Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: treatment


  • 1Dorsopathy of the cervical spine
    • 1.1What is dorsopathy?
    • 1.2The main causes of the disease
    • 1.3Symptoms of dorsopathy
    • 1.4Exercises for pain in the spine on video
    • 1.5Watch the video on this topic
    • 1.6What else do you need to read:
    • 1.7What treatment is effective for this pathology?
    • 1.8Popular folk remedies
    • 1.9Is it possible to cure the disease completely?
    • 1.10Special gymnastics and exercises
  • 2Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: symptoms, treatment, exercises, reviews:
    • 2.1Description of the disease
    • 2.2What is dorsopathy syndrome
    • 2.3The main causes of the disease
    • 2.4As signs indicate dorsopathy
    • 2.5Diagnostic measures
    • 2.6Medication Therapy
    • 2.7Non-drug therapy
    • 2.8Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: exercises to restore the plasticity of the muscles
    • 2.9Patient Reviews
    • 2.10Prevention
  • 3Dorsopathy of the cervical spine
    • 3.1Symptoms
    • 3.2Neurological manifestations of dorsopathy
    • 3.3Syndrome of the vertebral nerve
    • 3.4Vertebral artery compression
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Treatment
    • 3.7Recommendations for patients
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Dorsopathy of the cervical spine
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms of dorsopathy
    • 4.3Features of the defeat of the cervical spine
    • 4.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.5Treatment of the disease
    • 4.6Complex for restoring the plasticity of muscles
    • 4.7Exercise 1
  • 5What is dorsopathia of the cervical spine and how to treat it?
    • 5.1Causes of development and types of dorsopathy
    • 5.2Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 5.3Treatment

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Dorsopathia of the cervical spine arises due to incorrect posture, excessive strain on the cervical spine and many other factors.

Scientists have proved that approximately 22-23 years in the human backbone, irreversible aging processes are triggered (degenerative changes in cartilage and discs).

What is dorsopathy?

Often, patients who complain of pain in the neck, limited mobility, a sense of chills in the limbs, diagnose dorsopathy.

This diagnosis means that degenerative changes began to occur in the intervertebral discs, cartilage, and muscles.As the progression progresses, the articular surfaces expand, the cartilage acquires an irregular shape, and at the edges of the vertebrae, bone teeth and osteophytes form.

As a result of dystrophic changes occurring in the spine, there may be a spasm of the artery responsible for the blood supply to the brain. The bloodstream passes inside the intervertebral discs and cartilages, the tissue of which, as a result of degenerative changes, can grow.

Dorsopathy leads to a clotting of the artery, as a result of disturbed cerebral blood circulation.

Disorders of the blood supply degenerate processes in the intervertebral space are amplified, and a vicious circle is obtained.

In severe cases, the integrity of the intervertebral disc is compromised, hernias are formed.

The contents of the fibrous ring go out, the pressure on the nerve fibers and large vessels increases, and the disease only worsens.


The main causes of the disease

Causes and factors triggering the development of pathology are:

  • metabolic disorders, including excess weight and other endocrine pathologies;
  • acquired changes in posture, including scoliosis, lordosis;
  • spine trauma;
  • weak immunity and frequent colds;
  • sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress and malnutrition;
  • work in conditions of high humidity of air, in cool rooms, as well as activities related to the lifting of heavy loads;
  • hereditary factors and other reasons.

Symptoms of dorsopathy

The general symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervico of the thoracic spine include:

  • pressure drops;
  • headaches and dizziness due to cerebral circulation;
  • increased fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • periodically arising painful sensations in the field of heart.

Due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, visual or hearing impairment, tinnitus, impaired coordination of movements are possible.

The specific symptoms of dorsopathy of the thoracic region include:

  • persistent or sudden pain in the chest;
  • shallow breathing with the inability to take a deep breath;
  • muscle spasms and numbness in the chest;
  • limitation of mobility due to pain;
  • possible pain in the abdomen and a feeling of coma in the throat.

