Bacterial colds

Bacterial runny nose: manifestation and treatment of the disease

Inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is a whole group of diseases, for all of them, characteristic is a sign such as nasal congestion or runny nose. Bacterial cold is a disease of the nasopharynx of bacterial genesis.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Bacterial coldsThe mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, affected by infectious stimuli, actively reacts to them, resulting in such symptoms as:
  • edema and inflammation of the nasal passages;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • copious thick discharge from the nose;
  • headache.

This type of cold is caused by the presence of a bacterial environment in the nasal cavity. It can be distinguished from other forms of nasopharyngeal disease by such a specific feature as the allocation of yellowish-green mucus. This color of excretion is caused by the death of bacteria and white blood cells that were present in the mucus.

The specialist notes that the intense green color of the mucus indicates a combination of viruses and bacteria that caused the disease of the nose. In the course of bacterial rhinitis, two of its forms are distinguished: acute and chronic. Not always in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis is reduced to the use of antibiotic therapy, it is often possible to eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasal concha and other, more sparing drugs.

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Stages of the disease

For bacterial rhinitis, its stages of change are characteristic, which manifest themselves with different symptoms. In otolaryngologists, the stages are conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. Runny noseReflex. It is accompanied by constant sneezing, itching, dryness and burning in the nose. Lasts usually 2-3 hours.
  2. Catarrhal. At this stage, all signs of bacterial rhinitis begin to manifest themselves in full. The patient is disturbed by intensive allocation of mucus from a nose, at first it liquid, but in due course becomes more dense. There is swelling of the nose, and as a consequence - its stuffiness. Patients complain of general malaise, deterioration of smell, lacrimation. Treatment at the catarrhal stage of bacterial cold is quite difficult, within 3-4 days from the beginning of the use of medications the patient may not feel any improvement.
  3. The last stage is associated with the development of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. At this stage, the patient's condition improves, nasal breathing normalizes, discharge becomes dark yellow. Treatment at the stage of development of the inflammatory process is not complete without the use of antibiotics.

Methods to combat bacterial cold

Treatment of a coldTreatment of antibacterial rhinitis is quite complex and long, as it usually consists of local and antibiotic therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of bacterial cold in a child of the first months of life, because the disease is a threat to the life of the baby.

During the diagnosis of the disease, an otolaryngologist, taking into account the degree and nature of the course of the bacterial rhinitis, appoints preparations - nasal sprays, nasal drops, antibiotics, salt solutions for washing the nasopharynx. Moisturizing, vasoconstrictive, cleansing sprays can be used, which can only be used as directed by the doctor. The purpose of treatment

Rinsing of the nosea runny nose of bacterial genesis should become suppression of the infection. Therapy should consist of such actions:
  1. Salt showers;
  2. Irrigating the nasal cavity with saline solution;
  3. Antibiotic therapy;
  4. Vitaminotherapy to strengthen the body's defenses.

To clear the nose of mucus, experts recommend using such sprays:

  • Quix;
  • Aqualor;
  • Dolphin;
  • Humer;
  • Miramistin;
  • Salt and water

    You can prepare a solution for washing the nose at home: per liter of boiled water you need to add a teaspoon of salt


  • Saline.

It is not necessary to buy preparations for washing the nose on the basis of sea water, it is easy enough to prepare yourself: take a teaspoon of salt per liter of water, completely dissolve. It is important to know that you can use boiled water to prepare the product.

Among the antibiotics, Framicetin, Isofra, Bioparox, Fyuzafyunzhin, Mupirocin proved to be a good candidate.

Folk treatment

Treatment of a common coldIt is known that prolonged use of medical drugs causes addiction to the body, and they have a harmful effect on it. For this reason, many parents in the treatment of bacterial cold use medicines only to eliminate inflammatory process, after which further therapy is carried out with safe folk remedies.

Especially such treatment of bacterial rhinitis is shown to young children, as the development of allergic reactions that often accompanies the taking of many drugs is excluded. You can use these recipes:

  1. Burying in the nose of the herbal solution prepared from flowers of calendula and yarrow herb. A tablespoon of crushed plants pour a glass of boiling water, insist an hour and drip into the nose during the day.
  2. Onion, honey, beetsIt will help to cope with the appearance of green discharge from the nose mixture of fresh juice of beets, carrots and potatoes. Already two hours after instillation of funds in the nose, the amount of secretions will decrease, and the inflammatory process will stop. Children are recommended to dilute the juice with water 1: 1.
  3. In the treatment of bacterial cold, the juice squeezed from the root of parsley also proved to be very good. Root the crushed and squeezed juice, they drip the nose every 2 hours.
  4. If there is no allergy to bee products, honey can be diluted with water and dripped into the nasal passages.
  5. You can prepare a medicine from the juice of aloe, calanchoe and geranium. The juices of these houseplants can be used individually or mixed in the same amount.
  6. To facilitate the patient's condition, you can warm the foot bath with the use of dry mustard. Such a procedure will be useful at normal body temperature, with increased it is contraindicated.
  7. Make cotton swabs, soak them with honey and put in your nose for 15 minutes. For such a procedure, you can use beetroot juice or aloe.

