How to make a dry cough wet in a child

How to make a dry cough wet?


Yuri Kuzin

soak it with potion


Juice of a bulb with honey on a teaspoon, ammonia-anise drops - 2-3 drops per tablespoon of water and then drink, from medications - Erespal, you can try Lazolvan (all praise but we do not helped)

* Natalia Sarycheva

drink warm milk and generally more warm drink - the body lacks fluid... easy dehydration... it is still useful to put very wet sheets on the batteries - to humidify the air in the room (unless of course there is a household humidifier)

Olesya Yasha

buy a meksturu specifically designed for this. if there is a home nebulizer then do inhalation with lazolvanom. or the doctor let him appoint physiotherapy. you can buy in a pharmacy an ordinary inhaler it costs 100 rubles. Plastmass. buy eucalyptus oil. pour a few drops of eucalyptus into the inhaler of boiling water, depending on how old the child is. and breathe perfectly helps. but in principle he himself will still become wet.

irina nedosek

Drink a collection of herbs that soften softly the cough dry, it is in any pharmacy, but not candies and tembole tablets.

instagram viewer


sinecode helps us.. for children there are drops.

Lydia Kovaleva

drink mother and stepmother. we also got sick, we are 7 months old, so it helped us very well, Brew and drink like tea.


Dry cough should not be done wet, it should be cured. Milk or tea with honey and butter. Good luck !!!


Mucolytic means to apply

Irina Chistyakova

drink half of "euphiline."

Kind Kitten

take a big black radish, take out the middle, about 3-4 st. spoons, put honey there. leave it overnight. In the morning, give honey a teaspoonful.
Get well

Full of happiness)))

drink mother-and-stepmother


If you have a dry cough, then treat as dry it is necessary. And if wet and does not clear his throat then do a vibrating massage (knock out phlegm). ALL mucolytics are good, have a drink!


to make a compress on the chest.. it is possible to have hot potatoes, the decoction of ledum is good ...

Oleg Garkunenko

conventional tablets against cough with thermopsis

Elena Premudraja

If you are talking about an adult, I advise you to try broncholetin. It helps me quickly and effectively. Cough relaxes and sputum begins to drop, literally in a couple of days.

Olga Golubeva

Read the advice of Dr. Komarovsky in detail. He has his own website. There everything is detailed and understandable about coughing.


drink a licorice, very much even helps !!!


and why no one thinks about the reason for coughing!!! !
Or cough caused by spasm of the bronchi, or inflammation of the larynx and trachea, or bronchitis (inflammation and edema of the bronchi), the treatment is different.
And why the goal is to make it wet? It is necessary to treat a person, so that the cough has completely passed. Maybe an antibiotic is needed, or, on the contrary, it is contraindicated. You can not just answer that. Describe the situation. As a doctor I say, after such folk methods I have repeatedly treated patients already in serious condition. Maybe it makes sense for the doctor to appear?


very good advice you gave (especially about radish)))) -checked on yourself-exactly works))) and my son helped, literally for the night began to clear his throat-milk + spoon of honey + a slice of creamy oil. and another milk + miner. water (in half). it is clear that all drinking should be warm. good luck and do not be ill))


To get sick, go through the temperature and at the stage of recovery you can see the degeneration of cough ...

How to make a dry cough wet? Well, what would he expectorate ..


Claire Meredith


Vasil-Validol Validolov

It is necessary to drink expectorant! Herbs are best!


First of all, your mother should take you to a doctor. And so I was treated well here at me now a sputum I drink asporil a syrup sweet deduces wet. fljuditek too a syrup. Well, antibiotic amoxicillin. and drink more liquid. Yes, or herbs, tinctures of chamomile and something else there

Lena Kravets

And what kind of cough medicine do you drink now?
Cough in a couple of days itself will begin to go into the wet. Drink plenty of fluids. Now it is NOT possible to drink expectorants. When he starts to clear his throat, you need to start drinking something that is mukalitic (like ambraxol)

