Severe knee injury: symptoms and how long will it hurt


  • 1Knee injury treatment at home photo and video
    • 1.1What is the danger of a knee injury?
    • 1.2Knee injury: symptoms of the disease, tactics of treating the disease
    • 1.3How to treat a knee injury?
    • 1.4Physiotherapy
    • 1.5First aid with a knee injury
    • 1.6Possible complications of the disease
    • 1.7Knee injury in the child
    • 1.8How to treat a bruised knee joint in adults by folk methods?
    • 1.9Useful ointments
    • 1.10The process of rehabilitation after injury
  • 2What to do with a knee injury
    • 2.1Basic principles and directions of treatment
    • 2.2Local hypothermia
    • 2.3Restriction of movements
    • 2.4Medication Therapy
    • 2.5Compresses and physiotherapy
    • 2.6ethnoscience
    • 2.7Features of treatment in children
  • 3Contusion of the patella
    • 3.1Symptoms
    • 3.2Diagnostics
    • 3.3What to do with a knee injury?
  • 4What first of all it is necessary to do after a bruise of a knee: first aid
    • 4.1Ambulance
    • 4.2Medications and appliances
    • 4.3Folk remedies
    • 4.4Step-by-Step Instructions
  • 5First aid and treatment of knee injury at home
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Symptoms of a knee injury
    • 5.2First aid
    • 5.3Home medication treatment
    • 5.4How to treat a knee injury with folk remedies?
    • 5.5Consequences of a knee injury

Knee injury treatment at home photo and video

No injuries are insured against injuries. With such damage as a knee injury, treatment at home should be carried out as early as possible, otherwise unwanted complications may appear.

What is the danger of a knee injury?

Knee injury often occurs in athletes and people actively training in the gym. You can also injure an organ in an accident.

It would seem that such a minor damage can lead to serious consequences. When the knee joint is damaged, the patient often has severe pain, the person complains of discomfort when walking.

Knee injury: symptoms of the disease, tactics of treating the disease

Diagnosis of the disease is as follows: the patient is radiographing the knee joint. This method allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the organ. Radiography excludes the presence of more serious damage to the knee.

The main symptom of the disease is a sharp pain, sometimes it becomes intolerable. The knee begins to swell, a person can not move normally. Every step turns into torture. With severe damage, the patient loses consciousness from a painful shock.

How to treat a knee injury?

First, you need to eliminate pain. For this purpose, non-steroidal medications with anti-inflammatory effects are used. Experts recommend and drugs that have analgesic effect.

In the treatment of the disease, chondroprotectors are actively used. The composition of medicines contains elements similar to the natural joint fluid. Usually these drugs are used for injections.

Rapid healing of the wound is observed when using the Collagen Ultra gel. It is endowed with an anesthetic effect. The drug positively affects the damaged tissue, providing it with the necessary nutrients. The high efficiency of the gel is due to the presence of collagen in its composition.

Some people take Collagen Ultra inside. Biologically active additive perfectly eliminates pain in the knee. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days.

To improve blood supply to damaged vessels, topical drugs are used. They normalize the circulation of blood. Ointment Lyoton strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their structure.


A bruised knee joint is treated with physiotherapy methods. They need to be applied after a lapse of seven days from the time of injury. A good result is observed during UHF therapy.

Physiotherapeutic sessions favorably affect the damaged tissue. Typically, doctors practice electrotherapy using dynamic currents. UHF-therapy is carried out by courses.

In most cases, 10 physiotherapy procedures are needed. The process of tissue regeneration when UHF therapy is applied is quite fast. The speed of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the disease. Usually, after 7 days, the symptoms of malaise disappear, the hematoma decreases in size.

The patient should perform special physical exercises. They are simple: a person will easily make them at home.

First aid with a knee injury

Load on the damaged part of the body should be limited. A cold object is applied to the knee. This will avoid the occurrence of edema. Ice, attached to the site of the injury, well relieves pain: cold contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels.

A joint bandage should be applied to the joint. To make it, you can use an elastic bandage. The bandage should not be tightened too tightly, it should not restrain movement.

