Bandage for back and waist


  • 1How to choose a lumbar bandage
  • 2How to choose a bandage for the back?
    • 2.1What kinds of corsets for the back exist?
    • 2.2Orthopedic corset
    • 2.3Bandage for pregnant women
    • 2.4Anti-Radiculitis Belt
    • 2.5Indications and contraindications
    • 2.6Tips for choosing
    • 2.7How correctly to wear a bandage?
  • 3Choose a corset for the lumbar spine
    • 3.1How to choose a corset for the waist?
    • 3.2Types of corsets for the waist
    • 3.3Lumbosacral semi-rigid corset
    • 3.4Lumbosacral hard corset
    • 3.5The use of a corset for lumbar pain videos (advice of a neurologist)
    • 3.6Indications and contraindications for use
    • 3.7Therapeutic corset for lumbar spine
    • 3.8Warming corset
    • 3.9Orthopedic belts for back
    • 3.10Corsets for women
    • 3.11Lumbar corset with osteochondrosis
    • 3.12Corset selection
    • 3.13How to choose a product
    • 3.14How to properly dress the lumbosacral corset
    • 3.15how to properly wear a corset
  • 4What to buy a belt for the back, if the back is hurting
    • 4.1Characteristics of belts and their types
    • 4.2Orthopedic constructions
    • 4.3Selection rules
    • 4.4Cost
    • 4.5Patient Reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Corsets on the lumbosacral spine
    • 5.1Types of lumbosacral corsets
    • 5.2Rules for the selection and operation of corsets for the lumbosacral department

How to choose a lumbar bandage

Noet, lame, aching... Our waist and strives to present us with another surprise, especially if we are too loaded with her physical work or, conversely, sit still and in front of the computer.

Unfortunately, in addition to overloading the muscles that come to normal after rest, more serious problems are possible - then a lumbar bandage will come to the rescue.

From what difficulties can he save? Are there any contraindications for wearing it? How to choose and wear a purchased bracelet?

Bandage for the waist is designed to provide varying degrees of compression in the lower back. It is used:

  • for restoring muscle tone or training weakened muscles;
  • to fix the correct position of the internal organs when they are lowered;
  • to exclude the formation of hernias;
  • to reduce the burden in the antenatal period;
  • to limit excessive mobility of the affected area;
  • to create a massage and warming effect.

A bandage for the spine on the lumbar region is a belt of different widths that can also hold the chest or thighs apart from the waist.

For him, natural elastic tissues are chosen, well ventilated and absorbing moisture, so that the patient experiences maximum comfort during the use of the orthopedic product.

Lumbar bandages can be rigid or fix the spine with an average degree of contraction. The first uses metal or plastic stiffeners, which support the spine most effectively. Such models are assigned after operations.

Bandages of medium fixation limit mobility not to the same extent as rigid ones.Moderately rigid models are suitable as preventive products, to relieve the load from overworked muscles and in a number of other cases.

Models with variable rigidity are produced, which are adjusted depending on the nature of the disease and the degree of fixation required.

There are antenatal and postnatal bandages to maintain the lumbar and reduce the load from the spine, postoperative and anti-gingival bandages for the waist.

A woman at the time of pregnancy and after can use a universal bandage, which replaces two models - prenatal and postnatal.


If you have radiculitis or osteochondrosis, and the diagnosis is made by a doctor, and not by Aunt Masha's neighbor, then the warming band-belt from radiculitis or osteochondrosis can become a salvation. It heats up the lower back, increases the blood flow, which leads to the elimination of inflammation and reduce pain.


You can create a warming belt yourself. One of the most effective "fillings" for the belt has long been considered dog combed hair.

Although the main part of the lumbar orthosis is located on the lower back, the product itself can affect other parts of the spine. In this connection, three subtypes of the lumbar band differ:

  • The lumbosacral bandage. The product covers not only the lower back, but also the greater part of the chest.Can be used for both rehabilitation and treatment of diseases of the spine, including those that are located in several departments.
  • Lumbosacral bandage. The lumbosacral band has a low back wall. It can be rigid or semi-rigid. It is intended for recovery after trauma, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia.
  • Lumbar brace. The shortest of the above. It affects only the lumbar region, slightly going to the pelvis and chest.

The list of cases in which a lumbar can be assigned is quite large:

  • pregnancy and restorative postpartum period;
  • postoperative period;
  • radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral or inguinal hernia;
  • omission of the pelvic organs;
  • in certain activities: heavy lifting, long stay behind the wheel, general cleaning, weeding of beds, etc.