Dorsopathia of the cervical spine is characterized by:

  • limitation of mobility, including the inability to rotate the head;
  • pain in the shoulders, neck;
  • a feeling of numbness in the hands;
  • constant muscle tension in the neck and shoulder blades.

To clarify the diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor and undergo research.In the presence of some of the above symptoms, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis, but to confirm it you need an MRI or CT of the spinal column.

Exercises for pain in the spine on video

Watch the video on this topic

What else do you need to read:

What treatment is effective for this pathology?

In order to reduce the symptoms of the disease, a complex, individually selected treatment regimen is required.

If the patient has treated with acute pain, then at the initial stage the main goal of therapy is to remove unpleasant sensations.

For this, the doctor can prescribe NSAIDs in order to eliminate the inflammatory process and stop the pain syndrome, muscle relaxants, if the patient complains of muscle spasms.


In addition to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to enhance the effect of cervical dorsopathy treatment spine, the patient can use warming ointments for the spine and joints, for example, efkamon, fastum-gel.


To restore or slow the degenerative processes in the tissues of the vertebrae, cartilages are assigned chondoprotectors, vitamins of group B.

After the disease exits the stage of exacerbation, the patient may be recommended:

  • undergo a massage course;
  • reflexotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy.

With dorsopathia of the cervical or thoracic spine, therapeutic physical training, yoga, is shown. Physical exercises will help you train muscles, relieve tension, strengthen joints.

It is advisable to change the way of life, namely:

  • start eating properly;
  • more to move and to be out in the fresh air;
  • exclude heavy physical activity.

Popular folk remedies

To restore damaged vertebral discs in folk medicine, a decoction of aspen bark is widely used.

For its preparation it is necessary:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed bark of this tree and 2 cups of hot water, the mixture is boiled for half an hour, let it brew and cool in a cool place.
  2. The course of treatment is 21 days. The patient should drink ½ cup decoction every 6 hours.

To ease the pain syndrome, you can prepare the following triturate:

  1. For 300 milliliters of vodka, crush 10 tablets of analgin, add 10 ml. camphor alcohol and the same amount of tincture of iodine.
  2. The resulting solution is infused for several days, then rubbed into painful places.

At home, you can prepare an ointment based on a herb, which must be rubbed into the area of ​​problem areas several times a day until the condition improves.

For the preparation of ointment should take:

  1. 2 tablespoons herb plants, 1 glass of vegetable or other oil.
  2. It is required to mix vegetable raw materials with an oil base and boil it for 30 minutes on fire.
  3. The resulting mixture must be filtered and mixed thoroughly, adding a quarter of a glass of beeswax.

Is it possible to cure the disease completely?

Dorsopathy is a disease that is not amenable to therapy. Completely get rid of it is impossible, but with timely treatment, you can stop its development, to achieve a stable remission.

The main goal of treatment with neglected forms is to reduce the incidence of exacerbations, if possible to restore mobility.

Special gymnastics and exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics is one of the most effective methods of treatment of ailment.

It strengthens muscles, increases the intervertebral space, improves blood circulation and restores the mobility of the neck.

However, it is desirable to engage in it under the guidance of an experienced specialist. After all, some exercises can only aggravate the patient's condition. Gymnastics should be performed at a calm pace, smoothly, listening to your own feelings.

Showing the rotation of the hands, the head inclines sideways, turns, raising and lowering, the rotation of the shoulders, the slopes of the body and many other exercises.

Dorsopathy is a degenerative disease of the spine, which requires complex treatment. The patient should follow the doctor's recommendations, if possible change his lifestyle, avoid stress, hypothermia in order not to provoke a relapse of the disease.


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Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: symptoms, treatment, exercises, reviews:

Dorsopathia of the cervical spine is considered a real "disease of civilization". Constant loads on this area of ​​the spinal column inevitably lead to changes in the dystrophic nature of intervertebral cartilages and discs.

As a result, there is a spasm of the arteries, and the flow of blood directly into the brain itself slows down.

