The wrist joint: anatomy in man, what joint is in shape?


  • 1Structure and function of the wrist joint
    • 1.1Structure of the joint
    • 1.2Articulation function
    • 1.3Methods for assessing the state of the connection
    • 1.4What is bone age and how is it determined?
    • 1.5Possible diseases
    • 1.6Developmental flaws
    • 1.7Damage
    • 1.8Arthritis
    • 1.9Osteoarthritis
    • 1.10Disease Kiyabek-Pryzera
    • 1.11Diseases of soft tissues of articulation
  • 2We study the structure of the wrist joint
    • 2.1Role and function in the body
    • 2.2Detailed structure
    • 2.3Bundles and muscles
    • 2.4Bone structure and cartilage
    • 2.5Nerve fibers and blood supply
    • 2.6Anatomy of the hand
  • 3Anatomy of the human wrist joint. Injuries to the joint
    • 3.1Anatomy
    • 3.2The volume of movements
    • 3.3Injuries
    • 3.4Sprain
    • 3.5Symptoms
    • 3.6Degrees of damage
    • 3.7Dislocation
    • 3.8Classification of dislocation
    • 3.9Symptoms
    • 3.10Fracture
    • 3.11When should I see a doctor?
    • 3.12Diagnosis of injuries
    • 3.13Clinical researches
    • 3.14MRI
    • 3.15Ultrasound
    • 3.16X-ray
  • 4Why the wrist joint hurts: anatomy, causes and treatment of pain
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of pain in the wrist joint
    • 4.2Readers often study together with this material:
    • 4.3Injury
    • 4.4De Cervain's disease
    • 4.5Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • 4.6Ganglia wrist joint
    • 4.7Arthritis - the causes of the manifestation of pain
    • 4.8Osteoarthritis
    • 4.9Styloidal wrist joint
    • 4.10The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:
    • 4.11Ways to treat pain in the wrist joint
    • 4.12Treatment with medications
    • 4.13Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 4.14LFK and a course of massage
    • 4.15Surgical intervention
    • 4.16ethnoscience

Structure and function of the wrist joint

The wrist joint is one of the components of the wrist joint that takes part in the motor activity of the hand.

Carpal joint is not anatomical concept, but rather functional.

Clinicians distinguish it in connection with a common and very important function - a variety of brush movements as the most complex structure of the upper limb of a person.

Carpal joint provides mobility of the hand in all necessary directions. This anatomical-functional unit consists of such separate joints:

  • radiocarpal (between the forearm and the 1st row of wrist bones);
  • Medium-wrist (between the bones of the 1st and 2nd wrist rows);
  • intermittent (between individual carpal bones);
  • carpometrical (between the bones of the 2nd wrist and proximal heads of metacarpal bones).

In this article, we will consider the features of the wrist joint.

Thanks to these small bones of the wrist, a person can exercise subtle movements with the hands

Structure of the joint

In the process of human evolution and the acquisition of the ability for pronation (rotational type of limb movement inward) and supination (rotational type of movement of the arm from the outside), an additional joint appears between the distal ends of the radial and ulnar bone (distal radiophage), which, together with the proximal articular joint, forms a single system for the rotation of the forearm around the vertical axis. This allows a person to carry out movements with the greatest amplitude of rotation of the forearm among all living things.

In connection with this, some changes appear in the structure of the wrist joint, which allowed the person to obtain such a volume of movements in this joint.

The distal epiphysis of the radial bone reaches its maximum development, meanwhile, as the distal end The ulnar bone no longer takes a direct part in the formation of the joint, but only through the joint disk.

The joint disc is a fibrous-cartilaginous plate of triangular shape, which originates from distal epiphysis of the ulna and complements the articular cavity of the proximal part of the wrist the joint. This cartilaginous plate makes the articular surface congruent, that is, it helps to achieve a complete mutual correspondence of the articular surfaces of bones that connect with each other.

Carpal joint consists of several separate joints and allows you to perform a variety of movements with hands

The wrist joint consists of two articular surfaces:

  1. proximal - the radius and the cartilaginous disk of the ulna;
  2. distal - proximal surfaces of the small bones of the first wrist series (navicular, semilunar, triangular, which are connected together by separate ligament fibers).

The compound is covered with a thin capsule (especially on the posterior surface), attached to the bone tissue along the edges of the bones that form the articulation.

