Herbs from dry cough

Cough herbs: the correct use of folk remedies

Almost always cold cure is manifested by such a symptom as cough. If a cold develops in children, parents try to treat with safe folk remedies. Special importance is given to herbs, the treatment of which is called phytotherapy. Herbs from coughing have a powerful effect on the patient's body, removing the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, eliminating this unpleasant symptom and improving the patient's condition.

How does the herb help the disease?

What kind of herb helps cough, you need to know when choosing phytotherapy, as a method of treating colds. Many medicinal plants are endowed with expectorant and anti-inflammatory action, so that when they are ingested they can eliminate or reduce the intensity of the manifestation of the symptom. When using plants in the form of broths or infusions, rapid dissolution of sputum and the removal of it on the surface of the respiratory tract is also noted.The use of herbal medicine helps to eliminate burning, perspiration and dryness in the throat, because active plant substances soften the inflammatory and irritated mucous membrane.
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The fact is that herbs contain a unique substance - polysaccharides, they swell upon contact with water and create a fairly viscous colloidal solution. It is this solution that removes inflammation from the mucous membrane, forming a dense protective film on the surface of the respiratory tract.

Which plants to choose?

To conduct effective cough treatment with herbs, you should know which ones are able to fight this symptom. The choice of this or that means, first of all, depends on the type of cough. A fairly popular means used in phytotherapy is marsh rosemary. This herb from cough is used in the preparation of broths and infusions in diseases accompanied by the formation of thick, difficult to separate sputum. She will help with flu, ARVI, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and other pathologies, manifested by dry cough.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough is considered more unpleasant than wet, because it leads to damage to the mucous membrane, it only increases with time, in addition, it needs to be treated much longer. In order to form sputum in the respiratory tract, such herbs from dry cough will help:
  • clover;
  • Linden blossom;
  • althea root;
  • leaves of mother-and-stepmother;
  • flowers mullein.

These plants have an enveloping and softening effect, using them in the form of tea, you can stop coughing attacks.

If it is necessary to eliminate the cough accompanied by whooping cough, use lemongrass, thyme, oregano, angelica rhizome for treatment. With pain in the chest, it is recommended to use such herbs from coughing for children and adults, like ayr, St. John's Wort and cumin, mixing them with other antitussive medicinal plants during the preparation collection. A strong anti-inflammatory effect is provided to the bark of willow or pine buds, they are used for serious diseases such as bronchitis, influenza and pneumonia.

Often, coughing attacks become so strong that a sick person wakes up at night. In this case will help soothing herbs from cough - valerian, kiprej, chamomile and motherwort. Take them need not during a night attack, but before going to sleep, to avoid such a manifestation of colds. If the patient has a tendency to have an attack of bronchospasm, in the collection of herbs from cough for colds, you should add the root of aira and valerian, melissa, elderberry and chamomile flowers, dill fruits.

Treatment for wet cough

It is important to know which herb to drink when coughing, if it is accompanied by the formation of sputum. In such a course of the disease, liquefaction of mucus, an increase in its quantity or the removal of the respiratory tract may be necessary. Sputum must necessarily be removed from the bronchi, as it irritates them and contains viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to the entire human body.

Herbs from coughing, when purulent-mucous sputum is allocated, should have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. In the collection you need to include elderberry flowers, lungworts, limes, sage leaves, mint, mother-and-stepmother, fennel, caraway, fennel.Traditionally, the infusion is prepared in this way: take a spoonful of plants, mix, one spoonful of collection pour two cups of boiling water, insist half an hour and take inside. The broth is cooked in exactly the same way, only it is previously kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

With abundant sputum for its reduction, the grass of elecampane, St. John's wort, gooseberry goose, sage is used for cold and flu.

We get rid of the disease in children

Cough herbs for children should be taken with extreme caution, so as not to harm the weakened body.If you just heard a slight cough in a child, you should stop the disease at the initial stage of its development. To do this, you can give your baby an infusion of pine or fir cones.The positive effect of phytotherapy you will notice immediately after the first cup is drunk.

