Doctor Mom Lozenges for Cough Instruction Price

Vegetable lozenges Doctor IOM - enemy of cough # 1

Lozenges doctor instructions

Often faced with commercials on TV, colorful booklets and posters in pharmacy kiosks, it is possible to come to the conclusion that plant pastilles "Doctor MOM" occupy the very first place in the list of medicines for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

Properties of the preparation

Doctor Mom pastilles composition

The composition of pastilles Dr. MOM includes effective natural ingredients

Plant lollipops "Doctor MOM" in its complex contain active extracts of oils and medicinal plants.The centuries-old experience in homeopathy confirms their positive impact on health.

The production of drugs of this brand occurs in India, famous for its respectful attitude to nature and the use of its forces in the treatment of various diseases. And although the price is somewhat higher in comparison with competitors, the effectiveness and naturalness of the composition justifies this.

pastilles doctor mom instructions for useThe composition of plant lozenges includes the following components:
  • dry extracts;
  • levomentola;
  • instagram viewer
  • sucrose and dextrose liquid;
  • glycerol;
  • monohydrate;
  • methylparahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • mint flavor.

Depending on the taste of pastilles, which are pineapple, orange, strawberry, lemon, raspberry, fruit and berry add natural flavor and color.

Application features

pastilles doctor mom instructions for use

Pastilles Dr. MOM are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and at an affordable price

The instruction, which must necessarily be enclosed in each certified cardboard pack of lozenges recommends slowly loosen the lozenges, if you feel a sore throat, pain, dryness and cough.The maximum daily dose of lozenges is ten.

To ease the condition, you must take the lozenge after two hours, especially if the patient suffers from professional laryngitis.

cough with phlegm after eatingHow to cure cough with phlegm after eating, is indicated in the article.

How to use the cough syrup for children Dr. Mom, you can learn from the article.

How quickly treatment with folk remedies of dry cough occurs, is indicated in the article here:

Since pastilles "Doctor MOM" are released in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is recommended not to abuse their use, but to buy with the following diseases:

  • chronic or acute pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • with respiratory diseases with difficulties of sputum discharge and coughing.

The drug can help with mechanical irritation of the throat (mucous membrane), eliminates the symptoms of micro-inflammation. Effective with pneumonia, but exclusively in combination with prescribed medicines.

Pregnancy and children - limitations

is it possible for pregnant women to sleep with a doctor?By analogy with most medications, "Doctor MOM" pastilles are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Flavors, preservatives and colorants are unlikely to benefit the fetus, given that the body gets into the body with food.It is not necessary to increase the amount of negative harmful substances in the body of a future mother, giving preference to folk natural remedies for the treatment of sore throat.Instead of pastilles, you can use safer cough syrup from Alteyka.

The instruction does not recommend buying vegetative pastilles for children, limiting the age of application to adulthood. It is obvious that the producer is reinsured with such a high age threshold, and it is obvious that the trout will not harm teenagers. For very young children, it is better to use the popular cough recipes for children.

The main frightening factor is a fairly large size of the lozenge, which the child can swallow entirely without being able to fully rassosat. In this case, it is desirable to replace the tablets with a syrup with similar properties in order to avoid suffocation and other troubles.

Obvious contraindications

It will be more expedient to refuse the use of vegetable candies "Doctor MOM", if at resorption you will feel additional inflammation, burning, you will see a rash on the body (the so-called urticaria). Probably, to you the above-stated structure does not approach, as on the face signs of a medicinal allergy are shown.

medication cough smokerHow is medication cough medicines smoker, you can learn from the article.

What are the causes, when persist in the throat and coughing, is indicated in this article.

What to do. when strongly pershit in the throat and dry cough, is indicated here:

Since the maximum number of lozenges per day is the number ten, the help in softening the throat can in parallel provide a warm drink or gargle with ordinary warm water.

