Sore throat dry cough no temperature

Sore throat and cough, how to treat?

Cough and sore throat are symptoms of various diseases. Cough in the human body plays an important role, with the help of it foreign bodies are derived from the body - a large amount of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract, pus, substance after disintegration. He arises suddenly, with a sore throat. It is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in the throat region, only this way it will be possible to get rid of a cough.

Effective ancient methods of treating sore throat and cough

1. Take chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother, linden, eucalyptus. All pour water, insist, add a little balm "Star use in the form of inhalation up to three times a day.

2. Take a warm lean oil, rub your chest, then you need to wrap yourself in a warm towel, put a heating pad on top.

3. Wash the walnuts, chop them, then put them in a jar, add blackberry, honey, pour boiling water. Wrap the mixture. Insist 6 hours. Drink 100 ml each.

4. That sputum is easier to separate, it is necessary to use juice with cowberry, add honey.

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5. Prepare tea with raspberries, viburnum, currants.

6. If, in addition, that the throat hurts, the cough disturbs, the genyantritis is necessary to use such agent. For the recipe, you need salt, warm water - 200 ml, mix everything, wait until the salt dissolves. You need to inhale the solution with your nose, if you cure the rhinitis in time, you can protect yourself from pneumonia, bronchitis.

7. Sore throat and cough in small children are treated with this recipe, it will need carrot juice with the addition of honey, lemon. Give the child before he goes to bed.

8. Breast babies can try this remedy, take acacia honey, add anise, a little salt, water. Give a child a teaspoon is not more. It is important in this situation to follow how your child reacted to the drug, if there is no side effect, you can continue to treat them.

9. Get rid of bronchitis with this recipe, you need 20 grams of aloe juice, 100 grams of smaltz, cow's butter, a little cocoa. Everything is thoroughly mixed, used warm, it is best to use goat's milk. The product perfectly strengthens the body.

Medication for sore throat and cough

With an unproductive dry cough, you need to use inhalation based on budesonide. The throat can ache with acute pharyngitis, because of this torment cough, you need to remove the swelling. Therefore, antibacterial preparations are used, as well as syrups based on oils that will help soften the mucous membrane. It is recommended to take medications that can depress the center of a cough, they contain a large number of such substances - paxeladin, tusuprex, dextromethorphan, oxeladin.

Remember, with acute pharyngitis, it is forbidden to take mucolytic drugs, which are used to make phlegm easier to withdraw. Because of a strong cough the throat is strongly irritated, therefore it is necessary to gargle as much as possible a throat with a soda-salt solution.

Drugs for dry throat cough

1. Opioid, they include Destrometorfan. With their help depresses the center of the cough in the brain. Do not be afraid to take them, they do not belong to the group of narcotic or hypnotic drugs. To such drugs is Alex Plus. Also, the drugs, which include Codeine, differ from the previous group in that they have a large number of side effects for the human body. Dependence may develop with time.

2. Antihistamines - Tavegil, Dimedrol, Diazolin. With the help of them you can get rid of the cough that tortures at night, are used only for allergic reactions.

Please note that cough medicines can be taken only when the cause of its occurrence is not clearly established or cough, sore throat reduces performance, because of this person is worried about insomnia, fainting, bronchospasm, urinary incontinence. Take care of those drugs that relieve the reflex - cough. If they are misused, you can harm your body. Often with acute respiratory viral infection, a person is first disturbed by a dry cough, then gradually it passes into a wet cough without additional medication.

Treatment of sore throat and wet cough

Because of bronchitis and pneumonia, a damp cough often appears, with a strong pain in the thoracic region. In this situation, you need to use mucolytic drugs, they have an expectorant effect. These include syrups based on althaea, licorice, other essential oils, when they begin to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, improves salivation in the bronchi.

They can prescribe medications that regulate sputum, the best remedy is Carbocysteine, with the help of it you can restore the elasticity, the viscosity of the mucus, as soon as possible to withdraw it. Also to this group of drugs is Bromhexine, Ambroxol.

In acute bronchitis, pneumonia, which are accompanied by high body temperature, green sputum, it is necessary to take antibiotics sulfanilamide group. In addition, brew mint, mother-and-stepmother, anise, oregano, thyme.

Recommendations for sore throat and cough

1. As much as possible to drink, so you can quickly dilute sputum.

2. Use in the treatment of steam inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus, menthol.

3. It is effective to lubricate the back with goat fat.

4. Brew broths based on pine buds, thyme, oregano, sage, nettle, anise, licorice.

5. In the room constantly moisturize the air, remember that dry air can greatly irritate the bronchi, lungs. Do not forget to clean the air humidifiers in time, they contain a large amount of mold, because of it, hypersensitivity to the fungus can occur, cough is further aggravated.

So, before treating the throat, cough, you need to find out the cause of the disease, determine the type of cough, then just start the course of therapy. First recommend to pay for folk home remedies, only in cases of its inefficiency you can proceed to the medicinal method of treatment.

