What liquefies phlegm upon coughing

Sputum diffusion

Sputum is a secretion from the respiratory tract in case of a disease. It is made during a cough, and its appearance and amount can determine the nature of the disease.

Sputum is tested in a laboratory. A large number of it indicates the appearance of suppuration in the bronchi, abscess or gangrene. With bronchitis, its number is not very large.

Sputum is mostly odorless. She gets the smell of rot with gangrene of the lungs. Slime is usually odorless whitish and transparent. Its small morning discharge indicates the smoker's bronchitis, after asthma attacks - about bronchial asthma. A liquid and foamy secret is secreted with swelling of the lungs. With tuberculosis, it is a greenish shade with veins of pus. Sputum with a putrid smell indicates lung edema. Blood in the discharge can be for tuberculosis, gangrene or cancer.

To properly treat an infectious disease, you need to know exactly about the presence of certain bacteria. For this, a bacteriological study is carried out. Sputum should be given to pregnant women, if they live in the areas where they live, tuberculosis is common. Often it must be taken for three days in a row, so it is necessary for the health of the baby.

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Cough sputum diffusion

To ensure that thick sputum liquefied, you need to ensure the humidity of the room, where the sick person is. Use humidifiers for this. You can hang wet diapers on the battery. Drink as many warm and alkaline drinks as possible. Good help herbal infusions.

Dilution and excretion of phlegm

Purification of the bronchi and excretion of sputum is promoted by special exercises - postural drainage.

1. Lie without a pillow on the bed. Slowly rotate the body forty-five degrees around the axis. In doing so, take a deep breath and exhale. Spewing mucus should be spit. Repeat the exercise six times.

2. Get down on your knees and lean forward six times in a row. Then rest a minute and repeat again. You need to do the exercise six times a day.

3. Lie on the edge of the bed without a pillow. Turn on your side and maximally merge the upper body. Repeat four times. Then also on the other side. During the day, do six exercises.

4. Lie down on the bed without a pillow. Under your feet, put a roller in the height of thirty centimeters. Lie down for thirty minutes. Then rest for fifteen minutes and repeat the exercise.

Means for liquefaction of sputum

Expectorants are a group of medicines that reduce the viscosity of phlegm and remove it from bronchioles and bronchi. Means for liquefying sputum are divided into two main groups: expectorants of reflex action and direct action.

The first group is extracts and herbs that accelerate the secretion of the secretion from the respiratory system. The mechanism of action is based on irritation of the gastric mucosa and strengthening the work of the bronchi. The amount of sputum becomes large, it becomes fluid and fluid.

Means of direct action in the production of sputum act directly on the bronchi themselves. These funds are divided into two subgroups, one of which refers to drugs acting on the bronchi, and the other - on the dilution of phlegm.

Preparations for liquefaction of sputum

Preparations that dilute sputum (mucolytics), act due to the splitting of its constituent polymers. The most well-known medicines of this group are: Bromhexine, ATSTS and Lazolvan. When they get into the sputum, these drugs destroy the nucleic acids, proteins and polymers that make it viscous. Some drugs stimulate the work of the bronchi and help to remove the surfactant, the substance that lining the inner surface of the alveoli, and they do not stick together.

Currently, drugs for liquefying sputum are indispensable in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, wet cough, bronchial asthma.

Syrup for sputum liquefaction

The most effective way of liquefying phlegm is cough syrup. The composition of many of them includes substances for simultaneous suppression of cough and for expectoration. They also contain painkillers, antihistamines and decongestants. Such combination syrups help to relieve the condition if you have several symptoms of a cold-related illness: nasal congestion, headaches and coughing.

Dissemination of sputum folk remedies

To dilute sputum in folk medicine, there are many different recipes. The most famous herbal decoctions are licorice root, thermopsis, plantain, oregano, thyme, althea root.

Take one of the herbs in the amount of two and a half tablespoons and pour a liter of warm water and insist for two hours. Drink one glass three times a day in between meals.

