The destruction of the vitreous body of the eye: causes, symptoms, methods of treatment

Probably, you've ever heard of "flies" that from time to time float before your eyes. Or maybe you saw them yourself? Do not ignore such a symptom, dumping everything for fatigue. Hurry to the eye doctor. Perhaps, after the examination you will get a disappointing diagnosis: destruction of the vitreous body of the eye (DST). Let us examine in more detail how much this disease is dangerous.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • 4Treatment
    • 4.1Medication and laser therapy
    • 4.2Non-traditional methods of treatment
    • 4.3Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

What it is?

The destruction of the vitreous body - a violation of the physiological device of the vitreous of the eye, in which the fibrils thicken, losing its transparency.

Normally, the vitreous humor is absolutely transparent.It is 98% water and represents a gelatinous substance, filled with a variety of protein fibrils, which create a peculiar supporting structure.When the mesh device is destroyed, some fibers thicken, which leads to the formation of opacities.

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The person notices them in the form of so-called "flies spots, dots, filamentous formations, nodular or needle inclusions, moving behind the movement of the eyes.

Disturbances in the complex system of the vitreous body lead to the fact that fibrils become brittle, lose transparency and order, thicken, intertwine and adhere together. Their fragments, together with the decay products, float in the thickness of the eyeball.Changes in the vitreous can lead to the following pathologies:

  • liquefaction;
  • wrinkling;
  • the deposition of crystals;
  • detachment of the vitreous humor.


Factors that can cause DST can be a lot:

  • short-sightedness (myopia);
  • eye diseases;
  • eye surgery;
  • trauma to the head, eyes, nose;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • disorders of the vascular system;
  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • diabetes;
  • toxic effects on the body;
  • stress;
  • hypertension, stroke;
  • dystrophy;
  • heavy loads;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • illnesses of housing and communal services and a liver;
  • complications after eye operations;
  • radiation exposure;
  • smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • age changes (after 40 years).

And this is not a complete list of the causes that cause the development of pathology in the vitreous humor.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Due to clear and unambiguous symptoms, DST is easily diagnosed.The patient before the eyes appear in large or small amounts of dark formations, taking a diverse form. These formations can be hardly noticeable, almost transparent, or have a color color of different saturation. The more destructive the stronger, the clearer the person sees the floating elements before his eyes.

To detect destruction from yourself, it's enough just to look at a regular sheet of paper in such a way that it covers the entire review.

If some "floating objects" fly in front of their eyes, reacting to each eye movement, then there is reason to think about visiting a doctor-ophthalmologist.

Do not dismiss that it will pass, and wait for more obvious symptoms.It is better to conduct a professional examination of the eyes, which will show the presence or absence of pathology.

The thicker the elements and the formations that float before your eyes, the stronger and more dangerous the destruction.

If the opacities have a distinct filamentous structure, then, perhaps, the destruction started due to such diseases as hypertension or atherosclerosis.In the area of ​​special risk are people who have a strong myopia.

The consequence of trauma to the eye, a tumor or a previous disease, will be destruction with signs of turbidity in the form of small clumps of grains.The more destructive the destruction is, the more inclusions and elements the person will see: from the golden rain to the so-called "lightning" in front of the eyes.In this case, the probability of detachment of the retina and the formation of voids in the vitreous humor is very high.

To delay with the reference to the expert and treatment should not: all this can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

To detect or exclude DST, differential diagnosis is carried out, including inspection patient, vision test, eye fundus examination with an ophthalmoscope, gap examination lamp.


Therapy is strictly individual.Specificity of treatment depends on the nature, shape and extent of lesions. Important in this case is the fact whether the patient's vision worsened, whether the destruction affected the patient's condition and ability to work.

Medication and laser therapy

There is no single-valued and concrete treatment for DST today. So far, no solution has been found that allows the removal of fibrillar formations effectively and without the risk of complications.Modern eye therapy involves treatment in four ways:

  1. Identification of the underlying disease that led to the DST, and the fight against it.For example, if the cause of destruction is diabetes, then at the first stage it is necessary to exclude the development of this disease.
  2. Drug therapy.For the treatment use resorbants, which must be instilled in the eye (emoksipina or potassium iodide 3%) three times a day. Also prescribed drugs for ingestion (vobenzim) and drugs that improve cerebral circulation (cinnarizine, Cavinton). It should be said that the effectiveness of drug treatment is low.Now on sale there are a lot of dietary supplements, the producers of which promise a complete cure. However, it can be said with certainty that manufacturers and pharmacists often speculate on this issue, because today there is not yet invented a drug that can prevent destruction. Do not go on about such statements.
  3. Vitreolysis - laser treatment.The essence of manipulation is that the doctor directs the laser to the darkened elements, splits them into the smallest particles. Now they will no longer cause discomfort and disappear from sight. While this treatment is practiced by only a few overseas ophthalmologists. In Russia, the procedure of vitreolysis is not carried out, since opinions on its account are far from unambiguous. Many doctors believe that the side effects of surgery can block the therapeutic effect. In addition, the operation is technically complicated: one has to deal with mobile elements.
  4. Vitrectomy.This procedure involves the complete or partial removal of the vitreous body. The removed elements are replaced by an artificial medium. Such a radical method requires serious indications for the operation.

Possible development of such complications as:

  • hemorrhage into the eye cavity;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • development of cataracts.The vitrectomy method is effective, but the risk of complications is very high.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

To treat DST eyes often try folk remedies, however the effectiveness of this method is very doubtful. No decoctions and tinctures will not help the vitreous body restore the former transparency.

On the contrary, non-traditional methods of treatment can harm and aggravate the development of the disease.In the early stages of destruction, you can perform special gymnastics for the eyes.To remove for a while floating "flies" will help the following exercises:

  • Point your eyes to the left, then to the right.
  • Also, sharply shift the view from top to bottom and vice versa.

These simple movements will move the floating elements to the periphery of the field of view. Nevertheless, you should consult your doctor for professional advice and treatment.


It is very important to carefully monitor the condition of blood vessels to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. It is necessary to treat all diagnosed diseases of internal organs and eyes in time.Do not overstrain eyes, and correct poor vision correctly and efficiently.


Black lenses on the whole eye.

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The destruction of the vitreous humor is a dangerous disease.In order not to lose sight, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and take the treatment prescribed by the doctor.Running forms of DST can lead to detachment of the retina and a complete loss of the ability to see. At the first symptoms described in this article, run to the doctor.In addition, treat the underlying diseases of the internal organs, the eye and take preventive measures to prevent the disease.