To prepare the medicine in 500 ml of boiling milk, put 1 tablespoon of kidney. Immediately it is necessary to turn off the fire and leave the infusion for an hour. Treat a child every 1.5 hours, giving him 50 ml of infusion.

Pediatricians prescribe to children cough preparations based on medicinal plants - tablets, syrups and medicines. The tablets "Mukaltin made on the basis of the althea root, are popular. The syrup "Doctor Mom "Herbion "Gedelix" is also made on the basis of herbs.

A good therapeutic effect is inhalation with the use of medicinal plants. Helps such herbs from cough for inhalation, like chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, linden, mint. They brew and breathe medical steam for 10 minutes.

Phytotherapy, when properly applied, is an effective method of treating respiratory diseases accompanied by a cough.


What kind of grass helps with coughing

Phytotherapy as a way to get rid of importunate cough is recognized and official medicine. The doctor will help you figure out what kind of grass it is better to drink with a dry cough, and which one when wet. Effective are rosemary, mother and stepmother, sage, plantain, elecampane and a whole list, which includes almost a hundred plants.

Cough itself is not a disease, but this symptom accompanies many diseases as a protective reaction to the accumulation of foreign bacteria in the respiratory tract. ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis - all these ailments are accompanied by a cough.

To cure the cough was effective, you need to cope, primarily with the disease that it provokes. Therefore, the collection of herbs from cough should have not only an expectorant effect, but also antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, expectorant and restorative. Many herbs fully meet all these requirements. They are slower than drugs, but they do not harm.

Selection of herbs according to the character of the cough

The list of herbs used for coughing includes about a hundred useful plants: licorice, rosemary, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, angelica, sage, marshmallow, anise and many others. They are selected for treatment, taking into account the patient's condition, his reaction to this or that herb and depending on the nature of the cough itself. When the composition of the chemist's breast collection is not entirely satisfactory, it is better, on the advice of the doctor, to complete an individual set of herbs.

Perhaps, in the first place in terms of frequency of application it is necessary to put a rosemary swamp. He showed in practice his effectiveness in all types of cough, including asthmatic. The stems with the leaves of the rosemary are used to treat children and adults as an antiseptic expectorant and a sedative for chronic and asthmatic bronchitis.

More inconvenience a person experiences from a dry cough, in which the mucous membrane of the throat is simply "torn". In this case, it is necessary to transfer this state to the wet stage, after which the sputum will begin to retreat and gradually disappear. A mother-and-stepmother, heather grass, a plantain leaf, a mullein scepeter-like, a root of an althaea, a lime-colored color possess a covering and softening effect. Thymus, oregano, angelica root, all the same ledum help to somewhat reduce the intensity of cough in whooping cough. Spasmolytic and analgesic effect with a dry cough will have St. John's wort, ayr, thyme, cumin.

The presence of sputum somewhat facilitates cough, but it usually contains all sorts of microbes and viruses. Sometimes spitting is accompanied by pus. Hence, the turn of such grasses as elder, goatee goose, medinitsa, mint, sage, elecampane has come. Although the already mentioned mother-and-stepmother, plantain, linden have no less antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Sage, cattail, St. John's wort and elecampane contribute to the same decrease in sputum.

Folk remedies for cough, based on herbs

With chronic attacks of cough, highly concentrated herbal infusions are effective, for preparation of which one tablespoon of collection is taken per glass of water. Depending on the collection used, the grass is either infused with boiling water, or boiled for 2-3 minutes and left for infusion. Sometimes, if the cough grass is used as an adjunct to the basic treatment, it can be added to traditional tea throughout the day. Such a therapeutic drink with oregano, lime blossom, sage or St. John's wort is pleasant to taste and useful.

With dry cough syrups based on herbs are effective, because they are absorbed faster than tablets and also soften the mucous membrane. Herbs for cough shedding need not be used inside. They are used for inhalation. Most often it is sage, elecampane, calendula, eucalyptus leaves, chamomile, burdock, nettle or plantain.


Herbs for coughing

Phytotherapy is actively used to get rid of cough. Long ago, herbs from cough used to relieve the pain in the throat and clear the respiratory tract from sputum. Of course, the use of certain medicinal plants is recommended as an additional means after consultation with the attending physician.

