How to quickly cure conjunctivitis

If the eyes are red, there are rez and discharge, it means that you are confronted with conjunctivitis.Of course, the reddening of the eyes does not characterize exclusively conjunctivitis, but, as a rule, refers to the most important symptoms. This disease not only spoils the appearance of a person, but also brings a lot of unpleasant sensations.To recover faster, you need to know how the conjunctivitis is transmitted, manifested and diagnosed. You will learn more about this and more.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Under conjunctivitis is meant inflammation of the mucous eye, which is called conjunctiva. Irritation leads to vasodilation, so the eyes turn red. The causes of its development can be various allergic reactions, infections of a viral or bacterial nature.

Species of conjunctivitis:

Virtually all types begin with reddening of the conjunctiva.
  • Adenoviral.It is caused by adenovirus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. Adenoviral conjunctivitis is common in children and is of a massive nature.
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  • Acute.The development of acute conjunctivitis is caused by coccal bacteria. They can be infected through dirty hands or contact with bacteria. The risk of acute conjunctivitis increases with myopia, astigmatism, eye injuries, infectious diseases and so on.
  • Allergic.The appearance of such conjunctivitis is provoked by some allergen. With allergic conjunctivitis, redness and swelling, itching, copious discharge of tears and a fear of light are observed. Allergic conjunctivitis in a child is a fairly common disease.
  • Conjunctivitis of Koha-Weeks.This conjunctivitis is also called acute epidemic. It is characteristic mainly for children and is manifested in the hot summer season. Infecting with acute epidemic conjunctivitis can be through unwashed hands and contaminated things.
  • Blennoreiyny.Conjunctivitis vaginal bleeding is caused by gonococcus. It manifests itself in newborn children, as they become infected with it from a sick mother with gonorrhea.
  • Chronic.Chronic conjunctivitis is caused by prolonged irritation of the mucous eye with dust, chemicals. It can develop in people with poor metabolism, with weakened immunity, with chronic diseases and ametropia.

If conjunctivitis is caused by an infection, then it must be treated under the supervision of a doctor.


The reasons for the development of conjunctivitis may be several.

  1. It can be caused by various bacterial (staphylococcus, streptococcus) and viral (angina, cold, measles and other) infections.In most cases, viral conjunctivitis can disappear itself. For bacterial conjunctivitis yellow discharge is characteristic.
  2. The use of eye drops to relieve eye irritation without a doctor's prescription is also the cause of conjunctivitis.Often the composition of drops includes components aimed at eliminating edema. They can cause an allergic reaction, which in turn provokes the development of conjunctivitis. If the disease is caused by drops that reduce irritation, you should change them to saline drops.
  3. Various allergies can trigger the development of conjunctivitis.If this disease manifests itself quite often, then you should pay attention to nutrition. Usually allergies are to certain foods. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet.
  4. Contact lenses are also the cause of infectious conjunctivitis.If you wear the lens too long or do not clean it properly, you can get eye irritation. Therefore, when using contact lenses, hygiene must be observed.

The solution for lenses sometimes includes thiomersal, which in some people causes allergies, so to avoid the development of conjunctivitis, you should carefully study the composition of the drug.

In addition to these main causes, conjunctivitis can:

  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin A.Its deficiency reduces the susceptibility of the body to infectious diseases.
  • Measles and other diseases.
  • Diseases transmitted sexually.
  • Foreign objects falling into the eyes.
  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Injuries of the eyes.


The main symptoms of conjunctivitis in adults:

  1. Redness;
  2. Burning and itching;
  3. Photophobia;
  4. Dryness, a feeling of sand in the eyes;
  5. Swelling of the eyelids;
  6. Excessive moisturizing of the eyes;
  7. Sticky discharge (sometimes).

