serious complications, even disability. As an additional measure, osteopathy is used.


In the course of procedures, the position of each irregularly distributed segment of the spine is restored. This contributes to the speedy normalization of blood and lymph flow, which favorably affects the state of nerve endings, muscle fibers and the body as a whole.

With neuralgia, reflexology is also recommended. To it can be added therapeutic physical training with a specially developed complex of exercises.

As an auxiliary means, various kinds of external (local) medicines can be used in the form of ointments, gels with analgesic effect (Diclofenac, Capsicum, etc.). In especially severe cases, the doctor may prescribe analgesics (Ketorolac, Lornoxicam, etc.) orally (orally).

A source: http://.ru/article/163921/nevralgiya-v-oblasti-serdtsa-simptomyi-i-lechenie

Intercostal neuralgia in the heart, symptoms and treatment, how to distinguish

Neuralgia in the heart is a dangerous disease that can manifest as discomfort in the chest.

At first it is difficult to establish the localization of pain, and therefore there is fear. Some may confuse the disease with cardiac ailments that have similar symptoms.

The doctor will make a diagnosis on the basis of the examination and choose the appropriate treatment option.

With intercostal neuralgia, irritation or compression of the nerve endings occurs. Symptoms cause fear in people, as well as an opinion about the presence of a serious disease.

But if you turn to a specialist in time, then no complications are terrible. The disease does not develop independently, but is formed against the background of other disorders.

With the help of diagnostics it will be possible to determine the source of the disease, and also to prevent its progression.


With intercostal neuralgia in the heart, symptoms and treatment can be different. But first the doctor determines why the disease appeared? The main reasons include changes in the nervous system. The provoking factors are:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • gastric and intestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • presence of tumors;
  • strong muscle tension;
  • stress;
  • osteochondrosis.

Predisposing factors include weak immunity, heart and vascular disease, alcohol, spine trauma, hormonal disorders. Due to the presence of these causes, there is a manifestation of neuralgia in the heart. Many impulses come to the nerve endings, which causes pain.


With neuralgia in the heart, the symptoms are as follows:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • muscle tension;
  • suppression of sensitivity of certain areas.

The patient may have a neuralgic kind of pain. To treat it it is necessary by the means appointed by the doctor and procedures.

Neuralgia of the heart sometimes has such symptoms as severe sweating, pressure drops, low back pain. Such symptoms should not be tolerated, you need to see a doctor.

Timely treatment will prevent complications, which usually worsen the work of many other bodies.

Difference from heart disease

Often, neurology is confused with heart disease. To understand the differences, you should know the symptoms of each disease.

In fact, these ailments are different, why the treatment options depend.

How is heart pain different from neuralgia? Usually this is determined by the nature of the discomfort, and also for reasons.

Pain is a symptom that is observed in both diseases, but nevertheless it manifests itself.

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With intercostal neuralgia, it is constantly present, for a long time.

Therefore, to eliminate such discomfort, traditional means will be powerless. Pain becomes stronger during movement.


How to distinguish between intercostal neuralgia from heart pain? If the heart hurts or there is some disease, the discomfort is short-term, periodic.


To eliminate it, classical drugs are used, for example, nitroglycerin. The pain does not increase with the movement of the body. Usually, heart rate irregularities occur, as well as changes in pressure.

By these signs it is clear how to distinguish neuralgia from heart diseases.

Types of diseases

Cardiac neuralgia is classified by sex. Men usually have pain at the bottom of the ribs, and women - in the heart. Children almost do not suffer with such ailment.

The disease is often found in pregnant women, which makes the period of bearing a child more difficult. This is due to pain, which causes discomfort.


How to understand that treatment is required? If you feel pain, then you need to call an ambulance, thereby increasing the chances of improving the condition. Diagnosis helps diagnose the diagnosis:

  • ECG - a classical examination, through which the activity of the heart is established;
  • Analysis of blood for enzymes - is performed to identify a possible heart attack;
  • Scintigraphy - allows you to determine the cause of the disease;
  • Angiography is necessary for examining the arteries and detecting blockages;
  • Echocardiography - the procedure is necessary to identify the work of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the heart - determines the cause of pain;
  • MRI - defects in the heart are detected.

