Exercises for the lumbar spine: LCF methods


  • 1Physiotherapy with herniated lumbar spine - the best exercises
    • 1.1Basic principles of therapeutic physical training
    • 1.2Exercises for the lumbar spine
    • 1.3What are the contraindications?
    • 1.4The classical complex of effective exercises
    • 1.5Technique of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 1.6Therapeutic gymnastics with intervertebral hernia
    • 1.7Pain therapy for lumbar spine
    • 1.8The five basic rules of exercise therapy
  • 2Lfk with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: complex
    • 2.1Necessity of exercise therapy in lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine
    • 2.2Important principles of implementation
    • 2.3Positive effect
    • 2.4Therapeutic physical training in acute period
    • 2.5Subacute Period
    • 2.6During remission
    • 2.7Complex exercises on fitbole
    • 2.8How to book an appointment
  • 3Lfk with a fracture of the lumbar spine: basic exercises
    • 3.1Rules of exercise therapy
    • 3.2Contraindications and prohibitions
    • 3.3Forms of exercise therapy and types of exercises
    • 3.4Immobilization period
    • 3.5Bed rest
  • 4We analyze exercise LFK for the lumbosacral spine
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Benefits from the lessons
    • 4.2Indications for conduction
    • 4.3Contraindications
    • 4.4Complex LFK
    • 4.5Examples of exercises
    • 4.6"LFK for the lumbosacral department"
  • 5Exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine
    • 5.11. Problems with the spine
    • 5.22. Exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine
    • 5.32.1 Technique for strengthening the corset of the spine
    • 5.42.2 The system from Bubnovsky to spinal column stretching
    • 5.52.3 Complex of exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 5.62.5 Complex for the thoracic spine
    • 5.72.6 For the cervical spine
    • 5.82.7 There is a technique for the sacral spine
    • 5.93. Why is yoga useful?
    • 5.104. Walking on all fours

Physiotherapy with herniated lumbar spine - the best exercises

Muscle weakness and poor circulation are the main causes of most spine ailments, especially its lumbar spine. To prevent and treat pathologies of the spine, systematic exercise of therapeutic exercises is required.

If the patient is diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia of the first or second stage, then exercise therapy is a mandatory point of therapy.

When the disease is at the stage of protrusion, then exercise therapy is used with caution, since there are many contraindications.

If we consider the data of medical statistics, then in the risk group of the formation of lumbar hernia, fall into mostly men that regularly raise the severity, athletes, people who have congenital pathologies the spine.

Therapeutic exercise is used to eliminate pain syndrome, eliminate stiffness of movements and facilitate sensations in the lumbar region.

Regular exercises help to relax, and then stretch the weakened muscles of the back, and as a result, strengthen.

Thus, exercise therapy acts as the main preventive method for protrusion in vertebral hernia.

Physiotherapy with a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region

In addition, exercise therapy improves blood circulation, restores muscle tone, prevents stagnant processes. Therefore, physical education is recommended not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for rehabilitation in the post-operative period.

Basic principles of therapeutic physical training

If you follow the safety rules correctly when performing exercise therapy, then this hernia treatment technique has no side effects.

Gymnastic complex with intervertebral hernia provides for the most simple movements that are aimed at stimulating the spinal tissues, stretching the muscles, strengthening the muscular corset.

LFK provides as a whole only universal exercises, which almost every patient is able to perform.

But, to exclude cases of spine damage and not to worsen the clinical picture right up to operative intervention, you should trust a specialist who will pick up an individual complex therapeutic exercises.

Schematic representation of a herniated intervertebral disc

While doing physical exercises, every patient should remember that with the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar department, sharp movements, weight training, deep slopes are strictly forbidden. Therefore it is very important to start training only after a thorough warm-up and on a soft mat.

LFK obligatory provides preliminary preparation of the body, namely:

  1. The first thing that is done -normalizes breathing. For this, a person takes a comfortable position, completely relaxes (it is recommended to use meditation). In addition, when performing the exercise, you need to remember the main rule: tension is accompanied by exhalation, and relaxation by inhalation.
  2. Muscles should be heatedwith the help of self-massage. The diseased part of the spine is rubbed up with light movements. Thus, the muscles are prepared for the load. This manipulation is carried out, both before the beginning of the lesson, and without fail after it.
  3. Doing the first exerciseDiscomfort and pain should be absent, according to this principle, the rest of the exercises will be selected.

