The neck aches after sleep: what to do?


  • 1The main causes of neck pain after sleep
    • 1.1Non-pathological causes of cervicalgia in the morning
    • 1.2Pathological causes of pain in the neck after sleeping
    • 1.3Radiculitis of the cervical spine
    • 1.4Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 1.5Myositis of the muscles of the cervical segment
    • 1.6Spondylolisthesis
    • 1.7Spondylosis
    • 1.8Cervical migraine
    • 1.9Vegetative dysfunction
    • 1.10Stress and emotional stress
    • 1.11What to do if the neck is very sore in the morning
  • 2Why does my neck hurt after sleeping?
    • 2.1Physiological causes
    • 2.2Pathological factors
    • 2.3It's time to see a doctor
    • 2.4What to do at home
  • 3Pain in the neck after sleep
    • 3.1Physiological causes
    • 3.2Diseases - provocateurs
    • 3.3Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Myositis
    • 3.5Spondylosis
    • 3.6Spondylolisthesis
    • 3.7Cervical migraine
    • 3.8Radiculitis of cervical department
    • 3.9General principles of treatment
  • 4Pain in the neck after sleeping, at night
  • 5The neck hurts after a dream: muscles or a sign of illness of a backbone have become numb
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Causes of pain in the neck
    • 5.2Neck muscles are numb
    • 5.3Bleeding neck
    • 5.4First aid for myositis
    • 5.5Osteochondrosis
    • 5.6Prevention of pain in the neck

The main causes of neck pain after sleep

A person should wake up rested, but there are cases when after awakening in the upper spine there are unpleasant sensations, and sometimes severe pain.

In the morning, the neck often hurts because of the uneven distribution of the load on the muscles and spine. But to provoke cervicalgia (pain in the neck) can various diseases that need long-term treatment.

If the pain after sleep is a constant, you need to contact the clinic, which has diagnostic equipment.

The neck is a very fragile and vulnerable part of the body, inside of which are vital organs. Self-treatment, pain relief drugs, improper massage can harm the patient. It is necessary to reveal in a timely manner the cause of pain and prevent the development of complications.

Non-pathological causes of cervicalgia in the morning

In an incorrect position, the muscles are in a stressed state, which helps squeeze the vertebrae and pinch the nerves with intervertebral discs.

The compressed nerve endings signal the spinal cord, which sends a command to tighten the cervical vertebrae to protect the injured area. As a result, the muscles tense even more, squeezing the blood vessels and spinal nerves.

The swelling of the tissues develops, which causes burning pain in the cervico-occipital area after awakening. A small charge and a hot shower relax the muscles, relieve the pain.

Correctly organized sleeping place will help to avoid cramping of the cervical nerve during sleep.

Provides a comfortable position to the extent of a rigid cushion height of 6-9 cm. It is necessary that the vertebrae should be on a level surface. For this, you can purchase a roller under the neck.


Especially useful it will be with osteochondrosis of the cervical and vertebral sections.


If, despite the measures taken, the soreness persists and grows when the head turns, sneezing, coughing, you need to go to the hospital. Painful sensations indicate deviations from the norm of the cervical spine.

Pathological causes of pain in the neck after sleeping

Provocators of cervicalgia are various diseases, neoplasms and injuries. Pain can be intense or weak, have a pulsating, tingling, shooting character.
With pain, one often observes:

  • swelling under the skin;
  • limited movement;
  • temperature increase;
  • numbness in occiput;
  • muscle tension;
  • tingling in the hands and fingers;
  • reduction of muscle strength in the hands.

Painful sensations can extend to the cervico-occipital area, to give in hands, shoulders, head or scapula.

To determine the causes of pain in the neck, the muscles are examined, after the appointment, MRI, ultrasound, x-ray of the cervical section with functional tests.

Specialists distinguish several diseases, in which after sleeping with difficulty turns and hurts the neck.

Radiculitis of the cervical spine

Subcooling of the body, infringement of spinal nerves, inflammatory damage of the spinal column, infectious factors cause inflammation of the nerve root (cervical radiculitis).

The disease is manifested by acute pain in the cervico-occipital region, an increase in temperature. The development of radiculitis is promoted by actions in which neck muscles are strained, overweight.

For the prevention of disease it is necessary to observe the mode of work and rest, sleep on hard mattresses, and timely treat inflammatory processes in the body.