I have a week of cough dry, and very strong.. the throat does not hurt, there is no fever.. how to treat?


Tatyana Zhulanova

Do inhalations with soda, chamomile (they soften) and with fir oil or any balm - three drops per cup of hot water (they remove the infection). In the morning, one procedure - another evening.


thoracic collection No. 4


mukaltin 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening for 10 days.


It's a virus! Drink antibiotics and medicines "Tussin plus" Flavomed. " Milk is hot. And the sooner you start to heal, the better. I was so.


Such a cough is very bad! Descend or go nevertheless to the phthisiatrician, the inflammation of lungs begins imperceptibly.


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. There are several good folk recipes for fighting cough:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook on low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Take 10 onions and 1 head of garlic, finely chop and cook in milk until the onion and garlic are soft. Drink 1 tablespoon 1 hour during the day. This mixture encourages sputum expectoration and softens the cough.
4) Mix in equal parts the clarified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 4-5 times a day with warm milk.
5) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.
6) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
7) When coughing healer Vang advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth to drink 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.
8) Boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey is very useful in cases of severe cough and chest pain. 1 cup turnip juice and 1 tablespoon of honey carefully mix and hold on fire until boiling, remove, cool. Drink 3 sips several times a day before meals.

Pershit in the throat: causes, diseases, what to do when the pershit throat, treatment

Symptom, when pershit, but does not hurt the throat, usually begins a cold disease caused by a viral infection. But more "serious" diseases that can develop even in children can also appear. We will analyze the main pathologies and their differences.

Why can pershit in the nose and throat

For inhaling air, a person is "equipped" with a device such as a nose. The mouth will also provide air to the lungs, but it is not designed to disinfect it and warm it up. This is done with the help of an abundant blood-supply mucosa, which "meets" the incoming air and "Forwards" it along a rather long path - from the tip of the nose to the nasopharynx, which begins anatomically at the level root of the nose. In parallel, following this path, the gas mixture that we breathe, moistens and clears from particles of dust and large microbes. Do this cilia - microscopic cylindrical outgrowths at the top of the cells of the mucous membrane. They are able to move, and their movement is aimed at getting out of the nose. When they can not "expel" particularly large or numerous irritating particles, they "include" the reflex of sneezing, aimed at their "expulsion".

The fact that they could not remove the cilia of the epithelial cells of the nose, falls to the next level - into the lymphatic tissue. In the region of the nose and throat, it forms a whole ring of tonsils, which "check" the air and the microorganisms contained in it one after another, in several stages:

  • first the air passes the "control" of the pharyngeal tonsil. It is such a lymphoid tissue that, growing up in a child, is called "adenoid" (adeno - iron, id" - similar, that is, literally "adenoids" - a tissue like glandular). Adults do not have adenoids;
  • air mixture goes further to the oral cavity, bypassing the islets of the lymphoid tissue located on the back wall of the pharynx (the "tube" from the nose to the larynx that connects the nose and mouth);
  • then the air passes by the palatine tonsils (these are exactly the ones we see when we open our mouths in front of a mirror and breathe through our mouths);
  • At the same time as the palatine cleansing from microbes, the lingual tonsil is carried out;
  • Further, the absence of microbes is carried out by twin tube tonsils, but they are more focused on not letting germs out of the ear, so the air mixture is not handled closely.

In the process of inhaling air, muscles do not participate, therefore they are not present from the nasal cavity, along the pharynx and up to the larynx. The pharyngeal wall consists of only two layers: the mucosa and the fibrous membranes. Nervous endings from the cranial nerves that provide sensitivity to this site are suitable here.

Let's move on to the question of why pershit in the throat, directly. The causes of this symptom can be divided conditionally into several groups:

  1. Overdrying of the mucosa only the nasopharynx or the oropharynx. This leads to some drugs, dry air, tobacco, harmful chemicals in the air substances (paints, chlorine-containing substances, fragrances, etc.), especially if a person breathes them chronically).
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Especially often this is done by hydrochloric acid, which is thrown here from the stomach (if this state exists constantly, this is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, but such a situation can develop acute - when taking a horizontal position after eating and taking alcohol).
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx: infectious (these are viruses of the ARVI group, bacteria, less often - fungi) and non-infectious, for example, when allergic to a substance contained in the air.
  4. Disturbance of blood supply to the mucous membrane.
  5. Tumors that develop from the fibrous membrane.
  6. Disruption of the brain, which processes the sensations coming from this site.
  7. Failure in the work of nerve endings, suitable to the area behind the tonsils.

The most common causes, when pershit in the throat, is still an infectious inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis) and the posterior pharyngeal wall (pharyngitis). It is necessary to act quickly here so that the infection, which is inhibited by tonsils and a smaller lymphoid tissue, does not go down to the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, below we will consider the main causes, their symptoms and differences from each other.

