Pain in the stomach during movement

  • Causes of an unpleasant symptom
  • Diagnosis of abdominal pain
  • When is emergency care needed?
  • What is strictly forbidden to do with abdominal pain
  • Video on topic

The situation when the stomach starts to hurt is quite frequent. If the abdomen hurts during movement, it is worthwhile to think about possible causes. The most common are diseases of the digestive tract, as well as organs located in the abdominal cavity. If the disease has a serious danger, the pain in the abdomen becomes worse during movement.

Causes of an unpleasant symptom of

The main and main cause of abdominal pain is diseases of the digestive tract, ie, intestines, liver, stomach, pancreas and others. But not all the reasons for this symptom arise.

The following pathologies and body conditions can provoke a painful sensation:

  • food poisoning;
  • period of gestation;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • injury of the abdominal wall of any nature;
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  • pathology of the nervous system and spine disease;
  • diseases of the kidney and urinary system;
  • respiratory system diseases.

If the lower abdomen hurts or the pain sensation gives off in the sides during pregnancy while walking, then this condition can be considered physiological. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to grow actively and, as a result, stretches the muscles in the abdominal cavity.

Most often, the pain is not acute, but, on the contrary, it is unobtrusive and does not bring any discomfort. There are cases when the pain occurs with sudden movements( coughing, running, etc.), this is due to the strong tension of the ligaments and muscles, which are already stretched out by the large size of the uterus with the baby.

There is no need for special therapy, as with time the pain will go away on its own. When eating, almost always shows abdominal tenderness when moving. Most often with intoxication, there is pain in the stomach, nausea and diarrhea.

These unpleasant symptoms are caused by the action of toxins and bacteria living in the organs of the digestive tract and neutralizing the poison. Particularly aggressive are poisonous substances after taking alcohol, medicines, mushrooms. With a stomach disease, the pain is marked above the navel to the left of it.

If the intestine has been affected, unpleasant symptoms will be noted from the top to the bottom of the stomach.

Poisoning of

It often happens that poisoning with some substance provokes the development of acute and chronic diseases. For example, before intoxication, a person had gastritis, which he did not know about, and after the poisoning the disease began to progress, and a certain clinical picture appeared.

Treatment of poisoning implies the intake of sorbents, the drinking of water in large quantities, the restoration of intestinal microflora. If the stomach hurts after the transferred or carried disease it is necessary to address to the gastroenterologist.


Injuries to the abdomen are not so rare. As a result, there may be a bruise of soft tissues or a rupture of muscles and vessels. The main thing is to determine the integrity of internal organs in an emergency order, which sometimes causes difficulties. In case of trauma, the abdomen is very sore while moving, there is a hematoma, a delay in gases.

The causes can be: subcutaneous damage, gunshot and non-fire wounds, burns of the abdominal wall. For minor lesions, conservative treatment is prescribed. In case of violation of the integrity of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, surgical intervention is indicated.

Genitourinary system

When the disease of the genitourinary system of men and women can often be found such a symptom, as the pains in the lower abdomen, which are amplified by movement. Many people think that with the pathologies of the urinary tract, only the place where the organ is situated is hurting. But this is not so.

For example, with cystitis, discomfort may appear in the lumbar or sacral region, with kidney disease, the pain is localized in the right side when the organ is damaged on the right and vice versa. In addition, there are symptoms of body intoxication: fever, fatigue, headache, etc.

Treatment is not without antibiotic and antispasmodics. As an addition to the main therapy, various herbal teas, dietary supplements, etc. are prescribed.

nervous system It is hard to believe, but diseases of the nervous system and the spine can be accompanied by abdominal pains that increase with sudden movements. For example, with osteochondrosis, this symptom is present in almost 95% of cases, while moving to the subcostal area on the left, resembling a clinic of pancreatitis, then to the right side with a clinic of liver inflammation.

In addition to the pain syndrome, there are other signs: numbness, tingling and burning of the skin, loss of sensitivity, a decrease in strength in certain muscle groups, the skin acquires a "marble" hue.

