Spinal stroke: symptoms, consequences, treatment


  • 1Stroke of the spinal cord
    • 1.1What you need to know about the blood supply to the spinal cord
    • 1.2Causes of the disease
    • 1.3How Ischemic Stroke Occurs
    • 1.4Features of hemorrhagic manifestations
    • 1.5The tactics of treating spinal ischemia
    • 1.6Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke
    • 1.7Features of care
    • 1.8What consequences can there be?
    • 1.9How rehabilitation works
  • 2Spinal stroke: symptoms, treatment, consequences and rehabilitation
    • 2.1Prevalence
    • 2.2Stages and symptoms
    • 2.3Classification and differences of species
    • 2.4Causes and risk factors
    • 2.5Diagnostics and first aid
    • 2.6Tactics of treatment
    • 2.7Rehabilitation
    • 2.8Forecast, immediate and remote consequences
    • 2.9Prevention of relapse and prevention measures
  • 3The causes and consequences of spinal cord stroke
    • 3.1Kinds
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Manifestations of the disease
    • 3.4Diagnostics
    • 3.5Treatment
    • 3.6Medication Therapy
    • 3.7Physiotherapeutic treatment
    • 3.8Surgical interventions
    • 3.9Rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.10Prevention
    • 3.11Effects
    • 3.12Complications
    • 3.13How to clean the vessels of cholesterol and get rid of problems at all times ?!
  • 4Stroke of the spinal cord: symptoms, consequences, recovery
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptomatology of the disease
    • 4.3Diagnosis of spinal stroke
    • 4.4Treatment of spinal cord stroke
    • 4.5Recovery after spinal cord stroke
  • 5Symptoms and treatment of spinal stroke
    • 5.1Types of the disease, the reasons for its development
    • 5.2The onset of the disease
    • 5.3Signs of spinal ischemic stroke
    • 5.4Symptoms of a spinal hemorrhagic stroke
    • 5.5Treatment of spinal ischemic stroke
    • 5.6Treatment of hemorrhagic spinal stroke
    • 5.7Care of patients
    • 5.8Consequences of the disease
    • 5.9Rehabilitation after treatment
    • 5.10Prevention of disease

Stroke of the spinal cord

The spinal cord plays no less important role than the head.

Numerous nerve bundles and trunks carry the necessary information for analysis and making the right decision on the "management" of organs and systems.

And in the opposite direction, signals are coming to the organs, muscles, internal glands, providing the need of the human body in various situations.

Spinal stroke occurs less often than the headache, less often accompanied by fatalities. People of both sexes are affected with the same frequency.

His share in the total number of disorders of cerebral circulation is not more than one percent.

However, delay in treatment causes persistent disability of the patient, loss of ability to move, disorders of internal organs.

What you need to know about the blood supply to the spinal cord

Clinical manifestations of spinal stroke depend on the violation of blood circulation in a particular feeding vessel. The anatomical location within the common spinal canal provides, under normal conditions, sufficient protection against external influences.

Inside the bone skeleton there are special openings for the vessels. The leading arterial branches diverge in accordance with the segmental structure of the spine, they are called radiculomedullar or radicular-spinal.

The largest arteries depart from two vascular nodes:

  • from the subclavian and vertebral arteries;
  • directly from the aorta.

Large vessels divide into radicular-spinal branches, which in turn run along the spinal cord, unite into the anterior and 2 posterior spinal arteries.

The widest artery approaches the lumbar spine and is called the Adamkiewicz artery (up to 2 mm in the lumen). In 30% of people, it alone feeds the entire lower half of the spinal cord from the eighth thoracic segment. Therefore, a spinal stroke at this level causes characteristic symptoms.

It is known that 80% of the brain substance is supplied from the anterior spinal artery

In the diagnosis it is important to consider the participation of arteries in providing a certain area of ​​the spinal cord. Between the arteries there are anastomoses that allow us to help as collateral vessels in the event of a decrease in the spinal blood supply of a zone.

Violation of spinal blood flow occurs in three ways:

  • ischemic,
  • hemorrhagic,
  • mixed.

Causes of the disease

All causes of stroke of the spinal cord can be divided into:

  • primary, depending on the state of patency of the feeding vessel - thrombosis and embolism of the arteries, developmental abnormalities (increased tortuosity, excesses), aneurysmal enlargement, compression by varicose veins, internal inflammation (vasculitis) of an infectious-allergic and other nature (syphilis, HIV);
  • secondary, caused by a common disease affecting the blood supply system - widespread atherosclerosis, hypertension, spine diseases (osteochondrosis, tuberculous spondylitis), congenital anomalies of the vertebrae, inflammation of the spinal cord, tumors of the brain and bone tissue, blood diseases with increased coagulability, endocrine disorders.

A special external cause is injury to the spine by external action. Do not exclude cases of damage to arterial vessels during surgery (aortic plastics in an aneurysm, access to the heart when eliminating congenital malformations).

