Preparations for the treatment of genyantritis

The medicine for sinusitis

Often, the treatment of the common cold is thoughtless, considering it a symptom of a cold. Meanwhile, if the process is started, the consequences can be very serious. There are diseases that are accompanied by headaches, difficulty breathing, increased temperature. These include sinusitis and sinusitis. At the first signs it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Only he correctly prescribes a medicine for sinusitis. Sometimes, in order to improve, complex treatment is required according to a certain scheme.

What is genyantritis and how to treat it?

In sinusitis, sinuses become inflamed, which are located to the right and left of the bridge of the nose. The hole that connects them to the nose is overlapped. Mucus and microbes remain in the sinuses. Inflammation can have different causes, differ in the nature of the course. Viral is a disease, bacterial or fungal - in each case, the doctor prescribes his medicine for sinusitis.

The disease is severe when both sinuses become inflamed. Sometimes there is left-sided or right-sided sinusitis. At the same time, an intolerable headache with tilting and turning the head. In addition, there is a list of characteristic symptoms:

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  • nasal congestion;
  • temperature increase;
  • purulent discharge;
  • raspiranie in the nose.

At an initial stage use the means removing an edema facilitating respiration. More often it is vasoconstrictive drops. If the disease is accompanied by an infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy. Good results are obtained by physiotherapy, which improves blood circulation in the sinuses. For these procedures, a laser, an electromagnetic field, and electrophoresis are used.

When chronic sinusitis in the mucosa, there are depressions in which pus accumulates. This dramatically exacerbates all symptoms. To facilitate the patient's condition resort to piercing the hole through which pus is sucked. However, modern medicamentous drugs allow for the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture. These include anti-inflammatory antibiotics.

What will happen if you do not treat sinusitis? The chronic form of the disease gives serious complications, which are poorly treated. Possible inflammation of the bone tissue, it is possible to infect blood, eye disease, and throat. The maxillary sinuses are located not far from the brain. There is a chance that there will be inflammation of his shell - meningitis and even death.

Methods of treatment at home in adults

How to cure sinusitis forever? To do this, it is important in the complex to take medicines from sinusitis, folk remedies, perform physiotherapy. An important role is played by the prevention of sinusitis. From medicines are popular:

  • Rinoflumacil in the form of a spray for the removal of edema.
  • Drops in the nose Naphthyzine for easier breathing.
  • Hormonal means Polidex in the form of a spray improves the outflow of pus.
  • Sinupret drink in the form of tablets - this is a good antiviral agent.

Drops in the nose

With maxillary sinusitis, you should not self-medicate. Even drops should be used as directed by the doctor. There are medicines from which it is easier to breathe - these are vasoconstrictors Naphthysine, Galazolin. In acute form Polidex is a medicine with antibacterial properties. It narrows the blood vessels and reduces inflammation, inhibits the activity of microbes. Quickly remove the swelling of the drops in the nose with an antibiotic - Neolycin.

Effective result gives complex drops in the nose - Sinuphort. The drug acts instantly. The edema decreases, pus liquefies. The patient immediately becomes easier. Sinuforte is a drop from a genyantritis on the basis of a cyclamen. Due to the fact that natural raw materials are used, they have a high price. In treatment, cheaper analogues are also used - Gaimorin, Salhino.


What antibiotics to drink at a genyantritis? These drugs are prescribed for severe inflammation, high fever, purulent discharge. Antibiotics are taken in the form of tablets, suspensions, and injections. They not only fight diseases, but also prevent complications. One of the most effective of them is Amoxicillin. For children, the antibiotic of local action - Bioparox - produces a good effect.

Antibiotics help treat sinusitis caused by microbes. It is not prescribed if the cause of the disease is an allergy or fungal infection. It is worth paying careful attention to the appointment of drugs, because the use of antibiotics has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • liver, kidney disease;
  • breast-feeding;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays as a medicine for sinusitis should be taken only if they are prescribed by a doctor. These drugs are addictive, so they are not used for more than two weeks. The drug is injected into each nostril, while the other is clamped. The effects on the body sprays are divided into 5 groups:

  • vasoconstrictive;
  • salt;
  • based on corticosteroids;
  • hormonal;
  • complex.

