Berodual at what kind of cough inhalation

From what cough to take "Berodual"

"Berodual" is a bronchodilator containing ipratropium bromide and fenoterol, as well as auxiliary substances. Directed action of complementary components allows the use of a medicament for the rapid removal of bronchospasm in obstructive bronchitis, asthma, and lung emphysema.

The action of the drug "Berodual" with a dry and moist cough

Use "Berodual" can be with a dry and moist cough with hard-to-separate sputum, shortness of breath, bronchial spasms caused by exposure to tobacco smoke, cold air. Ipratropium bromide has a blocking effect on cholinergic receptors, which makes it possible to inhibit reflexes in the irritating action of the vagus nerve. In turn, this significantly reduces the bronchospasm in any form of cough, reduces the secretion of a secret secret glands, including bronchial secretions.

Relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi contributes to an increase in expectoration of accumulated mucus with a moist cough with difficult to separate sputum and prevents spastic contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi in a dry coughing.

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Fenoterol in a therapeutic dose stimulates b2-adrenoreceptors. At use of high doses of a preparation stimulating influence appears on b1-adrenoreceptors. Relaxation of the bronchi and vessels interferes with bronchospasm arising on the background of exposure to cold air, allergens, histamine or methacholine.

Mukolitsiarny clearance occurs at a dose of 600 mcg. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is released from the mucus accumulation, it becomes much easier to breathe.

The systemic effect of the drug "Berodual" is accompanied by minimal side effects, since a minimal dose of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide is absorbed into the bloodstream. However, use of aerosol is only necessary for the purpose and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Doses of Berodual

Spray "Berodual" is produced in metal cans and is designed for 200 doses. With a damp cough with hard-to-separate sputum, dry cough, an asthma attack, two inhalation doses are used. If within 5-7 minutes there is no desired effect, it is permissible to conduct 2 more inhalations. The maximum allowable number of inhalations per day should not exceed eight.

The solution for use in nebulizers is available in 20 ml vials. At an acute attack of bronchial asthma in adults, 20 drops of Berodual are used. The maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 160 drops. Drops are diluted with 4 mg of saline and inhaled for seven minutes. The interval between re-inhalation should not be less than 4 hours. Along with the use of Berodual, a comprehensive, comprehensive treatment of the disease should be prescribed, which caused bronchospasm or attacks of dry cough.

Berodual for inhalations

Pulmonologists and pediatricians recommend a modern remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases - Berodual. It refers to bronchodilators, has several forms of release. The drug is convenient to use, it acts quickly, has an affordable cost-a little more than 300 Russian rubles. How to build Berodual for inhalations, how many times a day to use - all this must be known. This popular tool refers to the sales leaders among similar drugs.

Instructions for the use of a solution for inhalation

The drug relaxes the smooth musculature of the bronchi, normalizes the production of mucus in the lower respiratory tract. The action of the drug is due to the active components in its composition - fenoterol and bipyrid ipratropium. Pharmacokinetics such: 16% of the drug remains in the airways, the rest is swallowed, the concentration in the plasma blood 500-1000 times less than after the administration of doses that have the same therapeutic effect, not through inhaler. The effect after inhalation occurs more quickly.


A quarter of an hour after inhalation by Berodual, the patient's breathing becomes easier. The period of maximum exposure to the drug is 2 hours, and it lasts up to 6 hours. The drug fights with a suffocating cough, dilates the bronchi, is an expectorant, helps to clear phlegm. Active components in the basis of droplets for inhalation do not interfere with the natural gas exchange process.

Indications Beroduala

Doctors write out a prescription for Berodual in the following cases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • bronchospasm for pneumonia;
  • obstructive syndrome with tuberculosis of the bronchi, lungs;
  • suffocating, nasal cough, accompanying a number of diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis.

Absolute indications for the use of nebulizer treatment Berodualom - the inability to deliver the medicine in the respiratory ways in other ways. Inhalation with asthma can ease the attack, do it quickly and effectively. Effective are inhalations with cough, the cause of which is in the disease of the respiratory tract, upper and lower.


In the annotation to the drug, there are cases in which Berodual for inhalation should be used with caution:

  • vascular and heart disease;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diabetes;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • obstruction of the neck of the bladder;
  • pregnancy, III trimester, the period of breastfeeding;
  • hyperplasia of the prostate.