Possible complications of the disease

Damage to the knee joint can lead to adverse effects:

  • fluid accumulates in the joint region. This contributes to the appearance of pronounced edema. In this case, impose a plaster bandage. It limits the mobility of the joint;
  • dislocation of the knee cap, sprain;
  • inflammatory changes in the meniscus (cartilage plate of the joint). If you do not provide adequate assistance, a person may receive a disability;
  • bursitis. Its symptoms are: the onset of swelling in the joint, redness in the patella. Often the patient has a fever. If an infection enters the wound, pus appears in it. This form of bursitis is successfully treated only operatively.

Knee injury in the child

At children the skin thin, sensitive. It quickly forms abrasions. The knee should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, another drug that has antiseptic properties.

If the victim has no swelling, there is no bruise, but at the same time he is concerned about the pain in the knee, it makes sense to turn to folk methods of treatment.

To the sore spot apply a compress of medicinal broth. You can use it to prepare a fresh water (20 grams of a substance per 1000 ml of water).

The mixture is kept on low heat for 20 minutes, then it is cooled, a medical compress is made. The duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the child.

Salts based on salt are also useful. They are made according to this scheme kg of salt is poured into 2 liters of water. In this solution, you need to moisten a clean cloth and attach it to the site of the injury. You can smear the injured knee with healing creams that have a cooling effect.

Traditional means of treatment can only harm the child. If he has a stretch, fracture, he needs quality medical care. Therefore, the victim in any case need to show a specialist.

Important! If after a knee injury the child started vomiting, nausea appeared, you should immediately go to the clinic. These adverse symptoms may indicate concussion of the brain. The patient can lose consciousness, fall into a coma.

How to treat a bruised knee joint in adults by folk methods?

A knee injury with falling treatment at home is also possible with the help of folk recipes. But before using them you need to consult a specialist. A solution with the addition of vinegar has a good anti-inflammatory effect. To cook it it is necessary so:

  • take vegetable oil, water and vinegar in equal proportions (10 ml each). All components are well mixed, applied to the fabric;
  • the bruised knee joint is covered with a cellophane bag, wrapped in a warm cloth;
  • the compress is held for 4 hours. Then a ten-hour break is made and the treatment is resumed.

Injury of the knee joint is successfully treated with common cabbage. You need to take a couple of leaves of the vegetable, put them in a large saucepan, warm it over low heat. Cabbage leaf is applied to the diseased knee joint, bandaged with a bandage. Due to this, edema decreases.

Some people use a compress made of potatoes to treat a bruise. For this, the vegetable is gently rubbed on the grater.

The knee injury at home also includes this treatment:

  • apple cider vinegar (250 ml) is heated with a water bath. Add to it 20 grams of a large salt, 10 drops of iodine;
  • This solution is moistened with gauze and applied to the damaged area.

Lick the joint with tincture of arnica. Excellent fights against inflammatory changes in the body sponge. Powder of the bodywort should be diluted in warm water, from above to put on a bandage. Remove it can be after the body scraper completely dry.

The bruise of the knee during the fall causes severe pain, but treatment at home will quickly return a person to a normal life. You can try such a popular recipe: carefully chop the leaves of plantain, grease them with fat. This folk remedy is used 3 times a day.

To get rid of painful sensations it is useful to drink a tincture of valerian. Excellent pain relieves the compress of a white lily. It is applied to the damaged place. The compress must be securely fixed with a bandage.

Useful ointments

At home, you can prepare yourself a useful ointment from wormwood. Dry grass and Vaseline thoroughly mixed and put for a couple of hours in the oven.

After this, the product is cooled and rubbed into the injured knee three times a day. Instead of dry wormwood, a comfrey is sometimes used. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.

Ointment has an anesthetic effect, the hematoma dissolves well.

Perfectly helps with a bruised knee joint ointment based on a saber. To prepare it, the stems of the plant are evaporated, they add manna porridge to them. This remedy should be applied to the diseased knee. The leg should be kept warm, so it should be carefully wrapped.

You can take advantage of the adder's fat. They gently rub the injured limb twice a day. The process of recovery is much faster.

The process of rehabilitation after injury

Speed ​​up the recovery process after damage to the knee joint is possible with the help of swimming, it is necessary to visit the pool. This strengthens the muscles of the legs, improves blood circulation.

