Exercises for a beautiful posture

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  • 1Exercises for a beautiful posture and "tired" shoulders
    • 1.1Complex exercises for correcting posture
  • 2Exercises for posture: how to achieve a straight and beautiful back
    • 2.1Book on your head and dance
    • 2.2You are a wooden puppet
    • 2.3Sea, waves, seagulls.
    • 2.4Do not forget about the horizontal bar
    • 2.5Ruffle
    • 2.6Boat
    • 2.7Dumbbells and back
    • 2.8Lean forward
  • 3Exercises for a beautiful posture
    • 3.1How to check the correctness of posture
    • 3.2Exercises for straightening the posture at home
    • 3.3General recommendations for observing beautiful posture
  • 4What is posture?
  • 5Exercises for a beautiful posture
  • 6Exercises for posture at home for children and adults
    • 6.1Exercises to improve posture for children
    • 6.2Recommendations

Exercises for a beautiful posture and "tired" shoulders

Beautiful posture, straight back and proudly developed shoulders is not only an indicator and a pledge of health. By this you tell everyone around you that everything in your life is OK.

Constant slouching leads to an incorrect and disproportionate distribution of weight and load on the spine. Violated blood circulation, increases the load on each vertebra, there may be a curvature of the spine, breathing is difficult, since the active air exchange is disturbed.

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If the violation of posture is caused not by the habit of stooping, but by the problematic back, I can recommend some exercises from my complex for stretching and strengthening the spine.

Exercises to correct posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are recommended, at least first time, in front of the mirror, so that you can control the position of the back and evenness the spine.

Before conducting this set of exercises, take a short test. His result will be an additional incentive for you to start and continue studies.

Go to the door jamb, taking a pencil and a thin magazine. Keep your habitual posture if you are used to stooping.

Put the magazine on the top and draw a line with a pencil, marking your height.

Then perform 2-3 simple tilting forward and backward, stretch your arms up, maximally straightening the spine.

Then go to the wall and check the posture, tightly pressing the buttocks and the back of the head. Ideally, the shoulders and upper back should touch the wall completely.

Stretch up the whole spine. Remember this position and go back to the previous mark of growth. Measure your height again.

The difference between the dashes may be 1-3 cm.

If you get used to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders, then everyone around you will soon notice that you have grown several centimeters.

In addition, psychologists noted the interdependence between our gestures and facial expressions, and the mood and inner mood.

Smile through strength, in front of the mirror, when you feel bad, can cheer up, even if she initially resembles a grin, and straightened back and straight shoulders will help regain confidence in their forces.

Complex exercises for correcting posture

Exercise 1. Beautiful posture.

You have already performed it: stand near the wall, touching it with heels, buttocks, shoulders and shoulder blades. Pull out the spine and fix this position with straightened shoulders. Do it several times a day until you remember this position. Try to keep it for the day.

Exercise 2. Stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles.

Stand on your knees, leaning on the palm of your hand. At the inhalation maximally stretch, for example, the left leg, back and up. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the second leg. Run 8-10 times.

Exercise 3. Stretching of the spine.

Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are attached to the back of the head. On inhalation, raise one's arms, stretching the top, while pulling the leg back. Slightly bend over, holding your breath and straining your back muscles. On exhalation return to i.p. Repeat as 8-10 times.

Exercise 4. Continuation of spinal cord extension.

The position of the legs is on the width of the shoulders. Hands are lowered. Turning the palms outward, slowly, straining the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and back, raise your arms above your head for inspiration. Hold your breath and stretch.

On exhalation - a deep and maximum inclination forward, touching the floor with your fingers or palms. Repeat 10-12 times, lingering in the slope to feel the stretching of the muscles of the back and spine.

Exercise 5. On the flexibility of the spine.

Leaning against the gymnastic wall or other support, take your leg back and up, while bending back, inhaling.

Lock the position for a few seconds, straining the muscles. On exhalation, return to i.p. Gradually increase the angle of the back.

Start with 4-7 exercises, and bring to 15.

Exercise 6. Strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Performing lying on your stomach, hands clasp in the lock on the back of the head. On inhalation slowly raise the trunk, without lifting the hips from the floor.

At first it will be a small angle, but if you do it regularly, then a month later you will notice the result.

Number of exercises start at a minimum and bring to 15.

Exercise 7. "Swallow".