Procedures allow you to determine what hurts. Depending on this, a treatment option is chosen. It is important to identify what it is - pain in the heart or neuralgia.

How to eliminate the disease

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia is performed by neurologists, but sometimes by neurosurgeons. The main task of specialists is to eliminate the underlying ailment, which led to inflammation of the nerve.

The following effective measures should be taken during acute pain:

  • bed rest is important, only the bed should be flat and firm;
  • excellent warmth of the chest with a woolen shawl, compress;
  • can use mustard plasters;
  • helps massage with warming ointments, pepper plaster;
  • taking sedatives: valerian, motherwort;
  • with exacerbation it is necessary to exclude physical activity, stress, alcohol.

With severe pain, if analgesics do not help, a novocain blockade is used. The following procedures can be prescribed by the doctor:

  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • osteopathy;
  • laser therapy;
  • reception of vitamin B.

As rehabilitation, paraffin and ozocerite applications are used, mud therapy, massages, baths with radon or hydrogen sulphide, exercise therapy, swimming, and massages. With such procedures a person will not be sick. If found in the place of the spine, then surgical treatment is required.

Use of medicines

The drugs are used to eliminate pain and inflammation. Anesthetics are nonsteroidal agents: Diclofenac, Ketaprofen, Indomethacin. They are prescribed in tablets, ointments, and injections. Diclac gel, Indomethacin ointment, Emulgel is popular.

An anesthetic effect is lidocaine, which is used intramuscularly. These funds act instantly, but their action quickly ends. Increase the circulation of oxygen Trental and Ptoksifillin.

Improve the metabolism of neuroprotectors, for example, Mexidol. Doctors treat neuralgia with antibiotics, enzymes that restore digestion. Also used drugs that improve immunity.

Use of traditional medicine

Methods of traditional medicine can not replace drugs, but are well used to complement treatment. The presented prescriptions should be checked for allergy:

  • juice from black radish is used as a compress;
  • chamomile (4 tbsp. l.) is poured with boiling water (, liter): after boiling, the broth can be drunk;
  • salt (2 tbsp. l.) must be filled with water (, liter): the agent is used for compresses;
  • Flax seeds should be poured with boiling water, and then it can be used as a compress;
  • Fresh burdock should be applied to the diseased areas, insulating them;
  • birch buds should be poured with vodka (, liter): the remedy is used to rub the diseased areas;
  • You need to apply a napkin with a tincture of valerian to the painful area.

Each means effectively affects the state of health. Medicinal herbs do not harm the body.


There are measures that allow performing intercostal neuralgia prophylaxis. They are necessary to protect against complications. It is important to observe the following activities:

  • you need to control your posture;
  • The circulation of blood in the body and physical activity are provided by sports;
  • you should not wear weight;
  • Do not allow the effects of temperature changes, drafts, hypothermia;
  • requires proper nutrition, which includes vitamins necessary for the body.

Treatment should be performed under the supervision of a physician who will choose the appropriate treatment option, prescribe medications, and provide recommendations. Carrying out the necessary measures will improve a person's condition.

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How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia: symptoms and diagnosis

Patients often ask for help from a doctor with complaints of pain in the chest. Such symptoms are inherent in many diseases, but most likely, they are caused by problems with the heart or neuralgia.

How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia? To find out, first you need to understand: what is neuralgia and what areas of the body are affected by this disease.

It should be determined which symptoms are related to heart disease, and what to neuralgia, and what are the main differences between these two types of diseases.

Distinguishing signs of intercostal neuralgia and heart diseases

Define the symptoms, conduct treatment for neuralgia in the heart is almost impossible without consulting a doctor and examination.

If you examine in more detail all the signs, you can understand in which cases it is necessary to immediately call a specialist.

Distinctive features of pain in neuralgia

Neuralgic pain may occur after unaccustomed activity, trauma, transferred shingles, uncomfortable position during sleep, hypothermia, or with deficiency of B vitamins. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the pain begins gradually;
  • can have a sharp or piercing start;
  • with irritation of the skin area or palpation, there is a sharp pain reaction;
  • covers a limited area of ​​the chest;
  • extends along the rib along the path of the nerve.