Any reasons lead to an interruption in the blood supply of the spinal cord and its separate structures due to compression of the edema of the tissues, a hematoma, a tumor.

The consequences are expressed in the symptoms of oxygen hunger, disruption of the functioning of the neurons of the conducting pathways.

Knowing the innervation of organs, muscle groups and skin areas, neurologists establish the level of damage to the spinal cord.

How Ischemic Stroke Occurs

Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord is most often seen in persons after 50 years of age, as it accompanies pathological changes in the spine, atherosclerosis of the arteries, parietal thrombosis of the descending department aorta. These diseases, in turn, are complicated by a general circulatory failure.

Symptoms of increasing ischemia go through several stages of the disease.

Distant or immediate precursors occur in the period from -2 months to a week. Expressed in the patient's complaints about:

  • short-term weakness in the hands or feet, passing alone;
  • numbness, freezing or burning on the skin;
  • aching pain in the muscles;
  • possibly increased frequency of urination or delay;
  • pain in the spine.

Characteristic of the onset of the disease after alcohol abuse, overheating, heavy physical work.

The onset of ischemia must be differentiated with other causes of pain along the spine

Further symptomatology develops depending on the lesion of the spinal cord along the length and in the cross section.

Stage of an infarct - in a few hours or minutes of pain stop (the sensitive channels are interrupted). Occur:

  • marked weakness in the extremities with simultaneous loss of sensitivity;
  • functions of pelvic organs are disrupted;
  • signs of circulatory disorders in the brain (headaches, dizziness to fainting, nausea).

Stabilization and reverse development - the clinical course ceases to progress, there is an improvement in the condition.

The stage of residual phenomena - the clinic differs in a variety of forms, depends on the affected arterial branch.

In neurology, it is common to identify syndromes (symptom complexes), according to which it is possible to judge the localization of ischemia.

More revered: ischemic stroke

When thrombosis of the anterior spinal and vertebral arteries suddenly appears:

  • tetraplegia (bilateral immobilization of arms and legs);
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • paresis of sphincters (bladder and anus);
  • shortness of breath due to paresis of the respiratory muscles and atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as blockade of the pathways from the lower parts of the medulla oblongata;
  • with a focus located high in the cervical segment manifested impaired sensitivity on the face, rarely the eyelid drop on one side, narrowing of the pupil.

The defeat of the posterior spinal artery manifests itself:

  • a disorder of surface sensitivity;
  • tremor of hands;
  • paresis (partial paralysis) of the muscles of the legs.

With ischemia at the level of the vertebral and radicular arteries:

  • decreased sensitivity, paresthesia (goosebumps);
  • disorders of the muscles and joints;
  • decrease in some joint reflexes, but an increase in tendon;
  • convulsive twitching of muscles.

The defeat of radicular arteries is expressed in:

  • intercostal, shingles;
  • loss of sensitivity to temperature and pain by segments of the spinal column;
  • increased knee and achilles reflexes;
  • decreased abdominal reflexes;
  • when there is a violation of blood flow in the sacral region, paralysis does not develop, but patients lose the ability to control urination and suffer from incontinence.

Checking knee reflexes indicates typical symptoms

Ischemia at the level of the Adamkiewicz artery:

  • transient weakness in the legs with a sensitivity disorder;
  • failure of the bladder and rectum;
  • Typically the rapid formation of pressure sores.

A number of syndromes have been described that indicate the level of the focus of ischemia.

Features of hemorrhagic manifestations

Hemorrhage is possible in the substance of the spinal cord (hematomyelia) or under the membranes (hematorachis). Clinical manifestations depend on the size of the hematoma.

Hematomyelia is characterized by:

  • acute girdling pain in the trunk;
  • paralysis of one or all of the limbs;
  • violation of pain and temperature sensitivity in the limbs;
  • a massive hemorrhage causes a change in the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Tematorachis is a rare pathology in which blood enters the subshell. Most often due to trauma or rupture of an aneurysm. Causes:

  • sharp pains shooting character;
  • accompanied by manifestations of symptoms of brain damage, which last for several days.

It is important that in this case there are no manifestations of brain substance damage.

With the epidural location of the hematoma, the pain is localized in a certain part of the spine, increases with the accumulation of blood, is prone to repetition.

The tactics of treating spinal ischemia

For the removal of ischemia of the spinal cord, the targeted medication is used:

  • Anticoagulants for the dilution of blood and drugs preventing the adhesion of platelets (Heparin, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Dipiridamol, Trental).
  • To expand collaterals, eliminate vasospasm Cavinton, Nicotinic acid, Pentoxifylline, Nicergoline, Troxevasin.
  • In order to protect the brain substance and arterial wall, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, Nootropil, Ascorutin are prescribed.
  • To eliminate the edema used diuretics.
  • Improvements in muscle tone can be achieved with Neuromidine, Midokalma, B vitamins.
  • When associated with an inflammatory cause, Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen are treated.

