Dry cough symptoms

Symptom of which diseases can be a cough

In response to the irritation of sensitive respiratory receptors, the human physiological system responds to reflex spasms, and, more simply, cough. This phenomenon is quite useful for the body. Cough, as a symptom of various pathological conditions and diseases, signals that certain disruptions have arisen in the body and the person should look for the cause that provokes a response.

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be a symptom of dozens of different diseases and pathological conditions. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Dry cough - a symptom of many diseases

Unproductive spastic exhalations are carried by a person very painfully. They do not bring any relief to the body. Such bronchospasm are quite harmful, since they do not contribute to the escape of sputum containing harmful microorganisms, and, therefore, do not contribute to the purification of the respiratory system.

Dry cough is not always a symptom of the onset or course of an illness. It can indicate the ingress of smoke and chemicals into the lungs and bronchi.

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Non-productive spastic exhalations can be caused by the appearance of an allergic reaction of the body to various stimuli. They are:

  • Products.
  • Smells.
  • Pollen.
  • Pooh.
  • Wool.
  • Dust and many other provocateurs.

Often dry cough is a symptom of the onset of the initial stage of such diseases:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Colds.

In these cases, with the first symptoms of cough, there are also additional symptoms:

  • Increased temperature.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea.

Dry cough without other symptoms can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Stenosis of the trachea.
  • Lesions of the pleura.
  • Pathological processes occurring in neighboring organs and affecting bronchi and respiratory organs (squeezing them with various formations, lymph nodes, heart).

What symptom is a wet cough?

Wet bronchospasm for the body is much more useful than dry ones. They help to remove from the respiratory system mucus, consisting of a pathogenic microflora, which is a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and also containing products of their vital activity.

Wet bronchospasm is a symptom of many diseases. Among them on the first place there are illnesses of catarrhal and inflammatory character:

  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

With catarrhal and inflammatory diseases, there are often such additional symptoms of a damp cough as:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Heat.
  • Sputum white, green, yellow.
  • Refusal of food.

A productive cough without cold symptoms is also not uncommon. It can be a sign of quite serious illnesses, for example:

  • Heart failure.
  • Cancer.
  • Abscess of the lung
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

Diseases of the lungs with a cough are very dangerous for the body. They require immediate treatment, otherwise the forecast may be the most unfavorable.

Nervous cough - symptoms

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be caused not only by irritants having a physical effect on the respiratory system. Often they arise on nervous grounds or are a sign of psychosomatic illnesses. Such spastic exhalations have quite distinctive features from other types of unpleasant phenomenon.

Psychogenic cough - symptoms:

  • Unexpected intense beginning.
  • Termination after the disappearance of the emotional stimulus.
  • Possible presence of other nerve signs (eg, tick).
  • Absence of phlegm.
  • Normal physiological parameters during the examinations.
  • Complete cessation during sleep.

Diseases and symptoms: persistent cough

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be not only paroxysmal, tormenting a person periodically. Often they are long, permanent. There are many diseases and conditions, the sign of which is a chronic cough (the symptoms that are additional to the phenomenon may be completely absent):

  • Sinusitis.
  • Gastric reflux.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergy.
  • Neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.

Disease and symptom: night cough

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract occur not only during the waking of a person. Often attacks do not allow to sleep, they begin after stay of the patient some time in a supine position.

Night bronchospasm can indicate the presence of heart disease, and the symptom itself is caused by stagnation in a small venous circle. Also such an unpleasant phenomenon occurs during illnesses with a cold, and bronchitis.

Cough: symptoms, treatment

Depending on the causes that cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, methods of controlling them are also prescribed. And, of course, this should only happen after visiting a doctor, conducting appropriate examinations and making an accurate diagnosis (identifying a disease or other cause). There are several basic methods for dealing with an unpleasant phenomenon.

Cough - symptoms and treatment:

  • Dry reflex spasms must necessarily be transferred to wet. For this, you need to drink a lot of liquid (milk, herbal teas, water).
  • To reduce the intensity of an unpleasant symptom, the doctor can prescribe drugs that suppress the cough center.
  • Remove the perspiration in the throat, causing cough, help special candies, sea buckthorn oil, honey.
  • Reduce the intensity of wet spastic exhalations allow inhalation, warming, rubbing.
  • For the removal of bronchospasm attacks, doctors widely use medications of different spectrum of action: antispasmodics, expectorants, anti-inflammatory and others.
  • An irreplaceable remedy are the compounds taken from traditional medicine.