Therapy includes physical activity, physiotherapy, anesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants.

Palpation - the first stage of examination of a patient

Diseases of the respiratory system

Diseases of the respiratory system can become another cause of pain in the abdominal region. For example, with pneumonia, pain can appear not only in the chest, but also in the epigastrium during a deep inspiration.

The same symptoms can be accompanied by pleurisy: shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, hyperthermia, cough, chills. Treatment of respiratory diseases includes several activities: bed rest, plenty of drink, expectorant, antibacterial, if necessary painkillers.

Cardiovascular pathology

Diseases of the cardiovascular system can often cause discomfort in the abdomen. The most common disease among all is myocardial infarction, which is complicated by atrial fibrillation or pericarditis. It happens that patients enter the hospital with suspicions of a toxic infection, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.

Extremely infrequent acute myocardial infarction can cause not only painful sensations, but also acute inflammation of the digestive system: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and 12-the colon, colitis. Diagnosis of the disease plays a big role, because in case of an erroneous diagnosis, the patient faces death.

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system is indicated only in a hospital under the strict supervision of a cardiologist. Therapy in itself includes taking painkillers, blood-thinning medications, tranquilizers, β-blockers, antiaggregants.

Gynecological problems

This occurs due to inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The nature of the pain for different diseases will be slightly different: with pain, tenderness, aching or sudden, especially with abrupt movements, from the side of the injured organ( on both sides with bilateral inflammation), intense pain over the pubis with an increase in temperature and symptoms of intoxication is characteristic of the endometritis.

Gynecological diseases are very often accompanied by sudden pains in the lower abdomen

. With ectopic pregnancy and tube rupture, the pain will be severe, cramping with bloody discharge from the genital tract. In addition, the woman will suddenly drop blood pressure, the pulse will be more than 100 beats per minute, the skin will turn pale and come a loss of consciousness. Treatment in all cases in a hospital, and the latter requires surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain

To find out why the abdomen hurts, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body, because there are many reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. For each disease, developed its own plan, which must be followed to get a complete picture of the pathology.

Depending on where the pain was and the associated symptoms, the following activities are carried out:

  • X-ray of the spine and thoracic organs;
  • CT or MRI of the required area;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound diagnosis( kidney, heart, abdominal and pelvic organs);
  • gastroduodenoscopy or colonoscopy;
  • clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemical blood test.
After the received data it is necessary to address to the narrow expert who will help to establish the diagnosis and to appoint correct treatment: the cardiologist, the neurologist, the gynecologist, the gastroenterologist, the nephrologist and others.

With CT and MRI, you can accurately determine the cause of abdominal pain

When is emergency care needed?

In case of painful sensations in the abdomen, first aid should be provided to help alleviate suffering:

Shinging pain in the abdomen and back
  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Put the patient in bed and ensure complete peace.
  3. Find out if he has chronic diseases that could worsen. Whether the person took any measures before in the same situation.
  4. In the absence of consciousness, but in the presence of a pulse and breathing, it is necessary to lay the victim on the stomach, turning his head on his side. This will allow air to circulate freely, and in the case of vomiting warns asphyxia with vomit.
  5. In the absence of consciousness, pulse and respiration, it is necessary to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation from mouth to mouth before signs of life or arrival of an ambulance.

That is strictly forbidden to do with abdominal pain

If there is a sudden pain, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. In no case should the following actions be taken:

  • take any antispasmodic or pain medication inside without knowing the cause of the pain. This will lubricate the clinical picture of the disease;
  • apply a warm water bottle to the stomach, which can exacerbate the pain and aggravate the patient's condition. To relieve suffering, an ice pack with ice is recommended;
  • take food or drink any liquids;
  • do an enema or take laxatives.

If you follow simple rules, you can ease the patient's condition or even save his life

Remember! The organism with the help of pain sensations makes it clear that he had some problems. The earlier the cause of the disease is diagnosed and the pathology itself, the sooner the treatment will start and serious complications will be avoided.