Heel spurs: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies


  • 1Treating the calcaneal spur folk remedies
    • 1.1What is the calcaneus spur, its causes and symptoms?
    • 1.2Nature will help in the treatment
    • 1.3Treatment of the spur of the heel by walking barefoot - resorption of the spur, reduction of edema and inflammation
    • 1.4Home treatment of heel spurs with hot sand - reduction of inflammatory reaction and pain manifestations
    • 1.5Treatment with metals - elimination of pain and inflammation
    • 1.6Heel spurs treatment of folk remedy by Bishofit - suspension of the process, resorption of the spur
    • 1.7Compress from medical bile
    • 1.8Salt treatment - pain and inflammation, spur growth prevention
    • 1.9Propolis treatment
    • 1.10Treatment with improvised means and objects
    • 1.11Treatment with medicinal plants
  • 2Heel spurs - treatment of folk remedies at home and medical therapy
    • 2.1Methods of treatment of heel spurs
    • 2.2Laser
    • 2.3Plaster
    • 2.4Ultrasound
    • 2.5X-ray therapy
    • 2.6Ointment for treatment of calcaneal spur
    • 2.7Preparations for the heel spur
    • 2.8Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur
    • instagram viewer
    • 2.9Folk treatment of calcaneal spur at home
    • 2.10Yodom
    • 2.11Bile
    • 2.12Vinegar
    • 2.13Foil
    • 2.14Salt
    • 2.15Honey
    • 2.16Alcohol
  • 3Heel spurs: treatment in the home with medications
    • 3.1Medicines and dietary supplements for external use
    • 3.2Treatment spurs on the heel folk remedies: popular recipes
    • 3.3How to cure a spur on the heel: massage, appliances and prevention
    • 3.4Prophylaxis of calcaneal spur
  • 4Heel spur treatment with folk remedies, heel spur photo
    • 4.1Folk treatment of calcaneal spur №1.
    • 4.2Heel spur treatment with folk remedies №2 - iris and vaseline
    • 4.3Treatment of heel spurs of May nettles
    • 4.4Treating the calcaneal spur
    • 4.5Treating the calcaneal spur with bile
    • 4.6Other methods of treatment heel spurs:
    • 4.7Modern treatment of heel spurs:
    • 4.8Surgical treatment of calcaneal spurs

Treating the calcaneal spur folk remedies

Is there an effective folk treatment for the calcaneal spur? Can I rely only on home-based treatments? Everything depends on the stage of the pathological process and in many respects - on the diligence of the person himself.

Even doctors do not understand that it is impossible to cure a spur in a day or two, except under operating conditions. But a long and stubborn use of home treatment will definitely give its results!

Every person suffering from a calcaneal spur should understand that:

  • folk methods are particularly effective in the initial stages of the process
  • if the method shows a resolving effect - it is possible to dissolve salt deposits and inflammatory edema, but not bone growth

What is the calcaneus spur, its causes and symptoms?

Before talking about the heel spur, you should know what a plantar fascia is, because it is its inflammation and micro-ruptures that eventually lead to the appearance of spurs. So, the plantar fascia is such a sheaf on the foot, which supports its arch, and when walking just on it, the entire weight of a man falls.

In the case of injuries, or heavy weight, too intense loads, the athletes experience microscopic tears.

First, they grow together independently, but with a permanent negative effect, noninfectious inflammation of the fascia begins, as well as bone nearby tissue, it grows, forming spines.

That is heel spur is the growth of the plantar fascia due to inflammatory-degenerative processes, trauma, etc., and the disease is called plantar fasciitis.

The reasons for the formation of the calcaneal spur:

  1. trauma to the heel, entire foot
  2. diseases that contribute to circulatory disorders
  3. obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders
  4. exercise, long and frequent wearing of high heels - excessive load on the foot
  5. women are more likely after 40 years
  6. flatfoot
  7. diseases of the joints and spine - gout, arthritis, osteoarthritis, because with them the gait changes and other unfavorable changes occur in the body

The main symptom of the calcaneal spur is a strong, sharp pain in the heel that appears after sleep, then it weakens after some movement, and again intensifies toward evening.

This pattern of painful sensations is due to the fact that at night the fissure microfractures coalesce with shortening,

in the lying position of the foot is not at a right angle to the shin) and when a person rises, a microfracture takes place again, the movement of the fascia stretches and the pain decreases, but by the evening from the load again increases due to new microfractures.

Without physiotherapy, drug treatment, special gymnastics for stretching the fascia (only 5 exercises), wearing insoles, using night orthoses (brace), because of pain and "a nail driven into the heel a person begins to limp, and if both feet are struck, then practically can not walk.

It is impossible to observe the spur outwardly, but it can be seen on the x-ray.

Nature will help in the treatment

Treatment of the spur of the heel by walking barefoot - resorption of the spur, reduction of edema and inflammation

A method that is verified by our grandmothers. It is very useful, not only for patients with a calcaneal spur, walking barefoot on fine sand, but also on grass, especially with dew, in the early morning hours.

