Signs of neurosis in women - treatment

Women are much more likely than men to suffer from neuroses - because of their sensitivity and emotionality. Disorders in them arise as a result of disorders of the nervous system. Due to the inability to soberly assess the situation, an inadequate perception of reality and an unusual reaction to the surrounding world are formed. Symptoms of neurosis in women are manifested due to their suspiciousness and vulnerability.

  • Causes of the disease
  • Classification and types
  • Main symptoms
  • Diagnosis of a neurosis
  • Treatment
  • Prevention and Vitamin Therapy
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Causes of the disease

Neurosis - a protracted nervous disorder, which is characterized by frequent changes in the psychoemotional state. With this disease, there is a decrease in mental abilities, physical weakness, the appearance of obsessive thoughts and hysteria.

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The leading factor provoking the disease is unresolved internal conflicts or constant external pressure. Disease may occur due to a strong mental overstrain or prolonged unrest.

According to the definition, neurosis is a morbid state of the body, which is caused by prolonged disturbances in the work of the nervous system. Disease is a consequence of increased activity of the psyche with a large number of synchronous processes occurring in the cerebral cortex of the nervous processes. This is the result of exhaustion of the nervous system due to short-term or long-term external stimuli.

Important! The cause of the disease is the presence of 2 main factors: too strong stimulus and individual personality characteristics. The manifestation of a neurosis is how a woman perceives and interprets a stress factor.

Promotes the emergence of neurosis various disorders of health and behavior. The risk group includes women who lead an incorrect lifestyle, do not pay due attention to the work and rest regime, constantly experience mental stress. The cause of the disease may be the activities that the woman and her attitude to her work are engaged in.

Neurosis is not inherited. But many doctors say otherwise, as often cases of the disease are observed in relatives. The manifestation of the disease depends more on the conditions in which the woman is, but one can not exclude a hereditary predisposition to pathology.

Sometimes neurosis arises not only because of prolonged experiences or in an unfavorable environment. Too bright positive emotions also cause illness. Sometimes a hysterical state can be a convenient behavior, an advantageous woman, when she manipulates with the help of hysterics.

Causes of neurosis in women:

  • inability to respond properly to stress;
  • excessive working capacity;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • emotional distress due to unfavorable situations;
  • persistent unresolved problems;
  • self-flagellation;
  • addiction to alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • family troubles;
  • diseases leading to depletion of the body (influenza, tuberculosis);
  • hormonal failures during pregnancy or menopause;
  • dissatisfaction with the real state of things or their social status.

Important! From the point of view of biochemistry, the cause of neurosis is a deficiency or excess of neurotransmitters. Such failures make a woman too susceptible to the effects of a variety of irritants. The patient is not able to correctly assess the situation and find an adequate solution to her problem.

Classification and types

Types of neurosis in women:

  • hysterical;
  • neurasthenia;
  • anxiety disorder;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The hysterical nature of the disease is manifested in the woman's too stigmatized and demonstrative behavior. In this way, she tries to attract the attention of others. Often a woman sobs loudly, yells, even beats convulsively.

An absolutely healthy girl can simulate the symptoms of a disease in order to achieve this in this way. During a real hysterical neurosis, seizures with tonic convulsions often occur.

The woman's face in such cases blushes or, conversely, becomes white, like chalk. During an attack the patient's eyes are closed, however, the pupils react to light. Preceded by a seizure, uncaused crying or wild laughter. During hysteria, pain is dulled, it can walk on hot charcoal or broken glass and feel nothing.

Neurasthenia is sometimes called astheno-neurotic syndrome. Another disease is called the syndrome of chronic fatigue. Whatever the woman does, she quickly gets tired. Any remarks in her address she takes too close to heart.

Because of any trifle can cry. It can be hard for a woman to concentrate on something, mental faculties are reduced. She's losing her temper over trifles. Often in a depressed state, suffers from depression. This condition is characterized by sleep disturbances and lack of appetite.

Anxiety disorder is characterized by an unreasonable fear, which is constantly experienced by a woman. This may be fear of the future, fear for one's life or the health of relatives. The woman herself at this moment can be in a depressed state, and in too excited. Internal fear does not allow you to calm down. She is thirsty, her heart beats too often, sweating is noted.

The neurosis of compulsive states is a disease in which a patient develops mania and ideas, painful uncontrollable reasoning. Statements are delusional. For women suffering from this disease, there are various phobias (agoraphobia, carcinophobia). There are vegetative-vascular disorders. With outstretched arms, trembling of the fingers is noticeably noticeable.

