Herbal Cough Tablets

Pills for cough with thermopsis: instructions for use

  • Instructions
  • Dosage

Legendary cheap pills for cough with thermopsis, known since Soviet times. In addition to the main application, prescribing from a sufficient range of diseases and being effective at the expense of the properties of their main ingredient - the herbs of thermopsis.

The list of components of the drug contains only two drugs - baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and the herb Thermopsiswith a component ratio of 5 soda and, 067 grams of thermopsis grass. It is thermopsis that has such an effective effect, for which these tablets were highly valued.

In nature, this plant is a poisonous harmful weed that is difficult to remove from the beds, its organic constituents - alkaloids, anahyrine, pachycarpine, thermopsin, thermopsidin, cytisine, methylcytosine and others, despite the poisonousness, have found application, both in traditional and in folk medicine. The combination of ingredients has a complex effect on the human body, primarily on the respiratory system.

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Positive effect has a thermopsis on the tone of the muscles of the uterus- raises it, and also drives worms and causes vomiting, but mostly tablets from cough with thermopsis are used as a cleansing respiratory tract and a soothing agent with a wet or dry cough. Prescribe for a cough week-long intake of one tablet a day.

Due to the alkaloids contained in the preparation, irritation occurs in the receptors of the bronchial system and the muscular system of the respiratory tract, which increases the secretion of sputum, and it better exits the system respiration. A baking soda has an antispasmodic effect and at the same time liquefies the density of sputum, to invest its withdrawal from the respiratory tract.

Do not use the drug yourself, without consulting a specialist, since its effect can have side effects:

  • in people susceptible to allergies, rashes and itching on the skin can occur;
  • with an overdose of the drug, difficulty with breathing, headaches, vomiting, constipation;
  • at reception there is an infringement of coordination of attention, it is not recommended before automobile trip or work demanding the raised or attended attention.

From taking this medication it is worth to refrain from suffering asthma, in the first trimester of pregnancy - this is associated with the possibility of increasing the tone of the uterus and can lead to miscarriage.


The drug is difficult to combine with other drugs, it is worth consulting with a doctor before use.

If you experience any of the above side effects, you should stop taking it and do a gastric lavage.

Tablets for coughing thermopsis: instruction on the use of the drug

People older than 2 years of age are prescribed to use one piece, one to three times a day, the drug - tablets for coughing thermopsis. Instructions for use prescribe medication for at least three days, then it is regulated according to the effect and severity of the respiratory tract disease.

You can also use it in the form of infusion, which can be given to small children.It is prepared in a simple way: depending on the age, the dosage of the herb is selected - up to 6 years gr., Older, gr. to a glass of boiling water and insist on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. It is possible, based on the calculation of the ratio, to make a three-day supply of infusion and store it in the refrigerator, preheating before reception. Apply infusion of tea or tablespoon, according to the age of the patient 2 - 4 times a day.

Powdery form contains lactose in addition to the herb and diluted, 25 gram of powder in a glass of still water, applied 2 - 3 times a day. Maximum dosage up to, gr. per day for adults, for children no more than a gram. Also there is powdered dry medicine, which is used for people over 6 years old.

It is worth noting

All tablets with thermopsis (tablets against cough, Antitusin, Termopsol) are used for adults and children over 12 years of age, in rare cases starting from the age of 6 years.

When ingestion, according to the instructions for use, tablets from cough thermopsis are absorbed gastrointestinal tract and enter first into the blood, then into the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, where begin to act. Note that it is dry powders that have an insecticidal effect, and infusions and decoctions are used as anthelmintic.

Thermoses of lanceolate grass and its dosage for the treatment of various diseases

If there is a predisposition to allergic reactions and pregnant women should refrain from taking preparation, although following the instructions of the thermpsys of lanceolate grass is allowed to application.

Pregnant women can use it, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, clearly following the dosage. Children, as described above, the drug is recommended in the form of infusion, medicine or diluted powder.

Some incompetent doctors can prescribe a half dose of the tablets with thermopsis, but this shows their incompetence. Since tests of this drug on children, according to aesthetic and legislative norms, have not been carried out, and products tested in animals can not be considered safe for children.


We remind you that the drugs based on thermopsis are quite toxic and can cause allergic reactions and other consequences.

The instruction says that the thermopsis of lanceolate grass can be used to treat children from the age of 12, although according to long-term practice the drug is prescribed to children from 6 years of age.