You can clearly see the exercises for the lumbar zone by watching a video.

Exercises for the lumbar spine

What are the contraindications?

There are cases when therapeutic physical training can be contraindicated. These cases involve pinching the hernia in the lumbar region.

Injury of the hernia is dangerous in that the spinal cord can be affected, so surgical treatment is urgently performed.

It is not recommended to exercise if the patient has recently been ill or has a viral or infectious disease. Also, any load in the case of an open wound in the spine is contraindicated.

When the patient began to study, but their performance brings discomfort and soreness, then you must immediately abandon the continuation of exercise therapy. Among other contraindications distinguish such:

  • if oncological ailments are diagnosed;
  • if the patient suffered a stroke;
  • when the patient has a hypertensive crisis;
  • if after a surgical treatment a little time has passed;
  • when there are prerequisites for infarction;
  • if the ailment is in the phase of exacerbation;
  • at the onset of hypertensive crisis.

If the performance of exercises brings discomfort and soreness, then you must immediately refuse to continue exercise therapy

The classical complex of effective exercises

This method of treatment, based on the following exercises, mainly used in the cabin of exercise therapy. The effectiveness of all manipulations is verified and, when properly performed, guarantees the cure of the lumbar hernia.

Exercises with a herniated spine of the lumbar spine

In order not to err in the correctness of the implementation of movements, you can get acquainted with them, reviewing video lessons, where a professional instructor helps the patient.

Therefore, you can competently perform daily exercise at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and every day spend on exercise therapy for 30-40 minutes of free time.

Technique of Dr. Bubnovsky

Professor Bubnovsky after many years of research came to the conclusion that you can cure an intervertebral hernia without resorting to surgical treatment.

Performing exercises on his technique can eliminate the pain syndrome, stretch the muscles.

After the course of exercise therapy Bubnovsky technique can quickly return to a full life without pain and any restrictions.

Therapeutic gymnastics with intervertebral hernia

If a pathology is diagnosed in the lumbar region, then it is necessary to consult a specialist for restorative therapy, so that he appoints an individual complex of therapeutic exercises.

Exercise is recommended every day at home, with the advice of the instructor will be absent.

In order not to make a mistake in medical gymnastics, you can watch a video lesson, which shows the main exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lumbar hernia.

Pain therapy for lumbar spine

As is known, one of the main symptoms of lumbar hernia is pain syndrome, which in the absence of actions can significantly aggravate the patient's condition, up to the problems with movement.

To prevent or eliminate discomfort, there are a number of therapeutic and analgesic exercises.

To understand how they work and how to properly implement them, you should see an educational video with a comment by a specialist.

The five basic rules of exercise therapy

  1. You can not skip classes. Exercises must be done every day at a certain time.
  2. Forget about moving sports and exclude all sudden movements.
  3. The amplitude of movements and the load with each occupation should gradually increase.
  4. After doing a day exercise in the muscles, there should be a slight fatigue. You can not be very tired.
  5. All the time, pay attention to the sensations in the area of ​​the hernia, so that during the exercise there was no increase in soreness.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine

Proper exercise of the exercise therapy ensures a significant improvement in the condition of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region.

A source: https://med-explorer.ru/ortopediya/lechenie-sustavov/lechebnaya-fizkultura-pri-gryzhe-pozvonochnika-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Lfk with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: complex

Therapeutic gymnastics has established itself as a highly effective therapeutic technique against osteochondrosis lesions of the sacrum and waist.

Such exercise affects the cause of the development of pathological processes and removes symptomatic manifestations of the disease.

Necessity of exercise therapy in lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine

As is known, osteochondrosis develops in connection with the disturbance of metabolic processes. Regular exercise of exercise therapy affects these disorders, eliminating them.

The result of such actions is the stimulation of metabolic and the decrease in the intensity of pathological processes, restoration of disk nutrition,

The main thing is to approach the selection of exercises correctly, to dose the load, to follow the recommendations for the performance of athletic elements. Then the patient will be able to achieve significant improvements in the state.

