Elastic bandage on the knee: how to impose?


  • 1Elastic bandages for knees
    • 1.1Features of elastic bandages
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Contraindications
    • 1.4Useful action
    • 1.5How to Bandage a Knee
    • 1.6Binding rules
  • 2Elastic bandage on the knees
    • 2.1Bandaging
    • 2.2Kinds
    • 2.3Contraindications
    • 2.4Benefit
    • 2.5Using
    • 2.6Preparation
    • 2.7Position
    • 2.8Bandage
    • 2.9Effect
    • 2.10Rehabilitation
  • 3Techniques of applying elastic bandage on the knee
    • 3.1Learning to impose a bandage
    • 3.2Tortoise type
    • 3.3Spicate type
    • 3.4Fixing type
    • 3.5Circular type
    • 3.6Creeping type
    • 3.7Stretch bandage
  • 4How to tie an elastic bandage
  • 5How is an elastic bandage applied to the ankle joint?
    • 5.1Why wear elastic bandage?
    • 5.2Solution Advantages
    • 5.3disadvantages
    • 5.4Elastic bandage on the ankle: readings
    • 5.5Contraindications
    • 5.6How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle: bandaging
    • 5.7What are the signs of an incorrect bandage?
    • 5.8Useful recommendations

Elastic bandages for knees

The application of a compression bandage is used in many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and vessels. Therefore, elastic bandage is almost every person in the home medicine chest.

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It is used for arthrosis, trauma, varicose veins. Especially often put an elastic bandage on the knee and other joints to prevent injuries and reduce stress.

Some people use it often, for any pain. This simple technique has a high therapeutic effect, helping to prevent complications after injuries and protecting the joints under increased loads.

But for such a bandage to be useful, it is necessary to know its features and rules for winding a bandage.

Features of elastic bandages

The application of dressings to accelerate the healing of wounds has been used by man for a long time. But gauze bandages, which are sterile and no, only appeared in the 19th century.

They are disposable, quickly stretch and lose their properties.

Now there are many different medical bandages: elastic, gauze, tubular, gypsum, compression, mesh, sports and others. They have different purposes and uses.

There is a reusable dressing material, which is applied to not intact skin. It is used to protect joints, ligaments and improve blood circulation.

First, the elastic bandage was knitted. He was slightly stretched, so his impact was not strong.

Only in the 20th century, with the advent of technology for the production of rubber threads on the basis of latex, elastic bandages that are habitual for all have appeared. Now they are sold under different names, for example, a compression bandage or a pressing garter.

Such devices are made of elastic threads with a coating of cotton, so they let in air and absorb sweat.

There are three types of elastic bandages according to the peculiarities of their extensibility. Their varieties with small and medium elasticity, which are stretched to 140-150% of their length, are used for vascular disease.

Dressing material of the first class with a stretch of up to 70% is convenient to use immediately after the injury to fix additional protective equipment. Varieties with medium elasticity can also be used after the removal of gypsum. More functional highly elastic bandages.

They stretch more than 150%. When knitting the knee, they are most often used.

Bandages are different in terms of elasticity, length and width

When choosing such a compression band, you need to pay attention to its length and width.

For knee joints, the optimal option is a width of 10-12 cm, and the length it will be depends on the purpose of the dressing and the way it is applied. The remaining parameters are not so significant.

For example, on sale there were bandages of unusual colors, with different impregnations. They are more expensive than usual, although this does not affect their functionality.

Therefore, you can buy the simplest bandage that is available in any pharmacy. It is usually not more than 100 rubles. But athletes can pay attention to special compression bandages, for example, Titan or Inzer. They are designed for professional sports.

When buying, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the bandage is fixed on the knee. More expensive bandages have special hooks or Velcro.

There are also options in which one side has an adhesive coating.

But usual bandages do not have this, so you need a pin to fix the end of the bandage.

An elastic bandage is applied for various pathologies of the knee joint

Indications for use

Do not bandage the knee with an elastic bandage just like that. It is best if such a procedure is prescribed by a doctor.

Indications for the application of bandaging can be arthrosis, sprains, joint dislocation, meniscus damage, inflammatory processes.

A bandage is applied also after operations, for example, arthroscopy, if necessary, to observe a restful regime for a long time or during pregnancy to protect the knee joints from increased loads.

Rehabilitation after trauma requires mandatory use of medical gymnastics. To reduce pain, correct load distribution and protect the joint from damage before performing exercises, the knee must always be bandaged.

In order to prevent injuries, a knee bandage is used for exercising. Especially often it is used by athletes who are engaged in running, jumping or weightlifting. The elastic bandage keeps all parts of the joint in the correct position.

This helps protect knee joints from injury, allows you to maintain their health during physical exertion.

In addition to athletes, such dressings loaders, builders, installers and other professionals associated with increased loads on their knees.


Wrapping the knee with an elastic bandage does not always benefit. There are conditions in which such a procedure is contraindicated. After all, it can disrupt blood circulation, so some vascular pathologies can become worse.

It is not recommended to apply elastic bandages in any place with such diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus with trophic vascular lesions;
  • atherosclerosis, endarteritis and other pathologies leading to the closure of the arteries lumen;
  • damage to the skin of an inflammatory or infectious nature.

Elastic bandage increases muscle tone, improves blood circulation and helps prevent injury

Useful action

A properly applied elastic bandage has many useful properties.

First of all, due to the fact that its pressure is below the knee joint, there is an improvement in venous outflow from the lower limbs, which prevents the development of stagnant phenomena and edema.

The same effect protects the veins and increases their tone. This prevents the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The dressing also has warming properties, therefore it is used for various pathologies of the joint, previously having spread the knee with ointment. In addition, the pressure bandage increases muscle tone and improves blood circulation in the joint area.

Knees have a complex structure, the elements of the joint are quite mobile. Therefore, this place is most often injured. At increased physical exertion, an elastic bandage helps to fix the joint, preventing its damage.

It helps reduce the load on ligaments and tendons, tones muscles, and also improves blood circulation. Especially good work in this direction is professional bandages for weightlifters: Inzer, Titan, Metal Silver and others.

They provide support and protection of the joint when squatting with a lot of weight.

When applying this dressing, you must follow the rules of bandaging

How to Bandage a Knee

Bandage the knee immediately before exercise. When doing sports, it is recommended to periodically remove the bandage to give the foot a rest and restore blood circulation.

If such a dressing is prescribed by a doctor after trauma or with joint pathologies, it is better to wound the bandage in the morning, when there is no swelling, and to remove it in the evening.

During the bandaging procedure, the leg should be relaxed, the knee slightly bent.

Apply an elastic bandage in various ways. The simplest are the usual methods of bandaging - circular, spiky or spiral. But most often for the knee joint "turtle" bandage is used. It can be done in two ways.

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The first option is a convergent dressing. The application of the bandage begins below the knee joint.

Perform two circles, then go to the site above the knee. So alternate in two circles, each of which overlaps the next more than half.

After a while, the bandage tours are connected at the knee joint.

The second variant of a turtle bandage is divergent. It begins in the middle of the knee. Each next tour is reeled up, then below the joint.

Under the knee, the tension should be slightly increased to improve the venous outflow.

Cross bandage is needed from the inside of the patella, and ends with bandaging above the joint.

The technique of bandaging is simple: the bandage should be held in the right hand, moreover, the uncoiling end must be at the bottom. This will improve the tension of the bandage.

Unwind it should be done gradually, right next to the skin. At the same time, it is slightly stretched, strengthening the tension under the knee.

After the end of the bandaging, the end of the bandage should be fastened with a pin or a special fastener.

For bandaging the knee, a "turtle" dressing is often used

Binding rules

Before applying this method, you need to find out how to properly bandage the knee with an elastic bandage. If you do not follow the rules, such a procedure will not bring good, but harm.

There are certain rules for bandaging. But the fact is that usually the instruction to the dressing material is not attached.

Therefore, you need to find it yourself or find out how to properly apply a bandage to a doctor.

It is recommended that you follow these rules:

  • Bandaging should be done by stretching the bandage a little;
  • Apply it evenly, avoiding creasing;
  • to increase compression it is necessary in the middle of the joint and under the knee, above it the tension is weakened;
  • if you tie the bandage too tightly before physical exertion, it can damage the internal surfaces of the joint due to their friction against each other;
  • Each circle of the bandage should overlap the previous one by 60-70%;
  • the dressing should cover the entire damaged area and a small space around it;
  • the bandaged knee should normally bend and unbend, though with a little effort;
  • after the procedure there should be no unpleasant sensations, numbness of the skin or tingling;
  • One bandage is not used for a long time, as it loses its properties.
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When the joint is bandaged correctly, it retains the entire volume of movements, and the bandage does not slip. After the procedure, you need to check its tension. To do this, put a finger under it.

If this can not be done, and also if the toes began to grow dumb or there was a sense of running goosebumps, then the bandage is very tight.

In this case, it must be rewound.

Elastic knee bandaging is useful in many pathologies. This is a simple and affordable way to restore the joints and prevent complications. But when applying the dressing, you must follow certain rules and take into account the degree of elasticity of the bandage.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/tovar/elastichnye-binty-kolen

Elastic bandage on the knees

How to properly bandage a knee with an elastic bandage should be known not only by physicians, but also by ordinary people whose task is to fix the knee joint structures.

Most often, bandaging is necessary for athletes engaged in light and heavy athletics. This precautionary measure allows you to maintain joint health during prolonged and difficult training.

Correct application of an elastic bandage will protect articular joints from overloads and will avoid injuries.

It is not necessary to use expensive bandages to fix the knee, they can be replaced by available goods, which also have the best fixing effect.

For this purpose, elastic bandages that are sold in every pharmacy kiosk are ideal.

Apply an elastic bandage if you are injured and you need to fix the knee joint to he quickly recovered, or if you are an athlete, and are going to perform exercises with severe joints loads.


In life, there are many situations where a person needs to fix the knee joint articulation. This can be serious injuries to the joints or protecting them under heavy load.

Bint on the knee joint should be applied so that it does not press and does not break the bloodstream in the limb.

For this purpose, it is necessary to use a material that does not have a very dense weaving, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid tissue entrapment.

If the bandage is worn for a long time, you can use a material with a stronger fixation, since the skin on the limbs will "get used" to the bandage and the bandage with a weak weave will not have the proper effect.

Elastic material that is sold in pharmacies is the most economical option for protecting joint structures from stresses, as well as for their rehabilitation and recovery from injuries.

The only disadvantage of this bandage is that when it is worn for a long time, it begins to stretch and no longer fulfills the functions assigned to him, for this reason the dressing must be replaced new.

To apply a patch to the knee joint correctly, the following points should be observed:

  1. Use a bandage is necessary to fix the injured joint or before a heavy workout.
  2. A stretched bandage can not be used.
  3. From time to time the lower extremity should rest from the bandage.
  4. The dressing should not press and squeeze the knee.

If everything is done correctly, the bandage will only benefit and will allow articular joints to recover faster or to avoid injuries with heavy physical exertion.


Who is recommended to use an elastic bandage - the indications for bandaging the knee joint structures depend on the type of dressing chosen.

A bandage with a low elasticity stretches for sixty percent of its length. It is used for varicose, lymphedema, venous insufficiency and post-thrombotic disease.

Bandage, which has an average degree of elasticity, stretches by seventy to one hundred and thirty percent of its length. They are used after surgical treatment of the vessels of the lower extremities. Also, this dressing material is used at risks of developing venous ailments.

A bandage with a high degree of elasticity is used to fix the knee joints after injuries and at high loads on them in order to avoid damage.

It is his appointment of traumatologists and rehabilitologists, engaged in the treatment of diseases of the knee joint articulations.

Material with a different degree of elasticity, in these cases is used very rarely.

On the knee, elastic bandage is recommended to be applied with damage to the ligament apparatus, meniscus, after arthroscopy and during rehabilitation exercises after injury.


Many patients even with minor injuries of the knee immediately try to tie the articulation joint elastic bandage, without even thinking about the fact that this procedure has contraindications, which are represented by the following ailments:


Binding of the knee joints allows accelerating the recovery process, and is also an excellent preventive measure for those who are engaged in weightlifting.

Often, an elastic bandage is necessary when the meniscus is damaged or broken. By bandaging, you can eliminate the algia and, accordingly, accelerate the healing of damaged joint tissues.

The dressing material is made of cotton, so it stretches well, well fixes the lower limb, lets moisture and air.

It is thanks to its properties that it has been actively used in medicine, or rather, in rehabilitation specialists for various injuries and diseases of the upper and lower extremities.


If you are injured knee articulation and a specialist appointed the use of elastic dressing material, then you need to know how to bandage a knee with an elastic bandage so that the bandage does not press and produce a healing bandage Effect.


Before applying the bandage on the knee, you need to buy a bandage with the elastic characteristics you need. The dressing material can be called the compression bandage, pressure bandage or knee bandage.

Also, before buying it, ask the pharmacist about the characteristics of its extensibility. To elastic bandage, wound on the knee, it was well fixed, in a set there are special fasteners or there are Velcro on the edges of the material.

If there are no fixers, you can use a regular pin.


The bandaging technique will be correct only if the patient's lower limb is positioned in the correct position.

In order to bandage your leg, you must pull it forward without straining.

The knee joint should be in a slightly bent position, but at the same time be in a relaxed state.


The most effective bandaging technique is the so-called turtle bandage. It implies the winding of the bandage in a converging and divergent position. A detailed scheme for winding a bandage you can see in the figure.

Convergent bandaging involves imposing the first two turns below the articulation joint, and the next two above the knee.

Further, it is necessary to superimpose the turns so that the upper sections alternate with the lower ones, joining in the middle of the damaged knee.

This is where the bandage fixation will be.

The divergent bandage should be started from the middle of the knee articulation, winding the coils above and below the joint, alternating between each other.

Regardless of which banding technique you choose, apply the bandage so that:

  • The bandage receded from the injured place no less than twenty centimeters.
  • The subsequent turns should be a overlap for the previous by seventy percent.
  • At the edges of the joint, the bandage should be more loose, and to the middle of the knee, it should be pulled more forcefully.

Wearing a bandage should not lead to discomfort and pain. When algia occurs, it is necessary to weaken the elastic material.

The bandage should not interfere with the motor activity of the knee joint, but it is also not necessary to allow slipping.

If the bandage is weakly wound, it must be tightened, reinforcing the tension.

The bandage should fit tightly to the joint structure, without pulling it, and not causing a violation of blood flow. If a finger can not be pierced by a bandage, then it must be weakened. Also, weakening must be done if the skin begins to change color, dull and tingle.


If the elastic bandage on the knee will be applied correctly, then it will exert its own influence on different parts of the leg.

The maximum pressure will be on the lower part of the knee articulation, the middle in the direction of the joint and the lowest in the upper femoral section.

Thanks to this pressure distribution, it is possible to create a "correct" blood flow.

Muscles under the bandage all the time arrive in a tone, which means that the blood flow in the vascular network is strengthened.

If the dressing is applied only to the knee joint structures, the fixation occurs only in the intraarticular elements, which allows to keep their correct position during the load on the joint.

Elastic compression material allows:

  1. Warn sport injuries.
  2. Create pressure on the surface of the lower limb.
  3. Protect the venous network from stretching.
  4. Keep in the right position all the elements of the joint.
  5. Normalize blood flow and metabolic processes in tissues.
  6. Prevent the formation of blood clots.


Fixation of the knee articulation is often used after surgery or damage.

The dressing is worn for the purpose of fixing the joint, dosing the load on it and speeding up the recovery process.

It is also used to distribute loads during the performance of therapeutic exercises for the step-by-step development of joint structures.

But that the application of elastic bandage on the knee gave the desired result, and did not lead to complications, it must be correctly fixed on the joint, then no problems arise. If you can not fix the knee yourself, ask your doctor for help. Be healthy.

A source: https://nogi.guru/raznoe/lechebnye-procedury/bint-elastichnyj-na-koleno.html

Techniques of applying elastic bandage on the knee

Bandage is used as a bandage for a knee joint injury.

The benefit is achieved by the compression pressure in one plane, in which case the joint can make movements in a certain range.

Apply a bandage for traumatic lesions, for running, exercising in the gym, after surgery on the knee, with arthrosise.

In all the above cases, the elastic bandage saves from excessive mobility of bones and soft tissues in the joint. This prevents the deterioration of the degree of damage, allows the tissues to heal and while a person can perform daily household or sports activities.

When practicing sports, it is recommended that the dressing be applied to the knee, since it is the one that is most stressed under the weight of the body and the weighting agents.

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It is especially important in the presence of joint ailments, old injuries, damage, weakness of the ligament apparatus.

With a bandage, you can prevent injury or overloading the joint.

Learning to impose a bandage

There are many different techniques based on varying degrees of tape attachment and winding methods. Can be used and different bandages. They are distinguished by length, width and stretch level:

  • A low degree of stretching - about thirty percent, is used for problems with the veins of the leg and during first aid in case of traumatic lesions. It is convenient and reliable to fix the foot in the area of ​​damage.
  • The average degree of stretching is about one hundred percent, the main sphere of use is varicose veins, trophic ulcers, rehabilitation after fractures of bones. In the latter case, they are applied after the removal of the plaster bandage, or surgical intervention.
  • A high degree of stretching is more than one hundred and fifty percent. Recommended after surgery, severe leg injuries, treatment of bedridden patients, lymphatic edema of the limb.

Tortoise type

Turtle bandage on the knee - this is the most common method of bandaging. How to bandage a leg? On the left side and in the center of the joint, a bandage is wound around the center (called a dressing bandage).

The first turn is made above the knee around the leg, then the bandage is held in the opposite direction.

We do five turns above the knee cap and the same below. Crossing occurs under the knee. The last turns are fixed at the very junction.

It is best to fix with special fixing devices.

The second winding method starts in the opposite direction, that is, with the right side banded with coils, then up and down in the direction from the center.

The first revolution is done around the cup and then above it, then lower. Crossing is also at the back of the joint and ends above the joint.

This is called a divergent turtle bandage.

Spicate type

This kind of winding bandage can be in the upward direction, and maybe in the downward direction.

In the first case, the tape is wound from below in the direction of the top. In the second case, the opposite is true.

The following technology is observed: each winding should cover a third of the previous one. This is the spicate bandage.

Fixing type

The fixing bandage is used for injuries and sports, even with a healthy knee. In order to keep the elastic bandage firmly on the knee, it is necessary to bend the joint in the most comfortable position. Then reel the tape so as to minimize crease formation.

Bandage is laid out from the top of the joint and must be fixed by a double twist. Then the tape goes under the bottom of the joint and is fixed in this way. Crossing occurs under the patella. So repeat a couple of times.

Circular type

With your left hand, grab the edge of the tape, the second hand a couple of times around the circle, wrap the knee in one area. Then fix the remaining edge of the bandage.

Creeping type

The dressing is applied as if in two layers. At the first we use the method of the spiral, while not overlapping the previous winding, but on the contrary slightly move away from it. And the second layer is banded when winding in the opposite direction. Here it is already possible to use a spiral technique.

Stretch bandage

Further, in the treatment of stretching, the leg should be maximally immobilized. Therefore, we impose a bandage. Begin with the lower side of the knee. This is important, as it helps to reduce swelling.

The first edge is applied below the area of ​​the injury. The tape is wound in the form of a screw with some elements of tortoise technology.

At night, the bandage loosens a little, so as not to transmit soft tissues and not to disturb the blood circulation of the limb.

A source: https://prospinu.com/ortoped/jelastichnyj-bint-na-koleno.html

How to tie an elastic bandage

Elastic bandages arose relatively recently: they were preceded by a long history of dressings made from woven materials, thin and thick, in the form of a diaper or a long narrow band strip, then there were knitted dressings that created more comfortable sensations in patients and made it possible to regulate the pressure of the bandage on the patient plot. All this is the science of desmurgy - the art of imposing bandages.

Elastic bandages - a fairly complex product, created for repeated use. With the help of various technologies, an elastic thread, for example, latex, is surrounded by a single or double layer of cotton or synthetic yarn. And already from these "threads" the bandage itself is woven.

However, before you buy or reel an elastic bandage, carefully study its packaging: elastic bandages, in addition to length and width, have varying degrees of extensibility - small, medium and high. These elastic bandages are used in various situations:

Bandages of low extensibility(extensibility of at least 30%) are used to treat complicated forms of chronic venous insufficiency and deep vein thrombosis; provide rapid application of dressings in the provision of first aid; give a convenient and reliable fixation of dressings on the affected areas body.

Bandages of average extensibility(extensibility of at least 100%) are used to treat varicose veins, with diseases with trophic complications, for the treatment of post-phlebitic syndromes. It is recommended to maintain soft tissues after removal of gypsum and performing compression sclerotherapy.

Bandages of high extensibility(extensibility of at least 150%) are used to treat varicose veins of I and II degrees, for the treatment of lipodermic diseases; used in postoperative period with lymph drainage, to maintain joints at rest after trauma and surgeries; Recommended for bandaging bedridden patients.

On the question: "how to reel elastic bandage" can be answered very simply - just like a normal bandage. Those. bandaging with a flexible bandage should be performed according to the schemes designed for dressings with a normal bandage.

The difference, of course, is, it consists in the huge advantage of the elastic bandage - it creates an additional continuous pressure (compression) perpendicular in its surface, leaves soft tissues and joints able to move and function in certain limits.

This quality of elastic bandage allows using it both for securing bandages and for treating injuries to the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular and lymphatic system.

How to reel elastic bandage

Before using an elastic bandage, let's consider the basic schemes of dressings and the goals that they pursue.

Circumferential bandage.

With your left hand, hold the edge of the bandage, and the right one do several rounds on the same level - as a rule, this is how the elastic bandage begins to be applied.

Spiral bandage - ascending and descending.

With an ascending spiral, the elastic bandage is applied from the bottom up.

With a downward spiral you need to apply an elastic bandage from top to bottom:

So bandage a shin, a brush or a breast. Each next round covers the previous one by about 1/3

Creeping bandage

Very often we have to solve such a problem: how to tie an elastic bandage around the entire leg, or chest. In general, around a large surface.

For this, it is necessary to impose a bandage like two layers.

In the first we use a method similar to a spiral, but do not overlap the previous tour, but move away from it for some distance equal to the width of the bandage.

And already in the opposite direction with bandage or spiral, or by some other method recommended by a doctor.

The creeping dressing is perfect for the hands (shoulder and forearm) and for the conical sections of the leg - thighs and shins. More complex techniques are used to re-bandage joints: knee and ankle.

How to apply an elastic bandage on the ankleThe most common is a cruciform (eight-shaped) bandage on the ankle joint.

The irons below show how to apply the elastic bandage correctly on the ankle joint:

This dressing will be advisable for almost all ankle joint damage.

How to apply it?

1) We make several turns of bandage around the shin (we fix it)

2) We move on the outside of the ankle for lifting

3) Wrapping around the ankle and pulling out again

4) We fasten around the shin

With such a bandage, the ankle retains mobility, and this is very important for the retention of the disabled person's ability to work.

This dressing does not slip and does not create painful excessive pressure in any part of the foot or shin.

If necessary, you can easily bandage a rigid bandage under the sole with a bandage.

Apply an elastic bandage on the ankle can be on top of the toe and under the toe. It all depends on the nature and extent of ankle joint damage.

The cruciform bandage is also applied to the chest and neck:

Now we will discuss how to properly bandage a knee with an elastic bandage. By the way, we will also bandage and elbow!

Tortoise bandage.

Bandaging with an elastic bandage of the knee and elbow joint is the most common procedure in everyday life.

Carefully consider the figure below, this is the so-called "Turtle" bandage on the knee joint:

On the left and in the center - we wind the elastic bandage to the center, this is a "converging" turtle bandage.

But on the right we wind up the elastic bandage with rounds "up-down" from the center - this is a divergent turtle bandage.

The task of such a dressing is to limit the mobility of the knee joint, and NOT TO SPED.

So how to apply an elastic bandage on the knee so that it does not fall off?

How to Bandage a Knee with Elastic Bandage

The first thing you should do is ask the patient to bend the knee so that he is as comfortable as possible.

The knee can be a knot!

Bandage will need to be wound as evenly as possible so that wrinkles do not form.

We put the bandage on top of the knee and fix it with a double turn. We descend below the knee and fix it again. The intersection is under the knee. The procedure is repeated in the reverse order and so several times.

Similarly, you can use an elastic bandage on the elbow joint.

How to properly bandage a leg with an elastic bandage in the heel area

Believe me, this is difficult!

The heel has a rounded shape, the bandage tends to slip off it when walking up or down.

The most successful bandage in the form of a divergent turtle bandage, but the first fixing stroke is done directly through the heel:

When heel bursitis needs a more voluminous bandage:

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This bandage makes it possible to apply medicines and lotions to the heel, and also protects the heel from the loads quite well.

How to bandage a leg with a stretch bandage

Before bandaging the leg with stretching, you need to cool it - for this you have to lie down for half an hour with a cold warmer, an ice bag or just a bubble with cold water.

Overheating the place of stretching, lubricate it with heating ointments can not be categorically.

The next task is to maximally immobilize the stretched area. Bed rest can be appointed for several days.

When stretching the ligaments, the limb should be bandaged. BEGINNED. This will prevent the swelling of the tissues, which is unavoidable when stretching).

The elastic bandage is fixed below the stretch point (say, the toes).

Here the screwing technique of bandage is most suitable, which in the region of the joint can contain elements of a turtle bandage.

Even after applying a bandage, apply an ice pack to the stretched area.

It is good to alternate such applications every 15 minutes.

At night, you can slightly disband the bandage.

Modern desmurgy offers the technique of taping of sprained ligaments:

Kinesio teip or bandage elastic tape of small extensibility adhesive - it is glued along the directions of damaged ligaments or muscles, it is also called elastic band-aid.

Such an elastic patch is literally indispensable during rehabilitation after trauma

In the event that the ligaments or muscles are injured and unable to stretch, this method of application is used - before application of the kinesia, the teip stretches on the skin. Due to its elasticity, the teip shrinks and forms wrinkles on the skin and at the same time supports the injured area.

A source: https://medtehnika.ua/kak-zavyazat-elastichnyj-bint

How is an elastic bandage applied to the ankle joint?

In the recovery period after damage to the ankle joint, it is recommended to use an elastic bandage. The use of such a tool contributes to the secure fixation of the limb in a static position and relieves the recurrence of injury.

It is extremely important to correctly apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint. Only in this case the decision will be of use. Usually, the procedure is performed by qualified doctors in the treatment rooms.

However, having mastered the right technique, bandage of the ankle joint with an elastic bandage can be made independently at home.

Why wear elastic bandage?

The use of the drug makes it possible to achieve a number of positive effects. First of all, fixing the ankle joint allows to prevent damage to neighboring tissues.

In addition, the use of the drug reduces the burden on the injured limb.

Gradually, the intensity of pain is reduced, puffiness is eliminated, local metabolic processes are activated.

The elastic bandage creates a so-called compression effect. In other words, when applying funds to the limb, the damaged tissues are squeezed, which eliminates their discrepancy. As a result, it takes much less time to rehabilitate after an injury.

Solution Advantages

Fixing the ankle joint with an elastic bandage has a whole mass of pluses. Among the main advantages of the device is worth noting the following:

  1. Apply the same elastic bandage to the ankle joint unlimited number of times. For comparison, the standard gauze dressing often becomes unusable after the first application.
  2. When fixing the limb, the tool does not slip and does not lose shape. The elastic bandage reliably fixes the limb.
  3. The device is a universal solution for injuries. You can impose a remedy not only on the ankle, but on other joints.
  4. This dressing provides a qualitative fixation of the limb throughout the day.
  5. Elastic bandage on the ankle joint is superimposed quite simply. It is possible to cope with the task (with mastering the right technique). The use of the tool does not force a person to visit the treatment rooms on a regular basis.
  6. The elastic bandage on the ankle joint is made of strong materials, capable of withstanding significant stretching, other mechanical stresses. As practice shows, one such device replaces several packages of gauze. Therefore, the purchase of elastic bandage looks like a good solution in terms of cost savings.
  7. Elastic bandage acts as an indispensable assistant for athletes, people who lead an active lifestyle. It is these individuals most often observed all kinds of joint injuries and soft tissue damage.


Elastic bandage on the ankle has some disadvantages.

First of all, for self-fixation of the limb, you will have to spend time learning the proper technique of applying the remedy.

Admissible errors can lead to a limited inflow of blood to the limb. At the same time, an insufficient tightness of the dressing will cause an inferior fixation of the damaged joint.

For repeated use of elastic bandage you need to learn how to care. Otherwise, the product can quickly become unusable. Damage is also possible to the clasp. Thus, the bandage will often fall off your feet.

Elastic bandage on the ankle: readings

The use of a fixative bandage is indicated for various kinds of limb injuries. Most often, the method is resorted to in the case of sprain.

Such damage can be obtained by tucking the foot.

The condition is eased if the limb is fixed with an elastic bandage and leave the foot without physical exertion for several days.

The adoption of more serious measures requires the rupture of ligaments. In this case, the limb is immobilized with gypsum for a period of about 10 days. Then the fixing agent is removed and resorts to the application of the eight-shaped elastic bandage for another couple of weeks.

Recognize the above injuries can be on the following symptoms. To stretch the ligaments is characterized by a sharp pain that subsides in a short time. After 2-3 hours, discomfort can be reinforced. Then there is probably a puffiness.

Movement is substantially limited. On the contrary, in the case of ligament rupture, intense pain and edema develop almost instantly. Possible hemorrhages in local tissues. Any movement in the ankle becomes impossible.

There are other indications for the use of elastic bandage:

  • Development of severe pain syndrome in the case of tissue inflammation.
  • Contusion of the limb, when the epicenter of the shock load is closer to the joint.
  • Rehabilitation after a slight subluxation of the leg.
  • Prevention of injuries with active physical activity.


In what cases is the elastic bandage on the ankle joint not to be imposed? It is not recommended to resort to the procedure if there is an open wound at the injury site or bleeding is observed.

In such situations, the tissues are covered with a sterile bandage. If there is a displacement of the joint, an ice bag is applied to the damaged area.

Then the limb provides complete rest before determining the nature of the problem by the doctor.

For the use of an elastic bandage, there are also relative contraindications.

It's about skin diseases, individual problems with blood circulation and the likelihood of blood clots.

In an emergency situation, a bandage for such people can still be superimposed. But only for a short time, until the extreme need for its use will not disappear.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle: bandaging

To provide a fixing effect, you need to learn how to properly apply a bandage. In order to immobilize the limbs, eight-fold banding is most often used. How to fix the elastic bandage on the ankle joint? They resort to such actions:

  • Slightly above the ankle joint, 2-3 turns of bandage are performed.
  • From the outside of the limb, a transition to the inner surface of the foot through the ankle is formed.
  • Next, the elastic bandage wraps around the sole of the foot, moving to the outer edge.
  • Then the dressing passes through the medial ankle in the direction of the shin.
  • Similar actions are repeated several times, which should lead to covering the entire area of ​​the damaged area.
  • Completing the application of elastic bandage in the shin area, where the fixation of the device with special fasteners.

The eight-shaped bandage prevents the extension of the extremity in the ankle joint. The leg is held in a bent state.

The presented position helps maintain ligaments and muscle tissue in a relaxed state.

The result is a shortening of the rehabilitation period after the injury.

What are the signs of an incorrect bandage?

About blunders in the application of elastic bandage, the toe of the toes is blue.

The effect may occur in cases where the dressing is too tight. The result is a disturbed outflow of venous blood.

You can avoid problems by controlling your own feelings during the procedure.

Blanching or cold extremity also indicates an error. The symptom suggests that arterial blood can not enrich the foot tissues in the right amounts.

An error is considered to be a lack of a constriction of the foot in the ankle joint. Thus the person will not feel kompressionnogo effect. The ankle will remain quite mobile. To eliminate the omission, you need to remove the elastic bandage and apply it again, but with more force.

Useful recommendations

When using an elastic bandage, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Do not use the product immediately after exercise. It should be given the body to rest for half an hour. Thus, the possibility of edema formation is excluded.
  2. Tightening the bandage as tight as possible, it is possible to disturb the blood circulation. Therefore, using the tool, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. Applying an elastic bandage, do not rush. We must carefully approach the task, observing the correct technique.
  4. When applying the device to the limb, skin lumens should not form and any folds arise.
  5. After removing the bandage, the leg needs to be gently massaged for several minutes to improve the sensitivity of the tissues and to tone the muscles.
  6. If a half an hour after the elastic bandage has been applied, a feeling of tingling or pulsation appears in the limb, the remedy should be removed. Similar effects indicate that the device is too tightly tightened.


Damage to the ankle is a fairly common injury that can occur suddenly in the most unexpected situation.

To avoid more serious health effects, it is important to have an elastic bandage available.

A useful medical device will ensure the immobilization of tissues in the area of ​​injury and ease the patient's well-being before being examined by a doctor.

A source: http://.ru/article/346465/kak-nakladyivaetsya-elastichnyiy-bint-na-golenostopnyiy-sustav

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