Methods for treating cholazion in children

Eye diseases are not so rare in children. It is very important to identify them in time. Halyazion of the upper or lower eyelid belongs to such pathologies.This is a fairly common disease that is caused by a blockage of the sebaceous gland. Halyazion is often mistaken for ocular barley, because both symptoms are similar in their symptoms. butunlike barley, haljazion does not resolve itself and is much more dangerous due to its complications and consequences.How not to miss the moment and diagnose the disease in time?


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Types of haljazion
    • 2.1Halyazion of the upper eyelid
    • 2.2Halyazion of the lower eyelid
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment of haljazion in children
    • 6.1Conservative therapy
    • 6.2Surgical method of treatment
    • 6.3Removing the halalyon with a laser
    • 6.4Treatment with folk methods
  • 7Complications
  • 8Prevention of disease
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

What it is?

Halyazion of the lower eyelid

Halyazion (in the lane. - "hailstones") is a lump of the eyelid formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous (meibomian) gland and accumulation of fluid in it.

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Meibomian glands are branched sebaceous glands located in the depth of the cartilage of the upper and lower eyelid. They perform the function of excretory ducts opening at the line of eyelash growth.

With normal activity, the sebaceous glands produce a fatty secret, moisturizing the tear film and lubricating the cornea and the edges of the eyelids. Thus, they reduce friction between the edge of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eye during blinking.Occlusion of glands leads to the accumulation of fatty secretion in the duct, the gland increases in size and a capsule is formed. Meibomian glands are also responsible for moistening the surface of the eye: they retain a teary layer on the eye.

Halyazion occurs in both adults and children.

Types of haljazion

There are haljazion of the upper and lower eyelids. There are no significant differences between the two. In both cases, the cartilage that surrounds the gland becomes inflamed, which results in its blockage and accumulation of fluid in it.

Halyazion of the upper eyelid

Halyazion of the upper eyelid immediately manifests itself in the form of a round and dense tumor-like node. The mechanism of its appearance is as follows: the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged, the necessary substance ceases to be released to form the lipid layer of the surface of the eyeball.

Halyazion of the upper eyelid in a child

Halyazion of the lower eyelid

Halyazion of the lower eyelid is not noticeable at the initial stage. The tumor is on the inside of the eyelid, in the cartilaginous tissue. Sometimes the new growth decreases and disappears. But most often it either remains in the same size, or increases. In patients suffering from this type of pathology, vision deteriorates: they see images vaguely. Movement of the eye up or down causes discomfort.

Halyazion of the lower eyelid in a child


In the risk group are children 5-10 years old, more often the disease is detected in them. Halyazion can be an independent disease or a consequence of other diseases.

The reasons for halyazion in children include:

  • Infection into the eye glands.For example, the child scratched his eyes with dirty hands and caused an infection.
  • The weakened immunity after the transferred catarrhal diseases: a flu, ORVI, ORZ.
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus in a child;
  • Excessive sebaceous secretion of cutaneous glands.


Halyazion develops gradually. The child initially has a slight swelling of the eyelid (lower or upper); this is a consequence of the blockage of the sebaceous gland. Gradually the skin of the eyelids blushes, and the edema becomes more and more. The initial stage of chalazion is accompanied by itching and burning of the affected century

After a few days, the swelling grows into a tight capsule inside the child's eyelid. Painful sensations are not very strong: there is a discomfort due to the growing compaction.

Halyazion very rarely goes by itself.And this should not be expected. In advanced cases, the disease leads to conjunctivitis and severe visual impairment. Consultation of an ophthalmologist is mandatory in this situation.Doing self-medication haljaziona dangerous.

If on the eyelid the child has a prominent bulge, it means that the halyazion is at the very surface, and in other cases, it can be seen only by turning the eyelid.


The usual diagnosis of haljason is based on an external examination of the patient. About the disease they say external symptoms: the deformation of the eyelid, the appearance of densification. Rare and painful blinking movements can accurately diagnose the disease without using instrumental examination methods.