Legs are shoulder width apart, arms are lowered. On inhalation, lean forward, spreading your arms out to the sides and pulling your leg back and up. Check the position of the trunk and legs in the mirror: they should be on the same line.

The muscles of the back are strained, the shoulders are maximally laid back, the back is slightly bent. This exercise not only improves posture, but also develops balance.

Tilt on the inspiration, in the final position, hold for a few seconds, repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 8. Diagonal extension of the spine.

It is carried out lying on a back, legs together, socks are extended, arms or hand - along a trunk. On inspiration, raise your left hand and take it by the head, stretching your spine. Simultaneously, pull the right foot forward as much as possible. Repeat 10-14 times. This exercise perfectly helps to straighten the spine.

Exercise 9. "Cat".

Get on your knees. Inhale, arch your back, hold your breath. On exhalation - bend, just with a breath delay and fixing the position for 2-3 seconds. This exercise develops the flexibility of the spine.

Exercise for the shoulder girdle - straighten the shoulders.

Many of us work is connected with a computer, we have to sit in one position for a long time.

About the need to spend every hour a mini-complex of exercises, like the prevention of varicose veins, I already wrote.

And in order to not get tired of the back, neck, to periodically release the load from the cervical vertebrae and protect the cartilaginous lining between them, you can perform these 3 exercises.

Exercise 10. Rotation of the head.

Slowly lower your head on the chest, then "roll" it to your right shoulder, tilt back as far as possible, through the left shoulder return to the ip. Perform 3-5 times.

Exercise 11. Head inclinations.

Put your head on your chest, palm your arms around the base of your neck, make several pressing movements to improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension in the shoulder girdle. Tilt the head with a slow movement, return to the i.p. Repeat 5-10 times.

Then - the same slow slopes left and right.

If the muscles of the shoulder girdle begin to hurt by the evening or there are frequent headaches, you can hold home session self-massage, which will help to eliminate muscle tension, improve blood circulation and general state of health.

Exercise 12, Girth.

Cross your arms, clasping yourself just below your shoulders. Raise your shoulders and lower them as low as possible, taking them back. Now, without changing the position of the shoulders, several times raise your crossed arms so that they are parallel to the floor.

Then, putting the brush on your shoulders, perform several vigorous spins with your shoulders up and back. Complete the exercise with straightening your back and pulling your shoulders back. You can control the posture, if possible.

Strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, maintain a well-balanced posture, will also help a set of exercises with dumbbells. Such training will allow in a shorter time to develop a muscle corset, helping to keep the spine in the right position.

A source: https://lana-web.ru/fitnes/uprajnenia_dla_krasivoi_osanki.html

Exercises for posture: how to achieve a straight and beautiful back

If you keep your back straight, then all your internal organs are correctly located, which, of course, has a positive effect on digestion and the general condition of the body.

Moreover, people who are accustomed to keep their backs straight, seem slimmer and younger than their peers. Even inconspicuous clothing rests on their body much better than on those who constantly hump.

In this case, exercises for a straight posture are simple, from them it is easy to create a whole complex, they can be performed between the case (at home or at work). Some of them are funny and a little funny.

But after them you can confidently say that you have a beautiful back.

Book on your head and dance

All of us remember how we studied in the lessons of physical education various exercises for proper posture in children. But, for some reason, after becoming adults, almost all of them forgot. But in vain.

After all, they will not only help you become slimmer, but also raise your spirits a little. And for a beautiful back to be your advantage, it plays an important role.

The first exercise, which we must remember from childhood, is the following.

  1. Take any big book (important: its cover should not be glossy).
  2. Put it on your head and try to hold on so that it does not fall, a few minutes.
  3. Then you can complicate the task and walk with the book on your head, without holding it with your hands.
  4. The real master of this exercise for children and adults will be when you can dance with a book so that it does not fall in the process.
  5. If the last task has already become too simple, you can take two or more books.

You are a wooden puppet

Probably, many of us remember how children used to be interested in special puppet toys, on the head and limbs of which were tied strings.

Twitching for these strings, the puppet master made them do different movements.

If you have even seen such a representation, then the following exercise will not seem hard or unusual for you.

Correct, straight and beautiful posture is assured to you, if you imagine, walking along the street, that your head and shoulders someone invisible pulls up for the same strings.

Such an interesting role puppet will allow you to always keep your back flat, straighten your chest, and make your gait easy and flying.

