Cough does not pass a month

Cough does not pass with an adult for two weeks or a month: what to do

Among many symptoms of cough is a complex and unpleasant manifestation. Therefore, if it does not go through a week or a month, the patient begins to worry and suspect the presence of serious illnesses.

Sometimes after the course of catarrhal disease there is a cough that does not end for a long time. At the same time, various means and methods of treatment were tried. In such a case, medical care must be treated if the cough does not go away for more than 15 days.

But why does this symptom not disappear quickly? Perhaps the body was depleted during the course of the cold and at this inopportune time it was infiltrated by an infection or a virus.

The organism can overcome viruses independently, but only if it is not weakened. Therefore, in order to successfully cure a prolonged cough, it is necessary to find out which microorganism triggered its appearance, so it is necessary to conduct all necessary studies.

Prolonged cough: causes

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If the cough does not pass for a long time, for example, a cough does not pass a month, then the following infections and diseases contribute to it:

  1. pneumocysts;
  2. mycoplasma;
  3. fungal microflora (chlamydia, candida);
  4. tuberculosis.
In addition, the infection can be mixed. This option is the worst, because the course of such diseases is quite difficult. At the same time, the patient experiences weakness, his temperature rises and sweat becomes abundant.

It is worth noting that the wrong, inferior or untimely treatment of such diseases leads to their progression.

All the above microorganisms can enter the body by airborne droplets, when the infected person sneezes or coughs.

The chances of infection are doubled if the adult's body is weakened or he experiences heavy workloads.

Therefore, the immune system should be strengthened, there are plenty of vegetables and fruits, sleep and play sports.

What if the cough does not stop a week?

Coughing is an involuntary exhalation reflex that occurs as a result of irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, bronchial tubes or throat and lung tissue. Thanks to this symptom, the airways are cleaned of foreign bodies, harmful microorganisms, mucus, dust and sputum.

To the reasons provoking a long cough, it is possible to carry:

  • colds;
  • allergy;
  • emotional overstrain.

Moreover, the cough can be wet or dry, night, day, periodic, paroxysmal and so on.

Treatment of a week cough

If the cause of the weekly cough was ARD, then the doctor prescribes antitussive drugs, with this you can not take antibiotics, since they only affect bacteria. But antibacterial agents may be appropriate for bronchitis and pneumonia, which are accompanied by symptoms such as fever and severe cough syndrome.

In addition to antibiotics, if the week does not pass a severe cough, expectorants are prescribed on the basis of medicinal plants. In addition, the doctor can prescribe immunomodulating drugs, which activate the protective functions of the body and expel the effect of antiviral drugs.

It is worth noting that if the cough is not only not more than a week, but also accompanied by pain in the chest, high temperature (38 and more), and when expectoration is allocated bloody, green or yellow sputum, then you can not do self-medication, but you need to quickly turn to the doctor.

There are some recommendations that are important to observe when treating a prolonged cough in an adult. So that the throat is not dry, you need to drink a lot of liquid. To this end, every evening you can drink warm milk with honey.

Morse and juices are no less useful. In addition, if a dry cough does not pass for more than a week, you should drink fresh juice from black radish (three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.).

What if the cough does not stop within a month?

Why there is a long cough and what to do to eliminate it? If this symptom does not last a month, then perhaps the whole fault is the following factors:

  1. congenital pathologies of the lungs;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. bronchial asthma.

For successful treatment of a long cough it is important to know whether this symptom was the root cause of the disease or whether it developed during its course. In addition, it is necessary to determine its character - productive or unproductive, frequent or rare, spastic or paroxysmal and so on.

It is necessary to consult a doctor quickly if a cough with phlegm does not last more than a month and is accompanied by such signs as:

  • severe swelling;
  • sweating;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • colorless, thick discharge or sputum with blood impurities;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • heat;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • retrosternal pain.

In addition, a long cough can become chronic. To prevent this from happening, one should go to the doctor if the cough reflex does not stop within five days. Many people do not pay enough attention to this symptom, and even more so if it is not accompanied by weakness, runny nose and fever, but in case of no treatment the time will be irretrievably lost.