Distinctive features of pain in heart diseases

  • begin after physical exertion or emotional stress;
  • appear gradually and intensify;
  • dull, aching, or pressing pain;
  • cover the middle of the chest and the area behind the breastbone;
  • Attacks are mostly stopped by nitroglycerin;
  • often spreads up and down from the source;
  • shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • when irritated by contact with the skin and muscles, a painful sensation arises.

General information about pain in the heart and neuralgia

Painful sensations in the pericardial region of the breast often cause a serious illness and should serve as a signal for an urgent visit to the doctor. They can be a manifestation of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism and other dangerous diseases, or simply a sign of neuralgia.

Neuralgia affects the peripheral nerves, this can be judged on the basis of severe pain in any particular part of the body.Painful symptoms in the thoracic region due to neuralgia are caused by pinching or nerve damage.

Symptoms of heart disease

How to understand what is bothering you: pain in the heart or neuralgia? It all depends on the symptoms.

Symptomatic pain with angina is mainly squeezing. The patient finds it difficult to determine its exact localization. In some cases, patients also complain of painful sensations in the left part of the upper motor apparatus.

The duration of the attack varies in the limit to 20 minutes. Strength and manifestation of pain does not depend on movements. Usually begins after physical exertion, emotional experiences, with a sharp change in temperature.

Often leads to the appearance of dyspnea, a sense of proximity to death, a lack of air. Nitroglycerin very quickly suppresses an attack.

With myocardial infarction, the patient feels a strong pressing, sometimes burning pain in the left side of the chest.

Also there is a fear of death, a sense of heaviness, like a stone on the heart. The duration of the attack ranges from 15 minutes and can last for a couple of hours.

At the same time, taking nitroglycerin does not affect the level of pain.

Myocarditis is characterized by aching or stitching pain, which also grabs the left side of the shoulder and neck. There is a pressing feeling in the heart or a little to the left.

Pain lasts a long time, with physical exertion there may be deterioration. Nitroglycerin does not suppress pain.

Patients suffer from shortness of breath, there may be signs of suffocation, swelling, or joint pain.

With pericardial nature of pain moderate, they are constant and obtuse, it is also possible to increase body temperature.

Pain arises and concentrates in the chest, slightly above the heart. In some cases, it expands to the scapula or to the side of the abdomen.

Becomes stronger during coughing or with a deep breath.

The type of pain in aortic disease is slightly different. It is most often localized in the upper chest. It differs from others in the exact location, does not divide into other parts of the body.


The appearance of an attack is usually caused by physical activity. With delaminating aortic aneurysm, the nature of the pain becomes violent, can lead to loss of consciousness.


Nitroglycerin does not suppress symptoms.

For thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is characterized by severe pain in the chest. Unlike angina, pain does not spread to other parts of the body, as it is with aortic disease.

However, painful sensations increase from deep breathing. The patient has heart palpitations and increased shortness of breath, blanching or cyanosis of the skin.

With thromboembolism and aortic disease, you urgently need to call an ambulance for hospitalization of the patient.


To determine the source of the pain syndrome, doctors are interviewed and examined by the patient. Then, on the basis of the revealed clinical picture, a laboratory and instrumental examination is prescribed. Usually conducted:

  • The general analysis of blood and urine, as well as biochemistry of blood, which will help to immediately detect violations in the body and provide detailed information about the work of the heart.
  • ECG (electrocardiography) is prescribed for suspected ischemic heart disease and heart attack. In a state of rest, an investigation with ischemia can not detect abnormalities, there will be a need to carry out the ECG simultaneously with the load.
  • Coronary angiography is a study using contrast medium, which determines the patency of the vessels. By its distribution, it is possible to find places and the degree of pathological narrowing of the blood vessels of the main artery of the heart. When problems are detected, urgent surgical intervention is usually required.
  • Echocardiography is an ultrasound study that is performed with a suspected heart pathology. Using ultrasound, you can see the work of the heart valve. Due to this method, heart defects and inflammatory processes are detected.
  • Tomography of the spine is prescribed in the event that the pain in the chest can be associated with his diseases. Also carried out with suspicion of a hernia in the vertebral column or tumors of the soft tissues and spine. Determination of antibodies to herpes viruses - if suspected of postherpetic neuralgia.
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How to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia

Spasm in the chest can plunge into panic, because everyone knows that you can not joke with heart problems.