Walking should bring pleasure - you need to relax and calmly move around the sand or vegetation. Do not run, jump or commit any more violent tricks.

This pleasant procedure should be done for 40 minutes every morning, preferably during all three summer months.

Home treatment of heel spurs with hot sand - reduction of inflammatory reaction and pain manifestations

The sand keeps the heat perfectly, and it warms up literally to the bone. The ideal place for treatment is the seashore, where, buried in the hot sand, you can enjoy rest.

Alternatively, you can take small river or sea sand (or salt), warm it in the oven and immerse the sick leg there until the sand cools.

The procedure is carried out overnight for a long time, especially at times of exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment with metals - elimination of pain and inflammation

The heel spur is positively affected by aluminum and copper. During the day, a piece of aluminum foil should be kept under the heel.

If there are copper plates at home (a plate, basin) - it is recommended to heat it and put the heel on the widest surface, keeping it until the dishes cool down completely. There are no restrictions on the duration of such treatment.

At night, you can do a drug application with tincture mummy and sabelnik, badger fat under the foil - for 1 month.

Heel spurs treatment of folk remedy by Bishofit - suspension of the process, resorption of the spur

Bishofit contains many minerals and nutrients and is a substance of natural origin.

It is very important to comply with the rules for the use of bischofite: the patient's heel should be warmed in warm water or with a warmer 5 minutes, then a napkin from several layers of gauze is moistened in brine or bischofite gel and applied to the whole surface heels.

Top cover with cellophane or wax paper, wear a sock. The compress is left overnight, and after awakening, the foot is removed and washed with water. Compresses are applied every other day by a course of 15 procedures.

Compress from medical bile

Medical bile is sold in pharmacies.

Gauze napkin moistened with bile, put on the heel, wrapped in parchment paper, put on a cellophane bag, tie it up and put on socks on top.

The compress is done at night, it is removed in the morning, 10 days. The effect does not occur immediately, but about a week after the end of such treatment.

Salt treatment - pain and inflammation, spur growth prevention

  • Half-cups of a large salt should be heated in the oven and heated by it with a painful heel, immersing the foot in a container of salt. Soak until the salt cools. You can perform the procedure on a daily basis.
  • Take 1 tablespoon. fine salt, add 10 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine and 1 tbsp. honey. The mixture is applied to the patient's heel in the form of a compress, and in the morning to resemble a compress on the foot of 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure at least 2 times a week.
  • In 5 liters of water, dissolve a kilogram of salt and boil the solution. Cool the resulting solution to skin tolerance and keep the foot in it until the water cools. Course - 10 procedures with daily use.

Propolis treatment

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, is the prevention of spur growth, has a resolving effect.

To do this, a piece of propolis soften in a water bath, form a cake from it, which must be applied to the heel with the spur. Top of the propolis fixed dry tissue.

The procedure can be done every day, leaving propolis at night. One piece of propolis will last for 3-4 applications.

"Zorka" is a veterinary drug that has amazing anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, regenerating properties.

Do not be afraid that it is veterinary, it includes floralazine - a natural, natural complex of biologically active compounds, it improves metabolism and trophic tissue, microcirculation of blood, is used to treat all skin diseases, with burns, joint pain, with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, as well as with calcaneus spur. It is necessary to smear the foot and wear socks for the night. Cream The strength of the forest is similar in composition, but costs an order of magnitude more (Zorka 60 rubles, Forest power 500 rubles).

Treatment with improvised means and objects

  • Treating the heel spur folk remedies with magnets - reducing pain and inflammation

The magnet must be large, roughly like a heel.

In order not to buy a magnet specifically, you can remove it from an old radio receiver or other failed equipment. The procedure is best carried out at night, simply by putting a sick heel on the magnet for 1 hours.

Duration of treatment - at least a month.

  • Treating the calcaneal spur with household soap - removing pain and inflammation, softening the corn

A small piece of household soap to grate and melt on fire. Slightly cool down the mass to put on the heel in the form of a compress, tied up with cellophane, and stand all night. You need to do such procedures every day, 2-3 months in a row.

To treat the calcaneal spur folk remedies can use medical alcohol - disinfection, reducing inflammation.

For this procedure, the medical alcohol must be gently heated to 40-45 ° C. Then, lower the diseased heel into warm alcohol and hold until the liquid cools (about 15 minutes).

After the procedure, the leg does not need to be wiped, but let it dry. Course - 10-15 procedures every other day.

  • Massage with a conventional rolling pin - prevention of spur growth, improvement of blood circulation

It is recommended every evening to roll on the floor an ordinary kitchen roll with a sick heel. The procedure should not cause discomfort and pain. Enough 10-15 minutes of massage. After the massage, put the compress on the heel and leave it for the whole night.

  • Baby cream, egg, vinegar

The usual baby cream is squeezed out into a container, 1 egg is added, then it is thoroughly mixed, 1 tbsp is added. spoon of acetic essence (not a full spoon), once again well mixed. The received ointment is transferred in a jar.

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In the evening after a salty foot bath is not hot, but comfortable temperature, a thick layer completely rub the heel with this ointment, put on a cellophane bag and top the sock, remove the packet in the morning and wash your feet.

Already after 3 procedures the pain subsides, you should use the entire jar.

Treatment with medicinal plants

With a heel spur, popular methods of treatment with onion and garlic are effective - pain and inflammation removal, infection prevention:

- The garlic head (or 3-4 large teeth) should be rubbed on a small grater, the obtained gruel should be tied for 3-4 hours to the diseased heel. If the procedure is well tolerated, there is no burning sensation - repeat after two to three days.

- Cut the head of the onion (bitter) in half and drop one drop of tar onto the surface of the cut. Tie half the bulb to the diseased heel for a few hours.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

  • Treatment of decoction of horseradish - pain and inflammation removal, softening of the corn, suspension of spur growth

Leaves or roots of horseradish should be boiled for 5 minutes (per liter of water 100 grams of raw materials). Then, the broth slightly cool and lower the diseased part of the leg into it, until the water becomes cool. The procedure is repeated twice a week.

  • Treatment with fresh leaves of burdock, mother-and-stepmother, plantain or cabbage - prevention of infection, anti-inflammatory effect

A fresh leaf of any of these plants is tied to a sick heel at night. Apply several times a week.

  • Treatment with infusion of cowberry leaves inside - excretion of salts

This drink can be used instead of tea. For 1 liter of boiled water, 2 tablespoons are sufficient. dry leaves. The infusion is consumed daily, dividing the indicated volume by 2-3 doses.

  • Treatment with compresses from the tincture of elderberry berries - anesthesia, reducing inflammation

Litertank for 3/4 of the volume to fill with fresh berries of the plant, top up the medical alcohol and insist the mixture for 1 week. In the received infusion, moisten the gauze napkin and apply to the sick heel in the form of a compress for the night. Apply once or twice a week.

  • Treatment with compresses from the tea fungus - the removal of pain and inflammation, the prevention of infection

On the previously steamed heel, put a proportionate piece of the tea mushroom and fix it with waxed paper. The compress is left overnight. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

  • Treatment with compresses from potatoes - softening of the corn, elimination of inflammatory edema and pain

Potatoes must be put on a sunny place for a day or two before using it, so that it turns green.

Then rub it together with the skin on a small grater and attach it to the aching heel in the form of a compress.

The procedure is carried out at night, in the morning the compress is removed. Course - 10 procedures with daily use.

A source: http://zdravotvet.ru/lechenie-pyatochnoj-shpory-narodnymi-sredstvami/

Heel spurs - treatment of folk remedies at home and medical therapy

Plantar fasciitis (exostosis) is a disease commonly called a calcaneal spur (it is called that because a bone build-up appears on the heel). The main sign is pain, which increases with exercise. Diagnosis of this disease is simple - enough to question the patient and the radiograph.

Methods of treatment of heel spurs

Sometimes there is a painful question - how to treat spurs on the heel? There are a lot of answers to it:

  • traditional medicine, including medicamentous, non-medicinal, surgical methods;
  • traditional medicine, the recipes of which are accumulated by generations very much.

Traditional methods of treating heel spurs include medical therapy (anti-inflammatory drugs, heating patches) and non-pharmacological, or hardware - shock-wave method, laser, ultrasound, X-ray therapy. Folk wisdom offers to relieve pain with the help of iodine, foil, salt, honey, alcohol, vinegar or bile.

Widely-known shock wave therapy is a treatment with a special device that generates ultrasonic waves of a strictly defined frequency.

They freely, painlessly penetrate through soft tissues, affecting the diseased bone with an intense micro-massage that destroys pathological bone formation.

Treating the calcaneal spur with waves helps to reduce the inflammatory process, reduce pain. UHT has the following pronounced effects:

  • destruction of calcifications to the complete disappearance of the build-up;
  • stimulation of blood circulation at the site of inflammation;
  • decreased swelling;
  • strengthening and toning the muscles of the foot.


Laser treatment of the heel spur is very effective. It has the same principle as UVT: the laser beam removes inflammation, reduces pain, swelling of the foot.

The doctor shines through the sore spot from four different projections with a beam of 80 mW power and a frequency of 50 Hz. For best results, a minimum of two ten-day courses of laser therapy should be taken at intervals of two weeks.

With especially neglected cases, a third course is possible, before which you must wait at least two weeks.

Repeated courses of laser therapy are conducted with increasing power and frequency of exposure. The maximum possible readings of the device used in the complex course of the disease and the complete absence of concomitant complications are 90 mW and 600 Hz. Advantages of the laser:

  • allows to do without a radical way to get rid of the spine in the foot - surgery to remove part of the bone;
  • does not require medicines;
  • there is no addiction;
  • no allergic reactions, side effects;
  • the effect is painless - does not require anesthesia (novocaine, etc.).


Many modern answers to the question of how to heal a heel spur are known to modern conservative medicine.

When diagnosing plantar fasciitis, the first step is to try the spur treatment on the heel at home, and you need to start with a patch to treat the calcaneal spur.

With this task, an ordinary pepper bandage that possesses a stimulating blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and local irritant effect perfectly copes with this task. When used at an early stage of the disease, more serious interventions can be avoided.


One of the most wonderful ways to permanently get rid of an unpleasant ailment is ultrasound treatment of the heel spur.

The doctor heats the sore points by two degrees within a short period of time, providing an internal massage of the muscle tissue, contributing to increased blood circulation, reducing the degree inflammation.

However, as in most methods, ultrasound has contraindications. It can not be used under the following conditions:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. hypotension;
  3. arrhythmia;
  4. thrombophlebitis;
  5. nervous disorders;
  6. acute infections.

X-ray therapy

You should know that x-rays alone will not help. Treating the calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy is possible only in combination with other methods of treatment.

X-ray therapy helps to fight inflammation, has an immediate analgesic effect, but it is necessary to supplement it with appropriate medications - then the recovery will be rapid and complete.

For the period of treatment it is necessary to limit the load on the foot, in order to avoid more trauma.

The degree of irradiation with this type of treatment is minimal, so it can be done by courses of five to ten procedures.

However, there are categories of patients with which X-rays are contraindicated, even in small doses - these are pregnant women, especially in the early stages of gestation, children under the age of one year.

When a plantar fasciitis occurs during pregnancy, another method of treatment should be selected.

Ointment for treatment of calcaneal spur

If modern high-tech methods are contraindicated, then how to treat spurs on the heels? With this complication, you should try drug therapy, first - ointment to treat the calcaneal spur.

With this task, an ointment with indomethacin, hydrocortisone or diclofenac works well. Apply them in accordance with the recommendation of your doctor or instructions.

As a general rule, apply ointment daily three times a day, at least 2 weeks.

Preparations for the heel spur

This is a very painful condition - heel spurs - treatment of it can be delayed for those who do not trust modern medicine.

Those who exactly fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor, have a good chance to be cured quickly and qualitatively, because Anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with a carefully selected diet, gymnastics, physiotherapy are able to create miracles.

Conservative treatment of the heel spur involves the use of drugs related to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

This is a broad category, the most famous of which are diclofenac, dimexide, diprospan. However, these drugs can not be used for a long time, they are forbidden to people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer.

In addition, NSAIDs do not relieve pain immediately, it should take some time. If the patient can not stop active activity, it is necessary to do an anesthetic injection of long-term action - the so-called blockade.

Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur

In the medical community orthopedic insoles are widely used to treat the calcaneal spur. This non-pharmacological auxiliary method of facilitating the condition promotes the speedy recovery of the patient, improving the quality of his life.

The insole is selected by a doctor in the clinic, is made individually for each patient, supports the stop at the right points, reduces the load on the heel when walking.

Affected areas of the muscle tissue around the bone growth (fascia) are less injured and treatment is faster and more effective.

Folk treatment of calcaneal spur at home

With sharp pain in the foot, compulsion to step only on the fingers and eventually raising the question of how to heal the heel spur, the best solution will be to visit the doctor immediately. If the doctor is not available, then you need to know what you can help yourself in a hurry.

The means of treating the heel spur at home conditions consist of a variety of methods of helping a patient without visiting a medical facility.

This includes even such extravagant methods as heating with a chicken egg (with questionable efficiency) and wrapping the affected area with a burdock leaf.

On the Internet you can find devices for independent physiotherapy, for example, "Vitafon".

With proper and timely use, combined with carefully selected gymnastics such devices can indeed be useful, but they can not be used without consulting the attending physician.

Determine what to treat the heel spur, in this case only the doctor can, self-medication can lead to completely opposite expectations of the results.


Iodine has a warming effect on the skin and muscle tissue, thereby increasing the blood circulation in the affected area, thereby gradually reducing inflammation and pain.

Doctors consider this method of treatment questionable, but it helps, especially in the early stages of the disease.

You can apply iodine in various ways: make compresses, rub the affected areas, take foot baths with the addition of the medicine in the water.

It is clear that getting rid of the calcaneal spur solely with iodine is very difficult.

Iodine can soften the bone formation somewhat and thereby reduce pain, but for a better effect it is necessary to use different approaches to treatment in a complex way.

If you treat heel spur with iodine at the very beginning of the disease and do it regularly, without waiting for exacerbations, you can provide a stable remission for many years.


One of the effective ways to get rid of pain in the foot is to treat the calcaneal spur with bile. Used for this bile of cattle - with added ethyl alcohol, perfume, purified - you can buy at the pharmacy.

Use it must be very carefully, because otherwise you can even get a burn.

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The principle of bile is the same as all other folk methods - warm up the aching heel, increase blood circulation and thereby reduce inflammation, but since this is a potent substance, it also has more contraindications than other non-pharmacological agents means. Among them:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • plantar skin lesions;
  • suppurative inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.


Doctors are adherents of traditional medicine, they do not believe that the treatment of heel spurs with vinegar can have at least some positive effect, but the popular rumor says the opposite.

Even our grandmothers believed that vinegar is able to soften the bony growth and remove inflammation, and that there is real confirmation. With the disease in a neglected form, vinegar will not help, but at an early stage to ease the condition and introduce into a stable remission is able.

To achieve the best effect, you must use it in combination with other ingredients, for example, ointment with vinegar and egg:

  1. Break one egg into a bowl, the fresher the better.
  2. Beat with a fork or a halo to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. The shells should be rinsed, dried in an oven and crushed in a coffee grinder to the degree of powder.
  4. In the jar mix the egg, powder and 100 ml of vinegar (it is better to take a natural apple).
  5. Close the jar tightly, place in a tight canvas bag and leave for 3 days.
  6. Add a packet of butter or 200 grams of melted unsalted fat.
  7. Bring in a water bath to a uniform consistency.
  8. Keep in the fridge, grease painfully the heel painfully three times a day at night, after the procedure putting on a woolen sock.


Of all the non-traditional methods, the treatment of the calcaneal spur with foil looks the most extravagant. Aluminum foil has the ability to influence the biologically active points of the body, relieving pain and inflammation in those areas where it is necessary.

For the beginning of treatment by this method, as for any other means, consultation of the attending physician is necessary, but this method has no contraindications. To withdraw the heel spur, you need to wrap the foil with a shiny side inward and fix it with a plaster.


Salt is an antimicrobial agent known for a long time. Due to its aggressive composition, it is also an excellent preservative.

When treating the heel spur with salt, in addition to warming the patient's heel and improving blood circulation, the metabolism in the affected tissues is normalized, pain is eliminated.

You can use the product in the form of compresses, for example, with iodine, or hot tubs, or simply by lowering the diseased foot into heated salt. In this case, there is also a gentle massage.


The method of treating the heel spur with honey is very pleasant, because honey itself is a pleasant substance - sweet, fragrant. It is used only in the form of compresses in combination with other ingredients, for example, with fresh cabbage:

  1. Head for a long cabbage to get the inner leaves.
  2. Slightly crumple the leaf to get a drop of juice.
  3. Densely spread the mashed sheet of honey.
  4. Attach to the sick foot.
  5. Wear a woolen sock and leave overnight.
  6. Repeat every evening for three weeks.


Medical alcohol is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant, besides having a warming effect.

Treating the calcaneal spur with alcohol is highly effective and safe, although it has a number of limitations.

It is not allowed to use this method of getting rid of plantar fasciitis for children, pregnant women breastfeeding, for people suffering from liver and central nervous system diseases.

A source: http://sovets.net/8097-pyatochnaya-shpora-lechenie.html

Heel spurs: treatment in the home with medications

Heel spurs - an unpleasant and very painful ailment. It may be accompanied by an infection or non-infectious.

Anyone who has encountered such a problem, tries to solve it as quickly as possible, because the build-up on the heel causes pain when walking, that is, interferes with the daily activities of a person.

Therefore, many are interested in what a heel spur is and how to treat it at home.The spur on the heel is also called plantar fasciitis.

The disease occurs due to the rupture, inflammation and proliferation of the plantar fascia - the connective tissue (ligament), which is designed to support the arch of the foot. Physiologically, it connects the phalanx of the fingers and the calcaneus.

When walking, the ligament is loaded with body weight and stretched. If a person suffers from excess weight, then as a result of excessive stretching on the bundle, microcracks are formed.

Internal microtraumas of the fascia can also arise due to physical exertion on the feet.

When a person is at rest, the cracks coalesce, as soon as the plantar fascia is loaded, micro-ruptures occur again.

As a result of permanent injuries, the surrounding tissues and the ligament itself become inflamed. In the site of inflammation there are growths (osteophytes) from the connective tissue, which are called spurs.

In addition to internal damage, the development of plantar fasciitis is facilitated by any other trauma to the foot.

As can be seen from the mechanism of appearance of the spur on the heel, the process of development of the ailment is of a lasting nature.

If there was a heel spur, treatment at home will take not a day or two, but a lot of time. Therefore, you should carefully study all the methods of therapy and choose the optimal one.

Before this, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of trauma to the ligament in order to avoid relapse.

A spur on the heel may result from:

  • obesity;
  • longitudinal flat feet;
  • injuries to the heel or entire foot;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • excessive loads on the feet (sports, high heels, uncomfortable shoes);
  • diseases of the joints that contribute to the change in gait;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • gout;
  • disturbances of blood supply to the feet;
  • labor activity, in which a person stands for a long time.

The heel spur is characterized by a strong pain syndrome. The larger the osteophyte, the greater the pain. The growth itself is painless, the development of an acute symptom is facilitated by inflamed nearby tissues.

The symptomatology of plantar fasciitis increases by the evening, after an active load of the foot. By the morning the pain calms down, and at the first step it becomes sharp and sharp (micro-disruption occurs).

Stop hurts while walking.

After the person moves a little, the pain is felt less intensively. This is due to the fact that the fascia stretches as you move.

In the evening, the pain syndrome is felt not only during movement, but also at rest. During illness the person, avoiding sharp painful sensations, starts to limp or changes a gait.

In some cases, the heel spur pains so much that the patient is forced to use the walking stick for support when walking.

If the inflammatory process from the aseptic develops into an infectious one, then it is possible to suppuration of the skin and tissues of the foot.

Medicines and dietary supplements for external use

Regardless of how long the disease lasts and how large the heel spur, treatment at home is better to start after the diagnostic measures.

The doctor can easily diagnose plantar fasciitis, relying only on the patient's complaints and primary examination. However, the patient necessarily undergoes radiography or ultrasound of the foot.

To remove the pain syndrome and to eliminate inflammation, the doctor prescribes preparations for topical treatment (ointments, cream) or injections, which are made into the area of ​​inflammation.

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to quickly relieve pain and inflammation. These include ointments Ibuprofen, Butodion, Voltaren, Diclofenac, gels Piroxicam, Kitorol.
  2. Supplements in the form of creams and gels Pjatkoshpor, Orto, Shark fat relieve pain and inflammation, reduce discomfort, improve blood supply to the foot, promote tissue regeneration. Creams are made of natural ingredients: plant extracts, essential oils, propolis, apple cider vinegar, beeswax and others. Each of the drugs has its own characteristics, you can read them in the instructions.
  3. Local irritants Medical bile or Dimexid activate metabolism, eliminate inflammatory phenomena, anesthetize, protect against infection.
  4. External injection therapy is used for rapid relief of pain. Novocaine injections are made around the heel spur once or twice a day until the acute symptom is eliminated. Glucocorticosteroids (Kenalog, Diprospan) are injected directly into the sore point, from one to three injections.
  5. Chinese plasters Bang De Li, Bone Spur Plaster are glued to the skin in the area of ​​the spur. Medicines are made on the basis of natural components, have anti-edematous and analgesic properties, improve blood supply.

Treatment spurs on the heel folk remedies: popular recipes

Non-traditional medicine offers many recipes for getting rid of the disease.

Folk remedies for the calcaneal spur help improve cell regeneration, relieve swelling, reduce inflammation and pain, and saturate tissues with useful substances.

Natural ingredients are used to make compresses, foot baths, applications, creams.


  • Water with salt. To prepare a hot bath, you need to add five pounds of water to one kilogram of salt. Water in a container is heated to a boil, and the salt is thoroughly stirred. In the hot water (as tolerated), lower the feet. The procedure is completed when the water becomes slightly warm. Salt water can be replaced with whey.
  • Alcohol. In the container, pour alcohol and put it on the fire. When the liquid is heated, place it in the alcohol of the foot. After ten to fifteen minutes, put on your toes socks (do not rinse the feet with water).


  1. Garlic.In the treatment of spurs on the heel of folk remedies, garlic is very popular. It is used in combination with various ingredients, as well as used as a single component. Quick and simple recipe: finely grated garlic is applied to the pain point, top covered with cellophane and fixed with a bandage. The duration of the compress is three hours.
  2. Honey with salt and iodine.Compress is prepared from a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of salt and 50 ml of iodine. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to a thin fabric that is applied to the spur. Next, apply cellophane and fix it with a bandage. The time of action is from evening to morning. Follow the procedures should be at least a week.
  3. Honey with flour.The compress is done at night, after pairing your legs. Of the components form a cake, apply to the build-up and fix with cellophane and bandage (you can put on socks). The course of treatment is ten days.
  4. Salo with vinegar and egg.For the preparation of the compress will need smalets (100 gr.), One chicken egg and a vinegar essence (100 ml). All components are mixed and infused for three weeks. The agent is applied to the pre-steamed foot for a month.
  5. Alcohol with aspirin.Ten tablets are dissolved in a glass of alcohol and left to persist for a day. The procedure is performed before bedtime. To do this, a piece of gauze or cotton wool is moistened in solution, applied to a sore point, wrapped in polyethylene and worn on top with warm socks. In the morning the compress is taken off. The minimum rate is 10 days.

Folk remedies for calcaneal spurs are diverse. In order to choose the best option, it is useful to read reviews of forum participants.

In addition to traditional recipes, there are unusual methods of treatment, for example, heating the feet on copper plates. Of the simplest recipes, one can distinguish lapping with turpentine.

The drug is rubbed into the skin around the heel for one, two weeks.

Popular recipes:

  • Tincture of lilac.Take in equal parts lilac and vodka (300 grams each) and place in a container. Infuse in a dark place ten days. Take inside 30 drops twice a day.
  • Red pepper.A pinch of the component is poured into the socks and walked in them all day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  • Burdock.On the heel spurs you can apply fresh burdock leaves. Application is fixed with socks. After drying, the leaves are removed. Repeat for two weeks.
  • Nettle.After steaming the feet it is useful to walk around the freshly cut nettle. For a noticeable effect, you need to perform five such procedures.

Treatment of the spur on the heel with folk remedies should be accompanied by proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of smoked meat, preservation and salinity, and the use of salt in other dishes to limit. This will increase the withdrawal of accumulated salts and reduce inflammation.

How to cure a spur on the heel: massage, appliances and prevention

In addition to folk remedies and medical treatment, the patient can be prescribed physiotherapy: ultrasound, paraffin, mud or mineral baths, magnetotherapy, massage, electrophoresis, laser or shock wave therapy. If conservative methods do not work, surgery is performed. How to cure the spur on the heel most effectively, and which of the procedures to choose, will prompt the attending physician.

You will be interested in:Osteoarthritis: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Popular methods of treatment:

  • Shock Wave Therapy. This is one of the most effective methods of treating spurs. She recommends the use of the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva. During the treatment, build-ups, salt deposits are destroyed, damaged cells are restored. The number of procedures is chosen individually, depending on the size of the osteophyte.
  • Vitafon. No less popular among the people is the Vitafon apparatus, which promotes the acceleration of lymph flow in inflamed tissues and improves the process of cell regeneration. The device is used to treat many ailments, so it can often be found in home medicine kits. The course of treatment usually does not exceed ten days, the duration of the procedure is from 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Massage. This method improves blood circulation in the foot, lymph flow and the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Laser. Therapy with a laser beam eliminates pain syndrome, enhances blood circulation in tissues.
  • Physiotherapy. The technique is aimed at stretching the plantar fascia.
  • Surgical method. When surgically treated with a laser or a scalpel, the growth and part of the plantar fascia are removed. When excising the ligament, nerve endings are released that cause acute pain syndrome.

In addition to a variety of methods of therapy, there are additional measures to ensure the correct extension of the plantar fascia - stop typing and nocturnal orthoses. Nocturnal orthoses.

Acute pain in the foot in the morning occurs due to a microfracture ligament. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend that you wear special devices at the feet - orthoses.

If the bandage is properly fixed, it will help the connective tissue to properly fuse and reduce morning pain. How to cure a spur on the heel with the help of this device can be found in the instructions for a night orthosis. Tapping with heel spurs.

To fix stops in the necessary position it is possible by means of an elastic sports tape or an adhesive plaster. Usually such a procedure is performed after therapeutic physical training, when the plantar fascia is maximally stretched.

Thus, the ligament, where the spurs are formed, is fixed in an elongated state.

Prophylaxis of calcaneal spur

Preventive measures must necessarily be followed by persons who are predisposed to forming spurs on the heels.

Compliance with a simple set of rules at the initial stage of the plantar fascia will help to avoid the development of the disease:

  • timely treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, pathology with the spine);
  • maintain optimal body weight, do not overeat;
  • Do exercises for the ligaments and muscles of the feet;
  • wear comfortable shoes, in which the height of the heel does not exceed 5 cm;
  • prevent injuries and overload stops during sports activities;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the joints and connective tissue.

A source: https://impotencija.net/narodnye-sredstva/pjatochnaja-shpora-lechenie-v-domashnih-uslovijah/

Heel spur treatment with folk remedies, heel spur photo

Heel spurs treated with folk remedies
Heel«spur"Is a bone growth in the attachment of the tendon
Treatmentheel«spurs"Is to reduce the load on the heel spur with the use of various insoles and heel pains in the heel for a long time - the symptoms of the calcaneal spur

Pain inheelspurscan be stinging, sharp when supported byheel

Spurheel, treatmentspurshome is easy

The heel spur is, (plantar fasciitis) spine-like bony growth on the plantar surface of the heel bones at the place of attachment of the ligament of the foot or heel (Achilles) tendon; type of osteophyte.

Develops more often with metabolic disorders, flat feet due to overstrain of the ligaments of the foot.
Externally heel spur is not manifested, but can cause severe pain.

It is detected by X-ray examination of the foot.

Modern treatment of heel spurs: physiotherapy, special orthopedic insoles, boots; with persistent severe pain apply X-ray therapy, surgery Modern physiotherapy with calcaneal spur: with heel spurs usually recommend ultrasound with hydrocortisone ointment.

If it does not help, the course of shock wave therapy.

Folk remedies treatment of heel spurs:

Remember: the real treatment of heel spurs is a surgical excision of the spur itself - only in a hospital!

Folk treatment of calcaneal spur №1.

A simple method of treating heel spurs with the help of hot alcohol
You need to pour alcohol into a frying pan and heat it over low heat, be very careful, because

alcohol is easily ignited! Provide a measure of security. After this, pour the heated alcohol into the pelvis. For 15-20 minutes, lower the legs into heated alcohol.

After the procedure, do not wipe the feet from alcohol.

Heel spur treatment with folk remedies №2 - iris and vaseline

It is necessary to excavate the root of the iris flower. 250 g of this root wash and pass through a meat grinder or blender.

The resulting gruel fill with the same amount of alcohol 96%, close the container with a lid and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the infusion is ready.

Wet it folded four times in a bandage and apply to the heel at night. Top with polyethylene and secure. The next morning you can remove the bandage. Next night, instead of iris, apply medical Vaseline.

And so alternate the procedure through the night. The course of treatment of the spur is 20 days, that is, 10 compresses of each remedy. The spur completely passes about a month and a half later.

Treatment of heel spurs of May nettles

We need to collect nettle in May and roll it through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel put on a sheet of mug and compress at night, secure with a bandage.

After 14 days, the pain becomes much less. The best is the May nettle. By the way, this recipe will certainly help with arthritis.

