Hot Beer Cough Recipe

The use of beer in the treatment of cough

Traditional medicine can use a variety of means in the treatment of colds. Some people may have serious doubts about the effectiveness of folk recipes against cough, for the preparation of which it is necessary to use such an alcoholic beverage as beer. Surprisingly, it is one of the most effective and safe tools used in the treatment of cough in adults. Previously, beer was produced on the basis of many herbs, for example, for a long time the doctor Paracelsus recommended using hot beer from cough, made on the basis of sage.

What is the use of such a tool?

Despite the fact that the benefit of treating such a cold symptom as a cough with warm beer has not been scientifically proven, it has become widely used among the people.As you know, beer itself is not warmed up, improves metabolism, speeds up blood circulation, dilates blood vessels. Warm beer is used for colds with the aim that it exerts a diaphoretic effect on the body, and when coughing it can clear the respiratory tract from the spread of a viral infection.
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However, it is important to remember that, despite the thermal processing of beer, it still remains an alcoholic beverage, so you need to drink it in a fairly limited amount, and from the use in the treatment of children is at all refuse.

Effective cough recipes

The use of warm beer from coughing becomes necessary during the preparation of many folk remedies in the treatment of colds. The most affordable, and at the same time no less effective, are the following recipes:

  1. Take a glass of warm beer, put a spoonful of honey in it, a pinch of cinnamon and cloves. Drink a drink at night.Despite its not very pleasant taste, improvements will already begin the next morning - coughing attacks will decrease and the pain in the chest will disappear.This procedure should be repeated for several days in a row.
  2. If the cough is caused by the development of bronchitis, you can use such a simple recipe: take the average head of garlic, 2 lemons, without peeling and without removing the seeds, pass through the meat grinder. Add 300 g of sugar and 0, 5 liters of beer. Sugar can be replaced with honey, since sugar does not have a therapeutic effect on the respiratory system, in contrast to this natural product. Cook on the water bath for half an hour. After the preparation of this product, it must be cooled and taken on a spoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  3. Heat 0, 5 liters of beer, add to it 100 g of sage broth, drink before going to bed and wrapped in a warm blanket. Instead of sage, you can simply put a spoonful of honey, because such a tool also has an antimicrobial and emollient effect on the inflamed respiratory tract.

    Beer with milk will soften the cough

  4. If you suffer from a dry cough, folk medicine recommends mixing beer and milk in equal quantities. It is also useful to add to this medicine a decoction of sage: to prepare it, you should take a spoonful of herbs on a glass of water, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. For half a liter of beer, take 50 g of butter or cocoa butter, stir well to allow the oil to completely dissolve, and drink the medicine at a time.

Before starting to take beer from a cough, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because it is an alcoholic drink and it can have a number of contraindications to the use.

Regardless of the selected prescription for preparation of a medicine based on beer, it is important to observe two rules:

  • use the most natural product;
  • drink it in a hot, but not scalding form.

Also, you can not bring this alcoholic beverage to a boil, as it may cause additional bitterness, as well as at high temperatures, the beneficial properties are lost.Beer treatment should be carried out until the cough disappears completely, and do not worry that a lot of alcohol will get into the body, since it becomes much less when heated.From cough treatment, beer should be discarded to all people who have contraindications to alcohol use, with renal and hepatic insufficiency, with heart diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

Hot beer from cough

In folk medicine quite often apply hot beer from a cough. This drink has not only good diaphoretic properties, but also speeds up the metabolism in the body.

How does the beer cough?

In the heated state, the beer facilitates the circulation, expands the blood vessels, promotes active sweating, and also alleviates the respiratory system in case of a cold. To use this drink for medicinal purposes, you should take a low-alcohol or light beer.

Warm beer from cough can be used:

  • with honey;
  • jam;
  • sage broth;
  • spicy spices.

Recipes for Coughing Beer

Recipe # 1:

  1. Half a liter of beer should be heated on low heat.
  2. Add two full spoons of honey.
  3. Drink at night, before going to bed. Then it is good to wrap up and sweat.

Beer with honey from cough is considered the most common and effective means, which contributes to expectoration.

Recipe # 2:

  1. 200 grams of beer to heat, but do not boil together with spices: cloves, cinnamon, lemon zest.
  2. Use at night, before bedtime.

Recipe # 3:

  1. Cut two lemons into small slices.
  2. Add chopped garlic head, 300 grams of sugar and, a liter of light beer.
  3. The resulting mixture must be boiled for 30 minutes in a water bath. In doing so, the lid must be tightly closed.
  4. After cooling, the broth should be drained and taken one spoon three times a day. It is advisable to drink half an hour before a meal.

This broth is good even for serious bronchial diseases.

Recipe # 4:

  1. Spoon the grass of sage should be brewed in a glass of water.
  2. Then mix in equal quantities of warm beer, milk and the resulting broth.
  3. Take three times a day for half a glass.

