Glaucoma: folk methods and treatments

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GlaucomaIs an eye disease, the main sign, symptom and manifestation of which is increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma is acute and chronic.

Here we will talk about the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies and methods, but I warn you that whatever you learn from this article, for God's sake, treat initially the glaucoma in the doctor's oculist in the office of the polyclinic at your place of residence. Consider the symptoms and treatment of increased eye pressure at home.


Increased eye pressure

With an acute attack of glaucoma, when the pressure in the eyes is increased, patients complain of severe pain in the eyeball, temples, headache, dizziness. All symptoms may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Seizures can occur with different frequency, intensity, they should not be tolerated in any case, because high eye pressure destroys the delicate sensitive cells of the optic nerve and retina, falls visual acuity up to complete blindness.

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In the chronic form of glaucoma, all symptoms are smoothed out and expressed to a lesser extent.

Usually the disease progresses constantly and ends with loss of vision.

Treatment of glaucoma by folk methods, means

Hot foot baths

With increased pressure in the eyes, with the appearance of pain in the eyebrows, temples, eyeballs, hot foot baths are helpful. This measure actually helps to distract the pressure and fluid pressure down to the legs, which has a positive effect on the person's well-being and the decrease in intraocular pressure.

Medical leeches

They put on the area of ​​the temple medical leeches (3-5 pieces) on the side of the diseased eye.

Leeches put so: the skin of the temple should be washed with warm boiled water. To process alcohol it is impossible. Then wipe with a not very sweet solution of sugar syrup (or 40% glucose solution).

Medical leeches (they are sold in pharmacies) are placed in a glass in the amount of 3-5 pieces and tilt the glass over the place where they should stick (temporal region or behind the ear) on the side of the diseased eye.

Then wait, when leeches will suck and begin to increase in size due to sucked off blood. The glass must be removed. Having sucked up, having increased in size several times, the leech itself falls off the skin, and the wound continues to bleed. If the last leech lingers on the skin, and the procedure must be stopped, then such a leech should be sprinkled with salt a little - and it falls off itself.

Tear off leeches should not be. Then apply a pressing cotton-gauze dressing. Leeches should be lightly sprinkled with salt, they will bleed, then they can be placed again in clean water (not chlorinated, settling) and applied the next time.

Treatment with leeches is an ancient folk remedy for glaucoma that has survived to this day.

Eye drops

In a sterile vial with a wrapping lid, pour 1 teaspoon of May lime honey of the first pitching and 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Keep in a water bath for 2 hours. After cooling, drip into each eye 2 drops 3 times a day.

Note from the author of the site: this home remedy is more suitable for cataract treatment than glaucoma. Consult with the doctor-oculist, he will confirm it. If glaucoma does not drip anything superfluous in the eye, because it can weaken the effect of pilocarpine and other pressure-reducing drops.

Composition of herbs

Ginger, licorice root, cinnamon, buckwheat flowers, motherwort grass, lemon balm- all take in the same amount (1 tablespoon) and mix thoroughly. A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Juice the herb celandine mixed in equal parts with water. Wet a piece of napkin and apply to the affected eye 2 times a day for cataract and glaucoma (but not during the seizure period).

Collectionis prepared from herbs collected in May:

  1. nettle - 0.5 cup;
  2. lily of the valley petals - 1 teaspoon.

Mix with one tablespoon of water, let it brew in a dark place for 9 hours, add half a teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting mass is applied to the eyes 2 times a day.


  1. herbs adonis 75 g;
  2. grass of the initial letter 100 gr.

1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist overnight. In the morning strain, take 50 ml for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for two months.

If you have an attack of glaucoma, domassagepoint between the thumb and forefinger. Massage for 3 minutes on both hands (do not ignore drops that reduce intraocular pressure -approx. author of the site).

Bilberry,taken in any form 2-3 times a day, prevents bouts of glaucoma and improves vision.

For the prevention of glaucoma before bed rub the upper eyelids with honey bee, diluted 1: 1 with water.

Exercises for the eyes

The ability of the eye to see equally well what is near and far away is called accommodation. This is a special mechanism to adapt to a good vision at a particular distance. To see an object, you must strain your eyesight (or relax by Bates - approx. aut. site).

We strain or relax the inner eye muscle, which is connected to an elastic organic lens - the lens. The work of this internal muscle flattenes or thickens the lens, thereby it refracts the rays of light entering the eye more or less.

In addition, there are external eye muscles turning the eyeball to the right, left, up, down, and the eyelid muscles that open and close the eyes.

At home, you can recommend such a scheme of classes: walking, hand movement and breathing exercises, exercises for the shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the trunk, legs, self-massage of the neck and eyes.

Eye Exercises. To train the external muscles of the eye should be in a sitting position with a motionless head slowly translate the view from floor to ceiling and back, then from right to left and back. Repeat 10-12 times; do circular motions with your eyes in one direction, then in the other direction - repeat 4-6 times, often blink for 20 seconds.

Repeated blinking eyes for 3-5 seconds, as well as massaging the eyelids, rapid blinking improve blood circulation, light pressure on the upper eyelids of both eyes for 1-2 seconds improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, which is especially important for the prevention of glaucoma.

Good luck, good luck and health to you! Do not Mess with Glaucoma!

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A special exercise for the eyes, which has a special place, is Palming, which allows you to restore your eyesight. Exercises were developed by Dr. Bates. The idea of ​​the method is to give the eyes a rest by closing them.

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Source: O.G.G.G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - Moscow: Publishing house Eksmo, 2012.

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