To treat a bruise of the knee joint can be both medicines, and reliable, time-tested folk remedies. But all therapeutic methods must be applied under the supervision of a doctor.

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What to do with a knee injury

A knee injury is a type of traumatic lesion of anatomical formations located in the knee joint area, consisting of minimal disturbances in their structure.

At the same time, the integrity of functionally important tissues is not disturbed.

Pathological changes are represented by microcirculatory disturbances of blood circulation, injuries small vessels with hemorrhages, compression of soft tissue and bone structures, irritation of the nervous endings.

All these links form a clinical picture and symptoms with a knee injury: pain, swelling, bruising and bruising of the injured area. The present article is devoted to the basics of treatment of knee injury and relief of the main symptoms.

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Basic principles and directions of treatment

A competent approach in deciding how to treat a knee injury should be based on blocking each of the links in the pathogenesis of this condition. The complex curative program includes:

  1. Pain relief: local hypothermia; administration of pain medication; immobilization of the limb.
  2. Reduction of edema: local hypothermia; anti-inflammatory drugs; Local effects - ointment or gel with anti-edematous effect; means of traditional medicine.
  3. Restoration of damaged structures: local therapy with ointments; correct immobilization of the knee area; treatment with compresses and physiotherapy; ethnoscience.

Important to remember! Despite the fact that the knee joint injury is not a serious problem, it is better to treat it in a complex way. This will shorten the recovery period and improve the functional results in the remote post-traumatic period!

Local hypothermia

Lining the injured area with cold with a knee joint injury can not cure the disease. But this is the first emergency intervention. Unfortunately, not always there is such an opportunity.

Cold, narrowed vessels, slows the progression of edema, reduces the yield of blood from the vascular space, blocks pain receptors of the affected tissues.

Ice, frozen and cold objects, compresses from cold water are able to provide adequate cold exposure. The duration of hypothermia of the sites that are aching should not exceed 20-30 minutes.

After this time, it's best to take a short break for 5-10 minutes and repeat the procedure.

Cooling the injured area is one of the most important measures of medical care with a knee injury

Restriction of movements

Any trauma of the musculoskeletal system, including a knee injury, requires the provision of a functional state of rest to the damaged segment.

At each stage of treatment (first aid, basic therapy, rehabilitation therapy), the volume of immobilization of the knee joint varies.

Limitation of mobility can be achieved in such ways:

  • Give the limb a semi-bent position, putting the injured on a hard surface. The simplest exercise that can be performed with any kind of knee injury at any stage of treatment.
  • Immobilization with a tire. In its role can be used as standard medical tires (ladder wire or pneumatic), and improvised means (any dense objects that will hold the knee in a fixed position after fixing them to extremities). Such an exercise is undifferentiated care, since there is no precise information about the diagnosis and the amount of traumatic injury.
  • Applying an elastic bandage to the knee joint. Circular knee bandage provides stability of the damaged joint, reduces soreness and swelling, restores functional abilities. Apply this technique is not necessary in the acute period of trauma and with a strong pain syndrome.
  • Use of orthoses and knee pads. It is an alternative to elastic bandaging, since it performs all the same functions. But this way of immobilization is more acceptable. It allows you to perform restorative exercises and the usual loads for a person.

Important to remember! The volume of movements of the affected joint should gradually expand: from complete immobility in the acute period of trauma, to full motor activity in the recovery period. Means for immobilization help to dose the load!

Fixation of the knee joint with an injury significantly shortens the recovery time

Medication Therapy

A knee joint injury is not so much a problem, the treatment of which requires medication. But in some cases you can not do without it.

It can be a pronounced pain syndrome, a common or local swelling (lump), an extensive bruise (bruise).

In the complex treatment of such conditions, the means listed in the table should be included.

