Inhalation with dry cough

Tip 1: Than breathing through a nebulizer with a dry cough?

Dry cough is characterized by the absence of excreted sputum, which makes it very unproductive and debilitating, as the fluid from the lungs does not expectorate. This kind of cough is accompanied by pain and a sore throat, while it does not help to clear the airways, therefore, it must be disposed of as quickly as possible.

One of the most effective ways to treat dry cough is inhalation. This method is called "first aid" for the body, since it helps very quickly and has a minimum of contraindications. Inhalation is best done with a special inhaler or nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device for inhalation, specially spraying a drug solution in finely divided particles.

Under the action of such a device, the atomized particles fall directly onto the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, instantly penetrating into the deep layers of the nasopharynx, which provides rapid relief of the condition patient.

The nebulizer is the only device that can be used to treat a person with a high fever, as well as small children from birth. It does not contribute to an additional increase in body temperature and limits the area of ​​spraying only to the upper respiratory tract, which makes it safe even for toddlers.

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Causes of dry cough may include diseases such as tracheitis, which inflames the pulmonary department trachea, laryngitis, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and many others.

Depending on the cause of the dry cough, various solutions can be used to relieve the patient's condition.

Special medicinal solutions

At the pharmacy you can find a large number of various medicinal solutions from dry cough. The most effective of them are bronchodilators, such as salgim, berotek, berodual, or mucolytics, for example, lazolvanum, ambrohexal, flumucil. However, these drugs can only be used after consultation with the attending physician, without self-medication and not guided by the advice of friends. Before using the drug solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the indicated dosage exactly.

Folk methods of treatment of dry cough

It is very effective with a dry cough to breathe through the nebulizer with simple mineral water. It allows the phlegm to become more fluid, which facilitates the onset of expectoration and the removal of the resulting mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

In addition, in the treatment of dry cough helps the use of decoction of plantain, St. John's wort, lime-colored, chamomile or sage. To prepare a decoction of herbs, it is enough to pour dry herbs with boiling water, leave to stand for several minutes and carefully strain.

Inhalation from a cough in the home: dry-cough inhalation

Each of us can weaken the immunity, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the street is damp and cold, and the room is too dry and not air-ventilated. Most often on this background, we begin respiratory diseases, accompanied by a cough and runny nose. At the beginning of the disease, when the body still has the strength to resist, inhalation, warming of the legs and throat, as well as hot drinking, are good. Inhalations from cough in the home, inhalation with dry cough - the topic of this article

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Inhalations from a cough in the home are their characteristics

Let us dwell on inhalations from a cough. They are of two kinds - natural and artificial. Natural inhalation from a cough is a deep inhalation of clean air in the mountains, on the seashore or in the forest, especially after the rain, when the air is wet. At this point in the lungs along with the air penetrate useful trace elements and moisture, which stimulate blood circulation in the lungs. This natural inhalation strengthens the immune system, and promotes the resistance of the respiratory system to various infections.

Artificial inhalation from cough is carried out with the help of special devices, and with her into the respiratory tract medications are administered. This method is very effective, since the drug falls directly into the zone of action, and the integrity of the tissues is not violated. Devices for inhalation are very easy to use, both in the home and in a stationary environment.

Some inhalations from cough at home can be done even without the use of special devices and devices. Enough capacity with a heated substance and blankets, which covers the patient. For example, "breathe over a potato" - they are inhaled with a couple of potato broth, or "over a chamomile."

The use of herbs in inhalations from coughing

As an inhaler, in principle, you can use almost any capacity. For example, a kettle. To its spout it is necessary to attach a tube (it can be rolled from paper) and inhale the steam, pre-cooked herbs.

The most popular plants for inhalations at home are: St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, linden, mother-and-stepmother. You can add to the inhalation of cough essential oils and do with them a chest massage, which is also a kind of inhalation. Especially good is oil of methola, eucalyptus, lemon. Good onions and garlic, the essential oils of which have antibacterial action.

Inhalation with dry cough

1. For inhalation with a dry cough, it is recommended to use decoctions of herb-coltsfoot or eucalyptus.

2. One of the proven methods for the treatment of dry cough, in addition to inhalation at home, is hot milk with butter or honey. You need to drink it before going to bed in small, but frequent sips and immediately lie in a well-heated bed.

3. Good drinking helps, as well as hot tea with raspberries or honey, and honey should be eaten in a snack, because at hot temperatures it loses its healing properties.

4. An effective remedy for the treatment of dry cough can be prepared independently at home. To do this, take a large lemon and cook it whole on a slow fire, for 10 minutes. Wait until the lemon cools down and cut it into pieces, squeeze out the juice from it, and dissolve in it 2 teaspoons of glycerin, a tablespoon of honey and add with water, that would make the syrup volume 200 grams. Use this syrup at home 2-3 times a day for 2 tablespoons, preferably half an hour after a meal or half an hour before a meal.