There are no direct contraindications to wearing a lumbar bandage. buteach individual patient is treated by a doctor individually, and in a number of cases wearing orthosis can be denied. For example, if the postoperative sutures bleed.

Wrongly selected orthosis can worsen the condition and give rise to new problems. Bandage for the waist is chosen on the basis of the recommendations of an orthopedic doctor, which takes into account:

  • the degree of the course of the disease - with chronic exacerbations a rigid model can be prescribed, and for prevention in time sports training or for professional activities, for example, the loaders will be enough and semi-rigid bandage;
  • lifestyle and age of the patient;
  • For the treatment or prevention, a bandage will be used.

This is not a complete list of criteria that will form the basis for choosing a lumbar bandage.

It should be remembered that rigid models can be purchased only on the advice of a doctor.

When choosing a lumbar orthosisPatient parameters should be clarified: waist circumference and waist circumference.

To wear a bandage was really effective, you should follow the doctor's prescription. Only an expert can adjust the general requirements for the use of the band, which are as follows:

  • wear the bandage only on cotton, better seamless clothing to avoid rubbing and other skin problems;
  • the average wearing time of the bandage is 6 hours, with each patient receiving his time and regular use of the orthosis;
  • Do not tighten the bandage too much, so as not to disturb the bloodstream;
  • The first fitting of the purchased product is carried out under the control of an orthopedist who will help to correctly put on the product and adjust the degree of the screed.

Undoubtedly, in the first days of using the bandage you will feel slight discomfort.

But if it does not pass, if you feel a strong ripple in the waist or peritoneum, you can not breathe freely, remove the bandage and seek a new consultation with a specialist. It is possible that the model is not chosen correctly.

Be attentive to your body, because often it is he who tells you what to do in this or that situation.

remember, thatthe size range for different manufacturers may differ, so before buying fix your parameters and check them with the size ruler, placed on the packaging of a particular model. If your sizes are in the middle of the two specified by the manufacturer, give preference to a better model.

And be sure to try on the orthosis before making a final decision on its purchase.

Lumbar orthosis, selected by a competent orthopedist, will help to avoid many complications, and also will preventive effect, relieve pain from the waist, relax the muscles and restore normal functioning organism.

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How to choose a bandage for the back?

With diseases of the spine and dorsal muscles, the bandage for the back becomes simply an indispensable thing that is capable of a small miracle.

Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylarthrosis, sciatica, neuritis, traumatic spinal column injuries are only a part of those pathological conditions in which the wearing of the corset for the back will have therapeutic and preventive act.

What kinds of corsets for the back exist?

There are several types of bandages for the back, depending on the purpose, the main action, the location, the degree of rigidity.

By appointment, all the bandages for the back can be divided into 3 groups:

  • orthopedic corsets;
  • bandages for pregnant women;
  • antiradical girdles.

Orthopedic corset

The main function of this device is to reduce the load on the damaged structures of the spinal column, reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, and further fix the body.

This corset prevents the displacement of the vertebrae relative to their axis. The orthopedic bandage is often supplied with metal or plastic fins.

Thanks to this design, it becomes possible to maximally approximate the shape of the bandage to the anatomical bends of the human body. The number of such ribs ranges from 4 to 6.


Some specimens are also equipped with additional belts and ties, which allows very tightly fasten the corset in order to get the maximum fixation.


Breast-lumbar orthopedic corset perfectly supports almost the whole spine

For functional purposes orthopedic corsets can be:

  • fixative - fix the spine, eliminating its hypermobility, removing pain and additional strain;
  • Corrective - support the spinal column, correct the defects of posture.

Depending on the stiffness, orthopedic corsets can be:

  1. Semi-rigid. They are recommended to wear during sports exercises, heavy physical work, drivers, with a pain syndrome in the back that is associated with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, vertebral hernia.
  2. Hard. They must be worn at the rehabilitation stage after injuries to the spine, operations on the spine, spinal cord.

By the department of the spine, which lends itself to fixation with the help of an orthopedic corset, distinguish:

  • thoracolumbar corset - this product covers the thoracic and lumbar spine, it can be both semi-rigid and rigid;
  • lumbar corset - worn on the lower back, lower chest and upper pelvis;
  • lumbosacral corset - covers the lower back and the entire pelvis.

Bandage for back stabilizing, 6 ribs, hard

Bandage for pregnant women

There are 2 types of bandages for pregnant women:

An antenatal bandage for the back is indicated in such cases as a low or incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus, multiple pregnancies, problems with the back in the pregnant woman, prevention of postnatal stretch marks. As a rule, to wear an antenatal bandage is necessary from 4-5 months of pregnancy. An antenatal bandage should in no case squeeze the woman's stomach, he should only support it.