When using tablets with thermopsis for children it is worthwhile to follow the recommended dosage:

  • children from 6 years - half the tablet 1 - 3 times a day;
  • over 12 years - one tablet 1 - 3 times a day;

It is necessary to consume a significant amount of fluid when taking the drug.

In rare cases, the dosage increases:

  • up to 12 years - a maximum of 7 tablets 3 times a day;
  • after 12 years - 14 pieces 3 times a day.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for taking the drug and if an allergic reaction occurs, immediately clean the stomach and contact a medical institution for advice. Thermopsis with soda, tablets from cough and other names of the drug have a lot of analogs to date in any of its forms.

Analogues of tablets with thermopsis are many drugs with expectorant and excretory sputum from the lungs effect, while their content can be based on the presence of other herbs, such as:

  • anise;
  • oregano;
  • liquorice root;
  • buds of pine;
  • plantain;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • thyme.

It can be preparations of both Russian and foreign origin, their forms of release are also different - infusions, medicines, tablets, troches, emulsions for inhalation and so on. At the same time, the cost of pills for cough is now 30 rubles, as well as other forms of release of drugs with thermopsis.

The recommended remedy for lung disease, as before, is quite effective in controlling cough. If you follow the instructions for taking the drug, you can quickly get rid of a cough without buying expensive, highly advertised medications.



When pills for cough with thermopsis help

Tablets from cough with thermopsis are helpful in the treatment of dry cough. They cause a wet cough after the first intake, when the bronchi begin to be actively cleared from the pathogens of the disease.The action of the drug passes several days after the administration of the last herb-containing thermopsis tablet.

The drug is classified as a group of expectorants of vegetable origin. The tablets contain powdered grass of thermopsis of lanceolate 067 g and baking soda 50 g. Potato starch and talc are added from the auxiliaries required for hardening the tablet form.

Doctors prescribe pills for coughing with grass thermopsis with fever, flu, pneumonia, tracheitis and bronchitis.

Powder of the herb of thermopsis, sold in pharmacies, can be prescribed for headaches and intestinal atony.

How do pills with a stool

Thermopsis lanceolate is a medicinal herb, which has a second name - a mushroom. It contains six alkaloids, which can induce vomiting, if the medicinal raw material is taken inwards in large doses. Alkaloid anagarin makes this herb similar in effect to curare. Also in its composition there are esters, tannins and saponins that have a multifaceted effect on the human body.

Drugs containing mushroom grass, increase blood pressure and excite appetite. Medicines in which there is a herb of thermopsis, actively increase the tone of the uterus and are able to trigger the mechanism of spontaneous delivery.

At small amounts, the alkaloids in the plant excite the respiratory center and activate the expectorant effect. The herb of thermopsis has a moderate irritant effect on the receptors of the gastric mucosa, reflexively increasing the secretion of the bronchial glands. This helps the pill with the thermopsis to make a productive dry cough.

The active substances of the grass of the mice strengthen the reflex secretion of the secretion in the bronchi and cause the ciliated epithelium to activate, the task of which is to bring the phlegm out. Simultaneously, they irritate the walls of the stomach, activating the receptors of its mucous membranes. This can cause an exacerbation in people suffering from ulcerative gastritis.

Tablets of thermopsis, actively exciting the center of breathing, contribute to the removal of sputum from the bronchi. To sputum go, it needs to dilute something. This function is performed by baking soda, which became the second component of this drug. Sodium bicarbonate has a medicinal property to dilute sputum in the bronchi and promote its active rejection.

So the minimum amount of poisonous grass thermopsis of lanceolate and baking soda effectively and quickly cope with an unproductive cough that can torment the patient for a long time.

Tablets with thermopsis can be used with a dry cough of unknown etiology for no more than five days. For the treatment to be productive, it is required to give the patient an abundant warm drink. This contributes to the improvement of sputum liquefaction and its further separation.

Side effects of the mouser

Tablets with grass thermopsis are not as harmless as it seems at first glance:
  1. The Mouse excites not only the respiratory, but also the vomiting center, which is in the immediate vicinity of the brain. In order not to provoke the appearance of nausea and vomiting, the tablets should be consumed no more than three times a day for 1 piece.
  2. Treatment with them may not last long. Usually it takes no more than five days to transfer the dry cough to wet. After treatment, the doctor recommends switching to drugs that help stop wet cough.
  3. The drug can be given from 12 years. To small children these tablets will not be of use, because the child does not have an expectorant mechanism. Bronchi will produce phlegm, and it will accumulate in the lungs, worsening the situation.
  4. Pregnant women should not use preparations containing a mushroom, because alkaloids actively stimulate the muscles of the uterus, responsible for its reduction. Stimulation of labor can lead to premature birth.
  5. The period of breastfeeding is also not suitable for treatment with this drug.
  6. In some people, the drug may cause an allergic reaction. In case of individual intolerance, the medicine is canceled and transferred to another remedy intended for the treatment of dry cough.

