Can I cure chronic bronchitis?

How to cure chronic bronchitis. folk remedies


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What nonsense about family problems. My mother-in-law had a family life just a gift from God. Everything is quiet. For all my life I have never quarreled with my husband. My husband is also calm. Did not drink did not walk. So the soul lived in the soul all his life. But her bronchitis tortured her. Once an old grandfather came to her on the street. He heard how she coughed with an anguish. Come and say the Little one, I hear you cough. You have these bronchial tubes. Take in the pharmacy plantain. Brew as napar. And drink as soon as you want to drink. Drink a long time. Until all the dirt goes. You'll see how this happens. Plantain is not harmful. It is useful for the whole body. Do not be afraid, drink. And left. She began to do everything as he advised. My mother-in-law is a stubborn woman. I'll drink it for a week and leave it. And she drank 6 months. Once she started washing in the bathroom. Half washed clothes and suddenly she began to cough heavily. She leaned over the bathroom and a big clump fell out of her chest. She told me that it reminded me of how jellyfish floating in the sea are liquid. This is something that came out of the bronchi. Since then and now she has not been ill for 85 years. If you do not believe you can write in a personal I will give a phone and she will confirm to you. Plantain she took in briquettes, then this was sold in pharmacies. Did napar, just do not boil. In a small pot put a little plantain, pour boiling water over what you want. And let it infuse. Drink as you please. That's the story my mother-in-law had.

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Irina Kovaleva

Folk remedies for bronchitis

* 500 g of crushed bulbs, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey mixed and added 1 liter of water. Cook the mixture on low heat for 3 hours, cool, filter and pour into a bottle. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
* 10 grams of dried and chopped mandarin peel pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times daily before meals. It is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and tracheitis.
* 1 cup of rubbed onion pour 1/4 cup of vinegar, rub through 4 layers of gauze, add 1 cup of honey, mix thoroughly until smooth. Drink 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes. The drug is used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, with a strong cough.
* Licorice naked (root) - 30 g, plantain (leaves) - 30 g, violet trichrome (grass) - 20 g, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 20 g. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and adjusted to a volume of 200 ml. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3 times a day for tracheitis.
* A tablespoon of the dry crushed rhizome of spring primrose is poured with a glass of boiling water, heated for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath, stirring occasionally. Cool at room temperature for 30 minutes and filter. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals. The drug is especially effective in the chronic form of bronchitis.
* Thyme (grass) - 5 g, fennel (fruits) - 5 g, mint (leaves) - 5 g, medunitsa (grass) - 20 g, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 20 g, clover (grass) - 5 g, plantain (leaves) - 10 g, althae (root) - 10 g, licorice naked (root) - 10 g. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day.
* 10 grams of thyme pour a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter, squeeze and bring the volume to 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
* In bronchitis, especially acute, it is recommended to drink 4 times a day tincture (30 g per 100 ml of alcohol or a glass of vodka) for 40-50 drops or juice of fresh grass yarrow ordinary 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
* Ledum herb - 4 parts, birch buds - 1 part, oregano grass - 2 parts, nettle leaves - dioecious - 1 part. Two tablespoons of the crushed mixture pour, l steep boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/3 cup a day after meals.
* Tablespoon chopped grass horsetail field brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
* Devyasil (root) - 10 g, primrose (root) - 10 g, mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 10 g. Two teaspoons of mixture pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, cool. Drink infusion should be with bronchitis in small sips in 3 divided doses during the day.
* 2 tablespoons chopped turnip pour 1 cup boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, 1-2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4-5 times a day. Juice and infusion from turnip apply for a sharp cold cough, hoarseness of voice, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
* Tea made from 40 g of buckwheat flowers per 1 liter of boiling water facilitates dry cough.
* Bronchitis is well treated with pork "healthy that is, the internal lard from the intestines, which has the appearance of a grid. This greasy mesh is put in a bowl and placed in a warm but not hot oven or on a very light fire, so that the liqueurs are drained off the mesh. The melted fat is drained and placed in a cold place. 1 dessert spoon to dilute a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips. For external rubbing in the chest, it is necessary to mix this fat with turpentine and rub it into the chest to dryness.
* Chive the garlic and 1 teaspoon of flower honey thoroughly chew until completely chopped 3 times a day.
Treatment of chronic bronchitis with the help of folk remedies

sergey ivankov


Hovhannes Martirosyan

Folk remedies for bronchitis [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]


In metaphysics, bronchitis occurs when problems arise in the family. Experience, anger. There may be a desire to break off relations, but they are resolved because of feelings of guilt.
Treat life more joyfully and simply There are no families where absolute tranquility. The views of members of your family can be different. This is completely normal. Do not take everything so close to heart, do not yield to the influence of other people, even they are your close ones. do not despair but resist without the slightest feeling of guilt. By respecting the rights of others.

Natalia Eksatova

I personally helped infusion of herbs BAGULNIK.


First check the kidneys, Possible sand.