The main causes of perspiration in the throat

Because of the development of such a symptom as a sore throat, it is easier to understand, if you recall how it manifests itself:

  1. appeared sharply, sharply, against a background of complete health;
  2. constantly pershit in the throat, but there are periods of improvement in the state when the symptom can be forgotten, and the stages when it rolls with a new force.

Dry cough almost always accompanies a sensation of perspiration in the throat: it is a reflex response to irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane or swelling that occurs when it is inflamed. In some cases, cough can be wet when the body is not just trying to get rid of a microbe or stimulus, causing the inflammation, but trying to do it effectively, dissolving it in a small amount of liquid, and then turning on cough reflex.

Persecution in the throat appeared abruptly, suddenly

Thus, 2 main diseases are described - ARVI and allergy. Sometimes a sudden perspiration occurs when the hydrochloric acid is suddenly injected from the stomach, and also by the accidental ingestion of some aggressive chemical substance.

Acute respiratory disease

If the throat starts to perspire, and while the person:

  • I do not smoke;
  • does not work in harmful production;
  • did not take new pills;
  • did not "get acquainted" with new plants, animals, household chemicals, did not get into a dusty room,

this indicates the presence of an acute respiratory disease caused by viruses (ARVI), bacteria or fungi. The diagnosis may sound like:

  1. "Acute respiratory disease: acute tonsillitis" - then there is inflammation of the tonsils;
  2. "ORZ: acute pharyngitis" - this indicates that the microbe caused inflammation of the pharynx;
  3. "ORZ: acute rhinopharyngitis inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa occurred. In this situation, there is a runny nose and a tick in the throat.


The viral nature of the disease is indicated by:

  • reddened and watery eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • the throat is very perspiculous;
  • temperature 37, sometimes higher or lower;
  • cough usually dry;
  • if there is a runny nose, and it just started, then snot clear, liquid;
  • can pershit in the throat and nose;
  • if you look into the throat, you can see that it is very red (that is, the color is much more intense than the gums, the tonsils are colored, the tongue between them and the posterior wall of the pharynx). The posterior wall of the pharynx (what is visible behind the tonsils) is also red, on it are visible tubercles ("grains") of lymphoid tissue. They are red.


With flu, too, there may be a tickling in the throat. But here this symptom is often not so worried, because the foreground come out:

  • aches in the whole body, especially in muscles and joints;
  • high, poorly confusing body temperature;
  • there may be pain behind the sternum;
  • dry cough.

Runny nose and sneezing for the flu is uncharacteristic. More on the symptoms of influenza.


Fungal infection of the throat (acute fungal pharyngitis) occurs after treatment with antibiotics against the background of diseases of immunity and blood diseases. It manifests itself:

  • Persecution;
  • sensation of a "lump" in the throat in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing, which gives in the jaw, neck and / or ear;
  • dry cough;
  • increased temperature;
  • if you open your mouth and breathe them, while looking in the mirror, you can see the red throat when the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx are covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.


If the inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils is caused by pyogenic bacteria, the following symptoms develop:

  • first - perspiration, then - sore throat, very strong;
  • At the same time, the temperature rises to 40 ° C;
  • there is a feeling of "lump in the throat
  • painful to swallow;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • when examining the throat, you can see that it is red, yellow or gray viscous pus is seen on the back wall.


If the tonsils, in their natural recesses, have yellow, white or white-gray pus, throat strongly pershit, the temperature rose to high figures and painfully swallow, most likely, a person has developed angina. This is an extremely contagious bacterial disease. In this case, we need help from the ENT and infectious diseases specialist. If it is a question of the child, and at all it is better to lay down in an infectious hospital: the similar tonsillitis at non-observance of treatment is dangerous to heart and kidneys.

Throwing hydrochloric acid into the pharynx

In this case, there is not necessarily a gastritis or peptic ulcer, which is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes it's enough to lie down right after eating or take it lying down, especially when the circular muscle separating the esophagus and stomach is relaxed.

Allergic pharyngitis

Contact with household dust, flowering plants, inhalation medicines, animal hair, perfume, household chemicals, mold, some foods eaten, can lead to:

  • sore throat and cough;
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • and even - a temperature of 37 or a little higher.

There may be a red rash on the body, a slight headache, lacrimation. Sore in the muscles, pain behind the sternum is not here. If there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the perspiration in the throat, you need to take an antihistamine (such as "Diazolin "Fenistila") and contact an allergist.

Injury to the pharynx

The wound of the pharyngeal mucosa with a fish bone, large particles of dust or other foreign bodies leads to the development of inflammation at the site of the injury. This is accompanied by pain and sore throat, pain when swallowing.

If bacteria join the inflammation site, it will cause increased pain in the throat, fever, weakness and headache. Cough of purulent sputum can be cough.

If pershit in the throat constantly

This can cause one of many reasons.

Staying in a room with dry air

When the humidity of the air is less than 50%, and the person was in the room for more than 2 hours, you can "earn" a sore throat. It is not accompanied by other symptoms: runny nose, fever, malaise.


A similar symptom can be caused by smoking. Then he is also present in the singular, without being accompanied by other signs.