Only complex treatment will help to get rid of bacterial rhinitis, which in the absence of medical care can cause many complications.

Features of treatment of bacterial cold

One of the most common problems is a bacterial bacterial nose, the treatment of which must be under the strict supervision of a physician.Inflammation of the nasal mucosa often manifests itself in the form of a cold. It is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process as soon as possible, otherwise complications will arise. Bacterial runny nose is a nasopharyngeal disease of bacterial origin. How does this illness manifest itself? The mucous membrane of the nose is affected by infectious stimuli, resulting in blockage of the nasal passages.

The problem of bacterial cold

When the disease is observed signs: the patient becomes difficult to breathe, there are condensed discharge of pus, periodically there are headaches.

An internal runny nose appears due to the fact that a favorable environment consisting of bacteria forms in the nose. This type of disease is simply different from the others: the mucus released has a pronounced greenish tinge, (sometimes yellow). A saturated color indicates that in the mucus there are viruses and bacteria that provoked a runny nose. Antibiotics can be used to eliminate bacterial rhinitis. The disease is also treated with other medications, with their use, treatment is more sparing.

Bacterial rhinitis: stages of the disease

The structure of the noseThe disease has three main stages. Each of them has its own symptoms. At the reflex stage of the disease there is a sneeze, the patient feels severe itching, burning, dryness in the nose. The period does not last long (up to three hours). The second stage is catarrhal. At this stage, all the most annoying symptoms of rhinitis are noticeable: the patient is troubled by abundant discharge from the nasal cavity, at first the mucus may be liquid, then acquires a condensed appearance, as a result of which there is a strong edema of the nasal cavity, it is because of this that stuffiness occurs.

Patients with such problems feel unwell, they have a worse sense of smell. If the treatment is started on the catarrhal stage, it can be delayed, in the process the patient will not feel improvements. At the third stage, an inflammatory process develops in the nasal cavity. During this period, a person can feel an improvement in well-being: normalization of nasal breathing occurs, mucus acquires a yellowish hue. Antibiotics are often prescribed for effective antibacterial therapy.

How should I fight such a runny nose?

Drops for the treatment of bacterial coldIt is important to note that the treatment of bacterial rhinitis occurs over a long period of time. First of all, the patient is prescribed local antibacterial therapy.

If you notice that the bacterial rhinitis suffers infants, you should immediately consult a doctor: the disease is a danger to the life of the child. Diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist.

To prescribe a treatment, it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease and to reveal its degree. To eliminate the disease, usually prescribed antibiotics, sprays, drops for the nose, special saline solutions. It is necessary to use vasoconstrictive and moisturizing medicines. If a bacterial rhinitis is detected, it is forbidden to engage in self-medication, the main goal of therapy is to destroy an existing infection.

Treatment should be carried out in a complex manner. In the process, effective salt showers are used, irrigation of the nasal cavity is necessary with the help of physiological saline. As noted above, therapy includes the use of antibiotics.

An examination at a pediatrician with a coldVitaminotherapy is needed to strengthen the body and its protective properties. There are many methods that help to eliminate bacterial rhinitis, popular means are useful and effective.

Physiological saline can be prepared at home, as an alternative, you can buy a drug containing sea salt.

You can prepare a medicine of this type at home. To do this, a teaspoon of salt should be dissolved in 1 liter of water (recommended to use purified boiled water). Among the antibiotics, Framicetin, Isofra, Bioparox, Fyuzafyunzhin, Mupirocin proved to be a good candidate.

Sometimes you can not do without people's treatment. As a result of taking medication in children and adults, habituation can arise, this is not advisable. Adapting can negatively affect the work of all organs and tissues. Folk remedies are safe, especially for children.

Traditional methods of treatment

Benefits of vitamins in bacterial rhinitisIn a nose it is possible to instill a solution prepared from a yarrow and a calendula. To do this, take a tablespoon of chopped plants and pour it 250 ml of hot boiled water, to insist the mixture preferably 1 hour, instill in the nose throughout the day.

Very effective for fighting nasal secretions is a mixture of beet juice, potatoes and carrots. Just a few hours after instillation, you can feel improvements: the inflammatory process in the nose will be significantly reduced. For preparation, take a fresh juice of vegetables and mix them in equal proportions, make sure that the liquid is not cold.

To help in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis, you can use the juice from parsley. You will need to grind the root of the plant and squeeze out the juice from it, drops in the nose should be digested every 2 hours. In the process of treatment you can use honey diluted in boiled water (if you do not have allergies to this product).