Strengthened wrist joint with ligaments:

  1. Radial collateral - is stretched between the styloid process of the ray and the scaphoid bone. Limits excessive brush reduction.
  2. The ulnar collateral is stretched between the styloid process of the ulna and the triangular, partly pea-shaped bones of the wrist. Prevents excessive removal of the hand.
  3. Palmar wrist - starts from the articular disk and the styloid process of the ulna, descends downward and inward, attached to the triangular, semilunar and celiac bone. This ligament strengthens not only the wrist joint, but also the wrist.
  4. The rear radiocarpal region originates from the back of the distal epiphysis of the ray, goes towards the wrist and is attached to the back of the semilunar, scaphoid and triangular bone. Prevents high-amplitude flexion of the hand.
  5. The palm radiocarpuscular is located between the styloid process of the ray, descends downwards and into the middle, is attached to the bones of the 1st and 2nd rows of the wrist.
  6. Interosseous ligaments - connect the individual bones of the 1st row of the wrist.

Anatomy of the wrist joint provided him with the following features:

  • The articulation is complex in structure, it is formed by more than 2 articular surfaces;
  • compound complex - contains inside the joint capsule additional cartilaginous elements for congruence (in this case it is a triangular articular disc);
  • in shape refers to ellipsoidal - consists of the surfaces of bones, which are segments of an ellipse (one surface is convex and the other is concave).

Articulation function

The ellipsoidal shape of the joint allows you to perform movements around 2 axes: around the frontal (flexion and extension) and sagittal (lead and retraction).

Some clinicians assert that in this joint there are movements of a circular type.

But this type of motor activity is possible, due to the addition of successive movements around the indicated 2 axes in the wrist, mid-wrinkled, inter-wrist and carpometacarpal joints. In this case, the fingers of the hands describe the circle.

Amplitude of movements in the wrist joint


Several important anatomical formations pass through the area of ​​the wrist joint. They carry blood vessels and nerves to the tissues of the hands. Any disease or injury of this anatomical area threatens them with damage and loss of fine hand function.


There are 3 channels:

  • Loktevoy - contains the same-named artery, nerve and veins.
  • Radial - contains the same artery and tendon of the flexor flexor of the wrist.
  • The wrist - contains the median nerve and artery, as well as the tendons of the flexor muscles of the fingers.

Methods for assessing the state of the connection

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The study of the wrist joint begins with the collection of anamnesis, examination and palpation of the articulation. Bones and other anatomical landmarks in this zone are very well probed, and their change or disappearance can indicate pathology. = qbED2qgAdUk

When examining the area of ​​the joint pay attention to its palmar, back and side surfaces.

Assess the color of the skin, the safety of the skin pattern, the size of the joint, its configuration.

Special attention should be paid to the evaluation of anatomical landmarks: the protrusions of bones, folds, pits, tendons, palmar aponeurosis, the state of the muscles of the hand and fingers.

The left and right joint are examined simultaneously to reveal differences between them.

Changes in skin color, swelling, disappearance of anatomical landmarks, the appearance of other pits, folds, tubercles, pain in palpation and movements, limitation of mobility indicate the development of the pathology of this articulation and require more detailed and accurate diagnostics.

X-ray diffraction is of great importance in diagnosing injuries and diseases of this joint. Pictures are taken in several projections, if necessary.

In some cases, the doctor may additionally appoint ultrasound, computer, magnetic resonance imaging of the joint, its diagnostic puncture, capsule biopsy and even arthroscopy.

MRI of the wrist joint makes it possible to examine it well and detect possible damage

What is bone age and how is it determined?

The skeleton of the wrist joint and other bones of the hands is the most convenient and objective object for determining the bone age of a person.

Bone age allows to determine the biological age of a person and to reveal his differences from a passport one.

That is, this method of diagnosis will determine the maturity of the body, the lag in physical development and a number of hereditary pathologies that are characterized by early ossification of the bone growth zone, which leads to disruption of physical development rights.


An x-ray of the hands shows the ossification nuclei and the epiphyseal zones (bone growth), To estimate their condition, according to age, to predict possible deviations or to reveal already existing.


The X-ray shows how the skeleton of the child's brushes changes with age (nuclei of ossification appear and overgrowth the growth zones)

There are several methods that will help determine the biological age of the child. To determine it, the obtained X-ray diffraction patterns are compared with the accepted standards of bone maturation with the help of specially developed radiographic tables.

Possible diseases

There are many diseases and injuries that can disrupt the function of the wrist and hand, respectively. Briefly consider the most common.