As you can see, exercises for a beautiful posture can be fun.

Sea, waves, seagulls.

Probably, both children and adults are attracted to the sea. If you at least once rested on the seaside, then probably saw a flock of seagulls. This is the bird you will be depicting in the next exercise.

To do this, stand straight, raise your arms and spread them apart at shoulder level. Counting to three, slowly take your hands back as much as you can. At four - return to the starting position.

In a few days, this complex will make your back so smooth and slender that admiring glances are simply provided to you.

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Do not forget about the horizontal bar

Exercises to form a beautiful posture are simply impossible without classes on the bar.

To make your back look smoother, we recommend buying a regular children's horizontal bar or a simple crossbar that you can hang at home.

Regular periodic hangs on them, even for a few minutes, will help create the posture of your dreams.

This light complex will help relieve tension from the back muscles and stretch the spine. Such hangs are especially useful for those who have sedentary work (for example, at the computer). Also, do this exercise after training.


Sit on any surface (it can be a soft sofa, and a hard wooden bench), listen to the sensations of your body, especially in the back area.

After that, start fidgeting, choose a more comfortable or comfortable posture, often change position.

From the side such manipulations may seem ridiculous or ridiculous, but even they will help in the struggle for a beautiful and smooth back.

Especially such employment will approach for children, after all they never can remain on a place.

But remember: as soon as you feel that you are tired of sitting in this position, start to fidget again and look for a new comfortable posture.

In a month you will be able to see how much the fidgeting affects the state of your spine.

This set of exercises to form a correct posture in children and adults will help you quickly fix small defects or achieve a smooth back between work.

But there are also more professional complexes that will help not only make your back more beautiful, but also strengthen your spine.

They are designed to improve the health of children and adults.


Lie on your stomach and put your hands in front of you. Try at the same time to tear off the floor and legs, and hands. At the same time, watch to tighten the dorsal muscles, especially at the waist. To make it is necessary to 4 approaches, in each of 20 repetitions.

Dumbbells and back

For this exercise, you will need small dumbbells.

  1. Stand up straight, leaning forward slightly.
  2. Knees while slightly bend, bend the lower back and try to keep your back in a position parallel to the floor.
  3. Take the dumbbells in your hands.
  4. Raise your arms in such a way that your shoulder blades are reduced, and your head is slightly raised.
  5. It is necessary to perform up to 4 approaches with 15 repetitions.

Lean forward

Stand up the same way as it was in the previous exercise, but you need to put dumbbells on your shoulders and hold them with your hands. Do the slopes forward, while the pelvis pull back.

Slightly bend the legs in the knees. Try to keep the spin at the lowest point parallel to the floor. Then slowly straighten back, but not completely.

This complex of repetitions will help to quickly bring your back in order.

As you can see, even at home, you can easily monitor the health of your spine. In this you will help a set of exercises described above.

A source: http://pozvonochnikok.ru/sport/uprazhneniya-dlya-osanki/

Exercises for a beautiful posture

Most of the fair sex representatives believe that the indicators of external attractiveness mainly depend on beautiful and fashionable clothes, cosmetics and accessories.

However, we should not forget that the generally recognized signs of female attractiveness have always been such indicators as beautiful and correct posture, slim figure, easy gait, etc.

To my great regret, not all modern girls can boast of their beautiful posture. And this also means that the correct and beautiful posture is not only an indicator of beauty, but also of health.

The habit of sitting in the wrong posture, stoop, lack of necessary exercises and physical activities - all this brings such rather unpleasant, although quite curable in childhood, diseases.

Moreover, this is especially important, in that period of growth, when it is most active.

This time coincides with the school and university, when the child has a long enough time spend at a desk or desk, a computer without proper control over the correctness of the position of his posture.

If the body is not correctly positioned, it is unlikely that in a mature age scoliosis or kyphosis can develop.

However, this does not mean that incorrect posture does not contribute to the appearance of other equally serious diseases.

The main one is osteochondrosis, which threatens at least a lot of permanent pain syndromes, and more precisely, leads to osteophytes and intervertebral hernias.

As a result, the question of how to develop a correct and beautiful posture is very important. It is important not only for the appearance of a woman, but also for her health.