Postnatal bandage is called for recovery after childbirth, it helps to quickly get rid of sagging belly and excess skin. In addition, the load on the spine is reduced. Restoring a woman after childbirth when wearing a bandage is much faster and more efficient.

Anti-Radiculitis Belt

Such a belt has two actions - fixation and warming, it is also called warming.

It is made mainly of natural wool, which has a light massage effect, which leads to an improvement in local blood flow, the establishment of metabolic processes in the tissues of the spine, the reflex decrease in the severity of the symptoms of the disease, pain.

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Indications and contraindications

The main indications for the constant wearing of the bandage for the back are:

  • chronic back pain (dorsopathy);
  • exacerbation of sciatica;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • vertebral fractures;
  • rehabilitation after spinal trauma;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • prevention of diseases of the spine in people at high risk (athletes, drivers, loaders, etc.).

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Strengthening of the muscular corset of the back

Before you flee to a medical technician to buy a bandage for your back, find out if you have any contraindications to wearing such a medical product so as not to harm yourself:

  • a recent operation in the area on which the corset is worn, this can lead to suppuration and inflammation of the postoperative wound, divergence of surgical sutures, postoperative bleeding;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially doctors do not recommend squeezing the stomach with refluxes of the esophageal tube;
  • allergy to the material from which the band is made;
  • some dermatological diseases in the area of ​​the skin under the corset;
  • kidney pathology, which is accompanied by edema.

Tips for choosing

If you are interested in the question of how to choose a dorsal bandage, then the following tips will help you in this matter.

The material of which the band is made must be hygroscopic (it absorbs moisture well), permeable to air, well do not stretch and do not roll down, do not cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, its basis should be natural cloth.

Do not listen to other people's advice. Never buy a corset just because it suited your girlfriend. This choice must be strictly individual, because every human body is unique. Be sure to try on the product before buying.

Pay attention to the fasteners, whether it will be convenient for you to use them daily, whether they rub, do not cause inconvenience or discomfort.

An important criterion is the price of the product. As a rule, the cost increases with a large number of hard edges, the use of quality fabric, the appearance of the bandage, the manufacturer.

Fasteners for the bandage for the back should be comfortable and do not rub

It is important to choose a bandage of your size. At different manufacturers the sizes differ among themselves, therefore before purchase the corset it is necessary to try on.

How correctly to wear a bandage?

Recommendations for the type and type of dorsal corset are given only by the doctor, he should also explain to you how to wear it, how long, in what situations you can do without a bandage. It is from compliance with all medical recommendations and the success in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the back with the help of orthopedic corset depends.

General recommendations for wearing an orthopedic corset:

  • Do not wear a corset for more than 6 hours a day;
  • for the night must be removed;
  • wear a bandage only as prescribed by the doctor or before physical exertion as a preventive measure;
  • It is impossible to tighten the bandage very tightly, it disrupts the circulation and promotes increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Do not put on your naked body to prevent rubbing.

Adhering to the above recommendations, you can make the right choice, but the final word should always be for a medical specialist.

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Choose a corset for the lumbar spine

One of the most problem areas of the human body is the lower back. It is in this area that the spine experiences maximum loads, supporting the upper part of the trunk.

And although the skeleton in this zone is the most solid and solid, unfortunately, it often does not cope, which leads to acute pain and the development of chronic diseases.

To correct the situation or to prevent it, orthopedic lumbosacral orthopedic corsets are used.

But how to choose the right corset? Who will be comfortable in it, and who will not? And how to wear a corset for the waist? We suggest thoroughly studying the issue.

How to choose a corset for the waist?

Buy a corset for the lumbosacral spine should be at the rehabilitation stage after complex operations and injuries, as well as to reduce the pain of varying degrees: from weak to very strong. Experts recommend using them with radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, myositis and other diseases of the lumbosacral spine.

Types of corsets for the waist

There are several principles of classification, with one of the most common - in terms of severity.

Lumbosacral semi-rigid corset

Semi-rigid corset for lumbar sacral section is one of the most sought-after. With its help, there is a fixation of the lumbar region, while it to a lesser extent fetters the movement.

Lumbar semi-rigid corset is recommended for reducing pain in various diseases and when it is required to speed up the process of restoring the body's functions after injuries or surgery.

The corset on the lumbosacral spine is also used for rehabilitation, when the strain on the deformed parts of the spine is reduced, and for prevention.