Group of medicines Titles What do
Pain and anti-inflammatory pills and injections
  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Naklofen;
  • Nimid;
  • Ibuprom;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Movalis
Block the production of substances that support the inflammatory reaction in damaged tissues. Against the background, pain and swelling are reduced. Do not have a direct restorative effect. It can be used at any stage of treatment of a knee joint injury.
Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels
  • Diklak;
  • Remisid;
  • Nimid;
  • Dip-Relief;
  • Dolobien;
  • Apizarthron;
  • Fastum;
Have properties similar to anti-inflammatory tablets and injections. Their advantage is in exclusively local impact. Absorbed in the place of application, do not leave consequences in the form of side effects from the stomach.
Local decongestants and resorptives (ointment or gel)
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Liogel;
  • Venitan;
  • Hepatrombin
Do not have analgesic effect. If they smear with a knee, you can count on strengthening the weakened wall of damaged vessels, which promotes rapid resorption of hematomas and a decrease in edema.

Compresses and physiotherapy

Restoration of the functional abilities of the knee joint will occur much more quickly if physiotherapy is connected to complex treatment.

At the first stage of treatment (the first day), it is represented by cold effects. Further resort to thermal procedures. Their volumes and species depend on the degree of injury and type of affected tissue.

Surface bruises (skin, subcutaneous tissue, tendons, bags) are well treatable at home using compresses.

It can be lotions from a diluted: with water alcohol and the addition of salt (semi-alcohol-salt compress) or dimexide in dilution with water:. Before applying to the knee, the prepared liquid can be preheated.

Physiotherapy methods are connected to treatment when there is a bruise of intraarticular structures and bones of the knee.

Paraffin-ozocerite applications, phonophoresis of anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, electrophoresis analgesics and strengthening drugs (novocaine, potassium iodide, calcium chloride, hydrocortisone), magnetotherapy, UHF.

In acute posttraumatic period, when the knee is very swollen, these methods are contraindicated.

Local treatment with a knee injury is the main place in both adults and children


Treatment of a knee injury by folk remedies has found its wide application. This is due to the availability of the main medicinal ingredients. Here are some effective recipes:

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  1. A solution of equal parts of vegetable oil and vinegar, diluted with water. Usually for the procedure, they are enough for one spoonful of each. After thorough mixing, the resulting mass must be applied to the injured knee.
  2. Infusion of equal parts of the dry roots of burdock, veronica and violets (according to st.l). Insist on vodka (1L) for at least 24 hours. Use as a base solution for compresses.
  3. Lotions from therapeutic clay. Easy to use. Clay is dissolved with warm water to make a masseous mass. Cover the site with a bruise and bandage it overnight. The procedure is done daily 5-6 times.

Features of treatment in children

A child's bruise is a common occurrence. More complex lesions in the form of fractures are rare in connection with the high elasticity of bone tissue. The most often affected area is the calyx of the knee, which children are injured when they fall on a bent knee during a run.

The treatment of bruises in children does not differ much from that of adults. The only restriction is a minimal intake of medications and limited use of similar ointments.

Due to the high absorption capacity of the baby skin, preparations for topical application are much more difficult to dose. Therefore, with severe pain the child can give drugs ibuprofen (nurofen, ibufen) or paracetamol (panadol, Rapidol, Efferalgan).

In the rest it is necessary to adhere to the principles of local therapy with the help of compresses, temporary restriction of physical activity and physiotherapy.

Proper treatment of knee joint injuries should be based on a full diagnosis, excluding any other types of damage, and a complex differentiated treatment approach.

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Contusion of the patella

The knee is an anatomically complex joint of the human body, which performs important functions, daily subject to physical stress, which increases the risk of injury.

One of the common injuries of the joint is the bruise of the kneecap, which can appear as a result of sports or domestic injuries.

Damage to the knee, in particular its calyx, can lead to quite serious consequences, up to the complete immobilization of the foot.

In traumatology, the kneecap is also called a patella. It provides a round bone, which is in front of the knee joint.

It is easy to feel under the skin.

Thanks to the patella, a person has the ability to bend and unbend the leg, and its main function is to prevent the displacement of bones.

Contusion of the patella is a common trauma, which is most common in athletes or overweight people.

In addition to a bruise, in the practice of doctors often there is a dislocation or fracture of the patella, so when getting a bruise, It is important to exclude other injuries, as well as the tearing of the meniscus, which is responsible for the motor activity of the knee.

The knee cup is fixed with ligaments, so when getting injured it is better to consult a doctor and exclude damage to the nearest tissues.