Developmental flaws

Very often the developmental defects of the joint components are detected by chance, since they are not accompanied by significant functional limitations.

Most often it is necessary to meet the congestion (fusion) of a separate small bones of the wrist with each other, which somewhat limits the amplitude of movements in the joint.

You can also find hypoplasia or aplasia (underdevelopment and total absence) of some bones or their individual elements. Such vice causes, on the contrary, excessive mobility in the radiocarpal articulation. In some people, you can identify additional bones of the wrist.

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Congenital dislocations and subluxations in the joint can significantly disrupt the function of the hand, but they are very rare and are subject to surgical treatment.


Most often you have to face a bruise, a hemorrhage into the periarticular tissues or a hemarthrosis of the wrist joint. The prognosis for such a trauma is favorable. She is well suited to conservative therapy.

This is the most frequent mechanism of dislocation in the radiocarpal joint

Dislocations of the brush are quite rare, as a rule, they are combined with fracture of the radius bone or its styloid process. Treatment of dislocations is conservative. In the case of irreparable or chronic dislocations, a surgical operation can be prescribed.

Among intraarticular fractures, the fracture of the distal epiphysis of the ray or its fracture in a typical place (Collis fracture) is the first place. Often such a trauma occurs simultaneously with damage to the head of the ulna, its styloid process and the joint disc.


Inflammation of the wrist joint can cause several causative factors. There are purulent infectious arthritis as a result of the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms directly into the joint cavity with injury or with blood flow in septicemia.

Among chronic arthritis of the wrist joint, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the articulation in brucellosis, tuberculosis and reactive arthritis should be noted.

On the roentgenogram of the hands of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, deformation of not only the skeleton of the fingers but also the wrist joint


Deforming osteoarthritis arises from diseases or injuries in the past of the wrist joint. It is relatively rare.

Patients complain of pain and crunching in the joint during movement.

If the pathology progresses, then stiffness, deformity of the joint develops, but they are weakly expressed and are not accompanied by a significant restriction of the function of the hand.

Disease Kiyabek-Pryzera

This is an aseptic necrosis of the semilunar and navicular bones. It occurs quite often. Patients complain of pain, which is aggravated by movement, a minor swelling of the articulation area.

On the back surface of the joint it is possible to reveal painfulness upon palpation. Movement becomes limited, sometimes a person can not even squeeze a hand into a fist. Diagnosis is established by radiography.

Treatment can be conservative with prolonged immobilization or surgical with endoprosthetics of the destroyed bones.

Diseases of soft tissues of articulation

Among the most common soft tissue diseases of the wrist joint, one has to face the following:

  • hygroma,
  • periarthrosis,
  • stenosing ligament,
  • tendinitis,
  • Tendovaginitis,
  • bursitis.

We should not forget that benign and malignant tumors can develop in the area of ​​the wrist joint, for example, osteoma, osteosarcoma, chondroma, etc.

Therefore, if any unpleasant sensations occur in this area, as well as other pathological signs, you should always seek medical help.

This is the only way to preserve health and function of the hands.

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We study the structure of the wrist joint

The wrist joint connects the radius of the forearm and the proximal row of bones (wrist bones). It is one of the joints of the hand, which are closely interconnected, act in a complex.

These are joints such as the middle-wrist, inter-wrist, carpal metacarpal, intertidal and radiolucent.

The junction bag is formed at the expense of the radius bone (its carpal part), is supplemented from the elbow side by a triangular disc that separates the radiolucent joint and the wrist joint.

The head consists of three bones of the wrist (navicular, triangular and semilunar), which are connected by means of ligaments.

There are thin, as well as wide capsules of articulations, which are strengthened on the back side of the wrist band.

From the palm side - palm wrist and ligament-connected ligaments, from the side - elbow and radial collateral ligaments of the wrist.

On the palmar side of the articulation, the tendon of the phalanx flexor (two bags) is attached, on the back side there are six bags of the tendons of the extensor phalanges.

Above them there are retainers for flexors and extensors. Near the styloid process of the radial bone, the artery radiates and passes to the brush.

Role and function in the body

According to the shape of articular surfaces, the wrist joint is referred to ellipsoidal biaxial joints. This design makes it possible to perform flexion and extension of the hand, elbow, as well as circular movements in the area of ​​the wrist.

The muscles that are responsible for the fold of the hand are the radial flexor and the elbow, the long arm muscle. The long and short radius, elbow extensor of the wrist is responsible for the function of extension.