Price category

plant lozenges from cough doctor mom instructionsIn their category, medicines of the "Doctor MOM" series refer to more expensive medications. This is explained byPlant lozenges are made in India and include in their composition natural ecologically clean components.
  1. Depending on the location of the pharmacy, packing of plant pastilles is within ninety - one hundred and twenty rubles. For example, in an online pharmacy the cost is 98-100 ruble depending on the taste of the lozenges;
  2. In Kaliningrad: 91-98 rubles, depending on taste;
  3. In Moscow, the price is about one hundred rubles;
  4. In St. Petersburg - 103 rubles;
  5. In Yekaterinburg - 110-115 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Dr. Mom Cough lozenges reviewsEkaterina, Kirov: "As for a high school teacher, my voice machine is very important to me. Very often for the lesson the children are breathing in the classroom, after which it is necessary to open the window for ventilation at a change. Constant opening of doors provokes a draft, and I feel cold symptoms on myself quite often. Therefore, in the bedside table, I always have the pastilles "Doctor MOM", which I quietly dissolve before the beginning of the lesson.They really always help, and the lesson can be held at a high level, without coughing and tearing. I recommend to everyone".

Alice, Moscow: "I'm a tour guide on a pleasure boat in Moscow. Every day at work I have to tell tourists about the sights of the White-stone. My voice is a kind of visiting card, and I can not afford to be hoarse. Unfortunately, the weather in Moscow is often windy, especially near the water, so colds are a real scourge of my profession.In my purse I always have candy "Doctor MOM" with citrus taste.As soon as I notice the first signs of a cold, I immediately take candy, and literally in the shortest possible time again I can conduct an excursion. Possessing an antipyretic agent, this drug allows me to protect myself from the complex course of the cold. "


Video will tell you how to make effective cough drops at home:

In conclusion, it should be noted that the plant components of Dr.Mom release have a huge number of pluses and allow you to choose everything you need with quality treatment. It is very useful to use ointments, various lollipops and syrups as a preventive measure.

Cough drops for colds for adults and children

A very interesting remedy for colds are lollipops. The taste of most of them do not at all resemble a medicine - sweet, tasty - rather, they are like candy, and not a pharmacological drug. But tasty - it does not mean useless, remember honey, because it is also perceived by many as delicacy, but its therapeutic properties are undeniable and long ago recognized as official medicine.

The effect of candy on coughing

Why do lollies from coughing are so popular today? The thing is that in ARD, one of the most unpleasant symptoms is a perspiration in the throat and cough. In a number of cases, when a person has a lot of sputum due to inflammation in the airways, a cough is simply necessary - it is a protective reaction by which the body cleans itself.

On sale in our pharmacies are special pastilles and phytopreparations in the form of candies, which have a combined effect. These remedies help a better sputum discharge, and at the same time act as sufficiently strong anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs include, for example, all the famous cough drops "Doctor Mom", produced with different flavors: raspberry, orange, strawberry, lemon and even pineapple. To be treated in this way is pleasant enough and absolutely not burdensome - put a lozenge in your mouth and you can safely deal with their own affairs. And lollies for children are perceived by the kids not as a medicine, but as candy, so they put them in their mouths very willingly, without any whims.


There is also another cough - dry. It is caused by a strong irritation of the throat and larynx due to the course of acute inflammatory processes in them because of a cold, without the formation of sputum. Special medicines are needed here, which, on the one hand, could relieve inflammation, and on the other - have a soothing antitussive effect. In this case, too, special lollipops are produced from cough.

With its curative effect, fashionable tasty phytopreparations are obliged to contain various natural supplements in them: menthol, honey, eucalyptus extract, sage, licorice, essential oils, etc.

Candies for cough and pastilles - the names of the most popular drugs

  • Means "Strepsils" - contains anise and mint oil.
  • Lollipops "Carmolis" - they include oils of alpine herbs.
  • Means "Adjicept" - removes inflammation not only in the larynx, but also in the nose.
  • Medication "Doctor Mom" ​​- pastilles and lollipops based on medicinal herbs. Not assigned to children under 10 years.
  • The "Grammidine" remedy is a domestic preparation that has an antibacterial effect.
  • Lacrimal candies from cough - their basis is an extract of licorice root.
lollipops from the cough doctor mom

Lollipops with antibiotic

With a strong inflammation of the throat and upper respiratory tract, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics of local action in the form of sucking sweets. It is best not to take such drugs yourself, even if the cough and sore throat are very bad. Let the doctor first figure out the reasons for this condition and write out the proper prescription. One of the most popular drugs containing antibiotics is the drug "Koldakt Lorpis".