This article provides information on the topic "Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: treatment, patient reviews and the main symptoms of the disease."

Description of the disease

Dorsopathy is a chronic pathology of a degenerative nature, based on a progressive change in shape and early wear of the intervertebral disc with subsequent deformation of the joints and ligaments in this region.

Disease often becomes the main cause of violations of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, blood circulation of the brain.

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Neurological signs of dorsopathy often provoke a permanent loss of normal working capacity.


The cervical segment of the spine has some anatomical features, which makes it vulnerable.


The vertebral bodies are not massive, they carry out a supporting function for the head, making the mobility of the cervical region possible.

In the latter passes the vertebral artery, which takes a direct part in the blood supply to the brain.

Stable destruction of the vertebrae entails the formation of bone fusion (osteophytes). They squeeze the vertebral artery, thereby worsening the nutrition of the brain.

Excessive mobility of this segment of the neck leads to a rapid wear of the intervertebral discs.

Such disorders cause the inflammatory process, vasospasm and compression of the spinal cord.

What is dorsopathy syndrome

The pain arising from this disease is variable in nature. Proceeding from the fact that the defeat of which structures provoked their appearance, the following forms of syndromes are distinguished:

  • Vertebrogenic dorsopathy of the cervical spine develops as a response to irritation of painful receptors, which can be caused by deformation of the intervertebral disc, prolonged muscle tension or pressure on the vessels. Syndrome is usually accompanied by a muscle spasm. The pain is localized only in the neck. Discomfort increases with increasing load on the spasmodic muscle.
  • The onset of compression syndrome is caused by the appearance in the cervical segment of the intervertebral hernia, which exerts pressure on the tissues located in this area. With a direct pinching of the nerve, painful discomfort extends to the entire area of ​​its innervation (arm, shoulder, neck). Another option is compression of the spinal cord. Pathology is characterized by severe pain, a violation of the sensitivity of the hands, legs. The third type of disease is compression of the vertebral artery, which leads to the development of vegetative-vascular disorders (headaches, increased blood pressure, violation of swallowing).

The main causes of the disease

Scientists have proved that the final formation of the spine ends at 23 years. After this threshold begins the process of its gradual wear and even aging.

The dynamics of such changes in all people varies and depends directly on the state of the immune system, the way of life of a person, his diet and living environment.

Many manage to maintain the health of the spinal column to a "solid" age, others already by the age of 30 appear the first symptoms of the disease.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine develops for the following reasons:

  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Exposure to low temperatures.
  • The presence of foci of infection in the body.
  • Long stay in an uncomfortable position (behind the wheel, working at the computer).
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Injuries and mechanical injuries of the spine.
  • Defective food.
  • Low-activity lifestyle.
  • Stress and overweight.

It is obvious that in most cases, the person is the culprit of the ailment. Not all listen to the prescriptions of doctors and begin to sound the alarm only in the event that there are extremely unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

As signs indicate dorsopathy

In this disease, patients usually notice the appearance of discomfort in the neck, hands, anterior thorax. Pain has a burning, aching character. Sometimes patients confuse this symptom with the manifestation of angina pectoris.

When the cervical segment of the spine is affected, difficulties arise during the movement of the head, including when turning and tilting. Some patients because of severe pain at night can not fully sleep.

In the case of cervical dorsopathy, with a load on the head inclined to the "sick" side, discomfort in the innervation zone of the nerve root, which in turn undergoes compression in the intervertebral holes.

Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine is characterized by weakness in the hands, hypotrophy of the corresponding muscles and numbness of the skin. Depending on the severity of the lesion in some patients, there is limited movement, tenderness in the shoulder joint.

In the region of the cervical roots there is a violation of sensitivity, which manifests itself in the form of hyperesthesia. Practically in all patients, doctors diagnose vegetative-vascular disorders (numbness of hands, puffiness, pale skin).

All of the above changes are due to the constant squeezing of the nerve roots with bone growths or secondary changes in tissues.