Why do herbs help cure cough?

Various medicinal herbs have expectorant properties, reducing the bronchial secret and facilitating an early escape of sputum. In addition, they soften the irritated and inflamed mucous membrane, relieving the patient of unpleasant sensations, pain, perspiration and burning in the throat.

Herbs contain unique amorphous substances - polysaccharides, which on contact with ordinary water begin to swell, forming a very viscous colloidal solution. This solution is layered on the mucous larynx and pharynx, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect on them and protecting them from irritation.

Properties of medicinal herbs

These or other herbs from coughing are selected individually, depending on the patient's condition and the nature of his cough. For example, one of the most popular plants is marsh rosemary, which is used for cooking broths and infusions. It dilutes sputum, removes it from the body and softens the cough. Ledum is successfully used in the treatment of influenza, SARS, pertussis, asthma and other pathologies, in which the patient suffers from a dry cough.

In order to soften the irritated throat, therapeutic herbs with a softening effect are used. These are such plants as mother-and-stepmother, common mallow, plantain, Icelandic moss and medicinal marshmallow.

If the patient suffers from a severe dry cough, he shows medicinal herbs that have expectorant properties. From these plants prepare a variety of expectorant charges, teas, infusions and decoctions. These herbs include hyssop officinalis, medicinal saponaria, blond chubby and spring primrose. They all contain a lot of saponins, which dilute sputum and promote its expectoration.

Coughing fees

In pharmacies you can often see on sale a breastfeed that is a mixture of medicinal herbs from which the infusion is prepared. Despite the fact that this remedy consists solely of natural ingredients, before using it, especially when it comes to treating children, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, any collection has contraindications to the use, for example, in some people it causes a serious allergy.

The doctor can appoint the collection for influenza, pharyngitis, pneumonia, chronic or acute bronchitis, laryngitis and other pathologies. As a rule, any collection has a complex effect: tonic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant. If a patient has a cough with viscous sputum, he dilutes it, and also stimulates its excretion.

Healing Tea

Often to get rid of an obsessive dry cough used all sorts of therapeutic teas. For example, to make tea from grustelia robusta you need two grams of this herb pour 150 ml of boiling water and insist this solution for about 10 minutes. The resulting tea, which has an antispasmodic and expectorant effect, you can drink a glass three times a day.

Grindelia herb contains valuable essential oils, resins, saponins triterpene and flavone derivatives. Despite the fact that this herb is considered to be relatively safe, it should be avoided with increased sensitivity to it.

Medicinal Decoction

Cough can help a decoction, for the preparation of which should be mixed in equal proportions with Ledum and mother-and-stepmother. Then this mixture should be filled with a glass of hot water and boiled for about five minutes. After this, the healing broth should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon every two hours.

You can cook a simple, but very effective decoction of lemon. To do this, pour a glass of water 10 grams of dry raw materials, and then put the mixture on fire. When the solution begins to boil, it should be allowed to pour for about a minute, then remove from heat and leave to infuse for another half hour. Then the broth should be carefully filtered and drunk three times a day before meals.

Inhalation with herbs

Often, cough herbs are used for inhalations, which are very effective and safe at the same time. When inhalation of the herbal medicinal phytoncides are allocated, the patient begins to sputum much better. This method of treatment is also great for children, if the pediatrician has not found any contraindications.

Medicinal herbs suitable for inhalation can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Excellent plants such as calendula, burdock, plantain, nettle and elecampane are suitable. A good effect is given by sage, chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves. For inhalation a glass of water is usually taken one or two spoons of dry raw material.

Tablets and syrups

In the pharmacy you can find a variety of medications intended for cough shedding, among which Mucaltin tablets are very popular. This drug, made on the basis of althea grass, should be taken three times a day.

The syrup is considered even more effective than tablets, as it is more quickly absorbed and also softens the throat. The natural composition has, for example, a syrup called Doctor MOM, which is distinguished by a democratic price. And in pharmacies there is an expectorant dry medicine, which is made on the basis of licorice root and althea.