Vasoconstrictive drugs relieve edema and restore drainage from the sinuses. These include: Rinofloymcicil, Ximelin. Saline nasal sprays serve to wash the nose, reduce swelling. Sinuses are cleared of bacteria. In this group, drugs Aquamaris, Aqualor. Sprays containing corticosteroids reduce swelling, improve sinus ventilation. This includes Aldetsin, Nazarel.

Hormonal sprays improve the outflow of pus, reduce swelling. Act locally, so they are allowed to use even when treating a child. This medication is Avamis, Nazanex. The drug of complex influence is considered Sinuforte. When it is used, the sinuses are quickly cleared, the patient becomes better. Complex agent IRS-18 increases immunity.

Other medications

A severe headache with sinusitis is facilitated by paracetamol, ibuprofen. With allergic sinusitis it is often difficult to establish the cause, so take medications to improve immunity. Indispensable in the treatment of sinusitis wash. It removes mucus from the sinuses. Than to wash out a nose at a genyantritis? Excellent results give a solution of furatsilina, infusions of herbs.

Homeopathic remedies

An effective method in the treatment of sinusitis is the use of homeopathic remedies. These medicines are popular because they do not have side effects. They have a very small concentration of active substances, therefore it takes a long time to use them. The use of these drugs against sinusitis is more effective in the chronic form of the disease.

The doctor selects the active substance of the drug depending on the symptoms:

  • Arsenicum (arsenic) is prescribed for burning pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • Belladonna (belladonna) is used for pain in the eye sockets and eyebrows, which increases with tilts.
  • Dichromate potassium - with purulent discharge.
  • Mercury relieves headache, sensitivity when touched.

People's means

In addition to conservative ways of treating drugs that are sold in pharmacies, there are folk remedies. These include:

  • Rinsing of the nose with solutions of soda, propolis.
  • Warming up with hard-boiled eggs.
  • Inhalation with a nebulizer with medications or infusions of herbs.
  • Compresses from the present bay leaf.
  • Burial of menthol oil.

Video: treatment of genyantritis in children

The treatment of sinusitis in a child should be taken seriously. Why does it occur in children, and do I have to put shots. Whether it is necessary to go to hospital or help treatment at home. Why does not it make sense to do x-rays when diagnosing? Does the puncture help in treatment. What to look for when a child has a protracted runny nose. Watch the video and you will understand a lot.

Reviews for antritis

Yana, 25 years old: She was sick with genyantritis at 3 months of pregnancy. I was afraid that drugs could harm a child. The gynecologist advised washing with sea salt. At first I was afraid to do the procedure. But I was very surprised when I saw how much mucus was washed away. After 5 days, the nose began to breathe well, the head stopped hurting. I advise you to use moms.

Anna, 30 years old: The daughter got sick, the doctor diagnosed a sinusitis and prescribed treatment with antibiotics. I remembered grandmother's remedy. I cooked 2 eggs and, in a hot form, through a napkin, put it to my nose. After warming up the child began to breathe more freely. Improved separation of mucus. I advise you to treat complexly, except for medicines to use and folk methods.

Olga, 45 years old: I have chronic maxillary sinusitis. The headaches were aggravated, which increased with inclinations. The smell of pus followed. They made painful piercing, the doctor prescribed antibiotics. After the course of injections, it became much better. I do not advise anyone to self-treat sinusitis. It is better to go to the doctor, he will tell you how to be treated correctly.

How to treat sinusitis? What medications are effective for this disease?


veiling Ivanov

So I treated genyantritis with folk remedies. And, by the way, cured.)))) Try this folk remedy. Beets (juice) - a teaspoon. Honey - a teaspoon. Boiled water is a teaspoon. All this stir. Burrowing your nose the more, the better. It can at first bake, but it's even better. Do this for about ten days! Really helps! :)


I will advise Bioparox, but it has an antibiotic, so if you are allergic... and he is very good at sinusitis including! now there are still a lot of all kinds of homeopathic medicines, if you trust this method of treatment (personally I'm not)