There is such a term - terry neurosis. There is no such disease in the classification. Terry means the highest degree of some sort of nervous breakdown. There is another kind of neurosis that is not part of the core group - it's bulimic. People who suffer from such a disease have a constant feeling of hunger. They eat too much and can not do anything about it.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of neurotic states manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. Symptoms of the disease are divided into 2 forms: somatic (physical) and mental.

Somatic (physical) signs:

  • sudden headaches;
  • trembling of hands;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in the heart or abdomen;
  • a feeling of constant fatigue;
  • persistent drowsiness;
  • disorientation in space;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • increased sweating;
  • change in the menstrual cycle;
  • lump in the throat;
  • pressure jumps;
  • blurred vision, sight before the eyes.

Mental symptoms:

  • constant mood swings;
  • emotional instability;
  • indecision, lack of initiative;
  • too high or too low self-esteem;
  • a constant sense of anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • fussiness and anxiety;
  • depression;
  • vulnerability and suspiciousness;
  • tearfulness;
  • contradictory desires;
  • conflict and aggressiveness.

Important! The most painful symptom is the fixation of attention on a traumatic event. The woman is fixated on some negative episode from her past. She can not escape from gloomy thoughts and focus on the positive. In this case, she needs the help of a psychotherapist.

Diagnosis of a neurosis

The doctor should carefully examine the patient about health, call for frankness, on the basis of what was heard to properly assess her condition. The difficulty in establishing the diagnosis is that the doctor can not prescribe any laboratory tests that would confirm or refute the disease.

Neurosis is diagnosed with the help of a color technique. The patient is offered to choose any color. The pathological condition is seen in people who choose purple, gray, black and brown. Women suffering from a hysterical neurosis prefer red and purple.

There is a technique for express diagnostics of neuroses K. Hake and H. Hess. The patient is offered to answer a number of questions, depending on the results, a preliminary diagnosis is established. More specifically, the patient's condition can be said only by studying her personality in detail.

The main thing in diagnostics is a detailed questioning of the patient about the well-being and fears that disturb her. With a neurosis, internal diseases are possible. To detect them, you need blood tests, urine, ultrasound, CT.


There are many different methods of treating nervous disorders. It is impossible to give general recommendations, since the therapy is selected individually after the examination of the patient. It is important for the doctor to correctly identify the cause of the neurosis.

Medicamentous treatment of adults includes sedative preparations of plant origin, antidepressants, anxiolytics, tranquilizers of benzodiazepine series, vitamin complexes (especially vitamin B). If the cause of the disease is a violation of the blood supply to the brain, then nootropic drugs are needed.

When acute manifestations of the disease are prescribed:

  • Elenium;
  • Sibazon;
  • Relanium;
  • Seduxen.

With neurotic disorders, Amisyl is prescribed. To stimulate the use of drugs with caffeine, and for inhibition - with bromine.

With menopause, the first signs of nervousness are removed with drugs based on valerian or motherwort. Sleep well at night will help the drug Nervo-Vit. To increase immunity, and therefore stress resistance, it is useful to drink vitamin complexes - for example, Multitabs, Apitonus.

It should be remembered that drug treatment eliminates only the symptoms of a nervous breakdown and improves the overall well-being of the patient. Pharmacy medicines can not affect the cause of the disease.

The main method of treating the disease are sessions of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. It is important to conduct a thorough psychoanalysis of the individual. All kinds of neuroses are amenable to treatment, but one must try to avoid relapses.

Prevention and Vitamin Therapy

To protect yourself from unnecessary emotions, it is recommended to exercise regularly. In this way, the body is offered another way out of the stressful or deadlock situation. This is not gluttony or hysterics, and jogging on the sports field around the house, doing cycling.

It is necessary to eat properly and regularly, observe the regime of the day, do not overwork. It is recommended to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. In the diet should be present low-fat meat, fish, dairy products and cereals. You should take a variety of vitamin complexes - for example, Doppelgerz Active, Duovit.

A very good effect is achieved by walking in the park. In summer, you should try to spend the weekend in nature near a pond or in the forest. It is recommended to wear clothes of light and warm tones. Good quiet nervous system quiet melodious music. Positively affects the psyche of embroidery, knitting, drawing.

Neurosis is a condition in which a woman reacts too painfully to negative factors. In order not to lose your temper, you need to learn to abstract from the situation. You can not take everything to heart, you should easily treat everything that happens in life.