An effective remedy is the juice of aloe, geranium and calanchoe. You can use plant juices individually or in a mixed form. If you have a normal body temperature, you can apply warm baths with the addition of mustard. If you have increased body temperature, this type of procedure should not be done.

Bacterial runny nose provides a lot of inconvenience, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time. It should be emphasized once again: therapy will not bring results without medication, folk remedies will help only in combination with medications.

Bacterial rhinitis: symptoms and treatment of a cold

When inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs, it can signal a number of diseases for which a symptom such as a common cold is characteristic.

Bacterial rhinitis is a nasopharyngeal disease of bacterial origin.

Mucous nasopharynx, is affected by infectious stimuli, reacting to them.

As a consequence, symptoms such as:

  1. headache;
  2. inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages;
  3. abundant discharge from the nose, having a thick consistency;
  4. labored breathing.
rhinitisThis type of cold is caused by the presence of bacteria in the nasal cavity. It is distinguished from other types of nasopharyngeal disease by specific symptoms such as secretions of green-yellow mucus. This color snot appears due to the death of leukocytes and bacteria present in the mucus.

Experts argue that bright green snot indicates a combination of bacteria and viruses that provoke diseases of the nose. In the course of the bacterial type of the common cold, there may be:

  • chronic;
  • sharp.

Treatment of this type of rhinitis involves taking antibiotics. But in some cases, such unfavorable symptoms are removed with the help of more sparing medicines.

Stages of development of the disease

During the course of the bacterial rhinitis, there are various characteristic changes, the symptoms of which are different. These stages are conditionally divided into 3 degrees:

  1. Reflex.
  2. Catarrhal.
  3. Inflammatory.

Symptoms of the reflex stage consist in burning and dryness in the nasal cavity. In this case the patient sneezes constantly and his nose itches. The duration of the stage is from 2 to 3 hours.

For the catarrhal stage, all the symptoms of bacterial cold are characteristic, which manifest themselves in full. So. the patient is disturbed by the following manifestations:

  • puffiness and stuffiness of the nose;
  • abundant secretion of mucus, which subsequently acquires a thick consistency;
  • lacrimation;
  • general weakness;
  • a bad sense of smell.

Treatment of the catarrhal stage of bacterial rhinitis is quite difficult. So, during 3-4 days from the beginning of the use of drugs, the patient's condition may not improve,

At the last stage an inflammatory process develops in the nose. During this period, the patient's condition improves significantly, the allocation becomes dark yellow, and breathing with the nose becomes more free.

Treatment of inflammation in bacterial rhinitis implies the mandatory use of antibiotics.

Treatment of bacterial rhinitis

Treatment of bacterial rhinitisTo get rid of this kind of cold, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, since its treatment involves the use of local antibacterial agents. Particular attention should be paid to the therapy of bacterial cold in newborn children, because this disease can threaten the life of the child.

During the diagnostic activities, the otolaryngologist, taking into account the nature and extent of the disease, prescribes medicines:

  1. Saline solutions designed for washing the nasopharynx;
  2. nasal sprays;
  3. antibiotics;
  4. nasal drops.

In addition, cleansing sprays, vasoconstrictors and moisturizers can be prescribed. Therapy of rhinitis of bacterial genesis is aimed at suppressing the infection. Treatment includes the following:

  • reception of fortified preparations that help strengthen the immune system;
  • taking a salt shower;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • irrigation of the nose with saline.

To eliminate such symptoms of rhinitis, which is of a bacterial nature, such as abundant mucus secretion and lacrimation, the following medicines are prescribed:

  1. Physiomer;
  2. Quix;
  3. Miramistin;
  4. Aqualor;
  5. Humer;
  6. Dolphin;
  7. Fizrashvor.

A solution for washing the nose can be prepared at home. To this end, 10 g of salt should be added to 1 liter of boiled water.

It is worth noting that there is no need to purchase medicines for washing the nose, which is based on sea water. They can also be made at home. To do this for 1 liter. water should be taken 1 hour. l. salt and stir everything.

If you treat bacterial rhinitis with antibiotics, then the following are the best ones:

  • Mupirocin;
  • Framiectin;
  • Fyuzafyunzhin;
  • Bioparox;
  • Isophra.

Folk therapy

Many people know that prolonged use of medicines leads to addiction to the body. In addition, they have a harmful effect on health.

Therefore, if it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial rhinitis in children, parents prefer to use drugs only to localize inflammation. The subsequent treatment is carried out with the help of traditional medicine.

In this case, this therapy of bacterial cold is necessary for small children, because it excludes the development of allergies, which often occurs with the intake of most drugs.

So, in the nose you can dig in the herbal solution. It is made from grass millennia and flowers of calendula.

To do this, 1 tbsp. Spoon dried powdered plants pour boiling water (250 ml) and insist in 50 minutes. The received means must be buried during the day.