Important principles of implementation

You do not need to start classes on your own. Appoint procedures for exercise should a specialist after the examination, taking into account contraindications to a similar therapeutic technique.

To exercise LFK did not cause harm to the patient, you need to observe some conventions:

  • Training should take place at a slow pace, it is desirable to focus on each exercise, performing its smooth mode;
  • In the course of the exercise, it is necessary to control the sensations, when the pain appears, the charge should be immediately stopped;
  • When exacerbation should first get rid of the pain, for this purpose it is recommended to perform sparing movements that will support the spine of the patient;
  • When a remission period is reached, it is recommended to perform daily exercises. If, however, the exacerbation of pathology continues, then it is necessary to wait for relief of soreness and improvement of general condition;
  • When performing the elements of exercise therapy, you should avoid sharp slopes, lunges or twists of the trunk. Such actions can cause attacks of soreness, up to the deterioration of the patient's general condition;
  • To supplement the set of classes with new elements should be gradually and with the approval of the doctor, the intensity of the exercise therapy should also be under control;
  • Breathing during the procedure should be calm, smooth;
  • If the symptomatology is markedly increased, it is necessary to give up lessons. Later, you can try again, after making the movement that brought pain, but only with less intensity. In case of repeated occurrence of pain syndrome, it is necessary to exclude this element from the daily complex of exercise therapy;
  • It is very useful to perform vises (30-second or one-minute) without touching the floor with your feet. This exercise can be done on a bar or a horizontal bar. It helps in eliminating the neural-radicular pinch, which allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome. Another useful feature of hanging exercises is the correct posture that they form;
  • The optimal option is to consistently alternate dynamic and static elements, then the effectiveness of exercise therapy will be significantly higher;
  • To avoid improper performance of the elements of exercise therapy, it is recommended that the first training be conducted under the guidance of a qualified instructor, then you can start independent studies.
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Positive effect

It is worthwhile to prepare in advance, as LFK does not give immediate result.

To achieve lasting effectiveness, it is necessary to engage in daily activities, only then, after some time, exercise therapy will provide proper action.

Some patients start to feel better after the first training.

In general, regular exercises of exercise therapy provide the following result:

  1. Reducing the weight of the patient, thereby reducing the load on his vertebrae;
  2. Correction of posture, due to which the excessive influence on the spinal column decreases. If you always keep your back properly, this will save you from muscle spasms and reduce the likelihood of injury;
  3. Increased mobility in the affected vertebrae;
  4. The blood supply and flow of lymphatic fluid into the lumbar zone significantly improves, that ultimately leads to a reduction in the rehabilitation period and the restoration of the processes of material exchange;
  5. Increased muscle elasticity and strength, which improve the support of the vertebral system and reduce the load on it.

Therapeutic physical training in acute period

Usually patients during exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis lesions show being in bed. Therefore, the elements of exercise therapy are used to improve overall health.They are doing lying in bed on an orthopedic mattress or on the floor.

It is necessary to execute 10 repetitions of each element:

  • Maximally stick out the belly with inhalation and draw it deeply in exhalation;
  • Pull out the upper and lower limbs, sitting comfortably on the back. Deeply breathing, bend his arms in the elbows and exhale at their extension;
  • Perform the exercise "Frog" - take your knees to the sides in turn (right, then left);
  • Pull the legs, bent at the knees, alternately to the stomach. When performing, it is required to control one's sensations, reducing the amplitude of movements in the event of pain;
  • Alternately smoothly take your legs apart, resting your other leg in bed, while you need to bend it in the knee.

Performing elements of exercise therapy in this period should be done with the utmost caution, you need to practice lying down, and at the appearance of the slightest feeling of pain, you must stop training.

Subacute Period

At this time, there is some improvement in the condition, soreness relaxes, and motor abilities are increased. Therefore, you can diversify classes with more dynamic elements:

  • It is necessary to bend both legs in the knees and, resting on them with the bed, raise the lumbosacral zone;
  • Relaxation-tension muscles of the buttocks;
  • Bend your knees in the knees and alternately raise your legs up. If suddenly there is soreness, then the limbs can be raised not to the end;
  • Perform the exercise "Cat suggesting the arching of the back from the position on all fours.