Onions and garlic are natural antibiotics with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. Take the onion with honey. To do this, chop the onion and add a tablespoon of honey. Take a teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Grind three garlic cloves and pour a glass of milk. Bring to a boil and drink after eating one third of a glass three times a day.

Inhalations for liquefaction of sputum

Inhalation is one of the effective ways to combat cough and sputum. They are an effective expectorant for removing it from the lungs.

In two and a half liters of water, add a tablespoon of soda, twenty drops of iodine and ten drops of eucalyptus oil. Breathe over healing couples.

Take one teaspoon of sage, eucalyptus, linden flowers, nettle and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for ten minutes, and then inhale the broth for fifteen minutes.

If a cough with more sputum, which is difficult to go away, you can do the procedure in a different way.

Pour three tablespoons of soda with a glass of boiling water. Breathe a solution for ten minutes.

A glass of eucalyptus leaves and a three-percent solution of honey insist for an hour, add equal parts of raspberry leaves, lime-colored and coltsfoot and persist for an hour. Take inhalation three times a day.

There are also cold inhalations. Cut the finely garlic and onions and put them in a room on saucers. They emit air-decontaminating essential oils and phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on bronchial mucosa and nasopharynx.

For cold inhalation, grate the radish and put in a jar. Every day, breathe several times, while holding your breath a little.

For proper administration of inhalations, observe certain rules:

1. Clothes should be spacious and not restrict breathing.

2. The procedure should be conducted no earlier than an hour and a half after meals.

3. After the exercise, lie down about forty, without straining your throat.


Thinning phlegm and expectorant at home

Since ancient times people have treated cough with folk remedies prepared from collections of various herbs. Some recipes have survived to this day and provide irreplaceable help in the treatment. Therefore, in this article, we will figure out how to prepare an effective expectorant at home.

During cold or infectious diseases, there is a problem with expectoration and dilution of sputum. Here, and effective sparing phlegm and expectorants come to the rescue. After all, if it is not removed in time, then serious complications caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the sputum are possible.

How to relieve the condition and contribute to the spitting and dilution of phlegm at home?

It is very important during illness not to exhaust yourself and rest more, because wrong and untimely treatment can lead to even more complex consequences and to a significant decrease in immunity. And this, in turn, will cause frequent occurrence of catarrhal and any other infectious diseases.

Bed rest

At the beginning of the disease, it is necessary, at least for a while, after that you can walk a little in the park or forest. With catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to observe a lactic, herbal-cereal diet, since at the moment the body needs vitamins more than ever.


The next thing to do is to give up smoking. This, perhaps, is the most important thing about what to think about when you catch a cold. Smoking provokes a dry cough and significantly increases the duration of the disease.


First of all, remember that nothing will happen if you do not consume enough fluid. It can be all kinds of compotes, decoctions, teas, juices, etc. Very well proven lime tea, as well as chamomile, mint, raspberry decoctions. To use a liquid is more advisable in a warm form, and even better, that it corresponds to body temperature, so it will be absorbed into the blood more quickly. This is the best therapy for cough.

Humidification of air

This also plays an important role in catarrhal diseases, which contributes to the natural moistening of the mucous nasopharynx. This is one of the most important conditions in the fight against colds and coughs. To date, there are various ways to humidify the air in the room. You can, for example, put a bowl of water next to you, hang wet towels on the batteries or buy a household moisturizer.

These are the three components that are simply indispensable in the fight against any cough.


The following procedures to help relieve coughing are steam inhalations. Each doctor for liquefying phlegm will recommend using this method. For this, you can buy an inhaler in a pharmacy or build it yourself. In this case, any deep container, in which hot water or a decoction of herbs is poured, is suitable. The patient should bend over it, cover themselves with a towel and breathe. It should be remembered that the procedure should be done carefully, do not bend too close to the tank with boiling water, so as not to burn yourself with steam.