At me a genyantritis itself has passed or has taken place, was from 11let till 16 years, wished to do or make a puncture, and I have refused.
In the treatment of sinusitis, conservative (medicamentous) and surgical methods are used.
At the heart of medical treatment of sinusitis, local procedures must necessarily lie - the use of drops, sprays, inhalers, capable of eliminating the swelling of the mucous membrane.
Vasoconstrictive drugs include: Tizin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazole, Galazolin, and Conanos. When sinusitis should adhere to certain rules for pouring into the nose of medicinal fluids. The patient should lie on his side, after which to drip vasoconstrictive drops in the half of the nose, on which the patient lies - the drops should get on the side wall of the nose. In this position should be at least 5 minutes. Then, turn to the other side and repeat the procedure with the other half of the nose. Only after using these drops can be instilled by others - having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect.
The treatment also uses antibacterial drugs (preferably cephalosporin), antihistamines (Claritin, Telfast, etc.). The nose is washed with antiseptic solutions (eg, furacilin). Of physiotherapy procedures are used such as UFO of the nasal cavity, UHF on the paranasal sinuses, etc.
Puncture (puncture) is done in order to pump out pus from the sinus, rinse the sinus, and then introduce antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is very high. Now, after a puncture in the sinus, special tubes are installed - catheters, through which it is possible to do a sinus lavage daily. When this method is used, the patient recovers very quickly. But to all there is evidence, and in the initial stage of sinusitis is not always required to perform a puncture, you can do with the washing of the nose.
To treat a genyantritis it is necessary under the control of the doctor-otolaryngologist (ENT-doctor).


If completely pressed - three drops in each nostril of demedrol (this is for pain relief), and as a prophylaxis - daily washing with sea salt (two tablespoons per liter)


Write: Sinupret, Tsiprolet. Rinse your nose more often: a glass of warm boiled water on a teaspoon of salt (you can use a syringe). Warm your nose with something. And go to the doctor.

Aniya BM

The doctor will give you the best advice!


It's easier to go to the ENT hospital, where it will be effectively cured, you can not run it... start, start pus and this pus will go to the brain, and before that it's better not to reach

Basketball player

Take a picture. If the genyantritis is severe - an antibiotic is necessary (amoxiclav, for example). In the nose after washing with aqua-maris, drip polydex or isofra. It's also a good idea to drink the sinupent - it cleans the sinuses of the nose from the inside. Get well!


if at you chronic (at me such diagnosis 0 doctors offered to pierce. I refused because as a lifetime later you will conduct this procedure. in the first it hurts. I went to the healer, she gave me a mixture of onions and garlic. I put on the steam bath melted this mixture and dipped the sticks (ear) in them and then for 10-15 minutes put in the nostalgia, I polichilas a week. At me all as from a bucket left all pus sucked. and now the second year I'm missing. this mixture can be done by itself (onion cook not ready, and garlic. squeeze out and put in the freezer) when applying to a steam bath. Good luck and get well.

mika vitara

HAIMORIT is one of the most common types of SINUSIT - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
A feature of all paranasal sinuses, which includes the maxillary sinus, is the fact that, being sufficiently volumetric formations, they have very small outlets (1-3 mm) - anastomoses, with which the sinuses open into the nasal cavity. Therefore, when the edema of the mucous membrane of the anastomosis is closed, the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is broken, in the sinus begins to develop bacterial (sometimes fungal) flora and there is inflammation, which can be purulent, serous, hemorrhagic and other
HAIMORIT (maxillary sinusitis) - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinusitis usually occurs as a complication against a background of a viral infection (ARVI). This is an acute sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses can manifest itself in a few days and even weeks, after passing the acute symptoms of colds
Sometimes (in 10% of cases), sinusitis develops as a result of the transition of inflammation from the roots of molars located near the maxillary sinus. In these cases, the sinusitis proceeds in an erased form for a fairly long time.
Rareer causes of sinusitis are pressure drops during diving and flight on an airplane.
Symptoms of sinusitis: a runny nose (purulent discharge from the nose), stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell, "nasal" voice, headache, fever, swelling of the skin in the cheek or eyelid region, pain in the cheek or in the region of the upper teeth. These symptoms, individually or together, more or less pronounced, may indicate an inflammation of the sinuses.
If the runny nose worries for more than a week, is accompanied by a headache, severe stuffiness of the nose, temperature - this is the reason for visiting the ENT - a doctor.
DO NOT FORGET - the nose "grows" on the head. Nearby are the organ of vision, the organ of hearing, the brain. Untimely treatment of a doctor, self-medication can lead to complications, the most formidable of them - meningitis, brain abscess.
Sinusitis - a serious disease, so his treatment is better to entrust to the doctor. Treatment should be comprehensive and individual: local drugs, antibiotics, immune preparations are used. In the arsenal of ENT - the doctor there are many ways to treat this disease, including without a "puncture." But in some cases, the puncture of the maxillary sinus ("puncture") greatly facilitates the patient's condition.
Refrain from "warming up" at home. As a rule, this leads only to a worsening of the condition.
* conditions that disrupt the nasal breathing: curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (nasal congestion), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose;
* untimely or incorrect treatment of cold, ARVI, rhinitis;
* inflammatory processes in the upper limbs of molars of the upper jaw;
* Reduction of the body's defenses - decreased immunity;
* bacteriocarrier;
* congenital disorders of development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity.