During remission

This stage of development of pathology makes it possible to supplement exercise therapy with a mass of effective exercises that involve an increase in the load due to the complication of the gymnastic elements.

The main condition of such training is the absence of overload and strict control over the sensations. Such charging should not bring pain, as it can cause serious exacerbations.

Training may include the following elements:

  • From the lying position on the side, it is necessary to pull the upper leg up to the maximum possible stop, thereby stretching the lumbar muscles;
  • From the position on all fours alternately raise your legs, pulling your toe, trying to feel the stretching of the muscles in the hip and lower back; At the same time it is necessary to bend in the zone of the sacrum and waist;
  • It is necessary to sit on the bent legs so that the heel touches the gluteal region, while it is necessary to raise your arms above your head and clasp your fingers. The essence of the exercise is rolling from the left buttock to the right and back;
  • To bend over, touching the toes with your hands, at the same time you should try to press your chest to your feet.

Complex exercises on fitbole

In modern fitness halls, a gymnastic equipment such as fitball has long been used. He can help in eliminating osteochondrosis lumbosacral lesions:

  1. To lie down on the fitball with the femoral zone, and with hands to rest on the floor - the essence of the exercise in performing push-ups from this position;
  2. To lie down with a zone of a stomach on a fitball, hands thus diluting in the parties and simultaneously trying to lift a trunk to the greatest possible height;
  3. Lying on the fitball (abdomen), relax the lower limbs, dangling them to the floor. On exhalation try to raise your feet to a height exceeding the parameters of the ball. Depending on the sensations, you can lift your legs alternately or simultaneously.

How to book an appointment

It is quite easy to enroll in physical therapy classes, but first you should complete Diagnostic examination, and only then with all the analyzes and conclusions go to physiotherapist.

The specialist will compare the severity of the clinical picture, determine the stage of the disease, and on the basis of these data will make conclusions about the opportunity to engage in exercise therapy, determine the degree of exercise, select the necessary elements and others.

Medical workers of this qualification are present in every medical center practicing anti-osteochondrosis therapy.

To engage in order to obtain a lasting effect will take a long time, and the first significant achievements will appear after a lapse of at least 4 weeks.

But after half a year of regular training, the results are fixed, but to permanently retain them, the patient will have to deal with daily throughout life.

LFK at an osteochondrosis of a lumbar department of a backbone:

A source: http://OsteoHondroza.net/metody-lecheniya/uprazhneniya/lfk-pri-poyasnichnom-osteohondroze.html

Lfk with a fracture of the lumbar spine: basic exercises

Occupation in the gym is an important part of the treatment of vertebral fractures

LFK in the fracture of the lumbar spine, the most traumatized area of ​​the human spine, refers to The main type of treatment, which begins immediately after conservative or surgical manipulation of the comparison fragments.

During the whole healing time of the injury and restoration of the functions of the injured department, different forms of exercise therapy are involved - from the most simple breathing exercises to difficult coordination gymnastic exercises, which will have to be performed regularly after treatment to prevent post-traumatic complications.

Rules of exercise therapy

Passive trainer for the formation of correct lordosis after lumbar injuries

For every disease in the arsenal of curative gymnastics there are their prohibited exercises, and useful ones are performed in compliance with the following general recommendations:

To engage in exercise therapy after such a trauma is necessary daily and several times.

Each gymnastic movement, especially in the first and second period of treatment, requires responsible implementation, as well as strict observance of the number of repetitions that the doctor indicated.

It is necessary to follow the daily total physical activity. Its lack will not allow the exercise therapy to have a therapeutic effect to the full, and all the work may simply be in vain.

Motor overload is similar to drug overdose, the price for which is the development of complications:

  • deceleration of adhesion or non-growth;
  • segmental instability;
  • the formation of hernias;
  • strengthening or early manifestations of osteochondrosis and / or osteoporosis;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • paralysis of lower limbs;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • frigidity, impotence.

Classes should be held in the middle of the intervals between meals. In the first period of treatment, you should eat often and small amounts. 10-15 minute complexes are also often performed. As you recover, the diet is translated into 5-time, the classes gradually increase in time up to 45-60 minutes, new movements are constantly being introduced, and the number of workouts per day, from 5-6 times, is reduced to 2-3.

