Spurs of the heel: treatment in the home by folk remedies

Spurs of the heel - bone growth of the heel bone. Gradually, a bone spine grows on one of the bone sites, causing painful sensations during walking and physical exertion on the lower limbs. Usually the spur forms on the plantar side of the foot, but there are cases when it appears on the back of the calcaneus.

Today we will talk about treating heels with a calcaneal spur at home using folk and official means.


Causes, symptoms, diagnosis

The cause of the disease is not clear, althoughmost scientists believe that predisposing factors to spur are:

  1. acute and chronic leg injuries,
  2. gout,
  3. flat feet.
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When spurs are formed, patients complain of pain of varying intensity in the area of ​​the heel( on the plantar side of it) during physical exertion. Pain is felt when pressing on a certain area of ​​the calcaneus. The pain is worse when the foot is flexed in the plantar part.

The diagnosis of the calcaneal spur is most often based on an x-ray examination.

Treatment of heels at home

Official means: how to treat heel spurs

Spur treatment is almost always conservative.

In the early stages of the disease, it is recommended to wear shoes with a special insole. In the insole, cut out the groove( according to the place of pain) and into this groove the heel of the heel sinks.

It is also recommended that patients wear a special prosthetic footwear with a permanent cut in the heel from the inside. With exacerbation of pain recommended:

  1. rest,
  2. cold lotions in the afternoon,
  3. hot compresses at night.

Well relieve pain of wax application, ozocerite, iontophoresis with Novocaine and potassium iodide and UHF.

Surgical removal of the spur is not advisable, because after a while the bone spine grows again, the history repeats. Surgeons say: "Wait until the spine is bent".

Folk remedies: recipes how to cure a spur on the heels

I present to your attention several effective folk recipes, the means for treating heel spurs.

lilac flowers tincture. Dried flowers pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and infuse for 10 days in a tightly closed container. Take 30 drops three times a day and simultaneously rub or compress on painful areas.

Mix 100 ml of acetic acid ( 90%), 100 g of unsalted fat and 1 raw egg .Place the mixture for 10 days in a dark place, stirring daily. Sore spot in hot water and put a cotton swab on it, lubricated with this mixture for the night. Repeat for 5 days.

In vinegar essence flask ( 250 ml), omit 10 broken ( "Neva", "Baltika", "Sputnik") razor blades along the blades. After a few days, the blades will completely dissolve, and a brown liquid will turn out. Lubricate this patient with a heel for 2-3 days. The pain is removed very quickly.

At night, soak your feet in warm water with the addition of 1 teaspoon soda .Then, on a sore spot, make compress from bile animal( sold in pharmacies).In order not to soil the sheet, bandage your foot and wrap it with a plastic bag. Repeat the procedure after 25-30 days.

Cut head of garlic on grater, apply at night to the spur and tie with a bandage. Repeat the procedure until the pain passes. IN THE CASE OF BURN GO TO ANOTHER TREATMENT.

Do lotion from turpentine or ( alternate every other day) ( alternate every other day):

  1. moisten gauze with undiluted liquid,
  2. wring out and apply to a sore spot,
  3. cover with waxed paper and cotton wool,
  4. wear sock.

During treatment, skin can not be scraped off the heel, otherwise there will be burns.

Asphyxiate , grate with a peel on a fine grater. On a polyethylene square put gauze, on it - grated potatoes and pribintuyte to a sore point. Do not take a day off. Change the dressing daily for a week. Thus, you can eliminate spurs, calluses, gout.

Get a good night's foot and wipe it dry. Pipette drip onto the sore spot corn oil ( sold in pharmacies).Apply a soft bandage and bandage to keep warm. Repeat until the spurs are in place.

If there are spurs, walking is very painful. Sometimes a patient can not step on his heel at all. IN THIS CASE, WE RECOMMEND UNDERWEAR THE UNDERWEAR OF THE SHOES IN THE FOOTWEAR TO ADJUST THE DENSIVE SMALL CUSHION, THAT THE FOOT WOULD GET YOUR GRAVITY NOT ON THE HEAVY, AND ON THE SHAFT. Walking immediately becomes much easier.

To reduce the pain when walking, put a piece of silver foil on the "spur".

In a small jar of mayonnaise, dip the fresh chicken egg , pour 70% acetic acid , close the hermetically sealed plastic lid. Wrap it with black paper and put it in the cellar or refrigerator for 10 days.

In a 0.7-liter bottle, pour 500 ml of water, make a note. Pour out the water. In this bottle pour the vinegar from the jar with mayonnaise. Remove egg white from the egg, carefully mix the egg yolks with two tablespoons of water and pour into a bottle.

Break a fresh egg, pour it with two tablespoons of water, beat well and pour into a bottle. Add a bottle of cold boiled water to a 0.5-liter mark, shake well, wrap it with black paper and put it in a dark place for a day. With a mixture of two or three times a day, rub your heels or other sore spots with gout, osteochondrosis. Improvement after treatment is observed after 12-15 days.

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Source: YNGogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.