How to check the correctness of posture

The question of whether my posture is correct, bothers many people. Typically, it is easy to identify and can be performed under normal conditions. It is necessary to do a number of the following actions:

  1. Undress until the laundry and stand in front of the mirror in the position at which you habitually stand. It is very important not to stretch upwards and not to try to level off specifically, but to accept the position that is usual for you. We pay attention to the shoulders and hips. Their symmetrical arrangement, without distortions, is the key to correct posture.
  2. We become back to the wall at the same position as before. We observe the position of the body. If the walls touch the back of the head, the back in the place of the shoulder blades, buttocks and heels - then you have the right posture.

Exercises for straightening the posture at home

If you do not have enough time to be able to walk a fitness room or conduct yoga classes, etc., Then there is no need to despair, because there is a sufficiently large number of exercises to maintain a beautiful posture.

And these exercises are easy to conduct at home and using only their own forces, without attracting expensive items at the same time.

Consider the most effective and popular ones:

  • You have to get straight, put your feet together. The position of the hands along the body. With a deep breath, we raise our hands up, then exhale and bend back. Then again, take a breath, but just hold the slope forward and lower your hands together with your shoulders and head, rounding your back. The number of repeats of these exercises is from 5 to 8 times.
  • We occupy the position of the body on all fours and try to straighten the spine from the neck to the waist. Further, as much as possible we bend down and hold in this position for several seconds;
  • We accept a position lying on the stomach. Hands try to pull along the body. In this position, we lift the legs and head upwards and strain the dorsal and cervical muscles;
  • With the standing position, we cock the elbows upwards and the palms rest on the scapula. Further we try to reduce the blades, and we spread our hands to the sides. Repeat this exercise several times;
  • It is necessary to take a small object in the right hand and pass it to your left hand behind your back. It is necessary that the right hand is located on the top, and the left hand is on the bottom. In this case, the transfer passes through the right shoulder. Then the same exercise is performed, but only through the left shoulder. The left hand hand over the item, and the right one is accepted. Repeat the exercise several times;
  • We take not a large book, but with a tight binding. We become back tight against the wall, with the head of the back and the heels touching it. Next, put the book on his head and try to walk around the room to the opposite side, trying not to hold the book. In this exercise, you can complicate the exercise, placing obstacles before them and bypass them, or go down and up the stairs. Exercise is not difficult, however, it allows the body to remember in which position it is necessary to observe a beautiful and correct posture.

General recommendations for observing beautiful posture

Taking into account all possible sets of exercises to maintain a correct and beautiful posture, it is necessary to understand that this issue is being solved in everyday life.

All exercises provide an opportunity to strengthen the dorsal muscles, as well as the muscles of the neck and shoulders. However, not one of the exercises will force you to stand proudly with your shoulders straightened and your head lifted.

The answer to the question, most often, lies in the ability to control yourself well. First, you need to pay attention to how you sit, stand and walk. It should be a rule to keep your head elevated, slightly unfold your shoulders.

A source: http://bolivspine.com/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-osanki.html

What is posture?

Posture is a posture that a person takes in an upright position at rest. Posture can be correct or broken - twisted. Correct posture is not only beautiful. This is an important indicator of health status.

In violation of posture - the wrong position of the spine, abnormally squeezed internal organs, their blood supply is disrupted. Muscles of the shoulder girdle are constantly overly strained, causing rapid fatigue.

The static load on the leg muscles is uneven, and therefore the unnatural position is taken by the knee and hip joints.

Curvature of the spine in childhood causes:

  • kyphosis - hump formation;
  • scoliosis - lateral curvature.

In the adult provokes development:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • violation of the heart;
  • insufficiency of the respiratory system.

Exercises for correcting posture help to normalize the position of the spine and gradually reduce the manifestations of already acquired diseases.

A beautiful figure is not only a proportional composition: a thin waist, a high chest, elastic hips and long legs for women, and broad shoulders and a raised musculature - for men. This is also a beautiful gait. Gracefully move with a lowered head and stooped back is impossible.

How to make sure that you do not need to perform exercises for beautiful posture?

There is a proven way:

  • You need to prepare a book in advance, not a pocket format;
  • then go to the wall and stand with her back so that you simultaneously touch the surface with the back of your head, with the shoulder blades; buttocks and heels;
  • to throw a hand behind his back and check whether the palm between the wall and the waist area is passing;
  • Put the book on your head and move away from the wall a few steps, without holding the folio with your hands.