At a late stage of rehabilitation, the ideal motor load per day:

  • in the morning - charging;
  • at lunchtime - walk;
  • during the day - sports 5-minute;
  • in the evening - gymnastic complex at home or class in the exercise therapy group, visit the gym, pool.
  1. During classes, do not be afraid to drink a small amount of water in small sips. Properly formulated plan for treatment of exercise therapy and normalization of drinking daily regime (2 l clean water), although not accelerate the process healing, but to a large extent (up to 30-45 days) will shorten the time until the injured department is fully recovered the spine.

Contraindications and prohibitions

Do not exercise in any way, overcoming the pain in the lower back

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The main rule of exercise therapy for this type of injury - exercises should not cause pain. When it occurs, you must stop the class.

If there is pain in the next lesson, you should definitely consult with your doctor. He will analyze the causes and make appropriate corrections to your individual set of exercises.

Pain during critical days is a definite contraindication for exercising exercise therapy

Classes are temporarily suspended:

  • if the patient is not feeling well;
  • the body temperature rose;
  • "Jumps" blood pressure;
  • there is a pain syndrome not only in the lower back, but in any other part of the body.

Movement with weighting with this type of injury is prohibited

During treatment, and 10-12 months after rehabilitation, it is forbidden:

  • slopes forward in the sitting and standing position;
  • Do exercises or engage in mobile games in which there are elements of jumps and jumps;
  • jog, and if you run, then quickly and for a short distance;
  • during a visit to the pool jump from the side, bedside tables and towers;
  • carry weights;
  • do slopes and sit-ups with weighting.

Forms of exercise therapy and types of exercises

Depending on the period of treatment of damage, different forms of therapeutic physical training are used.

The qualitative and quantitative content of each lesson is determined according to the individual characteristics of the victim: type and the severity of injury, age, level of physical fitness, the presence of other diseases and pathological conditions.

Nevertheless, there is a single standard, which the methodologists of exercise therapy adhere to when drawing up a personal treatment plan.

Immobilization period

Modern alternatives to traditional gypsum immobilization

During a permanent skeletal traction or finding in a gypsum corset the patient will be offered:

6-8 times a day to do 5-7 minute breathing exercises. The focus is on chest breathing and full breathing with an emphasis on a full exhalation. To increase the volume of the chest, it is shown together with breathing to perform hand movements. Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing in the first days is performed no more than 3 repetitions in one complex, and with observance of the maximum care - to breathe smoothly, sharply protrude and draw in the stomach it is impossible. Do not neglect breathing exercises. It is the only defense against congestive pneumonia.

5-6 times a day to perform 10-15 minutes of exercise, including movements:

  • flexion-extension of toes;
  • rear and plantar rotation of the left and then right foot;
  • synchronous and asynchronous movement of footsteps on themselves and from themselves;
  • smooth bending of one leg in the knee, without lifting the heel from the bed;
  • the maximum set of movements for all the joints of the hands;
  • slopes to the side and turns of the head, without tearing it from the pillow, as well as touching the sternum with the chin.

Bed rest

At the beginning of treatment, it is possible to lift straight or bent legs by no more than 40 °

Therapeutic gymnastics is the main form of treatment in the II period of treatment of vertebral fractures. Its main tasks are to strengthen the muscular corset and prepare to resume walking.

After the abolition of immobilization, respiratory gymnastics as an independent type of exercise is canceled, and in addition to exercises for the neck and shoulder girdle, the qualitative and quantitative composition of movements is gradually expanding feet:

  • at first it is allowed to perform circular movements in the ankles, turns of the feet inside and to the outside, passive lifts of the legs are made with the help of an instructor;
  • After 4-5 days the patient is allowed to lead and take one leg to the side, independently lift the straight and bent legs, both alternately and simultaneously.

After permission to turn on the stomach, the "assortment" of exercises increases significantly, both in the position lying on the stomach, and lying on the back. In addition, connect the "normal" standing on the floor, fours and fours, and then the exercises in these initial positions.

We bring to your attention a fragment of the middle of the gym complex, which is performed before transferring the patient to a free regime.

