How to write a refusal to vaccinate against a flu

How to write an application for refusing to vaccinate a flu?


Personal Cabinet Removed

Approximately so: to the Director of the Municipal Department of Higher Education No.
Full name
Parents of the student ----- class
Full name
I, Surname, declare the refusal of the vaccination against the flu to my child Name, who is studying at the secondary school No., on the basis of:
1. Fundamentals of the RF legislation on the protection of public health of July 22, 1993. № 5487-1, Article 32 (Consent to medical intervention) and 33 (Refusal of medical intervention);
2. Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ "On immunization of infectious diseases", Article 5 (Rights and duties of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis) and Article 11 (On vaccination with the consent of parents of minors)
"-----" month year. Signature


I'm Natallia Dubetzkaya. I refuse to vaccinate against the flu for my daughter (name). signature number

Mouse Norushka

Ask the daughter, she was not given a standard form in school? To the son in an elementary school before each inoculation distributed such form, the general or common sense - it is possible or not to do an inoculation? Without the parents' completed form, they were not vaccinated until they found out with their parents.

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How correctly to write about refusal of an inoculation from a flu.



I am so refusing to vaccinate my child of this, on the basis of Art. 30, art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention), art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) "the fundamentals of the legislation of the RF on the protection of public health from 22.07.1993. No. 5487-1. Article 5 of the Federal Law of 17.09.1998. № 157 "on immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases".


in a piece of paper to be given for signature


and write in the form "I refuse" ....


In general, let the parents write better, and then something happens.

Alice McGee

in any form.... you just need to specify what type of vaccination is meant ....

Miracle Miraculous

the child at school was given a blank form that should have been entered in the child's name, the name of the parent (guardian), the refusal or consent, the date and signature of the parent.

Way to Spring

I somehow refuse this kind of thing, so that my child - such and such someone - was given an inoculation against the flu. Date, signature.

tiger is just a tiger

just refuse and all!! Well, if you really press write that just do not want to do it ....

The Dog-Ulybaka

The reason for refusing to write is not necessary, this is not a planned vaccination, it is done at will.. . Just write that you refuse the proposed vaccination against the flu, and that's all ...

Jana Belka

I just wrote "I do not want to." Why subtilize?


Inoculations are not done if someone in the family has a runny nose. here and write that a member of the family who lives in the same apartment with a child of ARVI. this reason looks respectful. although it's a lie. I can write the truth - I do not consider it necessary


Write that you doubt the effectiveness and expediency of vaccination with this particular vaccine (you do not know what type of flu will be raging this year)

What reason to indicate for refusal to vaccinate against the flu? Forced to make children in school



you do not have to specify the reason, the vaccination is personal, but do not forget that you expose your child to the risk of getting sick


but why do not you want to?.. (you can consult a doctor... he will give a certificate of non-portability ...)


Predisposition of the child to allergic reactions.
Poor health of the child.

Lyudmila Chernyshova

the simplest thing is getting sick. In general, no one has the right to force anyone. This is a violation of human rights

Yuliya Gulidova

Refer to the fever and runny nose and that you will go to the doctor for a med-vod.


None. If you do not want, no one will force.


Respiratory infection is currently a type of snot or sore throat, but almost honey. The withdrawal of the week for two, and then forget.


What does it mean to force???? have no right to force. Written refusal of vaccination in writing.. and that's all.


they do not have the right to force. by law you choose. so tell me that nowhere is the student's obligation to vaccinate against the flu. this is their whim. and in general this vaccine is not suitable for everyone and good immunity is needed to put it.


Tell me there was a cold a week ago. They will give you a temporary method. And you still have the right to just write a refusal in writing - there is no reason why you should not indicate it.

svetlana n

Just go and write a refusal of vaccinations. It's not necessary to explain anything to anyone-it's your right not to get vaccinated.


Tell me, for what reason do you want to give up vaccination? I myself all the way do all the prescribed vaccinations, my children and family vaccinate. And while we are vaccinated, do not get sick with "fungus". But last year I did not attend, so I caught the flu swings. My family, vaccinated, did not get sick, although they coughed and sneezed assiduously.

Mikhail Kokarev

Just refuse and do not explain why


whatever you want, you can just write that you are afraid, you have no right to force to give consent.
but most easily - write that the child is always with a cold.
but I would have agreed to the vaccination.