Abuse of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose

Difficulty breathing through the nose (for example, due to chronic sinusitis), when only its symptomatic elimination by drops of type "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Xylo-Mefa" and others, causes the narrowing of the pharyngeal vessels, which is accompanied by a sore throat and permanent coughing.

The impact of occupational hazards and adverse environmental factors

Production, in which the side effect is the appearance in the air of large and medium dust particles, Exhaust gases, vapors of varnishes and paints can also provoke the appearance of a perspiration in the throat accompanied by dry cough. There are no aches in the muscles, a rise in temperature. It is easier to get in a clean room or in the fresh air, and a fit of cough is removed by the intake of clean water.

Neurosis of pharynx

If the work of nerve endings that give commands to the upper part of the digestive tract is disturbed, this is called pharyngeal neurosis. The disease occurs most often in the autumn-spring period, usually after such a provoking factor as a cold. But the causes of the neurosis lie deeper. It can be both syphilis, and nervous disorders, and tumors of the pharynx and larynx.

In this case, a person feels constant perspiration, tickling, burning in the throat, a sense of "coma" in it. Often there is a dry cough. He paroxysmal, especially tormented by agitation or experience.

Temperatures, drowsiness, no headache, a person feels healthy. Reception of antiseptic tablets for resorption ("Strepsils "Septotelet "Pharyngocept") does not lead to the disappearance of the symptom.


Sore throat is not the only symptom of this disease. It is also manifested by thirst, the release of a large amount of urine, nighttime urination, prolonged healing of wounds. More about the symptoms of diabetes.

Nodular goiter

If a knot forms in the thyroid gland, it can be accompanied by a sore throat, because this knot presses against the trachea, connected by nerves with the pharynx. This may be the only symptom of the disease if the goiter is not accompanied by an increase or worsening of the thyroid function. With hyperthyroidism, slimming, irritability, palpitation, increased appetite will be noted. If the iron produces few hormones, the person becomes slow, his heartbeat and metabolism slow down, the skin becomes swollen and dense, the hair is sparse; the body weight increases.

Overvoltage of the vocal cords

This pathology develops in those who, due to their duty, are forced to talk or sing a lot (speakers, singers, teachers, actors, teachers). In this case, there is no sign of acute respiratory viral infection, but in the throat pershit is constant, the voice may disappear for a while, but may become hoarse or low.

Throat or laryngeal swelling

Symptoms of these pathologies are similar to ARVI. This is tickling in the throat, and dryness, and a slight pain in the throat, and changing the voice to a more hoarse or raucous. The difference from ARI is that when the tumors do not increase the temperature, there is no headache, weakness. There is only a slight decrease in working capacity, and it, as well as perspiration and dryness in the throat all increase.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sore throat can manifest any of the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • gastritis with reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus above;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hernia of the esophagus.

It is mainly associated with the ingestion of gastric secretions with hydrochloric acid and (in the case of cholecystitis and pancreatitis) the bile contained therein. And if you feel periodic nausea, burning after the sternum after eating, a disorder of the stool, bitterness in the mouth or arising after taking acute, spicy food of pain in the upper half of the abdomen, chances are most likely that the impaction is associated with pathologies GIT.

Symptom of Persistent Sore Throat in Pediatrics

If the baby has a perspiration throat, most likely he develops either an acute viral disease, or a sore throat, or so an allergy manifests. In the first case, the baby will sneeze, parents will notice redness in their eyes, and snot appear from the nose. With angina you will notice that the child has become less active, he has a fever, and because of the pain when swallowing, he refuses to eat and drink.

Allergic pharyngitis will manifest itself in the throat, coughing, possibly - lacrimation and other symptoms of allergy (face swelling, difficulty exhaling, urticaria). From ARVI it is distinguished by the absence of a rise in temperature to high figures, minor symptoms of malaise. There is a hint of an allergic nature after contact with something new for the child: plants, animals, drugs, household chemicals, being in high-air conditions book dust.

Persecution in children can also occur after staying in a smoke-free, poorly ventilated room, or the place where the materials were painted or varnished.

Oncological diseases, pharyngeal neurosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux, bronchial asthma become the causes of perforation in the pharynx in children extremely rare.

Basic Symptoms Questions

  1. If pershit in the throat and dry cough appears - it can be any of the diseases listed above.
  2. Sore throat and runny nose are symptoms or ARI, or allergies.
  3. Persecution is paroxysmal, intensifying at night and during excitement - a sign of neurosis of the larynx.
  4. Pershing after eating. This is a symptom of casting into the throat of gastric contents.
  5. Pershit in the throat and cough only at night. So, bronchial asthma or pertussis in adults can manifest.
  6. Pershit after being in the room, where the work was done with paint and varnish materials. This indicates irritation, drying of the mucous throat with toxic substances (light chemical burns of the mucous membrane).
  7. Persecution in the throat in the morning can be if in a dream breathe with your mouth open, with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, with gastro-esophageal reflux.