Table 1 - The first block of exercises:

Image and name of the exercise Instruction for implementation
For the pelvic muscle and the lower abdominal The starting position (IP) - lying on the back, the palms lie on the bed:
  1. Raise both legs, bending them in the lap (inhaling).
  2. Straighten your legs, but not completely (exhale).
  3. Spread the legs to the sides as far as possible (inhalation).
  4. In the reverse order back to the FE.

Do not let your back sag back. Repeat 4-6 times.

For oblique muscular torso groups IP: lying on his back, holding his legs bent at the knees in the balance, hands in the lock behind his head. Tearing off the surface only the shoulder blades, make cross motions, alternately touching the elbow of the opposite knee. Do an exercise on holding your breath until you have enough strength. After that, catch your breath, lowering your head and feet to the floor. The number of repetitions of such dynamic cycles is 3-4 times.
Static and dynamics for the muscles of the back From the position of lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs upwards, and lock in this position (1), holding your breath for 5-7 seconds. Then, asynchronously move your legs and hands (2) synchronizing these movements with breathing. Continue until a feeling of slight fatigue, and then lie down quietly for 10-15 seconds. The number of repetitions 1 + 2 - 4-5 times.
For the muscles of the waist and buttocks Accept the position, as in the photo. Immediately pay attention to the shoulders and hips located strictly perpendicular to the supporting surface, and especially watch the lower back - it should be straight. Raise the left leg 4-6 times, then make the same number of repetitions with the right foot. Rest 15 seconds and repeat the climb again. During the exercise, you can look at the floor or turn your head from side to side.

After the first block of exercises, you have to "rest" - lying on your back, for 2-3 minutes to do 3 times respiratory movements: thoracic, diaphragmatic, and then complete breathing, which is a combination of the thoracic and abdominal types respiration. Then follows the next group of gymnastic exercises.

Free mode

If you have problems with the lower back, swim with the styles Krol on the back and the Brass on the back

After permission to walk, exercises are added to the gym exercises in the standing position. The patient is a complex of morning exercises.

Independently in the room, gymnastics should be done 2 times a day, from 35 to 45 minutes, and once a day visit the gym LFK, where under the guidance of the instructor exercise will exercise:

  • in move;
  • near the gymnastic staircase;
  • with medical sports equipment and devices;
  • on blocks and other devices of mechanotherapy.

Learn about the possible option of exercise therapy in the fracture of the lumbar spine video.

Before discharge the patient receives a detailed instruction on the further rehabilitation of the broken back with the help of various types of therapeutic walking, dosed swimming, health-improving activities by authorized types of mobile games.

And in conclusion we recall that the fracture of the lower back is one of the most severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

To fully functionally restore a lot of time, effort, perseverance and diligence.

Only daily exercise with physical exercise can bring the long-awaited moment of complete rehabilitation to the whole organism.

A source: https://travm.info/rekomendacii/lechebnaya-fizkultura/lfk-pri-perelome-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-273

We analyze exercise LFK for the lumbosacral spine

page »LFK, yoga and massages» We disassemble exercise LFK for the lumbosacral spine

The zone of the lumbar spine experiences severe stress. And they can increase with sports, lifting weights and other loads. All these factors contribute to the rapid deterioration of intervertebral discs, the emergence of a hernia and other unpleasant diseases.

Gymnastics, aimed at the lumbosacral department, has the following effect on the human body:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort.
  • Restoration of immunity.
  • Increased stamina.
  • Strengthening of the muscular corset of the back.

Exercises, acting on the lesion, relieve pain and discomfort. Also, together with taking medication, you can remove the inflammatory process.

Therapeutic exercise is shown to all patients with musculoskeletal problems, despite age or physique.

But before starting the complex it is necessary to consult a doctor.

This is necessary in order that he appointed the right complex, picked up the optimal number of necessary exercises and gave clear recommendations for their implementation.

Benefits from the lessons

The appearance in the lumbar department of pathologies and disorders can be caused by a variety of factors - from genetic predisposition to the wrong way of life. Therefore, it is recommended to use gymnastic exercises for all, considering that they can be performed as a preventive measure of the disease of the musculoskeletal system.