After an acute period, therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy are added. Depending on the external causes of ischemia, it may be necessary to immobilize the spine, use blockades, use stretching techniques.

Apparatus for stretching the spine in water allows you to relax the muscle tone

If the spinal stroke is associated with a specifically established compressive factor (tumors, displacement of vertebrae, hernia intervertebral aperture, an aneurysm of the artery), then after consulting a neurosurgeon, the question of conducting an operative treatment.

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke

When treating hemorrhage, it is necessary to localize it, to remove swelling of surrounding tissues.

Used haemostatic drugs: Gordoks, Ditsinon, Aminocapronic acid, Contrikal.

Also, as with ischemia, angioprotectors and agents for neuronal repair, vitamin therapy are prescribed.

Features of care

With spinal strokes, great importance is attached to the prevention of pressure sores. For this, the patient needs constant care:

  • the control over cleanliness of linen;
  • wiping the body with camphor alcohol;
  • inverted paralysis;
  • application of rubber backing circle;
  • use of the urinals.

To prevent pneumonia and urogenital infection, antibacterial agents are prescribed, respiratory gymnastics is recommended.

What consequences can there be?

The consequences of a spinal stroke may be impaired motor activity (paralysis), lack of sensitivity, a disorder of the pelvic organs. For some patients, even with minimal changes, this amounts to a loss of profession.

The simulator allows the patient to lift the weight of his weight and concentrate his attention on movements

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How rehabilitation works

Rehabilitation of a patient with spinal stroke necessarily includes an expansion of motor activity.

Gradual studies first with the use of passive flexion and extension of the limbs, then the connection of devices for the dosed load.

It is best to place the patient in a rehabilitation center after in-patient treatment, where he will master a minimum of independent exercises.

Learning to walk begins with the use of walkers, then go to walking sticks.

To overcome muscular weakness, electrostimulation, massage, acupuncture, underwater douche, ozocerite applications are prescribed.

Some patients have to teach self-service. The most suitable time for rehabilitation is the first six months.

Then, twice a year, there should be repeated courses.

Positive shifts are possible within three years, so any despair must be discarded and persuaded the patient of rational sequential treatment.

A source: http://serdec.ru/bolezni/insult-spinnogo-mozga

Spinal stroke: symptoms, treatment, consequences and rehabilitation

Disturbance of blood circulation in the spinal cord is an extremely rare, but from this no less dangerous pathology, which is called "spinal stroke".

It rarely leads to death, as, for example, the same stroke of the brain, but more often entails disability and other consequences in which a person can not independently function.

Spinal stroke is a violation of blood circulation in the spinal part of the body, which entails a huge number of serious and life-threatening problems. Improper "nutrition" with blood provokes shifts in the body, which provoke various attacks.


This deviation is extremely rare. In relation to other types of diseases, itoccupies only 1%.

Both men and women are in the same risk zone, since the main cause provoking this is various deviations in the vertebral part of the human body.

Most often, the diagnosis of spinal stroke occurs in the age category of people 30-70 years old, the average age is 50 years.

With age, virtually every person is diagnosed with impaired spinal cord function, and as a consequence, the risk of disease increases.

That is, when compared with cerebral hemorrhage, the spinal stroke is not so common and dangerous. He is far awaynot always be fatal, but often leaves people in a wheelchair.

Stages and symptoms

The first symptoms of a spinal stroke can begin to appear over a period of time: weeks, days - it is difficult to foresee.

  • Stage of precursors. Back pain, lameness, trouble urinating and general problems with pelvic organs. These symptoms can be short-lived and prolonged.
  • Development of an infarction. Within a few hours or minutes - individually - this deviation starts from the norm. The limbs grow numb, I lose sensitivity, there is a disturbance in the work of the pelvic organs.
  • The stage of reverse development. Is manifested with adequate treatment. Symptoms stop disturbing, they are replaced by an adequate state of health of the patient.
  • Residual stage. It is expressed in the residual effects of a stroke.

All stages are individual and vary in time. In some, the first can take several years, some have a couple of hours. The same applies to subsequent problems.

Classification and differences of species

It is accepted to identify two forms of spinal stroke. They have some differences in the symptoms and problems that cause this type of deviation.

  • Ischemic (heart attack). The patient experiences the first symptoms of the disease some time before the onset of the main problem. Unpleasant sensations can spread both on the upper and lower extremities. With this form, problems with the pelvic organs and a gradual disruption in the work of the muscle tissue of the back will be strongly pronounced. There are often processes that occur in the brain, which cause nausea, loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, etc.
  • Hemorrhagic (hemorrhage). Its development is more rapid: a person begins to experience acute pain in the spine almost immediately after a hemorrhage. Paralysis of the extremities is characteristic. The patient most often does not distinguish between changes in temperature or pain. The given process though is prompt, but to it remissions are peculiar: that is the person can not feel some time (some weeks) discomfort, however the given fact does not mean, that the problem has receded.