You can not use the product:

  • with tachyarrhythmia, coronary insufficiency, after a previous myocardial infarction;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

When using the drug, adverse side effects are not observed often, but they are possible. The most common:

  • feeling of dryness in the throat, mouth;
  • tremor of skeletal musculature (involuntary trembling).

The rare side effects include:

  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • irritation in the respiratory tract, provoking a severe cough;
  • allergic rash, hives;
  • increased sweating, general weakness.

Negative side effects are often associated with a disruption of the dosage of the medication. When an overdose manifests symptoms caused by the action of fenoterol, there is a tremor, the pressure rises or decreases, the heart rate increases. If this happens, sedatives are prescribed. Sometimes they mention the addiction to Berodual, but physicians note that the use of this word is incorrect. Addiction to the drug is not, but there is a temporary lack of a positive effect due to an overdose of the drug. When you return to normal, the effect resumes.

How to do inhalation with Berodual

Solutions for the nebulizer are prepared according to the instructions. How to properly prepare Berodual to do inhalation: the dose prescribed by the doctor is dripped into saline, bringing the volume to 3-4 ml. Remains of liquid can not be reused, each time you need to prepare a fresh composition. Used Berodual with saline for inhalations, distilled water for this purpose can not be taken. Sometimes the doctor prescribes inhalation with Berodual and Lazolvan simultaneously (10 drops of the first and 2 ml of the second, all diluted with 2 ml of saline solution).

For children

Doing inhalations with Berodual child begin treatment with a trial dose, minimal, tracking the reaction of a small patient. The interval between inhalations should not be less than 4 hours. How many days to do the procedure - depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient, about the average course of about 5 days. Children up to 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed according to individual indices. Depending on the age, the proportions are:

  • children under three years: 6 drops Beroduala + 2 ml saline solution;
  • 3-6 years: 8 drops of medicine + 2 ml saline, daily dose - not more than 30 drops;
  • over 6 years - 10 drops + saline solution.

For adults

Berodual's dosing for inhalations for adults and children over 12 years depends on the severity of the disease:

  1. If it is necessary to stop seizures, large doses, 1-4 ml, or 20-80 drops are required.
  2. When the bronchospasm is moderate, therapy is not an emergency, for example, inhalations are made with bronchitis, 10-20 drops + saline is prescribed. Inhalation through the nebulizer lasts 6-7 minutes, until the whole composition is sprayed.

Video: inhalation with Berodual child

If the instruction is followed, the use of Berodual in the complex treatment of diseases in children is safe. Pediatricians advise to use a solution for inhalation, this form of treatment acts on the child more carefully than therapy with an aerosol can. It is important to properly prepare the inhalation solution. This process is shown in detail in the video.


Vladislav, 30 years old: From childhood I suffer from asthma, seizures happen regularly. A year ago, I was appointed Berodual through a nebulizer, the situation changed for the better. Attacks go faster.

Natal, 8 years old: This drug was prescribed to my child with a dry cough. To a daughter of 8 years, the pediatrist has appointed or nominated 10 drops on 3 ml fizrastvora. The action of the drug is visible within 10 minutes after the procedure.

Anna, 35 years old: My son was discharged with nebulizer treatment with Berodual and Lazolvan with bronchitis. After a course of treatment of 5 days, he went on to recover, an effective medicine!

Aerosol Berodual with dry cough

One of the very popular aerosol medicines, effectively helping to treat a wet and dry cough, is Berodual. It is successfully used in the fight against an unpleasant phenomenon in both adults and children over 3 years old. When the drug enters the respiratory system, the bronchus lumen instantaneously widens. This property of the drug allows you to quickly remove seizures of bronchospasm.

When is Berodual coughing?

Aerosol is prescribed by doctors both for the purpose of preventing certain diseases, and as an effective medication related to maintenance therapy.

As a remedy for coughing Berodual is effective enough if dry or wet reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are the result of such pathologies as:

  • Obstructive bronchitis in chronic form.
  • A sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi or their hypersensitivity.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Emphysema bronchitis.

Berodual: which cough is recommended?

The drug has no restrictions in the application, consisting in the nature of reflex respiratory tract spasms. However, its effect in controlling the dry and wet symptom is significantly different. This is due to the pharmacological properties of the substances that make up the drug.

If you use Berodual with a dry cough, inhalations will contribute to a rapid decrease in the intensity of sudden exhalations, and often their complete cessation. This is due to inhibiting the components that make up the drug, spastic contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Berodual (inhalation with dry cough) well helps to relieve spasms that occur:

  • When exposed to allergens.
  • By inhalation of cold air.