The hand lead function also lies on the radius extensors, flexors, the long muscle of the thumb and the long and short extensors of the same phalanx.

Channels in radiocarpal articulation:

  • ulnar - artery, veins and nerve fiber;
  • the wrist canal - passes the median nerve, artery, tendon at the wrist of flexor flexors;
  • radial - artery, flexor tendon of the wrist.

This joint is considered the most mobile, as well as flexible throughout the human body. Due to a complex complex of bones, cartilage, ligamentous apparatus, the connection enables you to perform precise movements with your fingers.

Another important role in the human body of this joint is the diagnosis of serious systemic ailments. An experienced radiologist on the radiocarpal radiograph can understand at what point a person has developed metabolic disturbances, and what are the predictions.

This applies to diseases such as diabetes, disorders in the thyroid gland and the like.

Detailed structure

Since the joint is biaxial, it consists of two surfaces. This is the proximal (radius, elbow cartilaginous disc) and the distal surface (small wrist bones).

Around the capsule is located, which is attached to the edges of bones. Strengthening is performed due to ligaments and muscle tissue.

All these components, as well as the system of blood supply to the articulation, we will consider in more detail below.

One of the main features of the joint is its accessibility during examination, almost all the bone structures are accessible to palpation through soft tissues.

The skin is thin enough with a small fat coating, which makes it easy to feel the anatomy of the human wrist.

The connection is formed from the radius and bones of the wrist (scaphoid, triangular, semilunar).

Each bone is covered from above with a cartilaginous tissue, in which there are no vessels and nerves. The cartilage is responsible for cushioning with brush movements, protects bones from wear and tear, and softens strokes.

In the articulation is a large cartilage, which provides the rotation of the brush, as well as a wide range of movements in different planes.

It is located in the junction of the joint, if you palpate the base of the hand with your fingers, you can feel the curved cavity.

Bundles and muscles

Carpal joint is characterized by a large number of small bones, due to which it has a high mobility. But this leads to a serious risk of trauma. Protect the bones of the ligament, which firmly hold them and stabilize the entire joint. Such compounds are present in the compound:

  • lateral ray - limits movement in the direction of the center of the body, joins the styloid process and the scaphoid bone;
  • lateral ulnar - restricts strong deflection from the center of the body, connects the styloid process of the elbow bone and triangular bone, and also part of the pea-bones;
  • rear wrist - does not allow you to strongly bend the left or right wrist, connects the back side of the distal epiphysis with the back of the bones of the wrist (semilunar, navicular, triangular);
  • palmar - is responsible for the restriction in the extension function of the hand, joins the styloid process and the first, second row of bones of the wrist;
  • intervertebral - responsible for fixing small bones of the first row, their correct location and stability of movements.

Bone structure and cartilage

Muscles also participate in the process of movements of the wrist joint. On the palmar side there are flexor flexors, and on the other side are extensors.

In this connection, ligaments and muscle fibers are very close to each other, thereby forming eight tendon bags. In case of injury or infection, articulation is a high possibility of developing tendon inflammation, or in other words, tendonitis.

Joint bags are filled with synovial fluid, which prevents friction of bones, trauma of soft tissues.

Nerve fibers and blood supply

Blood circulation of the wrist joint occurs through the radial, ulnar and interosseous arteries and veins with similar names.

In connection with such a saturated blood circulation and close location of the arteries and veins to the bones, with the slightest injury of the joint, the vessels are affected, which leads to frequent formation of hematomas.

The lymphatic system in the joint has a similar branching, therefore, with inflammatory and degenerative processes, there is instant swelling. The lymph net lies between the bones and a soft tissue that is thin in the region of the wrist.

There are three nerves in the joint - radial, median and ulnar. They provide the supply of nerve signals to the hand. The median nerve passes through the wrist canal, a fibrous ring densely surrounds it.

With the slightest thickening of the tendons or swelling in the joint, the nerve is clamped, and as a consequence, the sensitivity of the palm or phalanges may be lost.


This is one of the most common ailments of the wrist joint - tunnel syndrome, which refers to the defeat of nerve fibers.


There is compression and inflammation of the median nerve in connection with the often repeated same movements (work at the computer, knitting, etc.).

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Anatomy of the hand

The video shows the anatomy of bones in the wrist joint.

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Anatomy of the human wrist joint. Injuries to the joint

Stretching of the ligaments of the wrist joints can often be obtained as a result of a person falling on an elongated arm.