Nick stolen - looking for options

the black radish is taken. cut off the tail and cut off the cap.
radish hollow out like a cup. pierce the hole through the former tail)))
put radish honey, top covered with a radish cap and put on a glass.
the juice of a radish with honey drips into a glass, and you swallow it.
works very well, although it's disgusting

Olga Sipacheva (Demidova)

Very good cheap pills for cough with thermopsis. It is better to immediately dissolve two tablets in your mouth. It's not very pleasant, but in 20 minutes there will be a result. After them, after 5-10 minutes I drank warm milk with honey, it's very pleasant. Of course, if you like it. The cough herbs also work well, it can be viewed on the Internet or collected at the pharmacy, the main thing is that you can choose harmless unlike medicines. Oregano, lime blossom, etc. also delicious.

Mikhail Nakapalo

In all pharmacies, they sell inhalers, although they are very expensive (I mean the one that the Compressor Compressor Comp AIR (NE-C28-E) Omron) bought about 3 thousand. There the medicine is poured and he sprays it, in pairs the person or the child breathes. The result is very good, the cough stops and soon becomes wet

Zemfira Rakhimova

I was helped by a licorice root in bags from the pharmacy. There is a tincture of licorice root, also a super medicine, especially from a night cough.



nekit2x2 tolstich

Stoppussin-phyto drink before phlegm, then expectorant


Abundant warm drink, moisturize in the air in the room, the air temperature is 18-20 degrees, inhalation.


You need to put the banks

Prolonged cough in a child without fever

Caring mothers always worried and continues to worry the situation, when without the temperature the child has a prolonged cough. Sometimes there are no prerequisites for him, or the baby is already treated, but coughs. An unpleasant symptom can arise both independently and be a consequence of hidden processes occurring in the body.

Causes of prolonged dry cough in a child without fever

Nursing dry long cough or a rare cough in a child is always alarming, because often it is a symptom of such a formidable disease astuberculosis.And although many inhabitants are sure that it must necessarily be accompanied by a subfebrile temperature, practice is not always the case, and therefore if this condition lasts more than 2-3 weeks, consultation is necessary phthisiatrician.

Lamblias, ascarids, pinworms and other parasites,inhabiting the body, sometimes cause a dry cough, if the invasion spread throughout the body. That is why it is so important to regularly take tests and undergo preventive treatment with the whole family.

Not the last of the reasons why a prolonged dry cough in a child without a temperature can occur is residual afterwhooping cough,when the cough center is irritated and the child is suffering from a nasal cough (up to three months). If such a diagnosis was made, the doctor always warns Mom and prescribes antitussives in case of attacks.

But most often dry cough caused by ordinaryhouse dust and dry air indoors.Lungs should be cleaned independently, and therefore a cough reflex is produced. In the period of flowering plants - from the beginning of spring to late autumn, a dry cough can be triggered by an allergy to their pollen.

Prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

The reasons for a wet cough against a background of normal temperature are less than that of dry cough.

Most often it is an obstruction in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis, asthma or an infection of the ENT organs, which can take a long time.

Some allergic children react with a moist cough to the stimulus. This condition is often accompanied by an inflammatory process of the broncho-pulmonary system, and therefore requires the use of antibacterial agents.

Whatever cough the child has - dry or wet, if it continues for a long time, then parents should not guess at the coffee grounds, but should consult a pediatric doctor who will prescribe a complete examination to determine the cause and purpose of adequate treatment.

Night cough in children. Night paroxysmal cough in a child

Many parents face such a problem as a night cough in children. And you really need to have steel nerves in order to withstand such a relatively calm. Yes, and children coughing attacks at night does not give pleasure. If you began to notice a night cough in a child, treatment should begin immediately.

Coughing is not a disease

Every parent must firmly remember that one should not try to cure a child independently of a cough. You can not, relying only on your own experience, try to determine the causes of a night cough in a child. But almost everyone seems to have enough knowledge and stop the attack of cough - this is not such a big problem.

To suppress the attack in the middle of the night is really not so difficult. But to eliminate the root cause of coughing is sometimes even problematic. First of all, because without a qualified medical examination it is impossible to say for sure what the true reason for nocturnal seizures is.