This drink is good for dry cough.

It is worth saying that with the help of hot beer you can do and compresses that put on your throat. They also contribute to the rapid cessation of cough and colds.

How to use hot beer for coughing

The harm of alcohol is well-known, but in some situations the use of alcohol benefits. For example, using hot beer with cough, you can eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of cold and infectious diseases of the ENT organs. The drink actively affects the metabolic processes, dilates the blood vessels and normalizes the pressure. In the heated state the beer has a strong sweatshop effect, due to which it is often used instead of a decoction of raspberry leaves, honey or hot tea with raspberry jam.

Features of beer treatment

Despite the fact that today in the shopping centers a huge assortment of beers is offered, it is not so easy to choose a product suitable for treatment. In the old days beer was brewed from natural ingredients and not pasteurized, which allowed the drink to preserve all medicinal qualities. Nowadays, beer bottled is thermally processed, which means that the bioactive components that remain in it cease to function.

In live (not pasteurized) beer contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements.First of all, it is vitamins of group B, nicotine, pantothenic and folic acids. In addition, the drink found: calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and some other trace elements.

1 liter of beer is able to meet the daily needs of the human body in:

  • vitamin B1 - by 4%;
  • vitamin B2 - by 30%;
  • vitamin B6 - by 75%;
  • vitamin H - by 8%;
  • nicotinic acid - by 69%;
  • Folic acid - from 50% to 100%, depending on the type of drink;
  • pantothenic acid - by 25%.

But since beer, despite its nutritional value, is an alcoholic product, it should be consumed in moderate dosages. This rule must also be followed when using beer for medicinal purposes.

Together with the warming and sweatshop effect, the drink has other positive qualities:

  • improves the condition of the intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens urine, which is useful for inflammation of the urinary system;
  • promotes the excretion of cholesterol and toxins (including aluminum salts, which are strong carcinogens);
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • slows down the aging of the body.

Recipes of traditional medicine with hot beer

When starting to treat with beer, you need to take care of choosing a quality drink. It is advisable to use live draft beer, not pasteurized.

The most effective is the drug, which is prepared in full accordance with the prescription.

When making a drink, remember that:

  • The beer should be very warm, but not scalding;
  • when beer is brought to a temperature of 80o, the amount of alcohol in it decreases almost 10 times;
  • when heating the drink can not be boiled.

Since ancient times, hot beer from cough is used in many countries of the world. So, we know a lot of recipes developed in the regions, famous for old brewing traditions. These are countries such as Germany, Russia, England and some others.

The most common method of treatment with beer is its use with honey. Here you can use two simple recipes:

  • when cold cough in 300 ml of hot beer dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and drink until the drink is warm;
  • with a dry continuous cough it is required to mix 500 ml of heated beer and 4 tbsp. spoons of honey and drink before going to bed.

In both cases, the usual alcoholic drink acquires a rather specific taste, so it can be improved by adding 1 or 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Experts argue that if you take the recipes for several days, then the cough will not remain a trace.

With the help of the English recipe, recovery will come the next day. To make a drink, take 1 liter of beer, add a pinch of cinnamon and lemon zest and 3 cloves and place the mixture on the fire. Then you need to grind 3 yolks with 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and put the mass in the heated beer. The drink is kept on low heat with constant stirring until thickened, it is impossible to boil the mixture. Finished medicine is used in a warm form for 1, a glass in several receptions.

Good medicine has a medicine, the preparation of which resembles cooking mulled wine. In 500 ml of fresh beer is added 1 cup of granulated sugar, 2 scrolled through a meat grinder along with lemon peel, 1 hour. spoon aniseed grains, 2 tablespoons chopped licorice roots. The mixture is placed on a water bath and cooked for 60 minutes, then cooled and filtered. The medicine is used fractional, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

With a dry cough, beer mixed in equal proportions with warm milk or sage broth will also help. To prepare the broth in 1 glass of hot water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry raw materials and boil in a water bath for about 15 minutes. In addition, you can dissolve in a liter of warm beer 50 g of cocoa butter or butter and drink at a time.

The easiest to make is a German prescription for treatment: it is necessary to heat 500 ml of live beer to a temperature of 30ºC and drink in one go. Then you need to go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Recipes with beer for curing a complicated cough

If a cold cough accompanied by a sore throat, you can use the recipe for compresses based on hot beer. To make it, stir in a cup of hot beverage for 1 hour. a spoonful of honey, moisten a cotton napkin or cloth in a solution and wrap the neck around it. The fabric is wrapped with compressor paper or polyethylene film, a layer of cotton wool and a scarf. The heat effect created by the compressor will quickly cure the sore throat, you can remove the tissue after 3-4 hours.