Algorithm of actions for throat swelling

To determine what to treat, if pershit in the throat, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon.

Then it appeared Symptoms Other than Persecution What can be seen in the throat What it is and What to do
There is a connection with hypothermia, a contact with a temperature patient Eyes reddened, coughing and sneezing noted Red throat in the absence of white or yellowish "filling" of the depressions of the tonsils ARVI
  • Gargle with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of soda and salt per 1 glass of water), an aqueous solution of furacillin or those folk remedies, the recipes of which will be described below.
  • To splash the throat "Tantum Verde "Oracept "Strepsils".
  • To dissolve tablets "Septotelet "Tharyngept".
  • Rinse nose with saline solution of sodium chloride
Overcooling, getting into the rain, contacting a person (especially a child) who is feverish Sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing Red tonsils, large, in the indentations - gray or yellowish contents Streptococcal angina
  • Contact an ENT doctor or infectious disease specialist who, with confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe antibiotics.
  • A throat to rinse with a salt and furatsillinovym a solution too it is necessary.
  • Mode - bed, for the prevention of heart and kidney damage.
  • When the temperature rises above 3, - taking antipyretics (in children "Aspirin" or "Acetylsalicylic acid" is prohibited)
After putting on clothes washed with a new powder / conditioner, after staying in a greenhouse or in a meadow with flowers, after contacting animals or visiting the zoo Coryza, perspiration and fever in the throat, lachrymation, change in the timbre of the voice Tonsils are reddish, enlarged Allergic pharyngitis
  • Exclusion of provoking factors.
  • Hypoallergenic diet with soft food.
  • Admission of antihistamines: Cetrin, Loratadin and others.
After meal One persecution, maybe pain or discomfort in the abdomen, a disorder of the stool, a sour taste in the mouth Not changed Diseases of the digestive tract
  • To address to the gastroenterologist.
  • Sleep on a high pillow.
  • Do not go to bed earlier than 3 hours after eating.
At night, with excitement Pershenie, paroxysmal cough Tonsils pink, without ulcers, posterior pharynx wall not changed Neurosis of pharynx
  • To address to the neurologist.
  • At night, drink warm milk with honey or tea with mint or melissa
After staying in the room where they painted Pershing. Headache, temperature, drowsiness no Oral cavity without special features for layman Atrophic acute pharyngitis
Contact LOR, who will prescribe treatment
After a prolonged speech load Dry cough, change in timbre or loss of voice The oral cavity is not changed Professional laryngitis
Voice rest, gargle rinsing with decoctions and antiseptic solutions

As you can see, the treatment of conditions, when pershit in the throat, can be completely different: it all depends on the disease that caused this symptom.

What to do if the throat is strongly perspiration:

  1. Drink a suitable antihistamine for you.
  2. Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol.
  3. Buy an antiseptic with an anesthetic in the pharmacy (for example, "Strepsils 2 in 1" or "Sepptole"). If there are no allergies to anesthetics (teeth were treated / removed with a stab and there was no reaction to it), you can buy a spray (see. all sprays for the throat for example, Strepsils, Stopangin or Kollustan).
  4. If the throat is visible abscesses, urgently call the doctor at home. Before him, antibiotics can not be taken.
  5. Avoid contact with a possible allergen.
  6. Bury the nose with salt preparation "No-Sol "Aqua-Maris "Physiomer "Aqualor".
  7. Exclude from the food all sharp, peppery, smoked, acidic, bitter, hot and spicy foods that can cause irritation to the pharynx.
  8. Sleep on a high pillow.
  9. Provide voice peace.
  10. Drink plenty of fluids: teas with honey, lime, with raspberry or currant sprigs.
  11. At night drink milk with honey (if it is not allergic).
  12. You can at night drink a pill "Valerian" or tincture of motherwort.
  13. Make a vodka compress. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton wool or gauze with vodka, wrap your throat, apply cellophane and cover it with a woolen shawl.

Folk methods of treatment of a sore throat

Traditional medicine with throat swelling offers both adults and children more fluids in the form of:

  • tea with raspberries;
  • the insides of mountain ash;
  • broth of rose hips;
  • lime decoction with honey;
  • herbal teas;
  • decoction of parsley leaves.

Healers say that the diet should include:

  • cranberries;
  • cranberries;
  • lemon;
  • jams from currants, strawberries, raspberries.

It is also recommended to breathe without heating, but spraying indoors:

  • juice of onion and garlic;
  • coniferous tincture;
  • pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus.

There are also such recipes for fighting infection in the nasopharynx and oropharynx:

  1. Need a black radish, honey and milk. Black radish should be rubbed and squeezed to make juice. It is necessary to mix 1 part of radish juice and 2 parts of milk. To drink it, add 1-2 tsp. honey in a glass of means. Take it for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, in a warm form, after eating.
  2. Mix: black currant juice and cherries, add there a tablespoon or more honey. 2 glasses of the drug you need to drink a day.
  3. A few leaves of mint are poured with boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, filtered. This infusion should gargle.
  4. Take 1-2 beets, make juice. A glass of juice requires a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. This rinse for the throat is applied three times a day, after each meal.