Causes of a child's night cough

The most common reasons that there is a night cough in children, we can consider the following:

  • presence of a viral infection in the child;
  • an allergic reaction to anything;
  • various respiratory diseases;
  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • too dry or cold air in the children's room.
  • gastric reflux (or simply heartburn).

Dry cough

Night dry cough in the child appears, as a rule, due to nasal congestion. In this case, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth. And this, in turn, causes dryness of the larynx. At local receptors, there is an excessive effect that irritates them. To eliminate this discomfort, the body tries with a dry cough. It can also be a consequence of an allergic reaction.

A night attack of a child's cough may be caused by heartburn or other stomach problems. This is because in the horizontal position, some amount of gastric juice can enter the larynx, thus causing irritation. The organism reacts to it by the only way known to him - a cough.

Moist cough

The reason that there is a nocturnal wet cough in a child is the slowdown of all processes in the human body at night. Blood circulation in the lungs is not very active, as is the absorption of mucus in the nasopharynx. Due to the horizontal position of the body, its normal isolation is impossible.

Caution! False groats

The main distinguishing sign of false croup is its suddenness. During the day, nothing bodes ill, the child seems to be merry and healthy. But in the middle of the night there is an attack of acute dry cough.

The danger of this disease is precisely the suddenness, such a condition can lead to a fit of suffocation. The child may be frightened because he is not able to breathe deeper. His breathing quickens and can reach 60 times a minute. The cough gradually intensifies and becomes more rough, the child's face turns red, and the lips and nails become bluish.

In order not to aggravate the situation, try to reassure the child. Because panic can make breathing more difficult and cause new spasms. Try to explain to the kid that while you are around, nothing bad can happen to him.

To remove an attack of false croup, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room and contribute to the removal of spasm. In addition, you can take the following measures to eliminate cough:

  1. Give the child a warm drink. It can be a warm tea with honey and milk with soda. This is necessary in order to warm the larynx and relieve spasm.
  2. You can also do inhalation to clean the upper respiratory tract. Excellent procedure with soda. To do this, you need to dilute in a saucepan solution in the proportion: (one teaspoon of soda for one glass of boiling water).
  3. For the outflow of blood from the larynx to the extremities it is recommended to make hot baths for hands and feet. This will help to relieve the spasm a little.
  4. We welcome the use of funds that remove puffiness. However in this case also it is not necessary to be engaged in a selftreatment. Take only those drugs that your doctor prescribed. Otherwise, instead of helping the child, you can only do him harm.
  5. Do your best to humidify the air indoors.

At the first alarming symptoms, parents need to show the child to the doctor, since a false cereal is not a pathology by itself. This is, rather, a symptom of various viral or allergic diseases.

Caution! Bronchial asthma

In the event that the treatment that was prescribed by the doctor does not help to the proper degree and the nighttime paroxysmal cough in the child does not go away, it can be considered a symptom of bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the allergic nature, in which compression of the bronchi and the appearance of edema of the upper respiratory tract are observed. This pathology leads to difficulty breathing and other concomitant complications. Asthmatic children are more likely than others to have infectious diseases.

In addition, as a result of increased edema in these children, hypoxia is observed - a lack of oxygen in the body. This, in turn, adversely affects the operation of all systems and organs.

The danger of bronchial asthma is that you need to treat it before the first symptoms appear. When the patency of the bronchi decreases by less than 20%, it is impossible to detect any measurements. Only if the patency falls - there is a deterioration in well-being. Including begins and night cough in a child, whose treatment is better to begin immediately.

Treatment of cough

Trying to cure a cough without proper medical examination, you risk harming your own child, because incorrectly selected methods and drugs will not be effective enough. It is also very important to correctly diagnose a disease from which it actually needs to be treated. Do not forget that the causes of a child's night cough are upper respiratory tract diseases.

It should be noted that the best cure for cough is its prevention. Regular outdoor outdoor games, exercise, proper nutrition and lack of allergens in the reach of the child are the main precautions.

Among the most common allergens are: dust, chemicals, some food, as well as animal fur or bird fluff from pillows.