It turned out to stand up smoothly, and soreness during this position in the back and waist was not felt, but the book fell? The spine needs a little adjustment, and exercises for posture will quickly help to straighten it.

If you managed to pass a considerable distance with the book, then you can not think about straightening the spine.

To help the spine to take the right position, during which the internal organs stand on the place assigned to them by nature, it is necessary to begin with strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press and back.

Without the formation of a natural framework, it is impossible to straighten. The back will hurt, and keeping it straight will probably only be a short time.

Some fitness instructors advise their wards to train wearing straps to maintain their back while exercising in the right position. But this method should not be used. It is required to pump a natural frame, which will reliably support the spine from morning to night.

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A few tips for those who decided to tackle their posture:

  • Despite the fact that exercises for straightening posture are performed regularly, at first time it will be necessary to monitor the position of the body. The shoulders should always be straightened, the back straight. In 2-3 months the body will get used to such a situation, and you will not have to think about how you stand and walk;
  • In addition to performing specific exercises, it is advisable to engage in any kind of sport. The best position to correct the position of the spine is swimming, gymnastics, aerobics;
  • It is necessary to increase the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the abdominal press. For swapping the muscles of the chest and shoulders, exercises with dumbbells are optimal. But they have to lie on their backs.

To perform exercises for proper posture at home, only a sports mat is required. If it is made of polyurethane or foam - it's great, no - you can do with a regular carpet or lay a blanket. It is desirable that the mat or litter are not made of synthetic fabric.

Some exercises are performed in the knee-elbow position and on synthetics it is possible to erase the knees and elbows to the blood.

Begin training with exercises, during which the body is in a horizontal position, then fall into a vertical:

  • First it is necessary to jump a little and run on a place - muscles are required to warm up.
  • Exercise - push-up from the wall. Hands rest against the wall.
  • It is required to press your back against the wall - put your hands on your waist. It is desirable that the wall be without a skirting board. Slither on the wall, perform squats, and return to the starting position.
  • Starting position: feet shoulder width apart. The body leans forward, from time to time it is possible to use the fingers of your hands to rest against the wall. The hands are cross-criss-crossed, the shoulder blades are moving as much as possible, the arms are again bred;
  • Fish. Lying on your stomach, you need to stretch your arms forward. Both hands and straight legs are raised simultaneously, fixed for 15-20 seconds, lowered;
  • Rowing. The situation is the same as during the "fish". Only hands and feet imitate swimming butterfly;
  • Fold-fold. Starting position: you need to lie down on your back, hands stretch over your head. Next, sharply tear off the upper and lower part of the body at the same time and try to reach out to the feet. As a holiday you can group and ride on your back, relaxing the muscles of the spine;
  • The most pleasant exercise is imitation of animals from the cat family. It is required to take a knee-elbow position, then make a round back, stretch all the muscles up. Then bend over like a cat and relax.

Exercise for felines completes the training complex. Each exercise is done 20-25 times.

Exercise to correct posture can be performed using a sports stick: take it by a wide grip and toss it back and forth over the shoulders. When the joints are developed, the hands will need to be shifted. Regular classes quickly get rid of stoop.

If parents pay little attention to the formation of the posture of children at an early age, then by the adolescent period they can form complexes. Stooping teenagers with unevenly raised shoulders cause peers the desire to make fun of them.

The child will close in himself, this will affect his morale, prevent successful study, communication with peers. Previously, the problem of children's stoop was not so acute - the children spent a lot of time in active games. Modern children spend most of their time at the computer.

To ensure that the scoliosis problem does not prevent the child from developing normally, parents should make their workplace as comfortable as possible. Acquire a comfortable chair for the child, adjust the table for height, ensure normal lighting.

If changes in the spinal column have already begun, then it is necessary to perform special exercises with the child to straighten the spine. Exercises to correct posture for children are no different from similar exercises for adults. The number of approaches in children can be reduced.

A source: http://mjusli.ru/sport_i_zdorove/fitnes_i_ajerobika/chto-takoe-osanka

Exercises for a beautiful posture

Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine. People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.

All internal organs with good posture are located correctly - digestion and general well-being are improved. Correct posture raises the mood, and, moreover, people who exactly keep their back, look slimmer and younger than those who are hunching. They even wear clothes better. Exercises that strengthen the back and correct the posture are not at all complicated, even amusing, and they can be performed between times, whenever you think about it.