In addition, to get rid of green snot, you need to cook a mixture of potatoes, carrots and beets. Already after 2 hours after the nose has been drenched, the amount of secretions will decrease and inflammation will pass. It is worth noting that when treating children, the juice should be diluted with water (1: 1).

Still it is possible to form tampons from cotton wool, and then to impregnate them with honey and to put in nasal courses for 15 minutes. In this case honey can be replaced with juice from aloe or beet.

An effective folk remedy for the treatment of a cold is the freshly squeezed juice from the roots of parsley. To do this, the roots must be crushed, and after that it is necessary to squeeze out the juice and bury their nose every 2 hours. It is also possible to carry out numerous inhalations with a cold.

If there is no allergy to honey, then you should dilute it with water and dig in the nasal passages. Still it is possible to make a medicine from such medicinal herbs as:

  1. geranium;
  2. aloe juice;
  3. Kalanchoe.

And the juices of these plants are used separately or mixed in equal parts.

To further improve the patient's well-being, warm foot baths are helped with dry mustard powder. However, this procedure can be done only if the body temperature is normal, so when it is hot it can not be done.

But it should be remembered that only complex treatment will help cure bacterial rhinitis. Since if this disease is not treated, then various complications may develop. To get acquainted with the problem, we recommend viewing the video in this article.

Prolonged cold in the child: possible causes, diagnosis of concomitant pathologies, consequences

  • Types of rhinitis
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies
Prolonged cold in the child

Surely every parent knows the saying: "If the snot is treated, they will pass in seven days, and if not, then in a week."

Indeed, with the normal functioning of the immune system, rhinitis passes by itself without any treatment.

However, sometimes a protracted runny nose in a child is a symptom of a serious illness requiring medication, and in some cases also surgical, therapy.

Prolonged rhinitis in children can be a consequence of such factors:

  • Weakened immunity. It is not uncommon for parents to note that the rhinitis occurs again without having time to stop. This is especially true for a child attending a kindergarten or school. Insufficient resistance of the body to a viral infection leads to repeated infection. In such cases the Derinat spray is effective.
  • Allergic reaction. Mucous discharge from the nose appears under the influence of a certain stimulus. Such symptoms can be permanent or seasonal during the flowering period.
  • Chronic sinusitisand other types of sinusitis. Most often, this disease is a consequence of improper treatment of acute inflammation of the nasal sinuses.
  • Vasomotor (false) rhinitis. This pathology is caused by a disturbance in the work of capillaries that feed the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Too prolonged instillation of local vasoconstrictors. A dangerous consequence of their use is addiction, and instead of reducing the release of mucus, its excessive secretion begins.
  • Excessive dryness in the room. Especially for the environment, newborns are sensitive.
  • The proliferation of adenoid tissue. This greatly complicates nasal breathing, is the cause of frequent otitis and colds.
  • Congenital or acquired as a result of trauma features anatomical structure of the nasal cavity.

Any disease is easier to treat in the initial stages. That is why to prevent a protracted runny nose, the child needs timely treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds. In the absence of temperature, you can use popular recipes. These are rinsing and inhalation with natural remedies, washing and punctual massage of the wings of the nose, use of mustard plaits for coughing.

Doctor E.O. Komarovsky emphasizes that the main role in preventing a protracted runny nose in a child is played hardening procedures, maintaining the humidity regime (not lower than 50%) and temperature (19 - 22 °) indoors. Strengthening the protective forces of the organism is promoted by walking outdoors, playing sports, active way of life. A link to the video with a detailed story of a pediatrician about the prevention and treatment of rhinitis can be found on his forum.

If, despite all the measures taken, the following alarming symptoms appear, do not postpone the visit to the doctor:

  • a coryza that lasts for more than 10 days;
  • snoring and an intensifying cough at night, because of this, there are sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue;
  • shortness of nasal breathing;
  • constant anxiety, tearfulness, it becomes more difficult for breastfed babies to take the breast or pacifier of the bottle because of the stuffy nose;
  • deterioration of smell and perception of taste.

Alloculations during prolonged runny nose in children can be transparent or cloudy. Dense, yellowish mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial infection process that requires mandatory treatment with antimicrobial agents for both local and systemic use.

The scheme of therapy of a protracted cold in children depends on its causes.It is clear that at home, it is impossible to diagnose, so the child should be written to the ENT. The doctor first interviews the parents about the timing of the onset of rhinitis, accompanying symptoms.

Then the doctor will examine the nasal cavity, this procedure is called rhinoscopy. It can be carried out using special tools or an electronic endoscope. This determines the condition of the mucous membrane, polyposic formations. To exclude or confirm sinusitis, x-rays of the sinuses are required.

If the cause of a prolonged runny nose in children is the effect of an irritant, certain tests are required to accurately identify the allergen. It is also necessary to conduct a clinical study of blood and bacusses of mucous secretions.