In a glass with warm water, add a teaspoon of salt and soda stir and rinse your nose three times a day. 7 days. (you can use a small pear)

Peganov Yuri ™

Health problems??? Go on these sites:
Here somewhere doctors are on-line.. It is possible anonymously. .
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Be healthy - do not be ill. .
Good luck and health ...

Pirogova Olga

My relative suffered greatly from sinusitis, he was recommended washing with sea salt several times a day. And it really happened. But of course it's better to contact a specialist before starting self-treatment.

Faina Gromova

If the genyantritis manifests itself, I immediately take cinnabsin. These pills make my condition easier. Make your nose breathe and liquefy come down.


that's what happened to my doctor-friend. She told me that she needed an operation for a day to remove pus. I advised her to try a remedy, which is used by my whole family - Riciniol - a very good home remedy on the basis of castor oil. She took it, poured herself in her nose, lay down for an hour and left all the pus, as riciniol very well penetrates. Even the operation did not have to. Until now, I am grateful for the advice. Maybe someone will help too! I wish success to all. By the way, you can not find it anywhere. It is a unique product, only Argo stores sell it. I heard that if they register on the site of Argo, then there will be a 20% discount. Here is the link; = 1146 & amp; = cfa43fa64fd0e13b7c49b4bb1c19a09

Mila Krokova

Some washings with sea salt from a genyantritis will not relieve. I also remembered to wash my nose and took prescribed Cinnabsin tablets. With their help, sinusitis went through 2 weeks.

The medicine for sinusitis

An otolaryngologist should prescribe an effective remedy for sinusitis after examining and obtaining the results of the tests. In addition, for the appropriate therapeutic measures, the form of the disease and the type of pathogen is important.

Drugs for the treatment of sinusitis:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Sulfonamides.
  3. Preparations for the reduction and removal of the inflammatory process.
  4. Fluids for washing the nasal sinuses.
  5. Drops and sprays to relieve swelling, drainage of maxillary sinuses.
  6. Solutions for inhalation.

Let's consider in more detail each group of medicines.

What medicines from a number of antibiotics to treat a genyantritis:

  1. Gramox.
  2. Amoxyl.
  3. Flemoxin solute.
  4. Hiconcile.
  5. Augmentin.
  6. Rovamycin.
  7. Tsifran.
  8. Cephallexin.
  9. Vampilox.
  10. Macropean.
  11. Sporroid.
  12. Duracef.
  13. Ampiox.
  14. Cefotaxime.
  15. Ceftriaxone.
  16. Wertsef.
  17. Cefazolin.

Antibiotic medicine against sinusitis should stop the development of the inflammatory process in the body and stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria or fungi in the sinuses of the nasal cavity. When choosing a medicine for the treatment of sinusitis, it is necessary to study the list of side effects of the medicine and the level of its toxicity.

What sulfonamide drugs to take with genyantritis:

  1. Sulfadimethoxin.
  2. Biseptol.
  3. Ethazol.
  4. Streptocide.
  5. Norsulfazole.
  6. Sulfalene.
  7. Sulfopyridazine.
  8. Sulphadimezin.

This group of drugs is prescribed for severe forms of the disease and a dangerous course of the inflammatory process in combination with an antibiotic. In addition, sulfonamide drugs can be used as substitution therapy in case of intolerance to antibiotic agents. When choosing which medicines to drink at a genyantritis from a number of sulfonamides, it is necessary to check up, how much they are compatible with the chosen antibiotic and whether the suitable preparation of allergic reactions causes.