Inexpensive cough tablets have long been used to excrete sputum from bronchial tubes for colds. Their use helped to avoid complications after ARI. Over time, they were replaced by new, more expensive syrups and vegetable powders that have a directed effect.

But tablets with thermopsis and now help sick people get cured of persistent forms of unproductive cough. Sometimes a person who suffers a cough of unknown origin for a long time passes a few days after the application of simple tablets from a cough, in the composition of which is this herb.


Infusions and herbs from dry cough

Herbs from dry cough. A dry or unproductive cough can be a symptom of the underlying disease or a reaction to environmental substances that irritate the bronchi.

The epidemic of acute respiratory diseases is constantly beginning with the onset of the cold season. Curing the same disease is well helped by herbs and infusions.

Cough is carried by sick people usually with great difficulty, preventing them from resting, working, doing household chores. To alleviate the symptoms, of course, you can, if only in time to make infusions, brew herbal tea, and so on.

What is the best way to treat ARVI?

The organs of the respiratory system in some patients can be greatly weakened. Usually this happens if they suffer from bronchial asthma and other bronchopulmonary diseases. It is then that ARI is complicated by attacks of dry cough.

Patients constantly ask questions about how effective the folk methods of treating this ailment are.

Such a disease, as ARVI, appears with a weakening of protective forces in humans. The human body sometimes does not withstand heavy loads. After the infection, various microorganisms join. Medical workers of the highest category usually explain that a person is ill with tracheitis or with acute bronchitis.

Symptomatology of the disease may be different:

  • increased body temperature;
  • dry cough;
  • general mild weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • presence of various changes in the lungs during the passage of the radiograph.

In order to cure bronchitis, doctors prescribe high-quality antiviral, antimicrobial drugs to patients. Sometimes they do not help with any cough. What then to do, how better to cure a cold? But everything is quite simple, conduct a dry cough treatment in an adult and a child at home, using folk methods. They will perfectly help you fully recover. But it is worth remembering that before using alternative medicine, you should always consult a doctor.

Mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort, and other natural plants you can always use to treat an allergic or inflammatory process. Cough with phlegm will pass quickly enough. The result of treatment will be only positive.

Application of medicinal herbs

Herbs for cleansing the bronchi from mucus were used by people since ancient times. Want to get a positive effect with a dry cough, consult a doctor-therapist.When you come to the polyclinic, keep in mind that people's fees are usually appointed by medical workers only on an extract.

Assistants in the treatment are such herbs:

  • mallow;
  • marshmallows;
  • thyme.

All these herbs usually contain unique substances. Their contact is realized by interaction with tap water. They form a viscous, colloidal solution that has a good anti-inflammatory effect on the inflamed and irritated mucous membrane of the larynx. Burning in the throat, pain, and other unpleasant sensations does not happen.

Many people have a rosemary success. This herb is usually used in the treatment of pertussis, bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and so on.

Much more often during the treatment of dry cough people use the juice of black radish. Make a small hole in the vegetable. Then put some honey in it and put it in a warm place for a while. Next, drink this medicine for several days, until complete recovery. In the case when the juice strongly irritates the gastric mucosa, dilute it with water. If you are allergic to honey, you can take sugar instead.

The first place during the disposal of dry cough is the preparation of phyto-tea and various useful broths.

Make home herbal infusions. Mother-and-stepmother possesses the property of enveloping the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth and larynx, protecting them from getting microbes into the body. All medicinal preparations and preparations can be purchased at pharmacies easily. They are completely harmless for both adults and children.

Licorice is naked - it's another plant that helps very well to cure a dry cough. You have a sick child - buy him a syrup of licorice root. In the absence of allergic reactions, treat dry cough with onions, lemon, lime flowers and other natural plants.

These herbs contain substances that perfectly stimulate the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract. They usually have a good anti-inflammatory effect. In the case when sputum is poorly expectorated, put woolen socks on your feet, putting a mustard dry powder in them beforehand.

Pour in a glass of hot milk with butter and soaked raisins. On the back and the area of ​​the bronchi put mustard plasters. Remember, this must be done daily! You can also mix the fennel with the tea and drink everything in one gulp.