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This leads to excessive bending of the hand or over-extension.

Such injuries are most common among people who are engaged in athletics, gymnastics and contact sports - hockey, football or wrestling.

Of great importance is the ability to distinguish this damage in time from a fracture of the bones of the wrist or radius. Fracture is a more severe trauma, for which a different tactic of treatment is required.

The joint, from the point of view of anatomy, is the articulation of bones, suggesting that there is a small lumen between the connecting bones. The joint cavity contains a fluid that reduces friction, damages the movements.


The carpal joint consists of a radius, bones of a wrist, an articulate cartilage and a capsule. The articular cartilage has the form of a triangle. An important component of this connection are ligaments.

They are the connecting link between the bones and ensure the stability of the joint. Bundles are dense, elastic bands, consisting of connective tissue fibers. The wrist joint contains such bundles:

  • lateral ray bundle;
  • lateral ulnar ligament;
  • the rear radiocarpal ligament;
  • palmar ligament;
  • intervertebral ligament.

An existing capsule or an articular bag is attached from above to the radius and the joint disk, and from the bottom to the upper row of the bones of the wrist. Speaking of anatomy, it can be noted that the capsule is rather thin and wide.

In the movement of the joint involved muscles. On the palm side are the flexors of the hand and fingers, on the rear side are extensors.

The volume of movements

The joint is complex in the number of bones being joined. In form, it is elliptical with two axes of rotation. In the joint, movements are realized:

  • retraction and reduction of the brush;
  • flexion and extension.

Due to this form of the joint, rotation is also possible. This mobility is realized because of the large number of bones entering the joint. But this feature also has a negative impact, as the risk of injury increases.


Damage can be of mild severity (bruises and sprains) and severe (dislocations and fractures). Depending on the type, a choice will be made between such diagnostic methods as MRI, CT, ultrasound or X-ray, as well as further treatment.

Incorrectly chosen tactics can lead to serious consequences - restriction or even impossibility of functioning of a wrist joint.


This injury is the result of tearing the fibrous ligament structures due to the action of great force. In this case, the anatomical continuity of the fibers may remain the same. To stretch the ligaments, it is enough to have a load applied to it that exceeds the elastic wrist tissue.


Sprain stretching is the result of flexion or extension above the capacity of the ligament apparatus, a sharp rotational movement of the brush.

Damage does not always occur immediately, sometimes a person pays attention to it after some time.

But usually this trauma is accompanied by such signs:

  1. The pain is quite strong at the first moment after trauma, later calms down in the conditions of rest, but arises again at the slightest movements. The shape of the joint does not change. In some cases, soreness appears delayed. Then, first of all, the person pays more attention to the limitation of the function of the hand.
  2. Appear swelling and swelling of soft tissue located above the site of damage
  3. There is a bruise or, in the worst case, a hematoma with damage to the blood vessels.
  4. Violation of the volume of movements may manifest as a complete or partial violation of the function of the fingers and the hand. At first it can happen because of intolerable pain, and then the restriction occurs as a result of the appearance of an edema that does not allow the brush to move.
  5. There are cases when the skin over the damage turns red and becomes hot. This sign indicates the severity of the injury.

At the time of injury, a crack is heard, which occurs as a result of multiple rupture of the ligament fibers. In case of a complete rupture, the joint becomes loose.

Degrees of damage

In medicine, damage to the ligamentous apparatus is classified according to the degree of severity. This is very important for determining the actions of a doctor in treatment. Injuries are divided into:

  1. I or an easy degree. It is characterized by microscopic tearing of fibers. The pain that occurs after trauma does not interfere with the functioning of the brush. Swelling is usually absent. Sometimes it is possible to increase pain with such movements as flexion and extension.
  2. II or moderate degree, for which a partial break is characteristic. There are hemorrhages, swelling becomes noticeable. The pain becomes more intense, and the movements in the joint decrease.
  3. III or severe degree, which is diagnosed with complete rupture of ligaments. The person feels very intense and sharp pain. Edema becomes large, hematoma develops. Movement in the joint is significantly limited due to pain and swelling. There is a noticeable increase in passive mobility, since the ligament as a result of the rupture no longer limits movement.

A child is more prone to such injury than an adult, since his ligamentous apparatus has a more elastic structure and contains more water.

This contributes to the ease of damage even with little impact. In addition, children lead a more mobile lifestyle than adults.