When treating bronchitis, accompanied by a strong cough, it is recommended to use a decoction of garlic with beer. You should take 1 small head of garlic and crush the denticles with a knife, then cut into pieces and roll 2 lemons in the meat grinder. In 500 ml add garlic, lemon and 300 grams of granulated sugar, cover the container with a lid and boil in a water bath for about 30 minutes. When the mixture cools down, filter it and take 1 tbsp. spoonful for, hours before meals 3 times during the day.

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The centuries-old use of traditional medicine recipes based on beer has established that this is one of the best means for coughing. In moderate doses, such medications can be used even for the treatment of children after 12 years. In this case it is desirable to take as a basis quality non-alcoholic beer. But it should be remembered that the use of any alcohol is highly not recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and some other pathologies, therefore, before the treatment, it is necessary to consult doctor.

Is it true that hot beer helps with coughing?


Konstantin Tokarev

Cough is helped by tea with honey or raspberries! Hot beer helps induce vomiting =)


Better drink cold vodka !!!


true. but it's very pratical!


and wine too.. though muck terrible


True, but rubbish is rare. If you just want to drink, drink cold.


it's true current beer is hot nasty to drink


Personally on my experience checked - does not help either from coughing or cold! Yes, it's creepy !!!


Yes.. definitely for sure.. and preferably dark beer.. bring it to a boil and small sips. I know it's disgusting, but it helps.. I was prescribed it by the ENT, when my voice disappeared.. helped ..


About beer I hear for the first time, but the hot red wine helps ...

I am not an angel...

in part. It's just a good warming agent, but it's better to drink in bed, because almost immediately from the hot beer demolishes the tower (by the way, hot beer-stuff) _


Yes. Somehow I tried hot beer from a cough. You can not drink. It is terribly disgusting. Probably therefore, and cough has not cured)))


Yes, I checked myself. Still hot wine... Both drinks are medicines, I will tell you honestly, a terrible muck, but it helps perfectly.


Of course the truth, very quickly passes all, with sore throat, the truth is opposite


from the common cold. You have a warm beer with sugar and drink it. Quickly in a dream will pull. You wake up - you become a healthy man.


It is necessary to heat a glass of beer and drink it in small sips, like tea. For the night, tie a woolen shawl over her throat. Usually one of these procedures is enough, but you can repeat it for prophylaxis after a while. By the way, hot beer (preferably unfiltered) is good for bronchitis, especially with a strong cough.

Ksusha Prosvirnina

Cough helps min. water mixed with milk is exactly ...

Olga Kononenko

It is better to drink warm wine, you can add a little ginger. This drink is good for taking in the winter during the flu.

Arina Lyubimova

Yes, I heard that it helps. Warm wine also helps.

Yana Shapovaliuk

they say that helps, but I did not probyvala


and not only from a cough, I cured an angina in this way... the truth of 2 bottles was drunk in meat... but nothing major recovered)))))))

Is it true that warmed beer helps with colds?



In many folk recipes, beer is used to treat colds, for example, if you add a spoonful of honey to a mug of heated beer. Sometimes folk recipes offer to add to beer eggs, cloves or cinnamon. Best for this are dark beers and porters.

Tanyusha Avramenko

Well... they say helps... tried it... Even the sales do not exactly say... )))

Tatiana T.

Vodka helps you better

The Passage

... I know what helps to remove the stones from the kidneys... )

Viktor Shchukin

I remember, in the late 70's on Novoryazanskaya, in a street beer hall from a teapot with electric plates, poured ...


In Scandinavia, a cleanser for the lungs is a hot beer with milk.


helps boiled red wine with black pepper and sugar and drink hot!

Yuliya Nikulshina

Yes, warm dark beer helps with cold and sore throat... But, only at the very beginning of the disease ...


I heard that hot, and visibly ardent beer lover, and in everything you want to find the advantages of alcohol abuse?
to me except for mustard plasters and hot milk nothing helps, so I advise)


I think that's not true, that's washing the kidneys, if in moderation.


It is better to heat the red fortified wine or dilute it with hot water, so that it is hotter than fresh milk. Drink before going to bed, take a change of clothes with you (do not lie wet!)


in beer there are antiseptics
which positively affect the inflamed mucous membrane without irritating it
they also exist in tea


yes, helps

Dr. House

For the night as a diaphoretic.. If the heart is strong and the kidneys are healthy. Honey and tea with raspberry jam are more common ...

Konstantin Klimov

neznaju and here cold from a hang-over precisely helps or assists


in the initial stage it helps very well. only it is nalo to change pajamas or that there you sweat very strongly at this.

Svetlana Kharlamova

Hot beer helps with coughing (expectorant and warming action)
but that's because of the common cold - I do not know

Marina Alexeeva

From a cough very well helps or assists, itself tried or tasted. True, the taste is not very ...

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