What kind of specialist should I apply for otitis?

Otitis is characterized by various pathological changes in the external, middle, inner ear and can affect any of its departments. His inflammation can occur at any age, both in children and adults, and the only correct method of treating it is to call a specialist in a timely manner, so you need to know which doctor is treating the otitis media.

  • Which doctor heals otitis media
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Recommendations for treatment
  • Otitis of the external ear
  • Diseases of the middle ear
  • Diseases of the labyrinth
  • Treatment with folk methods
  • Infusion of chamomile
  • Laurel leaf infusion
Related articles:
  • Otitis in adults: treatment with antibiotics
  • External otitis media: treatment in adults
  • We treat otitis in children with effective methods at home
  • Otitis: Is it possible to treat the ear with warmth?
  • The truth about the symptoms and treatment of otitis media of the middle ear

In most cases, pain in the ears, separation from them and a decrease in hearing are due to diseases of the middle ear, which is commonly called otitis media.

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Note!Complication of otitis may affect the membranes of the brain, facial nerves and deform the auricle. With progressive development of the disease, a lethal outcome is possible.

The organism is a single system, therefore everything is interconnected in it. Otitis can occur on its own due to infection, but most often it is a form of complication in other diseases, for example, in inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx.

Which doctor heals otitis media

Depending on the cause of the disease, the treating doctor for otitis in adults can act as an ENT (otolaryngologist) and therapist.

When otitis in a child, treatment will be handled by the ENT, and in some cases by a pediatrician.

To LOR it is necessary to address:

  • if there is a suspicion of the need for surgery;
  • with recurring regular otitis media;
  • if you suspect a decrease in the perception of sounds.

With other complications, therapist or pediatrician can give recommendations for treatment.

To which doctor to go for treatment, to a private or public clinic, everyone chooses according to their capabilities. The main thing is that it is a proven specialist with extensive experience in a good institution.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is performed by a doctor at once in several directions, and has the same pattern for both adults and children.

  1. Collection of anamnesis and analysis of complaints of ear pains or their congestion, fever, hearing loss, presence of other infectious diseases.
  2. Inspection for the presence of pus or damage to the tympanic membrane with the help of augmentation technology: an otoscope, an omicroscope, an endoscope.
  3. In some cases, the nasopharynx is examined.
  4. Tympanometry as a test for the mobility of the tympanic membrane. Does not require special training and is performed immediately after a general inspection.
  5. Audiometry is used in cases of suspected hearing loss.
  6. Timpanocenosis consists in puncturing the tympanic membrane in order to extract the fluid. It is used extremely rarely and in severe cases of the disease.

These are the most basic diagnostic methods used to determine the area of ​​the disease and the purpose of treatment. With inflammation of the external ear, it is enough to conduct a routine examination without additional procedures.

Note!When purulent diseases are not recommended warming up and warm compresses, so that pus does not flow inside.

Recommendations for treatment

Otitis on the mild stages of the disease is treated at home according to the recommendations of the ENT, and in severe forms, hospitalization with constant supervision is necessary. Addressing a specialist is a must and a priority. First, only the ENT can diagnose the type of otitis, and, secondly, depending on its type, treatment will be selected.

Not all diseases of the ear can be chosen a universal remedy. Depending on the location of the disease, there may be otitis media of the external ear, inner ear and labyrinth.

Otitis of the external ear

For this form, outpatient treatment with local therapy is prescribed, when turundas, impregnated with 70% alcohol solution, are placed in the auditory canal, warming compresses are made, antibacterial drugs and vitamin medication are prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed in rare cases, when the inflammation has a pronounced form or with fever.

In cases of external ear diseases in a child, it is necessary to immediately show the doctor to prevent complications that may affect his later life. Antibiotics and medications are similar to adults, but differ mainly in dosage.

Diseases of the middle ear

Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, a variety of drugs and methods of treatment can be prescribed.

  • antibiotics (at the same time they try not to prescribe them to children);
  • ear drops with analgesic action and the like;
  • surgical intervention;
  • local application of warming compresses;
  • If otitis is an incidental symptom of another disease, then a complex treatment is prescribed.

Note!Heating compresses are put no more than for 2 hours and not more often than once a day, until the pain subsides.

Treatment should be conducted only under the guidance of a specialist, so that complications and side effects do not arise. In children, the cause of the disease can be an increase in adenoids, the removal of which will lead to normalization of the body.

Diseases of the labyrinth

When the disease of the labyrinth or inner ear of the patient is hospitalized and conducted intensive therapy, which includes bed rest. If the cause is a bacterial infection, then the administration of a large number of antibiotics is prescribed, both inside and as a liquid to be digested. In some cases, surgery will be required.

Treatment with folk methods

To folk methods in the case of otitis should be treated with caution. In some cases, they can help, but more often with improper treatment will cause complications.

To resort to them it is possible only after the ENT, the therapist or the pediatrist will diagnose and will pick up a suitable method of treatment.

Note!Folk remedies can be used as additional and preventive measures to prevent the development of otitis media.

With very severe pain or high temperature, you should immediately contact LOR.

Infusion of chamomile

In a glass of hot water is placed one teaspoon of dry chopped chamomile. It is infused for 5-10 minutes and filtered. Do a lavage with a warm infusion until the symptoms disappear.

Laurel leaf infusion

Five leaves of laurel are filled with a glass of water and brought to a boil. Insist on a water bath with a closed lid for about 2 hours, then cool at room temperature for 30-40 minutes and strain.

Bury in a sick ear for 10 drops and drink 3 tablespoons of the resulting broth. The procedure should be repeated no more than three times for the entire course of treatment.

These methods are great for treating both otitis media and other ear diseases.