Banana cocoa milk from cough

How to make milk with a banana from a cough

At the initial stage of the common cold, it is very important to start treatment on time so that complications such as angina or bronchitis do not occur. Many people know about the amazing properties of milk with honey, but this drink can be supplemented with one more component - a banana., It turns out an excellent remedy milk with banana from cough. He is very tasty, and most importantly, madly like babies. Use of bananas is allowed to treat a cough of any origin.

For what reason the child has a bad cough at night, you can learn from this article.

The effect

Milk with honey and banana has amazing healing properties. There are a lot of mineral microelements in honey:

  • potassium;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids.

Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the functioning of the heart, balance the nervous system, and quickly evacuate radionuclides from the body.In addition, the bee product has a bactericidal, wound-healing effect.

What to do when a cough has arisen in the throat without fever is indicated in this article.

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The second ingredient - milk - boasts components such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins. It is they that allow to neutralize the effect of pathogenic microelements, to increase the protective forces of the organism. Milk is a unique product with great biological strength. He normalizes the work of the nervous system, because of the malfunctions of which various pathological processes are formed. Milk allows you to fill the body with energy, eliminate the feeling of excitement and anxiety, improve the work of the brain.

With the use of milk in hot form, you can neutralize the irritation of the larynx, facilitate the output of phlegm and soften the effect on the throat.

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The therapeutic qualities of a banana are known to many a long time ago. In its composition there are:

  • carbohydrates, which are very easily absorbed by the body;
  • potassium- normalizes the functioning of internal organs, destroys all bacteria and microbes in the body.

This tropical fruit charges the body with a lot of positive energy, improves the functioning of the heart and soothes the nervous system. But the banana is still actively involved in the treatment of cough and infection, concentrated in the upper respiratory tract, neutralize the perspiration in the throat.

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Banana can be considered as a product that does not cause an allergic reaction, increases protective functions and has a beneficial effect on the body. Drugs prepared on the basis of it are enjoyed by little children, thanks to which parents do not have to spend much time and persuade their patients to take this or that medicine.

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Popular Recipes

Before considering the recipes for fighting cough, it is worthwhile to understand what this symptom is.

Coughing is an exhalation that occurs through the mouth, as the muscles in the airways contract. In turn, the muscles contract because of an infection or other irritant of the mucous throat.

Cough can flow in wet and dry form, sometimes with it mucus is released. It leads to the fact that the patient develops vomiting, and the mucous throat gets injured.

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The underlying factors in the formation of such a symptom may be a large number. It occurs against the background of a cold, pneumonia or heart disease.Therapy can take a protracted character, but it can be prevented if, in combination with traditional methods, use such a folk remedy as milk with a banana.

The recipe for coughing bananas comes from Brazil, which has been improved by folk healers over time. It was they who achieved the combining properties of such products as milk, honey and banana. Traditional medicine has a large number of such recipes, which allows each person to stick out the right one for himself:

  1. To get the medicine, you need to put 2 bananas in a blender and bring them to the state of mashed potatoes. Add a glass of hot milk to a banana. All the well stir and allow to cool. After sending a spoonful of honey.To combat cough in small patients, the intake is taken in the amount of 20 ml every 3 hours.The dosage of adults is increased to 2 tablespoons at a time.
  2. Take one banana and use a blender to get a consistency similar to cereal. Pour the banana puree with a glass of milk and set the container on fire, wait until the dessert spoon of the bee is boiled and live.All the good stir and use the prepared product during the day in small sips.To improve the "medicine" taste, you can add to it 3 dessert spoons of cocoa. Such a drug is consumed in a hot state before going to sleep at night. Traditional healers prescribe to use a boiled drink, since this only strengthens the therapeutic effect.
  3. Using a fork, grind the banana and add to it 50 g of honey, tincture of mint - 10 ml and milk in a hot form - a glass. Mix everything, wait 30 minutes and use 3 times 20 ml each day.
  4. Already overdone banana grate, send him a glass of boiled milk and a spoonful of bee products. All mix and put a small slice of butter. Take the product in a warm form.If you regularly use the medicine, you can not only forget about the cough, but also cure the sore throat.
  5. Overeat the banana knead with a mixer, pour ½ cup of milk, add 20 g of honey and 15 g of tincture of plantain. All stir and take during the day for 20 ml. Thanks to the present plantain it is possible to strengthen the evacuation process of accumulated mucus.
  6. Ripe banana to a mushy consistency with a blender, add a small spoonful of honey. All bring to a boil and leave on the stove on a low heat.When the color of the composition darkens, turn off the fire and pour a mixture of ½ cup of boiled milk.All mix and eat in small portions throughout the day.
  7. Send in a glass of milk 2 dessert spoons of the bee product, at the tip of the knife, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg powder.Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil, and after a lapse of 30 minutes, steam off the grounded banana.Drink a prepared drink of 20 ml. For the day you need to consume the entire mixture. You can use the prescription for cough treatment for older children who are 12 years old.