«Book on the head»

Take a large book in a solid, but not glossy cover, put it on your head and try to stand, keeping your balance so that the book does not fall. If this does not pose a problem for you, start walking with the book on your head, you can even try to dance a little. When this exercise becomes too simple for you, take a few books. Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine. People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.

"Puppet on the thread"

Walking, for example, along the street, imagine that a thread is tied to your head, for which someone pulls you up exactly, and to the shoulders - two more strings that slightly pull them back. The chest will straighten, the back will stretch, the neck will look longer, and the gait will find ease.

Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine. People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.


Standing straight, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. On the account of "one-two-three take them back as far as possible, return to the starting position on the "four" account. Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine.

People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident. To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.

Hanging on a horizontal bar

If you have a children's sports complex with a bar or a bar on which you can hang, grabbing her hands, "hang" on it periodically for 1-2 minutes.

This relieves the tension of the back muscles and helps the spine to straighten. It is especially useful to hang out after a working day at a computer, or after a workout.

Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine. People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.


I'm not kidding. When sitting down somewhere - and on a soft sofa, and on a wooden bench, listen carefully to yourself: what sensations does the body experience? Try to stay in place, try to sit in different ways, choose a comfortable position.

But too long to remain in the same position is also not very useful: you feel that you are tired - then you have to fidget again.

You are not sure whether you need these exercises, because you are convinced that without them keep your back straight? Learn how to check if your posture is correct. Correct posture is important not only for the health of the spine.

People who hold their back evenly, look slimmer and younger, feel more confident.

To maintain a beautiful posture will help simple exercises that you can perform between the case, on the go.

What for

"Poor posture is, first of all, weak muscles, and not only the muscles of the back, as is commonly believed, but almost all major muscle groups, "says Professor of the Physical Sciences Academy in the book" Take care of your back " culture them. P.F. Lesgafta, specialist in the field of prevention and treatment of spine diseases M.V. Devyatova. This means that problems with posture can be solved by trying to move more and doing special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back.

How to check

Stand in front of the mirror, undressing before the laundry, and take the pose in which you usually stand. Look at the symmetry of the shoulders and hips. With proper posture, there should be no distortions.

Then go to the wall and lean back against it. Try to feel (or better - ask someone to help you and see), what points of the body you touch the vertical surface.

With true posture, the walls should touch the back of the neck, the middle thoracic spine (it is between the shoulder blades), buttocks and heels. This is important: when checking, do not try to stretch up or straighten your shoulders, stand in the position you are used to.

So you can determine if you have problems with your back.

British doctors deny the popular opinion that to reduce the burden on the spine in a sitting position, you must keep your back straight. According to new research, it is much more useful to relax, "lounging" in the work chair.

British radiologists came to the conclusion that maintaining a straight posture in a sitting position renders unnecessary load on the spine and can cause chronic back pain due to pinching of the nerve when the intervertebral disk.

Therefore, doctors recommend office workers who spend most of their time at the computer, the position of reclining, in which the angle of the back is 135 degrees.

Perhaps, this way of sitting is not very comfortable for work, but it is much more useful than the hunched or straight position of the back of the seated person.

According to the head of the study Vasil Bashir, "when the vertebral discs are under pressure they are flattened and shifted."

"The situation in which the body is at a 135-degree angle, has proved to be the most convenient position for sitting for a long time the British professor noted.

Office workers, school children and students have the opportunity to prevent back problems by adjusting position of the spine. "In this case, scientists pay attention to the need for a comfortable chair that allows you to relax body.

Sources: ttp: //studiozhasmin.ucoz.ru/publ/krasota/sovety_po_ukhodu_za_telom/uprazhnenija_dlja_krasivoj_osanki/13-1-0-177

Exercises for posture at home for children and adults

Beautiful, straight posture is, first of all,healthy spine, which is the basis of the entire musculoskeletal system of the human body.

With straightened back, the work of the muscles is optimized, aimed at maintaining the joints and bones in the desired position.

Concerningreduces the load on the ridge.

Constantly maintaining a healthy posture, a person fixes the spine in the correct, forward position and thereby prevents the rapid fatigue of the entire body.

Besides,proper postureperforms an aesthetic and psychological function. A beautiful, smooth back makes the figure more slim and graceful.

A person with a similar appearance feels more confident, young and healthy. He breathes evenly, looks openly at the world around him and simply enjoys life.