Berodual with a wet cough can:

  • Reduce bronchospasm.
  • Weaken the muscles of the bronchi.
  • Activate sputum expectoration process.

Berodual with a moist cough helps restore mucous membranes, accelerate the formation of normal bronchial secretions. It is due to these properties of the aerosol that it is often prescribed for obstruction of the airways caused by:

  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Respiratory ailments.

Also, Berodual of cough (wet and dry) is used when the removal of bronchospasm is done with the help of several different medications. In this case, the preparation of the respiratory system for the following use is carried out with the help of the medicine:

  • Mucolytics.
  • Antibiotics.

What if there is a bad cough after Berodual?

One of the side effects of the drug is the occurrence of irritation in the airways. This anomaly causes severe, stiff dry bronchospasm in patients, which are quite rare, but intense.

If the patient has a similar reaction to the medicine, you should always consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe another drug that will allow to fight the dry or wet symptom also effectively, however will not cause any side effects.

Inhalation from dry cough

We are all used to the fact that with the arrival of colds we often get sick, but what is the most common cold symptom? This cough, which at the beginning of the disease is very dry, which gives a person discomfort. Than to treat this symptom? Recommended inhalation for dry cough with the use of various additives. The instructions below will help you select and properly perform the technique of this procedure.

What inhalations do with dry cough

The first signs of this symptom are discomfort and itching sensation in the larynx. A person feels the constant urge to cough. In addition, the confirmation of the approaching illness is general malaise, fever and headache. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, inhalation is used for coughing, which helps in an initial stage to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. Such procedures are of several types:

  1. Steam inhalations are treated with dry cough due to ingress of hot steam into the bronchi. Passing through the respiratory tract, it reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, improves blood circulation, promotes the formation and spitting of phlegm. This is a more usual way of inhalation, when you just need to cover yourself with a towel over a basin or a pot of boiled water. Additives can be herbal infusions or essential oils.
  2. Wet inhalations from dry cough are prescribed for severe diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis. These procedures are based on the spraying of aerosols, the particles of which fly at high speed in the respiratory tract, and then settle in the bronchi on the small alveoli. The composition of such drugs may include antibiotics, hormones, mucolytic or immunomodulating substances. Inhalers are pocket, compressor or ultrasonic.
  3. Teplyvazhnye inhalations are used for coughing more often than other types, because the medicine penetrates deeper into the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi. Special inhalers have been developed for the procedure, which have become popular in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. These devices are inhaled saline with a dry cough.
  4. Oil inhalations cover the bronchial mucosa with a thin protective film. Oils used for the procedure have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.

With what to do inhalations with a dry cough

Since the cough has a different origin, the preparations for inhalation also differ. These can be the following medicines:

  1. Expanding the trachea, larynx and bronchi, i.e. bronchodilators: Ventolin, Berotek, Atrovent, Berodual.
  2. Easier sputum discharge - mucolytics: Ambrobene, Acetylcysteine, Bronchipret, Lazolvan, Pertussin, Mukaltin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: Propolis, Budesonide, Kromogeksal, Rotokan, Calendula, Pulmicort.
  4. Against a cough: "Lidocaine "Tussamag".
  5. Antiseptics: Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt.
  6. Antibiotics: Isoniazid, Gentamicin.
  7. Stimulating immunity: "Interferon "Deoxyribonucleate sodium".
  8. Moisturizers of mucous: alkaline mineral water, physiological solution, baking soda solution.

Even a dry cough can have some specific symptomatic characteristics, so for treatment, choose one or another medication that is more suitable for a particular disease. There are several recommendations about this:

  1. Bronchodilators are used in both dry and wet cough to eliminate respiratory spasms and release the way for sputum discharge.
  2. As the resolution of the disease cough from the dry crosses into the wet, so the order of application of funds up to recovery such: humidifying or wetting, bronchodilators, mucolytic preparations, antiseptics and antibiotics.
  3. Use of herbal infusions is possible with any cough, but only with steam inhalations, because the nebulizer from them will spoil.
  4. Inhalations with essential oils are used only with a dry cough, provoked by laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, because the ethers envelop the mucous membrane with a thin film that relieves cough only time.