Causes and risk factors

The causes of the development of spinal stroke are multifaceted. This abuse of physical stress in the wrong form, atherosclerosis, various pathologies of blood vessels, trauma, vasculitis, hypertension, heart failure.

Also these are diseases of the spinal cord, spine, tumor, hernia, endocrine diseases and blood diseases.

Many people affected by this diseasehave several causes at once, which provoked his progressive development.

The totality of these health problems is the result of the fact that this ailment is progressing.

This is particularly noticeable if we consider the age category:

  • up to 20 years - extremely rare;
  • 30-50 - changeable frequency
  • 50 and older - often.

The category of people over 40 is especially vulnerable to this disease, as with age, the vessels lose their former strength, bringing the citizens to the risk group.

Diagnostics and first aid

You can not diagnose this disease without special equipmentat hand. By touch, to determine that the problem is precisely this, it is impossible.

The totality of the patient's complaints, his general clinical picture and research will help specialists to determine what's wrong.

Most often doctors appointmagnetic resonance imaging, which will be able to identify pathology at any stage and in all projections. All this is done in conjunction with the rest of the examinations and ultrasound.

If suspicions of a spinal stroke of the patient are placed on a flat surface, face up. No physical activity.

It is necessary to immediately consult specialists: without their intervention, the patient can only be hurt.

When transporting a patient to a hospital, it should be placed on a solid shield, so that no complications arise.

Tactics of treatment

The form of the disease affects its treatment. To begin with, doctors should identify the cause that served its development in the body, and only then begin treatment.Surgical intervention possible, but it is carried out only in 3 cases:

  • osteochondrosis with hernia;
  • tumor;
  • vascular anomaly.

Most often in the treatment usemedications.

First of all, the patient is injected with medications that normalize his blood pressure and positively influence blood circulation.

Thinning drugs are administered with thrombi of vessels, muscle relaxants - with pinching and spasms.

If the drugs do not bring an effect, then the neurosurgeon interferes.

It is also important that at the time of treatmentpatients are characterized by pneumonia and bedsores.

To avoid the latter, care is needed, constantly turning the person around.

Otherwise, it can lead to a serious complication, which carries with it major problems of a different nature. It is also important to carefully monitor hygiene.

If the patient has incontinence, urinals are used if he can not urinate himself - catheterization. It is important to observe hygiene and genitals to avoid various infections.


After discharge from the hospital, the victim needs special care. The patient needs rehabilitationunder the care of a doctor. Residual effects and causes of the disease affect the course of recovery.

After all, a person is assigned a disability of the second group, after which he can recover completely and return to a full life.

However, in any case, hewill have to be observed and undergo preventive treatment courses.

It often happens that the patient after a given ailment remainedunable to even serve themselves. Such a victim needs special care under supervision.

It is important to provide psychological support to the victim!

When rehabilitating, it is important to rememberbasic rules:

  • Limit smoking and alcohol;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Special diet to reduce the amount of cholesterol produced;
  • Vitamins.

About physiotherapy exercises after a spinal stroke is told in this video:

Forecast, immediate and remote consequences

Lethal outcome as a consequence of spinal stroke -extremely rare. If all the rules and no complications are observed, then full recovery is most likely.

Recovery for this disease is possible for a long time, for whichcan take months and years. Psychological support is needed (perhaps, a psychologist's help). The main thing is to observe all the norms after: try to avoid back injuries, wear corsets and an orthopedic mattress.

It is important to remember that after a spinal stroke, the back is the most vulnerable place, which should be protected and not overexerted, so that no complications occur.

Most people who have suffered this disease with timereturn to normal life.

Prevention of relapse and prevention measures

Relapse with this indisposition is a dangerous thing. It is necessary to monitor your blood pressure and always have at hand a device for measuring blood pressure, so as not to provoke a second disease. Doctors advise to control blood clotting.

The main thing is to remember thatEach subsequent relapse is worse than the previous one, which in the end can lead to a complete inability to somehow manage your body.

Preventive measures are simple:listen to your body, regularly visit a doctor and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to go to a specialized sanatorium to recover completely from a serious illness.

A source: http://oserdce.com/sosudy/insulty/spinalnyj.html

The causes and consequences of spinal cord stroke

Stroke of the spinal cord, called spinal cord or spinal cord, occurs when the circulation in the spinal cord is impaired.

His share among various strokes is 1%. Mortality in this disease is relatively low, but it almost always leads to disability.

The incidence among men and women is the same.


Depending on the cause that caused the stroke of the spinal cord, it is divided into types:

  • hemorrhagic - hematomyelia, occurs when the integrity of the vessel and subsequent hemorrhage;
  • ischemic - (infarct), occurs when the circulation is impaired due to blockage of the vessel;
  • mixed - combines both types.

For whatever reason, blood circulation has been disturbed - the spinal cord tissue eventually suffers as a result of either blood pressure squeezing (impregnation) or cessation of nutrition. Consequence - the functioning of the affected area is disturbed, which causes certain neurological manifestations.