Delicious medications for kids

Cough drops for children:

  • Lollipops "Strepsils" - are allowed to use for children from 5 years old.
  • The drug "Septotelet Neo" - from 4 years.
  • The remedy "Carmolis" - from 6 years.
  • Medication "Tantum Verde" - from 3 years.
cough drops for children

Separately, I want to talk about candies "Doctor Mom." As it was already written above, doctors consider it possible to assign them to children from the age of 10. But the instructions to the drug says that they are prohibited for use by persons under 18 years of age.

Are there any contraindications to the use of cough drops?

Despite the fact that the candies from the pharmacy are very similar to conventional candy, they are not. It should be remembered that these are quite serious medications that have a number of contraindications, which you should definitely read after carefully reading the instructions. This must be done before giving the medicine to the child or using it yourself.

For example, licorice lollies from a cough, although they are good help, but are not recommended for people with hypertension, because their side effect is increased pressure. In the instruction to preparations "Karmolis" and "Doctor Mom" ​​it is written that these means can not be used by pregnant women, etc. Even seeming harmless, herbal components can cause serious allergic reactions in some people.

licorice cough drops

It is absolutely unacceptable haphazardly to throw anti-inflammatory candies into the mouth with handfuls, it will not be possible in this way accelerate cure, but provoke rejection of any component of the drug by the body is possible.

Cough drop lollies

At home, any landlady can easily make an alternative to pharmacy products. For a long time people know that burnt sugar has the ability to calm a cough, softening the throat.

Prepare it is easy! Take a small saucepan (better enameled) we put a few spoons of sugar in it, melting it it on a slow fire and, stirring slowly, wait until it starts to change color to dark brown. As soon as this happens, the fire turns off, and the burnt sugar quickly poured into pre-cooked molds.


You can make lollipops from coughing yourself and another recipe, more refined, but also very simple. To the sugar must add honey, broths of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile), a few drops of lemon juice, grated ginger root. But in this case, the candies will already acquire a strong enough specific taste, which may not like children at all. Honey sometimes causes allergic reactions, and grass, too.

Another option is milk candy. In the pot, a few spoons of milk are poured, as many spoons of sugar are put, and everything is cooked until thick. Then we pour into the forms and treat the cough with pleasure.

Doctor Mom for children

doctor mom for children

Whatever discussions are being conducted about the treatment of a child's cough, no mother will be able to calmly watch how the baby is suffering from bouts during the day and, especially, during sleep. But choosing drugs "from a cough", it is difficult to decide on a drug that would have relieved the unpleasant symptom and did not cause harm to the body. According to pediatricians, cough for colds and viral infections is best treated with expectorant means of plant origin. One of the natural cough remedies for children is Dr. Mom, produced in different forms.

Syrup Dr. Mom for Children

Syrup Dr. Mom is a herbal preparation that renders mucolytic (dilutes sputum) and bronchodilator (eliminates bronchospasm) effect. Doctors recommend using it for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract with a cough with poor sputum discharge.

The composition of the drug includes the active components of medicinal plants: adatodes vasiki, aloe, basil, turmeric, licorice, nightshade, terminalia, ginger, elecampane, etc. But, despite the predominantly natural composition, the drug can be used only by children from 3 years of age. It should also be noted that all components of the drug may develop allergic reactions, that's why Dr Mom's medicines can not be used to treat children under one year.

The syrup is shown in the following dosage:

  • children from 3 to 5 years are prescribed on a half-spoonful 3 times a day;
  • children from 5 to 14 years are recommended to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day;
  • adolescents and adults increase the dose to 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

Pastilles Dr. Mom for children

Complex cough treatment should be supplemented with symptomatic therapy, which is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition. Candies or lozenges for resorption effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms ("choking" in the throat, coughing, pain), and also have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Lozenges Dr. Mom are made on the basis of herbs, but according to the instruction, for children under 18 they can not be used. However, in pediatrics pastilles, Dr. Mom for children successfully treat cough and eliminate unpleasant symptoms in children older than 10 years. Due to the presence of dyes and the lack of clinical data on contraindications, the drug should be given with extreme caution.

