Nasal congestion in the hip joint: symptoms and treatment

When the nerve is squeezed in the hip joint, severe pain in the hip area occurs. Such pain and other symptoms occur for various reasons, they never go away without appropriate treatment. It is worth knowing about the main symptoms of pinching of the nerve in the pelvis, the methods of diagnosis and the most effective methods of treatment.

  • Causes
  • Pincering the nerve in the pelvis during pregnancy
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment of pinching the nerve in the hip joint
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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From the consequences of pinching the joint in the hip for a short period of time, it is easy to get rid of by properly selecting the therapy. Pain syndrome disappears almost immediately after removal of the pinch, the remaining symptoms associated with muscle tension and other consequences of neuralgia, disappear gradually.

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However, the longer the pinching of the nerve persists, the more likely it is to irreversibly damage it. If a long time does not deal with the treatment of this condition, there may be a need for surgical intervention, it is likely that the consequences of pinching will remain for a long time.


The pinching occurs due to the clamping of the nerve in various parts of the joint, it can be clamped between bones, tendons, ligaments, resulting in severe pain and limited mobility. It can happen even if you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Other reasons for pinching the nerve into the pelvis include:

  1. Injuries to the hip and pelvic bones, joints in this department. With various injuries, the bones and joints can move, so that a particular nerve can be clamped.
  2. Various rheumatic diseases, arthritis, inflammatory diseases of the joints and tendons.
  3. Various diseases of the circulatory system, other systemic diseases affecting the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous and cardiovascular system.
  4. Tuberculosis of bones and joints is not such a common pathology, however, as a result of its occurrence, nerve palsy may develop.
  5. Prolonged, unsuitable physical activity. Pinching of the nerve can occur due to incorrect distribution of load in the joint, injuries with excessive effort, long stay in an uncomfortable position.

Important!Sometimes pain in the pelvic region can cause a hernia of the lumbar spine, in this case, the pain is given to the pelvic department.

It should be noted that people who have suffered various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, people of advanced age, with congenital or acquired fragility of bones, lack of flexibility have a great propensity for possible nerve pincers.

Pincering the nerve in the pelvis during pregnancy

At pregnancy the probability of occurrence of the given pathology raises. During the gestation, the pelvis expands, the pressure on the bones and joints increases, so that the nerve endings in different parts of the pelvis may be squeezed. At the same time pregnant women often lack the necessary minerals and other elements that ensure the strength of bones and joints, which makes them more fragile, the probability of various injuries increases.

Therefore, during pregnancy, the prevention of this disease is especially important. Women who carry a child should be careful when driving, avoiding additional physical exertion.

It is also worth noting that pregnant women are restricted from taking different medications, so treating a nerve pinched can be difficult. Finding the right pain medication and other medications, if they are needed, can be extremely difficult.


The main symptom of squeezing the nerve in the hip joint is severe pain, they can be sharp and pulling in character. Pain can be given to the groin or pelvis area, and often it is of such force that it limits normal mobility. In addition to the pain syndrome, the following symptoms may occur:

  • a feeling of numbness in the region of the compressed nerve, it can spread to the surface of the thigh and groin;
  • feeling of stiffness, strong muscle tension, inability to fully move;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation or tingling in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

There is also the view that pinching the nerve endings in the pelvis causes diarrhea, this statement is not entirely true. Digestive disorders are usually observed when the sciatic nerve or nerve endings are entrapped in the groin, when the nerve endings in the hip are squeezed, this symptom usually does not occur.

These signs in most cases indicate the compression of the nerve end in the hip joint, but a full diagnosis is necessary in any case. Immediately after the detection of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Important!With this disease, you should consult a doctor - a neurologist.

To diagnose this disease, MRI and other studies are usually used. Also in the process of examination, it is possible to establish the development of possible complications.

Treatment of pinching the nerve in the hip joint

Treatment of this disease is usually complex, using various therapies. At home, it is often impossible to completely get rid of the compression of the nerve end and its consequences completely, in addition to taking medicines, physiotherapy and manual procedures are required to return the mobility after treatment with LFK. I usually resort to the following treatments:

  1. Drug treatment. First of all, various anesthetic anti-inflammatory drugs are used, usually based on ibuprofen, nimesulide and their analogues. Also can use miragelaksanty to remove muscle spasms, chondroprotectors, if the fragility of bones and joints, various vitamins is increased.
  2. Manual treatment and physiotherapy, reflexotherapy. These techniques help improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, restore mobility to the joint. They are used after the removal of the main pain syndrome to fix the result.
  3. Gymnastics for pinching of the nerve in the hip joint is necessary for the return of mobility during and after the main treatment. The program of exercises should be chosen by the attending physician, in each individual case the scheme of exercise therapy can be different.

LFK after pinching should continue for some time after the disappearance of compression of nerve endings and the disappearance of all symptoms. So there will be a guarantee that the pain syndrome will not return, the pinching will not arise again.

Treatment with folk remedies

When treating this disease folk methods should be careful, with their careless use can provoke deterioration. Specialists do not recommend warming in the place of compression of nerve endings.

When the nerve is squeezed, it is recommended to take a mixture of dried apricots, prunes and walnuts, they positively influence the work of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. You need to take a small handful of nuts, five pieces of dried apricots and five pieces of prunes, grind or grind in a meat grinder. Take a tablespoon several times a day.

With properly selected treatment, the improvements will become visible very soon. It is also important to treat a disease that caused nerve compression, follow the rules of prevention after recovery.