With saline solution

Saline is a mixture of water and table salt mixed in certain amounts. With proper inhalation, the damaged mucosa becomes a place for the settling of the drug particles, which facilitates the escape of sputum and improves overall well-being. Fizrazvor used for dilution when inhaled drugs or herbal decoctions, which can not be treated with boiling water, because of this their useful properties are reduced. The cost of the solution is low, but you can buy it in any pharmacy, but you can not cook it yourself either:

  1. Take 10 grams of the finest table salt.
  2. Dissolve it in 1 liter of boiled warm water, pre-filtering it.
  3. In view of the fact that the self-prepared solution is not sterile, its shelf life is only 24 hours.

For saline solution it is recommended to apply:

  1. Steam inhalers, but the medicine can reach only the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Nebulizer for inhalation of the lower part of the respiratory tract.

Procedures based on saline solution are used even for toddlers, but it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the medication:

  • Newborns and children under 3 years old - up to 30 ° C;
  • if a child from 3 to 4 years old does not exceed 40 ° C;
  • For children who crossed the threshold of 4 years - up to 52 ° C.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The solution heated to the required temperature must be poured into the nebulizer. Enough is 3-4 ml.
  2. Within 2-3 minutes, use inhalation for cough.
  3. Do not give food and liquid at least half an hour after the procedure.

With soda

Such a simple remedy, like soda, is in the kitchen of any landlady, but is used not only for cooking or cleaning mugs from plaque, but also for treating any form of cough: dry, wet or allergic. Procedures are carried out with an old, proven method using a kettle or a pot, but it is more convenient to use a nebulizer. Inhalation is carried out one and a half hours after eating:

  1. Mix, h. l. soda and 200 ml of slightly cooled after boiling water.
  2. Make a tube out of a thick cardboard, take it in your mouth.
  3. Cover yourself with a towel over the pan or use a kettle, then the tube is not needed.
  4. In order for the medicine to have an effective effect, make sure that the cervical department does not interfere with anything.
  5. After the end of inhalation, refrain from eating, drinking, talking for about an hour.
  6. Do not use boiling water to avoid burning the airways.
  7. At a temperature greater than 3 ° C, inhalation from a cough is contraindicated.

With mineral water

It is better to use mineral oil for inhalations with a nebulizer. Water should not choose any, but one in which there are fewer minerals, for example:

  • alkaline water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki
  • water "Staraya Russa" with salt in the composition.

The main thing is to remove the gas bubbles, leaving the bottle open for the night or stirring with a spoon in a glass. If you use a special nebulizer, you just need to pour water into its container and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes. If the device is not available, use the following method:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan, heat to about 50 ° C.
  2. Armed with a towel, cover it over a saucepan and inhale from a dry cough.
  3. Inhale steam for about 8 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to perform up to 3 times a day.

With lazolvanom

The main component of lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride, which has several effects:

  • quickly clears the airways;
  • facilitates sputum discharge;
  • effectively removes mucus from the lungs and bronchi;
  • enhances the effect of antimicrobial drugs.

To perform inhalation with lasolvan, follow the following instructions:

  1. The drug in its composition contains a large amount of sodium, so you should have a normal reaction to this trace element.
  2. Lazolvan mixed in the proportion: with a physical solution or other neutral non-alkaline liquid.
  3. The temperature of heating the medicine should not exceed the body temperature.
  4. Observe the daily dose of the drug: for adults it is equal to 8 ml, and for children - 4 ml.
  5. In a day, you need to hold up to 2 procedures, using 2 ml per each.
  6. After 5 days, go to the doctor if there is no positive dynamics.

With berodual

It is a preparation of bronchodilator action. Indications for use are bronchial asthma, suffocating cough with bronchitis. The drug helps to secrete fluid from the bronchi, expanding them. The man is more easily relieved by the accumulated mucus. The product is available in the form of a solution or spray. For inhalations, it is necessary to dilute the ferocoal with a physical solution. The final amount of the drug for inhalation should be 4 ml. Proportions are determined by a specialist depending on the weight, age and severity of the cough. Spray is injected 3 times twice a day, this requires:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the packaging, put the mouthpiece in the mouth.
  2. Exhale and press the bottom of the can, inhaling the drug.
  3. Hold your breath a little, take out the mouthpiece, and exhale.

Rules of the procedure at home

There are several general rules for inhalation over steam:

  1. The procedure should be carried out in a quiet environment.
  2. Breathing in and out should be done slowly. If there is dizziness, you need to suspend the procedure for a while.
  3. The length of the carton or cone should not be less than 30 cm, so that the mucosa of the respiratory tract is not affected.
  4. Clothing is better to choose free, so that the chest is not in tight conditions.