Complications of a protracted cold in children are very dangerous.This condition can cause a variety of chronic diseases, weakening of immunity, frequent infections of the ENT - organs and lower respiratory tract.

Bacterial runny nose and other types of rhinitis: features of the clinical picture and treatment

Symptoms of long-term rhinitis largely depend on its cause. The same factor determines the purpose of certain medications, the duration of treatment and the prognosis of the disease. Features of bacterial and runny nose of a different nature are presented below.

Viral rhinitis occurs due to ingestion of a rhino or adenovirus. Its distinctive symptoms are:

  • transparent allocation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • weakness;
  • fever;
  • inflammation, redness, and sore throat;
  • lacrimation.

Often the disease passes on its own within 3 to 7 days. In severe cases - antiviral agents. Allergic rhinitis is the response of the immune system to getting into the body of a certain stimulus (dust, wool, smoke or sprayed substances, pollen, down, etc.).

Its main features are:

  • pronounced edema of the nasal mucosa;
  • transparent mucous discharge;
  • possible seasonal course with exacerbations in spring and summer;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • absence of fever and other cold symptoms.

For therapy use antihistamines in the form of tablets or nasal sprays, in the absence of effect appoint glucocorticoids. Bacterial rhinitis is caused by bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci. More rarely - a hemophilic and pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Proteus.

It proceeds as follows:

  • thick mucus with a yellowish tinge and unpleasant odor;
  • temperature;
  • sore throat, sometimes - cough;
  • with acute sinusitis - soreness when pressing the sinus area, headache when tilting down;
  • symptoms of general intoxication by products of bacterial metabolism.

Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment; at the initial stage, antimicrobials are used in the form of sprays, with severe symptoms - injections, suspensions or tablets. Reaction to dry air. The drying of the mucous membrane leads to excessive secretion of mucus.

It is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • transparent abundant discharge;
  • The nozzles disappear when exposed to fresh air or after ventilation.

Special treatment is not required, it is sufficient to maintain the optimum moisture regime and regularly wash the nose with saline solutions. Vasomotor rhinitis. Symptoms are caused by circulatory disorders and changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Patients complain about:

  • a persistent runny nose with abundant clearings;
  • persistent nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • absence of effect from standard methods of therapy.

Treatment depends on the stage of vasomotor rhinitis. At the initial stages, antihistamine and hormonal drugs are used, with pronounced changes in the nasal cavity, surgical intervention is indicated.

Regardless of the genesis of a protracted runny nose, symptomatic therapy is necessary. It consists in lavage of the nasal cavity, administration of vasoconstricting sprays or drops, but they can not be used for more than seven days.

In addition, if necessary, therapy of concomitant inflammation of the nasopharynx and lower respiratory tract diseases, immunostimulants, multivitamin preparations is required. This is especially true for viral and bacterial rhinitis.

How to treat a protracted runny nose in a child: the principles of drug therapy, additional procedures

Bacterial coldsDetermine the treatment regimen and prescribe medications should the ENT - the doctor after diagnosis.

Mostly, topical drugs are used because they have certain advantages over capsules or syrups.First of all, sprays and drops immediately begin to "work" in the nasal cavity, bypassing the digestive tract.

In addition, active components are absorbed into the blood in a lower concentration, so the risk of side effects associated with the burden on the kidneys and liver is reduced. Let us dwell on the main drugs intended to treat a protracted runny nose in a child.

Vasodilating drops and sprays:

  • Otrivin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol.

Despite the fact that the active component of these drugs is different, they act the same way - narrow the blood vessels of the nasal cavity and reduce the release of mucus. It is also worth noting that the funds have only a symptomatic effect, without affecting the cause of the common cold. Apply them one by one drop (or injection) into each nostril up to three times a day.

Doctors emphasize that these medications can not be used for more than 7 days. Otherwise, complications in the form of vasomotor rhinitis are possible. When buying a drug, you need to pay attention to the percentage of active substance. For adults and children it is different. Homeopathic remedies on a natural basis have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

These are such sprays as:

  • Euphorbium compositum;
  • Delufen.

They are prescribed in a dosage of 1 to 2 doses per nasal passage up to 4 times a day and are allowed to use from an early age, during pregnancy and lactation. They are intended not only for the therapy of long-term rhinitis, but also for the prevention of exacerbation of chronic processes.

Also, to treat a protracted runny nose, the child is prescribed oral homeopathic remedies:

  • Sinupret, apply 1 to 2 tablets (15 to 50 drops) three times a day;
  • Cinnabsin (1 tablet 3 to 10 times a day).

Hormonal preparations with glucocorticoids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antihistamine action. Designed to treat a protracted runny nose caused by neurovegetative disorders, enlarged adenoids.

These are sprays:

  • Nazonex;
  • Nasobek.

Their dosage differs depending on the age and makes up 1 - 2 injections in each nostril twice a day. Nazonex is contraindicated for children under 2 years, and Nasobek - up to 6 years. They must be used after a preliminary cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus. The treatment process must be controlled by a doctor without fail. In addition, steroids suppress local immunity, so these sprays are contraindicated in viral or bacterial infections.

Preparation on a natural basis Pinosol. Contains vegetable components (menthol, eucalyptus oil, pine). Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It is convenient to use, as the market is presented in the form of ointments, drops and spray. Apply it should be 1 to 2 drops to 5 times a day in the first days of the disease, then go to triple use within a day. Pinosol is not intended for children under 2 years of age and is contraindicated in allergic rhinitis.

Antibacterial agents:

  • Isofra (allowed from 2 years);
  • Polidex (it is applied from 6 years).

The composition includes an antibiotic, to which gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are sensitive. Dosage is 1 spraying 3 to 5 times a day for a week. Polydex also contains a vasoconstrictor component. Also, the drug is available in the form of ear drops for otitis treatment.

Saline solutions for washing the nasal cavity:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Humer;
  • Akvalor.

Sea water removes swelling, moisturizes the mucous membrane, repeat the procedure should be up to 5 - 6 times a day. Antihistamines are used to treat allergic rhinitis. Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed sprays in the nose in a dosage of 1 spraying up to 6 times a day.

  • Allergodyl;
  • Cromohexal.

Children younger Erius syrup is prescribed from 2 to 5 ml per day, tablets Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin (1/2 - 1 pill once a day). Sometimes they are prescribed for ARVI to eliminate symptoms of rhinitis.

If the sprays with antibiotics are ineffective, antibacterial agents of the cephalosporins or penicillins in the form of suspensions are used.The course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. It is also worth noting that antihistamines in the form of tablets can cause drowsiness, so it is better to take them in the evening.

Also, you can treat a protracted runny nose with a special procedure. The so-called cuckoo is effective. During it, the doctor rinses the paranasal sinuses of the nose with disinfectant solutions and suction removes mucus and pus.

Treatment of a protracted cold in children with folk remedies

Treatment of a protracted cold in childrenTo significantly improve the effect of medicines will help recipes from the arsenal of alternative medicine.

They ease the symptoms of rhinitis inhalation with warm steam soda solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus).

Also, the treatment of a protracted runny nose in children is possible with the help of a compress, on the wings of the nose warmed with salt in a tissue bag.

Symptoms of rhinitis for allergies will ease drops from freshly squeezed beet juice or carrots. To strengthen immunity, the baby is given onion juice. To do this, you need to grind the onion and fill it with sugar.

For the treatment of bacterial and viral rhinitis or sinusitis, such recipes are suitable:

  • bury your nose with Kalanchoe juice or aloe;
  • prepare a decoction from a mixture of St. John's wort and chamomile (1 tablespoon 200 ml of boiling water), strain and drip into the nose 4 to 5 drops to 5 times a day;
  • finely chop the onion or garlic and squeeze through the cheesecloth, mix the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and use as a drop in the nose;
  • lubricate the mucous mixture of honey and peppermint oil.

However, treatment of a protracted runny nose in children should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. Wrong therapy can lead to undesirable reactions from the body and irreversible changes in the nasal mucosa, which is corrected only by surgical intervention.

Infectious cold: how to recognize the disease

RhinitisInfectious rhinitis is the most common type of rhinitis, which is faced both by children and adults. It is an acute disease that can be caused by various pathogens - bacteria, viruses or fungi. There is rhinitis as a result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. If a person has strong immunity, the cold in a few days passes by itself without any complications.


ARVIMost often, the disease occurs in ARVI, but can also develop due to injury to the nose. Some congenital pathologies or peculiarities of the structure of the nasopharynx can cause a chronic rhinitis in the body. To such pathologies, first of all, violations in the structure of the facial skeleton. Usually, if there is such a problem, only one nasal passage does not breathe, the air passes normally through the second nostril.

Sometimes the development of an infectious rhinitis can be caused by hereditary features of the patient's body, when his relatives also suffered from this disease. In this case, the patient complains of chronic rhinitis, which periodically exacerbates.

Bacterial origin of the disease

High body temperatureIn the case when infectious rhinitis is caused by the penetration of bacteria into the nasal cavity, it is bacterial in nature. With this form of the disease, traditional symptoms are observed, characteristic of almost any type of common cold:
  • nasal congestion;
  • copious discharge;
  • sneeze.

Typically, with infectious bacterial rhinitis, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply: first increases body temperature and there is a headache, then nasal breathing becomes more difficult and the sense of smell is reduced. A person loses his sense of smell due to the fact that the inflammatory process extends to the olfactory area.