Useful herbs for cough for children

Cough herbs for children have been used for several millennia. Medicinal plants can help cough. They have strengthening properties, so that the immune defense of a person becomes stronger and can protect the child's body from viruses and bacteria. Herbal decoctions contain a large number of vitamins and useful elements.

If the child began to cough and it lasts a whole day, then it is already about the fact that the baby has begun inflammatory processes in the body. The body temperature rises. In some cases, the child coughs only in the morning, and the cough is wet. Causing such a symptom may be accumulated mucus and sputum in the respiratory system, stomach or nasopharynx. First of all, it is necessary to treat not the cough itself, but the disease that caused this symptom. Such measures help to completely eliminate the ailment. Otherwise he will come back again.

An ENT doctor is treating these diseases. In some cases, the child will be examined by a gastroenterologist, if pills and syrups from a simple cough do not help.

How to properly use herbs when coughing?

Herbs from coughing do not always help.If the broth or tincture is not cooked correctly, or the dosage of the drug exceeds the norm, then the substance may not cure, but harm the patient. Therefore, the preparation and use of the product should be closely monitored.

Most parents do not want to stuff their babies with drugs based on various chemical components. Because of this, they switch to alternative medical methods. In the course are broths and tinctures. It is very useful to use herbal collection for inhalation. Essential oils of various plants are good for rubbing. Herbs from cough can be brewed even simply as a tea for the child. For example, when children get sick, many parents make linden and mint, and then add honey and lemon to tea. This drink is very useful for children.

When a special fee is created, you can build from 3 to 12 ingredients. But too many components will make the tool useless, so it's better to take the average number of herbs. In the collection must necessarily include plants with different properties. For example, chamomile, mint, thyme, melissa or sage. It is best to choose one of these plants. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. But the antiallergic effect is produced by St. John's wort and a string. Good natural immunomodulators are calendula, linden, oregano and dogrose.

It is very important to monitor the dosage of broths and tinctures. When a child is 6 to 10 years old, he is allowed 1 tbsp. l. facilities. Children from 3 to 6 years - only a dessert spoon. Kids from 1 year to 3 years are allowed a teaspoon. Children under 1 year can drink only half a teaspoon a day. Do not forget that the plant components also have a strong effect, so dosage is very important.

Herbs for dry cough

Ledum helps dry cough. It is necessary to prepare a spoonful of this herb. It is poured over with boiling water. It will take a glass of water. Then the agent should brew. After an hour it must be filtered. Use the drug should be in small doses, especially children.

The broth helps to soften the cough. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Sputum and mucus in the respiratory system will liquefy. In addition, such a decoction is a good natural antibiotic. It is used for pertussis, tracheitis, lung diseases and laryngitis. A child such a collection of herbs can be harmful. It should be taken to children for 3 years, as the remedy in rare cases causes excitability or irritability in the patient.

Also, with a dry cough, a child can be given a viburnum. The broth is optimally cooked on the basis of leaves, branches or flowers of the viburnum. You can also use the fruits of the plant. The product has a good expectorant effect. The ingredients are poured into water and boiled. In the broth you need to add honey. By the way, ripe berries can be rubbed with sugar and eat. This remedy is allowed in the case when the baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Cabbage also has similar properties. In addition, plant juice is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

You can mix the juice with sugar or honey.

It does not hurt to prepare an "antitussive" collection. This will require raspberries, inflorescence of oregano and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. A glass of boiling water is enough for a spoonful of this collection. Tincture should be taken while it is still warm.


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Herbs with a damp cough

The root of a plant such as marshmallows is the best "antitussive" remedy. Decoction or tincture with this plant not only eliminates inflammatory processes, but also has enveloping properties.

You can use the usual plantain. He also struggles with inflammation and has healing properties. In addition, it is often brewed thyme, mother-and-stepmother, pansies. All these herbs will help to eliminate the wet cough.

What herbs to use for inhalation?