The development of pathology is caused not so much by problems with the vertebral column as with the blood vessels that feed it. A variety of causes of the disease are divided into several groups.

Primary vascular lesions - caused by various pathologies of the vessels themselves:

  • vascular pathologies and malformations - aneurysms, varicosity, kinks and loop formation, embolisms, stenoses and thromboses;
  • vasculitis of various genesis;
  • general somatic pathology - hypertension, atherosclerosis, acute heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc.
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Secondary vascular lesions - caused by external processes:

  • diseases of the spine itself - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, etc .;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the spinal cord - arachnoiditis, leptopachymeningitis.

Other reasons:

  • trauma (including those obtained during surgical interventions, including - spinal anesthesia);
  • diagnostic procedures on the spine;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • blood diseases.

The combination of several factors that provoke the disease increases the likelihood of its onset. As risk factors, physical overstrain, sharp movements in the spine, overheating, and alcohol consumption are also counted.

Manifestations of the disease

The stroke of the spinal cord can manifest in different ways, depending on the area of ​​the lesion and its scale. Often, symptomatology is confused with manifestations of other diseases - for example, sciatica.

The disease can last almost unnoticeably for a long time.

Some acute manifestations in this case are written off to exacerbation of chronic diseases - the same radiculitis or inflammation of the kidneys.

For a few days, or even weeks before the onset of the development of the disease, symptoms-precursors appear:

  • short-term and transitory weakness in the limbs;
  • disturbances of sensitivity in them - chills, burning, chills, unpleasant sensations in the muscles;
  • possible pain in the spine with the transition to the limb.

In the picture of the lesion, we can distinguish a number of characteristic symptoms that do not depend on the localization of the lesion:

  • sharp sharp pain in the spine;
  • weakness, paresis and paralysis of the limbs;
  • loss of skin and muscle pain and temperature sensitivity;
  • numbness of the skin on the back;
  • intermittent claudication;
  • disorders of the operation of the pelvic organs, incontinence of urine and feces.

These symptoms are common, for an accurate diagnosis is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Depending on which department was affected and which artery triggered the development of pathology, the symptoms may vary.

There may be signs of brain damage - vomiting, nausea, dizziness and headache, fainting, general weakness.


Determine the condition of the patient is only able to specialist. This takes into account the external manifestations and complaints of the patient. For the diagnosis is required a number of instrumental and laboratory studies:

Radiography of the spine

  • general blood analysis;
  • MRI;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • CT;
  • Ultrasound using dopplerography;
  • puncture of the spinal cord and subsequent study of cerebrospinal fluid.


The treatment plan depends on the causes and development of pathology. To increase the chances of recovery, therapy must be initiated in a timely manner. In the acute period, obligatory observance of bed rest. Self-medication in this case is a direct road to disability.

It is worth remembering that the disease is able in a short time to provoke the emergence of pneumonia and pressure sores. The cause is a violation of blood circulation.

In connection with this, there are special requirements for nursing: frequent changes of bed linen, regular changes in the posture, in which fixed patient - with a period of 1 hour, medical massage, rubbing the skin with camphor alcohol and dusting talcum powder. Hourly breathing exercises for 5 minutes. for the prevention of pneumonia.

Medication Therapy

Immediately after hospitalization or at the time of transportation, diuretics are introduced to reduce edema-for example, Lasix, Furasemide.


In any case, from the very beginning, medications are prescribed to restore cardiac activity and pressure, improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes in the spinal cord - Actovegin, Metamax, Mildronate and others.

Appointed drugs for the restoration of nervous tissue - Vinpocetine, Cerebrolysin, etc. In addition, angioprotectors, neuroprotectors, preparations for vascular wall strengthening, decongestants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

If necessary, anticoagulants and antiaggregants are prescribed. It is worth remembering that they are permissible only with the ischemic mechanism of the lesion. In the case of hemorrhagic stroke are completely unacceptable.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It is important that, in addition to medical therapy, physiotherapy is carried out. They occupy an important place in the treatment of spinal stroke. Methods used:

Massage of the spine

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • diathermy.

In the presence of osteochondrosis, wearing a corset is prescribed during the recovery period.

Surgical interventions

Surgical measures are applied in the following cases:

  • trauma or a hernia of the spine;
  • hemorrhagic type of the disease - while the vessels are closed, the blood circulation is normalized;
  • tumor.

Rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor

During the rehabilitation period the patient is at home, the doctor's observation with regular examinations is maintained. The main tasks are to eliminate the consequences of stroke and restore lost mobility. Assignments:

  • Exercise therapy;
  • hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide baths;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrostimulation;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • paraffin and ozocerite applications.

Rehabilitation is a complex, time-consuming process that takes from six months to several years. Often a patient needs the help of a psychologist.

Movement in most cases is possible with the help of special means - langets, canes. Orthopedic footwear is recommended.