Patients can complain about the sensations of tickling, scratching, itching and burning in the nose. When the infectious cold starts to mucus intensively, the face around the mouth and nose may show irritation in the form of redness. The swelling of the nasal mucosa leads to a deterioration in the drainage of the paranasal sinuses and the middle ear, as a result of which complications such as sinusitis and otitis often develop.

First, the mucus secreted from the nose is liquid and transparent, but soon it becomes dense yellow or green in color. The change in the color of mucus indicates the presence of pus in it.

Viral rhinitis

Fighting virusesInfectious viral rhinitis is a more dangerous disease than a bacterial rhinitis, because it is usually a companion of ARVI, measles, influenza or diphtheria. The most common pathogens of viral rhinitis are adenoviruses, Coxsackie viruses, influenza and parainfluenza, coronoviruses.

When a virus enters the nasopharynx, the work of protective mechanisms is disrupted, this state of the immune system does not protect the body from attaching a secondary infection.

Recognize this form of infectious rhinitis can be on such grounds:

  • burning in the nose;
  • multiple sneezing;
  • obstructed nasal breathing.

Gradually there is an increase in all these signs, the condition of the patient without medical assistance is significantly worsened and can lead to the development of serious complications.

Fungal rhinitis

Fungus under the microscope

Fungus under the microscope

In otolaryngology rhinitis of fungal origin is still known as mycosis. The causes of this pathology are such factors:

  • hormonal failures;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • weak immune system;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • getting a nose injury.

Rhinitis of fungal origin affects not the entire nasopharynx, but the nasal septum. With such a defeat of the nose in this place ulcers with uneven edges are formed. Usually, pathology develops in elderly people, as they have a mucosal structure that is a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi.

Fungal rhinitisFor fungal rhinitis, the same symptomatology is characteristic as for other types of infectious rhinitis - headache, nasal congestion, the formation of a pathological secret. That is why, because of the similarity of symptoms, it is only the otolaryngologist who can determine the type of the disease.

Mycosis can have two forms of damage - superficial and deep. With superficial mycosis fungi multiply only on the surface of the nasal mucosa, with deep fungal rhinitis affect other organs of the human body. The superficial form of the disease occurs with candidiasis, a deep lesion - with mucorosis. These two pathologies are always accompanied by allergic manifestations. With fungal rhinitis, a person is concerned about the constant stuffiness of the nose and abundant discharge from it. If the patient has candidiasis, the discharge from the nose is white and resembles the curd mass.

Features of treatment of the disease

Treatment of rhinitisTreatment of an infectious rhinitis bacterial, viral or fungal genesis is a long and rather labor-intensive process. With a cold, the mucous membrane is highly modified, it swells and disrupts the normal functioning of this organ of the respiratory system. Therefore, to cure rhinitis, you first need to remove the swelling of the nasopharynx. For this purpose, experts prescribe vasoconstrictive drugs - Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Tizin, Sanorin, Otryvin.

In addition, the drug is selected depending on the origin of the disease - antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents.

It is worth highlighting a group of combined drugs that combined the properties of antibiotics, corticosteroids and vasoconstrictors. They, in addition to antibacterial action are endowed with desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

In the treatment of infectious rhinitis, antiviral drugs have been widely used, for example, Interferon, Arbidol, Anaferon. Experts argue that instillation of the nose at the initial stage of the manifestation of an infectious rhinitis can get rid of unpleasant symptoms, not allowing the development of complications.

Than to treat a rhinitis?

Treatment of the disease of a fungal origin can be carried out with the help of antifungal agents, vitamin therapy and immunostimulants. Antifungal therapy should be supplemented with desensitizing treatment aimed at eliminating the sensitivity of the organism to any allergens. Modern pharmacology offers a variety of drugs that can cure the fungus, and they are called mycotic. These medications can be used as a local or systemic exposure. In this case, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin;
  • Terbinafine.

Each of these antifungal agents belongs to different groups - polyenes, azoles, allylamines. Good results in the treatment of this disease of the nasopharynx give a drug such as Fluconazole.

To get rid of intoxication caused by an infectious rhinitis, patients need to drink a lot of liquid in the form of herbal tea - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, mint or sage. Adult patients need to periodically release the nose from the accumulated mucus, blinking, closing one or the other nostril.

Treatment of children

DolphinTreatment of an infectious cold in children should be of a complex nature. First, purification of the nasal passages with the help of preparations based on sea water - AquaMaris, Humer, Salin, Merimer, Dolphin. Such actions are aimed at the release of nasal passages from pathogenic mucus, resulting in improved nasal breathing. Then you need to use vasoconstrictor, which increases the tone of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa.

With the bacterial origin of the disease, pediatricians often prescribe protargol drops that have a bactericidal effect. Protargol is an unstable compound of silver, so the product should be stored in a dark container.

If you find the first signs of a cold you should not let the disease into its own right, because only a specialist can choose an effective treatment.