Inhalation is a very effective remedy for cough and other symptoms of human respiratory system diseases. You can use special medicines. However, there are also herbs from cough for children. They will help to eliminate the cough. Such charges are used to dilute sputum, which will be very convenient for its rapid further elimination. In addition, you can make a special collection of herbs, which has a bactericidal effect.


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To begin with, you can use simple saline solution. It is mixed with hot water in equal proportions and breathes with a substance. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. This will help to eliminate dryness in the throat, cough, nasal congestion and runny nose.

But it is best to use various infusions, decoctions and essential oils. For example, you can use the tea tree oil. Fir oil is very effective. You can replace it with any coniferous. The most popular is eucalyptus. Such substances are optimal to use not only for inhalation from cough, but also for rubbing the chest. The procedure is very effective, and it is allowed to be done even by small children.

To prepare inhalation with essential oils, you will need, l of boiling water. It adds 2-3 drops of oil. After careful stirring, you can inhale the vapors. The procedure should last no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it can harm a person. By the way, such inhalation is forbidden to children. Some people have an individual intolerance, so first you need to consult a doctor.

The most effective and old method is boiled potatoes. Each sick child in childhood was forced to sit over a pot of boiled potatoes and cover himself with a towel or blanket. This procedure should be conducted no more than 15 minutes. The nose starts to breathe instantly, and the stuffiness disappears. Only here through the nose is a lot of sputum and mucus.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = Bt-JUve7oVE

And you can also use the kidneys of the pine. To prepare such a decoction, you need 10 g of kidneys. You can rinse them first. Raw material is poured over with boiling water. It will take only 1 glass of water. First the remedy should be infused for 30-50 minutes. During this time it will have time to cool down, so that the broth will again need to be boiled. Then his steam breathes 10-15 minutes. It is an anti-inflammatory, soothing and expectorant tincture. By the way, in broths for inhalation easily you can add at least a spoon of honey, which dissolves in the liquid and enhances the effect of inhalation. Honey has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing properties.


Dry herbal cough treatment: proven recipes

Cough - reflex action of the body, which helps to cleanse the airways. Everyone faces this syndrome, and, cough can be completely different.

An unproductive dry cough is the heaviest and most exhausting. He does not bring relief to the patient, only it causes additional inconveniences. Appears suddenly, has a paroxysmal character, can begin at any time, even during a night's sleep.

Causes of dry cough

Causes of dry cough can be any rotovirus diseases - from the common cold to bronchitis.Dry cough is often noted with developing pneumonia.

Important: dry cough should not only be controlled, but also treated - otherwise, the attack ends with vomiting and there may be a rupture of the mucosa in the bronchi.

Folk recipes: drink and packs

Treat non-productive dry cough can be medications - usually doctors prescribe those that contribute to the formation of sputum. But no less effective and grandmother's recipes for cough - will help decoctions and compresses.

Birch juice will perfectly help with prolonged dry cough

Decoctions that can quickly and effectively save a patient from a dry cough:

  1. The recipe for a fig with milk from a cough.It is necessary to take in equal parts milk and mineral water, to warm and drink during the day. You can take one fig fruit and boil it, pre-cut into 500 ml of milk (boil no more than 10 minutes). The daily dosage of such a drink should not be less than half liter and more liters.
  2. Honey with anise.It is necessary to take 50 grams of honey and a teaspoon of anise seeds, pour it all in a large glass of water (300 ml), boil for 20 minutes. Then the broth is cooled / filtered and can be eaten on a tablespoon every four hours. Note: if the patient has an allergy to honey and / or anise, then this drink is contraindicated. Ginger with honey from cough will also be very useful.
  3. Dry medicinal mixture.It is necessary to mix a pinch of dill seeds, two tablespoons of sugar and 30 grams of licorice root (it needs to be crushed with a blender or in a meat grinder). The resulting dry mixture is stored in a refrigerator. Take as follows: half a spoonful of the mixture pour 100 ml of hot water, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and drunk in small sips. Number of receptions per day - 3.Important: the obtained drink is not filtered, it is necessary to swallow both seeds of dill, and particles of licorice root.
  4. Birch juice.It will perfectly help with prolonged dry cough, in a glass of juice you need to add a little hot milk (about 50 grams), stir and drink in small sips. Such a drink can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
  5. Raspberry / Viburnum.Instead of the usual tea, it is better to drink in the days of illness a decoction of twigs (!) Raspberries and viburnum - it can be prepared in free proportion.