If a cough begins, the symptoms, its accompanying (or lack thereof), can tell the doctor about many things. However, a person who does not have a special medical education, it is difficult to understand what causes reflex spasms of the respiratory tract and how to treat them. But the methods of combating an unpleasant phenomenon should not only be symptomatic, but also remove the main cause of its occurrence - a disease.

That is why all specialists insist on the strictest prohibition of self-treatment and strongly recommend that when the first signs of coughing appear, consult a doctor for qualified counseling.


How to cure a dry cough?

If you suffer from a dry cough, you need to take immediate action, because it can be a symptom of a serious illness. If it does not start to heal, then it can go to a chronic stage. Coping with it will be much more difficult; moreover, the process will take longer.

Treatment of dry cough with medication

A constant dry cough is unproductive, as the sputum accumulated in the lungs does not come out and there is no relief. If such a cough torments the patient for more than a month, then this exhausts the person, he can not sleep normally at night. In this case, it is necessary to urgently apply to a specialist, so that he on the basis of the analysis received prescribed medication. Syrups will help to call off the sputum. The most popular of them are the following:

  • "Broncholitin
  • "Althea root syrup
  • "Herbion
  • Gedelix;
  • "Doctor Mom."
Take syrups in accordance with the instructions. Thanks to syrups, you can remove all symptoms of a dry cough for a short time, a sore throat, and it will be easier to breathe. Along with this, antitussive drugs are prescribed, which will help cure a debilitating cough that does not give one to fall asleep. Among the most effective medicines one can single out the following:
  • "Sinekod
  • "Panathus
  • "Glycodine
  • "Kodelak
  • "Terpinkod".

An obsessive rending cough can not be cured without an inhalation with saline. The mineral waters "Narzan" or "Borjomi" can act as it.It is recommended to irrigate the pharynx with such preparations as Bioparox, Geksoral, Tantum Verde, Teraflu Lar. It is not superfluous to buy lozenges and candies: they will help relieve the pain in the throat and help moisturize the larynx. If the research shows that the cause of a dry cough is an infection, then the doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Take them in accordance with the instructions of a specialist.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies

If the patient has tortured a cough, then this problem can be stopped with the help of folk remedies. There are many methods that will give long-awaited relief. With this disease will help radish. To treat a cough, you need to make a hole in the radish with a knife and pour 20 ml of honey into it. In an hour, the vegetable will let out the juice, which will mix with honey. This drug should be taken 5 ml three times a day. Swallow it should be slow, since it is necessary for the juice to irrigate the entire larynx.

Causes of cough may be different, cure it will help such a folk remedy as ginger. It is necessary to grate the root of a medium-sized ginger root and pour it into 100 ml of vodka. The medicine must be infused for 5 days in a dark place. Take it is recommended for 25 drops for half an hour before meals three times a day.

If a person is overcome by attacks of a debilitating cough, you can also try to get rid of it with the help of milk. For treatment of exhausting cough, it is necessary to dissolve 5 g of butter and 5 ml of honey in 200 ml of warm milk. Use this medication is recommended in the morning 20 minutes before eating. A few days later, a person will feel better, and a week later you can say goodbye to this problem altogether.

Gives good results in the treatment of this ailment of honey. To do this, mix 100 g of honey with 200 ml of cranberry juice. The mixture should be drunk slowly, the whole process should take about 30 minutes. Get rid of the disease can be still with the help of figs: 100 g of dried powder add a liter of hot milk. After 30 minutes the drink needs to be filtered out. Use it is recommended for 100 ml 5 times a day.

Nasal cough can be removed with the following herbs:
  • althea;
  • mother-and-stepmother;
  • oregano.

The components are mixed in equal amounts. Then take 20 g of the mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water and infuse for 12 hours, after which the infusion should be filtered and consumed 150 ml three times a day.

It will help to cope with this disease and grated potatoes. To do this, grate the tuber on a fine grater and add 30 ml of honey to the slurry. Take a mixture of 5 ml every hour. The duration of therapy is 5 days. After this time, the disease must retreat.