5. One more popular remedy for dry cough is a mixture of honey, cocoa and butter. A teaspoon of cocoa powder mixed with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter. This mixture is taken 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for one teaspoon.

6. An effective remedy for dry cough at home is a finely chopped baked onion, it is better to take sutra and on an empty stomach. And at night you can rub your neck and chest, grated on a grater with a raw onion.

7. In the treatment of dry cough, doctors often prescribe anesthetics that have softening effects on the irritated mucosa of the airways. You can buy medicine from a cough in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but to get rid of the question that torments you how to treat dry cough at home, consult a doctor.

What inhalations are used when coughing in children?

Inhalation is one of the most effective and reliable ways to treat cough in children, with the help of them you can heal dry and wet cough. Inhalation helps the child to withdraw excess phlegm, get rid of dry cough, stop the inflammatory process. This remedy is the best substitute for medicine, injections, which adversely affect the child's body, causing serious pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, heart.

Features of inhalations in the child

At the beginning of the disease, the nebulizer reliably saves from further complications. With the help of his breathing system is filled with the right drugs. Steam, enhances the effect of drugs, with the help of it can remove spasm from the respiratory system, dilutes sputum.

Types of inhalers for children

1. Home - to breathe above a kettle, a pan.

2. A vapor form of the inhaler, it uses herbal preparations, soda, aromatic oils.

3. The oil inhaler can not be used for children who suffer from allergic reactions. Essential oils are used for inhalation.

4. An effective device is an ultrasonic inhaler, Borjomi, honey, herbal decoctions, Kalanchoe, lazolvan, furacilin are used for it.

5. The use of a compressor inhaler, with the help of its medicines, is turned into an aerosol, while they do not affect the stomach, intestines, liver.

Modern medicine uses inhalations for a child of two kinds:

1. Using an ultrasonic nebulizer, can be used for a small child, can destroy medicinal active particles, therefore it is impossible to apply for hormonal therapy, antibacterial means.

2. With the help of a compression nebulizer, small particles of drugs are produced. When choosing the type of camera, you need to pay attention to the age category of the child, diseases. The best is an inhaler that produces particles no more than 10 microns.

Preparations for inhalation for children

To cure a dry cough, you need to remove the inflammation from the throat, get rid of the viscous mucus, as much as possible to clear the sputum of the lungs, bronchi. With a dry cough, Berodual, Salgim, Berotek, Trent

If a child has a wet cough and needs to get out sputum as soon as possible, use Lazolvan, Fluimitsil, Abbroene, Borjomi, Narzan, Sinupret, Pertussin, Mukaltin for inhalation.

If a child's airways become inflamed, you need to use Rotokan, Malavit, Propolis, Eucalyptus, Calendula.

Using a nebulizer, a bacterial bronchitis can be cured in a child using Furacilin, Fluimitsil, Chlorophyllipt, Dioxydin, Miramistin.

Self-medication can not be done, the dosage should be prescribed by the treating doctor.

Sequence of inhalation in a child

1. First you need to do inhalation with medications that will help extend the bronchi.

2. After 20 minutes you need to use a remedy that will help to thin the sputum.

3. After 30 minutes, an inhalation is performed with an antiseptic drug.

3. After that, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

4. In the end, administering inhalation with drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Always after each use, the nebulizer is thoroughly washed out, it is possible to use only authorized solutions for it, they must be preheated first.

Inhalation for a child at home

It is hard to force to breathe the steam of a small child, but you need to try to do it. If there is no nebulizer or other inhaler, you can use home-made tools. In this situation, it is important to follow certain rules:

1. Use inhalation carefully for children who are not yet 2 years old.

2. It is best to put the child in a bath and fill with useful steam or a bath that is ventilated.

3. Teach the child to inhale the potato steam, covering it with a towel. You can put boiled potatoes, open the umbrella and get him to breathe. Inhalation should be conducted no less than 20 minutes.

4. Popular and this way, take a teapot, put a paper tube on his nose, start to gradually draw in pairs. The procedure should last no less than 10 minutes. For inhalation, chamomile, calendula, sage, soda are used.

If a child has laryngitis, sore throat, tracheitis, you need to use a specially prepared infusion. It will require a small amount of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, pine, elecampane, mint, thyme. Pour all 700 ml of boiling water, insist. After it is heated and inhaled by the child.

When a child suffocates when coughing, you need to use soda, with the help of it you can thin the sputum and quickly remove it, also helps alkaline mineral water "Borjomi "Essentuki."