Viral rhinitis in children: symptoms and treatment

There are several types of rhinitis, based on the causes of its occurrence and the nature of the flow. One of the most common types of this disease is viral rhinitis.

Symptoms of viral rhinitis in infants and older children

Viral rhinitis occurs as a result of the penetration of the respiratory tract of various viruses. Infection mainly affects people with reduced immunity, often a viral rhinitis in the child, especially the first years of life of the baby. When hypothermia or colds, when the defenses of the body are reduced, there is also the possibility of infection.

Experts say that rhinitis often acts as a sign of more serious infections, such as:

  • flu;
  • diphtheria;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles.

After these infectious diseases are cured, the runny nose passes by itself. The causative agents of the viral rhinitis in infants and older children can be more than 500 types of pathogenic microorganisms. The most common of these are influenza viruses, parainfluenza, coronaviruses and adenoviruses.

In order not to confuse this disease of the nasopharynx with its other species, one should know the symptoms of viral rhinitis, because only in this way it will be possible to start treatment in time. In the case of a viral infection that affects the nasal mucosa, the following signs are observed:

  • increased secretion of clear mucus;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • shortness of nasal breathing;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • headache.

Soon after penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharyngeal cavity, patients complain of dryness of the mucous membrane. After a while, mucus begins to form from the nose, gradually its amount increases. The disease can affect only one nasal passage - right or left, or two at once.

Symptoms of rhinitis caused by viruses depend on the stage of the disease. In otolaryngology, there are 3 stages of such a common cold:

  1. The first one is "dry".It lasts from a few hours to 1-2 days, except for the dryness of the mucosa during this period of the patient is still worried about severe itching or burning. The first stage is accompanied by lacrimation, since the inflammatory process also extends to the mucous membrane of the eyes. When a viral infection enters the nose during the examination, the specialist notes that the mucous membrane is inflamed and excessively dry.
  2. The second is "wet".The inflammatory process is actively developing, the mucosa becomes even more red, there is swelling and serous-mucous discharge appears. At this stage, the nose usually stops breathing completely, the body temperature rises, the patient complains of general weakness, joint pain, headache.
  3. The third stage.At this time, the patient may notice that mucus with an admixture of pus is secreted in the nasal cavity. This sign indicates the development of a serious inflammatory process. There may be a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane and improvement in nasal breathing, however, this does not indicate a recovery of the patient, on the contrary, the infection penetrates deeper. It is at this stage in the course of rhinitis that cough is added to the main signs of the disease, as the infection has already descended into the trachea and bronchi.

How to distinguish a viral rhinitis from bacterial and allergic

Among the most common pathogens of rhinitis are viruses and bacteria. The first cause the development of viral infections, the second - the bacterial. It is important to know how to distinguish a viral cold from bacterial, because the nature of the origin of rhinitis depends on its treatment. First of all, learn about the type of infection will help the symptoms that bother the patient. If a person develops a viral rhinitis, the discharge will be transparent, while itching, burning and dryness in the nose are felt. Soon the symptoms increase, the patient's body temperature rises. Usually, rhinitis caused by viruses develops against the background of other serious infectious diseases - diphtheria, measles, influenza.

Bacterial rhinitis has a purulent character, it needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs effective against a particular group of bacteria. The mucus in the nose becomes thicker, darker and turbid, the patient complains of a headache, a general weakness. Bacterial infection is often associated with rhinitis, which was originally caused by the entry into the body of a specific virus.

Knowing how to distinguish a viral rhinitis from an allergic rhinitis is also very important, since many children suffer from allergies, which need to be treated with special means. With these two kinds of cold, transparent mucus from the nose is secreted, however, in case of allergic rhinitis, it is more liquid. Coryza, caused by allergens, is not always observed, but only when in contact with them.

Antiviral drugs in this case will be ineffective, treatment is performed with antihistamines.

How and how to treat a common cold in children: drops and other drugs

If a child develops symptoms of a viral infection, it is important to consult a pediatrician. The expert will tell you how to treat a viral rhinitis by prescribing effective and safe means.

Treatment of a viral rhinitis should be complex and consist of such actions:

  1. Frequent washing of the nasopharynx.
  2. With severe nasal congestion, instillation of vasoconstrictors. Assign such drops with viral cold, like Sanorin, Nazivin, Otrivin and others.
  3. Warming of the nose and nasal sinuses.
  4. Treatment of viral cold in children with antiviral drugs, such as Anaferon or Arbidol and other safe means.

Most often, viral rhinitis develops in the baby, which is caused by still fragile immunity of crumbs. To protect him from illness, it is important to adhere to common reinforcing actions. This will help hardening, eating well and maintaining a cool, humid climate in the room. How to treat a viral rhinitis in children, can only tell a specialist, it is important to abandon self-treatment so as not to harm the baby.

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