Central venous thrombosis of the retina: description and treatment of the problem

Central veins, as well as retinal vessels play a huge role in the circulation of the organs of vision and human health. Any pathologies and lesions of the system can cause serious problems until the complete loss of vision and the appearance of relapses. Therefore, it is especially important to know what threatens the person for central vein thrombosis and how to get rid of this disease.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Venous vein thrombosis is a violation of blood circulation in the system of the vessels of the eyes and their branches.Most often occur in the elderly and have causes that are not related to the organs of vision.

The disease has several stages of development:

  1. Pretreblosis.The origin of the problem is accompanied by the widening of veins, a change in their shape and quality of patency. Often the patient at this stage feels a periodic "clouding".
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  3. Initial thrombosis.Visible symptoms become more noticeable, on a regular basis, small hemorrhages appear. The patient may experience visual impairment, the appearance of fog and optical effects.
  4. Retinopathy.At this stage, there is often an abnormal growth of the vessels, swelling, deterioration and loss of vision due to blockage of blood vessels and veins.

In addition, there are two types of thrombosis:

  1. Ischemic.With this form, blood circulation is severely impaired, constant swelling and hemorrhage are observed.
  2. Non-ischemic.The retina is almost not affected, the quality of vision is often not changed.

The disease after treatment can give relapses, repeating each stage anew.


Very often, the causes of thrombosis are diseases that are not related to the organs of vision.Among the most common reasons:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infectious diseases of various types;
  • Increased pressure inside the eyes;
  • Edema of the nerve of the visual organs;
  • Tumors.

In the risk group, as a rule, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who suffer from excess weight, diseases of the heart and pathologies of the endocrine system.


The appearance of symptoms of the disease depends on the stage.At first, there are practically no signs of its development, at later stages the disease proceeds accompanied by small hemorrhages and edema.Gradually deteriorates the quality and visual acuity. There may be white spots and "blind spots".

Possible complications

People with thrombosis of the central veins of the retina, without timely diagnosis and treatment, risk losing vision without the possibility of restoring it.With incorrect and insufficient treatment, as well as in the absence of control after medical intervention, the pathology can recur.The constant supervision of the attending physician is especially important for people at risk. In addition, there may be new problems: glaucoma, systematic bleeding, nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy.


At home, getting rid of the problem at any stage is almost impossible.Therefore, observation and an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Diagnosis is performed using the following methods:

  • Initial comprehensive examination;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Visometry;
  • Perimetry;
  • Tomography.

It is also necessary to check blood pressure and study the medical history for the cause. After a comprehensive examination, treatment is prescribed.


The most important drugs for the treatment of central venous thrombosis of the retina are the drugs that support and dissolve blood clots.Most often appointed:

  • Fibrinolytic.Restore the integrity of the vessels.
  • Hormonal preparations.
  • Means that lower blood pressure.
  • Angioprotectors.
  • Vitamin Complexes.
  • Antiaggregants.Reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Spasmolytics.

Also, drugs that relieve swelling and inflammation, vasoconstrictive agents may be prescribed.

The use of folk recipes for the treatment of a disease can be dangerous for vision and life. An additional therapeutic factor is best to include the improvement of quality of life and nutrition, as well as feasible physical activity.


One of the most effective methods of treating thrombosis is laser coagulation.Using a laser, blood vessels coagulate and blood clots dissolve. As a rule, the technique is used after medication.

Laser Coagulation Procedure


The basis for the prevention of the appearance of thrombi is the treatment of diseases that can give rise to them.It is also recommended to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as monitor the state of blood pressure. Besides,it is important to conduct a routine examination with doctors of different directions, including an ophthalmologist.


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Keratoconjunctivitis: the symptoms and treatment of the disease are presented here.

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The appearance and development of thrombosis of the central veins and vessels of the retina can cause a lot of trouble and reduce the ability to see well. The likelihood of a repetition of the problem further complicates the task and makes it necessary to have constant medical control over the state of health. However, in the conduct of a healthy lifestyle and proper treatment, the disease is no longer repeated. And its prevention will help to keep the organs of vision healthy until the end of life.

Also read about what a congestive optic nerve disk and temporal arteritis are.

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