At home, if the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction, he does not have bronchial asthma, it is possible to use inhalation on the basis of coniferous tree - fir, spruce, juniper, pine, larch. With the help of it you can get rid of painful germs, clean the airway.

When the child has a barking cough, steam is used, for this child it is necessary to take them to the bathroom, open hot water and breathe. So you can get rid of croupous cough.

Also used for inhalation is garlic, peppermint. In order to prepare the infusion, it is necessary in the water, which boils to add peppermint, all warm up to 5 minutes, after chopped garlic.

If the child is not allergic to essential oils, you can perform inhalations with the addition of cypress oil, eucalyptus, bergamot, ginger, sandalwood, rosemary.

So, inhalation for a child is an effective method of treatment, with the help of it you can quickly cure diseases of the upper respiratory organs, alleviate the symptoms of coughing. Despite the useful properties of inhalation, solutions, broths should be used with extreme caution, they can cause a serious allergic reaction and further exacerbate the disease.

Inhalation with nebulizer will help with dry cough

With viral and infectious diseases, there is almost always a dry cough. This unpleasant phenomenon gives the patient a huge discomfort. A person can not normally eat, drink, sleep, or communicate with others. In addition, during a strong cough, there is a greater likelihood of infection by the virus surrounding people.

Many patients who have any kind of upper respiratory disease, almost never give a dry cough of great importance, hoping that it will pass by itself. But it's not right. After all, if you do not get rid of this trouble in the early stages, then it can move to a more complex stage of its development, which subsequently makes treatment much more difficult.

To date, there are many ways how to eliminate a newly developed cough. One of these time-proven methods is inhalation.

Benefits of inhalation

Many people know that coughing is just a symptom of an existing disease. Therefore it is necessary to be treated in a complex way to simultaneously get rid of all signs and causes of the development of upper respiratory tract disease. With the help of inhalations, this task is greatly simplified, since it is a completely harmless and very effective method of treatment.

The presented method has many advantages over traditional medicine. One of the main advantages is that with such treatment there is no need to consume chemicals that have a huge number of contraindications and side effects. Inhalations are carried out only on natural components and solutions, and this is absolutely harmless to humans. Due to high temperatures, medicines (herbs, oils, etc.) instantly split into molecules and immediately penetrate into all cells of the body, including in the most remote tissues of the upper respiratory ways.

The steam on which the principle of action of inhalers is based, increases the effect of medicines tens of times, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient. After such activities a person feels relief, complete disappearance of spasms in the muscles Throat, relaxation of respiratory tract tissues and sputum in them, which is subsequently removed from the organism. Also hot steam has a calming effect, which favorably affects the whole body.

How to choose a nebulizer

Every day, inhalations with nebulizer are gaining popularity, and this is not surprising, since it is convenient to use and very effective in treatment. With the help of a nebulizer, the drug enters all parts of the respiratory tract, which can not be achieved by conventional methods.

Such a device can be purchased at any pharmacy, but it should be remembered that there are several types of this device, depending on the size of the produced particles.

1. Ultrasonic nebulizer. This device is compact and quiet. They can treat dry cough with herbal and essential oils. And here for hormonal preparations and antibiotics it does not approach, as it is capable to destroy all structure of a medical product.

2. Compression nebulizer. This device is quite large, and it works much louder than its ultrasound counterpart. However, all these nuances in no way affect the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, the compression nebulizer is able to produce the smallest particles, which is beyond the power of the previous version.

Preparations for nebulizers

Inhalations with a nebulizer with a dry cough almost never cause side effects. This is due to the fact that the drug enters the lungs bypassing the total blood flow. Unlike aerosols, this device is much more convenient, because when using it, there is no need to monitor your own breathing. But before using a nebulizer, you must find out exactly what caused the dry cough. After all, choosing the right medicine, it is necessary based on the cause of the disease.

Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, we recommend that you act for certain, first determine the cause of dry cough and then do inhalations with a nebulizer. You certainly can not do it all yourself, so you need to consult a doctor for advice. After all, it may be that you do not need to do any inhalations.

Currently, there is a huge number of solutions for inhalers. Their main differences are in the principle of impact on the body.

  1. Solutions that dilate the bronchi or bronchodilators.
  2. Means that dilute sputum and remove it from the body (mucolytics, secretolitics).
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory hormonal medications - Glucocorticosteroids and antiallergic drugs.
  5. Antibacterial and antimicrobial agents (Antiseptics and Antibiotics).
  6. Immunomodulators.
  7. Vasoconstrictive and decongestants.
  8. Antitussives.

How to conduct inhalations with a nebulizer

Such procedures should be carried out 1, 1, 2 hours after a meal, and it is not recommended to be distracted by conversation. After inhalations, you should not eat, talk and go out for 1 hour. Treatment should last from 5 to 10 days.

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