Qualitative rehabilitation can return a full life.


Recommendations for preventing the occurrence of spinal stroke and preventing its recurrence:

  • rational physical activity, strengthening the muscular corset of the back, walking on foot;
  • correct distribution of the load on the back;
  • try to avoid injuries to the spine;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • timely access to a doctor for complaints, regular medical check-ups.

It is important to monitor blood pressure and keep it normal.


With a small scale of damage and timely assistance, a 100% disposal of the consequences is possible. However, even in this case, further specialist supervision and regular therapeutic courses are required to prevent relapse.

It is possible and not the most favorable outcome, when after the treatment course there is still a disability. Possible violations:

  • motor: paresis of limbs - muscle weakness persists, making it difficult to self-service and move;
  • sensitive - reduction of tactile, temperature, pain and sensitivity of its more complex types - for example, the ability to recognize objects with closed eyes to the touch. For certain professions (seamstress, musician) - this is a loss of ability to work;
  • disruption of the work of the pelvic organs, intestine - incontinence of feces and urine.


Lethal outcome is extremely rare. However, it is possible to develop various complications:

  • complete paralysis of the limbs;
  • persistent lameness;
  • amyotrophy;
  • impotence.

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According to statistics, about 7 million annual deaths can be associated with a high level of blood pressure. But studies show that 67% of hypertensive people do not even suspect that they are sick!

A source: http://sosudoved.ru/sosudy/prichiny-i-posledstvija-insulta-spinnogo-mozga.html

Stroke of the spinal cord: symptoms, consequences, recovery

Stroke of the spinal cord is a violation of the spinal blood flow, as a result there is a disruption in the functioning and damage to the spinal cord.

Violation of this department belongs to one of the varieties of myelopathy.

Such a disease is rare, so pay special attention to symptomatology, in the manifestation of which it is necessary urgently to apply to a specialist for a qualified help.

This circulatory disturbance in the dorsal part can be of two types:

  1. Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord. There is a cessation of blood flow to the affected area.
  2. Hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord. There is a rupture of the blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhage.

Separately, there are also ischemic transistor attacks, as a result of which a short-term cessation of the supply of blood to the spinal cord is observed.

Causes of the disease

Spinal stroke should be associated with the blood vessels of this department. The causes of this disease include:

  1. Atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels and aorta that feed the spinal cord. It is considered the most common cause.
  2. Neoplasms, a hernia between vertebrae. Capable of strongly squeezing the vessels, which leads to a violation of the blood flow of the spinal cord.
  3. Anesthesia in the cerebrospinal department.
  4. Ischemic stroke of other parts of the spinal cord.
  5. Splinters of the spine, which arise due to damage to the back.
  6. Enlargement of the lymph nodes of the thorax and abdominal cavity.
  7. Diagnosis on the spine.
  8. Varicose formation on the vessels of the spine.
  9. A variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by circulatory disorders.

It follows thatalmost every person is prone to spinal cord stroke, since every third resident has problems with blood vessels.

Symptomatology of the disease

As for the symptomatology, it depends more on the localization of the lesion focus.

It is also necessary to remember that the symptoms of a spinal cord stroke always appear gradually and are not always noticeable.

They differ depending on the cause of the occurrence. They can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases.

The main symptoms of spinal cord injury:

  1. Strong pain in the area of ​​damage. Refers to the original sign of the disease.
  2. The pain is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, which is gradually increasing.
  3. There is a violation of sensitivity. The patient ceases to feel the effects of temperature and pain.
  4. Trophic disturbances.

Diagnosis of spinal stroke

Diagnosis of the defeat of the spinal cord is complex.

It is compulsory during the diagnosis that the expert draws attention to the patient's complaints, any manifestations of the disease that are visible externally.

A special examination is called an MRI. This examination tracks the lesion at different stages of the disease.

Also, there are types of surveys that can form a complete picture of the situation:

  1. Somatic examination of the condition of the heart and vessels, as well as nearby organs.
  2. Electroneuromyography.
  3. Roentgen of the spine.
  4. US-dopplerography.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, as this can lead to negative consequences and further exacerbate the situation.

Treatment of spinal cord stroke

It is necessary to approach this process with all responsibility, as the further result depends on the correctly constructed treatment.

If a patient has an acute course of the disease, he should adhere to bed rest.

Treatment is carried out permanently in the neurological department.

Treatment of spinal cord stroke depends on the cause of the disease.

First of all, the patient is prescribed medicines that are able to restore the activity of the heart and blood pressure, metabolic processes.

If there is a need for this, drugs are introduced that dilute blood. They remove puffiness and accelerate the recovery of nerve tissues. After drug therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed.