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The medicine on the basis of a banana very much to like to the small children who appear to use chemist's preparations.

How to take

The resulting mixture based on milk, banana and honey should be consumed by both adults and children throughout the week. The number of such medications is 4 times. With a strong cough, the dosage can be increased. If you follow this scheme of therapy, then you can forget about coughing for several days.

Breasts are not recommended for giving honey, since it can cause allergies.For these patients, you can prepare a cocktail only from banana and milk. Babies under 3 years at a time give ½ dessert spoon cooked mixture, older children take the medicine for 1 spoonful.

Preparing a therapeutic drink is necessary every day, otherwise the cooked portion may deteriorate. For children, the daily portion will involve the use of one banana, for adults it is 2 fruits. Use a therapeutic cocktail before eating.

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Although bananas do not have contraindications, they should be used carefully for patients who already had a stroke or a heart attack. Also, people with thrombophlebitis and veins need to consult a doctor.

The addition of milk will be justified if the patient is not allergic to it. Otherwise, you need to prepare a remedy only from banana and honey. Very carefully use the drink should people suffering from diseases of the stomach, as a tropical fruit increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Use the medicine only in a warm form.Only warm milk has the necessary effect and eliminates cough. Such a medicine does not carry any harm in itself, unlike the use of chemical medications.

From this article you can find out what to do when you have tortured cough with phlegm.

It is necessary to administer cocktail therapy as soon as the first signs of the disease appear to prevent its development. If the treatment was not done in time, then it would be unlikely to cure a cough without antibiotics.


  • Vitaliy, 37 years old:"Once, during a cold, I began to attend severe attacks of cough. My wife made me a delicious drink made of milk, banana and honey. I took it during the day, and also drank before going to bed. Since that moment I slept perfectly at night, because I did not suffer from coughing. I had a course of therapy for 10 days, after which the symptoms of a catarrhal disease simply disappeared. "
  • Antonina, 48 years old:"I treated cough with my granddaughter in such a way. The doctor prescribed a bunch of different medications, but why poison the child's body when there is such an amazing remedy. I was preparing a medicine from milk, honey, banana and plantain tincture. Since the cough of the granddaughter was dry, the plantain exerted an expectorant effect. I gave her medicine ½ teaspoon 5 times a day. Within 3 days the child's condition improved, and the cough became productive, which indicates the process of recovery. "
  • Sveta, 34 years old:"A milkshake with honey and a banana just saved me when I suffered from a debilitating cough that arose on the background of bronchitis. I took prescribed medications and a medical drink. I managed to achieve a positive effect after 4 days, but I continued the course of therapy for a week. Now I'm absolutely healthy, so I'm happy with this recipe for folk medicine. "

From this article you can find out what can cure a cough during pregnancy.

Banana is an amazing fruit that helps to solve a lot of health problems. If it is combined with milk and honey, you can quickly defeat the cough and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with it. In addition, the drink is still very tasty, unlike many drugstores.

Banana from cough

Bananas for coughing for children

A common banana will help to cure cough, it is effective even with bronchitis. To give an unpleasant taste to a child is always a problem. But instead of all kinds of tablets and potions you can use a delicious banana, and if you add honey, sugar and other useful, pleasant ingredients, the treatment will not bring any pain to the parents.

Bananas rarely cause allergies and are beneficial to the body. They are good for sore throat, dry or wet cough. The fruit envelops the mucous and reduces irritation. Contained in bananas, vitamin C strengthens the immune system and promotes recovery.