If the disease does not show a rise in temperature, you can try to get rid of cough with warming procedures. A good effect is given to the bath with the addition of a powder of mustard and soda.

The duration of these procedures should not exceed 20 minutes. You can add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, sage, fir into the water.

Treatment of dry cough inhalation

The simplest way to defeat an exhausting cough is by inhalation. You can conduct an inhalation procedure using potatoes. For this, it is necessary to weld several root crops and drain the water. Then you need to inhale the couple, covered with a towel. This procedure is safe for the child. It promotes sputum and reduces irritation of the bronchi and throat. It is recommended to conduct the procedure for a week.

A good effect is given and inhalation with soda. It is necessary to dilute 30 g of the product in 150 ml of boiling water. Then put a paper cone on the tip of the kettle and breathe the solution for 10 minutes. After a few procedures, the sputum begins to come out, the general condition will improve.

You can get rid of the disease by making inhalations using essential oils that will have an antibacterial, moisturizing effect. Moreover, these funds will help to sputum. For the procedure, you need to heat 500 ml of water to 70 degrees and drip into it 15 drops of coniferous or eucalyptus oil. Breathing in pairs is recommended for 15 minutes. Usually after the procedure, an attack of cough begins. This is normal, so stop treatment is not worth it. Do not less than 5 inhalations.

Excellent results in the treatment of cough give inhalation with the use of sage. To do this, first 20 grams of raw materials you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, 20 g of honey should be added there. It is recommended to breathe above this mixture for 20 minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to three times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days.


Any of the above-described folk methods of treatment should be coordinated with the attending physician, so that it will be possible to avoid complications. It is also important to remember that even a rare cough is dangerous. It can serve as a symptom of a number of serious diseases. If a person is suffering from cough, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Signs of a cough

The first signs of coughing

Cough promotes the release of the respiratory tract from sputum and is essentially a reflex process. It arises as a result of the stimulation of a certain reflex center located in the brain. An independent disease cough is not, representing a symptom of some other disease. There is a misconception that almost any cough can be cured. In fact, this is not entirely true.

The symptoms of a cough may be different depending on the nature of its course. Physiological cough is absolutely normal and can be repeated for several days. Thus, the respiratory tract clears from the mucus accumulated in them. There are no special signs of this type of coughing. If it occurs in the child, it is necessary to observe him for a while, measuring the temperature and looking at the baby, if he is not capricious. If there are no unpleasant symptoms, the baby is okay.

Pathological cough is evidence of an airway disease. Symptoms of cough may vary depending on the nature of the course of the disease. Pathological is also considered a cough that has arisen against an allergic reaction. If cough is caused by ingestion of food in the respiratory tract, foreign bodies, it is also considered pathological.

Symptoms of dry cough

Dry cough occurs with diseases associated with the respiratory system. It affects people of all ages and all seasons. He can testify to the onset of a serious illness, therefore, one should not neglect the help of competent medical specialists and engage in self-medication.

The appearance of dry cough is reflex and indicates the ingress of foreign objects, mucus or sputum into the respiratory system. With the help of dry cough, the body clears the airways, which is one of its main functions.

The main sign of dry cough can be considered the absence of expectorated sputum, it may be preceded by a sore throat. In order to eliminate dry cough, it is necessary to consult a specialist of the appropriate profile for the purpose of the necessary treatment.

Dry cough without cold symptoms

Dry cough can occur with colds, flu and respiratory diseases. If it lasts more than a month, it indicates that the course of the disease has become chronic.

However, dry cough may not be associated with colds. Quite often the cause of its appearance is smoking or allergic reactions. Judging by the duration of the symptoms of dry cough, it can be divided into acute, flowing less than three weeks, subacute, lasting up to two months and chronic, which flows more two months.

Signs of a damp cough

A wet cough is called productive. With a cough like this, the mucus and sputum are separated from the patient, often containing various impurities. Wet coughing always occurs as a result of inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory system of the body. Wet cough almost always comes to replace dry and its presence means that the body has an excellent ability to self-purification.

Wet cough is characterized by the presence of phlegm. This symptomatology can take place for various reasons. Excessive sputum indicates the onset of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. It is possible to develop a viral or bacterial infection in them. In addition, the cause of plentiful mucus can be pneumonia, manifested as a result of lung infiltration, characteristic for the course of the inflammatory process.