Many healers offer compresses with a dry, non-productive cough - it is really effective, especially in combination with the use of the above-described "cocktails". But remember:

  • Do not put compresses at elevated temperature;
  • you should get permission from a cardiologist if you have heart problems;
  • For children up to one year, compresses are contraindicated. But how to do compresses from cough for children, you can learn from this article.

The most effective for dry cough are the following recipes:

  1. Dilute a small amount of boiling water a tablespoon of dry mustard powder, moistenin the resulting mixture of napkin and attach to the top of the chest. The duration of the compress is a maximum of 20 minutes.
  2. Cabbage leaf finely chopped with a knife, not cutting into small pieces, put a little honey on the surface of the leaf and put everything to the top of the chest, warm it. Duration of the procedure - from 3 to 8 hours (it is better to do this at night).
  3. Mix the vodka, honey and sunflower oil in equal proportions, put the mixture on a napkin and fix it on the back in the interscapular area. This compress should be done at night.
What to do when an adult does not have a cough and runny nose, is indicated in this article.

What kind of treatment is needed, when the baby has 5 months of cough, is indicated in the article.

How to treat an allergic cough in adults, is indicated in the article here: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/allergicheskij-lechenie-u-vzroslyx.html

Recipes of sugar candies

Dry non-productive cough can be quickly "cleaned" with... candy. Just not the usual candy from the store, but cooked at home. Here are just a few recipes:

  1. Burnt sugar.The easiest method of making candies is to put an arbitrary amount of sugar in a frying pan, put on a strong fire and wait until it starts to melt. Then add a littleodes (get a liquid gruel) and mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved / baked. The resulting mixture can be poured in forms, or can, in the absence of the latter, simply lay out with a teaspoon on a dry / clean plate of "drop". Burnt sugar with a dry cough - a fairly effective tool.
  2. Thyme.Lentils with thyme not only will warn the onset of an attack of dry cough, but will also have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to take a glass of ready-made broth from thyme, add to it three tablespoons of sugar and put on fire cook. After boiling constantly stir and cook until the droplet of the product, lowered into a glass of water, does not lie on the bottom.
  3. Milk candy.Prepare the burnt sugar according to the above recipe and at the moment of its full readiness to lower the mixture a teaspoon of iced milk - candies will freeze almost instantly and have a pronounced milky taste.

Lollipops with milk taste - a pleasant remedy for dry cough

Note that the use of candies should also be dosed - for example, every 3 hours one piece (slowly dissolve) or with a beginning attack of dry, unproductive cough.The most effective use of candy is at night - coughing quickly ends and sleep will be restored.From this article it becomes clear,what candy from a cough can be during pregnancy.

Please note: treatment with candy alone will not give the desired effect, they need to be included in complex therapy.

Recipes for inhalations

At a dry cough it is desirable to use nebulizer, instead of steam inhalations

Inhaling is another effective method to get rid of a prolonged dry cough.Please note that it is more convenient to perform the inhalation procedure with the help of professional equipment - a nebulizer.But if there is none in the house, then use a teapot - a jet of healing steam will flow directly into the respiratory tract. For inhalations, you can use:

  • a decoction of thyme;
  • decoction of sage;
  • collection of mother-and-stepmother / oregano and mint;
  • honey water;
  • water with the addition of a few drops of essential oils (in this case, oil cloves and eucalyptus).

Inhalations should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • not earlier than 30 minutes after active movement or walk in the fresh air;
  • the patient should be absolutely calm, breathing is normal;
  • the breath becomes deep and mouth, exhale - nose;

Remember that after inhalation, the child should not drink / eat and actively move.


More information on how to treat a dry cough in a child - see video advice from a doctor:

Dry cough, if it is not a sign of pneumonia, is effectively removed at home. It is important to consult with your doctor and get permission to perform these procedures and then recovery will occur within a week.


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