Cervical osteochondrosis

As a result of the disturbance of the mineral metabolism, large physical exertion, suffered spinal injuries, there are high loads on the cervical vertebrae.

If the disease is not treated, degenerative changes occur in the intervertebral discs and joints of the cervical region. When pinching the nerve, there is a sharp shooting pain, a tingling sensation in the hands. As a result of compression of the vertebral artery, blood circulation is disturbed.

Pain in the neck and head occurs after a prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position during sleep or work.

Often, patients ask: "What should I do if I pinch my neck?"Painful sensations are removed by Ibuprofen. But cervical osteochondrosis is treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

When the pathology in the intervertebral discs starts, degenerative processes begin and the hernia forms.

No less dangerous consequence of osteochondrosis is the squeezing of vertebral arteries feeding blood to the brain.

Disturbance of the blood supply complicates the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, the organs of sight and hearing. You can not ignore the frequent pain in the neck and head in the morning.

The specialist will select the drug therapy, if necessary, prescribe a massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy. The patient needs to choose a comfortable pose for sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping on a semi-rigid mattress in the position on the back.

To normalize the blood supply in the cervical region, an orthopedic pillow with a roller is necessary.

Myositis of the muscles of the cervical segment

Flu, chronic tonsillitis, draft work, constant muscle tension can lead to muscle inflammation.

Pain and impairment of motor functions often occur in the morning and increase with the turns and inclinations of the head.

In the muscle area there is a small puffiness, a tingling sensation.

Sharp pain in the neck and head, extending to the shoulders and shoulder blades, occurs when the nerve is squeezed due to the compression of the nerve roots.

If the neck is severely clamped, it is recommended to stop pain with Nimid or Diclofenac before going to the clinic.

Warming and anti-inflammatory ointments Capsicum, Menovasin relieve pain and swelling.

That the neck in the mornings was not ill, at a chronic myositis it is necessary:

  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • Do not be long in one position;
  • to support muscles in tonus with the help of special exercises.


The vertebrae of the cervical spine are displaced relative to each other due to cleavage of the arches vertebrae, against the background of fractures and dislocations, obtained in childhood, birth trauma, age changes, osteochondrosis. The neck is very sore after sleeping, with prolonged exposure in one position, fatigue occurs due to a violation of blood supply.

During an exacerbation to reduce and prevent pain, you need to choose a gentle position for sleep. It is recommended to sleep on the side with a half-bent legs or on the back with bent legs and a small ridge under the knees.

Direct position on the back increases the load on the muscles and intervertebral disks.For sleep you need an even bed with a medium-hard mattress and a special orthopedic pillow with a roller that fixes the vertebrae.


After thinning of the intervertebral discs, osteophyte bone growths form on the vertebrae in the form of spines or tubercles. At the initial stage, discomfort occurs after awakening.

With the development of the disease, the growths begin to press on the nerve bundles, and the person experiences strong pain sensations. Later, there is stiffness of the movements, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the hands.

To spondylosis did not take a chronic form, and did not cause complications, it is necessary to go to a medical institution with the appearance of regular pain in the neck in the morning.

Cervical migraine

Lesions of cartilaginous tissues, the consequences of injuries to the cervical spine, congenital anomalies of the vertebrae provoke irritation of nerve endings.

As a result, because of muscle spasm, the flow of blood into the brain through the vertebral arteries is disturbed, painful pulsating pains in the cervico-occipital part, which can intensify after sleep on the back with a strongly tilted back head.

If the neck and head are very sore in the morning, in order to avoid irreversible narrowing of the walls of the vessels, you need to urgently seek help.

Any violation of blood circulation leads to discomfort in the cervical region in the morning. Painful sensations - this is a kind of signal for treatment in a medical institution.

Vegetative dysfunction

With vegeto-vascular dystonia along with various symptoms (fainting, dizziness, arrhythmia, nausea, sweating) there are pulsating or pressing pains in the head and neck after awakening.

Morning attacks of varying intensity and duration are accompanied by darkening in the eyes, frequent cardiac contractions. Attacks VSD arise against a background of stress, overwork, systematic lack of sleep.

First of all, you need to restore mental balance and a normal sleep.

Stress and emotional stress

At constant experiences, problems, negative emotions in a cervical department of a backbone there is a convulsive compression of a muscle. Man lives by instincts, inherent in nature.