Trauma leads mainly to damage to soft tissues, nerves, blood vessels. The wrist joint is edematous, and there may be a bruise. A man complains of a weak intensity of pain. The shape of the joint does not change, the movements are almost unlimited.


This damage is a persistent violation of the anatomy (shape) of the joint surfaces of the joint as a result of the action of physical force. Dislocation of the wrist joint is a rare trauma.

Classification of dislocation

The dislocation is classified as complete or incomplete (subluxation). Also distinguish spearhead, irreparable and habitual dislocations. By timing of injury:

  • fresh dislocation (trauma received less than 3 days ago);
  • stale dislocation (from 3 to 14 days ago);
  • old dislocation - damage occurred more than 3 weeks ago.


During the recovery of the damage, a rather sharp and severe pain appears. The wrist joint is much swollen, a hematoma can form.

A person tries to reduce movements in the wrist joint in all possible ways. Dislocation is characterized by a change in the normal shape of the joint.

When the palmar dislocations end of the radius is felt in the area of ​​the back of the hand, it is bent at the same time. The main sign is the lack of joint movements and sharp pain during palpation.


Half of all injuries of the wrist joint are fractures. A distinctive feature is palpation of bone fragments and persistent, significant impairment of function. In this case, it is necessary to perform X-rays.

When should I see a doctor?

Since the trauma can be serious, it is necessary to be wary of the symptoms. Referring to a doctor and performing X-rays are mandatory in the following cases:

  • A sharp puffiness in the area of ​​the wrist joint.
  • Pain that increases with feeling and movement.
  • Noticeable change in the shape of the joint.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Presence of a hematoma.
  • Numbness of the hand.

If, after a bruise within 2 weeks, symptoms such as pain and swelling persist, then it is best to see a doctor who, after carrying out an examination, will diagnose and prescribe a treatment.

Diagnosis of injuries

A doctor who deals with these types of injuries is a traumatologist. The basis of diagnosis is clinical and instrumental studies (MRI, ultrasound, X-ray). Methods of visualization of the joint will help to fully establish the diagnosis.

Clinical researches

The doctor in order to pre-determine the condition of the joint, conducts a survey, examination, palpation (palpation) and determines the amount of movement.

During the examination, the condition and color of the skin, the presence of edema or atypical joint shape are assessed. When probing, pay attention to pain, pathological mobility of bones.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the injured hand gives a layered image of tissues in different angles. The method makes it possible to determine the amount of damaged binder fibers and the severity of the damage. It is the most acceptable diagnostic method for children.


Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is also an informative method of examination. Its most important advantage is a lower price compared to an MRI. Usually, ultrasound is used to assess the state of the ligamentous apparatus of the brush before and after treatment.


After performing the X-ray, the trauma doctor will be able to determine with certainty the nature of the injury - fracture or sprain. In some serious cases, computed tomography is also required. Signs of damage on the X-ray:

  1. With a bruise and sprain of ligaments, bone-traumatic changes on the x-ray are absent.
  2. If we talk about dislocations, we can identify a violation of the comparison of articular surfaces.
  3. In the case of a fracture on the x-ray, a fracture line will be noted, possibly a displacement of the bone fragments.

In view of the low cost of this method of diagnosis, an X-ray can be done at any hospital or trauma unit. The doctor without a long wait will be able to clarify the diagnosis.

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Why the wrist joint hurts: anatomy, causes and treatment of pain

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

Diagram of the structure of the wrist joint

The anatomical features of the wrist joint are complex, since there are a large number of joint and joint surfaces in it.

Connection of bones biaxial ellipsoidal.

With a hand, movements such as flexion-extension, withdrawal-reduction, rotation can be reproduced.

The wrist joint includes:

  • Radius.
  • It has a triangular cartilaginous disc.
  • Bones of the wrist. In the first row, their number is three.
  • The joint bag attached to the surfaces of the articular bones.

Ligament observed in this zone:

  • Elbow and radial lateral ligaments.
  • The wrist and palmar ligament.
  • Interosseous.
  • Intermittent.

Blood supply occurs with the help of veins and arteries.

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Causes of pain in the wrist joint

information for reading

The origin of pain in the wrist is accompanied by various foci, such as inflammation, trauma, compression of nerve endings. It depends on the disease that caused the symptoms. These pathologies include:

  • Bruising, dislocation, sprain, fracture (injury of the wrist joint).
  • Peritendinitis, styloiditis, tendovaginitis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Different types of arthritis.
  • Hygroma and stiloiditis.