To avoid the occurrence of pressure sores and pneumonia, the patient is given massages. They are also able to eliminate the stroke of the spinal cord. If necessary, artificial ventilation is prescribed. If the patient has:

  1. There is a tumor or an intervertebral hernia, then surgical intervention is required.
  2. There is a disorder of the pelvic organs, then it is necessary to conduct regular emptying of the intestine.
  3. There is an osteochondrosis that caused the disease, then a supporting corset is prescribed.
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Recovery after spinal cord stroke

Rehabilitation and recovery after a stroke of the spinal cord is carried out at home under the close supervision of the attending physician.

To restore the mobility of sites that were affected, it is necessary to regularly engage in exercise therapy, to conduct massages. The patient can be sent for recovery to a sanatorium.

It is recommended that such a patient should use an orthopedic mattress and use a supporting corset if long back loads are performed.

A source: http://moyagolova.ru/insult-spinnogo-mozga-simptomy-posledstviya-vosstanovlenie/

Symptoms and treatment of spinal stroke

Spinal stroke is a pathology that is characterized by circulatory disorders in the spinal cord. The disease is less common than cerebral hemorrhage, but sometimes it can affect its development.

Stroke of the spinal cord causes disability.

If there are any menacing symptoms, the patient should be rushed to the hospital, because the effectiveness of therapy will depend on how quickly the medical care will be provided.

Types of the disease, the reasons for its development

Distinguish ischemic, hemorrhagic and combined strokes of the spinal cord.

The causes of ischemic injury are the following: compression, tears, clogging of blood vessels due to hernias, thrombi, sclerosis, neoplasms of various types.

Hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding) of the spinal cord appears due to blood diseases, spinal column injuries, neoplasms. The combined lesion of the spinal cord is manifested by both forms.

Let's consider in more detail the causes of pathology.

There are primary vascular lesions of the spinal cord when the acute condition develops due to vascular pathology, and secondary lesions, when the vessels are damaged due to processes that affect from the outside. In the first case, the causes of damage to the spinal cord are:

  • somatic diseases (hypertension, heart failure, heart attack, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • vasculitis (inflammatory lesions of the walls of blood vessels);
  • malformations of blood vessels (wrong connection of veins with arteries);
  • cardiovascular pathology (stenosis, thrombosis, varicose veins, etc.).

In the second case, the stroke of the spinal cord appears for the following reasons:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • lesions of the spinal cord membranes;
  • neoplasms in the spine, spinal cord.

The onset of the disease

Stroke of the spinal cord begins with back pain. Then the person feels pain and weakness in the legs.

Lesions of the spinal cord are accompanied by impaired normal functioning of the pelvic organs. These include: incontinence or delay of feces and urine, tenesmus (false urges).

Disorders of blood circulation in the spine cause neuronal death, tissue destruction.

If there is a suspicion of a stroke of the spinal cord, the patient should lie on his back. Then you need to call an ambulance. The transportation of patients with spine stroke is carried out on a solid shield.

The patient should be in a lying position (lying on his back). The diagnosis of "spinal stroke" is put in the hospital after the examination of the patient.

To determine the nature of lesions perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroneuromyography. Blood test is also done.

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Signs of spinal ischemic stroke

The ischemic stroke of the spinal cord proceeds as follows. A few days or weeks before the development of pathology, there is weakness in the legs and hands. There are violations of sensitivity in the limbs.

These include: burning, numbness, the appearance of "goose bumps" on the skin and unpleasant sensations in the muscles. There are violations of urination (acceleration, delay), the urge to urinate.

Another symptom of spinal ischemic stroke is back pain, with pain radiating to the hands or feet.

Spinal cord lesions develop within a few minutes or hours.

This stage is accompanied by the following symptoms: weakness in the limbs, loss of sensitivity, dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Spinal stroke can be accompanied by signs of brain damage. These include: weakness, vomiting, nausea, headache, dizziness, fainting.

Symptoms of a spinal hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord appears in case of hemorrhages in the spinal cord. Its signs: acute pain and paralysis of the extremities.

Extensive hemorrhage is accompanied by dysfunction of the limbs, violations of the normal function of the pelvic organs. Back pain is combined with symptoms of compression of the spinal cord.

These include: weakness of numbness and tingling in the legs, pain in the spine, dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

A subspecies of hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord is hematorachis. It is characterized by a hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord (the cavity between the arachnoid and soft membranes of the spinal cord and brain).

The main symptoms of pathology include pain in the spine. Sometimes the pain can be shrouded in nature. When there was a hemorrhage, nausea, dizziness, pain in the head, and sometimes impaired consciousness.

Treatment of spinal ischemic stroke

Stroke of the spinal cord is prescribed depending on the causes and localization of the pathology. Distinguish between conservative and surgical treatment of the disease. As a conservative therapy for ischemic stroke of the spinal cord, the following medicines are used:

  • medicines that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system and prevent the appearance of thrombi (Plavix, Heparin, Kurantil);
  • vasoactive agents affecting the mechanisms of blood circulation regulation (Cavinton, Enelbin, Nicergolin);
  • venotonic preparations for strengthening the walls of blood vessels ("Troxevasin "Escuzan");
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents ("Nimesulide "Diclofenac");
  • angioprotectors-drugs that reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels ("Troxerutin "Ascorutin "Dobesilat calcium "Troxerutin");
  • neuroprotective agents, preventing damage to neurons (Tanakan, Riboxin, Cerebrolysin);
  • diuretics (Furosemide);
  • medicines that reduce muscle tone ("Midokalm");
  • preparations containing vitamins of group B ("Milgamma").