In some cases, wearing a semi-rigid corset for the lumbosacral portion is shown to women in the postpartum period with a strong divergence of pelvic bones.



  • provides reliable support of the lumbosacral department, relieves muscle tension, reduces pain syndrome;
  • the rigidity of many models can be adjusted individually by adjusting the edges;
  • a large size range allows you to choose a product for both adults and children;
  • compactness and lightness does not give out the presence of the corset under the clothes.


  • delicate care of the product obliges to wash them only by hand and do not twist it when pushing it out, and also observe other rules, including drying;
  • people with sensitive skin can cause allergies.

One of the most popular models on the Russian market is the semi-rigid sacral lumbar corset rwa 2200 orto professional. It has flexible stiffeners and is made of innovative bamboo fiber that does not cause allergies.

Lumbosacral hard corset

Corset thoracic lumbar hard and sacro-lumbar usually prescribed for people who have undergone serious operations on the spine. Products help reduce the rehabilitation period and increase the duration of remissions.

Other "pluses

  • replace the supporting functions of the affected spine;
  • exclude displacement of vertebrae;
  • a wide range of products allows you to choose the product for the individual physiological characteristics of the patient.

To "minuses but rather, warnings can be attributed:

  • an incorrectly selected corset can lead to serious health complications and expand the list of available diseases;
  • to the same sad consequences will lead to a violation of the rules of wearing the product, as well as ignoring the recommendations of the doctor.

Hard corsets can be prescribed only on the recommendation of a rehabilitologist.

In addition, the models are distinguished by the degree of fixation, which can be complete, strong, medium and light. The latter option is represented by warming belts, which by definition are not corsets, the poet will talk about them next time.

Lumbosacral corsets of strong fixation are made of dense fabrics or knitwear and have on the back of metal inserts, which repeat the contours of the sacrum and waist. For maximum fixation, they are supplemented by elastic straps. Wearing is prescribed for severe pain.

Corsets of middle fixation are softer and have flexible stiffeners. The degree of elasticity of the material in specific models may vary. Can be recommended for aching, mild pain in the lower back, with physical exertion, in the late stages of rehabilitation.

The use of a corset for lumbar pain videos (advice of a neurologist)

Indications and contraindications for use

We have already mentioned the main cases when an orthopedic corset for the lower back can be recommended.

The main ones are spinal diseases and large physical exertion. Let us dwell on contraindications.

Semi-rigid and rigid corsets can not be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • with skin purulent diseases and local dermatitis,
  • after application of warming agents, as well as with hernia of the abdominal wall;
  • one should also remember about individual intolerance.

Therapeutic corset for lumbar spine

Orthopedic belts for the back and a corset with a hernia of the lumbar region should be chosen carefully.

An incorrectly selected model will not only not be of use, but it can also exacerbate problems.

Effectiveness of the impact of the bandage on the lumbar and sacral spinal column directly depends on the correct choice.

To buy a corset for the lumbar region is in the case if his doctor advised him to wear it. As a rule, a lumbar corset may be necessary for the following problems:

  • sciatica, back pain;
  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis
  • uncomplicated fracture of the body, spinous and transverse vertebrae;
  • rehabilitation period after operations and lumbar injuries;
  • prevention of diseases of the spine in people whose work is associated with increased burden on the lumbar (drivers, loaders, athletes, installers, etc.);
  • hernia of the spine.

It is worth noting that the medical corset for the lower back is contraindicated only if there are skin diseases in the active stage or they occur with frequent exacerbations. In this case it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, heal the skin pathology, and then buy a suitable lumbar corset.

As a rule, the price of the corset for the waist with a hernia varies, depending on the model.

Warming corset

Warm belts made of neoprene are very popular. This is explained by the fact that this material provides access to the skin of the air, while providing a wonderful warming effect.

Such a lumbar corset improves blood flow, accelerates the regeneration of tissues and stimulates metabolism at the cellular level.

When using a similar belt, not only the load on the vertebrae of this part of the spine will be reduced, but also conditions for the prevention of kidney and urinary tract diseases, muscles located in the lumbar region.

Orthopedic belts for back

People suffering from spine diseases, the doctor can advise an orthopedic corset for the waist.

To relieve pain, and also to support the spine in the right physiological position, semi-rigid orthopedic corsets for the lumbosacral section are perfect.


They are indispensable for people engaged in heavy physical labor, for drivers, as well as for athletes.


People who at work have to lift weights and expose their back to other palpable loads, we can recommend wearing an orthopedic lumbar corset on suspenders. The model is convenient because it can be easily unfastened without completely removing it, if it is not needed at the moment.

Corsets for women

Representatives of the fair sex who want to choose a waist corset for the lumbar supporting or any other model, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the products, created taking into account the characteristics of the female figures.

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A semi-rigid supporting corset for the waist will not only help get rid of the pain in the back, but it will also be practically is invisible under clothes, and in some cases - will help to change the outline of the silhouette and visually remove from a few kilograms instantly.

Lumbar corset with osteochondrosis

Corset from osteochondrosis is prescribed for patients with moderate to severe disease.

Against the background of weakening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the back, deformation of the vertebrae, asymmetry of the skeletal musculature, this product avoids the progression of degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

Fixing corsets for osteochondrosis, belts, reklinators and bandages perform two purposes - fixation of damaged parts of the spinal column and correction of curvatures.

They can be light, medium and high rigidity. Choose a corset for the waist with osteochondrosis should the doctor, depending on the patient's condition.

With the weakening of the musculoskeletal system, the corset helps to relax the skeletal muscles and support the spine in the correct position. Nevertheless, some patients are helped by a hard corset, which tightens along the waist.

Another goal of using such models is elimination of the motor stereotype, which is formed in each patient with impaired mobility in the spinal column.

Corset selection

Corset in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is selected, mainly, among models of medium and high degree of rigidity. They are equipped with plastic or metal plates, which press on certain parts of the spine and prevent their curvature.

If the product is tightened tightly, the pain syndrome is eliminated. Nevertheless, they can not be worn for a long time, as the work of skeletal muscles is disrupted.


The products on the waist are fixed with hard straps with adjustment. For the lower back is better to buy a model of neoprene or bandage tape.


Vertebrologists also like to design models equipped with a polyamide mesh. It has all the qualities of a quality fabric:

  • prevents accumulation of moisture;
  • breathes well;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • in the summer it is cool, and in winter it is warm.

An orthopedic product for the lumbar spine may cause discomfort only when the device's dimensions do not correspond to the proportions of the body.

Be attentive to the selection of an orthopedic belt for the waist, corset for the thoracic spine and corset for degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

The prolapse of the intervertebral disc and the displacement of the vertebrae in such a pathology can provoke an acute pain syndrome by the type of lumbago with limited mobility of the spinal column.

If you select a too rigid model, you can forever remain disabled. Therefore, choose a fixator should a doctor!

Particular care should be taken in choosing a product for the neck.

With severe compression of the vertebral artery, hypoxia of the brain arises! This vessel passes through the transverse apertures of the cervical vertebrae and saturates 25% of the brain structures with blood. It is not difficult to imagine what will happen when the artery is compressed by a fixative or reclinator.

How to choose a product

When choosing a corset for the lumbar spine should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • stiffness: with strong pains that are given to the buttocks and groin area, and the fingertips lose sensitivity, the choice of the doctor is done in favor of the lumbosacral rigid corset of strong fixation, and for rehabilitation after injuries a full corset can be prescribed fixation;
  • size: the problem arises from differences in the size range of different manufacturers: in some cases, the waist is indicated, in others - the lumbar circumference, which is 8 cm lower. That's why any corset needs to be selected individually. Going for a purchase, do not forget to take measurements from the body without clothes;
  • type: this parameter can only be recommended by a specialist who directly indicates in the patient's card what he needs, for example, a corrective, that is, a supporting lumbar corset;
  • material: the most comfortable is a knitted corset, while if the material is thin, then the product will not stand out under the clothes, and if the mesh, the skin will not sweat.

Some models have an additional massage effect that relieves muscle tension and improves blood circulation, thereby relieving pain.

How to properly dress the lumbosacral corset

On the extent to which the corset is used correctly, the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect and prevention will depend. And although the main position again denotes a doctor, there are several general tips and recommendations on how to properly dress the lumbar sacral corset:

  • it is not recommended to wear a corset for more than 6 hours (in some cases corsets of strong fixation can be worn for up to 12 hours, but this requires a doctor's consultation);
  • you can not go to bed in the corset;
  • due to the fact that the muscles in the corset often do not work almost independently, it is necessary to put on the corset if necessary - under loads or pains, then the muscular system does not atrophy;
  • it is better to put under the corset lower cotton underwear (T-shirts, shirts, shirts) to avoid rubbing the body;
  • how to properly wear a corset on the lower back? Do not fasten the corset tightly so as not to interfere with normal blood circulation in the organs and tissues.

It is best to carry out the first fitting of a new corset under the supervision of a doctor, which will help to adjust the parameters.
Choosing an orthopedic corset on the lower back, we will not forget the main rule: not to buy a corset for the waist, which was recommended by neighbors, colleagues, girlfriends, etc.

Only a competent specialist who is familiar with your medical history can make the right decision about using a particular model.

how to properly wear a corset

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What to buy a belt for the back, if the back is hurting

It is difficult to find an adult who is not familiar with the feeling of pain in the back. You can get rid of discomfort not only with anesthetic ointments, special pills or injections.

To facilitate the condition will allow a special treatment belt for the back, used for back pain. Manufactured and sold such products of various designs.

Their main task is to fix the spine and reduce the load on its lumbar spine.

Belts for the back should be used on the recommendation of a doctor. They allow to evenly distribute the load on the vertebral column. Indications for their use, according to doctors, can be the following diseases, accompanied by pain in the back and waist:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusions, intervertebral hernias;
  • radiculitis;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis, amyloidosis, metastasis of malignant tumors in the spine, causing compression of the nerve roots;
  • neuralgia of the sciatic nerve;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • muscle spasms;
  • traumatic spinal cord stretching;
  • tuberculosis of the spine;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • displacement of vertebrae of the lumbar spine of mild or moderate degree;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney stone disease.

Even in the absence of these diseases, it is recommended to use belts if a serious strain on the spine and the dorsal muscles is planned.

As a rule, they are used by athletes, drivers and loaders.

They acquire elastic belts that are able to relieve the back and prevent stretching of the muscles.

The use of orthopedic corsets, bandages, orthoses is:

  1. an important component in comprehensive treatment for back injuries;
  2. mandatory for patients after spinal surgery;
  3. It is recommended in the post-operation period on the abdominal organs to reduce the burden on the back and prevent pain in the lower back.

Characteristics of belts and their types

In specialized stores of medical goods, you can find 2 types of medical and prophylactic products for the back and waist:

  • orthopedic;
  • warming.

Orthopedic constructions

Orthopedic corsets are designed to support the back. They fix the spinal column in the correct position, allowing at the expense of reducing the load to eliminate muscle spasms and back pain. They are used for:

They are made of strong, rigid materials. The width of orthopedic corsets and bandages is usually more than 25 cm.

Orthopedic lumbar orthoses are divided into several groups:

  1. hard;
  2. semi-rigid;
  3. soft.

In fractures and other injuries of the spinal column, rigid models are needed.

To relieve the condition with intervertebral hernias, reduce the pain syndrome, eliminate lumbago in the loins are used semi-rigid structures.

Soft orthopedic products are often recommended for schoolchildren who have problems with the spine. In childhood and adolescence, corrective soft models can correct posture, eliminate the curvature of the spine or prevent its appearance.

When hernia, osteochondrosis, other pathologies in the lumbar spine, vertebrologists and orthopedists recommend using stretchy belts. They normalize the position of the spine, the back muscles are forced to work, which helps to reduce pressure on the nerve roots, pain in the lower back is eliminated.


Special designs of orthopedic corsets allow not only to ease the burden on the back, which helps to reduce the inflammatory process. They do not irritate the skin, providing comfortable use.


For their manufacture use natural or artificial materials having low thermal conductivity. Among the natural can be called dog, goat, camel wool. Of the artificial is widely distributed material of neoprene - soft and light synthetic rubber.

Belts made of wool and neoprene do not interfere with the process of air entering the tissues, but at the same time they perfectly hold the heat of the human body.

Fixing the waist and maintaining the temperature balance, warming the bandages contribute:

  • improvement of blood flow;
  • activation of cellular metabolism;
  • accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues.

Regular wearing of a bandage made of neoprene can reduce the load on the vertebrae, prevent the curvature of the spine with a prolonged load on the back.

Woolen and neoprene warming belts become indispensable in cold, windy weather. They save the lower back from hypothermia, preventing inflammation of the muscles, kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Selection rules

Having felt pains in the back, it is not necessary to be engaged independently in selection both medicines, and a choice of orthopedic means. Initially, it is necessary to find out the cause of the problems.

Depending on the diagnosed disease, the doctor can recommend a certain type of orthopedic product.

However, patients should know what to look for when choosing.

If an expert advises wearing a warming bandage, then it is better to pay attention to the models of industrial production.

They are treated with special disinfecting compounds, the risk of infection from such products is minimal.

The service life of woolen belts, which are duplicated from the inside and outside of the fabric, is substantially extended.

When choosing, remember that woven, knitted patterns are easier to care for. They can be safely cleaned and washed at home. And fur, quilted and felted corsets must be taken to dry cleaning.

Allergy sufferers do not recommend warming belts from dog hair. They better stop the choice of bandages made of artificial materials. You can also pay attention to models of sheep or camel hair - they are hypoallergenic.

When choosing warming or orthopedic belts for back and waist, consider the following nuances:

  1. Products vary in size.
    Before buying, measure the waist size. If there is insufficient compression action of the bandage, there will be no therapeutic effect, and excessive compression will lead to a violation of blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs.
  2. Orthopedic belts have differences in gender.
    The designs of models are developed taking into account the anatomical features of male and female figures. A consultant in the store will suggest the right option.
  3. For people whose physical parameters differ significantly from standard ones, it is possible to manufacture custom corsets.

  4. When wearing an orthopedic belt, there should be no discomfort. The design should not rub, cause pain in the region of the thighs and ribs. It is allowed to wear a corset both on the naked body and over the underwear. When using a person should feel relief, the load on the back should be significantly reduced.
  5. The value has seams, elastic inserts, accessories.
    Fasteners must securely fix the belt without the risk of damage to the skin. No protruding thread, divergent seams for products should not be. Note: Velcro, of course, more convenient, but over time, clogging, they stop reliably fixing the structure. Buckles and fasteners made of metal will last much longer.
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At purchase it is necessary to choose a belt for a back of that rigidity which was recommended by the doctor.


Experts advise buying back belts only in specialized orthopedic stores. Certified and certified products are sold there.

  • For a woolen belt it will be necessary to give about 450 - 1000 rubles.
  • Supportive orthopedic corsets (bandages) are from 900 rubles.

The exact price can be found at the time of purchase. It will depend on the complexity of the structure (height, number of screeds, presence of stiffeners or support plates), materials of which the band is made, of the manufacturer.

After making a purchase, you need to understand the rules of use. A special instruction is attached to the products of industrial production. Incorrect use can cause a number of complications.

With pain in the lower back, a continuous wearing of the medical belt is allowed no more than 5-6 hours. At night, the daytime rest should be removed.

When the time mode of use is met, the maximum effect is achieved.


After all, during the wearing of the corset, the muscles of the back relax and cease to work, this leads to their weakening.


Often wash warming belts are not recommended - this worsens their medicinal properties.

If you first think about the hygienic properties of products, it is better to stop the choice of a band of artificial materials that can be safely washed and dried.

Patient Reviews

People who have experienced pain in the back, note the positive effect of the belts. Their use makes it possible to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Oksana, Pskov, 29 years old: "I have been suffering from osteochondrosis of the lumbar department for a year already. I am treated as a whole, as the doctor appointed.

Including he picked up for me a corset for the back of neoprene with rigid inserts. I put it on when I leave the house.

Without it, it was a problem because of severe back pain. "

Sergey, Irkutsk, 53 years: "In the student years in the construction team we worked on the railway, changing sleepers. Then I tore my back.

By the age of forty, she began to regularly worry about the lower back, there were pains in the buttocks, giving in the right leg. The wife insisted on buying a warming belt made from natural dog hair.

Constantly I do not wear, I put on only at home after work in the evenings. The first time was unusual, but now I like it. The loins are comfortable, and it hurts less often. "

Professional drivers and stevedores note that with the regular wearing of the bandage it is possible to avoid stretching the muscles, injuries, the appearance of pain.


Leonid, Voronezh, 38 years old: "After the operation, I was assigned to wear a tight corset for a month. The doctor said that such a period for rehabilitation is quite enough.


Now I do not wear the house, but I use it when there is a long trip by car. Even if the road is bad, then there are no unpleasant sensations in the waist with the waist.


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Corsets on the lumbosacral spine

Corsets are orthopedic products (orthoses) designed to support, fix or completely immobilize certain parts of the spine. They are used as an independent therapeutic agent, but more often as one of the methods of complex treatment of various diseases.

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Any orthopedic corset for the back performs the following functions:

  • fixation of the spine or its parts in a certain position;
  • Support for the back with a weakened muscle corset;
  • removal of excess load from certain muscles and segments of the spine;
  • correction of all kinds of deformations that have arisen as a result of diseases, injuries or other causes.