In case of danger, an unpleasant situation involuntarily retracts the head, so the muscles of the neck are strained, the blood circulation worsens. In this state the person is, until he calms down.

The neck and head ache after sleeping, when a person can not relax and brings his problems to bed.

What to do if the neck is very sore in the morning

With regular cervicalgia it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance.Self-treatment will relieve the unpleasant symptoms only for a while. Ways to get rid of the pain, eliminate the inflammatory process, improve the blood circulation a lot.

The doctor will prescribe painkillers, medication or surgical treatment, physiotherapy procedures, recommend a course of therapeutic physical training.

To facilitate and prevent pain in the morning in the cervical spine area, select a pillow that supports the natural bending of the neck.

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Why does my neck hurt after sleeping?

Any pain is unpleasant. But especially frustrating, if the neck hurts in the morning after sleep, and even so that it is impossible to turn his head, and ahead is a difficult and eventful day.

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In this situation, at least once in a lifetime everyone got into it. The cervical vertebrae are quite fragile and can be damaged even if the head is turned too sharply.

Therefore, there are a lot of reasons for morning cervical pains.

Physiological causes

Fortunately, the most common reason why the neck hurts after sleeping is an uncomfortable position of the body. Too soft mattress, improperly matched to the height and size of the pillow, even uncomfortable posture during sleep can provoke morning stiffness and pain in the neck.

By the way, many do not pay attention to this, having got used to morning discomfort and considering it inevitable. They also justify this by saying: "I can not control the position in which I sleep!".


But the real cause of pain is a violation of the normal circulation in the neck due to the wrong position of the neck.


And it leads to chronic oxygen deficiency, hypertension and degenerative processes.

Most often, morning pain is triggered by vascular or muscle spasms, which can be caused by the following reasons:

  • prolonged sitting in one position;
  • careless sharp turn of the head;
  • damage to the neck muscles during training;
  • overstrain of the masticatory muscles;
  • spasm of the larynx with a strong cough.

Usually, when we sleep, we change the pose at least several times a night. Under the influence of chemicals there is a complete muscle relaxation and the person sleeps like a dead one, because of which the body becomes numb and it hurts in the morning.

Pathological factors

Often the reasons for what the neck hurts after sleeping are various diseases that may not be directly related to it. To tell the doctor the diagnosis can localization, intensity and the form of painful sensations. For example:

  1. Problems with the spine - create a feeling of general stiffness, pain localized in the back of the neck and worse with the slightest movement, can be given in the hands or shoulders, accompanied by dizziness, darkening in the eyes, irregular blood pressure.
  2. ARVI and other acute respiratory diseases - not only the throat, but also the sides of the neck, on which the lymph nodes, enlarged because of the inflammatory processes, can be ill. Accompanied by other characteristic ENT symptoms: cough, runny nose, plentiful mucous discharge.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, reflux) lead to permanent irritation of the esophagus and throat, spasms smooth muscles, severe inflammation, which can spread, including, on soft tissues neck.
  4. Arthritis and arthrosis. Affected cartilaginous tissues, which are not only joints, but also intervertebral disks, including cervical. In acute or long-term illness, posture is disturbed, joint mobility is limited - this causes pain in the neck.
  5. Intervertebral hernia. It can form not only on the vertebral column, but also on the neck. The pain is usually spot, with a clear localization in the area of ​​the affected vertebra, the hernia is often noticeable visually.
  6. Fibromyalgia. The pain does not have a clear localization, because it is caused by inflammation of the nerve endings and in the neck including. With rheumatic polymyalgia, the lower part of the neck mainly hurts.
  7. Angina pectoris or infarction. During a heart attack, acute pain in the chest can give to the front of the neck. At the same time there are wheezing, shortness of breath, signs of oxygen starvation.
  8. Infectious diseases. The causative agents of dangerous infectious diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, chlamydia, etc. can rapidly spread through the lymph or blood throughout the body and affect the intervertebral discs, causing them to degenerate changes.
  9. Lymphadenitis. Inflammation and enlargement of submandibular and / or cervical lymph nodes are always accompanied by pain in the neck. The disease can have an infectious and non-infectious nature.
  10. Oncological diseases. Some cancers give numerous metastases that affect any organs throughout the body. At a cancer, except for a neck, often in the mornings the back hurts, the body weight sharply decreases, there are signs of the general intoxication.