What is the common cold and sore throat without fever?

Whatever disease is not affected by the human body, it is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms. One such ailment is a cold. Very often it runs without temperature, but the patient has a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and sore throat. For successful treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause that triggered all of these symptoms, and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

What folk remedies for nasal congestion without a cold can be found from this article.

Cause of dry and wet cough

With a dry cough, the patient does not have abundant sputum production. He can take a strong, disruptive character and be accompanied by a pain syndrome.The cause of this pathological process lies in the infection of the respiratory organs.At the initial stage of the common cold, a person suffers a sore throat and a dry cough. But after a few days, it turns into wet, as the body begins to actively produce phlegm.

From this article you can learn how to treat the common cold with folk remedies.

But after a while the dry cough comes back again, because the mucus begins to stand out in a smaller amount. The most common causes of dry cough are:

  1. Smoke from cigarettes, overdried air in the room.
  2. The defeat of the body by the influenza virus, which first causes dry, and after a wet cough.
  3. Specific smells of chemicals.
  4. Foreign body in the goal. If the cough is worried by a person without obvious signs of cold and temperature, then most likely a foreign object has entered the throat, which is the cause of suffocation.
  5. Laryngitis. When a dry cough disturbs a person often during the day, then there is a high probability of having this infectious disease, for which a voice has a hypersound and a spasmodic cough.

What folk remedies for an allergic rhinitis are the most popular, is indicated in this article.

The video tells about the causes of the common cold and sore throat without temperature:

From this article you can learn how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold.

The next kind of cough is wet. It is very easy to recognize it, because sputum is secreted during the cough. This symptom has received one more name - productive, in fact thanks to it it is possible to clear bronchuses from slime.

Huminate a person can cause a wet cough, if there is an acute respiratory disease, a common cold, an allergy, pneumonia and bronchitis. For a sputum a viscous consistency is characteristic, for this reason it can not be kept in the bronchi for a long time, because this is an excellent place for the reproduction of bacteria. It is worth immediately taking measures and removing it from there.

The color of the discharge during moist coughing may be slightly unclear, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. Mucus with a rusty hue indicates an allergy, and green color makes it clear that the person has sinusitis, tuberculosis or bronchiectasis.

How to treat an allergic rhinitis and cough in a child, you can find out by reading this article.

Frequent wet mucus is the cause of bronchitis or tracheitis. A moist cough that occurs as a result of treatment replaces dry cough, which serves as a harbinger of the patient's recovery.

Causes of a cold

Mucus secreted from the nose, without temperature, indicates that the body has infected the infectious disease. During a runny nose, the nasal mucous membrane is moistened, resulting in stuffiness, the patient loses smell, and frequent sneezing attacks occur. A rhinitis can take a chronic form and arise in a particular case. The result of this process is a strong swelling of the nasal mucosa, vasodilation. The content increases after the liquid begins to separate.

The acute form of rhinitis occurs on its own or due to flu, ARVI. Inflammatory process arises from the ingress of bacteria, viruses on the nasal mucosa.

What kind of drops in the nose for allergic rhinitis is worth using, is indicated in this article.

The main factors contributing to the formation of a cold without temperature are:

  • prolonged exposure to cold;
  • infection of a viral or bacterial origin;
  • injury to the nose;
  • bad habits;
  • poor blood circulation in the mucosa of the affected organ caused by vascular or hormonal disease.

On the video - possible causes of a common cold:

What triggers sneezing

This symptom appears in the case when the nasal mucosa is affected by an irritant.In the role of this annoying factor can act dust, down or animal hair.Another reason for sneezing is the influence of volatile substances. As a rule, a person begins to sneeze at the inhalation of perfume fragrances or cigarette smoke.

The formation of a sneezing reflex is often the cause of a change in temperature, when a person from a warm room went out into the street, where the frost. Also, sneezing can cause allergic and acute respiratory viral diseases.

For what reason is a stuffy nose without a cold, you can learn from the article.

Very often women in the position complain that before the very birth they constantly sneeze, and they have a stuffy nose. This is due to the swelling of the nasal mucosa, which provokes hormonal restructuring. Such a process in medicine is called "rhinitis of pregnant women".

Painful sensations in the throat

Often the pain in the throat is a harbinger of a viral or bacterial disease. There are a number of reasons for this symptom. For example, sore throat (sore throat) can cause pharyngitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.When the pains acquire a frequent character, then it is possible to affirmly affirm the transition of pharyngitis to a chronic form.

In addition, severe pain can lead to the development of tonsillitis, which leads to inflammation and swelling of tonsils located on the sides. Since children very often get sick for this disease, it often becomes chronic. Pain in the throat may also occur due to laryngitis, for which a hoarse and hoarse voice is characteristic.

This article shows how to breathe on a potato with a cold.