The main and first sign of injury is pain, the intensity of which depends on the strength of the stroke and the stage of the injury. With easy damage to the joint, the pain will be gone within a few minutes, and in the area of ​​the injury there will be no pronounced changes.

With a strong bruise, in addition to acute pain, there is swelling, swelling, which may indicate the development of hemarthrosis, in which there is a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and the accumulation of blood in the cavity the joint. In addition to these symptoms, when the knee is injured, the work of the knee itself is disrupted. It is painful for a man to bend or unbend his leg. Immediately after the impact or a few days later, in the area of ​​the patella can appear cyanosis.

In more severe cases, the lack of proper treatment can lead to atrophy of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, which will cause arrhythmic and unsteady gait.

One of the frequent symptoms and consequences of the lack of proper treatment is the Rauber syndrome, which can will be manifested as early as 2 months after the trauma and characterized by an awl-like growth in the joint tissue of the knee.


Given that the knee joint has a fairly complex structure, when getting a knee cap injury is better will consult a doctor who, after the results of instrumental diagnostics, can determine the degree of damage the joint. The following diagnostic methods are considered the most informative:

  1. CT scan (computed tomography).
  2. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  3. Radiography of the joint.
  4. Arthroscopy.
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If there are pathologies in the joint structures, the doctor will choose the optimal treatment, give useful recommendations.

What to do with a knee injury?

After the knee injury, you need to assess the degree of damage.

Severe injuries require the immediate assistance of medical specialists, as well as the provision of first aid, which can be provided by a person who is near or the victim himself. Treatment, as well as first aid at home can consist of the following stages.

  1. Cold compress to the site of the injury. As a "cold" you can use ice or cloth previously soaked in cold water. Effects of cold will help reduce swelling, reduce pain, prevent swelling of the knee. Keep a cold compress can be up to 20 minutes, but if using ice - no more than 5 - 10 minutes.
  2. Apply a bandage to the area of ​​the bruise. In order to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the joint, to give stability and the correct position of the knee, It is necessary to use an elastic bandage or special knee pads that need to be worn for 2 or more weeks.
  3. Admission of an anesthetic drug. To reduce pain, you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). With a knee injury, doctors often recommend taking drugs based on Aspirin or Ibuprofen, but before taking them, you need to consult a doctor.

When the acute period passes, the pain subsides, it is recommended to undergo physiotherapy procedures that will help restore joint stability, strengthen the muscles. A good result can be obtained from UHF therapy, dynamic currents, magnetotherapy.

In those cases when the bruise of the knee cap is accompanied by its displacement, hemorrhage into the cavity of the knee joint, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment, which consists of puncture soft tissue, suction accumulated blood. This type of operation is not dangerous, has a minimum number of side effects, it allows to remove pain syndrome, swelling, speed up the restoration of joint functionality.

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What first of all it is necessary to do after a bruise of a knee: first aid

A knee injury is a common trauma, often found in both children and adults.

Beginning at a certain age, the trauma carries a certain danger to the whole organism.

Treatment of the damaged site should be started immediately after it has arisen.


After an injury to the knee joint, it is not always possible to immediately go to a medical facility. That is why it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim, which is as follows:

1. The joint needs to provide complete peace - to avoid any movement.

2. In order to avoid a large hematoma and swelling, you need to attach ice.

Applying cold is effective only the first few minutes after getting injured. The duration of application should not exceed 10 minutes.

You can get ice from the refrigerator and wrap it in cloth, or apply a cold object.

If the knee begins to swell, you must apply a tight bandage - it is better to use a special elastic bandage, if it is not at hand, use a usual dense tissue. The dressing is applied in such a way that its edge of 3-4 centimeters protrudes beyond the site of the injury. So the bandage will be better fixed and will not fall off when driving.

At the time of each procedure, try to perform every action very carefully, the injured knee should be on a small hill. This will improve the outflow of lymph and blood, painful feelings due to this will be much lower, and the knee will not swallow.

Regardless of how severe the bruise was, treatment is recommended after consultation with a specialist.

It is recommended to make a radiograph in order to exclude a possible fracture.

You can independently determine it, too, for this, try slightly to move your foot, if you do it, it means that most likely there is no fracture.