Cardiac cough symptoms

The term "cardiac cough" is considered accepted among cardiologists and is entitled to existence, because it is a separate symptom of cardiac pathology, having different form of flow. What form this is, is another matter, since not all diseases of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by a cough.

Cardiac cough is a complex neural-reflex act produced through a sharp exhalation through a closed vocal cavity, whereby sputum is removed from the respiratory tract. Since its presence indicates a course of some serious disease, it is not easy to determine the symptoms of a cough.

As a result, cough is often written off for bronchitis, allergic or respiratory diseases. Cardiac cough by its symptoms can be:

  • paroxysmal and dry;
  • exhausting, loud and happening in the evening hours;
  • irritating and dry;
  • sharp, dry and short;
  • accompanied by blood separation.

In children, a heart cough may indicate an excessive pressure in the pulmonary artery, characteristic of congenital heart disease, in which enrichment of the small circle of blood circulation occurs.

Signs of an allergic cough

Some features of an allergic cough make it possible to distinguish it from other types of cough. This type of cough is characterized by the recurrence of seizures after interaction with an allergen of a certain kind. Also, it stands out due to its frequent nocturnal episodes, complete absence of a secrete segment (sputum). Often, an allergic cough occurs when accompanied by bronchitis, conjunctivitis, runny nose. In these cases, breathing becomes difficult, there is a feeling of lack of air, tearing increases and the rhinitis becomes worse. Allergic cough does not differ in symptoms in children and adults. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, bronchoscopy, spirography and chest radiography are prescribed. Correctly to recognize the symptoms of an allergic cough only an experienced therapist is able, sometimes a consultation of a pulmonologist is required for further examination.

Signs of an allergy - cough

To say what caused this cough in a person who had not suffered from an attack of allergy before is difficult. In most cases, the allergen is in spring bloom, dust or wool. However, these are only the major allergens immediately to be eliminated if a suspected disease is suspected.

Perhaps the emergence of a cough for allergies provokes smoking or just a regular presence in the house of tobacco smoke. Cough may appear occasionally and disappear immediately after the removal of nicotine from the house. There may be a cough as a result of taking various medications.

Often, allergic cough occurs in people working in the production or on the street. Microscopic particles of harmful elements enter the trachea, larynx, and then settle in the bronchi.

Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child

An allergic cough in a child is usually paroxysmal. It starts suddenly when nobody expects it. He is almost always dry and can visit the patient from time to time for several weeks. Often, it is accompanied by a runny nose, as this is also a form of the body's reaction to getting into it allergies. Allergic cough in children is often accompanied by itching in the nose and sneezing.

Barking cough symptom

A sign of barking cough is its characteristic sound, resembling a dog barking. The type of coughing is rather painful and it accompanies hoarseness of voice.

Most often barking cough appears due to ARVI, accompanied by inflammation of the larynx and simultaneously a trachea. In addition, it may be manifested in diseases such as diphtheria and whooping cough.

Laryngitis can be triggered by general overcooling or by taking cold food or water. It can also occur as a result of exposure to certain occupational hazards, such as gases and vapors.

Signs of asthmatic cough

The main sign of asthmatic cough is its dryness and unproductive. Most often it occurs at night and is never accompanied by a fever. To treat it with antibiotics does not make any sense, since such treatment is ineffective. Cough causes a feeling of tightness in the chest, accompanied by shortness of breath. It can cause intense sweating and heart palpitations. Breathing becomes wheezing, exhalation is difficult.

Cough is a sign of what diseases?

Cough is typical for many diseases. It can accompany viral or bacterial diseases. Also, in a number of cases, cough may be a symptom of allergic reactions, diseases of cardiology, ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract. This means that before choosing a cough medicine, you need to understand what kind of disease it provoked.

The main group of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by a cough, include the following: tuberculosis, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, chronic diseases of ENT organs, tracheitis and acute respiratory disease. Cough is a frequent companion of viral diseases. In the beginning it is dry, gradually passes into the moist one and lasts all the time until recovery comes.


What is dangerous dry cough?