But not always this syndrome is a signal of cardiological trouble, similarly may disturb neuralgia or a lot of other causes. And then drugs used to restore the myocardium, blood vessels will not help.

Is it possible, without being an expert, to understand whether it is pain in the heart or neuralgia, how to distinguish one from the other?

Manifestations of pain caused by cardiac ailments

Pathologies of the heart or blood vessels are numerous, and most of them notify themselves directly of chest pains.

An accurate diagnosis should be determined by a doctor, but with a sudden appearance of signs, it needs to be helped very quickly. Sometimes this factor becomes decisive in preserving life.

Therefore it is important to know the nuances of heart pain of different origin:

  • With angina pectoris.These spasms trouble just exactly in the area of ​​the location of the heart. But at the request to specify, where exactly, the person speaks about the sensations extending on all thorax. The nature of pain may be different: pressing, cutting. Sensations rather stupid, respond in other parts of the body: the left arm, neck, area between the shoulder blades. Their character remains the same in another position of the body, although the pain can break out from muscle effort, a sharp decrease and an increase in the surrounding temperature. Together with her pursue the fear of dying, a sense of lack of air. It lasts from a few seconds to 20 minutes, the attack can return more than once in a short period.
  • With a heart attack.This dangerous condition shows itself as acute, severe pain, responding in the spine and the left thoracic region. Its intensity can cause loss of consciousness, and always provokes pallor of the skin, sweat. In the chest, there is a feeling of the presence of the load, preventing the patient from lying. Any activity increases the nagging pain, together with which the breathing becomes quicker and the fear of death appears.
  • With myocarditis and pericarditis.These are inflammatory diseases of the heart, in which pain is moderate, drawing character. Myocarditis signals itself with the sensations of dripping needles, pericarditis - monotonous. They pour out at the first pathology from the left part of the body: above the heart, under the scapula, in the upper segment of the abdomen. With pericarditis, the apex of the heart hurts, but the sensation in the right limb resounds. This pain provokes shortness of breath, intensifies when trying to lie down, cough, and breathe in all the breast. Often, both pathologies are supplemented by a rise in temperature, a periodic increase or slowing of the pulse.
  • With an aneurysm of the aorta."Lomit" upper chest, if not help, it can drag on for several days. Growing painful signs as a result of the movement of the body and the development of the problem. When the pathology progresses, the sensation becomes sharp, bursting, can cause loss of consciousness.
  • With thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.The pain is similar to that which disturbs angina pectoris, but pierces only in the region of the heart, without giving it to other parts of the body. The number of organ contractions increases, which creates conditions for dyspnea. The skin and lips turn blue, the blood pressure drops sharply.
  • With hypertension.Because of the increase in arterial pressure, compressive, stitching, aching spasms in the heart are combined with the same sensation in the head. The face of the patient blushes in the period of the attack, "goose bumps" flash before your eyes, the gait becomes insecure. The patient is frightened by the loss of energy, the desire to lie down.

Manifestations of neuralgia

Neuralgia changes the condition of nerves for the worse. Therefore, it is possible to flare up everywhere, where they pass, that is, practically in every area of ​​the body.

Often the nerves located in the region of the ribs are affected. Just the pain in the heart of this kind of neuralgia provokes.The non-specialist can decide that they are connected with this body.

But neuralgia has its own symptoms different from cardiac problems:

  • The pain is always strong, growing from motion, coughing, inhaling-exhaling. It can intensify and without an obvious reason.
  • Types of spastic sensations are diverse (from burning to stitching), they can be disturbed continuously or by frequent attacks. Torturing it all for a long time: from a few hours to days.
  • The sensation of pain can be traced along the nerves. Touching the intercostal area increases them to unbearable at each site. Soreness can be felt in the hand, give in the middle of the back, cervical region, chest, that is, create the impression of a heart ailment.
  • The skin in the area of ​​the affected nerve loses some or all of the sensitivity. On the surface there may be a sensation of creepy.
  • Pain leads to the fact that the patient's skin turns pale, sweat appears, there may be cramps in the muscles. The latter is either sensed and seen by observation, or is detected only by the patient. The symptom appears because of insufficient blood supply of this part of the body, irritation of nerve fibers.
  • The segment of the body in the area of ​​passage of the affected nerve freezes, as the temperature of the skin decreases.
  • Sometimes the soreness caused by the clamping of the roots is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