Than to treat a genyantritis - anti-inflammatory medicines:

  1. Coldie.
  2. Flukold.
  3. Coldrex.
  4. Pharmacitron.
  5. Cagedactivity.
  6. Loratadin.
  7. Fenkarol.
  8. Bromhexine.
  9. Ambroxol.
  10. Sinupret.
  11. Sinuforte.
  12. Suprastin.
  13. Cinnabsin.
  14. Gaimorin.
  15. Solpadein.
  16. Nimid.
  17. Oksalgin.
  18. Bronhoklar.
  19. Diazolin.
  20. Tavegil.

Any of the above means is suitable as a cure for chronic sinusitis in the complex therapy of the disease in the acute stage. They also perform the following functions:

  • intensify the action of antibiotics;
  • reduce edema of the mucous membranes;
  • relieve a headache;
  • reduce inflammation in the sinuses;
  • contribute to the liquefaction of purulent contents.

Drugs for washing the sinuses of the nose:

  1. Tincture of calendula.
  2. Elecasol.
  3. Rekutan.
  4. Saline solution.
  5. Phytodent.
  6. Rotokan.
  7. Decoction of chamomile.
  8. Decamethoxin.
  9. A solution of manganese.
  10. Furacil.
  11. Broth of St. John's wort.
  12. Iodine solution.

Medicine for sinusitis - spray:

  1. Isophra.
  2. Xylo-Mefa.
  3. Sinuforte.
  4. Akvalor.
  5. Ximelin.
  6. Humer.
  7. Sanorin.
  8. Marimer.
  9. Otrivin.
  10. NAZAVAL.

Solutions and medicines for inhalation with sinusitis:

1. Herbal anti-inflammatory decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • succession;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • celandine;
  • currant leaves.

2. Inhalation solutions with essential oils:

  1. Brine.
  2. Dioxydin with saline in equal proportions.
  3. Berodual.
  4. Salgim.
  5. Berotek.
  6. Atrovent.
  7. Ventolin Nebula.
  8. Gedelix.
  9. Tonzillon N.
  10. Cromohexal.
  11. Pulmicort.

Sprays from genyantritis

Genyantritis is one of the varieties of sinusitis, which manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (on the x-ray photo the disease looks like their darkening). A good tool to fight the disease are sprays from sinusitis in vials with special nebulizers. Preparations having this form of release are considered more effective than drops or solutions. What are their benefits and what kind of nasal spray is best used in genyantritis?

Advantages of medicines in the form of a spray

Treatment of sinusitis at home is not without pharmacies. This disease has an infectious or (less often) allergic origin. It is accompanied by pronounced edema, severe breathing difficulties and dense secretions. It should be treated with such drugs that provide antibacterial or anti-allergic action, remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa, dilute the secretions and facilitate breathing. Sprays from sinusitis are excellent in these tasks.

Use them is more convenient than drops, since the required amount of the drug is injected with a single tap. The active substance is evenly distributed in the nasal cavity, delivered even to its most remote areas and quickly absorbed. The main advantage of such a remedy for sinusitis lies in the precise dosage of the drug substance, which ensures a minimal risk of overdose.

Types of nasal sprays for the treatment of sinusitis

Choosing the right nasal spray from the common cold and sinusitis is necessary in view of the symptoms. When a patient has thick, mucus discharge with difficulty and is facing the task of how to dilute the snot in the nose, it is necessary to use mucolytic drugs, with strong edema - vasoconstrictive, and in the presence of pus - funds with antibacterial effect.

All medications in the form of sprays, used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, are conventionally divided into vasoconstrictive, mucolytic, hormonal, antibacterial, moisturizing, which serve to wash and cleanse the nose. However, many drugs have a complex effect, that is, they have several pharmacological effects.


Such sprays from sinusitis are indispensable in cases of severe stuffiness, which does not make it possible to breathe normally. They narrow the blood vessels, thus eliminating the swelling of the mucosa and facilitating breathing. However, vasoconstrictive drugs for the nose are only symptomatic: they are only able to temporarily eliminate puffiness, but do not affect the healing process in any way. In addition, these drugs can cause addiction, so apply them with a time limit.


This type of medication allows you to minimize the dryness, irritation and burning caused by the long use of specific drugs. Moisturizing spray from sinusitis is used for complex treatment. It may not contain components with a pronounced pharmacological effect. These drugs include sprays based on brine and sea water.


This category of drugs refers to potent hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for severe inflammatory processes and allergies, with which the medicine against sinusitis with a more gentle effect can not cope. Hormonal sprays help with severe forms of the disease, but because of the potential for serious side effects, they should be used under the supervision of a doctor.