Banana from cough recipes

Proportion: 1 ripe banana is taken for 1 glass of water.

The fruit pulp should be carefully kneaded to a homogeneous gruel, then you can pass it through a sieve. Next in a saucepan, the resulting mass should be filled with hot water and brought to a boil. A well-stirred broth is given to the child in a hot form. The product quickly deteriorates, so each time you need to prepare a new one. The course of treatment is approximately 5 days.

Milk with banana from cough

Milk with a banana perfectly helps to eliminate perspiration and cough for colds.

Method of preparation:

- Ripe banana must be washed and cleaned. The flesh should be kneaded with a fork until smooth or crushed in a blender. You can use the sieve.

- Banana gruel should be filled with 1 glass of hot milk. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil.

You can add cocoa, honey, sugar to the finished product.

Drink this drink best before going to bed in a hot form. Keep it is not recommended, every time you need to cook fresh.

Coughing banana with honey

A banana with honey will help with perspiration in the throat, cough and even with bronchitis. Preparation does not take much time:

- 1 ripe banana is crushed into a slurry with a blender, fork, sieve or any other method.

- In the resulting gruel it is necessary to add 1 spoon of natural honey.

Use the mixture is recommended for 5 days, it perfectly helps with severe attacks of cough.

Children often have an allergic reaction to honey, so before starting treatment should be ruled out allergies.

Banana with sugar from cough

Banana with sugar is prepared the same way: chopped bananas (2 pcs.) Pour 1 cup of water, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

To small children the dose of sugar should be limited.

Kissel from a banana from a cough

Kissel from a banana - a cough remedy, tested by time. Helps with a strong cough, bronchitis.

To prepare the drink you will need: 1 ripe large banana, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 1 cup of boiling water.

- The banana should be thoroughly washed, cleaned, kneaded in a homogeneous puree, then mixed well with sugar.

- Pour a glass of boiling water, stir. The resulting mixture should be covered with a lid and infused for 30 minutes.

- If desired, the product can be filtered through a sieve (not iron).

Take the kissel should be hot in half a cup, with interruptions of 2 hours. The course of treatment is about 5 days.

Banana from cough testimonials


All people are ill, exceptions do not exist. I, too, spent all my childhood drinking nasty medicines, which, incidentally, did not always help. A few years ago on the Internet I came across an article about the benefits of a banana, including in getting rid of a cough. Tried on myself, really enjoyed it. The only thing that did not last long, but tasty and quickly eliminates perspiration. Always now I use this tool. With a weak cough I drink only it, and with a more serious illness to banana broth I add other strong preparations.


The child could not make the medicine drink for a long time. Everything was capricious, spitting out, it was not clear - something got inside or not. But banana potions drink with great pleasure, even he asks. Sorry I did not know about the benefits of these fruits.

Recipes with banana from cough

Not tasty, bitter and viscous medicines from reflex act are accepted not only by children, but also by adults. How to solve this problem? This can be done with the help of all known and beloved fruit. The medicine for banana cough is not only tasty, but also useful. And what could be better than being treated with pleasure?

There are several known and effective recipes for the use of banana from cough. In them, this fruit is the main ingredient.

The first and main recipe assumes the use of banana without other additives. Decoction, which is necessary to prepare from it, it turns out delicious and helps to quickly withdraw phlegm from the bronchi. To prepare the preparation for a glass of hot water, you need to take two ripe yellow fruit. Green unripe fruit for this do not fit, because they have fewer useful tools. They need to be crushed to a gruel state and, pouring hot water, bring to a boil. The product should be taken hot. Remember that this delicious medicine very quickly spoils, so it should be prepared before each use.

Banana from cough recipe with honey

Banana with honey from cough has not only expectorant, but also sweatshop effect. To prepare this recipe you need to grind with a fork or with a blender one ripe fruit, and then, mix it with a tablespoon of liquid honey. It is advisable to heat a thick, sugared honey in a water bath. Take the resulting mixture can be several times a day on a tablespoon. Such a remedy from a reflex act of bananas will help to remove severe attacks and relieve of a sore throat. With caution, use it should be for young children, who are often allergic to honey.