Expectorants at home for inhalation

  1. Take the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, rosemary, plantain in the amount of 10 gr. each type. Fill with freshly boiled water (250-300 ml) and insist no more hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  2. Another effective expectorant at home - a mixture of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, mullein scepeter-shaped, elderberry flowers. Take each grass for 15 gr., Place the dry mixture in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist no more hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  3. St. John's wort, eucalyptus, calendula in the amount of 10 gr. each filled with freshly boiled water in the amount of 250-300 ml and infused for not more than an hour. Apply 2 teaspoons of infusion for each inhalation.
  4. Cook potatoes and breathe for 15 minutes over its steam. After that, go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Very good, if someone makes a lime tea with honey. This is a fairly effective expectorant in the home, which was treated by our ancestors.

Essential oils in solution for inhalations

Essential oils can also be used as effective expectorants. They can be added to the inhalation solution. A few drops of any oil are enough. Mint, pine, eucalyptus, rose, sage, fir, lemon, lavender, juniper proved to be very good in this case.

What kind of diluting phlegm and expectorants can be prepared at home?

  1. It is necessary to take leaves of mother-and-stepmother in the amount of 8 tsp, pour, l boiled water and insist about 5 hours. Strain. To consume 150-170 ml for one intake (2-3 times a day).
  2. Suffice it to work well enough as the best expectorant for coughing honey. Take -2 tsp. honey and one small onion. Rub it and mix it with honey. Let's mix the patient in half a tablespoon in one session (2-3 times a day).
  3. For children, it is very good to dilute honey in hot milk. This will not only help ease the cough, but will also calm the nervous system.
  4. Cough syrup is very effective at home, it can also be given to babies. Take 300 gr. rubbed onions, 40 gr. honey and 200 g. Sahara. Pour 700 ml of water into a saucepan and put on a plate. When the water boils, add onions and sugar, cook on low heat for about 2 hours. Then place honey there and stir well. Cool and give the patient for 8-9 hours. l. three times a day.
  5. A few days, follow this course. The root of licorice, elecampane, marshmallow, cyanosis (you can use the herbs in turn) are taken half a teaspoon and filled with freshly boiled water (250 ml). Insist no more than 20 minutes. Drink 60-70 ml 3-4 times a day. This remedy will allow the phlegm to retreat after a few days.
  6. The best cough suppressant that helped a large number of people - the juice of black radish. Take a small radish, wash it and peel it. Then chop the root and squeeze the juice through the gauze, mix it in equal quantities with honey. Adults take 4 teaspoons a couple of minutes before meals, children - one dessert spoon. It should be remembered that with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, use this medication after eating.
  7. This plant will help both with dry, and with a damp cough. For dry - chew the aloe leaf, for wet - eat it. Children can grind the leaf and mix it with sugar or honey in equal amounts.
  8. In the category of "expectorant strong remedies the fruit of anise proved to be very successful. Infusions are made from it. For this 1 h. l. pour a glass of boiling water (200-250 ml), then insist half an hour, filter. Take should be 5 glasses 3-4 times a day for a couple of minutes before eating. In medicine, anise oil is often used, which is prescribed for bronchitis in combination with expectorants.
  9. The breast elixir is prepared from licorice root (30 parts), anise oil (part), water (90), alcohol (25), ammonia solution (5). All mixed and applied as a strong expectorant for 20-45 drops. Children should be given an elixir with caution and in extreme cases (1 drop - for one year of life of the child).
  10. Another effective herbal expectorant is a decoction of pine, birch buds, mint, licorice, mother-and-stepmother leaves. Take everything in equal proportions and mix. One tablespoon of the resulting dry mixture pour freshly boiled water in an amount of 200 ml. Strain, take 120-140 ml 3 times a day.
  11. Very good expectorant at home based on bananas. To do this, take a few bananas, 2-3 tablespoons. sugar and one cup of water (150 ml). Water should be put in a saucepan on a plate and dissolve sugar in it. Then add the banana, previously spread in a slurry. Take 4 teaspoons before meals.
  12. Take horseradish and honey in the same proportions. Stir and take one dessert spoon before eating.
  13. Take a few walnuts. Wash them under running water. Shred and send all the contents together with the shell to the jar. Then add 1 tbsp. honey and the same number of elderberry flowers, pour two glasses of freshly boiled water. Cover and let it rest until it cools down. Drink half a cup 3 times a day.