Steam inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers and other medicinal plants is also helpful during the treatment of dry cough. Among the expectorating modern remedies, we can distinguish those medicinal herbs that have mucolytic effects. It:

  • rhizomes of elecampane and cyanosis;
  • pine buds;
  • grass thermopsis;
  • violet;
  • fruits of anise.

Do not forget that pertussin, produced by our pharmacists, is much better than "Lazolvan" made abroad.

Effectiveness of the use of herbs from dry cough is constantly much higher in combination with hemolytic modern means.

Advice to pregnant women

General muscle tension during pregnancy is highly undesirable due to the fact that it is harmful to the fetus. Dry cough for expectant mothers is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. Pregnant categorically contraindicated licorice root, because it strongly affects the hormonal background and provokes swelling.

Inhalation is considered to be the most effective and quickest method of treatment. The broth should not be very hot. Together with him, you can always apply essential oils and herbal decoctions. Good compresses with honey, cabbage leaf or grated onions. The most beneficial effect you can achieve by applying these methods in a complex manner.

Make a wonderful ointment by taking streptocide, mummy, aloe, beeswax, propolis, oil in equal proportions. Preheat the ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly. At the time when the wax melts, remove the dishes from the fire. Grind in the cup the remaining funds you have. Then pour them in a mixture prepared beforehand, adding aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in a cool place. At night, lubricate the chest and back, wrapped in a scarf. The nose will instantly start to breathe, the cough will pass quickly enough.

If you want to apply a mandarin peel for the treatment of a dry cough, twist it through a meat grinder. Then put in a glass jar and pour boiling water into it. Let it brew for several hours. Use infusion constantly.


Application of plants in folk medicine

Dates will be able to provide you with excellent help in the treatment of dry cough. Of course, if you only boil them in a liter of water. Always drink a mixture of hot. Dates will help you to relieve cough, if you cook them in milk.

Taking one peeled potato, an apple of green varieties, an onion, place the vegetables in an enameled pot. Pour water, wait until the products are completely welded. Strain through the cheesecloth and drink a decoction of the temperature that you can tolerate. Dry cough will leave you pretty quickly.

Cabbage freshly squeezed juice with sugar is usually used for coughing as an expectorant. Taking the mixture inside for colds, you can make and drink it with honey.

In berries, cranberries contain many useful substances. Benefit people bring and leaves. There was a temperature - use Morse from berries, it excretes toxins and inhibits the development of microorganisms.


There are a lot of time-tested folk recipes for treating dry cough, but remember, if after 3-5 days of treatment, folk remedies do not improve then the doctor's consultation is simply obligatory, since, probably, the inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi has reached such a phase that it is time to apply and antibiotics. Be healthy!


Thermopsys - instruction

Dosage Forms of Thermopsis:Tinctures, extracts, powders, tablets. The most popular and common form of release in tablets (by 0.05 g)

Composition:The main component of the drug is a perennial plant family of legumes Lancet-like thermopsis [termopsis lantsetnyiy] (other names are "drunk grass "mushchatnik"), growing in Siberia and Kazakhstan. In the manufacture of medicines, grass is used.

The herb of thermopsis includes essential oil, resins, saponins, alkaloids and ascorbic acid. In the manufacture of tablets, in addition to thermopsis, the licorice root [Glycyrrhizae radix], Codeine [Codeine] and sodium hydrogen carbonate [Sodium hydrocarbonate] are used as auxiliary substances.

Thermopsis application

It is mainly used to suppress cough of various origin in adults and children (up to two years of age), being also an excellent expectorant for all age groups. Also, medicinal preparations based on this herb are used for a variety of diseases of the respiratory tract (upper and lower divisions): chronic tracheitis, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis. With excellent effectiveness in the case of treatment of the above diseases, tablets "Thermopsis" have minimal side effects effects, regardless of the duration of administration (of course, with proper application and no violations in dosages).

Preparations based on the herb of thermopsis are also prescribed in complex treatment as a component of herbal or therapeutic tea.

When catarrhal phenomena occur in the upper respiratory tract, often accompanied by a difficult-to-separate inflammatory attack on the mucous membranes shells in the oral cavity, the pills of thermopsis are used as an effective expectorant cleansing the respiratory tract from the negative impact.

Thermopsis action

Antitussive tablets with thermopsis are not only effective, but also a very popular remedy, and he who already used this drug, is unlikely to seek an analog treatment, giving preference to the already tried method.