Diagnostic measures

When there are primary symptoms of the disease, you need to seek help from a neurologist or traumatologist. The examination usually begins with a questioning of the patient, the identification of available complaints and the study of a complete history.

Then follows a physical examination. The spinal column, as a rule, is studied in all positions: sitting, lying and standing.

Usually, in patients, doctors detect protrusion protrusions, curvature of the osteid line, insignificant displacement of the scapula.


It also determines the maximum amplitude of movements directly in the cervical segment.


To confirm the diagnosis of "dorsopathia of the cervical spine an X-ray and MRI results may additionally be required. After determining the nature of the clinical picture, the doctor prescribes treatment on an individual basis.

Medication Therapy

The program of treatment of this disease is developed taking into account the severity of the pathological process and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

Usually, they seek help with an acute form of dorsopathy. In this case, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome.

To remove the unpleasant sensations in the neck, it is usually prescribed:

  • Analgesics ("Baralgin").
  • Chondroprotectors are prescribed by long courses to prevent subsequent deformation of the cartilaginous tissue ("Structum").
  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs for relief of pain syndrome (Diclofenac, Nurofen, Voltaren). Assign in the form of ointments, injections or tablets.
  • Vitamin preparations and muscle relaxants ("Midokalm"). The latter are necessary to eliminate the pathological muscle spasm.

Against the background of taking medications for a severe course of the disease, bed rest is recommended, as well as the permanent fixation of this segment of the spine with a special orthopedic collar.

Non-drug therapy

After the elimination of acute pain syndrome, which is usually accompanied by dorsopathia of the cervical spine, the treatment is modified. Patients are recommended rehabilitation therapy with the use of physiotherapy procedures:

  • Ultrasound and electrophoresis with novocaine help to reduce the inflammatory process.
  • Acupuncture can restore normal mobility in the affected areas of the neck and shoulder joints. Treatment courses should be held several times a year to prevent the progression of the disease.
  • Massage allows you to adjust the mobility of the spine. In addition to manual techniques, apparatus massage (vacuum, oscillation) has been actively used in recent decades.
  • In some cases, resort to traction. These are special extraction procedures on the cervical spine, during which the muscles relax and release the clamped nerve endings. Many patients have pain immediately.

Without fail, all patients are prescribed a special diet, dosing physical exertion. With moderate pain, it is better to limit the habitual activity for several days.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: exercises to restore the plasticity of the muscles

Patients with this diagnosis are given special attention to exercise therapy. All exercises must be performed under the supervision of the instructor and only after the pain syndrome is eliminated. Their main goal is to improve the flexibility of the vertebrae in the cervical segment.

  • The first exercise. The starting position is lying, arms lowered along the trunk. You need to slowly turn your head to the left, and then to the right. The exercise can be repeated several times.
  • The second exercise. In the same position, you need to smoothly lower your head down, while trying to press your chin to your chest. Repeat about 5-6 times.
  • The third exercise. Slowly and smoothly throw your head back. This exercise is especially recommended for office workers.

Gymnastics is one of the first-priority curative measures. Dosed physical activity allows you to improve blood circulation, as well as nutrition of the spine.

Patient Reviews

Reviews of real people about the methods of treatment listed in this article are most ambiguous, but in most cases they are positive.

Many patients after the course of drug therapy, along with exercise therapy really can overcome such a disease as dorsopathia of the cervical spine. Symptoms usually go away in a few days.

Further compliance with the prescription of the doctor can prevent the occurrence of complications.

As for negative reviews, they take place in case of incomplete treatment or neglect of one's own health by the patient. Many people turn too late for help to a specialist when the symptoms of the disease make it difficult to work or live fully.


To prevent the disease or maximize the timing of its appearance, it is necessary to adhere to fairly simple rules.