The main objectives of the exercises:

  1. Strengthen the muscle tone of the back.
  2. Return the fallen vertebrae to the site with a hernia.
  3. Stretch the back muscles.
  4. To overcome the pinched nerves.
  5. Restore the elasticity of the discs.
  6. Eliminate pain.
  7. Elimination of the intervertebral hernia.
  8. Accelerate the process of recovery.

Indications for conduction

Be sure to do the exercises for the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis of all kinds.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Disorders of posture - scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and others.
  • Ailments of the respiratory system.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Despite the fact that therapeutic gymnastics is quite useful, there are some contraindications, in which it is strictly forbidden to engage in activities:

  • Internal bleeding.
  • Heart disease in the acute phase - stroke, heart attack.
  • Acute phase of diseases of the back and spine.
  • Complications of chronic ailments.

Complex LFK

Before you start doing these or those exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to carry out the exercises constantly, you should not miss it without a good reason, because this is one step back in the progress towards recovery.
  2. Physiotherapy as a separate method of treatment can help only if the disease is noticed at the first stages of its development. In the rest it is necessary to competently combine exercises from medical gymnastics with taking medications.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to perform exercises, if the disease is in the acute phase, there is intense pain and discomfort.
  4. When doing gymnastics, you need to be moderate. It is not necessary at the first stages to do everything to the maximum. The body and body must get used to the stresses, only in this way they will react positively to the gym.
  5. If the painful syndrome is caught during pregnancy, then before starting to perform it is necessary to consult with the doctor. This is necessary not to harm neither the woman nor the child.
  6. During the exercises you need to dress comfortably. Clothes should not restrain movement, squeezing organs.

Examples of exercises

The complex as a whole is developed exclusively individually, based on the age of the patient, the disease and its severity, the attendant ailments. We will cite the universal tasks of exercise therapy for the lumbosacral appendix:

  • Stand up, spread your legs widely. Take dumbbells and do slow slopes. Between each slope do ten seconds pause. Do the exercise until there is a slight pleasant fatigue.
  • Lie on your back, put your crossed arms on your chest. Bend your knees. Raise the trunk, leaving it in this position for at least five seconds. Slowly sink. Do until light burning in the press area.
  • Lie on your back, legs straight and stretched. Hands under the head. It is necessary to lift the even legs to the maximum height, to hold in this position for five to ten seconds. Do the same exercise with the other leg. Begin with a small lifting height, gradually increasing it until the leg is raised by 90 degrees.
  • Lie on your stomach, lift both your right leg and your left arm. Hold them on the weight for five seconds. Repeat with left foot and right hand. Do until light fatigue appears. As a rule, in the first stages this is five to six times.

"LFK for the lumbosacral department"

From this video you will learn about exercises for the lumbar spine.

A source: https://prospinu.com/lfk/uprazhnenija-dlja-pojasnichno-krestcovogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine

Hello everybody! I propose to continue to engage in his posture. A straight back, a high head, not a shuffling gait, make a person attractive, interesting for others. And the key to this kind of exercises are the exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine.

1. Problems with the spine

When there are painful sensations in the lower back, immediately you want to remove them! Are there any methods to relieve pain? Of course have! In this article, we will just learn how to do this without drugs, with the help of muscle building exercises.

The lumbar section carries a huge load, it protects the spinal cord from damage. When lifting weights, this part of the back suffers.

In order to avoid the most frequent disease, spondylosis, with age, it is necessary to do physical therapy today. The next most common ailment can be called a hernia.

It can be acquired from great physical exertion, as well as with a "sluggish" way of life. Hernia will also help therapeutic exercise.

By giving exercise 15-20 minutes a day, you can live without pain until a very old age.

2. Exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine

2.1 Technique for strengthening the corset of the spine

  • Lie on your back, bend your limbs, your feet on the rug. Inhale as deep as you can, count to 5, exhale, lifting your chest up.
  • Lying, spread your arms out to the sides, breathing in and out. Pull your knees to your chest, squeeze, stay in this shape for as long as possible. Lower your legs, loosen tension. Do 7-10 times.
  • Lying, spreading his arms, bending his knees. Turn them first in one direction, head - in the opposite direction. Do this task for 3-5 minutes.
  • Make a "cat". Deflect your back like a cat. Count to 10.