In addition, the formation of the presented symptom can be influenced by the following factors:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • allergy;
  • irritation of the throat with harmful substances;
  • dry air.

Causes of a common cold with weakness

Many had to observe such a picture, when all the signs of a cold appear on the face, then there is no temperature rise. What is the reason? It's all about the physiological characteristics of the organism that hit the virus. After he penetrated the body, a person has increased blood circulation, which results in poor blood processing by the heart.

If another cold affected the person with weak immunity, a slight rise in temperature indicates that the body has entered into the fight against infection. If the temperature is within normal limits, then the person has a strong and strong immunity, which does not include in the process its protective functions of the brain to fight infection.

How to use Bioparox in a runny nose in children, you can learn from the article.

The video tells about the causes of the common cold and sore throat without temperature:

Can I catch a cold without the temperature?

To catch a cold disease, even without the temperature, absolutely everyone can do this airborne way, when through the respiratory tract the virus enters the body and begins to exert its influence.

Catch a cold with a kiss. Typically, infection occurs as a result of the fact that the virus is transmitted from a person who has an incubation period, and he does not even suspect a cold.

The next way of transmission is through products.When a person with ARVI sneezed at food or touched them with his hands, then they get viruses. When they are used by a healthy person, there is a likelihood of developing a cold in him.

Strangely enough, but forks and spoons also serve as a source of transmission of infection. And this option is considered the most common transmission. Do not drink a drink from one bottle or cup. All cutlery should be treated with a detergent composition.

Whether treat a cold without temperature antibiotics

Very often during self-treatment, most people use antibacterial drugs, believing that such medications will help get rid of the disease quickly. But doctors do not prescribe antibiotics in all cases, because their negative impact on the body has not been canceled. In addition, when taking antibiotics during an uncomplicated cold, no one gives a guarantee that they are the ones that can accelerate the process of recovery.

How to treat a runny nose and barking cough in a child is indicated in the article.

In the video - the use of antibiotics with sore throat without temperature:

In medical practice, cases are known where the result was reversed. When taking antibacterial medications, a number of patients experienced side effects. Because of such treatment, dysbacteriosis, allergy, and immune forces of the body are very often developed. In addition, the action of antibiotics can hardly be called antiviral, their goal is to hit the bacteria, and after all the cold is a viral infection.

Treatment of a common cold without complications in a pregnant woman

Colds often occur in women at the time of bearing a child. The reason is that the period of pregnancy is accompanied by depression of the immune system, even the healthiest woman, as a result of which her body becomes susceptible to various seasonal diseases.

In the video - a cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman:

Than to treat?Prescribe an effective treatment can only a doctor. As a rule, he prescribes medicinal preparations that are absolutely safe for the health of the future mother and baby:

  1. To eliminate the runny nose, saline solutions for washing the nose are very effective - Aquamaris and Dolphin.
  2. Safe pain for pregnant sprays and solutions - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Ingalipt, Pinasol.
  3. To overcome coughing attacks it is possible with the help of Caldex broncho, Lazolvan, ATSTS.
  4. The doctor may prescribe rubbing the area of ​​the chest and nose. For these purposes, with a cold, the "Zvezdochka" or "Doctor Mom" ​​balm has a positive effect.
  5. Use homeopathic preparations during pregnancy is completely safe. The doctor may prescribe Antigrippin or the Flu-hel.

A cold is a very insidious and unpleasant disease.Even if it runs without temperature, it is very important to determine the cause of its formation will prescribe adequate therapy.Otherwise, it can complicate and become chronic.

Cough temperature sore throat: why does my throat ache

These problems, as a rule, are escorts, with chronic pharyngitis and runny nose. Cough, fever, sore throat for a long time hold and bring a lot of inconvenience: malaise, weakness, chronic fatigue, etc., together with a permanent runny nose, the disease eventually grows into a real nightmare. Want to know how effectively cough, temperature, sore throat are treated? Why does my throat ache - from the answer to this question, I need to start looking for methods of treating the disease.

Cough, fever, sore throat - features of the condition

Exhausting body temperature of 37 ° C in medicine is called subfebrile temperature. Often it is very difficult to identify the cause of this and doctors begin to "drive" people with such complaints for various analyzes, studies and the like. They write unlikely diseases and intricate diagnoses, the result is a useless treatment that only takes money and time.

Therefore, it is necessary to know that the reason for subfebrile temperature is divided into two groups - "no infection" and "infection". Non-infectious can become vegeto-vascular dystonia, excess of certain hormones in the blood, constitutional features of a person and so on. Of course, infectious diseases are more common, the symptoms of which are sore throat, cough and temperature, starting from tuberculosis, bronchitis, prostatitis and ending with various tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Diseases causing cough, fever, sore throat

And if you have a cough temperature, a sore throat, then it is likely that they are specifically the catalyst of the disease. In fact, everything is simple, remove the sore throat and chronic rhinitis and from a temperature of 37 ° C and there will be no trace.