With genyantritis, the discharge from the nose is often too thick, and that is why they barely vomarkivayutsya in a natural way. To improve the separation of secretions from the nasal sinuses, a mucolytic spray is prescribed from the sinusitis, capable of thinning stagnant slimy secret, make it less viscous, thereby reducing edema and normalizing the general condition nasopharynx.


Antibacterial sprains from sinusitis contain an antibacterial agent. They must be used in such forms of inflammatory diseases, complicated by a bacterial infection. Independently use antibiotics in the treatment of sinusitis is highly not recommended, because the optimal form of the active ingredient and the exact dosage should be selected by the doctor.

List of the best sprays for the nose with genyantema

It is recommended that you consult with your doctor about which preparation is best for sinusitis. Independently choosing drugs that are dispensed without a prescription, you must carefully follow the instructions and observe the symptoms of the disease. If after several days of using the drug there are no improvements, you need to contact a specialist.

  • Otrivin

Ingredients: active component xylometazoline, additional substances.

Action: the agent has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, which ensures the elimination of edema and the relief of breathing. The drug does not prevent the natural discharge of secretions. As part of "Otrivin" contains hypromellose and sorbitol, reducing the severity of side effects observed with its long-term use.

Application: adults and children from 6 years - one injection) 3-4 times a day. A child younger than 6 years of age is prescribed a dosage form of the drug with a reduced concentration of the active ingredient, which is used 1-2 times, but no more than 3 times a day. This spray of sinusitis can not be used for more than 10 days in a row.

Cost: from 150 rubles.

  • Sanorin

Ingredients: active ingredient naphazoline, auxiliary components.

Action: The spray reduces the swelling of the mucosa, restoring the patency of the nasal passages, facilitating breathing and improving the patency of the Eustachian tubes. With long use, the effect of the drug is gradually reduced, so it is recommended to use it with breaks every 5 days for the treatment of sinusitis.

Application: the agent is injected 1-3 3-4 times per day. The duration of therapy with this drug for children is no more than 3 days, for adults - not longer than a week.

Cost: from 170 rubles.

  • "Vibrocil"

Composition: active substances phenylephrine and dimethindene, additional components.

Action: the agent has vasoconstrictive and antihistamine action.

Application: the drug is prescribed for children over 6 years and adults in a dose of 1-2 injections 3-4 times a day. It should not be used for more than 7 days, unless another period of treatment is agreed with the doctor. With a long (more than 2 weeks) use or exceeding the recommended dose, it can cause the development of drug rhinitis.

Cost: from 250 rubles.

  • Aqua-Maris

Composition: sterilized sea and purified water.

Action: This spray with seawater for the nose dilutes mucus, normalizes its production and effectively removes dirt, dust, allergens from the mucous membrane, reducing its inflammation.

Usage: adults are prescribed 2-3 doses from 4 to 8 times a day, children from 7 to 16 years - 2 injections 4-6 times, from year to 7 - the same number of applications, but no more than 4 times a day. With maxillitis, the treatment period can be from 2 to 4 weeks or longer.

Cost: from 200 rubles.

  • "Physiomer"

Composition: sea water.

Action: the spray removes inflammation from the nasal mucosa, provides its effective cleansing and strengthens local immunity, increasing resistance to pathogens.

Application: in the treatment of sinusitis, the agent is prescribed in a dose of 2-4 injections. The drug can be used for a long period, up to several months.

Cost: from 300 rubles.

  • Salin

Composition: Active ingredient of sodium chloride, additional ingredients.

Action: This spray of sinusitis has anti-edematous effect, clears nasal passages, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, promotes better separation of mucus. In the treatment of sinusitis, the drug is used as an auxiliary. It has no contraindications and does not lead to the development of undesirable effects, therefore it is prescribed even during pregnancy or treatment of infants.

Usage: recommended dose for adults - 2 sprayings 6-8 times a day. Children are prescribed one injection up to 6 times a day.

Cost: from 170 rubles.

  • "Nazonex"

Composition: active substance mometasone, additional components.

Action: The spray is a glucocorticosteroid agent with an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect that relieves swelling and restores normal breathing.

Application: Nasonex is prescribed in a dose of 2 injections from 2 to 4 times a day. Term of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Cost: from 450 rubles.