It is not enough to try to just keep your back in a straight position. Need moreregular exercise,allowing you to create and maintain a beautiful, healthy posture.

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How to straighten your posture at home - we offer youbest exercises.

"Rounds".Before performing this exercise, you need to prepare a place. The floor must be perfectly level, which will prevent the displacement of the vertebrae.

Starting position- sit down on the floor, pull up your legs to the torso. In this case, the knees should be pressed to the chin, and the ankles are covered with hands. In this form, an arc is formed from the back, neck and occiput.

Keeping the adopted posture, you need to slowly roll onto your back and return to the starting position. Depending on the degree of physical training, the exercise is required10-20 times.

"Cobra".For the convenience of this exercise, it is better to use a gym mat. The starting position is to lie on your stomach. In this case, the person should be lowered down, legs - to connect together, palms - to draw to the floor at the level of the shoulders.

Pushing the palms to the floor and completely straightening the arms, you need to lift the upper part of the trunk andto bend over with a bulging chestforward. Go down to the starting position. Perform up to 10 repetitions.

In carrying out this exercise, it is important to remember that you can not tear off the lower part of the abdomen from the floor. Nevertheless, care must be taken to keep the heels and socks together.Breathing should be even, through the nose.

"Bow".This exercise will help not only to form a correct posture, but also to strengthen the muscles of the chest.

The starting point is to lie on your stomach and bend your knees, and grasp your arms with your hands.

When breathing in, one should try to arched an arch: simultaneously raise the head and upper part of the trunk, and at the same time pull up the legs with hands.

Holding your breath, you should perform several swings with your body. Then you need to exhale and relax, that is, return to the starting position.

The number of repetitions in this exercise should be approachedin view of one's strength, so as not to give yourself much indulgence, but at the same time do not overdo it.

"Fish".Option 1. The starting position is to lie with your back on the rug, pull your legs and at the same time try to squeeze them as much as possible to the floor, especially the heel and popliteal part, and the socks to pull to the face. Hands should also be stretched to the full length above the head.

At the expense of 5 while sipping to the right side with both hands, you need to try with your left heel, not tearing off the floor, "crawl" forward. Take the original position.

On the same account, you must perform the same actions, only in a "mirror" form. Having stretched both hands in the left side, the right heel to lead forward.

It is required to perform one by onefrom 5 to 7 such repetitions.

Option 2.The starting position is to lie on your back, hands to lay behind your head, pressing your hands to the cervical vertebrae. Legs to pull out, feet to establish perpendicularly to a floor, socks to pull on itself. The whole body, including the shoulders, elbows, pelvis, calves and heels, is strongly pressed to the floor.

By rapid oscillatory movements on the right - to the left, it is necessary to simulate the actions of fish in water. In this variant, attention should also be given to the order of the deviations in the sides.

Exercise should be no more than 2 minutes.

Importantobserve the immobility of the spine, since here only the head and the established feet are perpendicular to the floor.

"Bridge".The starting position is to lie on your back, hands to stretch along the trunk, and legs to bend at the knees. Tearing off the pelvis from the floor, you need to rely only on the back of the head, elbows and feet.

Thus, a straight line is formed from the head to the knees. In this situation, you should stay for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Exercise should be done in 2 sets of 15 reps each.

To work on the posture, the so-calledadvanced bridge. The starting position is as in the previous version.

The pelvis should be torn off the floor and raised as high as possible. The emphasis is on the back of the head and standing firmly on the feet.

The number of repetitions here can be somewhat reduced - by 10 in two approaches.

"Panther".The starting position is to face the floor, focusing on the hands and knees. It is required to first present an obstacle in the form of a bar.

Under it, you need to crawl, bending the spine, so that alternately touched the floor: chin, chest and stomach.

As though ducking under an imaginary bar, one should stand on straight hands and take the starting position. Exercise should be repeated up to 15 times.

Exercises to improve posture for children

It does not matter whether the child is healthy or has any bearing disorders, to caring for his physical developmentyou need to add a set of specific exercises.

It can be included both in the morning exercises, and in the mobile games with which children are addicted throughout the day.

Stand with your back to the wall.The child should be leaning against the wall so that it touches the hard surface with the back of the head, shoulders, buttocks and heels. For this simple exercise, two minutes are enough.

