The causes of conjunctivitis in adults

The external surface of the eyeball is directly in contact with the external environment, and therefore must be protected - by the skin or mucous membrane.In the case of the eyes, this is the mucous membrane (or conjunctiva), which provides protective functions and produces a lacrimal fluid, a kind of lubricant necessary for eye movement and blinking. However, the close and often unfavorable impact of the external environment is often a source of pathological processes, which primarily affect the conjunctiva.Most often as a result of this influence, its inflammation develops - conjunctivitis.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication Therapy
    • 5.2Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The concept of "conjunctivitis" is familiar to everyone from childhood - it is an inflammatory process, often occurring with purulent discharge.The disease ranks first among various kinds of ocular inflammation, although it does not belong to the category of complex inflammations, except for mixed infections. In this case, the infection or allergy (the main causes of the disease) can affect the cornea, eyelids or penetrate into the depth of the sclera.

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The value of the conjunctiva for the eyeball is to protect and wet it for normal functioning.Blood vessels passing in the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer eyeball provide full nutrition and work of the eyelids, and conjunctiva.

The development of inflammation of any etiology in these structures disrupts visual perception and becomes an obstacle when it is necessary to work hard for the eyes.


Any inflammation can be caused by either external or internal factors.Conjunctivitis in adults is characterized by the predominance of the infectious cause of the disease - an adenovirus that is diagnosed as the cause of inflammation in 85% of cases. The remaining 15% fall on bacterial contamination, and it can be staphylococci, streptococci and other bacterial agents. Sometimes the infection develops in a mixed type: against the background of viral infection, activation of bacterial microflora appears.

However, infection with pathogenic microorganisms is not the only possible cause of conjunctivitis. Depending on the provoking factors, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Allergic.Appears when exposed to the mucous membranes of the eyes of allergens: pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemicals, etc. ;
  • Acute.It develops under the action of bacterial agents in case of non-compliance with hygiene, exhaustion of the body, after the systemic infections that have been transferred, and hypothermia. Any condition that caused a decrease in immunity, can serve as a provoking factor;
  • Blennoreiyny.The causative agent is gonococcal, penetrated into the mucosa of the newborn child from the organism of the infected mother during childbirth;
  • Chronic.This includes all long-term irritations of the mucous membrane for the following reasons: chemical air pollution, dust, violation metabolism, avitaminosis, chronic processes in the lacrimal and nasal mucosa, ametropia (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism).
    Types of conjunctivitis

Inflammatory factor in some cases can be chlamydia, pathogenic fungi, various kinds of occupational hazards.


Common manifestations of inflammation of the conjunctiva include:

  • Edema of the eyelids, as well as the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;
  • Lachrymation and photophobia;
  • Sensation in the eye of a foreign body;
  • Mucous, purulent, mucopurulent discharge.

Specific symptoms depend on provoking factors and differ in different types of disease:

  • Catarrhal- pus is absent, abundant mucus is formed;
  • Purulent- there is a purulent discharge;
  • Hemorrhagic- hemorrhages on the eye mucosa are formed;
  • Papillary- characterized by the formation on the eyelid mucosa (usually - the upper one) of small seals in the form of grains as manifestations of allergy;
  • Follicular- the formation of follicles on the eye mucosa when irritated by an allergen;
  • Filmy- usually develops with viral infection.

Allergic forms of the disease can be accompanied by secondary signs of allergies: severe itching, burning of the eyelids, their swelling and redness.

Possible complications

At first glance, absolutely not a dangerous disease with untimely or incorrect treatment can cause a number of serious eye pathologies:

  • Blepharitis- a whole group of diseases caused by infection with lesions of the eyelids. It is difficult to treat, but the quality of vision is not affected;

  • Keratite- inflammation in the cornea. Characterized by a violation of the transparency of the corneal layer and impaired vision, and if ignored - penetration of the infection inside the eyeball;
  • Dry eye syndrome- a violation of the ability of the eye to produce a tear fluid, as a result of which strong discomfort sensations can develop;
Dry eye syndrome
  • Cicatricial corneal changes- are a consequence of keratitis and can provoke the development of a thorn;
  • Entropion- changes in the structure of the eyelids, when the edges of the eyelids and eyelashes become turned towards the eye. This is the cause of ulcers, infectious lesions, as well as a violation of the production of tears;
  • Hypopion- accumulation in the lower part of the eye of purulent formations. The cause is a neglected infectious process. If the conservative treatment is ineffective, the yellow strip from the bottom is removed surgically.

Specific types of disease can be complicated by the following consequences:

  • Blathering:fusion of the iris and cornea, partial or complete loss of vision, corneal ulcers;
  • Viral:reduction of visual acuity, formation of sores on the cornea and eyelids;
  • Adenoviral:dry eye syndrome;
  • Chlamydial:inflammation of the middle and inner ear, scar deformation of the eyelids, regional lymphadenitis;
  • Allergic:dystrophic changes in the conjunctiva and its deformation, erosion of the cornea.