But the most common pathological cause, according to which the neck after a dream may be aching, remains osteochondrosis - a disease that affects cartilage tissue and provokes a change in the structure of cartilage. Unfortunately, it is getting younger every year.

If earlier young people under 35 did not even hear of such a diagnosis, then today it is already put to 25-30-year-old patients.

This is due, in the first place, to the sedentary lifestyle that most adults lead. At work - in the car, in the office - at the computer, in the evening - a movie or TV.

At best, physical activity does not take more than an hour a day, and they can hardly be called active.

Basically, this is a simple homework, which is also becoming more automated.

It's time to see a doctor

To consult a doctor is necessary in the event that morning pain and stiffness of muscles in the neck do not pass during several days, despite the fact that you changed the pillow, did a massage, drank anesthetic and took a number of other measures.

Immediate consultation with the doctor is necessary in the case when the pain syndrome is accompanied by other extremely unpleasant symptoms:

  • reduction or loss of sensitivity of the limbs;
  • partial or complete paralysis;
  • distortions of facial features, violation of facial expressions;
  • formation of hematomas in the region of the head or neck;
  • increased and painful on palpation of lymph nodes;
  • numbness or trembling of limbs and / or fingers;
  • obvious violation of coordination of movements;
  • severe redness, swelling, tenderness of the skin;
  • abrupt or prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • severe headaches, especially in the nape of the neck.

These symptoms can signal about such dangerous diseases as stroke, hypertensive crisis, oncology, diseases of infectious nature.

The earlier the qualitative diagnosis is carried out, the greater the chance that the healing will be complete without disrupting the motor functions and other serious complications.

In some cases so popular among "osteochondrosis" warming up and massage are categorically contraindicated and can cause the appearance of complications.

What to do at home

If there are no alarming symptoms, you can try to solve the problem yourself using preventive measures, medications or traditional methods of treatment. With severe pain, it is better not to tolerate, but immediately take anti-inflammatory or pain medications: "No-Shpu "Ibuprofen "Paracetamol."

But remember that such medications only provide temporary relief and eliminate the pain syndrome, but not its cause. Therefore, it is not necessary to restrict the use of tablets only - it is necessary to take other measures so that the situation does not recur.

Here's what you can do:

  • check whether there are drafts in the room and whether you are sitting near the operating air conditioner - you could simply "stretch
  • try to sleep on another pillow, perhaps this one is too high or big for you and the neck is in an unnatural position all night;
  • Use before bedtime ointments or gels and a warming effect - they improve blood circulation and perfectly relieve muscle spasms;
  • loosen the knot of the tie and, if possible, unbutton the top button of the shirt - they can pinch the neck and disrupt blood circulation;
  • Do not sit for a long time in one position, every 30-40 minutes do simple exercises for relaxation, perform rotation with your neck;
  • check the correctness of the posture and, if necessary, take measures to correct it;
  • do preventive neck self-massage before bedtime - this will relax your muscles and relieve tension.

Do not take painkillers for a long time. If relief does not come within 2-3 days, you should consult your doctor.

You may not be able to identify the true causes of cervical pain yourself, which bother you after sleep, so you can not cope with them.

Remember that healthy quality food and a positive attitude play no less important role than comfortable sleep and moderate physical activity.

In the diet, there should be enough protein daily, which is necessary for the muscles supporting the neck and spine. Vitamins and minerals help regulate intracellular metabolic processes and strengthen immunity.

Under the influence of stress, the hormonal background changes, which can lead to an imbalance of all organs and systems of man. Therefore, try to maintain a positive attitude.

Yoga and meditative practices can help in this. They are also an excellent prevention of the appearance of problems with the spine and pain in the neck.


But do not start with complex asanas, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect and getting to the reception with a traumatologist.


Anna Alexandrova

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Pain in the neck after sleep

Most modern people, especially young people, live and work in conditions of constant time trouble. Time for rest is sorely lacking, and such a problem as neck pain after a dream, seriously violates day plans and causes a lot of inconvenience.

What could be the reason, and how to understand how serious it all is? The condition, when the neck hurts after a dream, is called cervicalgia, and it can be provoked by the most various factors and diseases - from an uncomfortable posture to degenerative vertebral lesions and neoplasms.

Physiological causes

The most common reason that the neck hurts in the morning is an uncomfortable posture during a night rest. This can contribute to a too soft or, on the contrary, a hard mattress, a high pillow or the use of psychotropic substances.