In rare cases (if relapses occur too often), a laboratory examination of the eye tissues is prescribed. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of a malignant tumor of the century.

Treatment of haljazion in children

Treatment of haljazion can be carried out in three ways: conservative, operational and laser.

Conservative therapy

With timely access to a doctor, the disease can be easily overcome, and without surgery. This is possible only at the initial stage of clogging the gland, before a dense capsule was formed.Conservative treatment involves two options:

  1. Treatment with eye ointments and drops.The essence of their application in the disinfection of the tissues of the sick age, the elimination of pus and the restoration of normal glands. Physicians usually prescribe drops of Torbex, a yellow mercury or hydrocortisone ointment. The course of treatment is individual in each case.
  2. Injections.Such treatment is unpleasant for small patients, but very effective. Drugs (corticosteroids) are injected directly into the seal to dissolve it.

Surgical method of treatment

When haljazion has already reached a certain density and does not bring painful sensations, it can be removed only in an operative way.The operation itself is considered uncomplicated and is carried out quickly.

After the operation, there are no scars left, since they spend it on the inner eyelid. In most cases, children do not meet relapses.Children who suffer from dysbiosis or diabetes mellitus can be ill again.

Perform the procedure under local anesthesia. The child is clamped to the eyelid, cuts the conjunctiva and removes the painful compaction. Seams do not impose, but only a bandage, which can be removed after 2 days. The site of the operation is disinfected with an antibiotic.

Removing the halalyon with a laser

This method is the most progressive of all.But, unfortunately, not all hospitals have modern equipment.

Removal of the capsule by a laser occurs under local anesthesia and always gives an excellent result, even with large seal sizes.In addition, the laser procedure eliminates the possibility of recurrence of haljazion.

Treatment with folk methods

It should immediately be noted: resort to folk methods of treatment of haljazion in children is necessary only after consultation with a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Alcohol juice is very useful in the initial stages of haljason. It should be digested 5 times a day for 4 drops in a sore eye. Aloe is widely known for its disinfecting properties. At the same time, you can gently, with clean hands massage the child's dense, formed in the child's century, which contributes to the removal of pus.

Traditional medicine advises with haljazione to use a compress from cabbage, which is peculiar to remove inflammation.To prepare the compress, chop the raw cabbage, mix it with the raw egg protein, pack it in a clean gauze and apply it to a sore spot.

You can also try to apply to the patient's eye compress of dill seeds. To do this, 2 tablespoons of seeds should be boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Dill gruel should be slightly cooled and make a compress, wrapping the mixture in a gauze napkin.

Some parents claim that they cured haljazion from their children in a very simple way: they simply applied a towel soaked in boiled water to the eyelid.


If haljazion is not treated correctly and worries a child or adult for a long period, a cyst may form, and this is very dangerous for the body.In general, the disease develops slowly.The first sign - a swollen eyelid - becomes visible only after two weeks. Basically, halyazion has a benign chronic course. The disease can manifest even after the end of treatment.

It is absolutely unacceptable to delay the treatment or removal of halalions in a child. The increasing pressure of compaction on the cornea can cause damage to it and the appearance of keratitis, an inflammation of the ocular membrane, which in some cases leads to loss of vision.

Prevention of disease

In order to prevent halal infection, parents should teach their children to wash their hands regularly, especially not to let them rub their eyes with dirty hands. In addition, it is recommended to strengthen the immunity of children and treat all colds to the end.

It is very important timely and correct treatment of haljazion, namely the elimination of the inflammatory process of the eyelids at the earliest stages. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the digestive system of the child, accustom it to a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid stress.



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So, halyazion in a child is a disease that is successfully treated in the early stages. Do not delay the time, at the first sign should immediately consult a doctor. Only a qualified doctor will be able to distinguish barley on the eye of a child from a halazion and to appoint competent treatment. It should always be remembered thatparents are responsible for their child, and the doctor for their little patient.

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