Natalia Yugova

tortured bronchitis that I do not drink nothing helps... What else can be cured of bronchitis coughing is not what is not coughing up inside everything is croaking

How quickly and effectively to cure bronchitis without antibiotics?



we also use the nibulizer at our OMPON in the pharmacy to buy 36.6 of its cost in the ranch 3500-5000r in our 4000r. cool thing take it will not regret, my bronchitis chronic he had pneumonia in 17 years and now now pereodicheskie flashes of bronchitis, drip lazolvan 15-20 cap. it is sold in solution and 2-3-r. a day, very much helps you know, but that's only if you have bronchitis passes with a high temperature, you should drink antibiotics because running bronchitis is pneumonia and death in the worst case.
Do not engage in self-treatment, I ask you nakok people's means, I consider the people's means only for prevention, and you will not be cured of them, but will only reach pneumonia. I can advise injections imunofan 360r. 5 injections of 1ml. In a day the number of injections 10pcs. Most likely at you lchen the immunity has not strongly fallen down not nervous, do not experience cure still very important mood the positive and antibiotics too it is necessary to pick up correctly. Call a doctor urgently from your p-th floor! !

Galina Vaseneva

Drink milk with honey and butter. And rub your breast with some ointment or fat.


Buy an inhaler, ultrasound or nibulizer. They can also be used at a temperature. Inhalations every 3-4 hours. I only fly my own way. Cough passes quickly. If there is no temperature, you can do hot inhalations. Better, of course, alternate. In the morning and in the evening, hot, daytime cold inhalations. Be healthy!


can the same potato "in a uniform" crush + a little sunflower-seed oil in a gauze bag and chest, you can put cloths, and then one for cleaning them as they cool down.

Boris Aizikovich

if you use antibiotics of natural origin (herbs, minerals), for example, callomade silver


Of course, if the child is small, then making the child do potato inhalation is hard, I practice it myself, but I recently bought a good one Nebulizzer, he splits the ultrasound Drug and prju tinctures, and gives couples cold as smoke and they need to smoke, he has a lot of evidence, if interested, write to me I will send the instruction, it costs about $ 150 and not in every pharmacy is sold, but will listen to you for many years and for all family


Bronchitis. Distinguish between acute and chronic bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is most common in young children and the elderly. It is usually associated with viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, but can be caused by bacteria as well as by allergic reactions. With acute bronchitis, the tissues along the walls of the passages swell and produce a large amount of mucus.
Symptoms: There is a dry, sharp cough that intensifies at night. Cough usually softens in a few days due to the release of mucus.
Traditional methods of treatment: showing bed rest, abundant warm drink, mustard. Appointed expectorant, bronchodilator drugs. Sometimes, antipyretic and analgesic agents are used.
In chronic bronchitis, mucus-producing cells that line the bronchial walls thicken and produce too much mucus. The mucous membrane of the bronchi swells. The occurrence of chronic bronchitis is associated with the exposure to the mucous membrane of the bronchi of harmful impurities contained in the air: tobacco smoke, automobile exhausts, etc.
Symptoms: A persistent cough in which very much mucus is released. As the disease progresses, breathing difficulties increase, especially in connection with physical exertion. Sometimes swelling and puffiness of the whole body are observed. Destructive complications include congestive heart failure, acute respiratory arrest, emphysema.
Traditional methods of treatment: Assign expectorants, antibiotics. In severe cases, patients may be hospitalized.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Clean 3 garlic heads and together with 5 lemons with a peel, pass in a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, pour them 1L. boiled water and soak in a closed pot for 5 days. Strain, squeeze the remainder. Take as a sucking agent for bronchitis 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
2) Take 5-6 large cloves of garlic, grind into a gruel, mix with 100 grams. A butter and a bunch of finely chopped dill. In the morning, afternoon and evening, spread the mixture on bread. This oil also helps with pneumonia.
3) An excellent prescription for the treatment of bronchitis: 1kg. ripe tomatoes, 50gr. garlic and 300 gr. root horseradish grind in a meat grinder. Mix and salt to taste. To eat: to children 1 teaspoon before meal 3 times a day, To adults - 1 table spoon 3 times a day.
4) Mix in the ratio by weight 2 grated on a fine grater onions, apples, honey. To treat bronchitis, accompanied by a cough, take at least 5-6 times a day.
5) Carrot juice, hot milk and honey in the ratio 1 to insist 4-5 hours and drink in a warm form on a glass 3-4 times a day.
6) Mix 300gr. honey and 1 sheet of finely chopped aloe, pour them, l. boiled water, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours. Cool and mix. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
7) To facilitate the separation of phlegm, drink cowberry juice with sugar syrup or honey. Take 1 tablespoon as often as possible.
8) Prepare fresh cabbage juice, add sugar (2 small spoons for 1 glass of juice). Take 2 times a day for 1 glass, as an expectorant.
9) With bronchitis with viscous sputum brew, l. boiling water 4 tablespoons chopped plantain leaf and insist 4 hours. Drink a glass 4 times a day.
10) To weld in, l. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 2 tablespoons.
11) Powdered althea root (sold in a pharmacy) diluted with warm boiled water, bringing to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for chronic bronchitis.

kovalenkin jevgenij

all sorts of apparatus such as lasers of all sorts this sucks g... I fly my daughter the way I usually start to get sore throat and cough here at once to her potatoes in uniform, how I'll breathe the same potatoes and crush them into paper and on the chest warm, if unsuccessful and cough falls into the bronchi, then more time in time but in five days, any bronchitis passes and when the cough falls in bronchi there is a wonderful syrup Erespal so its three times a day and all is no more (Yes this syrup is not herbal as all they do not help) and there is a chemical overwhelming cough

Is it possible to cure chronic bronchitis, even if it is expensive?