Medications and appliances

After first aid was given, it is necessary to start further treatment. In most cases, treatment for knee injuries is performed at the outpatient clinic. But only after the necessary studies have been carried out, and damage to the joints will be ruled out.

Treatment begins with resting the injured leg. This effect is achieved by applying a gypsum back longa, for several weeks.

If this is not possible, you just need to wrap your leg with an elastic bandage.

An anesthetic is mandatory. This is done with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A good analgesic effect can be achieved by taking ketones, analgin, diclofenac. You can take them inside or inject.

You can also use anesthetic ointments, for example, fast-gel, lyoton.

If the cartilaginous tissue is damaged, chondroprotectors are necessarily prescribed. These drugs (Fermatron, Don) contain several components of the cartilaginous tissue, after they have been taken internally, the damaged cartilage will be restored.

On the 10th day after receiving the injury, it is recommended to perform exercise therapy and physiotherapy. All the symptoms of injury by this time must pass.

Folk remedies

It is possible to restore the mobility of the damaged knee not only with the help of various medicines, but also with the help of traditional medicine. You can prepare yourself compresses and ointments yourself, and then apply them to the damaged area.

Many are wary of national recipes, believing that they can only do harm. But this is far from the case, even experienced doctors advise drinking various tinctures from medicinal plants.

In the case of a knee injury, there are no exceptions, and many medications can literally heal a patient in a couple of days. But you need to use only proven methods in order to really do no harm.

Our ancestors left behind many different recipes for the treatment of almost all diseases. You can find them in old records or search the Internet.

So, for example, to treat a knee injury, vegetable oil, vinegar and hot water are good. It is enough to take just one spoonful of each of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

In the resulting solution, the cloth is wetted and applied to the knee. On top, it should be fixed with a bandage and left in this position for four hours.

The procedure should be repeated for three days, every morning and evening.

Another no less effective remedy is ointment, prepared from tar, spruce resin and pig fat (but without salt). All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then placed in heat for one day, then rubbed into the sore spot two or three times a day.

Most patients believe that the treatment of such injuries does not take much time. Most often, patients do not even consider it necessary to go to a medical institution, and independently prescribe themselves treatment. But, of course, this is not recommended.

With a knee injury, most likely, will be assigned bed rest, rest. One must be sure that there is no fracture of the bone, and only a doctor can examine for such injuries. That is why it is recommended not to neglect the visit to the hospital.

In addition to standard drugs, the doctor will prescribe pain medication, which can easily be replaced by folk remedies.

All the recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of knee injuries can be internal and external. Outside, as a rule, compresses, wraps are used. Means for ingestion, increase the elasticity of tissues.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Below are the most effective means for treating knee injuries.

Ketchica from wormwood

In order to get rid of the constant sensation of pain, use a gruel based on wormwood. To make it, you need to break the leaves of the plant and crush them, or scroll through the meat grinder.

The resulting agent is applied to the tissue, and then applied to a sore spot, the bandage should be changed once per hour. But use of such a remedy is allowed only in the event that there is no bleeding.

Also, people suffering from allergies from wormwood, it is contraindicated.

Kashitsa, made from sugar and onions

After getting a knee injury, the knee joint can become inflamed, in order to somehow help yourself in this condition, you can cook porridge from sugar and baked onions.

One small onion should take 200 grams of sugar, then grind everything and attach it to the sore spot. From above it is recommended to cover everything with a soft cloth.

With this procedure, the patient needs to ensure complete rest.

Milk lotions

With strong bruises help the milk lotions. Preheat milk and soak the tissue, then attach to the site of the injury. As the milk cools, you need to change the bandage. But to do such gadgets is allowed not earlier than 12 hours after the injury was received.

Compress based on alcohol and honey

Take the two ingredients and mix them in the proportions:. Take a comfortable position and apply a compress on top, you need to cover it with something warm.

Compress of propolis and honey

If desired, you can use propolis alone, without honey.

But if you decide to take both ingredients, mix them in equal proportions, then soak the resulting fabric.

Fully wrap her knee joint, and leave in this position for the whole night. Treatment will be much more effective if from above you will cover a leg or foot with something warm, and the leg or foot will be immovable.

