Koloboma and heterochromia: are these eye disorders dangerous?

The eye is a unique organ by which we can see the beauty of the world around us. Eye pathologies always require close attention, even if they do not carry a serious danger and are more associated with cosmetic imperfections.In this article, we will consider such violations as coloboma and eye heterochromia. What is the essence of these conditions and should they be treated?


  • 1Definition of diseases
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Treatment
    • 4.1Treatment of Colonies
    • 4.2Diagnosis and treatment of heterochromia
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of diseases

The medical concept of "columboma of the iris of the eye" was introduced in the beginning of the XIX century to describe the defect of the eye, characterized by a lack of part of the shell. This form of violation is the most common. Most often the sector of the iris is absent in the lower part of the eye. This phenomenon is not only a cosmetic defect, but also entails some changes in the functioning of the organ of vision.

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Coliboma of the iris of the eyemost often is congenital and is formed on the first weeks of embryo development. In this case, the infant, as a rule, there are other features of intrauterine development, for example, cleft lip or cleft palate. Congenital pathology rarely leads to serious consequences, but pay attention to it is still worth it.


This disease can also be acquired. The severity of the course and the methods of treatment depend on the cause of its appearance.

Heterochromia(in trans. with the Greek. Heteros - different or different; chroma - color, color) is a condition for which anomalous pigmentation of the iris is characteristic. For example, a person's eyes can be of different colors.

Heterochromia is inherently inherited genetically and can pass from generation to generation, manifest much later (this phenomenon occurs in about 10 people out of 1000).


Do not be afraid of heterochromia, because this anomaly does not affect human health. In the presence of heterochromism, a person continues to see and perceive colors absolutely normal, like all ordinary people.

Heterochromia is a unique phenomenon, manifested by a mutation of cells immediately after fertilization.

However, the color of the eyes may change as a result of injury to the organ of vision or as a complication after the transferred disease. In this case, this phenomenon should be paid special attention and must be treated.Most often, heterochromia occurs in women, less often in men.

Heterochromia is a fairly rare occurrence in humans, and this anomaly is very often observed in the animal kingdom (for example, in cats and dogs).


Kolobomathe iris of the eye is more often congenital. Pathology occurs at the stage of completion of the embryonic period of development of the baby due to improper closure of the embryonic cleft. But it is not yet possible to establish the cause of this violation.Some experts believe that coloboma is a hereditary phenomenon, as the parents' examination reveals also small defects of the iris.However, this pattern is not always observed.

In cases with acquired pathology, there are 2 ways of its occurrence:

  • Trauma of the eyeball, as a result of which part of the iris tissue dies;
  • Complication of postoperative treatment of glaucoma.

Whatever the coloboma is caused, it is rarely associated with other pathology of the organs of vision.

Heterochromiathe eye can be hereditary and acquired. According to the degree of coloring of the iris, several types are distinguished:

  • Complete heterochromy, in which both eyes are endowed with their own color. In this case, most often there are people who have one eye painted in brown color, and the other - in blue.
  • Sectoral:the color of the iris of one eye is presented immediately in several different shades;
  • Central:the iris has several full-colored rings.

In medical practice, there were also forms of heterochromia arising from iris damage, such as:

  • Simple:abnormal staining of the eye membrane with congenital weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve;
  • Complicated, which is characterized by the defeat of one of the eyes, expressed by a change in the color of the iris;
  • Heterochromia resulting from metallosis; can develop due to the entry into the eye of metal fragments.


Symptomatic Colobox depends on the damage to the part of the eye on which it originated. Main features:

  • Blinding (not to be confused with blindness). The patient retains sight, but the ability of the eye to regulate the amount of incoming light is impaired.
  • Ifcoloboma acquired, the eye is not able to contract because of the lesion of the pupillary sphincter.
  • Coliboma of the ciliary bodyis a violation of accommodation. Thus the person complains of difficulties in recognition of closely located objects.
  • Coliboma of the choroidcharacterized by the presence of a damaged area with no vascular membrane, which disrupts the nutrition of the retina. This area of ​​the retina does not participate in the perception of the image, therefore in the field of view of the affected part of the retina there is an scotoma.
  • Coloboma of the lensis manifested by the appearance of regions with different refractive indices in the sector where the lens part is missing. At the same time, the refraction of the rays is violated, which is similar in mechanism to astigmatism.
  • Whencoloboma of the eyelidsvision is not broken. But with its large size, it is possible to malfunction the cornea with teary fluid. In addition, in this case, the eye defect is very noticeable.

The symptom of the congenital form of heterochromia is the difference in the shades of the eyes.With congenital weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerves, the oculosympathetic syndrome of Bernard-Horner is noted, characterized by immediate changes in the color of the skin, narrowing of the eye gap, narrowing of the pupil, a decrease in the position of the upper eyelid and an abnormal displacement of the position eyeball.


Drops for eyes

Drops for the eyes from conjunctivitis with an antibiotic are described in this article.

Drops for eyes Artelak http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-dlya-glaz-artelak-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html


With Fuchs-type heterochromy, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Opacification in the lens of the eye in the form of fixed white dots;
  • Degenerative atrophy (dystrophy) of the iris;
  • Progressive cortical cataract, in which opacity captures the lens cortex;
  • Whitish floating small inclusions.

When heterochromia, which arose as a result of metallosis, observe excessive, pronounced pigmentation of the eye's shell, which manifests itself in green-blue or rust-brown hues.


In order to understand whether treatment of the diseases under consideration is required, a thorough diagnosis is needed to identify the causes of the disease. If these disorders are congenital and do not affect the quality of vision, then therapy is usually not needed.

Treatment of Colonies

If the coloboma of the iris is small and almost not manifested, you can do without treatment. To prevent symptoms of blinding, limit the amount of light that passes through the enlarged pupil. This is achieved by using sunglasses and darkened contact lenses, the center of which is transparent.

When visual functions are significantly impaired, surgery is possible.The essence of it is that at the edge of the limb, an incision is made strictly above the defect and the edges of the iris are sewn together, tightening together.Today, new surgical techniques are being developed, with tunnel incisions and less traumatization of the eye.

Possible application of the collagenoplasty method.For this, an artificial skeleton is created from the collagen-like substance, which prevents the eyeball from increasing.This prevents the increase in the defect of the colophony.

Coloboma of the choroid and optic nerve do not have adequate treatment at this stage, since the optic nerve is a fiber of the nervous tissue, which the medicine has not yet learned to replace.

In the coloboma of the century, its elimination by surgical intervention - blepharoplasty is recommended.

A significant damage to the coloboma of the lens of the eye is treated by its replacement by an intraocular artificial lens. Modern lenses very effectively replace the lens and are even capable of accommodation.

After finding out suspicious symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible in order to deliver correct diagnosis, prescribe adequate treatment and avoid the development of complications, which will be treated much more difficult.

Diagnosis and treatment of heterochromia

Diagnosis of the iris begins with the clarification of the characteristic clinical picture. If the manifestation of heterochromia is only a change in eye color, then there is no need to carry out medical or surgical treatment.The ophthalmologist sends the patient to a comprehensive examination of the organs of vision using special medical equipment.If necessary, the patient shows local therapy with the use of steroid drugs.

Vitrectomy is performed with a pronounced opacification of the lens, which can not be treated with steroids.

Surgical intervention is necessary under the condition of progressive reduction in visual acuity of the Fuchs type, aggravation of the cataract process.

Treatment of heterochromia in metallosis is carried out by the immediate removal of a foreign body, which causes a change in the color of the iris. When inflammatory phenomena are shown corticosteroids (in droplets and conjunctiva), myotics, as well as antibacterial drugs and nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs.

Can the color of the iris recover? It is necessary to say at once: with the congenital heterochromy this will never happen. In people with acquired disease, which arose as a result of the ingress of foreign bodies into the cornea or inflammatory processes of the iris, there is a chance to restore the color of the eyes by eliminating the very cause that causes heterochromy.

Possible complications

Congenital coloboma of the iris in an infant rarely leads to serious consequences, but it should not be ignored.

Congenital heterochromia, which proceeds asymptomatically, has only an external manifestation and does not entail any complications. Sometimes pathology can lead to the development of cataracts.Treatment of acquired heterochromy, as a rule, has a favorable prognosis. The color of the iris after the treatment is restored.


To prevent the development of congenital colobanks during intrauterine development is very difficult. As preventive measures, it is recommended to prepare thoroughly for the forthcoming pregnancy. In this regard, both parents should be consulted by an ophthalmologist, especially if there are risk factors.

At the stage of planning the appearance of the baby, both mom and dad should take folic acid and iodine preparations. At the same time, the future father can complete the intake of vitamins from the moment of confirmation of pregnancy, and it is desirable for the mother to continue the prophylaxis at least until 16 weeks.

To prevent the formation of a columba at an older age, one should protect the eyes from mechanical trauma and objectively approach the need for surgery on the organs of vision.

Heterochromia is often hereditary, so it is impossible to prevent the development of pathology.To protect the child from the development of acquired heterochromia, it is necessary to regularly undergo scheduled examinations with an ophthalmologist, avoid eye and head injuries, and timely treat other eye diseases.


Eye drops with instructions Kataraks

The benefit and harm of eye drops Taurine is examined in this article.

Eye drops Tsipromed http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/v-kakix-sluchayax-ispolzuyut-glaznye-kapli-cipromed.html




So, columba and heterochromia are abnormal disorders that can be both congenital and acquired. In the first case, treatment is generally not required, with the acquired diseases, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, as a result of which the doctor selects the treatment tactics. Ignore these violations is not worth it, because their causes and impact on the health of the body as a whole have not yet been studied enough.

Also read about anisocoria and episcleritis.

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