Cough, dry especially, is the most common symptom that affects both adults and children.Any cold, an allergy or just an unpleasant smell in the air immediately leads to its appearance. And, probably, that's why people prefer to wave on a dry coughing hand, thinking that it will soon pass.

Most often this is the case, but coughing can return. This already indicates serious violations in the body. If the cough is frequent, do not delay with a visit to the doctor, you need a complete examination of the body.

Why do adults cough?

Usually the cause of dry cough is any irritation in the nasopharynx, especially in the back wall. Thus, the body fights against foreign substances, for example, particles of dust or viruses. The main causes of dry cough are:

  1. Smoke from cigarettes. Substances contained in tobacco smoke irritate the bronchi. Therefore, a person who accidentally inhaled it, can involuntarily cough.
  2. Dust. If a person inhales air filled with dust, he may briefly cough up, mostly dry. At the same time there is a slight swelling in the throat.
  3. Foreign bodies in the nasopharynx. It can be anything: from unsuccessfully jammed tablets to a randomly swallowed object. Foreign particles sometimes irritate the mucous membrane and require immediate removal.
  4. Bronchial asthma. Sometimes this symptom is the first sign of a beginning illness. Such a cough attacks a patient at night and is accompanied by pain in the sternum and abdominal region.
  5. Chronic diseases of the ears, throat or nose. They are accompanied by the formation of mucus, which gradually drains down. When the mucus enters the nasopharynx, it becomes irritated, and the person begins a dry cough.
  6. Severe nervous shocks. This kind of cough is called psychogenic and appears as a reflex response of the body to stresses or nervous breakdowns.
  7. Allergy. Most often, such a symptom manifests an allergy to dust particles, animal hair and household chemicals.
  8. Viruses. This list includes influenza, bronchitis, pleurisy, ARVI and the like. Coughing is an initial sign, then there are other symptoms, for example, fever.
  9. Medicines. Sometimes coughing is one of the side effects of medications prescribed by a doctor. This is especially true for the means that help with high pressure.
  10. Oncological diseases. Cough that does not pass for a long time and is accompanied by high fever is one of the signs of a tumor in the trachea, lungs, bronchi or the nasopharynx.
  11. Endocrine diseases, during which lymph nodes increase and begin to press on the trachea, which causes a cough.
  12. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The symptom appears after any physical exercise. It is accompanied by pain in the heart and palpitations. If the pathology has reached its peak, blood and mucus may be released during a cough.
  13. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during which a fistula (a pathological canal connecting tissues and organs with the external surface and hollow organs among themselves) can form. Then a cough comes almost immediately after a meal.
  14. Tuberculosis. In this case, the cough is the main sign of the presence of Koch's bacillus in the body.

However, do not worry if the cough is rare and quickly passes. Due to the general gas contamination of the air, coughing once a day is considered the norm.

Why do children cough?

As it usually happens, the same symptoms in an adult and a child can mean very different diseases. The causes of dry and frequent cough in children are not so many, but in addition to the following, they can include external stimuli such as cigarette smoke or a pronounced smell of perfume. Less common tumors, inflammation of the lymph nodes, heart defects and aortic aneurysm. In addition, it can be:
  1. Respiratory viral infections. When viruses enter the nasopharynx, they destroy its epithelium, which leads to the excitation of sensitive receptors responsible for coughing. This process is especially pronounced in cases of influenza and other acute viral diseases. If you do not pay attention to cough, it can lead to pneumonia, tracheitis or pharyngitis.
  2. Inflammation of ligaments. Cough with him is varied: from loud, or "barking to a quiet and barely audible. This disease appears as an addition to viruses and bacteria, allergies, and also can occur after overexertion of ligaments.
  3. Bacterial infections. Here the principle of action depends on the disease itself. For example, diphtheria causes swelling of the nasopharynx and trachea, which causes a cough. Pertussis provokes a sharp and rapid increase in the activity of the cough center. Attacks of this cough are very long, sometimes the patient between them almost does not have time to breathe.
  4. Allergy. Coughing in a child can begin in the spring-summer period, which accounts for the peak of allergic diseases. In this case, the cough is accompanied by a runny nose and involuntary lacrimation. If you do not start treatment, asthma may develop.
  5. Pleurisy. Cough caused by this dangerous disease, quite painful, very dry and reflex.
  6. Reflux. Cough of this type begins almost immediately after eating, especially if the baby is sleeping or just lying down. This is because the stomach acid accidentally enters the esophagus, the mouth cavity, and the child can accidentally inhale it.