The neck hurts in the mornings due to a lack of oxygen caused by a circulatory disturbance. If you do not take measures to correct the situation, and wake up day after day with a feeling of stiffness in the cervical department, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine can begin.

Spasms of the muscles or vessels of the neck are facilitated by:

  • prolonged sitting in one pose;
  • sharp turn of the head;
  • overstrain of the neck muscles during physical activity, during sports training;
  • a strong cough, in which there is a spasm of the larynx and chewing muscles;
  • taking sleeping pills or alcohol in the evening, so that people less often change their pose in a dream.
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To correct the situation, you need to properly organize a sleeping place. You can buy an orthopedic pillow or a cushion under the neck.

The main criterion in choosing this accessory is the size and height, they must match the complexion of a person.

The height of the orthopedic pillow should be equal to the width of the shoulder from the upper point of the humerus to the base of the neck. At the same time, the permissible deviation in one side or the other is not more than 2 cm.

Sleeping on the right and suitable pillow ensures not only a full night's rest, but also helps to prevent many problems with the spine

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, it should be borne in mind that lovers of sleeping on their backs will be approached by a product with a lower height and stiffness.

Preferred to sleep on the stomach is a low and soft pillow.

People who sleep mostly on their side, the most convenient is the average option - a pillow of moderate height and softness.

It should be remembered that the softer the mattress, the stronger it bends under the weight of the body, and the lower the pillow is required. Couple with a hard mattress should go pillow higher.

Diseases - provocateurs

If the cause of muscle soreness of the neck is hidden in any pathology, then other symptoms can be observed:

  • stiffness, limited movements;
  • muscular tension;
  • a feeling of weakness in the hands;
  • tingling in the upper limbs, including in the area of ​​hands and fingers;
  • increased body temperature;
  • numbness in the occipital area.

Depending on why the neck hurts after sleep, the pain may be different - strong or weak, pulsating or shooting, squeezing or stitching. In addition, the pain syndrome can spread, give in the shoulders and arms, back and head.

To establish the true cause of pain in the neck, you need to undergo a survey that includes ultrasound, MRI, and X-rays. In some cases, studies are performed using so-called functional tests. In this way, the presence of a possible conflict between the vertebrae and the vessels is ascertained.

Cervical osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral disks, which act as a shock absorber, begin to degenerate into ossified tissue. The process involves the nerve endings and blood vessels, and there is a tangible discomfort and pain.

It is rather difficult to diagnose osteochondrosis, because, on the one hand, the symptomatology is not always expressed, and on the other hand, the patients do not address the complaints with the wrong address. For example, with dizziness and headache, high blood pressure goes to the therapist, and with the presence of symptoms from the heart - to the cardiologist.


Manifestation of osteochondrosis can be different, some patients complain of numbness of the tongue and pain in the gums, although there are no dental problems.


To treat osteochondrosis is necessary, as in the future pain and discomfort during movements significantly reduce the quality of life, the joints work worsens, and the person grows old ahead of time.

Soreness and stiffness may indicate cervical osteochondrosis of the spine


Inflammation of the neck muscles, or myositis, begins suddenly. A person wakes up in the morning with a sharp pain in the neck, you can not turn or tilt your head.

The most likely cause of myositis is hypothermia or stay in a draft, as well as a prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, including during sleep.

Sharp and jerking pain causes infringement of nerve roots as a result of compression of muscular tissues. Spasm of the muscles irritates the nerve endings, and they become inflamed, causing severe pain.

With chronic myositis, pain does not stop at all, but only subsides. The condition is exacerbated in the mornings, after physical exertion, accompanies catarrhal diseases. Sluggish myositis reminds of itself even after a not very long stay in an uncomfortable position.


Each vertebra has a body and two arches - the upper and lower. The arches form a hole - the vertebral canal with the spinal cord inside. To connect the vertebrae with each other and attach the muscles and ligaments are spinous processes.

The destruction of the vertebrae or their individual components, the formation of bone outgrowths along the edges of the vertebrae, which contribute to the damage of intervertebral discs, is the cause of such a disease as spondylosis.

In the early stages of spondylosis is manifested mainly morning pain immediately after awakening. Further development of the disease leads to compression of the nerve bundles, which causes severe pain syndrome.