Helpful Tips

Before you cram a child with various cough syrups or apply folk methods, remember if there is anything new in the child's environment. Perhaps a night cough in children can be a reaction to a new washing powder, clothes or objects that have recently appeared in the nursery.

Make sure that the air in the room is warm enough and damp. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to constantly ventilate the room, now there is a huge amount of air humidifiers on sale. They are good for children who suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Because such guys need special conditions. And humidifiers can set a regime that will be optimal for your child.

Help the baby to develop the chest. It is not necessary to wrap it in quilted blankets and not to let on the street just because it has asthma. On the contrary, provide him with access to fresh air and active sports. The only way you can help him cope with this ailment. Many of the Olympic champions were asthmatics, but this did not stop them from achieving such great success in sports.

Remember, a night cough in children is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. It is necessary to treat the root cause of disease, only then you can achieve a positive result and save from exhausting night attacks, which not only disturb sleep, but also negatively affect the overall state of health.

The child has a frequent cough

Fight for the health of your child needs tirelessly. But, what if all means in the fight against viruses and microbes are tried, and there is absolutely no improvement in the state? Does the child have a frequent cough and other symptoms? In this case, the problem of well-being needs to be approached very responsibly. Turning to a pediatrician you can get good advice. But, even with prescribed medication and physiotherapy treatment, improvements may not occur. In this case, it is necessary to identify the root causes of this condition and try to do everything possible to restore the health of the baby in noma.

Frequent coughing in the child: causes

Cough can not appear from scratch. And this means that for its appearance there are good reasons. A frequent cough for the child causes is very diverse. Therefore, in order to understand the methods and correct approaches to its treatment, it is worthwhile to consider all the prerequisites and conditions preceding such behavior of the child's organism.

Often a frequent cough for a child causes the following:

  • Viruses that actively multiply in the body and depress the immunity of the baby. Moreover, along with the improvement in the condition and the decrease in cough reflexes, there can be an aggravation of the situation. The child exhibits frequent and active seizures, which are almost impossible to stop. In addition to the usual catarrhal and viral diseases, the root cause of this condition can be measles, sore throat, or even whooping cough. In this case, a frequent cough in the child's cause is very significant and to get rid of them you need to come up with a special responsibility.

  • Bacterial infections affecting the respiratory tract. Along with a frequent cough there is a copious rhinitis.

  • Allergic reactions to various irritants. In this case, the reason is very trivial and if you exclude allergens from the child's habitat, the frequent coughing stops quite quickly.

  • Foreign objects. The curiosity of children is boundless and sometimes without noticing that the baby has put a ball, nut, beans, toys and many other things into the throat, we can observe a frequent cough. In this case: until you remove a foreign object from the larynx, the attacks will not stop. If you consider that this kind of pampering can lead to more serious consequences, then it is necessary to relieve the baby's condition as soon as possible.

A frequent cough in the child's cause is rather trivial. But, if it does not stop for two weeks, then most likely it has already acquired a chronic character.

Frequent dry cough in the baby

Ignoring the frequent dry cough in the child, you can skip the beginning allergies, whooping cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, fibrosis, false cereal, pneumonia and many other diseases. At first glance, it seems that these coughs do not have anything bad under them, the child just choked with air, or he has a slight malaise. With special care must be taken to the health of the baby, if against a background of frequent dry cough is observed:

  • increase in temperature, even up to 37 degrees;
  • chills;
  • headaches, trouble breathing;
  • coryza;
  • arrhythmia;
  • changes in color of the dermis.

The insidiousness of this state of the body is that the bacterial and viral infections are in an inactive state. This leads to an implicit symptom of the disease. In this case, an active inflammation of the upper respiratory tract occurs. He is prone to both nose, pharynx, and oral cavity. Without visiting a pediatrician, you can not do.

Another important point in the diagnosis is the time stretches, in which there is a frequent dry cough in the child. Night attacks of cough can testify to whooping cough, actively progressing sinusitis, the initial stage of bronchial asthma or heart failure. With day coughing attacks, it is possible to suggest the development of a baby: pathological changes in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough and gastro-food reflux, influenza and SARS.