When the cough does not stop for about four weeks, it is necessary to make an appointment for an ENT, a therapist, an allergist, a phthisiatrist, and possibly a pulmonologist. Doctors after the survey will be able to determine why the cough does not stop for so long and what to do to cure it.

So, a cough lasting for a month may indicate the presence of:

  1. pneumonitis;
  2. chronic bronchitis;
  3. heart failure;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. cancerous metastases or lung cancer;
  6. sinusitis;
  7. asbestosis;
  8. tuberculosis;
  9. whooping cough;
  10. pleurisy;
  11. silicosis.

But in order to finally determine the cause of prolonged cough, additional research will be required. This can be a blood test, sputum culture on the flora, a blood test for mycoplasma and chlamydia, a Mantoux test and a lung X-ray.

In addition, a cough that lasts for more than 4 weeks is typical for smokers and people working in harmful production, where they constantly inhale mold and dust.

So, silicosis often develops in miners, asbestosis - in builders, and pnevonit - in the agricultural sector.

Treatment of a cough that lasts longer than a month

It is worth noting that without medical advice to treat a prolonged cough is inappropriate. After all, depending on the cause, a certain method of treatment is needed, for example, with heart failure it is senseless to drink antitussive syrups, swallow tablets or do inhalations.

So, for the successful treatment of an incessant cough in an adult it is important to restore the water balance, so the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. In this case, the patient's diet should not be too high in calories, it is best to enrich it with fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is effective to perform inhalations with cough with the addition of coniferous oil, coltsfoot, baking soda, thyme, sage and chamomile.

When productive cough with viscous secretions, you need to use drugs that dilute sputum. These drugs include mucolytics and expectorants.

And it is better, if the basis of such funds will be medicinal plants. And with a small number of excretions are assigned expectorant syrups and tablets.

But it is worth noting that such drugs should not be taken together with antitussive drugs.

Prolonged cough

A prolonged cough is one that does not last 4-8 weeks. Therefore, a two-week cough is considered only a suspicion of a prolonged symptom.

So, if a cough for a long time does not pass, then its causes can be covered in the presence of such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • left ventricular failure;
  • HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.
In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the patient, allowing to identify the causes of a long-term cough. Thus, rapid and confused breathing is characteristic of cardiac (acrocyanosis) and pulmonary insufficiency. If there is a suspicion of bronchiectasis and lung cancer, the ENT conducts a test called "drumsticks."

Still mandatory inspection of the mucous nasopharynx or pharynx. In this case, the doctor examines the discharge from the nose, confirms or excludes the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity and sinusitis, manifested by pain sensations in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.

It is worth noting that the temperature with prolonged cough may not always be elevated. It accompanies only a few diseases, such as sinusitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

In addition, the doctor should examine the patient's neck. In the process of investigation, such manifestations as a positive venous pulse can be detected, which indicates pulmonary insufficiency.

With an increase in the posterior or anterior cervical lymph nodes and nodes of the supraclavicular area, there is a suspicion of cancer of the larynx or lungs. And when listening you can find signs such as noise, local or scattered dry wheezes.

To get rid of a protracted cough, the most commonly prescribed drugs that activate the immune system. To this end, the patient should take funds based on rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutterococcus. As a rule, they are used after antibiotic therapy. in the video in this article, the expert will tell. what to do with a prolonged cough.

Cough does not pass a month

Cough - the reflex response of the body to various stimuli that enter the respiratory throat. Cough can be acute or chronic. Acute cough usually accompanies various respiratory diseases, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia. Much worse is manifested by a chronic cough that does not pass for quite a long time.

Usually, a chronic cough develops in smokers. If he suddenly developed in a person who does not abuse cigarettes, it is worth considering that this person has a chronic respiratory disease. Occasionally, a chronic cough can appear in the presence of a tumor process that affects the respiratory tract, as well as with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Accompanying symptoms of not passing cough

The main signs of a cough that does not pass for more than a month are dryness and sore throat, dry rales and nasal congestion. Most often, the development of chronic cough indicates the presence of the patient's bronchial asthma or hubble (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). For asthma is characterized by the presence of dry wheezes, feelings of stuffiness, expiratory (on exhalation) shortness of breath. Rarely, but there have been cases when the only symptom of asthma was cough. Hoble, in turn, is manifested by asthma symptoms, to which signs of emphysema and chronic bronchitis are added.