That's all effective expectorants.

Vaccine sputum compresses at home

The most famous and quite effective means for a compress is a leaf of white cabbage and honey. To do this, dip a cabbage leaf into boiling water for a few minutes until it becomes soft. On the chest, without touching the heart area, apply honey, then cover the smeared area with a cabbage leaf. Wrap a food film and on top put on a warm dressing gown or lie down under a warm blanket. Hold the compress for about 4 hours (can be overnight). Repeat the procedure for 5-6 days. This is a very effective method that will help to quickly dilute sputum.

For children, a compress-cake helps. To do this, mix vodka, vegetable oil, mustard, honey, corn flour. Knead the dough. Divide it into two equal parts. Place one - on the chest, the second - on the back through a rag. This compress can be put on all night.

A compress made from vegetable oil is also very effective in severe sputum expectoration. All you need is to warm it up a bit, rub it in the chest area, wrap it around a cloth, better woolen, and put a heating pad on top. A few days of using this tool will already feel a great deal of relief.

All of the above mentioned funds have been used for a long time by our ancestors who did not know about the existence of medications, so folk remedies can be trusted, but not fully. Before applying, be sure to get a doctor's advice, especially when it comes to children.


Expectorants for bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchi requires serious, immediate treatment. Otherwise, bronchitis will begin to progress, which threatens with complications, overflow into the chronic form of the disease. Bronchitis is classified as follows:

  • acute type - inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa, which is characterized by an increase in the volume of secretion, which leads to coughing and the appearance of sputum (sometimes to shortness of breath);
  • chronic form - protracted, chronic (in some cases purulent) illness, which does not depend on lung problems and is expressed by a constant, severe cough;
  • Obstructive disease - very dangerous, clogs the bronchi;
  • bronchitis combines with tracheitis, which results in tracheid form of the disease (bronchopneumonia develops from the tracheobronchitis).

To make life easier and improve your health, you need to know how to cure chronic bronchitis forever, how way to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of an acute illness, what expectorants with acute bronchitis are the most effective. Drugs are prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is not the best solution. The algorithm of action depends on the type of bronchitis and the reasons for which it was provoked.

Antitussive and expectorants for adults

Most patients believe that the effectiveness of antitussive medicine is due to its cost: the more expensive, the better. This is fundamentally wrong reasoning. The price of the expectorant in bronchitis absolutely does not affect its medicinal effect. Often the cost of syrups, tablets, powders against inflammation of the bronchi depends on the manufacturer, name, pharmaceutical organization, supplements.

With a dry cough

A strong, sore throat cough is not only a possible symptom of bronchitis. Such a sign is very hard to tolerate physically, disturbs sleep, just knocks out a person from the usual regime of the day. From unpleasant symptoms need to get rid of by means of special means of a reflex character. What to drink with a dry cough? Experts advise to take the following medicines:

  • Glaucin;
  • Butamirat;
  • "Codeine
  • "Tusuprex
  • "Libexin" and the like.

Thinning phlegm

When there is an infectious disease, which includes inflammation of the bronchi, it is often difficult to expectorate, cleansing from accumulating mucus. Such trouble is resolved by using drugs based on various herbs, plants. The pharmacological industry can offer a wide range of forms of preparations: collections, tablets, capsules. Seeing such a variety, it is difficult to choose the best expectorant for cough. We offer a list of the most effective medicines against bronchitis:

  • tablets "Termopsol "Kodelak-Broncho
  • syrup "Gerbion" for getting rid of viscous, abundant sputum;
  • "Tussin" - combined mucolytic, expectorant drug;
  • syrups "Pertusin "Bronchicum" - triple blow to the disease (anesthetic, expectorant, antimicrobial);
  • the tablet drug "Ambroxol" is a mucolytic that helps the mucus to escape;
  • syrup or tablets "Bromhexine".