How is cough treated?

The first and basic principle of treating dry cough is abundant drinking. The patient should drink several times a day, preferably something warm. Sometimes doctors recommend using herbal teas. Between the shoulder blades, you can put a pepper or mustard plaster, on the chest - a compress, the composition of which indicates the attending physician. Banks are another popular and never outdated method.

Sometimes with a dry cough a small amount of sputum is released, most often sticky and viscous. Then the doctor prescribes mucolytics. Introduced such drugs with the help of nebulizers. These are small devices designed primarily for asthmatics, which turn the liquid medicine into an almost invisible eye aerosol. It is in them and sold a variety of sprays. Mucolytics can be taken orally. When the dosage is exceeded, coughing and burning in the trachea and nasopharynx appear.

If the patient has irregularities in the work of the bronchi and shortness of breath, he is prescribed bronchodilators. They relieve bronchial spasms and, as a result, reduce the intensity of cough. They are taken in the same way as mucolytics. Many of these drugs are allowed to children and prescribed for a child suffering from asthmatic cough.

Sometimes a cough caused by bronchitis is treated with antibiotics. However, this method causes a lot of controversy and discussion. Doctors agreed only on the fact that the expediency of using these powerful medicines is determined each time individually, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the organism.

There are drugs that block a dry cough and eventually completely destroy it. They contain codeine. Also, drugs blocking the cough reflex can be used. But before applying them, a complete examination is necessary. For example, with tuberculosis or ingestion of a foreign body into the throat or bronchi, the use of these drugs can only exacerbate the situation. They will destroy the symptom, without touching the cause, and as a result the disease will continue its destructive effect, but already unnoticed.

Prevention of cough

Even a simple cold or a mild allergy can easily flow into bronchial asthma or a serious viral disease. Therefore, it is better to conduct uncomplicated prophylaxis and forget about obsessive cough and temperature forever.

It will not hurt to begin hardening. Contrary to the stereotype, tempering is not necessarily exposing your body to low temperatures and pouring out icy water. There are many other, less stressful ways to strengthen the body. You can walk barefoot. On the street - this is the best solution, but there is a risk of cutting a leg. It is necessary to forget about home slippers for a while, at least for a couple of minutes. Often go to the fresh air.

Healthy eating is also a wonderful way out. In order to forget about the common cold and cough, it is enough to consume a large amount of vitamins. Also, the attending physician can prescribe a vitamin complex. However, vegetables and fruits are more effective.

Another way out of the situation is sport. It's not about exhausting workouts in the gym, but about simple morning exercises, leisurely jogging and walking.


Cough - apparently simple, but in fact a dangerous disease.

It is a symptom of many diseases and infections that have a powerful destructive effect on the body.

Therefore, if you have had a severe cough, even if it has passed, see a doctor.


The survey will not take much time, but it can save your life.


Causes and types of cough without colds

Coughing is a symptom that arises involuntarily and is caused by the fact that there is an irritant on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Anything can provoke him, for example a foreign object in the throat or serious diseases.

How to treat a runny nose and cough with teething, you can find in the article.

Wet cough is the result of a large accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, lungs and trachea. As a rule, its development occurs after attacks of dry cough. If the cause of a wet cough is not determined in time, then eventually it will go into a chronic form.



An allergic reaction can occur on the flowering of the plant, on the dust, the animal's coat. In addition, a large accumulation of allergens is found in bed linens and carpets.The response of the body to such irritation takes the form of a dry cough and runny nose without temperature.


Such a symptom can arise after a person has suffered an infectious or viral inflammatory process of the airways. This cough is characterized by a tickling in the throat, a tickling sensation. The duration of it can reach up to 3 weeks.

Cough in an adult

Dry cough may occur due to allergies or serious diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough. Only knowledge of the main causes of the symptom will allow to diagnose in time and go to treatment.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Whooping cough

With such a disease, it is barking and paroxysmal. At the initial stage of the disease in the patient there is a slight rise in temperature, general malaise and dry cough.Over time, the patient's condition worsens, it is simply strangled by a dry cough that the wave covers mainly at night.To treat this disease is necessary only in the condition of the hospital and under the supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can not avoid serious consequences. Compared to children, in adults this ailment is not so severe and does not cause a violation of normal breathing.