  1. First of all, it requires physical activity. If the lifestyle involves purely sedentary work, it is useful to visit the gym, swimming pool or do some elementary exercises several times a week to relax the back muscles.
  2. Particular attention is recommended to give the diet. Deficiency of some groups of vitamins and microelements in the body can trigger such a disease as dorsopathy.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other pathologies of similar nature often develop due to excessive body weight. That's why it is important to control your weight, if necessary, to do unloading days.
  4. It should be cautious when lifting weights or performing work that involves serious physical activity.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is not a disease that can be treated with disdain.

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Observance of elementary preventive measures and immediate access to a doctor help avoid the development of rather serious complications, which significantly worsen the quality of life.

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Dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is a chronic degenerative change, based on a progressive change in shape and premature wear of the intervertebral disc with subsequent changes in intervertebral joints, vertebrae and ligaments.

Often, the disease becomes the cause of pathology of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, spinal cord, circulatory disorders of the brain.Neurological signs of dorsopathy of the spine often cause permanent disability.

Degeneration of the cervical vertebrae can cause a subluxation during extension, which is accompanied by compression of the vertebral artery with an articular process.

Deformation of the vertebrae is expressed in the growth of articular surfaces in those places where the spine is subjected to the greatest load. The articular cartilage of the vertebra begins to take on an irregular shape and becomes thinner.

In severe cases, the articular surface is covered with sclerized tissue, acquires a rough surface with outgrowths. On the edges of the vertebrae there are sharp bone teeth - osteophytes.

Separate senile degenerative changes in the spine and pathological changes. The line between them is blurred. Among patients, people predominate, whose work is associated with constant tension of the muscles of the neck and arms or a prolonged inclination of the head.


With cervical dorsopathy, patients complain of pain in the neck, one or both arms, the anterior thorax. Bilateral pain occurs in 10% of all cases.

In some patients, pain is localized in the back between the scapulae. Often the pain is burning, aching, stiffening character.

Sometimes it is so hard to bear that patients confuse their condition with angina pectoris.

With the defeat of the cervical region, there is an increase in pain during movement of the head. Especially when turning and tilting the head. Often patients complain that at night because of a painful syndrome, they can not fall asleep. When you move your hands, the symptoms subside.

Pain syndrome causes the forced position of the head.

With cervical dorsopathy, when the head is tilted to the sore side, pains occur and paresthesia in the innervation zone of the nerve root, which undergoes compression in the intervertebral holes. This pathology is called a symptom of the intervertebral foramen.

With cervicothoracic dorsopathy, weakness in the hand, muscle hypotrophy and numbness of the skin of the hands. Depending on the severity of the lesion, in some patients there is limited movement, tenderness in the shoulder joint. Sometimes there is a twitching of the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle.

In the region of the cervical roots, a sensitivity disorder is observed, which is manifested by hyperesthesia.

There is a decrease or increase in tendon reflexes on the arm.


Virtually all patients have vegetative-vascular disorders: cold hands, numbness, swelling of the hands, spasm, pale skin.


All these changes are caused by compression of the nerve roots with bone growths or secondary changes in the tissues: venous congestion, inflammation, edema. In some cases, the spinal artery is squeezed. This leads to discogenic myelopathy.

Neurological manifestations of dorsopathy

Syndrome of the vertebral nerve

The main complaint of patients is a headache, which is localized mainly in the nape of the neck. Less often, pain occurs in the temporal and parietal areas and half of the face.

In most patients, the pain is constant and paroxysmal. During an attack, the pain begins from the occiput and goes to the frontal, temporal region and eyeballs.

It is accompanied by dizziness, noise in the ears, head, staggering. When the head moves, the symptoms increase.

Sometimes the attack can be accompanied by palpitation, weakness, sweating, visual impairment (grid, fog, fusion of letters). Often the headache is combined with pain in the neck, chest, arm. In some patients, there is a decrease in hearing, a violation of sensitivity on the face.

Vertebral artery compression

If the circulation of the vertebral arteries is impaired, cerebral atherosclerosis or hypertension may occur. Deterioration of pulsations of vertebral arteries becomes the reason of acceleration of growth of osteophytes. In turn, osteophytes squeeze the vertebral artery and obstruct the blood flow.