Expectorants for children

Children and adolescents also often face such an ailment as bronchitis. To treat the disease is necessary at first, until the condition of the child, especially the baby, has not worsened. To prevent a dangerous disease, you need to strengthen the children's immune and respiratory systems, give babies vitamins, monitor the microclimate of housing. If the child has already taken up the inflammatory process, such expectorant effective medications for bronchitis will help:

  • "Mukaltin" - tablets, including marshmallows;
  • Gedelix - syrup or ivy-based drops;
  • "Petrussin" - soft syrup with thyme extract;
  • "Doctor MOM" - known to many means, which includes 11 medicinal herbs;
  • "Alteika" is a medicine in the form of a syrup, which improves the functioning of the bronchi and helps to get rid quickly of sputum.

Folk expectorants for bronchitis

Many are interested in treating bronchitis at home with folk remedies. Not always medicines can stop the development of the disease and then they are replaced by folk remedies for bronchitis. Get rid of dry cough, withdraw phlegm from the inflamed bronchi at home? Easily! Prepare an expectorant at home under the prescription is not difficult. Be careful: the formulations and procedures are applied only after consultation with the doctor.

For children

Than to treat a chronic bronchitis or its acute form at children? When coughing, problems with expectoration are often helped by such folk remedies:

  • decoction of peppermint;
  • syrup from licorice root;
  • broths from oregano or thermopsis;
  • Throat rinsing and inhalation through chemist's chamomile;
  • soda with warm milk and propolis.

For adults

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults is not a myth. Often for the preparation of medicinal products used expectorant herbs from coughing. Recipes for bronchitis:

  • tincture of Ledum, oregano, nettle and birch leaves;
  • drinking collection of oregano, chamomile and coltsfoot;
  • warmed milk with cognac and honey;
  • radish juice with honey;
  • boiled oats with milk;
  • a drug from juice of an age-old, honey, butter.

In pregnancy

Women breastfeeding or in a position often ask the doctor which expectorant tablets (syrups) can be taken. Not only the disease, but illiterately selected drugs for its treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences. General rules:

  1. Bronchitis is best eradicated by folk methods, herbs. Later it is permitted to resort to professional medicine.
  2. If the disease progresses, the doctor may prescribe "Tundal" or "Bronchicum" in the first months of pregnancy.
  3. Preparations "Libexin "Stoptussin "Falimint" are discharged in the second and third trimesters.

Video: how to treat bronchitis

Below you can see a very interesting, useful video on how to treat inflammation of the bronchi. The doctor will tell you which medications you need to use to get rid of an infectious ailment. You can easily specify which rules to adhere to for a speedy recovery. Assess the power of preventive measures. Carefully watch the video and do not be ill!


Maria, 22 years old: I was ill with bronchitis, I turned to a specialist for help. The doctor prescribed to take Ambrobene in the form of syrup. After a few days, almost cough was gone, sputum was steadily getting out. I gave this drug to my child. There are no complaints. I advise.

Andrei, 41 years old: My son took up inflammation of the bronchi. We were appointed "Lazolvan". The boy began to recover very quickly. We saw an obvious positive result after 4 days of treatment.

Jeanne, 25: We were given a drug for expectoration "Bromgexin" after seeing the daughter of a doctor. The syrup was not categorically approached us, after its reception the child began to cough even more. We replaced the syrup with tablets, and the baby went on the mend.


Expectorants for cough for adults, for children

Coughing can disturb adults, children. In modern pharmacology there is a large number of expectorants, with which you can get rid of different types of cough and withdraw phlegm. Each of the drugs has its effect on the body, if you do not control the reception, you may have problems with breathing, central nervous system, heart. Therefore, before consuming expectorant drugs, you should always consult a doctor.

Stimulation of expectoration with medication

This group acts on the epithelium of the respiratory organs, improves the motor activity of bronchioles. So the sputum can move from the lower part of the airway up, then it is withdrawn. With the help of expectorants, you can increase the excretory function of bronchial glands, so sputum will be released in large quantities, while it will not be viscous.