Milk with banana from cough

This recipe allows you to remove the perspiration in the throat, as well as get rid of most of the symptoms associated with catarrhal diseases. Banana with milk is prepared as follows. The flesh of one ripe fruit is crushed in a blender (in the absence of this device, you can just mash with a fork). The resulting gruel is thoroughly mixed in one glass of milk, brought to a hot temperature. After the mixture boils, turn it off, cool a bit and mix thoroughly. Take it should be three times a day. Before each reception it is necessary to prepare a new medicine.

Banana jelly from coughing

Reliable and proven means is banana jelly from cough, reviews of the prescription on the Internet there are only positive. Its preparation does not require the use of starch. In order to make the jelly, you must grind the flesh of one yellow ripe fruit and mix with a tablespoon of sugar. The resulting mixture is required to pour a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for half an hour. To take a kissel from a banana from a cough it is necessary on a half-glass every two-three hours.

Tea with banana from cough

When bronchitis is useful to take also tea with dried pieces of fruit. It promotes rapid sputum discharge.

It is important to note that this method of treatment has no contraindications. After all, this fruit is low allergenic.

Recipes with milk from a cough

With various colds, bronchitis, respiratory diseases causing cough, a very effective remedy for traditional medicine is regular milk. It softens the throat, promotes the dilution of phlegm and the regeneration of dry reflex exhalations into moist ones. Milk from cough is recommended not only in pure form. Very often, various additives are used, sometimes even the most unexpected ones.

How to treat cough with milk?

Traditional medicine makes it possible to use recipes, the ingredients for which are quite diverse. However, all specialists agree on the same - cough treatment with milk is recommended to begin immediately after the appearance of the first signs of a symptom. The manifested promptness will allow to recover faster and not to give the disease to develop into a chronic stage, from which it is much more difficult to get rid of.

Recommended recipes against cough and milk are fairly simple. They are not difficult to prepare, and the products are likely to be found in the refrigerator from any landlady or at a nearby store.

Cough recipe: milk with soda

The composition perfectly liquefies phlegm and facilitates its exit from the body, has a therapeutic effect on dry spastic exhalations, regenerating them in wet, helps to cope with the neglected phenomenon. Milk with soda for coughing is prepared as follows: a glass of liquid is heated on a fire, but do not bring to a boil. They pour into a mug. Put half a teaspoon of baking soda. Use this compound twice a day before eating.

Milk from cough: a recipe with onions

The drink perfectly fights not only with spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with their provocateurs - viral and bacterial infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 large onions, cut them and pour the milk. The medicine is cooked on until the softness of the vegetable. After that, the liquid part merges, it puts a few spoonfuls of honey. The composition is recommended to take every hour for 2 teaspoons. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, it takes a few days.

Recipe for milk from cough: option with a radish

The mixture is perfectly cured by prolonged exhausting reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Both ingredients have healing properties, which are amplified several times when these products are combined. The ingredients must be mixed in equal parts, add a little honey. Take the medicine should be 6 times a day for one tablespoon.

Milk with oil from cough

Most often, the composition is used for pain and perspiration in the throat. The drink perfectly soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, helps reduce inflammation. The medicine prepared according to this recipe helps to sputum. It is necessary to heat a glass of liquid, throw there butter in the amount of 50 grams. Drink a cure for a cough drink before bedtime. It is recommended to do this every day until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

Milk with cough sage

Such a drink doctors recommend drinking with prolonged reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Prepare the formula for the following recipe: throw a tablespoon of dry medicinal plants in a glass of milk. The liquid is brought to a boil and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The solution is boiled again, filtered. Add butter to the resulting composition from the cough in the amount of 1 teaspoon and the same amount of honey. Take the mixture at night, so that after that do not get out from under the blanket.

Milk, soda, cough oil

It softens the throat well and removes reflex respiratory cramps caused by colds diseases, the following recipe: for a glass of cow's food put ½ teaspoon of soda and 1 table spoon of honey. You can add carrot juice, figs.

Propolis with milk from a cough

The composition is recommended to take to soften the throat, strengthen the expectoration. The drink has a calming effect, so it is advised to take it for the night. The recipe is quite simple. It is necessary: ​​in a half of a milk glass to dissolve 10 drops of a propolis tincture and to drink before a dream. Milk with propolis can not be taken to people who are allergic to bee products. All others can use the recipe safely.