Balsam Doctor Mom for Children

Ointment for colds or rubbing for children, Dr. Mom is made on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants: menthol, camphor, thymol, muscat and eucalyptus oils. Ointment effectively removes inflammation, has an antiseptic and distracting effect, so it can be used to relieve rhinitis, improve nasal breathing, eliminate cough

for children from cough doctor momsymptom. The doctor's balm is indicated for use by children over two years of age for external use. When rhinitis ointment should be distributed a thin layer on the surface of the wings of the nose 2-3 times a day. When treating a cough with light massaging movements, you should rub the ointment into the chest area, excluding the heart and nipples. Like other medicines, Dr. Mom's ointment can cause allergic reactions (urticaria, vesicular rash), so using it for the first time, closely monitor the baby's skin.

All Dr Mom's products are dispensed without a prescription, so every parent can buy the necessary medicine at the pharmacy. Nevertheless, before buying a medicine, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you whether it is possible to use Dr. Mom for children in any given case.

Lozenges and pastilles from a cough

Candies from a cough are sold in every pharmacy, and many at the first signs of cold cure them irritation in the throat and coughing attacks. There is an opinion that therapeutic "sweets" are a safe medicine and they can be used in unlimited quantities. Despite the fact that lollipops are produced as a food product, they should be treated in the same way as other medicines.

Be sure to read the instructions, indications and contraindications before use. Some candies should not be consumed during pregnancy, they contain medicinal plants that are not recommended during this period.Also, do not exceed the dosage, as a rule, to dissolve in the mouth should not more than 10 pleasant lozenges per day.

How are lollipops affected?

They include menthol oil, eucalyptus, anise and vegetable extracts. These components have the following effect:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • anesthetize;
  • prevent coughing attacks;
  • soften the throat;
  • kill germs.

Lollipops from cough form invisible film in the throat, which reduces inflammation. After using them, you can not eat and drink for half an hour, otherwise the film will be destroyed.


Like other medicines, candy coughs can cause allergies, it can be suspected by the following signs:

  • burning of mucous membranes;
  • rash or hives on the skin;
  • increased inflammation in the throat.

Sweet medicinal "sweets" can not be the only remedy for colds and coughs, they should be used in conjunction with other medicines prescribed by a doctor. Some parents give candies to children at the first sign of a cold in the hope that this will help stop the disease. This tactic is erroneous, since prevent the development of a viral infection or sore throats, therapeutic sweets can not.

However, do not attack the medicine, it can be used as an auxiliary for diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis.

Choosing candy from a cough is better than those that do not contain sugar. After taking a lot of sweet stuff can lead to loss of appetite, especially in children, as well as caries and weight gain. Of course, you do not need to use candy in diabetes mellitus.

Doctor Mom

Lozenges from a cough Dr. MomLozenges (troches) Dr. Mom contain menthol, an extract of licorice, ginger and a medicinal emblem that have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic effect. Ginger helps to combat allergies, and the medicinal emblem (also called Indian gooseberry) can increase immunity and reduce temperature.

Dr. Mom can be taken every two hours, but not more than 10 lozenges per day for cough, including dry cough. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

It should be noted that Dr. Mom is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and during pregnancy. There are limitations due to the fact that the preparation contains a sufficient number of chemical components that can negatively affect the body of a pregnant woman and a child. Dr. Mom should not be used simultaneously with drugs that have antitussive effects and reduce sputum production.


Lobster Coughs BobsThese candies are produced with the taste of forest berries, raspberries, mint, honey, lemon, green tea. Bobs consists of the following components: molasses, citric acid, eucalyptus oil, menthol and vitamin C. Lobsters Bobs have a fairly high calorie content - 386 kcal. They are recommended as a remedy for calming cough for colds and ARVI, as well as for throat swelling.

Lobsters Bobs can not eat more than 10 pieces a day, while pregnant and breastfeeding, the agent Bobs is used with caution after the doctor's approval.

Lacquer lozenges

Lacrimal candies for coughingThey have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, are recommended for coughing and throat swelling as an emollient.

Lacrificial candies are a natural medicine containing a liquorice root extract. Liquorice candies contain sugar substitute lactitol, which has the additional ability to restore the intestinal microflora. Lacrimal candies do not contain sugar and therefore can be used for diabetes.

Lollipops with sage

The manufacturer of the drug is the German company Dr. Theiss, which produces natural medicines. This cough medicine contains sage extract and honey, this combination removes the hoarseness of the voice, reduces inflammation and refreshes the breath. Lollipops with sage are allowed to be used by children with cough, starting from the age of 12. However, they are contraindicated in pregnancy.

We cook lollipops from the cough in the home.

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