Prolonged and persistent coughing is quite stressful for the body. Against this background, intra-abdominal pressure may increase significantly. Because of this, cases of broken ribs are quite frequent. Occasionally, urinary incontinence can occur. A debilitating, prolonged, not passing cough is usually accompanied by a headache, sweating; there may be abscesses on the mucous membrane of the lips.

If you can find out the cause of a chronic cough, treatment is usually not difficult. The only nuance is that it is not possible to completely eliminate such a cough; Symptomatic therapy allows only a little suppression of cough symptoms.

Treatment of a cough that does not last a month

For the treatment of prolonged cough, the following groups of drugs are usually used:

  • Mucolytics. Preparations of this group are mainly based on plant raw materials, mainly ipecacuana, althea. These drugs contribute to the dilution of sputum, which greatly facilitates its departure. These drugs include bromhexine, ambroksol, "tablets for cough."
  • Antibiotics. Usually, they are used in the treatment of an acute infectious process, but can also be used in the treatment prolonged cough (they are prescribed in case of frequent infectious diseases, as well as in the treatment of tuberculosis).
  • Antiviral drugs are used only in the treatment of an associated concomitant infection.
  • Beta-adrenomimetics. The drugs of this group include salbutamol, salmeterol (the main drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma). Their action is based on the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi due to the spasmolytic effect on the cells of the mucous membrane.
  • Hormones. Glucocorticoids are mainly used. In their pure form, they are rarely prescribed, since the usual therapeutic effect of their administration is often less than the harm they do to organs and tissues. Usually, berotek, berodual (complex preparations consisting of dexamethasone and salbutamol) is used. Several inhalations can eliminate even the strongest and longest cough.
  • Some drugs, for example, apf inhibitors, with prolonged use of them provoke the development of a prolonged and severe cough. The abolition of these drugs can achieve a significant reduction in symptoms, and after a couple of days - and completely get rid of it.
  • To stop a prolonged cough, you can resort to the use of folk remedies. Among them, inhalations of the infusions of the buds of pine, thyme and mint are especially prominent.
  • To soften a strong cough, you can use cabbage juice with sugar or lime-colored infusion.
  • To some, with a strong cough, a mixture of carrot juice and milk in a one to one ratio helps a lot. It is applied on one table spoon inside 5-6 times a day.
  • Cough is a good mixture of honey and radish. It is recommended to use inside one tablespoon up to five times a day.
  • Broth of bay leaf. Several leaves are boiled in a glass of boiling water. The resulting broth is drunk every day before going to bed.
  • With a strong throat and a cough that develops on its background, you can use beet juice. Freshly squeezed juice is heated on a steam bath, along with salt. The resulting broth is used to rinse the throat.

Apparently, there are quite a lot of funds for treating a chronic cough. Everyone can easily find the right medicine to use it most effectively for cough.

Cough does not go away for a long time, what should I do? How to treat?

Cough that does not pass for more than a month is most often chronic. Mostly it appears in smokers. If a cough does not last long for a non-smoker, you can suspect a serious illness. What are the causes of prolonged cough? How to get rid of this unpleasant symptom?

Causes of prolonged cough

Quite often an unpleasant symptom is accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux (in the pharynx, the esophagus is gastric contents). Sometimes a prolonged cough can indicate a benign or malignant tumor, heart failure, pulmonary disease.

With prolonged cough, X-rays must be prescribed. With the help of it you can learn about the state of the organs of the chest. It is easier to diagnose the disease if the cough is accompanied by nasal congestion, dry wheezing, a severe runny nose. All these symptoms indicate ARVI or influenza. If the disease worsens, the head becomes very dizzy, unbearable pain occurs, and sweating is observed.

The main factors of prolonged cough include:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Constant stress.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Subcooling.
  • Constant change of mood.

All of the above factors significantly reduce the immunity of a person, and subsequently the virus begins to multiply actively. It is important to treat cough from the first day, in no case do not run it. Quite often dry cough is one of the symptoms of tracheitis, bronchitis or laryngitis.

If the cough lasts about a week, with a runny nose, the temperature is likely to be respiratory-viral. It is important to treat cough in a timely manner, otherwise it can start to fall down and lead to pneumonia.