Ruslan Lakushev

you vseravno make! there will be a fairy tale that the lessons will not be allowed! Zdelay as I (5 years already do) bawl failure about not trust and lead to the hospital where they create a mantu! but there is someone to ask! there otvetstveney!

Elena Katanova

So write: I want the weakened organism of my child to pick up diphtheria, mumps (or from what you are offered an inoculation) and get sick in severe form and to have complications later. (LORD, do not bring)
Well, what are you doing, dear mom?? Why do you need extra problems?
After all, your parents at one time did not refuse that you were vaccinated.

Anna Poselenova

The reason can not be explained. Just write a failure

Elena Larionova

tyatja wrote the statement-refusal, it is possible to take a pediatrician's certificate, there all competently write

yura derevyanko

They say here about the violation of human rights. And you, parents, how do you feel about giving a baby a baby or what? I think you are about your children and do not think. Or do you think?


Oh, yes, I always indicate the same thing. an allergy in an anamnesis. rolls.

Valery Balantayev

They do not have the right to make them do it without your consent, too. This is an amenable matter. And this can be intimidated.

How to write a refusal of vaccination



Write to the name of the principal: "Dear Ivan Ivanych. I am Kolya Kuznetsov's mother from the 5th Century. I ask you to allow not to do my son a medical vaccination against the Flu, because there are contraindications. For the rest of the vaccinations, everything remains unchanged. With respect to the full name "


write an ordinary note that you are so somewhat refusing such a vaccination to your son ....


write specifically, refuse to vaccinate against the flu, by the way you do the right thing, we also refused


Do not ask the director for permission! !
Just write specifically that you refuse the vaccination - that's all!


In children's polyclinics there are simple forms, you can fill in there with your pediatrician.


At us at school give the printed form on which parents do a mark about refusal or the consent on an inoculation. And if there is no such uvats, then write to the name of the head of the school, or a doctor's statement that you refuse the vaccination, specifically from the flu, date, signature, and the child will give the teacher. We refuse the last two years, the child will still get sick, and the consequences after vaccination are not predictable

The truth-seeker

Write in your own words and the main thing is to tell the child that he would not allow himself to be vaccinated - otherwise these doctors can still do it. If the child gives the note to the teacher or the director - consider that the note will not reach the nurse. Nurses in general are very dislike refusals, argue with the child, do not listen to arguments, dissuade and try to persuade the child to get an inoculation - they have a plan to do just that much inoculations, ampoules are opened, the entire liquid must be used, they are given a reprimand for the release of the unused vaccine (the vaccine should be used immediately upon opening, etc.)

Why do they force me to write a refusal to vaccinate against a flu if the child has a medical referral from all the vaccinations at this time?


Nick Nicktov

Galich has a song with the words - "I come to work on Friday, I send my bosses in the ass. "You can send those who force you to write and sign something to you. You only need to subscribe to "Received (amount in words)".


Write, and that's all, it's not difficult. I, too, will refuse to write today, although we also have a temporary medical guide from all vaccinations.


it's so right, who needs something to knock on you, it's your child) and we know the health workers like shaking for these vaccinations and refusals, pipets like that) so write, you will not get anything from this))))


from vaccination of fathers and from grp-how many years the child? Inoculation that Jesus Christ is from the installation. there is a ban in my world on the page there is a picture on the door, draw -if you did not do it yet.


They need to be accounted for. Vaccinations are made... amount. Failures from vaccinations amount. Statements with the cause are attached.

Official refusal of vaccination against influenza in kindergarten



You have the full right to do this)))


ask them to have a blank

Irina Ustyuzhanina

I basically, do not vaccinate against the flu! Yes on the letter write a refusal and that's it! who did not vaccinate, he was sick all winter!

Flash in the night here you will find all the answers. Do not be ill!

Natasha Ivanova

all vaccinations are done with your consent, you are given a form that you fill out, do not advise, we did that year all the winter sick

Boris Aizikovich

just sign a waiver of vaccination


We wrote a statement

Katya Fomicheva

nothing on the paper you write and that's it.

Fairy Winged

if there is a form of refusal (and it should be), then emphasize or inscribe that you refuse and sign, if there is no form - write you yourself, such (name, patronymic, surname) refuse to vaccinate against the flu to your child (name, surname), date, signature. all.


Simply write a written application from the manager, but in general - in any case, at first must warn about the beginning of vaccination and ask your permission for this - without your consent NO ONE has the right to put any vaccinations to the child.


In order that there were no complaints, if you are against, and the child will be done!

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