Symptoms of spondylosis are also dizziness, visual impairment, stiffness of movements and numbness of the upper extremities. To avoid the progression of the disease and complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


The displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other is called spondylolisthesis, which, in turn, is divided into anterolisthesis (displacement of the vertebrae forward) and retroolisthesis (backward shift).

Another revered: how to choose an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

The cause of such damage can be trauma or physical labor associated with lifting weights, as well as age-related changes and hereditary anomalies.

In spondylolisthesis, the neck can become ill after sleeping or staying in the same position for a long time. Since the vertebrae has shifted to the appearance of the first symptoms, it often takes a long time, so it is not always possible to diagnose the disease on time.


Because of strong and constant compression, the intervertebral disc can burst, and a hernia is formed. But in most cases, the displacement of the vertebrae does not exceed 15%, so treatment is usually conservative.


During an exacerbation in order to reduce the pain syndrome it is recommended to sleep on the side or on the back, with the legs bent better. In the position on the back under your knees, you can put a roller or a small pillow. So the load on the spine and muscles will be less.

A correct posture with a roller under the knees will relieve the spine and facilitate the condition

Cervical migraine

Syndrome of the vertebral artery, also called cervical migraine, arises due to circulatory disorders and manifests as spasms and pain when the position of the body changes and the movements of the head.

As a result of vascular disorders, problems with the spinal column or traumatization of the cervical region, irritation of nerve endings and vertebral arteries occurs. This causes muscle spasm and narrowing of the lumen in the arteries. So begins a cervical migraine.

With timely access to a doctor, the disease can be completely cured, the advanced stages have a less favorable prognosis, but there are means to facilitate attacks.

Radiculitis of cervical department

Damage to the ends of the spinal nerves due to congenital pathologies, injuries, osteochondrosis, and existing hernia is called radiculitis. As a result of inflammation of the nerves, there is a sharp pain in the neck and occiput, mainly in a sitting and standing position.

Treatment of radiculitis is aimed at arresting the inflammatory process that causes pain, and improving blood supply in the damaged area.

General principles of treatment

What if the pain in the morning appears regularly and does not go away? To find out the reason, you need to undergo a survey. First, the physician will conduct a physical examination and assess the signs on the outside of the neck - whether there is swelling, swelling, redness, etc.

Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is referred for research:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray in two projections;
  • MRI or CT;
  • neuromyography.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal and endocrine pathologies.

In this case, an electrocardiogram, endoscopy, fluoroscopy, ultrasound of the thyroid gland can be prescribed.

Probably, consultation of narrow experts - vertebrologist, the neurologist, the rheumatologist, the orthopedist, the surgeon is required.

With acute pain, anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac

Medicines for diseases of the musculoskeletal system are selected taking into account the severity of the symptoms and include the following types:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Xsefokam);
  • muscle relaxants (Midokalm, Sibazon);
  • chondroprotectors (Artra, Don);
  • vitamin complexes (Milgamma, Neuromax).

In certain cases, when the pain syndrome is not expressed strongly, prescribe drugs of local action - ointments, creams and gels. With acute symptoms, paravertebral blockades with Novocaine and glucocorticosteroids are made.

Drug treatment is aimed at removing acute symptoms, after which rehabilitation measures are carried out - physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics and massage.

For neck pains that occur in the morning, you first need to replace the sleeping accessories, picking them up in accordance with the recommendations in this article.


It is possible that a dream on another, the right pillow will give a calm morning hours without pain and discomfort.


However, if nothing helps, and every morning you have to endure inconveniences and pause for a long time, you need to show yourself to the doctor and get treatment.

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Pain in the neck after sleeping, at night

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 will be counseling in Odessa.The doctor takes Ignatiev Radion Gennadievich. The visit time is limited. Record by phone: +38 099 430-93-00. Read more ...

Types of pain
What should I do if my neck hurts after sleeping?
Treatment of pain in the neck after sleeping in the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev"
Pain in the neck at nightor after a dream is a consequence of an incorrect position of the head or the development of dystrophic changes in the cervical vertebrae, therefore, the neck does not relax, but experiences additional stress. Treatment is carried out by a vertebrologist.

The qualified medical personnel of the "Clinic of Dr. Ignatiev" conducts treatment for neck diseases as soon as possible. On reception to vertebrologu it is necessary to be written down in advance.