Do you know how Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky, literally in a few minutes, returns to people the joy of easy joint motion?

2.2 The system from Bubnovsky to spinal column stretching

  • - lying down, bend your legs, feet on the floor, lift the trunk, count to 10.
  • - to hang on the horizontal bar
  • - sitting, pull forward the right leg, knee left - bend, reach out to the toe of the right limb, count to 10. Then change the position of the legs, do the same with the left limb.

Many ask the question, what gymnastics is indicated for osteochondrosis?

2.3 Complex of exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

  • Stand up straight, hands on the waist, legs across the width of the shoulders. Smooth forward tilt with straightened back. Straighten, then bend back (10 times);
  • 10 inclinations to the left - to the right, limiting the spinal column;
  • stand on all limbs, hands "step back" in one direction so that the back bends. Count to 10, then do the same to the other end (10 approaches for each edge);
  • Lie down on your back, stretch the muscles of the press, pressing the backrest on the floor. Count to 10, relax;
  • lying down, knees bent. We pull the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the left limb, then the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the right (10 approaches for each side);
  • standing, stretching his hands behind his head, stretch, maximally stretching his back, count to 10, relax (10 approaches).

Do regular medical gymnastics to get rid of pain at home.

2.5 Complex for the thoracic spine

All tasks are carried out in 10 approaches.

Very effective exercise!

  • to become straight, legs across the width of the shoulders, slowly "hunched lowering the chin to the stomach, and to reduce the shoulders in front. After 10 seconds, slowly "bend over throw up the head, take the scapulae, count to 10, return to the starting point;
  • alternately lift your shoulders. Then at once raise your shoulders, stay up to 10 seconds, lower your shoulders, relax;
  • draw the shoulders smooth circles, back and forth 10 times;
  • tilt to the side, reaching out to the knee with his hand, to make in both directions;
  • we bend forward, hugging ourselves with our hands, hunched over. FROM

2.6 For the cervical spine

  • stand up, feet to the width of the shoulders. Slow head inclination to the left, we count up to 10. Then we strain the neck muscles, create resistance from the shoulder. We do to the right. We execute 15 times;
  • gradually bow our head, we count to 10. Then we strain the muscles of the neck, then slowly throw our head back, we count to 10, also straining the muscles.
  • We make 15 approaches;
  • turning head to the left with chin-pulling to the shoulder, then to the right;
  • sitting, chin in the air "write" the numbers from 0 to 9. This exercise miraculously relaxes the muscles of the neck, removes the tension of the back. You sit at the computer for a long time, try to do it at work! All my friends "write" the numbers with their chins, are very satisfied with the result! Try it!

2.7 There is a technique for the sacral spine

Carry out a complex for the lumbar region, and you will get an excellent result. Better, of course, to practice in the gym, under the supervision of a good coach. But at home, you can also complicate the technique by dealing with dumbbells.

In short, there are many ways to get rid of pain. An increasing number of doctors for the treatment of the spine. they use physical therapy. The main thing is not to be lazy to give yourself 20 minutes of time.

Only 20 minutes and health will not leave you!

3. Why is yoga useful?

Another method of getting rid of spinal diseases is yoga. Performing asanas for specific muscles, a man stretches his spine. It becomes flexible, the discs between the vertebrae are released from pressure.

When performing asanas, pay more attention to breathing. Breathe slowly, deeply, lifting and lowering the chest. I recommend doing yoga first under the supervision of a coach. When you learn the asanas, you will study at home.

Watch the video with the basic directions for the spine "Diamond Rod

4. Walking on all fours

A great way to get rid of back pain is walking on all fours.

Tie knee pads and go for health! To get rid of a hernia or from other lumbar diseases, also go on all fours.

Two more effective methods - lying down, lifting your head, shoulders, holding for 10 seconds. Lying face down, immediately lift the shoulders, head, legs, hold 10 seconds.

Today I told you about exercises to strengthen the lumbar spine. How did you like the article? If so, then be sure to share it on social networks, subscribe to the update of the blog and wait for the continuation.

A source: http://rublsorok.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika/