Cough medicine with codeine

Codeine-containing cough preparations. Release of codeine-containing drugs

In 2012, a decision was made to ban the over-the-counter sales of codeine-containing drugs. This decision caused a lot of controversy about the appropriateness of this measure. It is worth investigating, what is the value of codeine-containing cough preparations? And are they necessary? The use of codeine in an excellent antitussive effect. However, doctors say that the need for such medications is rare.

codeine-containing cough preparations

a brief description of

This substance is an alkaloid of opium. It is obtained by processing morphine. Codeine is used as an overwhelming cough ingredient. In addition, it has a weak analgesic property, differs narcotic effect. The effect on the body of such a substance resembles the result of morphine.

In this case, codeine does not refer to strong painkillers. However, it perfectly suppresses cough. Pharmacologists argue that this substance has a humane effect on the digestive system, in contrast to other narcotic analgesics.

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Mechanism of action

Codeine-containing cough medications have an effect on the centers of the brain - the areas responsible for breathing. Thus, these drugs suppress unpleasant symptoms. Codeine is processed in the liver, and metabolites act as analgesics. The effect and its application is explained not by anesthesia, but by a change in the attitude of a person to this syndrome. In this lies the wide popularity of these funds.

Help to get rid of such drugs from dry cough to adults. That is why they are prescribed for bronchopneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis.

Codeine-containing medicines are prohibited for the treatment of infants under 2 years of age. In addition, these funds provoke many side effects. Therefore, the independent use of such drugs is absolutely undesirable.

pentalginum plus

Cough medicine

If a person begins to get sick, he has a fairly extensive list of unpleasant symptoms. One is dry cough. But adults, unlike children, tend to suppress such symptoms. After all, you can not go to work for the sick. But is it correct to use codeine-containing drugs from dry cough to adults?

What is the evidence of this symptom? About colds, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections. In adults, dry cough usually lasts 1-2 days, and then expectoration begins. The sooner such a process occurs, the faster the airways and bronchi will be cleared. And the patient will completely get rid of the painful symptoms.

That's why using codeine-containing cough supplements should only be in case of acute need. And remember that you can use them only for the doctor's prescription.

On the pharmacological market are the following cough medicines containing codeine:

  • "Kodelak".
  • "Kodelak phytoelixir".
  • "Terpinkod".
  • Codterpine.
  • "Tedein."

The drug "Kodelak"

Tablets have a good antitussive effect and have expectorant properties.

dry cough preparations for adults

This medicine consists of the following components:

  • codeine;
  • thermopsis;
  • licorice root;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

According to the instructions, with cough of different genesis, the drug "Codelac" can be taken. Tablets have the following contraindications:

  • children under two years;
  • individual sensitivity to components.

It is recommended to take the medicine 2-3 times a day for 1 pill.

The drug "Terpinkod"

It's a pretty good cough drug. The composition of the medicine includes the following ingredients:

  • codeine;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • terpinhydrate.

The remedy, thanks to its components, can suppress cough. In addition, the drug stimulates an increase in the production of bronchial mucus, its dilution. Such a process contributes to the production of sputum.

The drug is designed to combat a non-productive cough of various origins. It is forbidden to use the drug "Terpinkod" under the following conditions:

  • children under 2 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • intolerance of the components;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathology of respiratory function;
  • use of narcotic painkillers.
kodelak tablets

This drug is prescribed twice or thrice a day for 1 tablet. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.


It is quite incomprehensible the existence of some combination medicines containing codeine, but with completely different indications. It's about painkillers.

It should be emphasized that codeine is not an effective analgesic. Therefore, it is unclear why in anesthetic preparations to add this substance, making the use of such drugs is completely unsafe.

Sufficiently known analgesics containing codeine are:

  • "Nurofen plus."
  • "Tetralgin."
  • "Santotitralgin."
  • "Pentalgin N".
  • Piralgin.
  • Pentalgin Plus.
  • "Kaffetin."
  • "Solpadein."

The preparation "Pentalgin"

Among medicines, this medicine is quite popular.

release of codeine-containing drugs

The preparation "Pentalgin Plus" is based on the following ingredients:

  • propiphenazone;
  • paracetamole;
  • caffeine;
  • codeine;
  • phenobarbital.

This medicine is able to normalize the temperature, reduce the pain syndrome. The drug effectively tones, calms and relieves spasms. Due to this effect on the body, the agent has the following indications for use:

  • joint pain;
  • neuralgia;
  • muscle pain;
  • discomfort after sprains, bruises;
  • toothache;
  • fever;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • headache.

In this case, the medicine also has contraindications. They should not be forgotten, and strictly considered when choosing a drug. The agent is contraindicated when:

  • impaired liver function, kidney function;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • impaired blood composition;
  • pathology of respiratory functions;
  • increased pressure (blood, intracranial);
  • alcohol dependence;
  • insomnia;
  • hyperactivity;
  • pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

It is not allowed to take drugs for children under 12 years old.

good cough medicine

Take the drug 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. However, you should know that the maximum dose is 4 pills in 24 hours. You can eat tablets for no more than 5 days.

Codeine is a drug

Unfortunately, this substance is quite unsafe for the body. Because codeine is considered a weak, but still a narcotic drug.

Among the negative effects on the body should be noted such:

  1. With prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug weakens. To obtain the desired result, the patient increases the dose.
  2. The use of large amounts of codeine causes a sense of euphoria.
  3. The substance is very fast and persistent addiction, even faster than heroin.
  4. Cancellation of the medication after prolonged use provokes a real breakdown in the patient.
  5. Overdosing causes a heaviness in the head, nausea, hyperactivity. At the same time the patient feels overexcited, can not concentrate and control the movements of the body, there is an unreasonable laughter.

The sold codeine-containing cough preparations without a prescription began to be bought by drug addicts. Those who "sat down" on such a substance, after a short time can not be cured anymore. Long-term use of codeine as a drug leads to pernicious irreversible processes in the tissues. Often this results in amputation of the limbs.

It is almost impossible to get rid of codeine dependence independently. Breaking is quite hard. At this time there are:

  • constant tears;
  • diarrhea, followed by constipation;
  • a persistent runny nose;
  • breaking of bones;
  • rapid aging;
  • loss of teeth, hair;
  • indifference to the environment;
  • depression.
cough medicines

To get rid of such dependence it is possible only with the help of doctors. However, treatment only helps in 8% of all cases.

Expediency of prescription leave

So, today the release of codeine-containing drugs is under control. At the heart of the decision to sell such drugs on prescription is the care of the population. This applies not only to addicted people.

Codeine is an opium substance that is incorporated in small doses into the formulation of most analgesics and antitussive drugs. But the uncontrolled use of such drugs is extremely damaging to the human body. As a result of excessive use of codeine, an unpleasant dependence can arise, which, as mentioned above, is extremely difficult to cope with.

The prescription of these drugs allows the doctor to monitor the use of this drug and make timely adjustments to the therapy.

In addition, it should be realized that a quick relief from pain, and not from a cause that provoked discomfort, is just an illusion of treatment. The pathology source is not eliminated when using these drugs.

For the above reasons, treatment with such unsafe drugs must be authorized by the doctor.

How to replace drugs containing codeine

How to replace drugs containing codeine

On June 1, 2012, all the medicines containing codeine were started to be dispensed from pharmacies only on prescription, the form of which contains a red strip and is a strict document reporting. It is assumed that this measure will significantly reduce the number of drug addicts taking dezomorfin from medicines. But what should ordinary citizens do, who are required by these drugs for health reasons?

Codeine-based drugs are used as agents that suppress a strong cough. In addition, codeine-containing tablets can reduce pain, which allows them to be used in neuralgia, headache, dental and other types of pain.

The list of prohibited products for free sale included tablets and cough supplements: Terpinkod, Kodelak, Kodterpin, Kodesan, Kodarin, Bechterev's Medicine, etc., as well as medications that can relieve pain: Pentalgin-N, Sedal-M, Nurofen Plus, "Kaffetin", etc.

Citizens who have taken, are taking, or need to take these medications can at any time consult a doctor and get a prescription. It will not cause any special problems. In this case, drug addicts will not be able to purchase funds with codeine in the right amount, since recipes will be given to therapeutic doses, from which it is impossible to get euphoria, even after taking them for once.

There are quite a few substitutes for codeine-based drugs, but they are very expensive. To create the same cheap analogue of codeine has not yet been possible, therefore, if therapy is necessary, it is still necessary to contact the therapist.

Only a doctor can decide whether to take a particular drug, prescribe a code-based remedy or advise costly substitutes. For example, instead of "Kaffetin" they can appoint "Gevadal", instead of "Kodelak" - "Stoptusin", "Kodelmiks" can be replaced by "Brustan", "Pentalgin" - "Spazmalgon", "Sedal-M" - "Tempalgin" e.

Almost any codeine-based agent has an analogue with the same action, but the drugs do not contain codeine and can be dispensed from the pharmacy network without a prescription. But all the same before receiving any pharmaceuticals you need to get a specialist's advice, because side effects and contraindications for medications can vary significantly.

Cough - the first drug help

kashel-pervaya-lekarstvennaya-pomoschCough is a symptom of not only colds, but also other diseases. Before treating a cough, you should consult a therapist and find out what kind of disease triggered the onset of a cough. It is necessary to find the reason why your mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract become irritated, and therefore sputum is formed. If this cause is removed, the cough disappears immediately. If you do not eliminate it, then naturally - you will be coughing long enough and painfully. This is not necessary for anyone, therefore, we need to look for methods of cough treatment.

Increase the effectiveness of cough

Not everyone understands that in the treatment of cough it is important not only to eliminate the cough itself, but to clean with it the upper respiratory tract, in which slime and sputum accumulated. Therefore, we do not eliminate the cough, but increase its effectiveness.

Cough is effective, when a person can easily clear his throat and thereby throw out phlegm from himself. If the sputum is liquid, then it is easy to clear it, if the sputum is thick, then the cough is severe. A person can cough, cough, and there will not be an effect.

Therefore,to get rid of phlegm, the patient is prescribed medication. They are aimed at diluting the mucus.

During cough treatment it is important to observe such conditions as:

  • Temperature mode - in a room where most of the time there is a person there must be cool air. This is an excellent prevention of sputum drying and upper respiratory tract (mucous membrane);
  • The use of large amounts of liquid - so that sputum is better removed from the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid.

So, the conclusion №1 -it does not make sense to buy expensive medications to cough unless you are constantly in a room with dry air and do not consume enough fluids.

To treat a cough, first of all, breathe fresh cool air and drink a lot of liquid.

Effects of drugs

How does the cough medicine work? How can they help?

Absolutely all medicines for cough:

  • Make sputum less viscous, that is, dilute it, soften, due to which such mucus is much easier to cough;
  • Reduce the inflammatory process;
  • Improve the work of ciliated epithelium;
  • Improve the contractility of the bronchi.

So,cough medicines should first relieve cough, and then eliminate it. Moreover, two different groups of medicines are used here. The first - these are what we call "cough medicine", they should clean the cough. The second - "expectorants", that is, those that facilitate cough, withdraw and dilute sputum.

Cough medicine

Medicinal preparations for cough apply according to indications:

  • In whooping cough - when the central nervous system is involved in the disease,
  • With inflammatory processes in the lungs - the disease "pleurisy."
  • With irritating cough;
  • With oncological diseases;
  • As a preparation for surgical otolaryngology operations.

Use medicines, cough syrups as self-medication is strictly prohibited!

In some cases, use of cough medicine is simply dangerous. This applies to situations in which a large amount of mucus has accumulated in the upper respiratory tract.

Narcotic and non-narcotic drugs

Cough medicines are classified into narcotic and non-narcotic drugs. Narcotic drugs are prescribed in extreme cases, since they can cause addiction and in the future - addiction. Among these, the most popular drug for drug exposure is Codeine and Dextromethorphan. It is used in a hospital, in the severe condition of the patient.

To narcotic antitussive medicines carry:Akodin, Alex Plus, Benikol, Vocasept, Glikodin, Daleron Cold 3, Children's Tylenol for Cold, Dionin, Zedex, Kalmylin for Cough and Cold, Codelac, Codeine (Sodium Hydrocarbonate), Codesan, Codepropine, Codterpine, Neo-Codion, Neotussin, Nurofen Plus, Piranol Plus, Tercodin, Terpincod, Tosmay, Toff-MD, Toff-Plus, Tussamate with Codeine, Tussin Plus, Fervex from dry cough, Helpex antikold syrup.


Anti-cough drugs of narcotic action are aimed not only at saving the patient from coughing, but also acting depressingly on the central nervous system. They can not be categorically accepted for children under 2 years.

Non-narcotic antitussives

Non-narcotic antitussives are considered the safest. The principle of their action: a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings located in the respiratory center. Among the preparations of this spectrum are: Bronchitisen Vramed, Bronholitin, Bronchosett, Bronchoton, Bronchocin, Glauvent, Glaucine, Intussin, Pakseladin, Panathus, Pectiprint, Sedotussin, Sinecod, Stoptussin, Tusuprex, Bithiodine, Levopront, Libexin.


Cramping cough medicines are needed to ensure that the accumulated mucus in the upper respiratory tract becomes less dense and can be coughed up. Among the medicines of such a plan are:sodium bicarbonate (at home, baking soda), sodium iodide, potassium iodide, Agicold vegetable syrup, 5% altyle syrup, Alteika for children, Altemix, Altea syrup, Amtersall, aniseed oil, Antitusin, Bronchial, Bronchicum, Bronchipret, Broncho Theiss, Bronchovitol, Bronhomed, syrup plantain Herbionum, Glycyram, breastfeeding, Pectoral, Kofrem, Lutusin, Mukaltin, Okamentol, Pectolvan phyto, licorice syrup, Tusavit, Eucabal, Extra-thermal.

We draw a conclusion regarding cough medicines:

  • It is best to pay attention to the abundant drink and normalization of air in the room instead of medicines;
  • Children under 2 years of cough medicine should be categorically prohibited;
  • Use of cough medication for narcotic exposure is possible only on strict doctor's testimony;
  • Any self-medication with drugs is strictly prohibited.

Soviet cough medicine

Soviet cough medicineThe pharmaceutical industry has been developing at a frantic pace in recent decades. Companies involved in the manufacture and sale of medicines constantly fill the Russian market with novelties of both local and foreign origin. However, among a large assortment of pharmaceuticals many people still attract Soviet cough medicines. They do not lose their leading positions, and are considered one of the most purchased drugs.

Why are Soviet cough medicines popular until now?

The fact that many are wary of the novelties of the pharmaceutical market and prefer the old proven means is a completely normal phenomenon. This attitude is especially characteristic for people of older and older age. There are several reasons for this:

  • In Soviet times, in this category of people, children were small, often had colds, accompanied by cough. Parents remember what they bought drugs then, they know that these funds really helped. Relying on their experience, people of the older generation do not unfairly consider such drugs effective.
  • Medicines for cough, which were produced in the Soviet era, do not have any newfangled additives, affecting their price in a big way. They are much cheaper than analogues, developed later even by the Russian pharmaceutical industry. And if you compare the cost with foreign drugs, it can differ even by 5-10 times.
  • Many modern cough medicines are very widely advertised on television or by the sellers themselves in pharmacies. Some people of the senior (Soviet) generation are characterized by such a feature that insistently telling them about the advantages of the goods causes them an absolutely opposite effect. They are worried and decide that they want to impose the purchase of a bad, low-quality medicine. Therefore, again, based on their knowledge and considering what was produced in Soviet times without alternative, they prefer drugs to their youth.

What Soviet cough preparations are on sale now?

If a person is not too puzzled about accepting only state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals, he can safely find in the pharmacy drugs that began to be produced before 1991. It is easy to find such a Soviet cough medicine, as:

  • Bromhexine.
  • Mukaltin.
  • Extract of althea root.
  • Pectusin.
  • Cough medicine.
  • Altein syrup.
  • Grass of oregano.
  • Pills for cough.
  • The root is elecampane.
  • Codeine.
  • Syrup of licorice root.
  • The Falimint.
  • Pharyngept.
  • Plantain syrup.
Soviet cough medicineAll these Soviet drugs perfectly help to fight bronchospasm. However, in order to acquire the right drug, you need to know the origin and nature unpleasant symptom, and also take into account contraindications to the medicament and organism.

That's why you should not engage in independent selection of drugs for treatment, but you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause, which is caused by the cough, and prescribe the necessary medicine (even modern), and any pharmacist in the pharmacy will be prompted by his Soviet counterpart.

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