So how do you identify pain in the heart or neuralgia that are similar to cardiac symptoms? If you systematize the differences, they will look like this:

  • Heart pain lasts less than a long time, than a neuralgic. It does not grow on palpation in the area of ​​its spread.
  • Nerves do not cease to suffer after taking cardiological drugs, but they subside slightly from the use of sedatives.
  • A sick heart can change its rhythm, cause breathing problems, change blood pressure. With neuralgia, dyspnea does not happen, and tachycardia has psychological causes, so it quickly stops.
  • Movement and rest do not affect the existence and force of spasms in the heart. Neuralgic syndrome motor activity spurs, so the patient is hard, and sometimes impossible to change the position of the body.

Other problems masquerading as heart diseases

In addition to neuralgia, the heart can be ill with the following health problems:

Disease Manifestations
Osteochondrosis Disease of the spine affects the nerves stretching in the affected area, which excites pains similar to cardiac. They also respond in different parts of the body, they can be supplemented by difficulty breathing, coughing.
Neurosis To pain in the heart, psychological stress, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating are attached here.
Diseases of the lungs Pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia cause chest pain in the heart, cough, trouble breathing, weakness. The reason for them is the opening-squeezing of the lungs, the movement of the ribs.
Gastritis, stomach ulcer Spastic sensations are spurred on by eating food, the position of the body after it. When the patient lies down, the syndrome becomes brighter.
Vegeto-vascular dystonia The attack leads to stitching spasms in the region of the heart, dyspnea, panic and often exaggerating the strength of sensations.

But nevertheless pain in the heart region causes neuralgia more often than other ailments. Because she herself has more reason to appear. Among them are:

  • infectious agents,
  • disorders in the sphere of hormones,
  • endocrine pathologies,
  • bad habits.

Early care for cardialgia of different origin

Methods for eliminating pain depend on its causes. If it is a matter of heart failure, it is removed with a tablet of "Nitroglycerin" or "Validol". The first of them is absorbed, but not swallowed.

The patient needs to be planted or let him lie down, placing high pillows under his back. It is important to provide a person with air access by loosening the buckling breasts on the clothes (collar, belt, etc.).

But after eliminating the most serious sensations, he needs a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and continue treatment.

If the pain is due to the defeat of the nerves, the first thing to do is put the person on a hard surface, ensuring peace. He should get an analgesic like "Analgin" or "Ibuprofen". Further treatment, even if the spasm has passed, will appoint a specialist.

When the pain is not removed, it is necessary to turn to the ambulance, despite the belief that the wine is not a malaise.

Most cardiological problems, like neuralgia, are successfully treated.

But it is important at the beginning of the attack to try to determine the cause of the pain, so as not to force the patient to suffer before the arrival of the doctor.

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How neuralgia manifests itself in the region of the heart

  • 01-04-2015
  • 736 profile views
  • 38


  • The causes of pain and their nature
  • Pain in heart disease
  • Neurological diseases
  • Psychosomatic causes

Neuralgia in the heart or a serious disease? How to recognize the nature of pain in the heart? What are the causes of these painful sensations and is it worth worrying about them?

The causes of pain and their nature

There are several causes of pain in the heart:

  • heart disease;
  • neurological diseases;
  • psychosomatic causes.

Painful sensations in the heart can occur with serious diseases of the heart. This pain can not be ignored. Since its cause may be such diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • pericaditis.

Myocardial infarction is the defeat of the cardiac muscle until it becomes dead, due to blockage of the lumen of the blood-supplying heart. The vessel can become clogged up for many reasons. The most common cause is a clot (blood clot).

Pain with an infarction has a distinctive characteristic of all the others. Painful sensations are acute, can give in the arm or shovel, or jaw. Often, the patient is disturbed by the rhythm and heart rate.

Pain lasts more than 15 minutes and is not stopped by the intake of nitroglycerin. It can subside only with the use of narcotic analgesics. An accurate diagnosis can be made by electrocardiography.

Self-medication is unacceptable, with this ailment urgent medical attention is needed. Treatment will depend on the final diagnosis of a cardiologist.

Angina pectoris ("angina pectoris") is a feeling of discomfort or pain behind the sternum during exercise.

