Causes and treatment of narrowed pupils

The pupils of the human eye, however, like the eyes of any living being, have the property of changing in size. For a day, this phenomenon occurs more than once and is considered normal. However, there are several signs on which it is possible to determine the disease of the organs of vision, and this occurs precisely when the pupil is narrowed.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

It is considered a physiological norm, when the pupils are round in shape, the same size, and the diameter for ordinary illumination is not more than 6 mm. The difference between the sizes should not be.In the moments of room lighting, the pupils are narrowed, but this position should be observed constantly and steadily, that is, if there is a light source nearby, the diameter of the eye center does not change.If the light source is removed, they should gradually increase somewhat. This movement occurs reflexively, so that the retina is not subjected to too much light exposure.

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Remember, when suddenly a bright light comes into our eyes, we begin to frown, these very same function is performed constantly by the iris of the eye, which, due to the circular and radial muscles, protects pupils.

In some situations, the pupil can always be no larger than, mm, and this is also not a pathology or a disease, for example:

  • In children in infancy.
  • At people in old age.
  • With much mental and physical fatigue.
  • When a person has hyperopia.

In most cases, this is due to a decrease in the working capacity and functionality of the muscular tissues of the visual organs and the whole organism.For example, with severe fatigue or in old age, mental and metabolic processes are much slower, tone is weakened.

In these cases, there is no need to panic, it requires rest and a long rest, the functions will resume as soon as a person feels rested and restored.


  • The main factor is lighting. In the dark, the pupils are dilated, but, just turn on the light, how to expand.
  • Vision and its quality.With farsightedness, usually the dot in the center of the eye is very small, but near-sighted people it is much larger. In blind people, the pupil is always wide and immobile.
  • Breathing also affects the size of the center of the visual organs.When inhaled, a decrease occurs, and with exhalation, an increase.
  • Bad habits and dependence.People who take alcohol, drugs and smoking people usually have small dots instead of pupils.
  • Craniocerebral injuries and high blood pressure can cause enlargement.

When a person grows old, many processes, motor, mental and exchange processes are slowing down. The activity of the biological and energy reserves of the brain is also slowing down. When. When there is a decrease before the onset of natural processes, this is nothing more than a detrimental effect of the environment or the onset of serious pathological changes.

Possible diseases

The reasons may be completely different, but if you suddenly notice the fact that one of your relatives or acquaintances has a similar phenomenon, he should immediately consult a specialist, as the reason may be covered in serious health problems, which concern not only the organs view.

Among the dangerous diseases and conditions in which there is a narrowed pupil syndrome, the following:

  • The pathology of the brain, in particular the cerebellum, stroke.
  • Diabetes mellitus, syphilis.
  • Hemorrhage in the brain, in which the small size of the pupil indicates the damage to the varioly bridge.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Hypothyroidism (thyroid disease)
  • Inflammation of the iris.
  • The situation is much more difficult when the pupil is in a constricted state for a long time and does not respond to changes associated with light.There may be serious and even dangerous diseases, such as possible meningitis, it can be Horner's syndrome, a decrease in pressure inside the eye.

In addition, it is possible to distinguish some groups of the population, in which the pupil can always be in a similar state:

  • Among the household causes can be called smoking, alcohol abuse.
  • People who use drugs: marijuana, opium, morphine and barbiturates.
  • Frequent changes in pupils, their narrowed state in patients with bruises, with injuries and eye injuries, especially when the trigeminal nerve is affected.
  • Some medications can also provoke such changes.

Diagnostic Methods

It is important to remember that in some cases, of a physiological nature, the narrowing of the pupils is a perfectly acceptable norm. If you are overtired, and paid attention to such a phenomenon, put things aside and rest, you can Put a cold compress on the eye area and lie down for a while on the couch or sit in a comfortable armchair.

In cases where the body, thus, begins to signal the presence of any serious disease, do not hesitate and contact a specialist to establish a diagnosis.Remember, the earlier you identify a pathology, the easier it will be to cure.

First of all, the ophthalmologist conducts a full and detailed examination. Such an event will allow to establish with accuracy the cause of eye changes.

If the ophthalmologist's opinion is insufficient, then the neurologist, surgeon or other specialist intervenes in the process.


Therapeutic actions largely depend on the diagnosis and identification of the cause. To date, there are many drugs that are able to increase the size of pupils in a short time:

  • "Midratsila "Topikamida" - drops for the eyes.These medications are able to dilate the pupils in 15-20 minutes from the time of instillation. Due to their influence, the effect is not lost for several hours, during this period there is a complete restoration of the eye.
  • "Irifrin" is a drug that helps to normalize intraocular pressure.It is often used for diagnosis. It is not permissible, for use for children under 12 years of age and people who have brain injuries and vascular diseases.
  • "Cyclomed" - a remedy from the group of mydriatic, long acting, up to 12 hours.It is dangerous for children under 3 years of age and people with intestinal diseases and having an adenoma. In general, the drug is safe and can be used even during pregnancy.


Preventive actions for this condition is a healthy lifestyle:

  • Refusal from harmful habits, undermining all health in general: smoking, alcohol, drugs.
  • Observance of a mode of rest. Do not overwork, as this can cause more serious ailments.
  • Sport activities and active way of life.
  • If possible, limited use of medication.
  • Timely appeal for help to an ophthalmologist to determine the cause of narrowing of the pupils.
  • Effective gymnastics for the eyes.

Drops for eyes

How to treat the spasm of accommodation in children will tell this article.

Causes of mixed astigmatism




According to scientists, we get 90% of all information with the help of the organs of vision. This is an invaluable gift that needs to be protected. The task of each person to preserve this jewel, received at birth to advanced years. What could be better than a sharp look at the beautiful world around us.

Read also about angiopathy of the retina and presbyopia.