How do the tablets with thermopsis work? The main effect of thermopsis is its expectorant effect; When using the drug, bronchus begins to produce more mucus. In addition, thermopsis is rich in alkaloids containing nitrogen, which have a combined effect on respiratory organs. Although initially preparations with the content of thermopsis are intended as means for expectoration, an overdose can cause an emetic effect.

The tablet, resorbed, enters the bloodstream, from there the drug enters the mucous environment of the bronchi and trachea, that, being an irritant, causes a cough and increased breathing, which leads to the removal of phlegm by expectoration.

Sodium hydrogen carbonate, contained in tablets, reduces the degree of sputum density; licorice root produces both expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as antispasmodic act. Glycyrrhizin, contained in the preparation, is a stimulant for the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi, causing the expectorant properties of the tablets. Codeine as part of the drug also produces an antitussive effect.

Do not lose sight of the fact that with irritation of the bronchial cough can be by nature, both dry and wet, so Before using tablets with thermopsis, the effect of which may be unpredictable, you should consult a doctor doctor.


Tablets "Termopsis" due to natural ingredients in the composition is suitable for almost all age groups, excluding children under the age of two. However, given the complexity of the composition, the approach to taking the drug should be followed with caution. Possessing the effect of enhancing breathing, the drug is not recommended for those who suffer from asthma, also from its intake should refrain lactating and pregnant women (especially in the 1st and 3rd trimester), since there is a threat miscarriage.

Side effects

Despite the minimal side effects, long-term use of the drug may exert a certain dependency, given the presence of codeine in the formulation. You should also be careful with the appointment of the drug to people prone to allergic reactions: there may be skin itching, hives, nausea.

Overdose of the drug is fraught with headaches; there may be an emetic effect and the appearance of drowsiness. Also, with an overdose, coordination of movements is disturbed and breathing becomes difficult. Possible constipation.

If the renal function is impaired, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 2 tablets, while a sufficient interval between doses should be observed.

Given the possible sedative effect, the tablet "Thermopsis" is strictly prohibited for use in driving, as well as in cases requiring increased attention.

In case of an overdose and the manifestation of the above symptoms, it is necessary to apply gastric lavage, use activated charcoal, and also to cancel the reception of "Thermopsis".

Dosages and Administration Thermopsis

In the absence of contraindications, tablets "Thermopsis" are administered orally 1 unit 2 or 3 times a day.

Interaction with other drugs

Given the content of codeine in the preparation, caution should be applied to "Thermopsis" when using drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Drugs that have astringent and enveloping properties, as well as absorbent substances, can weaken the absorption of the drug by the gastrointestinal tract.

Synthetic antibiotic chloramphenicol weakens the metabolism of codeine in the liver, thereby enhancing its effect when applying "Thermopsis".

Medicinal forms containing the herb of Thermopsis

Dosage and methods of administration

Unlike tablets that have an age limit for children under the age of two, infusion of thermopsis can be prescribed outside the age category.

The powder of thermopsis is prescribed: adult patients from 2 to 3 times a day (from 1 to 5 grams). Infusion (calculation when cooking, -1 gram for 180-200 ml of liquid) is taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Babies up to two years are prescribed infusion from, to 1 teaspoon at the rate of 2 grams per 100 ml; children of the eldest groups take an infusion in the amount of 1 dessert spoon from 3 to 5 times a day at a rate of 100 grams ml.

For adults, the highest dose of receiving the herb of thermopsis is no more than one gram per day, not more than, gram per day.

For children up to 6 months the highest dose of the herb of thermopsis: up to, 05 grams one time, not more, 15 grams per day. For children from 6 months to one year, the dosage is: up to, 1 gram once, not more, 3 grams per day. Children of the age group 3-4 years old take the herb of thermopsis: up to 15 grams a day, no more, 45 grams per day. Children of the age group 5-6 years: up to, 2 grams a day, not more, 6 grams per day. Children of the age group of 7-9 years: up to, 25 grams a day, not more, 75 grams per day. Children of the age group of 10-14 years: up to, 3 grams one-time, not more, grams per knock.

For medical purposes, a dry extract of the herb of thermopsis [Latin name Extractum Thermopsidis siccum], which is a powder of light brown color, is also used the composition of which is a mixture of milk sugar and a dry standard extract, in a ratio of 1 gram of the drug = 1 gram of Termopsis lantsetnyiy (the alkaloid content is 1%).


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