Read the same: Signs and treatment of spinal cord compression

For patients with spinal stroke, the following treatment measures are also prescribed: blockade with medicines, immobilization of the affected spine, traction, therapeutic physical training, physiotherapy.

Treatment of hemorrhagic spinal stroke

Conservative therapy of hemorrhagic stroke of the spinal cord includes the appointment of the following drugs:

  • means, strengthening the walls of blood vessels ("Ditsinon "Kontrikal");
  • neuroprotectors and angioprotectors;
  • drugs that prevent the development of vasospasm ("Verampil "Nimotop").

Surgery for spinal stroke is prescribed if conservative therapy was ineffective. Surgical intervention is also performed with mechanical damage to the spinal cord or detection of neoplasms.

Care of patients

When caring for patients with spinal stroke, great care should be taken to prevent the appearance of development of the following complications: bedsores, pneumonia, infectious diseases of the urogenital system. They develop in case of poor care for a patient who has suffered a stroke of the spinal cord.

That did not appear bedsores, it is necessary to turn the patient through every 1, h. It is necessary to wipe his body with camphor alcohol, to powder the skin, use talcum powder and often change clothes.

To prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers, it is recommended to use devices (rubber circles, rings). If a person can not himself urinate, you need to put a catheter.

In case of incontinence, a urinal is used.


To prevent the development of pneumonia, a patient with a spinal cord stroke who is on a bed should perform breathing exercises (within 5 minutes with a frequency of 1 time in the hour).

When the patient goes on the mend, he needs to gradually increase the motor activity.

Consequences of the disease

The outcome of a spinal cord stroke is different. Full recovery is possible under the following conditions: small lesion size, timely treatment started. The patient should be on dispensary supervision. Also, preventive courses of therapy are necessary.

A less positive outcome of a transferred spinal cord injury implies that the patient has various abnormalities that can lead to disability.

These include: limb paresis (weakening of the motor function), anesthesia or hypesthesia (loss or decrease in sensitivity), dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

When appearing on the body or limbs of areas of hypoesthesia or anesthesia, sensitivity is reduced or absent. Distinguish the following types of sensitivity: tactile, temperature, pain, stereotype, sense of localization, two-dimensional-spatial feeling, etc.

For some patients, hypoesthesia or anesthesia can cause disability. For example, a musician can not play if his hands lose sensitivity.

When paresis limbs in the muscles is a weakness, so the patient has difficulties with self-service.

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One of the most unpleasant consequences of spinal cord injury is dysfunction of the pelvic organs: incontinence feces, urine, uncontrolled defecation and urination, and occasional urinary excretion in small quantities.

Rehabilitation after treatment

Rehabilitation after treatment of a spinal cord insult in a hospital can last long enough, sometimes for several years. This is a time-consuming process that requires active interaction between the patient and the doctor.

Qualitative rehabilitation allows many patients to return to normal life after a stroke of the spinal cord.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to conduct courses of medication - at least 1 time in six months.

A special role is played by physiotherapy exercises. The complex of exercises is developed by the rehabilitator individually in each specific case. Many patients with a spinal cord injury require special devices (walkers, walking sticks) for movement, orthopedic shoes.

Reduction of the rehabilitation period after treatment of the spinal stroke is facilitated by the courses of massage and acupuncture, which show good effectiveness.

To eliminate muscle weakness, patients with spinal cord stroke are prescribed electrical stimulation. Rehabilitation also includes the following activities: magnetotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, electrophoresis, applications, therapeutic baths.

Because the disease leads to a dramatic change in lifestyle, patients need psychosocial adaptation.

Patients who have suffered a stroke of the spine receive a disability. With a favorable outcome of the disease, they can work, and they are selected to work in accordance with the state of the body.

Sometimes rehabilitation measures do not give a positive result, then patients after having suffered a stroke of the spinal cord are not able to serve themselves.

In this case, they need special care.

Prevention of disease

The goals of the prevention of stroke of the spine are to identify and eliminate the causes and adverse factors that make the disease develop. It is necessary to tackle in time the treatment of vascular diseases, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis.

It is necessary to visit the doctor annually for the purpose of preventive examination. You should eat right, exclude bad habits, avoid back injuries. To strengthen muscles, it is recommended to go in for sports.

Note! To prevent the development of a spinal stroke, you need to monitor blood pressure and, if necessary, take medications that lower blood pressure.

A source: https://spinous.ru/pith/simptomy-i-lechenie-spinalnogo-insulta.html