What kind of disease the child is not exposed to, it should be treated with utmost care. Proper and competent treatment at the beginning of the disease will protect the baby from aggravation of the condition and its degeneration into a chronic form.

Frequent dry cough in a child, than to treat?

If today it is not possible to consult a pediatrician or call an ambulance at home, you need to know: "A frequent dry cough in a child, than treated?". First of all, it is worth making it productive. The ideal option and almost completely safe, is the strengthening of the drinking regime. Warm herbal tea with the addition of honey and raspberry jam, naturally a classic. Nevertheless, it is this that can make the cough productive and facilitate the excretion of phlegm. In this case, the pain that occurs with prolonged attacks, the baby will retreat. In order not to harm, you need to start with this. Concerning drug treatment it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Perhaps, due to the attendant symptoms, some medications will not only not work, but will have the opposite effect.

Depending on the condition of the child, the doctor can prescribe drugs of three groups:

  • antitussive drugs, reducing the activity of cough cents and reducing the number of coughing attacks;

  • mucolytics, due to the enzymes contained in them contribute to the dilution of sputum and facilitate its removal from the nasopharynx;

  • expectorant drugs, make sputum less viscous and contribute to its rapid separation from the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree.

Frequent dry cough, rather than treat should appoint a specialist. Self-administration of drugs does not always lead to positive consequences.

Frequent cough in a child without fever

Extreme care should be taken if a frequent cough in a child without fever is observed for several days. This is a clear sign of a progressive disease. It is likely that the prerequisites for the development of this state were:

  • allergic reactions to dust, tobacco, pet hair, chemical preparations;
  • tracheitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia,
  • tuberculosis.

A frequent cough in a child without fever can indicate many exacerbating diseases. A complete examination of the baby's condition is necessary. Disease in its infancy is much easier to cure than to deal with further complications.

Frequent wet cough in a child

With a certain relief, you can breathe out when a frequent wet cough in a child becomes less strong. In this case, the body has already begun to clear the bronchial tree of mucus and to alleviate the condition of the baby. But, it's not worth to relax at this stage. The disease is not yet defeated. The essence of proper treatment lies in its complete completion. And the mistake of most parents is to reduce the course of treatment to a minimum. As soon as the baby becomes lighter, they immediately stop taking medication and the only thing that helps the weakened body of the child: physiotherapy procedures. As a result of such negligence, the disease is not treated and returns very quickly. Frequent wet coughing in a child is not bad, but it is necessary to make sure that all the products of the disintegration of microbes and viruses are fully eliminated from the body. And this process takes 1-2 weeks and needs to be completed.

Frequent barking cough in a child

Very serious fear can cause a frequent barking cough in the child. He not only exhausts the baby, but also causes a lot of suffering. In most cases, its primary cause is laryngitis. Inflammation of the larynx should be treated under the supervision of a specialist and procedures should be carried out as quickly as possible so that the baby's condition does not worsen. Additional symptoms that accompany laryngitis can be called:

  • severe hoarseness;
  • loss of voice;
  • constant sensation of throat overdrying;
  • sore throat.

Frequent barking cough in a child should be properly treated and then he will not leave behind any unfavorable consequences.

Very frequent coughing in a child

If there is a very frequent coughing in the child, then the person may have other symptoms of whooping cough. In this case, it has a paroxysmal character. A characteristic feature of this disease is that it can torment the baby for almost half a year. As soon as the first bouts of coughing are present, it is worth immediately contacting the pediatrician. With a comprehensive approach, the disease is cured in 2-3 weeks.

Severe frequent coughing in the baby

With special care should be taken to situations where there is a strong frequent coughing in the child. Prolonged seizures can become prerequisites for tuberculosis. Atrophic inflammatory process, taking place directly in the bronchi leads to very negative consequences. Sputum is accompanied by small clots of blood.

If a strong cough is only a consequence of ARVI, then additional symptoms will be a sore throat. For developing pneumonia, chest pain is common.

The child often coughs do not appear unreasonably. To eliminate it you need to do everything possible. Without the help of a qualified doctor who is able to deliver the correct diagnosis in a timely manner, this can not be avoided.

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