This group of drugs is prescribed for a damp cough, if you need to quickly withdraw phlegm in acute bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammatory process in the respiratory organs. The main components of expectorants are medicinal plants. Pharmacology offers different dosage forms - tablets, syrups, preparations on the basis of which broths and infusions are prepared, suspensions are especially popular.

Among adults and children, such expectorants are popular:

1. Medicine for cough, Tablets for cough, these products include a plant - thermopsys lanceolate.

2. Altemix, Alteika, Syrup from the root of the althea, this means includes the root of the althaea. Also, it is included in such a well-known drug as Mucaltin, you need to be very careful with it, often an overdose can cause nausea and severe vomiting. Especially dangerous is to give in large numbers to his children. The root of the marshmallow is included in various herbal breasts, perfectly combined with sage, licorice, pine buds, fruits of anise. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to brew a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, to insist for 30 minutes. Eat 100 ml after eating.

3. One of the best plant components is the licorice root. It is available in the form of powder, syrup or solution - "Thoracic Elixir it also includes anise oil, ammonia. Licorice can be found in the breast collection, except for it in its composition, the mother-and-stepmother, plantain.

4. As an expectorant is recommended to use anise in the form of drops, oils. Anis enters the breastfeed to prepare an infusion from him, you need to brew a tablespoon of a vegetable in a glass of boiling water. Drink three times a day for 100 ml. The best expectorant is "Bronchicum it is sold in the form of tea, in its composition contains fruits and butter.

5. Plantain is included in many expectorants, most often it is credited as a syrup Dr. Thyss, Herbion. To make this, you need to make a tablespoon of the plant in 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes.

6. The composition of many expectorants includes ivy, thyme. You can buy in a pharmacy in a packetized form, also in the form of drops Bronchiptret - drink three times a day 50 drops per adult. It is a part of syrup Prospan, Pertussin, Gedelix, Bronchostop.

7. The granules of Tussin, Gwaifenesin contain waste, cyanosis, elecampane, and oregano. Drink three times a day for an adult not more than 200 mg.

8. Combined effective expectorant is Dr. Mom, it includes aloe, ginger, elecampane, licorice, basil, turmeric. It can be drunk in the form of syrup, tablets, lozenges.

9. Syrup Pectoral in its composition has plantain, Senegu, thyme. The same plant components are included in the Stopptissin syrup.

10. Eucabal from cough has proved to be well, it includes oil of needles, eucalyptus, also thyme, plantain.

11. Adults recommend to use for expectoration Pectolvan, it has a rich composition, it contains soap, thyme, hyssop, root elecampane, cetrarium.

Preparations for liquefying sputum for adults and children

With the help of these drugs you can get rid of dry cough, they are often combined with expectorants. The main components that make up mucolytics are:

1. Acetylcysteine ​​with the help of it can quickly dilute and bring out sputum, is the best stimulant for expectoration, stops the inflammatory process. It is a part of such mucolytic agents as ATSTS, Atsistein, Kofatsin, Fluimitsil.

2. Carbocysteine ​​has the same effect as the previous component. He comes in such preparations as Fljuditik, Mukosol - they are all in the form of syrup, you can use it for children.

3. Bromhexine - stimulates the lungs. The drug is administered orally in the form of a syrup or tablets. Especially effective are drops, in addition to the main drug component, they contain anise, fennel.

4. Ambroxol has the same effect as the previous component, except that it dilutes sputum, fixes the work of the bronchi. It is part of Lazolvan, Flavameda, Ambrobene.

Combined expectorants

It is recommended to use syrup, teas, Milistan drops. An effective remedy is Bronchosan, besides the main component of bromhexine, the preparation contains anise, fennel, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus.

Often, doctors prescribe drugs that depress cough, with the help of which they can withdraw phlegm, advise them to take with laryngitis, chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. With oncology, analgesics are prescribed that depress the respiratory center.

So, expectorants can help cough. Independently you can not use these drugs, especially for children, they have a large number of side effects. Before use, you should carefully read all contraindications. Some drugs can cause a serious allergic reaction, so you need to take into account individual tolerance to different components.


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