Also, the pain in the hand can be reflected, i.e., in fact, the cervical spine, elbow or humeral diarrtrosis can be affected, and the pain will be felt in the wrist joint.

Diseases of the wrist joint are more common in sportsmen and people who are engaged in manual monotonous work. Also at risk are people with diseases that affect the work of the musculoskeletal system.

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The first symptom, which indicates the presence of pathology, is painful sensation.In order to correctly diagnose and begin appropriate treatment, it is necessary to study other manifestations of the disease.


Injury of the wrist joint is accompanied by pain

Injuries of the wrist joint are manifested in different ways. It depends on what structures were involved. Some symptoms are manifested not only in injuries, but also in inflammatory processes. Symptoms of trauma:

  • Painful sensations in the affected area that can spread to areas that are nearby.
  • On soft tissues there is edema.
  • Manifestation of a hematoma (in case of vascular damage).
  • The limb loses its ability to move in full.
  • The joint is deformed.
  • When you touch the hand, there is pain.

A fracture of the wrist bone can be taken as a stretching of the ligaments, which leads to a belated diagnosis and complications in the form of a reduction in the mobility of the wrist. Symptoms will be more pronounced if the radial bone is broken. There is an opportunity to hear a crisp sound when touched.

In this case, a small tumor appears, the movements become limited due to pain.

In the conditions of everyday life, the right limb is most susceptible to damage, since more time is in the active state.

In the case of acute injury, you do not need to wait until all the symptoms appear.

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De Cervain's disease

Tendovaginitis of a specific nature (de Cervin's disease) is an inflammation in the common tendinous vagina of the thumb.

There is also the formation of connective tissue in the process area of ​​the distal end of the radial phalanx, as a result of which there is a narrowing of the synovial canal and scarring.

The disease has its characteristics, distinguishing it from other types of tendovaginitis:

  • Movement with a hand is accompanied by pain in the region of the styloid process, passing to the tip of the thumb or to the elbow.
  • Movement with your thumb is not accompanied by pain.
  • If in the area of ​​the articular fissure to retreat one centimeter from the sprouting of the distal end and press on the found point, pain will appear.

When palpation of the wrist joint, pain is felt (with de Cervin's disease)

The disease is most affected by people whose professional activities are associated with a heavy burden on the thumb, for example, tailors and pianists.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

When the nerves in the tendon and bone canals are jammed, the development of a tunnel syndrome is possible. Causes of the disease: the appearance of dense growths, swelling. One of these diseases is carpal tunnel syndrome.

The syndrome does not appear immediately. First, the right hand is affected, which additionally works with the mouse. With the disease, the palm surface of the wrist and the wrist area are painful all the time. The muscle strength can also decrease, and the skin will begin to grow dull.

Ganglia wrist joint

The main symptom of hygroma is cosmetic: roundness appears, which can reach up to seven centimeters in diameter. The following symptoms may also occur:

  • A little pain.
  • Consistency is compacted.
  • Clear contours of the neoplasm.

Appearance of hygroma of wrist joint

At the initial stages, the functionality of the joint does not change.

Arthritis - the causes of the manifestation of pain

Different types of arthritis are one of the most common causes of pain in the wrist joint.

The cause of inflammation of the joint capsule can become such factors as immunodeficiency, allergic, infectious, metabolic processes.

The wrist joint can be involved in the pathological process with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis, brucellosis.

Symptoms that help to recognize arthritis:

  • After awakening, the stiffness in the joint is felt. Small joints are affected - a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist joint.
  • The formation of rheumatic nodules, the heart is affected, such symptoms appear with rheumatism.
  • The manifestation of tofusov (pathological seals of subcutaneous tissue) on the skin, urolithiasis can occur with gout.


In general, the disease is diagnosed in the elderly. Clinical symptoms:

  • The pain manifests itself in this way: initially only with loads, then certain movements give pain, and then it is present during rest.
  • There is a crunching and friction in the zone of the wrist joint.
  • The joint is deformed and limited in mobility.
  • Touching the area of ​​the joint space is accompanied by pain.

With osteoarthritis, pain is increasing. Over time, it is constantly present

Styloidal wrist joint

Styloiditis has no characteristic features, which makes diagnosis difficult. To identify it, a number of additional procedures are performed, including X-rays, MRI, CT and ultrasound.Possible Symptoms:

  • When palpation and movement, there is pain in the area of ​​the wrist tendon.
  • The area of ​​the affected joint swells.
  • The skin turns red.
  • The crunch is heard when you move your hand.
  • Movement becomes limited.