Lotion of lavender oil

Immediately after getting injured and in the next 12 hours, it is necessary to apply cold lotions on which a few drops of lavender oil are pre-drunk. This allows you to slightly reduce the pain, and also relieve you of a strong puffiness.

A mixture of grated potatoes and plantain

Take a few potatoes and rub them on a fine grater, plantain scroll through the meat grinder.

Mix the two ingredients in one container, you get something like gruel. Apply twice a day, for one hour to the affected area.

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It is recommended to wash off the remnants of the product with slightly cool water.

Broth from bay leaves

In order to provide joints mobility, and ligaments to make more elastic, it is recommended to use a bay leaf.

Take 20 grams of the plant and fill it with one glass of boiling water. Put everything on the fire and cook for 20 minutes, then put on the infusion for several hours.

The broth is recommended to be taken orally, it is better to do it before going to bed.

Laurel Leaf Tincture

Take half a pack of bay leaf and pour one glass of unrefined oil, put it in a dark place for 10 days. After a knee injury, rub the product into the damaged area. This will remove puffiness and prevent the inflammatory process.


In order to avoid inflammation in the joints, after the injury, every day you need to eat half a gram of curcumin.

Any trauma in a person requires close attention to himself, a knee injury is no exception.

It is necessary to be examined in a medical institution, in order to avoid serious consequences and accelerate the process of recovery.

And, of course, you need to be more careful not to allow such bruises!

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First aid and treatment of knee injury at home

A bruise of any part of the body is a very painful and unpleasant trauma.

But a strong knee injury in addition to pain and an unattractive aesthetic effect (a bruise, to put it bluntly) can lead to dangerous complications.

Therefore it is very important not to throw at the mercy of a bruise received on the knee and know what to do with a strong knee injury.

Symptoms of a knee injury

The most basic and well-known sign of a bruise is a pronounced pain located at the site of injury and amplifying when you touch your leg. However, in addition to the pain syndrome, there are other symptoms of the knee injury.

  1. Redness in the place of impact.

A bruise, bruise, or just redness indicates the destruction of the vessels at the site of the stroke. In the first days of the injury, the bruise is red or blue, on 2-3 days the color turns yellow-violet, after a week the bruise turns yellow - this indicates the healing of the injury.

  1. Tumor or lump on the knee after a bruise.

In addition to the destruction of the vessels in the damaged area, the liquid also accumulates there, which looks outwardly like swelling.

  1. Difficulty of movement in the knee.

If there is a bruise, the knee is swollen and sore, the movement of the foot will be very difficult and painful. But, nevertheless, with your foot you can move with effort. If a bone fracture occurs, the movement is completely impossible and urgent medical attention is needed.

When should I see a doctor?

There are several basic symptoms of a knee joint injury, noticing which, it is better not to hesitate and go to traumatology.

  1. A sharp unbearable pain that can not be tolerated.
  2. Symptoms do not go away or worsen for several days.
  3. The injury occurred after a strong deviation in the direction of the shin, or with too sharp a turn of the thigh.
  4. Click and crunch in the knee area.
  5. Increased temperature after injury above 39 ° C.

First aid

Competent and quick first aid with a knee injury can often reduce the risk of complications, as well as speed up the healing of the leg. The procedure for the injury of the knee joint should be approximately the following.

  1. Give the victim, and especially his leg, complete rest. It is desirable to put a person in a horizontal position. The leg needs to be raised above the body level. This is done so that blood does not accumulate around the wound, then the hematoma is formed or less likely or smaller.
  2. In order to reduce pain and remove swelling, it is necessary to work cold on the sore spot. The ice wrapped with a towel, frozen food, any jars from the refrigerator or even a bottle of cold water will do.
  3. In case of a knee injury, disinfection should be carried out, especially if cuts, abrasions or open wounds remain at the site of the impact. In this case, treat the damaged skin with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, iodine, zelenka or any available disinfectant. But even if no cuts are found, it is not a problem to make an iodine net on the knee, it will only accelerate the healing of the bruise.
  4. If the victim complains that the knee is too painful after a bruise, you can give him painkillers: analgin, pentalgin, ketorol, oxigane or whatever is available at the moment. If you go to traumatology, then in addition to diagnosing the doctor can inject an anesthetic injection, which will immediately become easier.
  5. Do not touch or move the injured knee. Some recommend even applying a pressure bandage or using a knee to immobilize.