Conjunctivitis with prompt and timely response is very easy to cure. However, with neglected forms, consultation of an ophthalmologist should be mandatory, and in these cases, extensive diagnosis is of particular importance.


The ophthalmologist conducts diagnostics on the basis of clinical manifestations and complaints of the patient.The data of the anamnesis are of paramount importance for clarifying the etiology of the disease. It can be information about possible contact with allergens or patients, existing diseases, exposure to sunlight, etc. At external survey the doctor defines a degree of symptoms and appoints necessary analyzes:

  • Cthe final examination of the smear-print;
  • Bacteriological analysis of the smear with conjunctiva;
  • Demodex research;
  • Determination of antibody titer with respect to the intended pathogen;
  • Allergies are suspected if allergies are suspected.
    Demodicosis examination

Specific forms of the disease may require consultations of specialized specialists: infectious diseases specialist, phthisiatrist, allergist, venereologist, otolaryngologist.

Medication Therapy

Conservative methods allow you to fully get rid of the symptoms of conjunctivitis when they are used in a timely manner:

  • Antiseptics:Albucid 20%, Pycloxidine. The use of drugs in this group allows in most cases to quickly get rid of a bacterial infection;
  • Antibiotics:Erythromycin ointment (for chlamydial infection), drops of Levomycetin or tetracycline ointment. Immunostimulatory treatment is performed in addition to the virus-associated conjunctivitis;
Erythromycin ointment is an antibiotic
  • Anti-inflammatory:Dexamethasone, Diclofenac, Suprastin, Olopathodine, Fenistil. Can be used both locally and systemically - depending on the severity of the symptoms;
  • Moisturizing:Oxyal, Artificial tear, etc. Needed in violation of development of tear fluid.
    Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug

Such widely used medications as Albucid or Tetracyclin Ointment can be used if necessary before the visit to the doctor. Also, in the presence of pus, it is recommended to wash the eyes with a ready-made furacilin solution every 3 hours. The rest of the treatment is only after the examination of the ophthalmologist.

Do not apply eye patches with conjunctivitis, since they make evacuation difficult to separate and can cause the development of keratitis. It is recommended to wash hands often, use disposable napkins and towels to prevent autoinfection, and sterilize pipettes and glass sticks to lay the ointment.

Folk remedies

Of course, a visit to a doctor will never be superfluous, but there are situations when it is impossible. In this case, the treatment of conjunctivitis can begin with conventional home remedies that are always at hand:

  • Tea Welding. For lotions and washings use green or black tea of ​​medium strength several times a day;
  • Camomile tea. The application is the same, for this take 1 h. l. raw materials and insist in a glass of boiling water, then strain it;
  • Fennel juice. Use for the lotions freshly prepared juice 4-5 times a day. Infusion of seeds (1 h. l. on 200 ml of boiling water) is effective for purulent conjunctivitis;
  • Rosehip. Pour 2 hours. l. crushed fruits 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes. and insist to complete cooling down. The filtered infusion is used for lotions;
  • Crude potatoes. Grate a small potato, mix with egg white, spread on gauze and make a compress for 10-15 minutes. ;
  • Herbal infusion. Take for 1 hour. l. flowers of elderberry black, herb straighteners, petals of cornflower blue. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours, then strain and add 15 drops of infusion of datura fruits (5%). Instructions for instillation and washing of the eyes. Infusion is effective for suppuration and inflammation, as well as impending thorns;
  • Honey.For instillation in the eyes with conjunctivitis, use honey - 1 to 2 calories in each eye. Dilute in water 1: 5 and rinse with eye solution;
  • Milk.Warm the warm milk in the eyes and use it for rinsing. Strong bactericidal properties are of fresh milk (better goat), and for newborns - breast milk;
  • Yarrow.Pour 1 hour. l. raw 200 ml of boiling water, then insist 20 minutes, then strain and use for lotions.

Some drugs can be useless and even harmful for various types of disease. If you have a suspicion of allergies, it is better to take medications from aloe, and with viral conjunctivitis - use antiseptics (soda or chamomile).


To prevent the disease, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • Observe personal hygiene, do not use other people's napkins, towels, sheets;
  • Do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands;
  • Wash hands often, especially after a street;
  • Wash with boiled water, not with running water;
  • When developing the disease, avoid public places - by this you limit contacts and prevent the introduction of a new infection;
  • With the onset of conjunctivitis, stop visiting the pool, since chlorinated water is an additional irritant.

If a family member develops a disease, it should be isolated in a separate room with personal household items. This will help to avoid infection to close people, especially small children.



Conjunctivitis does not belong to the category of serious diseases, but without treatment it can lead to the development of severe complications. It is quite easy to cure it even at home - of course, provided it is a common adenoviral conjunctivitis.

If you started self-treatment, but the symptoms do not go away, do not delay the visit to the doctor. Perhaps you have a rare type of infection requiring specific treatment.

Observe the rules of personal hygiene and pay enough attention to the general immunity- this will help in most cases to exclude from the everyday life of any kind of inflammation.

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