Oats with milk from cough

Such a compound is used in the fight against an unpleasant symptom for a very long time. Accept it if it is necessary to regenerate dry spastic exhalations into productive ones. To do this, you can use the following recipe: pour into the enameled container 1 half-liter jar of pre-collected and washed oats. Pour there 2 liters of milk, preferably home. Put the container in a water bath, leave to languish for 3 hours. After the required time, remove the broth from the plate, cool. Strain the resulting composition through gauze. Oats in milk from cough should turn yellowish. Eat 6 times a day before eating 100 grams of broth.

Cedar cone with milk from cough

Drink is a very good remedy, which is recommended to be used for medical and preventive purposes. The medicine is prepared according to a simple recipe: pour 2-3 cones with a slightly warmed liquid (1 glass). Add a small amount of goat fat and honey to the mixture. Drink the formula at a time. Use this remedy should be several times a day.

Mineral with milk from cough

The composition can successfully compete in its effectiveness even with certain pharmaceutical preparations. It perfectly moisturizes and soothes irritated throat. The best variant of the mineral water used is Borjomi and Essentuki, however, any other alkaline varieties is also suitable. The composition is made according to a surprisingly simple recipe. Mineral water at room temperature is mixed with warmed milk in equal proportions. The received medicine is taken before each meal by 1/3 cup.

Sage with milk from cough

The leaves of the plant contain a large number of valuable essential oils, which have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This helps the formulations to fight the pathogenic microorganisms causing the cough. Also, the drink gives a good expectorant effect. To prepare the medicine, the following recipe is used: a tablespoon of dried sage should be filled with a glass of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. After that, the same amount of cow product is poured into the concentrate. The therapeutic drink is filtered and drunk instead of tea.

Milk with garlic from cough

The recipe is great for fighting airway cramps caused by colds. It is necessary: ​​to boil a glass of cow's product. Pour a few cloves of crushed or chopped garlic. Cover the composition, let it brew to cool. After that, add a little honey to the solution and drink small sips. Drink a medication in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Cough recipe: milk with cocoa

The remedy is used to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations, provoked by colds and bronchitis. To do this: boil a glass of milk, it adds a spoonful of honey and a small piece of cocoa butter. The composition is drunk several times a day in a warm form.

Carrots with milk from cough

The product perfectly helps to cope with respiratory tract spasms, provoked by bronchitis. The recipe is as follows: a small carrot is cut into pieces, filled with liquid in the amount of 1 glass, not long cooked. This drink is drunk up to 4 times a day. Carrots are eaten.

Goat's milk from cough

Due to its bactericidal properties, this livestock product has a unique means for long storage. Goat milk can be drunk with a cough as in pure form (it promotes the degeneration of dry sharp spastic exhalations into wet), and prepare various therapeutic compositions based on it. For example, the following recipe is very effective in chest cough: a glass of goat's product is heated to hot condition, put a tablespoon of any animal interior fat or butter, and also honey. Drink the formula before going to sleep in large sips.

Dates with milk from a cough

The agent very effectively helps to get rid of chronic reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. To do this, use the following recipe: every morning for 15 minutes to boil 10 dates in half a liter of cow's product. Eat this medicine throughout the day. Treatment dates should be continued for 10 days. Such a remedy helps to cure not only of cough, but also of a cold that causes an unpleasant symptom.

Milk with egg from cough

The recipe is great for treating children. After all, it resembles dessert rather than medicine. To prepare the composition, it is necessary: ​​grind 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Add a glass of warm cow's product, a little flower honey and whipped whites. You can sprinkle a small amount of fruit juice (especially recommended citrus). It would also be superfluous to put a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Do not forget that if warm boiled milk from a cough in its pure form can be taken without consulting a doctor and in any quantities, the compositions prepared according to the prescriptions are already medicines and their uncontrolled use is inappropriate. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms should be to visit a physician and establish a diagnosis. Only after consulting with a specialist and confirming the advisability of treating an unpleasant symptom with the help of folk recipes can you expect effective results and quick recovery.

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