Treating the calcaneal spur

Honey and dough. Honey coat the heel, then put the dough on the heel and wrap it with polyethylene, put on the sock. And so go for a few days.

Then wash your foot and repeat again - the spur passes two months later. Laundry soap. Quite an easy way and affordable. Wash the household soap on a grater, melt it with fire.

This mass is applied to the calcaneal spur in the form of a compress for the night. Do this daily until you are cured. Massage. Probably the most affordable folk method for treating the heel spur.

Every evening, sitting on the couch, rub a heel on the old boots for a long time. A month later the spur passes

Treating the calcaneal spur with bile

Can be cured in just 3 nights! Folk method of spur treatment.
It is necessary to take 40 g of animal bile, only not the bird's, 20 g of vodka and a little shampoo. For example, pork bile, make a mixture by eye.

For the night, break up your legs and apply a compress on your heels, bandaging with a bandage. Top your socks. The result will surpass all expectations, after the first procedure it will become easier to walk.

And after 3 days of such procedures, the pain will pass.


"The tincture of lilac flowers is used for rheumatism, salt deposits in the joints, with heel spurs.

Tincture prepared as follows: dried lilac flowers pour vodka in relation to: 0 and insist 8-10 days in a sealed container.

Take 30 drops 2-3 times a day and at the same time rub the diseased areas or make them compresses from the same tincture. Diseases of the legs must stop, the heel spurs will disappear. "

Other methods of treatment heel spurs:

Often use 10 percent tincture of pine nuts (20 g crushed nuts insist in 200 grams of vodka 10 days), drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times daily before meals. Black radish in the skin rub on a fine grater, the resulting gruel is applied at night to the spur.

In the morning, wash the heel with warm water. Usually there are three procedures. Leaf of plantain (do not wash) apply "wrong side" to the heel, when it dries - replace it with a new one. The first 3-4 days can be severe pain, be patient, in two weeks you will forget about your spurs.

Three-liter pot filled with small potatoes and potato peelings, cook until ready, put into a basin and knead it all until it cools. Wipe your feet, put iodine on the soles in the form of a mesh and put on socks. The course of treatment - 7 procedures.

A bottle of triple cologne, two vials of pharmacy valerian, two vials of iodine, five pods of bitter pepper to mix and insist a day in a dark bottle. Lubricate the night sick spots and wrap.

Wash the raw egg, put it in a small jar, pour it with acetic essence, cover it and put it in the refrigerator until the shell dissolves (about 10 days).

Egg to take out with a steel spoon and put in an enamel bowl, remove the film, grind and pour the remaining essence, stir well, add 40 g of creamy unsalted butter. The ointment is ready, the shelf life is 2-3 years.

Heels lubricate and put on cotton socks A tablespoon of honey, 5% iodine solution (5-10 drops), a teaspoon of the small table salt mixed. Apply to cotton wool or bandage, put on the heel, wrap with cellophane and tighten pribintovat. In the morning, walk around 15 minutes with a bandage, then take off.

This amount of ointment is enough for five procedures. On the cabbage leaf, apply a teaspoon of honey and fasten on the heel, overnight, in the morning, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure three times. Sporysh (birdwort), fresh grass, put yourself in shoes and walk all day. The next day the old grass is discarded, and a new

Rasparit feet in a hot tub, then with a compress of medical bile for the night

Modern treatment of heel spurs:

Conservative therapy of calcaneal spurs (planar fasciitis)

Treatment of plantar fasciitis begins with the selection of comfortable shoes.

To reduce pressure when walking on the heel area and maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot, patients are advised to use orthopedic insole-arch supports and special soft liners in the form of bagels, which are glued to the insole in the area of ​​the heel.

The use of such orthopedic products allows to reduce the load on the plantar fascia, to slow the development of degenerative changes in it.

In severe pain syndrome, non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol, aspirin, analgin) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated.

The most effective method of treatment of plantar fasciitis is a therapeutic blockade with a suspension of glucocorticoid drugs (hydrocortisone, diprospan, kenalog).

These medicines have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which leads to rapid subsidence of local inflammation and relief of pain syndrome. However, it must be remembered that unreasonably frequent administration of glucocorticoids leads to atrophic changes in subcutaneous fat tissue of the calcaneal region, which can lead to progress in several years disease. In the presence of heel spurs of large dimensions, shock wave therapy is shown. This is a modern method of treatment, while the bone outgrowth is destroyed by directional action of wave energy.

Surgical treatment of calcaneal spurs

Surgical treatment is shown to a very small number of patients with a calcaneal spur.

With plantar fasciitis, the following surgical procedures can be performed:

  • Removing calcaneal spurs
  • Partial excision of plantar fascia
  • Neurolysis (relief from compression) of nerves in the calcaneal region

Removal of calcaneal spurs can be carried out both through a small incision and through a puncture of the skin using endoscopic technique. Currently, there are conflicting opinions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of surgical treatment of plantar fasciitis.

A source: https://krasgmu.net/publ/lechenie_narodnymi_sredstvami/shpora_pyatochnaya_lechenie/21-1-0-268