This can occur with strong turns of the head or a long uncomfortable lying position, considerable physical strain. To make an accurate diagnosis, patients are prescribed angiographic examination.

In some cases, the result of squeezing the vertebral artery becomes ischemic cerebral strokes. Symptoms of circulatory disorders often occur in the morning after awakening.

Patients generally complain of dizziness, general weakness, and swallowing.


Sometimes there may be a brief loss of consciousness when the head tilts due to the narrowing of the vertebral artery.


In patients with severe compression of the artery, there may be lesions of the oculomotor, facial, trigeminal or sublingual nerves. There are visual and oculomotor disorders, coordination disorders, pathological changes are observed on the fundus.


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Osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae

Disorder of sensitivity, restriction of movement, change of reflexes allow to allocate pathological processes in separate cervical vertebrae, as well as the defeat of individual nerve roots and assign an adequate treatment. Of great importance in the diagnosis of cervical dorsopathy is the x-ray examination of the spine.

Exclude heart attacks allow ECG data, anamnesis of the disease, duration of pain syndrome, inefficiency of medicinal cardiac agents (nitroglycerin), as well as characteristic position of the head.

In some cases, a combination of neurological symptoms and heart disease is possible.

Then the pain syndrome, which is caused by dystrophic changes in the cervical region, can provoke an attack of angina pectoris, and in some cases, myocardial infarction.


Treatment of dorsopathy should be comprehensive. Patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, neurotropic drugs, a complex of B vitamins, chondroprotectors. In acute disorders (radicular syndrome), it is advisable to carry out a novocaine blockade.

Assign a set of physiotherapy procedures:

  • Diadynamic current
  • Amplipulse
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrophoresis with novocaine
  • Massage
  • Exercise therapy.

Effective treatment is the extension of the cervical region, which results in decompression of the nerve root, an increase in the diameter of the intervertebral foramen, and reduction of edema. Stretching should not be long.

Contraindication to this method is the symptoms of spinal compression, in which complications (thrombosis of the main artery, spinal cord injury, hemorrhage in the head brain). It is effective to wear a cervical corset, especially if there is a blood circulation disorder in the vertebrobasilar system.

Recommendations for patients

Contraindicated work, which is associated with physical stress, head inclinations, requiring emotional stress. A hot and noisy room, night shifts can also worsen a patient's condition.

It is necessary to exclude factors that increase blood pressure and squeeze the vertebral artery.

Contraindicated to work at a height, on moving mechanisms.

To prevent disorders from the nervous system should include measures to strengthen the muscles of the neck: massage, exercise therapy.

Patients with cervical dorsopathy are advised to avoid sharp head inclinations and neck movements. Severe manifestations of the disease (radicular syndrome, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, spinal nerve syndrome) require mandatory dispensary observation.

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Dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Dorsopathia of the cervical spine is considered a "disease of civilization". Frequent stress on the cervical spine causes dystrophic changes in intervertebral cartilage and discs. There is a spasm of the artery of the spine, and the flow of blood into the brain is reduced.

Causes of the disease

The development of dystrophic processes in the spine occurs for the following reasons:

  • metabolic disorders (metabolic diseases);
  • presence of foci of infection in the body;
  • exposure to low temperatures and high humidity;
  • uneven load on the spine;
  • vibration;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position (bent): sitting at the computer or driving a car;
  • small mobility in the neck;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress and excess weight;
  • injuries and diseases of the spine;
  • hereditary factor.

Symptoms of dorsopathy

Pathological disorders in the cervical spine are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness and general weakness;
  • Increased muscle fatigue;
  • Sleep disorders and noise in the ears;
  • Weakness and numbness in the limbs;
  • Decreased vision and hearing;
  • Feeling of pain in the area of ​​scapula and heart;
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Pulsating headache;
  • Differences in blood pressure;
  • Increased pain during exercise;
  • Difficulty in tilting and turning the head;

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Features of the defeat of the cervical spine

One of the varieties of degenerative changes in the bone system is vertebrogenic dorsopathy cervical spine, a characteristic symptom of which is pain and a feeling of stiffness in the muscles neck. Painful sensations increase during coughing and sneezing. Most often the pain spreads (radiates) to the inter-shoulder and shoulder regions.