Skin blush and swell with stiloiditis

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In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, there are not enough clinical symptoms, therefore additional methods are used:

  • Blood analysis for clinical, immunological, biochemical studies.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Fluoroscopy.
  • Diagnostic puncture of diarrhea.
  • MRI and CT.
  • Arthroscopy and ultrasound examination of the wrist joint.

Basically 2-3 methods are used, which allow to determine the cause.

Ways to treat pain in the wrist joint

First of all it is necessary to treat a disease that has become a cause of pain. Accordingly, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. Traditional ways to eliminate pain in the wrist joint:

  • The joint must be immobilized. For this, either a gypsum dressing or a bandage dressing is used.
  • Treatment with medications (depends on the outbreak).
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Therapeutic physical training and massage.
  • Operation.

Each of the ways has its own testimony, which you need to find out from your doctor.

Treatment with medications

For the treatment of pain in the wrist joint there is a large number of drugs, but they have specific properties that will affect only a certain disease.For this reason, a specific drug is prescribed after a complete examination. For general treatment are appointed:

  • Painkillers.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Eliminating puffiness.
  • Vitamins of different groups.

For every disease, various drugs are prescribed

When de Cerven's disease is prescribed, "Diprospan "Kenalog" and other local blockades with the content of hormones.

Osteoarthritis of the wrist joint is treated with chondroprotectors containing chondroitin sulfate. Rheumatism or arthritis with an infectious nature implies the use of antibiotics.

Diseases of the connective tissue system are treated with glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy is used as an adjunct to medical treatment.It is used for joint trauma, tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis and de Cervin's disease. The following procedures can be assigned:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Ultrahigh-frequency therapy and magnetotherapy.
  • Treatment with paraffin, taking mud baths.
  • Laser therapy.

Mud procedures have a good curative effect

LFK and a course of massage

Massage and physiotherapy exercises are indispensable during the rehabilitation period. To begin with, exercises are performed on the brush sections that are stationary, with the help of the second hand. After the bandage has been removed (if applied), the injured joint is involved in the process.

In arthritis, gymnastic exercises can be performed only during remission. This approach to treatment contributes to the restoration of joint function and improves overall health.

Surgical intervention

The operational approach is used only for severe injuries: rupture of ligaments, injuries inside the joint, fractures. Basically, arthroscopy is used, which is a minimally invasive method.

Open surgery is performed for a complex fracture. Sewed ligaments, tendons, which were damaged. Pathological changes in tissues are removed. In some cases, osteosynthesis is used (using bone screws, bone fragments are fixed).

Arthroscopy refers to minimally invasive methods. This significantly reduces the risks for the patient, and the rehabilitation period is minimal.


Pain in the wrist joint can be treated not only with medical preparations, but also with folk medicine, which are no less effective and have the advantage over drugs - they have no side effects and do not harm other organs (if the ingredients are selected correctly).

Infusions for the treatment of styloiditis of the wrist joint

  1. The root of ginger and the root of sassaparel are taken, crushed and mixed. 1 hour l. The resulting mixture is poured into 1 glass of hot water. Infusion is used twice a day.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. fresh berries of wheat are filled with boiling water. The liquid is infused before cooling. Drink infusion for 14 days (3 times a day).

Infusion with anti-inflammatory effect with tendovaginitis

1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers need to be filled with a glass of hot water. It is insisted 30 minutes in the dishes, wrapped in warm material. It is taken by a glass 3 times a day.

Compression from arthrosis

3 tbsp. l. oat flakes are poured into 2 glasses of warm water and boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting porridge in a cooled form is superimposed on the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. Repeat for a week.

Tincture for osteoarthritis

You will need l diluted alcohol and 3 pods of hot pepper. Pepper is poured with alcohol and infused for 10 days in a dark cool place. Tincture is rubbed into the affected joint, it warms up and relieves pain.

Compress with gigroma

Ingredients (wine vinegar - 50 grams, raw egg - 1 pc.) Are mixed. The cloth soaked in this mixture is applied to the affected area.

Folk remedies have no contraindications and are effective

There are a large number of reasons for the manifestation of pain in the area of ​​the wrist joint, as well as the methods of treatment.

Therefore, do not self-medicate without first consulting a specialist.

This approach can cause serious complications and the development of other pathologies.


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