According to statistics, 65% of the able-bodied population have pain in the cervical spine with prolonged physical exertion, a consequence of incorrect posture, stress and excess weight.

  • cervicalgia - tolerable pain in the neck, which does not go to the rest of the body;
  • cervicocranygia - a common pain in the arm, from the neck to the head;
  • cervicago (cervical lumbago) - acute pain in the neck due to infringement of the rootlet or several roots of the spinal nerves in the cervical spine.

Depending on the nature of the pain, there must be different actions. In all cases, if the problem occurs for the first time and has a moderate nature of pain, a visit to the doctor should be planned if it does not go away after 2-3 days or signs build up.

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You can not warm a painful area or do a massage, as this will aggravate the situation. Additional blood flow from massage or warming will cause additional blood flow and increased inflammation.

At the same time, you need to limit movement and give preference to "dry" heat (for example, to wear a scarf).

With these symptoms, ointments, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gels such as diclofenac, xephox, etc. are used. In a particularly sharp the condition is prescribed painkillers, starting with simple (analgin, nimesil) and ending with others, issued strictly by prescription doctor.

The most common cases of lumbago in the neck after sleep. Patients note acute pain when bending, tilting the head in a certain direction, without movements, the symptoms disappear. If the symptoms do not go away after 24 hours or the attack is repeated several times, then a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Concomitant pain often indicates chronic problems of the spine, pain is often absent, symptoms are removed after a "crunching" of the neck.

This is one of the most neglected conditions, although the patients do not feel any obvious problems except leakage, the problem progresses and affects the work of the whole organism.


There is a lack of blood circulation of the brain, nervousness, irritability, aggression.


Without due attention, the symptoms turn into dizziness, noise in the ears, contribute to the emergence of discirculatory encephalopathy, stroke states. After MRI of the spine, you can find a lot of hernias and protrusions, ultrasound of the spine detects a violation of patency or the configuration of the vertebral arteries.

Night pains that cause awakening and bad sleep require a complete examination, since such symptoms occur against a background of many diseases.

If there are problems in the spine, the muscles are assigned a course of correction of the spine with further fulfillment of the therapeutic charge.

Frequent complaints with morning pain in the upper spine:

  • In the morning my neck hurts, I can not turn my head to the side, if I tilt it on my side or forward, the pain also bothers;
  • In the store bought a special pillow with a roller.After a dream on this orthopedic pillow it hurts in the cervical department, I can not understand why;
  • Sore the neck after sleeping on the right / left side, read that it is a chamber, but nothing helps to eliminate it. How to cure the problem completely;
  • Has long been numb, noetneck in the morning and sore, until it is developed or you do a special exercise. After a while, there were painful points in the muscles, dizzy and noisy in the ears. A constant crunch, as if salts are being deposited;
  • In the evening the room was ventilated and left an open window, after sleep I found out that my neck hurts and it is impossible to turn it to the right / left side. Pain comes from the base of the head and shoulder;
  • Many years the neck after a dream flows, on MRT have found out hernia C4-S5, but no pain or numbness anywhere;
  • The child woke up with a pain in the neck after a dream, unbearable pain when turning, cries as soon as they touch it, badly eats, restless;
  • We flew in an airplane, went by train. After a dream in an uncomfortable pose, the neck is very sore, gives to the back of the head;
  • My neck is very sore especially in the morning, I wake up at night from unbearable headache, advise ointment or other medicine what to do;

Main features:

  • headache;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • impaired motor functions;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • the onset of paralysis;
  • presence of hematoma;
  • severe pain in the neck;
  • dysfunction of the muscles of the neck and upper limbs;
  • pain that intensifies toward night, during sleep;
  • swelling under the skin;
  • restriction of movements;
  • pathologically large amplitude of movements;
  • sluggish paresis of hands;
  • feeling of running around the neck of an electric current;
  • cutting and pulling pain in the muscles;
  • redness and weakness in the muscles;
  • numbness;
  • temperature increase.

A source:

The neck hurts after a dream: muscles or a sign of illness of a backbone have become numb

Practically everyone knows how the neck hurts after sleep. This condition can easily spoil the whole day. It does not matter what was planned - work or rest, painful feelings will constantly remind you of themselves, reduce working capacity or deprive of pleasure from the weekend.