Methods for diagnosis of prolonged cough

The doctor is interested in such questions during the inspection:

  • How long does the cough last?
  • When the cough began.
  • Pershit whether in the throat.
  • Is there chills, fever, excessive sweating.

Also the doctor necessarily pays attention to professional or regular household contacts with chemistry, dust. The patient must pass:

  • Spirography.
  • Chest X-ray.
  • In case of suspicion of psychogenic cough EEG, MRI of the brain is performed. In addition, it is necessary to examine the neurosurgeon, neurologist.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Echocardiography.
  • Immunogram.

In case of hemoptysis, the patient goes to the TB doctor. The doctor prescribes bronchoscopy, which helps in the timely detection of tuberculosis or cancer.

Sometimes a cough can be a symptom of a heart disease. To timely diagnose it, you need to pass the ECG, ECG. These methods of treatment will help in a timely manner to learn about left ventricular heart failure.

Drug treatment for prolonged cough

If you have a dry cough, you need to take medications that will help ease the condition. In this case, it is suitable:Libexin, Kodelak, Linkas, Bronholitin, Sinekod, Herbion.

When sputum begins to depart, while mucus is poorly separated, it is necessary to take mucolytic drugs. When an infectious disease is detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

To restore respiratory organs, you need to takeBromhexinein ampoules or in tablets. If you normally carry the drugAmbroxol, you can accept it. When bronchial asthma bronchodilators are prescribed.

Non-drug treatment of prolonged cough

The main cause of cough is the cold, SARS. When the cough is just beginning, drink warm milk with added oil, soda, honey. An effective therapeutic agent is inhalation. It is best to use steam inhalation with a soda solution or alkaline mineral water. In modern medicine, inhalations are used for treatment with the help of a nebulizer. In addition, massage the back, chest.

Traditional methods of treatment of prolonged cough

  • Inhalation with herbal decoction. Use this medication: take thyme, mint leaves, pine buds. Pour 500 ml of boiling water. Put the infusion. Use for inhalation.
  • Baked fruit. With a strong cough, it is recommended to bake melon, pears, mashed potatoes and drink decoction with rye bread, wheat bran.
  • Carrot juice with warm milk. It must be drunk on a teaspoon every hour.
  • Green lettuce leaveshelp get rid of a night cough. The product is eaten before bedtime.
  • Cowberry juicewith the addition of honey stops the inflammatory process, improves the sputum discharge.
  • Syrup with radish and honey. It is necessary to cut off the top of the radish, cut out the middle, place honey there. Insist about 6 hours. The juice should be taken 10 grams in the morning and in the evening.
  • Drink with figs and milk. Take the figs - 4 pieces, pour 400 ml of milk. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Insist day. Drink 50 grams about 5 times a day.
  • Aloe juice with honeyhelps to get rid of a cough that does not go away for a long time. To make a preparation you need to take butter - 200 grams, add to it as much honey and half a glass of aloe juice. Take the remedy on a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Onion-onion mix. You need to take 3 bulbs and one head of garlic, boil in a liter of milk. Then add honey. Take the drug every hour for one tablespoon.
  • Mustard-honey mixture. It is necessary to take 50 grams of butter, honey, add dry mustard - a teaspoon. All mix and take before eating one teaspoonful.
  • Ginger tea. Take the root of the ginger and finely chop it, then add it to the tea. You can put honey and a slice of lemon to taste. Drink tea every hour.

Thus, a protracted cough should not be left without attention, it can indicate a serious disease - bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, malignant tumor. Be sure to go to the hospital, go through the necessary examination. Remember, a prolonged cough can become complicated, go into a chronic form, which is very difficult to treat.

Prolonged (long) cough

A long cough occurs in people very often, and it does not depend on the social status or the security of individuals. When he does not pass a week, it is written off for a cold and rarely worried about it. Just what to do when an unceasing reflex action becomes intrusive and lasts for a whole year? And if 5 years or more? It should be noted that there are a large number of diseases that have a protracted cough. It can last several months and then disappear for six months. To such ailments include allergy to pollen of plants, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Prolonged cough can be a manifestation of slow flushing pneumonia. If the reflex action does not take a month, you should always seek help from a doctor. This must be done even if the person is completely sure of the reason for the occurrence of an involuntary act. The thing is that a long-lasting cough can appear due to simultaneous influence of several reasons. Recognize them only when passing specific tests. 3 weeks, 6 weeks or 6 months is a long time during which the disease can be transformed into a more severe form of the disease.

That is why doctors advise already two weeks after the onset of the manifestation of the reflex act necessarily to attend, even if other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose are absent. Often you can hear complaints that a person coughs and can not stop. This condition can be observed both for 2 weeks, and for many years. What is the cause of the appearance of a long cough? Is it possible to avoid its beginning and what to do for this?

Prolonged cough: a visible manifestation of a symptom

A long cough can develop regardless of age. Very often, there are no serious reasons for its occurrence. Prolonged cough in an adult can last several years and at the same time not bring him much discomfort. In this case, we are talking about a reflex act accompanying lovers of smoking and alcohol. These bad habits negatively affect the entire body as a whole. Most of all, they harm the smooth operation of the airways.

When the cough does not pass for a long time, it is necessary to analyze the visible manifestations of the reflex act, that is, what it is:

  • The jerky force action is very intrusive, it lasts almost without stopping. This occurs when the peak development of a viral disease, an attack of an asthmatic, involuntary act.
  • A protracted cough does not stop for several months, although the medical treatment of pneumonia or bronchitis has long been over. The fact is that in this situation such an effect can be observed for almost 5 weeks or more. This is due to the fact that the antitussive receptors have not yet completely recovered from the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria and Any, even the most insignificant stimulus, for example, smoke, a sharp smell, can cause an involuntary reflex action that hurts of people.
  • A strong expectorating long cough is observed in chronic bronchitis during its exacerbation, mucoscidosis.
  • A dry reflex act, which does not pass even after taking mucolytics, indicates a chemical effect on the respiratory tract. Here it is, most likely, about poisoning with harmful vapors or inhaling substances in the form of suspensions. Most often, this reaction is observed in workers of harmful industries.
  • If a protracted cough lasts more than half a year, then this may indicate a serious illness, such as pulmonary tuberculosis. This diagnosis is checked by passing the fluorography and giving the sputum to reveal in it the concentration of the Koch sticks. It should be noted that in small amounts it is present in the body of every person. With a decrease in immunity, tuberculosis can develop even without contact with people who have an open form of the disease.
Prolonged for a long time, a wet cough is a signal that there are negative changes in the body. It can be a symptom of not only viral diseases, but also ailments of the cardiovascular system, talking about the appearance of nervous disorders. However, in most cases, it is still about residual effects after pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

Causes of prolonged cough

It is necessary to distinguish the following reasons, which have a significant effect on the appearance of a long protracted cough:

  • Reflex action is manifested in the elderly. Unfortunately, in this case we are talking, more often than not, about the age-related changes in the body. Completely remove this symptom is not possible. It is softened by medication.
  • Of great importance is how long a protracted cough lasts. A prolonged paroxysmal involuntary act arises from the laryngeal edema, the effects of reagents.
  • Negative influence of the environment. WHO notes that in industrial centers with developed industry, a moist reflex action can appear in any person. The reason for its occurrence is the negative state of the environment. It should be noted that the forced exhalation can last a week even if the negative impact of the damaged ecology is removed. Such a period is necessary for the body to cope with it naturally.
  • Incompetent use of medicines. How often do people do self-medication with prolonged cough? Yes, with the help of mucolytics, it is possible to translate dry cough into a moist reflex act. Only, unfortunately, often the illness is healed and becomes chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to cope with the reason for the occurrence of a long act, since the organism develops resistance to certain medications.
  • Cough of smokers. As a rule, people even after throwing this negative habit reflex action is kept for a long time. This is due to the fact that nicotine for many years irritated the cough receptors, negatively influenced the entire body and in order to restore it is not necessary 6-7 months, but much more time.

It turns out that a protracted cough can last more than a month, six months, a year and even a few years. And completely get rid of this symptom is very difficult. In order to achieve this result, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease. A full medical examination can help in this.

Cough more than a month: how to identify the causes

It is also called durable, since it lasts more than 4-8 weeks. Cough caused by hyperreactivity of the airways or pulmonary infection that occurs after the infection process usually passes in a shorter period. Are you worried about coughing for more than a month? How to identify the causes and treat such a cough, read in this article.

Cough more than a month: important information about it

Important points to consider when you have a cough for more than a month:

Since coughing for more than a month can be the cause not only of bronchial asthma or infection, it must be remembered that to exclude especially in adults, cancer, should be carried out, such a procedure as chest X-ray.

The absence or presence of radiological changes will help to make a decision about the need for further research or treatment.

How to identify the causes of cough more than a month

It is necessary to identify the causes of protracted cough. Perhaps it:

1. Chronical bronchitis

2. Bronchial asthma

3. Sinusitis

4. Chronic infectious diseases of the lungs

5. Asbestosis, silicosis

6. Sarcoidosis

7. Easy Farmer

8. Lung cancer

9. Side effect of drugs

10. Heart failure

11. Pleurisy

Quite often a cough can last several months already after the resolution of some infections, such as, for example, chlamydial or mycoplasmal pneumonia, whooping cough.

How to cure a cough that lasts more than a month?

With the emergence of acute cough in adults, the use of antibiotics is not beneficial. Sinusitis, that is, long-term respiratory infection or bronchial asthma at an early stage are frequent causes of prolonged coughing.

Cough more than a month, treatment. The first stages of sinusitis treatment:

1. sinus lavage, antimicrobials, vasoconstrictive drugs for intranasal use.

2. antibiotics (erythromycin, doxycycline, amoxicillin) are indicated to patients with purulent sputum or fever. Treatment of cough without fever and sputum includes the appointment of bronchodilators, often together with antitussive drugs.

If the cough does not decrease within 2 months or if it persists despite taking antibiotics, it is possible that a cough for more than a month is due to non-infectious causes. In the case of development of bronchial asthma, especially at an early stage, dry cough without sputum discharge may become the only sign of the disease. In this case, a test is carried out with bronchodilators and begin to monitor the peak expiratory flow rate at home. In addition, it is possible to evaluate the effect of trial treatment with inhaled HA.

Prolonged cough in the child has been almost 2 months what to do ??


Daria Gomzyakova

We had almost the same, very long coughed! Scared too, horrible: with pertussis and all sorts of nastiness. Doctors said that everything was fine, just had a slightly reddish throat. We went to the LOR, as always the adenoids (well, I think everyone puts it), in the end it turned out that this is just a form of such a cold, after which a cough for a long time keeps, it turned out that this is not only in our country, but also in some other children in our area, h. and a group of children. garden. So everything went by itself, thank God.
Do not wind yourself ahead of time, ask other mothers, maybe their children have the same symptoms. Most importantly, do not worry, kids are also worried about this!!! Good luck to you!))

Sofia Scriptsova

X-ray the lungs. A cough lasting 2 months may be a signal to pneumonia, bronchitis. Unfortunately, not all doctors know how to listen to the lungs in human terms. A red throat indicates a viral infection. If you stop treatment it will only get worse.


And the allergist was? M. b. "elementary" reaction to anything that is in the apartment (or in the group of d / garden).


the immune system in a child of this age is not weakened - it has not yet been properly formed.
check the moisture level in the apartment: perhaps too dry air irritates the baby's mucosa. buy a humidifier - and you will get rid of a lot of problems.

Lena Demchenko

This is whooping cough. Treatment. Hospitalization is subject to: patients with severe forms; patients with life-threatening complications (impaired cerebral circulation and respiratory rhythm); patients with moderately severe forms with a nonsmooth course, an unfavorable premorbid background, exacerbation of chronic diseases; children of early age.

According to epidemiological indications, children from closed children's institutions (regardless of the severity of the disease) and family foci are hospitalized. In the department for patients with pertussis, antiepidemic measures must be strictly observed in order to prevent the emergence of nosocomial infections.

The sparing mode (reduction of negative psychoemotional loads) with obligatory individual walks.

Diet - enriched with vitamins, corresponding to age. In severe forms of patients it is recommended to feed more often and in smaller portions; after vomiting of children докармливают.