Pain is characterized by a pressing, compressive, and sometimes even burning character.

The reason is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle due to the fact that the lumen of the vessels that provide the trophic of the heart narrows and blood flows less than necessary.

The lumen of the coronary vessels may be narrowed due to atherosclerosis. The nitrate intake will help to stop such pain.


The diagnosis can be made only after a complete examination of the patient in the department of cardiology.


Treatment consists mainly of taking nitroglycerin under the tongue and normalizing physical and emotional activity.

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Pericarditis is an inflammatory process in the pericardial sac.

The heart can be inflamed for various reasons: infection, autoimmune reaction, trauma, etc.

Thus, pericarditis is not an independent disease, but a consequence of another disease. Treatment is reduced to curing the underlying ailment.

All heart pains are almost always accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, a change in the frequency and rhythm of the pulse. An emergency medical care should be given as soon as possible.

Neuralgia is an acute piercing pain in any part, the cause of which is the defeat of the nerve innervating this site.

Neuralgia is not accompanied by a disturbance of motor or sensory functions, in contrast to neuritis (inflammation of the nerve). There are many types of neuralgia, depending on the affected nerve.

Pain in the region of the heart appears with intercostal neuralgia.

Intercostal neuralgia is the defeat of the nerve fiber due to its pinching in the bone channel.

This pinching is caused by a change in the shape or diameter of the canal due to various diseases, for example, such as osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, trauma to the spine, impaired metabolism substances. Also, signs of intercostal neuralgia can be detected with muscle spasms.

Symptoms with pain sensations of neural genesis are rather peculiar. Characterized by acute pain in the intercostal space, increasing on inspiration, which causes tremendous discomfort to the patient, as he can not breathe normally.

Pain sensations are of a periodic nature, and they will intensify if the patient is asked to breathe deeply or exhale, cough. Pain is more common in older people.


To determine the exact diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor and exclude other more dangerous diseases.


Treatment for neuralgia of the heart consists in the speedy administration of therapy.

Begin the treatment should be with the appointment of drugs for the removal of pain syndrome - analgesics, since it is quite pronounced in this pathology and delivers enormous discomfort to the patient. Next, you need to prescribe drugs to improve blood supply in the area affected.

In the event that neuralgia is primary (is a consequence of damage to the intercostal nerve) then the treatment should start with non-traditional therapy.

Acupuncture, reflexology, pharmacopuncture (the introduction of drugs at certain points where the human nerve endings are concentrated) can give a good result.

If such treatment does not bring significant relief to the patient, then the treatment regimen includes more serious drugs, such as:

  • analgesics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamins of group B.

If neuralgia is secondary (caused by internal organs), then the therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and is symptomatic.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is permissible to use therapeutic physical training, dry heat, massage. Along with these methods, there is treatment with infrared rays and laser radiation.

Folk methods of treatment of intercostal neuralgia are based on the use of chamomile, lemon balm, valerian and other plants that have anti-inflammatory properties. Of these plants are usually cooked, a decoction.

Good results in eliminating the pain syndrome gives room geranium. The leaf of this plant is rubbed with painful areas and wrapped with a woolen shawl for warming, after which the pain should go away within 1-2 hours.


Psychosomatics is a section in psychiatry and psychology that studies the diseases of the human body, provoked by a violation of his mental and emotional balance.


In other words, psychosomatics is a science that studies the influence of the state of psycho-emotional well-being of a person, which affects the health of the whole organism as a whole.

A psychosomatic diagnosis can be made if, after careful examinations, laboratory and diagnostic studies, an organic or physical cause was not found. That is, a psychosomatic disease is a diagnosis of an exception, when no other cause is found.

The cause of psychosomatic pain in the heart can be stress, depression, conflict, and sometimes even self-punishment.

At the core there are always five basic emotions: anger, sadness, fear, joy and interest.

For example, for a poorly balanced person, the cause of the disease can be a conflict with close relatives or with employees at work.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases involves the use of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Supplement are medicines: tranquilizers, antidepressants, sedatives and sedatives.

Whatever the nature of the onset of the pain syndrome in the heart, recourse to self-treatment is dangerous for human life.


To establish the true cause of pain, one can not do without the help of a specialist who, after a series of tests and examinations, will be able to deliver a definitive diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.