Chronic respiratory diseases, where the ENT organs are involved, are complex diseases. Symptoms in such ailments can be - constant elevated temperature, chronic rhinitis, problems in children with a hearing aid like a common cold, inflammation of the kidneys and rheumatism as chronic diseases of the throat - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, cardiovascular system like throat diseases and runny nose, purulent complications directly in the throat, nose and others complications.

Only at first glance, with sore throat, cough and temperature, it is not entirely clear how diseases can be linked, for example as a chronic cold and heart, but the relationship between them exists, and can not lead to the best and easiest consequences. Therefore at the first signs it is necessary to run to the doctor at a run.

Why does my throat hurt?

Other causes of sore throat:

1. injury;

2. the flow of the detachable with sinusitis or adenoid along the back wall of the pharynx;

3. foreign body;

4. inhalation of smoke, contaminated air;

6. gastroesophageal reflux;

6. an unbalanced diet and starvation;

7. side effects of drugs.

8. Deficiency of vitamins can lead to an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes, which will provoke pain in the throat.

8. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve or / and the superior nerve of the larynx, osteochondrosis of the cervical region, can give in the throat a kind of pain that is accompanied by excessive salivation or dryness, coughing.

9. Cough, fever, sore throat, can cause dental and gum disease, periodontitis.

10. The most common phenomenon of sore throat is pharyngitis. Pain with pharyngitis can, accompanied by perspiration, cough, pain when swallowing and fever.

12. Angina. Pain in the throat with angina can be accompanied not only by high fever, enlarged lymph under the jaw, pain during swallowing, attacks on the tonsils.

13. Infectious mononucleosis is also the cause of sore throat. It is characterized by fever, pain when swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes.

14. Fungal lesions are rarely a cause of sore throat. Fungi cause damage to the throat with diabetes, long-term treatment with hormones, tumors, blood diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment for pain in the throat, cough and temperature

Diagnosis of the cause of the appearance of pain in the throat is performed by an ENT doctor. Usually the examination includes - examination, a swab from the throat, a blood test.

Treatment of sore throat is primarily determined by the cause that causes pain. The general scheme of treatment with pharyngitis can be represented thus: to warm legs in a basin with mustard; sparing diet; warming compresses on the neck; steam inhalations; warm drink; fewer cigarettes; use of anti-inflammatory sprays or sugar candies.

With pharyngitis, sore throat, cough and temperature, antibiotics are not used, because in most cases pharyngitis is caused by viruses that are insensitive to antibiotics.

I have a sore throat, gone, temperature 37.5 how to treat at home? I need oochen right now, I'll die.


Arthur Evoyan

from the temperature a lot of liquid - tea with raspberries, lemon, honey.
from a cough - a slice of lemon with zedra spread with honey and chew
from a pain in a throat - gargles with an iodine and salt (in a glass of warm water a teaspoon of salt, 3-4 drops of an iodine, it is no more, and that you will burn a throat)
Good luck and health!


Drink plenty of tea with raspberries or honey. If very bad Pharmacitron or Coldflu drink

Ivanov Ivanov

urgent antibiotics. smells of inflammation. she survived all this, the lungs were torn to pieces. the doctor prescribed augmentin or vilprofen saluteb. 5 days!!!


For a while, see, it's no wonder that you are ill) Warm milk with honey (if there is no allergy, otherwise it will become worse) and spaaat)


you will not die))... a seagull with a malinka, an onion with a loaf

Beauty Salon Madame Zhu-Zhu

Kalina or raspberry brew and drink a lot of hot hotness, tea with honey and lemon, the temperature is not knocked down more precisely, it can not be knocked down the body must itself fight up to 38 degrees, but in general buy in the pharmacy RINZA tablets, as soon as you feel that you are ill, then it helps, and now will help


Throat-Saline solution (salt) 1h. l a mug of water, every half an hour of the rumen, after a couple of hours will help, at night antihygripin vypia if there is also under the blanket) do not scream the tablets! if there is no anti-grip tea with raspberries or honey) if the cough is wet-ambribe, if dry-terpin code!

Tatiana Sarbaeva

The throat how exactly hurts? from a sore throat there are good tablets grammidine (take with anesthetic)
Well, the throat must be rinsed: soda, rotocaine, hot drink
cough dry or with phlegm? ambroben try the medicine
Does it have a runny nose?
on Monday go to the doctor, do not get carried away with self-medication

T'yomka Dmitriev

Ehh.. Here I had the day before yesterday, 40.5 was, so I died there =)

And in general, drink tea with raspberries, well, or TylOlFen (like so).

Irina Gusakova

I advise you to see a doctor to know what to treat, then it will be clear what to treat. To sanitize throat, take 2 teaspoons of 1% alcohol solution chlorophyllite per 100 ml of warm boiling water, gargle 3 times a day. When you cough, you see an ambroxol depending on your age, either an adult or a child's dosage of 1 tablet 3 times a day. The need to take an antibiotic for you will determine the doctor.

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