Etiotropic therapy. In the case of mild and moderate forms, erythromycin, roxithromycin (rulid), azitromycin (sumamed), augmentin, bacampi-cillin in age dosages for 5-7 days; with severe forms of the disease and the impossibility of taking medications through the mouth (repeated vomiting, infants age, etc. ) antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly (gentamicin, ampicillin, etc.).

Lyubov Lyubovich

An easy form of pertussis-paracottis. The same theme 12-year-old daughter was ill one cough a month was discharged, now it is doth again. And the son of 3-year-old began to cough after two weeks were diagnosed with whooping cough, because the suffocating cough began 3-5 months later get sick. The daughter was vaccinated with DPT therefore it was easily transferred, and the son has contraindications while to vaccinations here we got.

Yojik v tumane

consultation pulmonologist and infectiologist. let exclude pertussis.

Tatyana Lobova

Keep your nose clean. Most likely the mucus on the back wall flows and tickles the throat, that's the cough from here. Nose can be washed after kindergarten with baby soap. Teach your child to do it and no infections are not terrible.
And so that the cough does not embarrass you, you can drink 2 days of licorice syrup. Coughing can still 2 weeks, it's intrepid. Stimulates immunity. But not more than 2 weeks.

Elena Davidenko

Descend or go to the phthisiatrist, exclude a tuberculosis.


Give blood for antibodies to whooping cough (now many cases of the disease), hand over to
chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae - they are the cause of prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia


This duration of coughing indicates a chronic form. To calm you can do an x-ray. Analyzes: blood, urine.
Hand over smears from the pharynx and nose. To address to the lung specialist. And do not forget that children often suffer from a neurological cough, and the child has an adaptation, which can take place psychologically.

How to treat a long-lasting cough

About 30 percent of the population suffers from different types of cough. This condition not only reduces working capacity, but can completely change a person's way of life, as there is insomnia, headaches and depression. Especially painful is a long-lasting cough. It can appear as a complication after catarrhal or other diseases. If the cough does not pass more than a month, then

it is necessary to be examined by a doctor, as this may be a symptom of asthma, cancer, or heart problems. In this case, it can not be cured, without eliminating its cause.

What are the causes of protracted cough?

It is believed that a long non-passing cough torments mostly smokers. It is impossible to get rid of it completely. But people who do not have this bad habit, sometimes suffer from a protracted cough.

1. Most often, it remains after cold or viral diseases. With proper treatment, the cough goes away after a while.

2. One of the most common causes of protracted cough is asthma. This disease is now found in every twentieth person. In this case, the cough is episodic or permanent. Sometimes it is the only symptom of the disease. It is necessary to treat it with asthma, because it can lead to suffocation.

3. Often coughing occurs due to irritation of the throat with discharge from the nose. In this case, it intensifies at night or in the morning.

4. A long cough that does not pass can signal the onset of tuberculosis, lung cancer or pleurisy.

5. Sometimes a prolonged cough occurs as an allergic reaction to various stimuli.

6. With some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, too long a non-coughing is possible. This occurs with rotavirus infection, reflux, dysbiosis or helminthic invasion.

Treatment of a protracted cough

First of all, you need to eliminate its causes and cure the underlying disease. But there are also special medicines to suppress the cough reflex, as well as various mucolytic drugs. Modern medicines often have a complex effect and treat different types of cough. The most effective are "Bromgexin" and "Ambroxol". They are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of syrup for children.

If a wet cough does not pass for a long time, you need to take medications that dilute sputum and help her evacuation from the lungs, for example, ATSTS. In addition, it is recommended to use folk remedies.

Traditional medicine for cough

The most famous are inhalations from decoction of kidneys of pine, eucalyptus leaves or essential oil of mint. It is also useful to warm up the chest and back with a blue lamp or mashed boiled potatoes. When a cough for a long time does not pass after a cold, it is good to drink currant juice or cabbage with sugar, decoction of lime-colored or apples with a core. Cockberry juice is effective for the rapid escape of phlegm or

viburnum with sugar or honey. It is also recommended to eat baked pears, drink carrot juice with milk or a decoction of wheat bran.

A long-lasting cough worsens and leads to a decrease in working capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and treat it and the diseases that cause it.

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