Sometimes in patients with vertebrogenic dorsopathy, compression of the cervical spinal cord occurs, which leads to the development of myelopathy - dystrophic spinal cord injury, which is non-inflammatory character.

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The cause of pain in this form of dorsopathy are:

  1. Irritation of pain receptors in the outer layer of the damaged disc and the tissues of its surrounding.
  2. Damage to nerve fibers as a result of edema, compression and malnutrition in tissues.

Diagnosis of the disease

An expert is required to look at the patient.

The doctor interrogates the patient and conducts palpation of the muscles in the affected area, determines the zones of muscular densification and gives direction for radiographic examination, which is the main way to diagnose spine diseases.

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging remains a more informative examination technique for dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine. This method allows you to determine the degree of pathology, the presence of protrusion or hernia.

Treatment of the disease

The task of the vertebrologist is to inform the patient about the duration of such therapy before beginning treatment of the dorsopathy of the cervical spine.

According to the study, due to proper treatment, it is possible to get rid of the disease during half a year, but in 20% of cases the pain persists and dorsopathia of the cervical spine becomes chronic.

Surgical intervention in this pathology is a rarity.

A little bit about secrets

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Treatment is complex and involves a variety of methods:

  • Medicines of the NSAID group - for the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome. These drugs can be prescribed both in the form of injections, and in the form of ointments and gels;
  • Miorelaxants and chondroprotectors are assigned individually, taking into account each specific case of the disease;
  • The treatment is based on physiotherapy: ultrasound and laser therapy, exercise therapy complex, massage course, some asanas for the spine in yoga;
  • The pronounced effect in the treatment of dorsopathia of the cervical spine has manual and reflexotherapy;
  • An actual method of treatment is acupuncture, the courses of which must be conducted several times during the year. This technique helps to prevent the progression of the disease.

Complex for restoring the plasticity of muscles

Exercise 1

Take a sitting or standing position, relax your arms and lower them along the trunk, turn your head to the right and to the left (slowly). Repeat 5-6 times. Exercise helps to increase the mobility of the vertebrae of the neck.

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What is dorsopathia of the cervical spine and how to treat it?

When answering the question, what is dorsopathy, it can be said that this is a disease that, as it develops leads to the defeat of the main vertebral disc; spread of the inflammatory process to the intervertebral bone the cloth.

Dorsopathia of the cervical spine also leads to the formation of a dense ring - hernia, curvature of the spine, displacement and compaction of vertebrae, partial paralysis and loss of sensitivity in the limbs and other dangerous diseases.

  • Causes of development and types of dorsopathy
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Treatment

Causes of development and types of dorsopathy

Inflammation in the neck can lead to problems with the intestines, urogenital system, also vegeto-vascular dystonia and the failure of the nervous system at the periphery. Cervical dorsopathy in intervertebral discs also develops on the background:

  • low immunity;
  • metabolic processes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • development of infections in the body;
  • microtrauma of the spine;
  • hypothermia and colds;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased physical exertion;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol abuse.

Provoke dorsopathy can a tumor localized in the cervical spine, the development of infectious myositis, myofascial syndrome.

Known a number of congenital and acquired diseases that can lead to dorsopathy.

For example, the abnormal development of the cervical vertebrae in the fetus is still in the womb, with genetic disorders, the lack of collagen sulfates or mucopolysaccharides in the fetal period.

Dorsopathy can be classified according to three main features.

Depending on the location of the lesion of the spine, dorsopathy is cervical (the most dangerous species affecting CNS), pectoral discs, lumbar spine and lumbosacral vertebrae (very painful, but not specific consequences).