Home medication treatment

After the first saving devices have been completed, it is necessary to think about the full healing of the knee. This will help you standard medicine and alternative home recipes.

Medical treatment in this case includes several components.

There is a large selection of ointments, gels and creams that contribute to the early healing of bruises on the knees and not only.

This is Collagen, Lyoton, Fastum-gel, Traumeel S, Ferbedon, and others. If you do not know what to do with a knee injury, consult a pharmacist at the pharmacy.

They will find you a successful and effective means, suitable for the price.

In some cases, with severe bruises, the doctor can prescribe to the victim special procedures aimed mainly at warming up.

This is an excellent tool that quickly resolves the bruise and bruises.

This is a procedure that can be performed only by a doctor, aimed at removing excess fluid from the knee joint.

How to treat a knee injury with folk remedies?

In addition to medical methods of treatment, folk remedies are widely used, which are often as effective as expensive drugs and procedures.

Traditional medicine gives the answer even to the question, than to anesthetize the knee. Reduce the pain effect after a bruise will help a lot of mint or chamomile tea, as well as tincture of valerian and mint.

After first aid and ice packs are left behind, a new tactic comes to replace: the effect of heat on the bruise of the ligaments of the knee joint.

For these purposes, the infusions of herbs are good. Effective action is possessed by wormwood, burdock roots, veronica grass, violets, arnica, spruce gum, aloe, foliar leaves, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, etc.

Any of the listed plants or their mixture must be poured with boiling water, let it brew for about half an hour, drain. In the resulting broth, dab a rag, napkin, bandage or cotton pad and apply in a warm form to treat the knee injury.

Top with a packet or bandage. Change every two hours, but you can leave for a whole night.

If the knee is swollen after a bruise, and what to do, you do not know, because there are no special means at hand, a very simple recipe will come to the rescue, the ingredients of which will be found in every kitchen.

Mix one table. Louse of vegetable oil, vinegar and boiled water.

We soak the cotton disc or any other fabric in the resulting liquid, apply it to the bruised place, fix it with a bandage or with any convenient bandage.

We keep on the foot for at least 5 hours, after which we release the leg for half a day, and then repeat it again.

You can use homemade ointment to remove the swelling and healing of the injury as an alternative to the purchased products. In pork fat add finely chopped leaves of plantain or wormwood, insist and apply to the destination.

  1. Alcoholic compresses with a knee injury.

To treat knee injury when falling, compresses based on vodka or alcohol are widely used.

The first recipe: 1 st.l.ploka burdock root is mixed with a handful of herbs veronica and violets and is filled with 5 glasses of vodka.

The tincture should stand at least during the night. The next night, moisten the cotton disc or fabric, attach to the bruised knee and leave until the morning.

Repeat the procedure until recovery.

The second recipe: medicinal air we take in the amount of 100 grams, add a pile of vodka to it, we insist for several days. From the resulting tincture can now make lotions.

Burdock roots about 100 grams pour a glass of sunflower or olive oil. Preheat the mixture, not bringing it to a boil. We separate the oil from the grass by casting it into the dark dishes. The resulting ointment can be applied to the knee at night.

Consequences of a knee injury

Many mistakenly believe that bruises can not move to more dangerous complications and pass by themselves. In many cases, this is so, but there are situations where a bruise can lead to a number of dangerous complications. Most often this is observed with a very strong impact or lack of treatment.

  • accumulation of fluid in the joint;

This manifests itself as a strong increase in edema, which entails an increase in the joint. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a puncture - the removal of fluid. Also it is necessary to immobilize the foot as much as possible. To do this, impose a plaster or very tight bandage.

  • bone fracture or dislocation;
  • rupture or sprain of ligaments;

the main symptom of this complication is the lack of support for the leg;

Meniscus is cartilage in the joint, the damage of which can lead to a lot of troubles, the most terrible of which is disability.

Inflammation of the bursa can go into a purulent inflammation if the wound contains microbes.

Before treating a severe knee injury, we recommend that you see a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, consult about treatment and prevent the detection of complications.

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