Let us consider some types of conjunctivitis and the symptoms of their manifestations:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis can be identified by symptoms such as itching and irritation of the eyes.Not always, but there may be pain and swelling. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis also manifests itself by itching and irritation.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is accompanied by abundant lacrimation, itching.The disease first appears on one eye, but then can move to another. Adenoviral conjunctivitis is often accompanied by temperature and increased lymph nodes. In this case, the eyelids spasmodic, from the eyes come out insignificant discharge without pus. Sometimes diapers or follicles may appear.
  • The main symptom of bacterial conjunctivitis is the secretion of opaque thick pus, which coalesces the eyelids.Sometimes there is no secretion, but a sensation of getting into the eye of the garbage appears.

Another symptom characteristic of bacterial conjunctivitis is dry eyes and eyelids.

  • With acute conjunctivitis, pus and mucus are released from the eyes, the patient complains of rubbers.
  • Blinocereal conjunctivitis is accompanied by serous-bloody discharge, which in a few days turns into pus.It happens that there are ulcers and infiltrates.
  • Acute epidemic conjunctivitis of Koha-Weeks is characterized by the appearance of small hemorrhages, edema near the eye gap.
  • If the conjunctivitis is chronic, then its main symptoms are burning, itching, sand, the eyes very quickly become tired.


To understand why the conjunctivitis has developed, the doctor needs to know such information as contact with the allergen, dependence on sunlight, the features of the course of the disease.

The most revealing are bacterioscopic and bacteriological studies. To do this, you need to take a smear of the detachable and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Also, a cytological examination of scrapings taken from the conjunctiva is performed.


Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with antibiotics, which are released as eye drops.If there are many discharges, then the conjunctival sac should be washed with a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate.A good effect is given by oletetrin ointment, which is placed in the conjunctival sac up to three times a day.

Viral conjunctivitis is treated with leukocyte interferons or interferonogens, for example pyrogenal. They are poured into a conjunctival sac six to eight times a day. You can use such ointments as florenal, bonaflone ​​and others. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis in a child is carried out by antiviral drugs.

Fungal conjunctivitis is treated with a drug whose action is directed against a particular fungus-pathogen.

If conjunctivitis is caused by chlamydia, then antiviral drugs and drugs and tetracycline antibiotics are prescribed.With the help of hormonal drugs, such as, for example, hydrocortisone, and anti-allergic drugs, such as suprastin, you can treat allergic conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis of both eyes


Consider what complications are the main types of conjunctivitis:

  • Infectious conjunctivitis gives complications, which are especially common in premature infants.As a result of infectious conjunctivitis, meningitis (infection of the brain envelopes), otitis media (ear infections), sepsis (blood infection) can develop.
  • Neonatal conjunctivitis occurs in newborns.Its complications can lead to the development of severe eye infections or pneumonia.

In this case, treatment is necessary, otherwise the child will always have vision problems that can not be corrected.

  • Allergic conjunctivitis is rarely accompanied by any complications.


It should be remembered that conjunctivitis is a very contagious disease.Therefore, one should not use other people's hygiene items and things (towels, pillows and so on). If conjunctivitis manifests itself often, then it is necessary to address the strengthening of immunity.Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.You can touch your eyes only with clean hands.

In the presence of herpes, you need to consult a doctor and be examined, since there is a possibility of the virus crossing the eyes.

Cosmetics that were used during infection with conjunctivitis should not be used after, as it is possible to infect another eye.It is recommended to wash the eyes with berberine - this is a natural antibacterial substance that effectively fights streptococci.


Rigid lenses for vision correction - in which cases the ophthalmologist can prescribe this kind of optics.

What does "contact lenses for 3 months" mean in this article.

The most diverse ophthalmic ointments from inflammation:




Conjunctivitis is a fairly common disease, but it requires compulsory treatment. It should be remembered that each kind of conjunctivitis manifests itself in different ways.Treatment of conjunctivitis in adults depends on the type of disease, so you need to diagnose and determine what caused the development of the inflammatory process.In order not to fear the appearance of conjunctivitis, simple preventive measures should be followed, and then the eyes will always be healthy.At the first symptoms of conjunctivitis, whether it is a viral or bacterial type of disease, it is first necessary to consult a doctor.