It can be cured until it has become obstructive. Then the bronchi narrow, not getting treatment this condition is irreversible. Medicines are picked up by a doctor, you are not treated yourself.. But the steps can be viewed and monitored. Acute bronchitis is better to start immediately with antibiotics, and it is better to injections intramuscularly. It does not hurt to gargle, at least 2-3 times a day. Inhalations to the upper respiratory tract (if there is no high temperature), it is necessary to drink the funds first for the dilution of sputum, then to remove it. And these are different things. Bronchitis can be different and one must look at the symptoms and the course of the disease, when there is an improvement and recovery, prescribe bronchodilators, herbs (the mentioned thyme is an excellent option, elecampane, licorice, marshmallows). Further physiotherapy - electrophoresis, SCR or something else. Well, at least 2-3 times in a row it is very desirable to go to a sanatorium on the profile. You can drink bear or badger fat in capsules, koumiss (people go to Bashkiria to be treated for koumiss). I myself am engaged in treatment of a bronchitis, year four did not hurt in general, and now again has got.

Anastasia Tsygankova

I after the first pregnancy was... But you probably will not help

yes no klikuhi

yes he is treated even for free

Yin Yang

try the thyme-Bogorodsky grass. even the children can. a couple of weeks of seagulls. and a break.
sputum for analysis. and get rid of the causative agent of your disease \ chlamydia or the larva of Ascaris or something else will determine the analysis. Here and clear it from this.

Grigory Miroshin

Andrei! In principle, all diseases can be cured. Under a number of conditions. In particular, chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to give up smoking, not to smoke with smoke, to breathe clean country air, have physical exercise, exercise breathing exercises and other Is it possible in the city? I doubt it.

Anna Yasyukevich

You can very easily cure and not only bronchitis but also many other diseases. But you need to treat not one disease but the whole body AND you need to start with the cleansing of the body to add energy and harmonize all the processes in the body Do you want more information write

Is it possible to cure chronic bronchitis in an adult completely?


DaqpbYAR Andrée

Recipe N1. Herbal tea: take 100 gr. Ceylon Tea, 100 gr. flowers hips, 100 gr. lemon peppermint, 100 gr. thyme, 100 gr. flowers of oregano, 100 gr. flowers of a linden tree. All herbs are dried. Brew as tea and drink. Good for chronic bronchitis.
Recipe N2. Salt: the salt must be dried well by calcination and finely chopped in a mortar. Stirring the salt with a spoon, one must bend over and inhale the salt fog. The smaller the salt particles, the deeper they penetrate the bronchi.
Recipe N3. Grated horseradish with honey: cook in the ratio: take 1 tablespoon before meals - with bronchitis of purulent nature and with bronchial asthma 3-4 times a day.
Recipe N4. Strawberry juice with milk: mix 1 glass of strawberry juice with 3 tbsp. spoons of milk. Take 1 glass a day.


Chronic diseases are not in nature, it's only doctors who powder the head of a patient when they can not cure them.

Denis Kretinin

By self-determination !!!

Manual Masssage

It is possible, if will be treated!

Natalia Sushi (Poluyanova)

In the very word ponder.


physiotherapy with naphthalan mud

Alexander Ozerov

chronic - it is CHRONIC... all the irreversible changes in your bronchial tree have already occurred... you can only have periods of exacerbations and remissions... you can only increase the duration of remissions... strengthen your immunity and generally take a more careful look at your health ...

Can I cure Chronic bronchi? e? How much of the bronchial tube does it go into the inflammation of the lungs?



The word "CHRONIC" in the diagnosis speaks for itself, there is no cure for complete recovery, persistent remission is possible

Kira Russian

Bronchitis can be cured and not necessarily it will pass into pneumonia, but in bronchial asthma can go, especially if there is a tendency to allergies, especially not of a certain type For more effective treatment of bronchitis it is necessary to give sputum for analysis and to establish the type of pathogen of inflammation, to select the most effective antibiotic or antimicrobial agent. It is very important to treat, if any, all chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. Without treatment of these foci of constant infection of bronchitis will return again and again, well, and the total body hardening is necessary - fresh air, sunbathing, physical labor-all this contributes to recovery, must be carefully treated for diseases of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, so as not to allow complications in the form of the same bronchitis, Heal and recover

Irina Kobzar

Currently, the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis in children is not exhibited. and why on earth should he go into pneumonia?

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