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Neuralgia of the heart: signs

This article will tell you about a disease such as neuralgia, what symptoms are typical for him, than it differs from simple heart pains. Neuralgia of the heart is a very dangerous disease.

Every person has experienced this unpleasant feeling once in the life, when you wake up from an incomprehensible pain in the chest in the middle of the night. Because of a sweet dream in the first minute, a person can not recognize whether it was the pain of the heart or other muscles and organs.

But the fact that the pain appeared in the chest every person feels exactly. If someone is faced with this problem, then to understand the cause of the disease is quite difficult. It is best to see a doctor right away.

If zashchomilo in the chest, then many of us immediately begin to worry for one of the most important organs - the heart.

Turning to the ambulance, people ardently prove that this particular organ was sick. But in most cases this is not so.

There are several signs that you can accurately say that it was not the heart that hurt.

The main signs with which people treat this problem with a doctor are a burning or sharp blow, and also a slight contraction. It may all be that the patient has mixed heart pains with neuralgia. In order to understand the cause of pain, it is necessary to know a number of symptoms and signs.

Neuralgia is the periodic pain in the chest caused by spasms or the displacement of organs and bones. Neuralgic diseases are a frequent sign of the appearance of pain in the chest. This is due to pinching of the intercostal nerves, as well as deformation of intercostal spaces.

The cause of such a deformation can be previously suffered bruises and blows to the chest area, all kinds of curvature of the spine, as well as a constant tension of the internal muscles.


People who suffer from intervertebral hernias may experience unpleasant pain in the chest area.


Too often the tension of the external muscles of the chest can cause a neuralgic disease.

The most common sign of neuralgia is the heaviness in the chest, like a click, and the person can no longer breathe or exhale.

Acute pain in the chest can appear when the body position changes. That's why such pain most often occur in a dream.

Sharp tension, associated with a change in body location, can cause severe pain in the chest.

Suffer from neuralgic diseases most often adults and elderly people. It is possible that the disease can occur in children, but it happens very rarely.

Neuralgia is very easy to confuse with other diseases. It has very similar symptoms with heart disease, muscle and vascular disease, as well as bones and spine. The pains that have arisen in the thoracic region are not always neuralgic pains.

To understand to what disease the pains in heart concern, it is necessary to know on what the neuralgia of heart is similar. The symptoms of this disease are quite specific.


For example, pain during a neuralgic spasm is very sharp, or aching, you can feel a slight burning sensation. Pain can be given over the entire nerve. She's aching and dull.


Such sharp pains can occur periodically or roll off attacks.

Various sudden movements, such as coughing or sneezing, hiccups and others can cause a delay in breathing.

There is a feeling that the person suffocates - can not calmly breathe and exhale. Every movement of the respiratory tract responds with dull pain.

If the pain increases, it can lead to numbness in the chest area, as well as burning.

There may be thrusting. The intercostal nerve has many branches, so the pain is recalled not only in the heart, but in many other areas.

Neuralgia of the heart is accompanied by profuse perspiration, loss of sleep, muscle twitching, or various allergic reactions, such as redness in the neck and face.

With this disease, pain can not go away during long periods. If the disease is not treated, the pain will last a very long time. For example, for several days. Every day the pain will only increase. sharp movements will bring agony and suffering.

In order to identify a neuralgic disease, you need to turn to a neurologist. It is this doctor who is engaged in this type of disease.


The beginning of the diagnosis consists in checking the patient, listening to his complaints and comparing the symptoms of neuralgia with the patient's story.


A more complete examination allows you to find out the causes of this disease.

If the cause of pain in the chest area was a trauma, the doctor will need to do an x-ray - electroneurography.

You may need an MRI of the spine and chest area.

The cause of the disease can be any hernias or tumors of internal organs, as well as soft tissues of the body.

Do not interfere, and computer tomography, which helps to identify the symptoms and causes of the disease.

Causes of neuralgia can be brain tumors, aneurysms, hypothermia, vascular disease, as well as various chronic viruses and infections.

Treat neuralgia best with pills or injections. To make a list of medications, you need to see a doctor.

Neuralgia of the heart is a serious ailment that requires immediate treatment. In order that pain in the heart can not bring unpleasant sensations, you need to seek advice from a neurologist.

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