Classify orthoses for the back, depending on the part of the spine for which they are intended. And one of the most popular products are orthopedic lumbosacral corsets. The range of their application is quite wide:

  1. Pain syndrome caused by diseases such as radiculitis, displacement of vertebrae, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc. The corset for the lumbosacral section not only significantly reduces pain manifestations, but also speeds up the healing process. However, patients with pain syndrome should not rely solely on wearing orthosis - treatment in this case should be comprehensive.
  2. The rehabilitation period after trauma or surgery. Lumbosacral bandage allows to reduce the load on those parts of the spine that were affected. Recovery is much faster, and the patient feels much more comfortable.
  3. Necessity of unloading of muscles, which are subject to overstrain as a result of heavy physical work. At strong physical exertion preventive wearing of a corset belt for the spine is allowed - this avoids unnecessary strain on the muscles and spine and prevents possible disease.
  4. Postpartum period with a strong divergence of the pelvic bones.
  5. Prevention of hypothermia.

Types of lumbosacral corsets

The main difference between the models of lumbar orthopedic corsets concerns the degree of their rigidity and, accordingly, the level of fixation.

  1. Weak degree of rigidity.Products that provide easy fixation, called bandages. Responsible manufacturers make them from an elastic fabric, which allows the skin to breathe, does not cause irritation or allergies. Wear bandages for the lumbosacral spine with a prophylactic goal during increased physical exertion or with an increased probability of injury. In addition, products of weak stiffness can be used as an auxiliary agent in case of excessive muscular tension, as well as pain in the region of the loin and / or sacrum.
    Prophylactic wear this type of orthoses can be without the appointment of a doctor, but if there are any problems with the back consultation with a specialist is mandatory!
  2. The average degree of rigidity.Orthopedic products, which provide an average fixation, are called semi-rigid. Due to their wide application possibilities they are the most popular. Semi-rigid lumbosacral corsets are additionally equipped with stiffeners made of plastic or metal. Their task is to fix the spine in a certain position, but not to immobilize it completely. The use of a semi-rigid lumbar corset is justified for post-traumatic rehabilitation, to stop pain syndrome, as well as in complex therapy with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, neuritis and other diseases.
  3. High degree of rigidity.Orthoses of strong fixation have a strong, reliable design. They are made of plastic or fabric with metal inserts. Rigid lumbosacral corsets can be worn only on the recommendation of a specialist if full fixation of the appropriate parts of the spine is necessary. Assign them after injuries, fractures, surgeries. The schedule and duration of wearing these orthopedic products should be regulated by a specialist, and with the preventive purpose of using them is highly discouraged.
  4. A separate place in the range is occupied bylumbosacral corsets variable fixation. Their feature: the ability to regulate the degree of rigidity, depending on the stage of the disease, as well as the intensity of pain. This is achieved due to the presence in the set of replaceable ribs of different thickness. Experts recommend buying a lumbar corset-bandage with variable stiffness for diseases requiring long-term treatment with a gradual decrease in the degree of fixation. The schedule of wearing and timing of changes in the level of stiffness of the orthosis is prescribed by the attending physician.

Orthopedic products can also vary in height and, accordingly, the coverage of the spine.

Some of them are intended solely for the lumbar region, and the design of the others can also support the thoracic or sacral segments.

One of the most universal models - a corset on the thoracic spine, covering the lumbar and sacral segments. Its use allows you to fix the spine along the entire length.

Rules for the selection and operation of corsets for the lumbosacral department

The effectiveness of wearing an orthopedic corset for the lumbar depends on how well it is selected and how it is used. The maximum benefit from the use of orthosis can be obtained by following the following rules:

  1. The decision to buy a lumbosacral corset, especially a strong or moderate fixation, should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.
  2. It is very important to purchase the product of the correct size, which is calculated from the grid provided by the manufacturer. Typically, to determine the size you need to measure the waist circumference, and sometimes the hips. Some models are produced in the male and female versions, this too need to pay attention when choosing.
  3. Having chosen the optimal model, it is necessary to study the instruction, which describes how to properly wear and tighten it. If possible, the first time it is better to do the procedure under the supervision of a doctor. A weak stretch of the orthosis will not lead to the desired result, but too strong can do harm instead of good. The upper part of the lumbosacral corset of medium or weak stiffness should closely surround the lower back, and the lower part - the top of the pelvis. If breathing is not difficult, but the pulse around the navel does not accelerate, there is no sign of excessive tightening.
  4. Another step to achieve the desired result is the use of orthopedic products strictly in accordance with the schedule developed by a specialist.

The most popular products are:

  • Lumbar corset Orlett IBS-3006;
  • lumbar brace Dosi EQ Sl 1079.

Choosing where to buy a lumbosacral corset or a corset, it is better to give preference to specialized shops, salons or online stores, where products of proven manufacturers are presented.

The main advantages of our online store - a large selection and low prices for all lumbosacral corsets (semi-rigid, hard or weak stiffness).

In addition, we can order orthoses with delivery anywhere in Moscow.

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