Walking with a book on his head.This exercise is considered a more complicated version of the previous one. For younger children, you can get by with a bag of some grain. However, it is the small book (weighing not more than 1 kg) that will bring more efficiency.

Starting position- The child must stand on the wall, as in the previous exercise, the arms are stretched along the body, the legs are shoulder-width apart. On the head of a little man you need to lay a book, evenly distributing its size.

The child must fix in his memory the correct position of the body. First you need to start with a few steps, in time you can increase the distance, and later the child can freely walk around the room with a book on his head.

"Castle" hands.The starting position - you need to take the vertical position of the body, legs on the width of the shoulders. One hand should be wound behind the head, the second one should be directed to it from under the shoulder blades.

Snap your fingers "lock" and try to pull it up and down. Change the position of the hands and repeat the same actions with a "lock". Return to the starting position.

Exercise repeat up to 15 times.

The "Boat". The starting position is to lie on your stomach, to get your feet under the sofa, the bar of the wall or other suitable support.

The palms should be connected between themselves above the head and raise the shoulders as high as possible.

At the highest point of recovery, you need to stay for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Exercise should be carried out by a double approach 20 times.

"The candle (birch)."The starting position is to lie on the floor, hands are directed along the body, legs are straightened and shifted.

Straight legs need to be pulled upward, lifting at the same time the lower part of the trunk. "Birch" can be supported by hands placed on the back.

The emphasis is mainly on the shoulder blades.

Maximally stretching your legs up, you should stay in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. This exercise should be done 10 times in three approaches.

Exercises with a stick for posture.

Gymnastic stick length 120 cm - the most accessible and convenient simulator for working on the formation of correct posture.

With its help, you can diversify the usual exercises performed to correct posture. The stick, held in its hands, allows you to make all movements more clearly.

Before you do to adjust the posture with a stick, you should make a smallwarm-up for the back.

This gymnastic can be held in a different position. The most common is a wide grip on top.

Besides,stick can be kept:

  • in front of him in arms outstretched forward;
  • just below the clavicles in the arms bent at the elbows;
  • Below the level of the shoulders behind the back on the elbows of the arms;
  • overhead in arms outstretched;
  • At the level of the hips in the arms extended downward.

Exercises with a stick to form a correct posture can be performed in a sitting, standing and lying position.

Exercises on the bar.An important role in supporting a straight back and the formation of a correct posture is played by such a widespread gymnastic apparatus as a horizontal bar.

You can do it in the gym, or you can create excellent conditions at home by hanging a simple crossbar or installing a children's horizontal bar.Posture straightenseven with a brief hovering on the projectile.

Such an exercise can be performed periodically - up to several times a day.

Classes on the bar allow you to align your back, stretch the spine and relieve tension from the spinal muscles.

They are useful especially for those who lead the majoritypassive lifestyle(meaning work).


Correction of posture at an earlier agemuch more effective than starting to do it in mature enough years.

Following somerecommendations, in a short time you can achieve significant results.

Regular execution

Aspiring to make your back more even with tightened muscles and beautiful posture, you need to work out a certainsystem of sports activities.

Regular physical load, created on the upper part of the back of the body, will certainly help in solving the problem.

The main thing is to consult a specialist who will suggest the most effective exercises. You just need to do it regularly.

It's right to sit

Those who are used to not sitting at the desk and then at the office desk, probably have a spine that is twisted in different degrees and suffer from back problems. And all that is needed -follow the correct posturewhile sitting on a chair.

A good help, which can be placed directly in front of your eyes, will be a picture with an even person sitting on it.

You can also put on your phonereminderthat you need to pay attention to the posture. The time interval is set at your discretion.

Over time, the habit of following their posture will become commonplace even without external factors of influence.

Do not slouch

Just as you need to watch your even back in a sitting position on a chair, you can organizecorrecting the posture while walking.

Walking along the streets, try to notice your reflection in the glass case and immediately takethe necessary position of the spine.

To eventually learn how to naturally and smoothly "wear" your back, you need to get used to watching yourself constantly and in time get rid of stoop.

It is necessary to try to walk constantly with your head held up and straightened shoulders.

Do not throw your foot on your leg

To harmful habits, which negatively affect the correct posture, is the throwing of one leg to the other in a sitting position. Wishing to maintain a truly royal posture, when sitting on a chair you needput both feet on the floor.

A source: http://wo-beauty.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-osanki/

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