Species lesions of the spine dorsopathy is divided into deforming, vertebrogenic (spondylopathy changes) and discogenic lesions. Depending on the duration of the disease is chronic, acute and subacute.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The main sign of dorsopathy is a burning pain on the neck, the appearance of creeps in the extremities.

This indicates a degenerative change in muscles and intervertebral discs, overgrowth of joint surfaces, the acquisition of irregular cartilage, the formation of cysts (osteophytes) along the vertebrae or vertebral pillar.

All this can lead to spasms and clamping of the arteries, compression of the brain, violation of cerebral circulation and the formation of protrusions.


Similar symptoms are observed with kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae, arthrosis joints, discogenic dorsopathy, when it hurts in the neck, on the back of the head with a return to the shoulder blade and the upper part breasts. The same symptoms are observed with dislocation of discs, protrusion of the cervical region, hernia in the intervertebral tissues.


With dorsopathy in the cervical spine, there is a shooting and pulsating headache, dizziness until loss of consciousness, impaired vision and hearing, decreased memory and brain capacity, myopathic syndrome, paralysis of the limbs, decreased sensitivity in the legs.

Even Dorsopathy of the cervical spine has symptoms in the form of nervous overexcitation, feelings of anxiety, unreasonable violation of body thermoregulation, excessive sweating and temperature, tingling in the extremities.

Symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical and thoracic parts of the spine include deterioration of vision, impaired blood supply, the appearance of noise in the ears, impaired coordination of movements, persistent pain in the sternum and abdomen, the impossibility of deep inspiration and shallow breathing, the feeling of coma in the throat, spasm and tension in the muscles, numbness in the thoracic region cells and hands.


To understand what this dorsopathia is and how to treat it, you will need a consistent and step-by-step examination, a doctor's study of symptoms and tests.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a medicamental, non-medicinal or complex treatment.

In the treatment it is important to eliminate the pain syndrome, reduce tension in the muscles, eliminate the symptoms of ischemia, restore the destroyed structures in bone tissue, strengthen the ligaments of the musculoskeletal apparatus in the cervical department.

Medicamentous treatment consists in the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve soreness and unpleasant sensations; chondroprotectors for increasing regeneration cartilage layer and recovery of the nervous system; relaxants for relieving inflammation and spasm in muscles; corticosteroids, local blockade, ointments and gels for external use, vitamins group B.

Therapy for the disease is prolonged and in most cases dorsopathy in the cervical region becomes chronic.

Surgical intervention is prescribed only in the most neglected cases, when treatment by other methods becomes ineffective.

Much attention is paid to dorsopathy patients in the post-rehabilitation period.

If the nerve roots are strongly entrapped or if a hernia is formed, traumatized by the cervical spine, compression fracture of the spinal cord, spondylolisthesis or dislocation of the cervical vertebra is used to perform a surgical operation, together with the appointment of vasodilator nootropic means.


As additional non-medicamentous measures to improve blood circulation, muscle tone and pain relief is used therapeutic massage, reflexology, manual therapy, yoga, sanatorium treatment, wearing an orthopedic collar or cervical corset.


In the treatment of dorsopathy, special attention should be given to physical exercises, but only after consultation with the attending physician or instructor.

Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine has a number of complications: vascular dystonia, development of kyphosis, scoliosis, and vertebral artery syndrome.

Degenerative changes in the cervical spine can lead to impaired functionality of the spine, reduced mobility of the vertebrae and, ultimately, disability.

Dorsopathy is poorly served by therapeutic therapy and complete cure is impossible.

But to stop the process of development of inflammation, to achieve a stable remission is real, for this you need to turn in time to a specialist who will carry out the diagnosis, and also appoint an effective treatment. In addition, it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

With dorsopathy it is important to reduce the level of physical activity, to lead an active lifestyle, to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. After passing the course of treatment and therapy, one can not immediately return to the ordinary way of life. This can trigger a relapse of the disease.

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