When using a nebulizer, observe the following instructions:

  1. Rinse your hands and assemble the unit.
  2. Pour the medium heated to the specified temperature into the container of the device.
  3. Close the lid firmly.
  4. Install a face mask or mouthpiece.
  5. Connect the compressor to the device.
  6. Having switched on the compressor, start to breathe a medicine.
  7. When the procedure is complete, turn off the compressor, disconnect it from the nebulizer.
  8. Rinse all elements with a 15% solution of soda.
  9. Boil the appliance parts, dry them, wrap them with a clean storage napkin.

For children

The rules for performing inhalation with a dry cough in a child look like this:

  1. Between the procedure and food intake it is necessary to sustain a break of at least half an hour for children up to six months and 1 hour for children no older than 6 years.
  2. After inhalation, do not give the child food and drinks for about an hour.
  3. The time of inhalation of vapors for children should not exceed 3 minutes.
  4. The adult must always be near the child in order to protect him from burns.
  5. If the inhalation of the drug in the child has an incessant cough, the procedure must be completed.
  6. Do not perform the procedure at elevated to 3 ° C temperature.
  7. After inhalation, hold the child in a semi-reclining state on the knees or on a high cushion.

For adults

Inhalation for adults also has a few simple rules. In addition to the contraindications at elevated temperature, care should be taken to ensure that the water is not hot, and the time of inhalation of the vapor does not exceed 10 minutes. Lean too low over the pan when steam inhalation is also not worth it. After the procedure, limit conversations, eating and necessarily change into dry clothes. Prepare the medicine immediately before the session and use only once.


Even such an inoffensive method of treating dry cough has its contraindications:

  • temperature 3, ° С;
  • tendency to bleeding from the nose;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to the drugs used;
  • individual reaction to medicines;
  • severe stage of lung or heart failure;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • pneumothorax;
  • a pronounced clinical picture of arrhythmia.

Video: how to properly do inhalations with a nebulizer

Indispensable tool for inhalation in every home was a nebulizer - inhaler for cough and cold, for a short time eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract. For therapeutic procedures, medicinal solutions are used, for which the creation of fine particles is not characteristic. Inhalations of a nebulizer with a dry cough are performed with the use of antibiotics, herbal infusions, mucolytics or hormone-containing drugs, but how to properly use this device, you can learn from a useful video below.

Inhalation with Berodual and saline solution for children

Sometimes chronic diseases of the respiratory tract are manifested by a painful cough of an obstructive type and even suffocation. According to modern pulmonologists and pediatricians, the best bronchodilator for children are inhalations with such drugs as Berodual and saline. How correctly to make inhalation?

Berodual is an indispensable remedy for obstructive diseases affecting the lungs and bronchi accompanied by bronchospasm, emphysema and bronchial asthma. But it is important to know how to use it correctly. Therefore, consider in what proportions, depending on the age of the baby, are inhaled with Berodual and saline solution:

  1. If the baby is not yet 6 years old, or weighs less than 22 kg, 2 drops of Berodual are taken for 2 kg of the small patient's weight, and the required amount is diluted in 2 ml of saline. Treatment must begin with the lowest possible dose of the drug, which is equal to, ml or 10 drops. Usually inhalations using Berodual and saline are done twice a day, but in case of a complicated course of the disease it is possible to increase their number up to 4 times.
  2. For children over 6 and under 12 years of age, the dosage for inhalation depends on the symptoms of the disease. With moderate brohospazme take, ml (10 drops) Beroduala, with acute attacks of bronchial asthma of mild and moderate severity to a small the patient will need, -1 ml (10-20 drops) of the solution, and in severe and especially severe cases of suffocation, the dose is increased to 2-3 ml (40-60 drops). At the majority of parents there is a natural question how to plant Berodual for inhalations with saline solution. Usually the amount of the latter is 3-4 ml.
  3. When a child of older age falls ill (from 12 years), the dose of medication with moderate bronchospasm and mild attacks of bronchial asthma remains the same as in the case indicated above. But when a small patient starts to choke,and bronchospasm reaches its critical point, children usually increase the dosage of Berodual and saline for inhalation. For the drug, it is -4 ml (50-80 drops), which are diluted in 4 ml of physiological saline and poured into the nebulizer.
  4. It is necessary to remember the peculiarities of this procedure. The instruction on how to effectively do inhalation with Berodual and saline is very simple. To do this, use a nebulizer and completely consume the poured solution. Also, the latter should always be freshly prepared, and distilled water should not be used for breeding Beroduala.

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