  • Fliksonase

Ingredients: active ingredient fluticasone, excipients.

Action: the drug is a corticosteroid agent that has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect. Spray reduces nasal congestion, relieves itching, discomfort in the sinuses, feeling of pressure around the eyes and nose, helps to get rid of the headache, often accompanying the acute current sinusitis.

Application: adults and children from 12 years - 2 times a day. After passing through acute symptoms, the dose is reduced by half. Children from 4 to 12 years - 1 injection a day.

Cost: from 750 rubles.

  • "Rinofluimucil"

Ingredients: active substances acetylcysteine ​​and tuamine heptane, auxiliary ingredients.

Action: according to the description given in the manual, the drug has a vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect. Spray promotes liquefaction and better separation of excreta, removal of edema and inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Application: adults are recommended to 2 injections 3-4 times a day, children - 1 dose the same number of times. The product can not be used for more than 7 days.

Cost: from 240 rubles.

  • Sinuforte

Ingredients: active components extract and lyophilisate of cyclamen juice and solvent (distilled water).

Action: The spray is a herbal preparation that effectively removes inflammation, stimulates the production of mucus and improves the process of its removal. The drug is the most expensive in the rating of drugs, but few other drugs provide the same pronounced effect: enhanced mucus production begins almost immediately after spraying the aerosol and continues depending on the amount of precipitation from half an hour to two.

Application: at a time, the agent is sprayed once. With daily use, the course of treatment lasts 6-8 days, when administered every other day - no more than 12-16.

Cost: from 2000 rubles.

Similar mucolytic effect has a more affordable plant product called "Sinupret but it is not produced in the form of a spray, but in drops and pills.

  • Bioparox

Composition: active substance fusafungin, additional components.

Action: The spray is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory activity.

Application: the drug is injected into the mouth and nose. Adults are recommended for 4 injections in the throat and 2 in the nose up to 4 times a day. Children from, years - 2-4 sprays an aerosol in a mouth and on 1-2 in a nose at the same quantity of daily doses.

Cost: from 500 rubles.

  • Polidex

Ingredients: active components neomycin, polymyxin B, dexamethasone, phenylephrine, auxiliary ingredients.

Action: this spray from sinusitis has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect.

Application: adults are recommended for 1 injection up to 3-5 times a day, children from, to 15 years - a similar dose up to 3 times a day. The period of treatment with the drug is 5-10 days.

Cost: from 270 rubles.

  • Isofra

Composition: active ingredient of scrambutin, auxiliary components.

Action: The spray has an antibacterial effect and is prescribed for a pronounced infection-inflammatory process.

Application: adults - 1 spray of aerosol to 4-6 times a day, children - the same dose, but the daily number of injections should not be more than 3. Treatment lasts a week.

Cost: from 260 rubles.

What kind of sprays can I use for children?

Use a children's spray from the cold in the treatment of children under the age of not recommended because of the high risk of reflex spasm of the larynx, which can cause serious breathing disorders. A spray in the nose for older children is chosen taking into account age among special children's forms of drugs having a reduced concentration of active substances.

With genyantritis in children, some experts recommend the use of homeopathic remedies, which have fewer side effects than traditional drugs. Most experts are skeptical about these drugs, but there are patients who note marked improvements after such therapy.

Feedback on results after treatment

Maria, 28 years old: I am treating sinusitis for many years. Once I was recommended a plant remedy "Sinuforte". The spray helped, but because of the high price for Sinuport, analogues and substitutes for which I was told can not be found in Russia, I switched to Polidex at the following exacerbations. Approximately 3-4 days I am treated precisely under the instruction and respiration is restored.

Sergei, 34 years old: Sinusitis was in a very neglected stage. Tried to heal folk methods - washing with broths, inhalations with honey, alcohol compresses, warming up. Temporary relief was, but in a good clinic in St. Petersburg I still advised to make a puncture because of the high risk of complications. After the puncture, a cheap antibiotic spray was prescribed. More than a year has passed since everything is in order.

Svetlana, 25 years old: When the untreatable genyantritis developed, she feared that it would not come to the operation and was treated with everything that was prescribed. Assigned to me drops, bactericidal sprays and warming procedures, conscientiously underwent several courses of treatment and managed to cope with the disease. For the prevention of relapse, I now try to treat the runny nose as it should.

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