Causes of pain in the neck

Why does the neck hurt? Unpleasant sensations can arise for a variety of reasons. Some of them are quite harmless and easily amenable to treatment, but neck pain can be a symptom of the onset of serious diseases of the spine.

Neck muscles are numb

After a dream in an uncomfortable position, a person feels broken and unhappy. My whole body aches, especially my neck.

In the worst case, due to the incorrect position of the body in the strained muscles, the nerve is clamped. Then the pain is intense, sometimes it's even impossible to turn your neck. These painful sensations are not dangerous.

In order to get rid of them, it is enough to take simple measures:

  • hot shower or bath, hot water relaxes the muscles, which reduces pressure on the pinched nerve endings and reduces pain;
  • apply a warm compress or rub the neck with a warming medication;
  • make a neat relaxing massage;
  • make a charge that will help relax and stretch muscles, regulate blood circulation and give the body a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Sometimes these methods are not effective enough, and soreness persists for a week, then it goes by itself. To avoid such problems it is important to monitor the quality of your sleep.

It is advisable that the mattress is rigid enough, and the pillow is orthopedic.

For those who often travels or travels, there are special tourist cushions, with which you can sleep in an airplane or bus.

Bleeding neck

Sharp hypothermia of the neck muscles is fraught with myositis or colds. Inflammation of the neck muscles awaits everyone at any time of the year.

In order to catch this disease, it is enough to forget to dress a scarf when leaving a stuffy room, or to sleep in a room with an open window in the cold season.

Very often the inflammation of the neck muscles is diagnosed during the hot season, when the air conditioning is in every office and car. Myositis is characterized by acute unbearable pain. It's simply impossible to turn your head.

First aid for myositis

If you accurately remember the conditions that could cause myositis, for example, a sharp pain was preceded by a dream with an open window, then before visiting a specialist, the following instructions:

  • do not make sudden movements;
  • apply a warming ointment on painful areas;
  • do a neat relaxing massage;
  • drink anesthetic medication if necessary;
  • provide the body peace and drink plenty of fluids.

Myositis - this is the disease that knocks out and is not tolerated on legs. It is best at the time of treatment to take a hospital and conduct a quality course of treatment according to the recommendations of the doctor. If you treat the illness negligently, it will return with annoying constancy.


It's becoming younger and younger than the age, from which statistics such an unpleasant illness as osteochondrosis starts.

This disease threatens almost everyone, whose work leads to forced hypodynamia.

The disease is accompanied by a crunch in the cervical vertebrae and destruction in the intervertebral cartilage. Characteristic signs of osteochondrosis:

  • cervicalgia or pain in the neck;
  • pain in the neck in the arm and shoulder;
  • crunch when turning the head;
  • noise in ears;
  • fog in the eyes and other visual disorders;
  • hearing impairment;
  • a feeling of numbness in the fingers of the hands, on the tip of the tongue;
  • general weakness.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis can manifest themselves in different ways. Every person is different, like his illnesses. Categorically it is undesirable to engage in self-medication, because the same symptoms can indicate other serious health problems.

An accurate diagnosis can be made by a neurologist, but even he is not satisfied with the complaints and examination of the patient, but the results of a special examination are required.

The process of development of osteochondrosis can not be stopped, but it can be slowed down or prevented by prevention.

And if the signs of osteochondrosis have begun to manifest themselves, then do not pull with an appeal to a specialist.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed and the treatment is started, the more effective the therapy will be.

Modern medicine allows you to slow down the development of the disease at the earliest stages and keep the patient habitual way of life.

Prevention of pain in the neck

In most cases, preventive measures relating to any disease are very simple and accessible. Summarizing the above, we will propose several points that are mandatory for those who are predisposed to such an unpleasant phenomenon as pain in the cervical spine:

  • Avoid drafts. If after every summer trip in a car with a slightly opened window blows your neck - do not constantly check your body for strength. Just give up drafts, for your own health;
  • move. Even if the work involves sitting in the office at the computer for a long time, pay attention to your health - take small breaks to stretch your neck. Exercises at times will increase efficiency and affect performance only for the better;
  • accustom yourself to charging;
  • check your bed. Ideally, a person should sleep so that his neck and spine are on the same line. Drain yourself to sleep on your stomach - in this position the head is turned to the side and the muscles are in an unnatural position for a long time. Doctors recommend sleeping on your back with a roller under your neck.

Do not worry in vain and love yourself.

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