From the article it becomes clear whether there can be a cough in the thyroid gland or not.

What are the signs of an asthmatic cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis

Dry cough in these diseases is a complication of a viral infection. The inflammatory process moves to the lower parts and affects the bronchi, the larynx and the trachea. This case is characterized by the presence of a prolonged cough, which eventually intensifies and causes painful sensations in the chest and throat. Accepts a paroxysmal character at night or throughout the day.

This article details what to do, quit smoking tortured.


Allergic reaction is a very common reason for the formation of dry cough in adults. It arises as a result of getting on the respiratory tract of a certain stimulus.Disturbs such a symptom in the morning, it can increase under specific conditions, for example, the use of citrus, cleaning with household chemicals.When the allergen has left the body, the dry cough leaves the patient. If contact with the stimulus becomes permanent, the risk of constriction of the airways and the formation of a constant cough increases. In addition, the allergy can develop into such severe diseases as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

A child has a wet cough in 1 year, that this article will help to understand.

Presence of foreign matter in the respiratory tract

This reason is also considered very popular and dangerous. When a foreign body accidentally enters the respiratory tract, it is paroxysmal, painful, and it is very difficult for the patient to breathe. In this situation it is necessary to urgently seek help by calling an ambulance.

The article details the use of cough during pregnancy.

Wet cough in children

When a cough is present for a long time and intensifies at night, this is a clear symptom of a dangerous pathology. To provoke wet in children can the following reasons:

  1. Tuberculosis, which is characterized by frequent coughing and the allocation of large amounts of sputum.
  2. Allergy to dust, plants, animals, medicines. At first, the child is disturbed by a dry cough, and then he becomes wet. Very often such a symptom indicates the development of bronchial asthma. The baby becomes very hard to breathe, he has problems with the respiratory system.
  3. Pertussis provokes a prolonged effect, the temperature does not rise. The situation aggravates at night. In addition to a wet cough, the child is affected by the nervous system.
  4. Worms- a frequent problem in children, during which there is a wet cough. When the worms are inside the respiratory organs, the bronchi and lungs are strongly irritated. The result of this process is an abundant sputum discharge.
  5. Psychological reasons. Wet may occur in the case when the baby has undergone a lot of stress, experiences. At night, the cough calms down, but when the baby is in the activity stage, then the symptomatology begins to be activated. To cure a cough, you need the help of a psychologist or a neurologist.
  6. Poor air humidity in the room. To prevent this from happening, carefully and regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is.
  7. The presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Little babies are very inquisitive, and they all need to taste. They drag everything they see into their mouths. Small elements in the swallowing period get stuck in the respiratory organs. Eliminate it only after removing the foreign body.
  8. Dysfunction of the digestive system. When the baby has problems with the stomach, gall bladder, food falls into the respiratory tract. As a result, he is tormented by a wet cough.

What are the causes of coughing in an adult at night, you can find out by reading this article.

The video tells about the causes of a cough without a cold:

What to do when a baby has a wet cough without fever, is indicated in the article.

Dry cough in children

Dry cough suggests absence of sputum discharge. Such a symptom is always painful. Often parents find a dry cough at night. Determine immediately the exact cause of the cough is impossible, because everything happens without signs of a cold, but it is from her and will depend on his treatment. There are symptoms of various pathologies, the most common are the following:

  1. Certain stimuli, available in the environment: dry air, tobacco smoke, smells of chemicals.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is characterized by the throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The result of the process is vomiting and coughing.
  3. Pertussis, measles, allergies, pleurisy.
  4. Physiological factors. In infants during the year, the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, dust. As a result, they have a cough that manifests itself in episodes in the morning. In addition to coughing, the baby does not have any other signs of a pathological process.

The article details how to get rid of a child's dry cough.

Coughing is a very dangerous symptom that indicates a certain pathology in the body. In order for the treatment to be carried out with maximum success, it is necessary to determine the cause of the formation of such a symptom. After all, all therapeutic measures will be aimed at eliminating the fundamental factor.


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